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S06.E04: Bitch in Charge

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Captain Lee worries that Chandler is mismanaging his deck team after hearing some unsettling news; Ross confronts Rhylee after she oversteps her boundaries; Caroline overhears a conversation that sends her into an emotional whirlwind.

Airs October 23, 2018.

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25 minutes ago, Suck It Trebek said:

Caroline and Chandler are a match made in heaven. They both enjoy sharing desserts, smoking, and skulking in hallways while eavesdropping on co-workers. 

It’s like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.

I keep going back and forth with Ross.  Didn’t like him going to Captain Lee.  But then he confessed and apologized to Rhylee.  I also don’t really like how he keeps calling her sweetheart but I can’t tell for sure that he has any ill intent behind it.  But he definitely seems to be better bosun material than Chandler.

Oh!  And Chandler’s naps.  What the heck?!  Must be nice.

Edited by TexasGal
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55 minutes ago, ihartcoffee said:

You think Rylee wants to get laid?  

Well....the clothes she wears on crew night out would certainly give that indication - easy access and easy off.  I thought the see through dress was maybe a one-off, but tonight's outfit was another revealing mess.  (And, did she flash Ashton at the dinner table????)

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How hard is it for Chandler to make up a daily schedule so that everyone can get their required sleep and breaks?   Especially since he seems to get both of those things.  

Good thing Rhylee had a bra on during the dinner out.  Her dress didn't have sides on it.  Loved her exposing her bra to Ashton.

I'm an old fuddy duddy and would probably forgo going out to dinner to catch up on my sleep.  But then, everyone would be able to talk shit about me.

Yoga boy, in his talking head, saying he doesn't care about money after they all got the large tip.

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Well.  I'm team Rylee and Caroline.  Rylee is just trying to do her job and asshole Chandler and Ross just continue to blame her.  I'm always team Kate but yikes.  I don't think Caroline did anything bad. 

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The previews were misleading.  Kate and Josiah’s harsh comments were about Rhylee, not Caroline.  Plus, they were both hammered, and In the privacy of their own room.  Caroline was essentially eavesdropping, which is really stupid for someone as insecure as she to be doing.  

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You know how they have preference sheets from the charter guests about their age, what they do, what kind of food they want, something about their personality?

I wonder if the producers have something similar about the crew and they go over it with the other crew, drop little hints about their biographies or feed them some ideas about what to say about each other in the talking heads.

They might be shaping the perceptions that one crew member has about another and they're playing roles without being conscious of it.  

Because they're not doing their yachting jobs.  They're on camera all the time and expected to say stuff.

I mean are there cameramen and production crew in those tiny cabins when the boat crew are interacting with each other?

How are they spontaneous in such situations?  My guess is there are multiple takes to catch them saying certain things, unless there are static cameras mounted in the corner of those cabins.

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2 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

The previews were misleading.  Kate and Josiah’s harsh comments were about Rhylee, not Caroline.  Plus, they were both hammered, and In the privacy of their own room.  Caroline was essentially eavesdropping, which is really stupid for someone as insecure as she to be doing.

They definitely were misleading, and I hadn't even thought about whether or not Caroline would repeat what she heard to Rhylee. Not that there'd be much impact as they are different departments. We were led to believe that Kate and Josiah's voices were loud and drunk enough to be heard clearly from the hallway that all the crew berths are in. It looked like Caroline heard it, didn't like what she was hearing, but instead of slinking away and stewing, she really did the only thing you can do and come out feeling right: she confronted them. How hard would that have been?! She may be sensitive, but she's got cojones.

And it wasn't the first time this episode. Caroline knows the score on this: Kate and Josiah are only going to get tighter and more distant to her unless she steps in and makes herself heard. She has. Repeatedly. And not in an offensive manner like many stews past. Caroline is really taking it straight back to Kate in a way that I haven't  seen Kate deal with before. Maybe it's because Caroline is right. I also think back to episode one where Kate noted that Caroline had been a solo stew and this was a big plus because she'd worked alone in the job doing everything before. Now she's in a team of 3 and still being left alone. Suits Kate at the moment. Caroline may be highly strung with a lot of personal stuff going on in the background, but she's made nothing but good interpersonal decisions, I think, in an environment that is becoming increasingly hostile for her. I'm kinda leaning Team Ginger this season.

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8 hours ago, queenjen said:

I also think back to episode one where Kate noted that Caroline had been a solo stew and this was a big plus because she'd worked alone in the job doing everything before.


I am not sure how to share a Twitter post, but this is what Kate wrote last night:


Edited by Suck It Trebek
Learned something new!
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9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Well.  I'm team Rylee and Caroline.

How about when Rhylee was essentially chastizing Caroline for fraternizing with her "arch enemy", though?


8 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I'm glad they had the scenes where Rylee was working and Captain Lee saw and complimented her good work.  Also glad that Captain Lee put the responsibility back on Chandler when he tried to throw her under the bilge.  Imagine how Captain Sandy would have handled that - hah!

Exactly. Because Chandler saying there's really nothing he can do about Rhylee is telling Captain Lee that he can't do his job. 

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Caroline isnexhaisting. They weren’t “mean girling” her and I really don’t think they would have had a problem saying those things to her face which was basically we like you, your doing a decent job, but you talk a lot. 

I wish they had showed more of Ross’s convo with Captain Lee because his “apology” to Rhylee seemed shady as fuck.

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I don't particularly like Rhylee but Chandler was a massive dick to send Ashton and Ross to bed, telling them he could handle the remainder of the clean-up from the island dinner, and then promptly handing the entire job off to Rhylee while he goes to bed.  Seems like he's got an entitled attitude and behaving like he's captain.  While the hierarchy may be real, it's a douche move to constantly be talking about it and saying that because someone is a junior deckhand, they get the shit work.   How he got the job as bosun is beyond me.  You would think the person ultimately in charge would work just as hard, if not harder, than their crew.  

Rhylee exposing her bra or herself to her co-worker is really tacky.  If she wants to be taken seriously, stop it.  Yeah, Chandler doesn't like her and is basically using her as a kicking post but she's giving him more ammo not to like her.

I'm nervous just watching Caroline.  She's clearly highly strung and anxious and this boat is clearly not helping.  I don't think Chandler would help her either.

The Glittering Unicorn continues to amaze in the kitchen.  While the others may piss me off (Chandler, seriously, how hard is it to have a freaking schedule for your crew??  Jeebus!) I am totally here for watching Adrian's culinary skills.  Loved how the charter guests teased that Adrian was coming with them at the end of the charter.  Captain Lee looked panicked! 

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5 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I don't particularly like Rhylee but Chandler was a massive dick to send Ashton and Ross to bed, telling them he could handle the remainder of the clean-up from the island dinner, and then promptly handing the entire job off to Rhylee while he goes to bed. 

I totally agree, but then when she was bitching to Ross, she was saying she "doesn't like how Chandler talks to her." That just sounds like plain old bitching. Why the hell didn't she say "He left me with the total cleanup and I only got 5 hours of sleep last night." Remember when Ross said to Chandler "are you sure you can handle all this?"  I think Ross would have been more supportive if he knew Chandler then passed it off to Rylee.

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10 minutes ago, dleighg said:

I totally agree, but then when she was bitching to Ross, she was saying she "doesn't like how Chandler talks to her." That just sounds like plain old bitching. Why the hell didn't she say "He left me with the total cleanup and I only got 5 hours of sleep last night." Remember when Ross said to Chandler "are you sure you can handle all this?"  I think Ross would have been more supportive if he knew Chandler then passed it off to Rylee.

True.  If I were Rhylee, I'd be much more upset how I was being treated by Chandler than how he was speaking to me.  As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

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I might be a perma-Kate-apologist, but I'm not seeing any overt cruelty here. Earlier in the episode she was reassuring and complimentary to Caroline about feeling left out, and she was kind to her after her panic attack an episode or two ago. And the cabin chat...it really wasn't that bad, at all, and Kate was real damn drunk. If she'd had one more, the editors would have been captioning her slurring nonsense. So far, Josiah has been the bigger mean girl, and I still think it's pretty benign -- I'm not going to begrudge Kate meeting her soulmate who is also good at his job. Also, I just can't believe we saw her plastered and smiling like a loon -- that has to be a first.

That said, I have a lot of empathy for Caroline. I wince almost constantly watching her, because that is so who I would be on this show. Constant panic attacks, weird family baggage, keening for acceptance and attention, always saying the weirdest things or having jokes fall completely flat. I just think she's reading too much into things...which again, is totally what I'd do too.

Baby alien witch chef Adrian continues to be my favorite chef in BD history. 

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Why the hell didn't she say "He left me with the total cleanup and I only got 5 hours of sleep last night." Remember when Ross said to Chandler "are you sure you can handle all this?"  I think Ross would have been more supportive if he knew Chandler then passed it off to Rylee.

I agree, though I don't think Rylee was there when he said that so she may not have known Ross had checked on that with Chandler. It also may have seemed 'normal' to Ross that Chandler would be on late again since he had the night before and had also gotten some naps. I would be annoyed that Chandler can rest when he decides but without a schedule others would need his permission, and no one's going to ask.

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Chandler continues to shine with his incompetence. How did he get put in charge without the basic skills to make a schedule? His treatment of Rhylee continues to suck, but I’m kind of at the point where I think Rhylee needs to suck it up and apologize, even if it is totally fake. Sometimes you do stuff just to keep the peace. Social manipulation is a big part of life. She needs to work with these people for 8 weeks (I think?); she might as well make it easy on herself, even if they are a bag of dicks. But Rhylee is a more straightforward type, as we saw from her usual insistence on being half-naked at some point during the night out. I just don’t see how this can go on for another however-many weeks. Despite his incompetence and lack of professionalism, I doubt Chandler is going anywhere.

Caroline I feel for. She is a mess, but I think it is because her anxiety is completely out of control. She is so anxious that she will start sentences, as we saw during the picnic, and then she acts like she has no idea what she is trying to say. I think she gets so stressed her mind goes blank so she winds up stammering. I didn’t think Josiah and Kate were deliberately ignoring her while they were dancing; they just didn’t have the patience to wait around all night while she managed to put her thoughts together.

As for the conversation that Kate and Josiah were having behind closed doors about Caroline, I didn’t really get that. First they talk like they really like her, then they say she talks but doesn’t hear? I needed to hear more of that conversation. Although I sort of agree: we saw Caroline get escalated and just sort of start vomiting words in a one-way monologue at some point. Anyway, I kind of hope Caroline goes home. She’s such a bundle of nerves that she is hard to watch. Now that she heard Josiah and Kate talking about her, justifying in her mind her paranoia about being the one left out, she will be fixated on that for the rest of the season. We saw how long it took her to get over being shushed when she was the one interrupting. I don’t see her bouncing back from this.

Edited by Blindfox
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28 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

What the heck is up with Caroline's hair? It is so stringy!

Also, what was Rylee wearing around her waist when she was getting "dressed" for dinner?

 I was very distracted by Kate's hair, as well....it looked so matted!!!  Kate doesn't have the greatest hair to begin with, but when they came back from the luau dinner, it was horrible.  Maybe there was a lot of wind, and leaving her hair down it got all tangled?  I don't know - it was a mess.  I agree about Caroline's hair (and, also, Adrian's is looking pretty stringy, too~~maybe they all forgot their conditioner, or the bathing water on the yacht isn't good?)

I think what you saw on Rhylee was the band that holds her mic pack - I remember seeing the same thing when Rocky stripped down and made her dramatic dive exit during her season.

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Yeah, that Ace bandage looking band around Rhylee's waist was on Caroline too so I think it has to be a place to put the mic pack that makes it easier to change clothes and not have it fall off.

I was kind of relieved to find out Chandler is 28, and therefore too old to have been named after a TV character.  If he was younger, I'd have questioned his parents' sanity.

I just don't get how putting out all the fenders at the same time looks "cool" as that unseen crew dude said.  It's just four or five big black airbags being placed over the side of the boat, not a magic trick.

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Chandler has pushed me to Team Rhylee.  She may be as annoying as hell, but she is doing the work, while he's off napping and heading off to a decent bedtime after lying to his crew, and laying a crappy chore on her.  So glad Captain Lee is on to him.

4 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

I just don't get how putting out all the fenders at the same time looks "cool" .....

Synchronicity always looks cool. 

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13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Well....the clothes she wears on crew night out would certainly give that indication - easy access and easy off.  I thought the see through dress was maybe a one-off, but tonight's outfit was another revealing mess.  (And, did she flash Ashton at the dinner table????)

I did like that Captain Lee sees Chandler has a hard on for Rylee, and not in the biblical sense.  She is trying to do her job well.  Chandler either doesn't know what is expected of him as bosun, or he just doesn't care.  Leaving Rylee with all that work after he got a nap and she didn't?  Total dick move,  imagine how fast it could have got done with 2 people attacking it. He's expecting them to work around the clock too. Hope he gets dealt with soon.  


Rylee's going out attire makes me think she's either a tad horny, or just very proud of her boobs.  I wonder if she's had plastic surgery on them,  they tend to enjoy showing them off. 

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9 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Caroline is always so fragile and frayed.  It seems like she's constantly on the edge of tears.  It gives me anxiety watching her.

Those were probably some of the reasons Bravo cast her.

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14 hours ago, howiveaddict said:


Yoga boy, in his talking head, saying he doesn't care about money after they all got the large tip.

That was funny, there was a sort of quiet fizzle of the background music after he said that.


1 hour ago, Lizzing said:


I just don't get how putting out all the fenders at the same time looks "cool" as that unseen crew dude said.  It's just four or five big black airbags being placed over the side of the boat, not a magic trick.


I agree - I was excited to see what it would look like, and then when they showed it, I was like - that was it??

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5 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

I might be a perma-Kate-apologist, but I'm not seeing any overt cruelty here. Earlier in the episode she was reassuring and complimentary to Caroline about feeling left out, and she was kind to her after her panic attack an episode or two ago. And the cabin chat...it really wasn't that bad, at all, and Kate was real damn drunk. If she'd had one more, the editors would have been captioning her slurring nonsense. So far, Josiah has been the bigger mean girl, and I still think it's pretty benign -- I'm not going to begrudge Kate meeting her soulmate who is also good at his job. Also, I just can't believe we saw her plastered and smiling like a loon -- that has to be a first.

I actually didn't think it was THAT bad either. They were just drunk talking in their room; there was no intentional cruelty there. However, looking at it from Caroline's point of view, it was still an awful thing to experience. You're already feeling like a 3rd wheel. Kate tells you to come hang out any time, they really like you. You approach the door and hear them talking about you. Just crushing. 

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17 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Well....the clothes she wears on crew night out would certainly give that indication - easy access and easy off.  I thought the see through dress was maybe a one-off, but tonight's outfit was another revealing mess.  (And, did she flash Ashton at the dinner table????)

It wasn't just Ashton who got flashed.....we all did!

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Seriously Chandler? - you haven't made out a break/sleep schedule, there's still work to be done on deck, and you go take a nap? Then later you end your shift after leaving Rhylee with all the remaining work? ...This guy is a total moron. A good leader shares the workload with his crew, gives clear direction, and tells them what is expected of them.  Being the boss does not mean you get extra time resting in your cabin.

Rhylee has a loud mouth and I find her annoying & obnoxious, but as so many of you have pointed out, at least she is a really hard worker.  She was totally wrong to speak (yell) at Chandler the way she did on their first night out, and I think she should apologize for it because it's clear he's punishing her for speaking out of line the way she did.  Chandler simply doesn't know how to manage a team of people.  He is in over his head.  

Team Ross.  I like his calm demeanor.

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Kate is a b*tch, but she doesn't hide it and knows she is one. She does side with certain crew members and she does bully others for petty reasons. I think that is why she gets on so well with Josiah as he is essentially a male version of her and she sees him as safe because he is gay. I think she is one of those women who get on better with men than other women. However Caroline is far too sensitive to deal with her. Other stews in the past have managed because they give as good back, but Caroline just hasn't got it in her to do that.


As for Chandler - how does he get away with all the naps and sleeping in ! He hardly seems to do any work ! He is a very bad bosun. Ross can't handle stress very well, but at least he has the sense to realise when he is wrong and apologise as well as compliment Rylee on her work. He does have the qualities needed for a Bosun, Chandler does not !

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16 hours ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

As a boss, you’d think Chandler would want his crew to learn and grow.

It's only good bosses who want that, the better to make them look good. Poor bosses don't want to lose having someone to blame, although it looks like Lee is too smart for him.

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1 hour ago, Marvin said:

As for Chandler - how does he get away with all the naps and sleeping in !

He said (more or less) that junior deckhands have to do the sh&* work. Sure, they have to do the low-responsibility, low-skill stuff. But you expect your boss to be there along side you (doing that "important" stuff) not going off to beddy-bye.

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6 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

What the heck is up with Caroline's hair? It is so stringy!

Also, what was Rylee wearing around her waist when she was getting "dressed" for dinner?

Riding back and forth on the tender in the wind, or just even being in the open air in the tropics whips long hair around like a tornado. It spirals hair into instant dreads that are impossible to comb out when dry, and salt from the water makes it dull and sticky. For both Kate and Caroline, they could try wearing their hair in a professional looking braid (a fishtail bread with an elastic at the bottom would look pretty). The stringy matted hair makes them look constantly frazzled. In fact, if Caroline would do anything else with her hair other than having it hang loose, I feel like it would make her look less crazy. 

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If you don't want to be upset, you don't evesdrop, and at the very least, you let people know you're coming through.  I think that everyone learns this at an early age.  I don't see anything wrong with Kate and Josiah saying Caroline talks to much, mostly about herself.

I thought that Ross was wierd about telling Rhylie he talked to the Captain, and mentioned her.  He made it sound like he didn't say much.  

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15 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Caroline is always so fragile and frayed.  It seems like she's constantly on the edge of tears.  It gives me anxiety watching her.

Agreed. I want to refer to her as the Breakable Kimmy Schmidt, but it’s really upsetting to see her so anxious.

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1 hour ago, Pine said:


I thought that Ross was wierd about telling Rhylie he talked to the Captain, and mentioned her.  He made it sound like he didn't say much.  

  It seemed to me he was doing damage control in advance.   He definitely misrepresented what he had said to Captain Lee.  Even though we didn't see that entire conversation, we saw enough to know that he did more than simply mention her.

3 hours ago, Marvin said:

Kate is a b*tch, but she doesn't hide it and knows she is one. She does side with certain crew members and she does bully others for petty reasons. I think that is why she gets on so well with Josiah as he is essentially a male version of her and she sees him as safe because he is gay. I think she is one of those women who get on better with men than other women. 

Yes, Kate is one for sure, and overall I've pretty much disliked her.  But I'm liking her a lot more this time around.  She's shown a caring and compassionate side, much more patience, and most of the time she's pretty much only bitchy in a fun way.  She seems happier than she's seemed in the past too.  I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying her.

Of course she's miles better than awful Hannah in every way possible.  So that helps too.

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I find Caroline to be overly needy and maybe stalkerish. I would NEVER like Kate out in the real world but I love her on the show. I don't think she has done anything wrong this time around (poor Amy, who was such a good stew and Kate treated her like crap...and Amy confronted but never got the niceties that Caroline is getting....remember how 'mean girls' Kat and Kate were to poor Amy?). And anyway, Kate is a hecka lot better at her job than Hannah from med (and more likable and cuter). 

There is something about Ross and how he's sneaking around. Seems conniving (for Chandler's job). And after his convo with Cap Lee, he said something about 'maybe I shouldn't have gone to Captain about Rhylee'. But all we saw was him mostly talking about Chandler. Then he apologized to Rhylee. So me thinks the show cut off most of his convo with Cap and that it was really all about Rhylee.. And, I have to disagree, Rhylee should have been canned the first time she tore into her boss, Chandler. If Chandler had yelled at Cap the way Rhylee yelled at him, would he have kept his job or been booted right on off that boat? Her attitude could be a poison on that deck crew.

And Adrian, aside from his wacky hippy ways, he looks to be a great chef. I was thinking, if I won that Megamillions last night, I'd hire him as our personal chef. Wouldn't have to pay him much either since money means nothing to him...ha. 

Edited by Lamima
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I suspect money would mean more to Adrian if he had to start paying for his own ingredients. I love Adrian, but money having no meaning is an over-idealized sentiment. Money pays rent, buys food, and pays for your transportation. It doesn’t have to be a priority, but you do need it to live.

I am sort of loving Kate this year: “This is why I don’t do threesomes. Someone always gets left out.”

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