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S03.E14: Stew Coup

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Hannah confronts Kasey and Brooke about the hierarchy of the interior. The primary charter guest asks the crew to participate in a trust exercise involving arrows that leaves everyone concerned for their safety. Adam not cooking for the crew finally comes to a head, while Colin gets a surprise visit that leaves him in tears. Hannah and Conrad's relationship hits a tipping point, and Joao finds himself in hot water with Brooke when he gets called out for flirting.

Airs August 21, 2018.

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Colin's parents are the most adorable people I've ever seen on Bravo!  I've seen plenty adorable animals, but few humans on these shows....

I think I'm reversing my dislike of Hannah into feeling sad for Hannah.  She just gets in her own way.  Really. Her life is one many would want, but she gets no satisfaction from anything.  

Conrad had a plan!  It was a good one!  But Colin, sweet as he is, has no spine. And moves for Hannah.  Protect your balls Conrad!

Conrad is more mature than Hannah and I wish we had seen more of this Conrad than in love with Hannah Conrad.

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10 minutes ago, ihartcoffee said:

Hannah really is a snob.  

Hannah's more pretentious than the charter guests expecting someone at the ready to wipe their arses! Believe it or not, I see and hear Hannah's as being a lot worse! She's totally oblivious to her shortcomings and expects people to fall in line when she expresses her feelings! SHE'S WHACK! ;-)

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5 hours ago, dosodog said:

Conrad is more mature than Hannah 

I said the same thing last week.  She goes on about him only being 23, but I think a lot of their problems stem from him being more mature than her.

The deck crew seems to be functioning really well together.  The interior has the same problems as every Med season (and its getting old).  I think they have 3 stews so that there's always an odd man out.

I'm sure listening to Hannah's boy problems is exactly what Sandy wanted to do with her 5 minutes of free time.

Colin makes me want to call my parents.  His "They just love me so much." got me right in the feels.  I've never really thought about being thankful for how much my parents love me, it has always just been a given.  e seems kind of annoying, but I think overall he's a good egg.  However, I feel like his parents might have stolen their origin story from "That Thing You Do!" (not really, but it did make me think of Guy and Faye).

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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I used to "kinda" like Hannah but her true colors are showing.  I guess this season was her turn for the "bad edit".  I agree with whoever up top said she has a dream job and a good life but can't seem to enjoy it.  That's sad.

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Personally, no job in the service industry is a dream job. Travel photographer or writer, I could be down with that, but cleaning toilets for tips? Nah, not even with Naples in the background. It's a good gig, but not an aspirational one imo. I'm more into "be your own boss" dreams where there's no plastic-haired charlatans asking me to refill their drinks.

Speaking of, anyone who says "happiness is a choice" can take a long walk off a short pier. That guy almost made me pull an eye-rolling muscle.

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“Space doors” ? Colin’s parents were the best!!!

I am so done with Hannah, she’s a petty mean girl.

 I just want to shake Brooke, he’s overtly flirting with Casey, you’re eyes are not deceiving you.  Walk away.

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2 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

Personally, no job in the service industry is a dream job. Travel photographer or writer, I could be down with that, but cleaning toilets for tips? Nah, not even with Naples in the background. It's a good gig, but not an aspirational one imo. I'm more into "be your own boss" dreams where there's no plastic-haired charlatans asking me to refill their drinks.

Speaking of, anyone who says "happiness is a choice" can take a long walk off a short pier. That guy almost made me pull an eye-rolling muscle.

If one were sentenced or inclined to do other people's laundry, clean other people's toilets, and clean other people's dishes, I suppose that yachting would be the optimum venue.

I don't even enjoy doing my own ^^^.  Now maybe for $1500 per week?  <commences pondering>

edit - Never mind, I forgot.  Claustrophobia.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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12 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Mr. "Aspirational Affirmation" charter guest looks like his face got frozen in time....a bad time! 

And he painted his eyebrows on.   

Hannah is really pitiful.  She's pulling crud on Conrad that girls in middle school do.   Jwow is also working from the middle school playbook, playing the two women off each other.   Neither Hannah or Jwow is coming through this looking good.

Colin on the other hand was really sweet and it was strange but nice to see his parents.   

Adam has been steadily improving this year.  From some of his comments, it seems like he didn't like who he was when he watched last season.  Good for him.

I really expected this Primary to hand Sandy a set of motivational cd's for each crew person in lieu of a cash tip.

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I quit watching this episode after a few minutes when I saw it was more Stew Wars.

Reading the recap above, though, was the "Adam's not cooking for the crew" a real thing?  What happened?

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If I didn't know better, I would guess that Conrad is in his thirties and Hannah is barely in her twenties based on how immature she is.  So she talks about her black book, within easy earshot of Conrad, then gives him stalkerish eyes during dinner and then wants to have a chat with him?  She's a total mindfuck.  Conrad should run away from her as fast as he can.  If she's this high maintenance, demanding and a pain in the ass a month into their "relationship," what does he think it's going to be like 6 months in? He seems like a decent guy.  He deserves better.  

Shame on Kasey for flirting with Joao at all, much less right in front of Brooke.  Shame on Joao too.  If Brooke had a lick of intelligence, she'd tell Joao to kiss off. 

Colin's parents are the best.  So darn cute.  Loved how emotional he was seeing them.  I got a case of the feels.  

Adam's dinners look much better this season but why does a dinner scheduled for 8 pm end at like 11:30?  Why doesn't he plan ahead and have the crew's meal ready before starting the guests' dinner?  I really don't get that.  Poor Jamie - - does she eat nothing but cereal?  

I'm glad that Brooke and Kasey confronted Hannah.  It's true - - she's taking smoke breaks all the time and what does she think Kasey and Brooke are doing while she's smoking (and/or bitching to Conrad)?  Working.  Brooke and Kasey need to do what I used to do - - take a non-smoke break.  Fair is fair.   And yeah, I agree with the poster above - - the guests aren't complaining because Brooke and Kasey are getting it done.  Not because Hannah's going out of her way or doing anything spectacular.  Funny how she told Brooke last week that Brooke was simply doing her job and shouldn't get any props for it but when Hannah does her job this week, she expects to be called out and noticed.  She's a piece of work. 

I loved how Sandy got a call from Colin's parents and got big hugs from both.  

I get the crew was expecting more of a tip but $1100 in cash for what?  3 days' work?  Is nothing to cry about.

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I teared up when Colin had his reunion with his parents. It’s so nice to see a child who appreciates their parents and all that they have done for him. He will make a good husband for some lucky lady some day. 

I’m over Hannah and her constant need for attention. Why didn’t the other stews say something to Sandy? I think that their miff over not getting smoke breaks was valid. At minimum Hannah should give them some positive feedback on how hard they are working. She loves it when Sandy compliments her...pay it forward to the girls who are doing all the menial crap. 

Casey isn’t going by girl code. She is aware of Brooke’s crush on Joao,  but she flirts with him anyway. Then she makes him tea when he gets up. I agree with the above poster who thought that Brooke should have set her sights on Colin.  Frankly none of these crew romances ever work out. 

When the primary began with the affirmations the crew knew it was in lieu of a fat envelope. 

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Sandy is so weird. She has spent the entire season bitching about Conrad and Hannah and now all of the sudden she is worried about the status of their relationship and giving advice? She turns attitude on a dime.

Kasey sucks. It’s a given that Joao sucks and is completely inappropriate but Kasey flirts back and it’s gross. It’s not about girl code it’s about being a decent human being. 

Colin and his parents are adorable! 

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Colin and his parents were adorable! He will have the ladies lining up for him now, smart ones anyway. I enjoyed watching Conrad basically dump Hannah for her nasty behavior. She is a Mean Girl to the bone and Conrad seems like a cool guy. The primary wandering around in his Speedo was alarming- but that reminds me that the one moment I liked Hannah was when she said that if she hears one more positive affirmation she will shoot herself in the head. LOL Imagine having to be around that primary for hours on end. I don't know how his friends do it. Money and alcohol I guess. 

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The primary was all kinds of weird. I wonder if his friends on board were counting down the seconds until they could get away from his crazy ass.

Hannah has always come across as a stuck up bitch and this season is no different. I hated Sandy blowing smoke up her ass at the tip meeting in front of everyone. 

There is no reason why Adam can't have dinner ready by 5 on most nights for the crew. 6 at the latest especially if he's only making soup and grilled cheese! I mean, I have dinner ready most nights for my family of 5 by 3 o clock. That's when I have the most down time between baby naps and school pick ups that I do all the prep work ahead of time and then pop it in the oven at 4:30 and voila! 

Collin and his parents were the cutest damn thing ever! I have two sons and I can only hope I raise them to be as appreciative of me and their dad as Collin was of his parents! They raised themselves a good boy there!

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2 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

The primary was all kinds of weird. I wonder if his friends on board were counting down the seconds until they could get away from his crazy ass.

That probably explains why the other guests were “such late sleepers”! 

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J-wow - MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN TEA!!! It really isn't difficult!

other than that - meh episode - did love Hannah's quip about one more affirmation. and Colin's parents were adorable for an ep. but can we say that they helicopter just a teensy bit (insert eye roll!). the sliding space doors comment was sweet. 

3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Though they were super snotty about the primary leaving without them.

that was so weird - why would you just hang in your room unless you were avoiding them!??! weren't they hungry? want some coffee at least or poke their head out and see what is going on at some point before noon if you really were up?

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3 hours ago, terrymct said:

And he painted his eyebrows on.   

Hannah is really pitiful.  She's pulling crud on Conrad that girls in middle school do.   Jwow is also working from the middle school playbook, playing the two women off each other.   Neither Hannah or Jwow is coming through this looking good.

Colin on the other hand was really sweet and it was strange but nice to see his parents.   

Adam has been steadily improving this year.  From some of his comments, it seems like he didn't like who he was when he watched last season.  Good for him.

I really expected this Primary to hand Sandy a set of motivational cd's for each crew person in lieu of a cash tip.

I think he gave them all books, but not in lieu of tip.

2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

If I didn't know better, I would guess that Conrad is in his thirties and Hannah is barely in her twenties based on how immature she is.  So she talks about her black book, within easy earshot of Conrad, then gives him stalkerish eyes during dinner and then wants to have a chat with him?  She's a total mindfuck.  Conrad should run away from her as fast as he can.  If she's this high maintenance, demanding and a pain in the ass a month into their "relationship," what does he think it's going to be like 6 months in? He seems like a decent guy.  He deserves better.  

Shame on Kasey for flirting with Joao at all, much less right in front of Brooke.  Shame on Joao too.  If Brooke had a lick of intelligence, she'd tell Joao to kiss off. 

Colin's parents are the best.  So darn cute.  Loved how emotional he was seeing them.  I got a case of the feels.  

Adam's dinners look much better this season but why does a dinner scheduled for 8 pm end at like 11:30?  Why doesn't he plan ahead and have the crew's meal ready before starting the guests' dinner?  I really don't get that.  Poor Jamie - - does she eat nothing but cereal?  

I'm glad that Brooke and Kasey confronted Hannah.  It's true - - she's taking smoke breaks all the time and what does she think Kasey and Brooke are doing while she's smoking (and/or bitching to Conrad)?  Working.  Brooke and Kasey need to do what I used to do - - take a non-smoke break.  Fair is fair.   And yeah, I agree with the poster above - - the guests aren't complaining because Brooke and Kasey are getting it done.  Not because Hannah's going out of her way or doing anything spectacular.  Funny how she told Brooke last week that Brooke was simply doing her job and shouldn't get any props for it but when Hannah does her job this week, she expects to be called out and noticed.  She's a piece of work. 

I loved how Sandy got a call from Colin's parents and got big hugs from both.  

I get the crew was expecting more of a tip but $1100 in cash for what?  3 days' work?  Is nothing to cry about.

Jamie also eats Pringles, just about every time they showed her last night she was standing in her room eating them, it cracked me up.

Agree about the smoke breaks. At my first job out of college I used to get so irate over all the extra breaks my smoking colleagues got -- sometimes it is seriously multiples per hour.  I started taking walks and other things whenever others in my department went out to smoke and eventually got in trouble for never being at my desk, which just made me more angry.  I didn't last much longer in that job.  After that I haven't had as many smokers in my office and none that are as bitch eating crackers to me as the guys at that one.  Now my only smoking annoyance is road trips with my dad and stepmom, it takes so long to get places when you have to have to stop for smoke breaks.

3 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

And mentioning that they are designer handbags.

And also shit talking and playing two against one with her subordinates.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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When I was in the service industry, it was made clear that smokers got the same amount of breaks as non smokers. One lunch, two ten minute breaks per shift. That was years ago when smoking was more acceptable. Nowadays, smoking is so unacceptable that I have found it be grounds for firing alone. I was fired from one restaurant because the owner saw me smoking at a train station prior to my shift. He said that he felt that it was unsanitary and that one cannot work in food service and be a smoker. I don't take any breaks and do not smoke at all while I am at work. Nobody at my workplace has ever seen me consume a cigarette and it will stay that way. I have found that once you are seen, the job disappears quickly.

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I'd love to comment on more that went on in this episode but I was entirely distracted by the color of Kasey's hair the entire time. That and trying to decide if her hair was truly that terrible color or if I had to adjust my tv settings. 

Other than that, I'd like to say that I adore Colin and Jamie and hope they are back with an entirely new crew next year. 

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Conrad holding Brooke and whispering, 'Yes.....don't cry"...........um, sexiest thing I've ever heard from a 23 year old, even when I myself was a young lass of 23.  Hubby may just be in for the night of his life. 

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4 hours ago, terrymct said:

And he painted his eyebrows on.   

OMG!  Who does that?  I remember old ladies, back in the 1960s, who did that and it was freaky back then.

41 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

I'd love to comment on more that went on in this episode but I was entirely distracted by the color of Kasey's hair the entire time. That and trying to decide if her hair was truly that terrible color or if I had to adjust my tv settings. 

Me too.  The horrible color was even so it wasn't like the color was fading.  The only thing I can think of is chlorine.

1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Though they were super snotty about the primary leaving without them.

That was so weird.  I can see if they wanted to find out what was happening between an excursion or a "lesson" but give the stews a heads up.

3 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I get the crew was expecting more of a tip but $1100 in cash

That was Euros! So the Americans can get back home and trade it in for $1277,

Smoking:  When I was in college in the 80s I worked as a waitress/bartender.  Smokers would walk out the backdoor  and have milk crates to sit on and smoke whenever throughout their shifts.  A non smoker COULD NOT BE CAUGHT OUTSIDE.  So I picked up smoking.

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Hannah and her entitled attitude, didn't she say she has worked hard for everything she has ? So then what about the BMW or the house that you claim your ex's brought you or the bracelet an ex's mom gave you cause she wuvved you..please.  Glad she has her "black book" - I bet all those men quickly changed their number after 1 date. Brooke, you didn't even wait the customary 48 hours most needy bitches use to try and hook another man after your boyfriend dumped you. Kacey- save some of that barf   boat money to go to a real salon and get a blond dye job, the box brassiness of cheap dye is coming through. Conrad, you should have stuck with your original plan not hook up with workmates, now look what you got yourself into. Jwow is an ass - playing both the girls and seems like they are both too smitten to care.. Oh and if I was in my 20's I would totally go for Collin.

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Humourless Hannah is a chain-smoking, hard looking 30 year old with bad highlights. It is difficult to believe she's gotten as far as she has with her snobby attitude, and gossipy nature. Her presence is toxic, and no doubt she sucks all the fun out of the room. I'd imagine her black book is filled with wrong numbers, and fake names. Who'd want to see that harpy again?

A man who loves his parents is a keeper. Colin running out to his parents and embracing them was one of the most heartwarming legit experiences seen thus far on this floating reality tv yacht. 

Kasey looks like she used sun-in on her hair. We used that stuff as kids, and it always turned our hair a brassy shade of orange. Her willingness to  tease, and flirt Joao is gross. 

If Joao references his grueling life in Zimbabwe one more time I gonna scream.

Brooke: Dump Joao, and go for Colin. He's someone who'd be there for you, and make you laugh when you're sad. 

Jamie continues to be the most interesting one on the ship despite that she's rarely seen or heard from on the show. I hope she comes back next season, and we get to see more of her personality. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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31 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

 If Joao references his grueling life in Zimbabwe one more time I gonna scream.


It does get old, but I almost fell off the couch when I heard the addition of being attacked by a rhino.  I hope he keeps it up and that it just gets crazier every time it's mentioned.

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4 hours ago, Mountainair said:

The primary was all kinds of weird.

He really was but it beats the  snobby entitled demanding assholes they usually have to deal with. At least they could go down to their galley and laugh their asses off at him if they wanted to. 

Hannah with the little black book comments. So she dated all kinds of famous athletes. Sure you have, sweetheart.  She is something special, isn't she. 

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7 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I teared up when Colin had his reunion with his parents. It’s so nice to see a child who appreciates their parents and all that they have done for him. He will make a good husband for some lucky lady some day. 

Yes!  I teared up too.  I agree with Captain Sandy and everyone here who has said that Colin’s parents are adorable. I loved their scenes.


Upon seeing Colin’s bunk:

Colin’s dad:  You fit in there?!

Colin:  Barely.

Colin’s mom:  Where do you put your shoes?!

Colin: (pointing) In there.

Colin’s mom: (nodding) GQ Collie!


Colin and his parents are the cutest.

Edited by SweetPotato
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Collin is completely adorable and would probably treat a woman well.  He belongs on the Hallmark Channel.

Brooke is beautiful, but sad and pathetic, absurdly trusting of others,  and being led around by a psychopath.  She could be a character on Lifetime Channel.

Kasey is still competing for a man who is already on a date with someone else.  And she's doing it openly in front of  the girl.  She could be on The Bachelor.

Conrad has a little boy cuteness to him, and could maybe go be in a boy band or something.

Adam has been mostly non-confrontational (mostly) and has thrown in tidbits about food prep and food from the region from time to time.  He could transition pretty seamlessly to the Travel Channel.

Hannah is everything you've all listed- materialistic, snobby, bitchy, lazy and manipulative. Mean, sneering, and condescending.   Hannah is Bravo material.  She's the one who will be back.

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I can't defend Hannah anymore.  She may be a great Chief Stew but she's a TERRIBLE manager.  And materialistic, and a drama queen and she doesn't deserve Conrad or anyone.  Girl, that is not how to respond when your direct reports raise issues with you.  You're just making the situation worse and you are already on THIN ICE with Captain Sandy.  I cannot with her anymore.  

I think other Below Deck chefs have had crew meals ready BEFORE they serve the primaries.  I don't know what Adam is doing.  That being said, according to Kate Chastain, there is always a ton of food on the boat (leftovers, cold cuts, snacks, etc), even for the crew, so you are NOT going to starve, Joao.  

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I’ll be interested to see the aftershow goes. There’s usually a “villain” to the season, but the key is to keep stuff dumb and superficial. Hannah revealed a new, personal, side of her that’s pretty ugly and bad. The pettiness, the materialism, the bragging about material objects, in addition to all the standard work crap... I’m sure she wants to come back on this show but she must be getting crushed on social media. She’s smart enough to know how this stuff works, so I’m surprised she’s revealed this side of her, over and over again. 

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4 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

If Joao references his grueling life in Zimbabwe one more time I gonna scream.


4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

It does get old, but I almost fell off the couch when I heard the addition of being attacked by a rhino.  I hope he keeps it up and that it just gets crazier every time it's mentioned.

I agree 1000% because I think Joao is full of rhino shit.  He is a sociopath and sociopaths constantly lie.  He made these stories up to manipulate the crew especially Brooke and Kasey into feeling sorry for him.


I still like Hannah.  I think she is getting a really bad edit this year.  She has been dealing with A Lot of crap this season.  Before this charter season, Brooke had only been a stew on daytime charters and Kasey outright LIED on her CV.  Kasey could not make a Bloody Mary, coffee or do laundry.  She was not able to function on the first two charters.  Sandy blamed Hannah for not training Kasey, a near impossible task to train someone who has no common sense life skills (how do you get into you 20's and not know that if you mix red clothes with white, the white clothes will turn pink !)  To top it off she had to deal with Joao and his manipulation of Sandy, Brooke and Kasey.  He was really great at playing themselves against Hannah and each other.  That is a lot of emotional stress on any job never mind a job where you live with your coworkers 24/7.

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I hate Hannah, and am grossed out by her desperate bragging... BUT I need to know where she got her black sleeveless lace top!!  I’m obsessed with it and I was actually wishing that in this instance she would blurt out the designer.

Does anyone here have any idea what brand??

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