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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Neither story is dated in January. One was July and the other August. The August one she denies she was with him when Bobby was still alive and in both she was vague about using the term dating. 

Thought I saw January somewhere.  (note to self - stay away from those mushrooms before posting)

  • Love 3

Bethenny calls Ramona out for castigating Sonja for having fake businesses. Everyone jumps on B saying that it was actually her that did that. 

Does anyone remember ALL of season 6- a full season BEFORE B returns to the show?

Early on, in the Hamptons at the home showcase of different in-home products, Ramona sits down with Heather, Kristen (I think) and Carole. She brings up how worried she is about Sonja and her inability to earn money to solve her lawsuit. She mentions her “crazy businesses” to them. Heather in a TH comments on how odd this was for Ramona to be calling her out. 

Later, same Hamptons trip, Ramona and Sonja have a big argument over essentially the same issue. 

Then, Heather jumps in to try to help Sonja with business decisions and says to Sonja directly as well as to other ladies that Sonja is not grounded in ANY of her “businesses,” but continues to try to help launch toaster oven. 

Then, Kristen has Josh get involved... he gets so frustrated and tells Sonja to her face that she’s “nuts.” (I think final straw for him was her Jamaican sports team.) He then tells Kristen and Heather that Sonja is delusional.

Then Harry jumps in and at dinner, tells Sonja to concentrate on “just one.”

At the reunion that season, Lu says something about Sonja being a character from Grey Gardens. (Andy brings it up, Lu corrects Sonja as S took the characterization as a compliment, and Lu exclaims: “they were mentally ill!”)

Finally, Kristen stands up and tells Sonja: “To your face, Sonja Morgan... you are de-lusss-ional!”

Bethenny returns the following season. She gets all upset about Tipsy Girl and calls Sonja out for the same things that were called out the previous season.

Eventually, (I forget if it was season 7 or 8), but Bethenny is the one who is able to get through to her a bit. That seasons culminates with Sonja’s fashion show- “The Empress has clothes!” 

I’m not saying B REALLY helped her get there, but Sonja gives her a lot of credit (on camera-lol). 

So, who’s lying? Is Bethenny hypocritical? Yep. But, she’s not lying. And all of the women (except Dorinda and Tinsley)were involved in these conversations... Ramona as the starter... Carole with the prods and pokes that she does... Lu with her comments. The only one that proactively tried to help in any meaningful way was Bethenny. (Unless you count Ramona giving her a spiral notebook and telling her to go open a Corp bank account.) 

Shut up Dorinda- you don’t know what you’re talking about. Shut up Carole, you’re twisting events. Shut up Ramona, you don’t remember what you had for breakfast (or you’re lying). Tinsley was quiet- good girl. And, Bethenny admit you did the same thing that you accused Ramona of doing. Don’t be a hypocrite. 

Had to get this off my chest. Have no idea why ANY of this matters to me. 

  • Love 18
19 hours ago, QuinnM said:

This was Bethenny responding to Dorinda about how the nutcracker was acquired.  Dorinda, Ramona, and Carol were all shouting over her.  Bethenny was remaining remarkably calm and just going forward.  Andy said let her talk.  Ramona and Dorinda stopped.  Carol shouted out the bit about answering with a lie.  Then Andy lost it. 

If I remember, Andy got up out of his seat and yelled at Carole, “let her fuckin talk” lol.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Jextella said:

I'm confused about Andy's place in the Bravo-sphere.  Who does he work for exactly, and what shows on the network is he involved with?

Bethenny's discussion about Bobby and Jill at the reunion was a glaring example of how she operates.  She kept saying that Bobby wouldn't step in to help her and Jill get back together because he would said that because it was Jill's fault, Jill would have to do it on her own.   In front of all the world, Bethenny laid 100% of the demise of their relationship on Jill but packaged it in warm fuzzies when talking about Bobby (not once does she own her part and she could have easily done this....she left it for Jill to bear).   She's making an accusation but it doesn't come off harshly because she delivers it so subtly.   Moreover, it's interesting that she does it for the world to see without Jill having a sliver of an opportunity to defend herself (and I'm not a Jill fan...at least not during the time she went to the dark side).  She's getting the entire viewing public to believe her and not Jill....which is a mountain that would be very difficult for Jill to turn should she want.

Bethenny has a knack for flipping scripts in this way, i.e. to position herself as the victim in front of the viewing public.  

I really do believe she has a mental problem in this area.  It's like she has tunnel vision and can't see anything else but her own innocence.   Nothing insurmountable if she wanted, but this particular screw is not on tightly for her.   


Bethenny honored the widow's request by attending, with cameras. If she hadn't there would have been screaming about what a hearless bitch she is. Bethenny also said a couple of times, and granted it may have been hard to hear with the three stooges screeching, that she and Jill had texted back and forth since the funeral, which with their relationship is huge. Again if she had gone to lunch with her she would have been painted as fake.

Once Bethenny was asked by Jill to attend with cameras she was in a no win situation. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

it may have been hard to hear with the three stooges screeching, that she and Jill had texted back and forth since the funeral, which with their relationship is huge.

This. If it's true that she and Jill are texting, then Bethenny didn't just go to the funeral and Shiva for publicity and then cut ties. Sometimes, even my life and those of my close friends gets so busy that the only way we can communicate with each other is via text. And I'm not nearly as busy as Bethenny or Jill.  So if texting each other a couple times a month is their way of rekindling their friendship, I get it.

I wonder if Jill contacted Bethenny after Dennis died.

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:



You got me there.  I don’t like the “bj” jokes either, but the ones not x-rated are funny and that is a big part of her persona.  I guess then, you can say the same of Sonja taking off her dress on stage and constantly showing her naked ass and boobs on purpose.


I don't recall ever saying "at least Sonja is funny."  I mean maybe I have at some point in my life, but Sonja being funny definitely isn't a hill I'm willing to die on.  I feel like if Sonja makes me laugh, it's usually at her and not with her.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 9
On ‎8‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:34 PM, Rosiejuliemom said:

They weren't on the way to the funeral. The clothes they were wearing were different from the pap shots. I actually agree with Dorinda about avoiding the cameras at the funeral. I would have done the same thing. Having Bravo film at (and agreeing to be filmed at) a funeral just seems ghoulish to me. Not the time or the place.


Exactly this! She is not allowed to talk shit about everyone else all season long without the other ladies being able to hold her feet to the fire over it. That is what reunions are for.

Now, they should not have been speaking all over each other. Maybe they need some King of the Hill style spirit sticks. If they interrupt, Andy gets to take a bite. Once they're gone, they don't get to speak for 15 minutes.

Except Dorinda and Carole made a storyline a season or two ago around visiting Dorinda's husband's grave and picking up Carole's husband's ashes.  And as Andy mentioned, it was JILL who wanted the cameras there.  He had to correct the ladies a number of times about that (not that they paid it any mind.   They were going to nail Beth to the cross if they had to make up stuff in order to do it.)  Also, everyone talked smack about everyone else in their talking heads all season long.  Carole and co talked PLENTY of smack about B in their talking heads.  I mean, this attack was so out of control Beth couldn't even thank them for contributing to her charity without them attacking her.  It was outrageous.  If Andy hadn't stepped in, Beth wouldn't have been able to get a single sentence out and people would have been railing on him for THAT. 

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, gingerella said:

Eh, I just dont get the Carole hate here. I think of all the Ho's on this franchise and possible all the franchises, she is the smartest, most well-read/traveled/socially & politically astute/saavy of all these women. She doesn't need this show, from what I've seen over her tenure, she used the show as a platform/opportunity to get exposure for her first widow's book. But she's always come off far more erudite and intellectual than any of these Ho's - past or present. She has a true New Yorker attitude and when she realizes/see/confirms that someone is full of shit, she no longer has any fucks to give, and I totally understand that. I think all these women are pathetic excuses for human beings and Carole seems to me to be the only normal one amongst them.

Dorinda is an angry, abusive alcoholic. She is also a shit stirrer to the nth degree and lies about it all the time. She doesn't seem to need this show for money, but apparently she needs it to feed the empty hole in her soul.

Tinsley is an emotionally stunted woman-child who lives off Mommy and Daddy and has zero base in reality. She cant even handle finding a luxury apartment so she 'has to' live in a luxury hotel. She doesn't need this show monetarily but she needs it to feed her ego that she's still important and A-List.

Sonja is a sad, delusional person living in the past, still pretending she's married to a Morgan. She pretty much lies all the time. She needs this show to pay the bills.

Bethanny is a mentally unstable meltdown, who is so angry and deluded that she seems incapable of seeing how much of a c^nt she really is to people, thus has no clue why people hate her. She will sell anything, and anybody to further line her bank account. She needs this show to hawk her products ad naseum.

Ramona is also deluded, trying to convince herself that her life post-Mario is BETTERTHANEVER and yet she constantly says hurtful things about pretty much everyone, and aligns with whomever is stroking her ego at the moment (wait, that's all of them, right?!?).

LuAnn is an alcholic whose rage about her life comes out full force when she's drunk. She can be straightforward and decent when she wants to but sadly turns on a thin dime and then I remember who she really is. I want to like her but she just is so full of herself that I cant. She needs this show to feed her pretend caberet/countess career.

Carole...to me, she's the only one who doesn't have a substance abuse issue or any real 'issues', to be honest. She is an astute, intelligent woman who has manners, intellect, a true appreciation for the arts, and is a no bullshit kind of gal. She is the only one of the bunch I'd ever even consider sitting down with for a drink, let alone a full meal. I think she'd have interesting things to talk about outside of herself (Hello B, D, T, D, R & L, who only seem to be able to drone on about themselves all the fucking time). And if she's been snarkier this season, I see it as her being totally over all the bullshit with Bethanny and most of the rest of them. If she's sidled up to someone as dimwitted as Tinsley during this season, I can totally understand why - it's mind-numbing for me to watch this shit show, I cant even begin to imagine having to sit with these harpies in real life and hear all the damn yelling and shrieking and talking over each other ALLTHETIME, so yeah, I'd maybe start talking to the vapid one who doesn't participate in all that as much as the other do. And as others have said way up thread, she doesn't need this show like the others seem to. She'll be fine with her actual, legitimate writing career, or anything else she decides to do in the future.

Brilliant.  One quibble, Ramona was just an annoying when she was married to Mario, proclaiming SHE, unlike every one else, had the PERFECT marriage.

And while I don’t care for B, if she liked you or was in a good mood, I think you could have a serious discussion with her too. And a fun lunch or drinks date.  And I think Luann would be a great lunch or drinks date (well, not actual drinks now of course, can I drink alcohol while she does water with lemon.?).  When she’s not being “the countess” she has a lightness to her personality that can be fun.

i truly don’t understand how Carole stands Tinsley, the shrieking alone is enough to have me considering murder.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Bethenny honored the widow's request by attending, with cameras. If she hadn't there would have been screaming about what a hearless bitch she is. Bethenny also said a couple of times, and granted it may have been hard to hear with the three stooges screeching, that she and Jill had texted back and forth since the funeral, which with their relationship is huge. Again if she had gone to lunch with her she would have been painted as fake.

Once Bethenny was asked by Jill to attend with cameras she was in a no win situation. 

I definitely think B lies and misrepresents things a lot, but I believed her when she said that she might regret not going to the funeral, but wouldn’t regret going. It’s one of the few things you can’t “fix” later.  You either showed up or you didn’t.  And considering everyone seemed to truly have liked Bobby, I can believe this is one of the few times a decision wasn’t about “her.”  

Of course, cameras to show off her being classy didn’t hurt.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, lezlers said:

They weren't on the way to the funeral. The clothes they were wearing were different from the pap shots. I actually agree with Dorinda about avoiding the cameras at the funeral. I would have done the same thing. Having Bravo film at (and agreeing to be filmed at) a funeral just seems ghoulish to me. Not the time or the place.


Regardless of Bravo filming, knowing N.Y. City, I think all the news stations would be there filming the mourners going in and out.  I’ve seen that funeral home filmed many times outside when other famous people were there, as in Joan Rivers, etc.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, gingerella said:

She is an astute, intelligent woman who has manners, intellect, a true appreciation for the arts, and is a no bullshit kind of gal. S

I absolutely get why Carole has been challenging Bethenny's lies and bullying  (and has done it well for the most part, imo) but (respectfully) I don't see the woman you described on this show. To my eye, Radziwill has behaved in ways that brought this franchise to a new low. Her treatment of Jules was callous and cruel, and one of the few times I've been genuinely shocked by RHoNY.  

She also traded in some of the ugliest (and oddly old fashioned) sterotypes on this show (GayTom, LuMan,  strap-ons).  And the shit she pulled on Mortimer was beyond awful.  Telling a woman her history of abuse numbed her to the situation they were in (apparently, levels of danger last seen in The Hunt for Red October) is inexcusable. Add in her hypocrisy  (she can slime Tom as a pathetic, closeted gay man, but Luann is deeply wrong for self identifying as an Indian & war whooping as a joke) and I see Radiziwill as a very troubling figure. 

All that said, I cannot WAIT for her to tell Andy Cohen he is full of shit -- that juicy apple has been a long timing coming -- and  she has more guts than all of them put together for throwing down a mighty fuck you card on her way out the door.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 18
12 minutes ago, film noire said:

I absolutely get why Carole has been challenging Bethenny's lies and bullying  (and has done it well for the most part, imo) but (respectfully) I don't see the woman you described on this show. To my eye, Radziwill has behaved in ways that brought this franchise to a new low. Her treatment of Jules was callous and cruel, and one of the few times I've been genuinely shocked by RHoNY.  

She also traded in some of the ugliest (and oddly old fashioned) sterotypes on this show (GayTom, LuMan,  strap-ons).  And the shit she pulled on Mortimer was beyond awful.  Telling a woman her history of abuse numbed her to the situation they were in (apparently, levels of danger last seen in The Hunt for Red October) is inexcusable. Add in her hypocrisy  (she can slime Tom as a pathetic, closeted gay man, but Luann is deeply wrong for self identifying as an Indian & war whooping as a joke) and I see Radiziwill as a very troubling figure. 

All that said, I cannot WAIT for her to tell Andy Cohen he is full of shit -- that juicy apple has been a long timing coming -- and  she has more guts than all of them put together for throwing down a mighty fuck you card on her way out the door.

I am looking forward to seeing Carole tell Andy to fuck off. He is sleezy AF. But I'm still on the fence about whether or not she quit or was fired. From what I could see Carole appeared to be on the moment when she told Andy off. He can not keep control of a reunion to save his life.

I hope next week we go deeper into Dorinda's drinking. 

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I am looking forward to seeing Carole tell Andy to fuck off. He is sleezy AF. But I'm still on the fence about whether or not she quit or was fired. From what I could see Carole appeared to be on the moment when she told Andy off. He can not keep control of a reunion to save his life.

I hope next week we go deeper into Dorinda's drinking. 

I think it was mutual. I think that Carole was done with the housewife games and drama. Not just Bethenny, but the whole thing, but I, previous to the reunion, would have thought that  Bravo would still try to tempt her with a contract. Seeing her behavior on the reunion leads me to believe that she wasn't going to be offered a new contract for, at the very least, standing up to and talking back to Andy. I think she was done, and had no problem burning all of her bridges on the way out.

  • Love 14
36 minutes ago, film noire said:

I absolutely get why Carole has been challenging Bethenny's lies and bullying  (and has done it well for the most part, imo) but (respectfully) I don't see the woman you described on this show. To my eye, Radziwill has behaved in ways that brought this franchise to a new low. Her treatment of Jules was callous and cruel, and one of the few times I've been genuinely shocked by RHoNY.  

She also traded in some of the ugliest (and oddly old fashioned) sterotypes on this show (GayTom, LuMan,  strap-ons).  And the shit she pulled on Mortimer was beyond awful.  Telling a woman her history of abuse numbed her to the situation they were in (apparently, levels of danger last seen in The Hunt for Red October) is inexcusable. Add in her hypocrisy  (she can slime Tom as a pathetic, closeted gay man, but Luann is deeply wrong for self identifying as an Indian & war whooping as a joke) and I see Radiziwill as a very troubling figure. 

All that said, I cannot WAIT for her to tell Andy Cohen he is full of shit -- that juicy apple has been a long timing coming -- and  she has more guts than all of them put together for throwing down a mighty fuck you card on her way out the door.


I agree with you but have a slightly different take on Carole telling Andy off.   I don't think it takes guts to do it "on her way out the door."   I also don't think she chose her reason well.   IIRC in the preview she disagreed with him saying that both Bethenny and Carole trash talked one another.   That is most definitely a true statement.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 14
3 hours ago, gingerella said:

Eh, I just dont get the Carole hate here. I think of all the Ho's on this franchise and possible all the franchises, she is the smartest, most well-read/traveled/socially & politically astute/saavy of all these women. She doesn't need this show, from what I've seen over her tenure, she used the show as a platform/opportunity to get exposure for her first widow's book. But she's always come off far more erudite and intellectual than any of these Ho's - past or present. She has a true New Yorker attitude and when she realizes/see/confirms that someone is full of shit, she no longer has any fucks to give, and I totally understand that. I think all these women are pathetic excuses for human beings and Carole seems to me to be the only normal one amongst them.

Dorinda is an angry, abusive alcoholic. She is also a shit stirrer to the nth degree and lies about it all the time. She doesn't seem to need this show for money, but apparently she needs it to feed the empty hole in her soul.

Tinsley is an emotionally stunted woman-child who lives off Mommy and Daddy and has zero base in reality. She cant even handle finding a luxury apartment so she 'has to' live in a luxury hotel. She doesn't need this show monetarily but she needs it to feed her ego that she's still important and A-List.

Sonja is a sad, delusional person living in the past, still pretending she's married to a Morgan. She pretty much lies all the time. She needs this show to pay the bills.

Bethanny is a mentally unstable meltdown, who is so angry and deluded that she seems incapable of seeing how much of a c^nt she really is to people, thus has no clue why people hate her. She will sell anything, and anybody to further line her bank account. She needs this show to hawk her products ad naseum.

Ramona is also deluded, trying to convince herself that her life post-Mario is BETTERTHANEVER and yet she constantly says hurtful things about pretty much everyone, and aligns with whomever is stroking her ego at the moment (wait, that's all of them, right?!?).

LuAnn is an alcholic whose rage about her life comes out full force when she's drunk. She can be straightforward and decent when she wants to but sadly turns on a thin dime and then I remember who she really is. I want to like her but she just is so full of herself that I cant. She needs this show to feed her pretend caberet/countess career.

Carole...to me, she's the only one who doesn't have a substance abuse issue or any real 'issues', to be honest. She is an astute, intelligent woman who has manners, intellect, a true appreciation for the arts, and is a no bullshit kind of gal. She is the only one of the bunch I'd ever even consider sitting down with for a drink, let alone a full meal. I think she'd have interesting things to talk about outside of herself (Hello B, D, T, D, R & L, who only seem to be able to drone on about themselves all the fucking time). And if she's been snarkier this season, I see it as her being totally over all the bullshit with Bethanny and most of the rest of them. If she's sidled up to someone as dimwitted as Tinsley during this season, I can totally understand why - it's mind-numbing for me to watch this shit show, I cant even begin to imagine having to sit with these harpies in real life and hear all the damn yelling and shrieking and talking over each other ALLTHETIME, so yeah, I'd maybe start talking to the vapid one who doesn't participate in all that as much as the other do. And as others have said way up thread, she doesn't need this show like the others seem to. She'll be fine with her actual, legitimate writing career, or anything else she decides to do in the future.

I totally agree.

  • Love 6

I’m just now watching the Reunion Part 1. Holy Moly, friends. What a bunch of yelling, no one listening to anyone else. I can honestly say, at age 69, I’ve never been in a situation where women/people spoke over each other like that, yelled over each other and acted so disrespectfully. Of course, I was never on a TV show but do people really act like this is real life? I got so tired of Romana yelling at Beth about the fact that she had to work her way through college while Beth’s “rich daddy paid her way”. So what? Beth was lucky enough to have someone pay her way through college and Ro wasn’t. How is that a failure on Beth’s part? I am so TIRED of Ro. She’s clueless, rude, stupid and how she and Mario raised that class act, Avery, I’ll never know. Dorinda? I used to like her a lot but YES, she does have a problem with alcohol. Carol? I think she’s just a child in adult’s clothing with a huge overbite. Get your teeth fixed, girl. Tins? She’s a cute girl who acts like she’s 15. She’s sad right now. Why are we watching these pathetic women?

  • Love 20

Doris and Carole.  Nope.  He never got out of his chair.  Wasn't this about the nutcracker? 

Was Andy directing his shut the fuck up at Carole?  I thought it was really Dorinda.  Beth claimed that the guy (whatever his name was) said he got it at first text.  Actually, he had to search for it.  In any event, I don't think the guy just knew where one was.  He had to search contrary to what Beth was saying.  Oh,  too much detail?  Let's not forget that Beth tried to change the disagreement into it was about her daughter, not Dorinda.  Cheap shot/try. 

In the end for me, Beth was not gracious.  And I get why the women get so pissed about Beth.  It's all about the cameras.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I’m just now watching the Reunion Part 1. Holy Moly, friends. What a bunch of yelling, no one listening to anyone else. I can honestly say, at age 69, I’ve never been in a situation where women/people spoke over each other like that, yelled over each other and acted so disrespectfully. Of course, I was never on a TV show but do people really act like this is real life? I got so tired of Romana yelling at Beth about the fact that she had to work her way through college while Beth’s “rich daddy paid her way”. So what? Beth was lucky enough to have someone pay her way through college and Ro wasn’t. How is that a failure on Beth’s part? I am so TIRED of Ro. She’s clueless, rude, stupid and how she and Mario raised that class act, Avery, I’ll never know. Dorinda? I used to like her a lot but YES, she does have a problem with alcohol. Carol? I think she’s just a child in adult’s clothing with a huge overbite. Get your teeth fixed, girl. Tins? She’s a cute girl who acts like she’s 15. She’s sad right now. Why are we watching these pathetic women?

I ask myself the same thing, but I watched reunion four times this week.  Had to get every word in as they were all screaming, and Andy let them.  I agree with everything you said.  Who acts like they do?  They all have money, live in N.Y. City, and they all are miserable women.  Not one of them are happy.  They drink like fish, and most sleep around.  Give me the simple life any day.  Carole always thought her shit don’t stink.  Why she ever came on this show, I’ll never know.  She needed this show for five years to sell her books?  I don’t believe that.  She was out of her element, and Carrie Bradshore she is not.  She should dress like a normal  53 yr. old woman.  I don’t believe she’s starting a new career.  We will see.  An article in Cosmo is no big deal.  Does anyone even read that mag except very young girls?

  • Love 7

I will concede that there is a lot of stuff that Bethenny does that is maddening. I don't see how Beth wasn't gracious to Dorinda. That entire thing was a made up fight to give Dorinda an excuse to try to make Bethenny look bad.

Snoopy was more into Bethenny than any of the other women. Whether he was genuinely into her or focused on her as being the biggest meal ticket is debatable, but Carole was second choice and Ramona third.

Ramona still doesn't have even a coming soon website for her new "product line." 

Dorinda has a problem with alcohol. Only she and or her doctor can decide if she's an alcoholic.

Andy does play favorites. Bethenny is his on this franchise. But he wasn't overly protecting her. When it's a three against one free for all, establishing that the one can be heard, is the very least he can do. And he didn't do a steller job of that.

Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda and Carole would pimp their grandma for more camera time. So hearing them complaining about that with Bethenny is rich. She's just better at it, and they are bitter.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 18
4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I’m just now watching the Reunion Part 1. Holy Moly, friends. What a bunch of yelling, no one listening to anyone else. I can honestly say, at age 69, I’ve never been in a situation where women/people spoke over each other like that, yelled over each other and acted so disrespectfully. Of course, I was never on a TV show but do people really act like this is real life? I got so tired of Romana yelling at Beth about the fact that she had to work her way through college while Beth’s “rich daddy paid her way”. So what? Beth was lucky enough to have someone pay her way through college and Ro wasn’t. How is that a failure on Beth’s part? I am so TIRED of Ro. She’s clueless, rude, stupid and how she and Mario raised that class act, Avery, I’ll never know. Dorinda? I used to like her a lot but YES, she does have a problem with alcohol. Carol? I think she’s just a child in adult’s clothing with a huge overbite. Get your teeth fixed, girl. Tins? She’s a cute girl who acts like she’s 15. She’s sad right now. Why are we watching these pathetic women?

I’m not sure, myself, but I’m pretty positive that after the third part of the reunion, I’m out. I’ll miss the discussions here, but I will miss  nothing about the lack of plumped, thinned, Botix’ed, extensions-ed, overbearing, thoroughly rude women in my life.  If anything, the RH franchises (I watched OC for a season & a half) have made me eternally grateful for my *quietly* nutty, and ultimately kind-hearted friends IRL. Who knew that dysfunction on the scale of these nuts existed? Apologies to the nuts in my life. 

I also wonder if Carole’s ever investigated having her overbite fixed. One would think that she could have invested half her fillers bill in new choppers of some sort and enhanced her looks much more permanently. 

Eh! She wouldn’t ask me my opinion and I would walk the other way if I saw her approaching, so it’s a moot point. Heh!

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
  • Love 9
On ‎8‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:12 AM, QuinnM said:

I just think that Andy’s pure blind anger at Carole is out of proportion for what we’ve seen.  So I’ve developed another theory.  My previous theory is about why Carole is so mad at Bethenny.  It’s out of proportion.  

Carole is so pissed at Bethenny that she decides to take her out.  She starts enlisting her Angry Birds.  Ramona is all in on that.  She loves to be included.  Dorinda is in because Luann will be on the other team.  I’m sure lots of HWs in lots of franchises plan together.  But Carole ramped it up.  Perhaps having meetings complete with 3 year old Trader Joe appetizers.  And someone squealed to Andy.  Maybe someone, Tinsley, actually played Deep Throat and reported daily what Carole was planning.  Andy, egomaniac that he is, was livid that someone was planning to take over HIS reunion.  So Andy calls Bethenny and gives her the heads up.  Works with her on how to handle it.  Assures her ‘he’s got her back’.

Carole walks in all full of herself, Dream Team, I’ve got your back etc.  And the very first thing to happen is Andy giving her the death stare for her phone ringing.

That’s my Andy/Carole theory.  Hopefully things will get so out of control that we actually end up hearing why the F Carole is so pissed at Bethenny.

If even half true, Andy's truly the b!tch most "love to hate!" He's such a $#!t-stirring TROLL and so unlikeable! ;-(

9 hours ago, Mrs peel said:

Brilliant.  One quibble, Ramona was just an annoying when she was married to Mario, proclaiming SHE, unlike every one else, had the PERFECT marriage.

And while I don’t care for B, if she liked you or was in a good mood, I think you could have a serious discussion with her too. And a fun lunch or drinks date.  And I think Luann would be a great lunch or drinks date (well, not actual drinks now of course, can I drink alcohol while she does water with lemon.?).  When she’s not being “the countess” she has a lightness to her personality that can be fun.

i truly don’t understand how Carole stands Tinsley, the shrieking alone is enough to have me considering murder.

I couldn't be bothered with someone so emotional stunted! How's Tinsley even holding onto her "APPLE?" When it comes to shrieking or just talking at a pitch that unnerves; I can think of worse! Brittany from RHBH gets on my last nerve! She's always speaking at a level so unnecessary to be heard and understood; "it's like 'shut up'!" ;-)

  • Love 2

Well will ya look at that Bethenny wearing a wedding gown and not even engaged after all the heat Tinsley got at Amsale! 



At the beginning of the Reunion, Andy asked Carole about Adam.

She claims she had NOT spoken to him in 3 months - Carole is a liar. *snipped subsequent "She...(s)"*

The reunion was filmed 4+months after the finale, so the examples given are hardly evidence of Carole lying.


She should dress like a normal  53 yr. old woman.

"Normal" by whose definition?

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

I just cannot forget the day they went to Jules house. Jules was so nervous about entertaining them, buying all kinds of breakfast items to please them.  She put out a beautiful spread, and they went out laughing and making fun of the breakfast and house.  It actually had my eyes tearing.  Jules was too nice for that whole bunch.  I hope she is well and happy.

OCO, Carole was just following Bethenny's lead in being a b!tch and a rotten houseguest! ;-)

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, gingerella said:

Eh, I just dont get the Carole hate here. I think of all the Ho's on this franchise and possible all the franchises, she is the smartest, most well-read/traveled/socially & politically astute/saavy of all these women. She doesn't need this show, from what I've seen over her tenure, she used the show as a platform/opportunity to get exposure for her first widow's book. But she's always come off far more erudite and intellectual than any of these Ho's - past or present. She has a true New Yorker attitude and when she realizes/see/confirms that someone is full of shit, she no longer has any fucks to give, and I totally understand that. I think all these women are pathetic excuses for human beings and Carole seems to me to be the only normal one amongst them.

Dorinda is an angry, abusive alcoholic. She is also a shit stirrer to the nth degree and lies about it all the time. She doesn't seem to need this show for money, but apparently she needs it to feed the empty hole in her soul.

Tinsley is an emotionally stunted woman-child who lives off Mommy and Daddy and has zero base in reality. She cant even handle finding a luxury apartment so she 'has to' live in a luxury hotel. She doesn't need this show monetarily but she needs it to feed her ego that she's still important and A-List.

Sonja is a sad, delusional person living in the past, still pretending she's married to a Morgan. She pretty much lies all the time. She needs this show to pay the bills.

Bethanny is a mentally unstable meltdown, who is so angry and deluded that she seems incapable of seeing how much of a c^nt she really is to people, thus has no clue why people hate her. She will sell anything, and anybody to further line her bank account. She needs this show to hawk her products ad naseum.

Ramona is also deluded, trying to convince herself that her life post-Mario is BETTERTHANEVER and yet she constantly says hurtful things about pretty much everyone, and aligns with whomever is stroking her ego at the moment (wait, that's all of them, right?!?).

LuAnn is an alcholic whose rage about her life comes out full force when she's drunk. She can be straightforward and decent when she wants to but sadly turns on a thin dime and then I remember who she really is. I want to like her but she just is so full of herself that I cant. She needs this show to feed her pretend caberet/countess career.

Carole...to me, she's the only one who doesn't have a substance abuse issue or any real 'issues', to be honest. She is an astute, intelligent woman who has manners, intellect, a true appreciation for the arts, and is a no bullshit kind of gal. She is the only one of the bunch I'd ever even consider sitting down with for a drink, let alone a full meal. I think she'd have interesting things to talk about outside of herself (Hello B, D, T, D, R & L, who only seem to be able to drone on about themselves all the fucking time). And if she's been snarkier this season, I see it as her being totally over all the bullshit with Bethanny and most of the rest of them. If she's sidled up to someone as dimwitted as Tinsley during this season, I can totally understand why - it's mind-numbing for me to watch this shit show, I cant even begin to imagine having to sit with these harpies in real life and hear all the damn yelling and shrieking and talking over each other ALLTHETIME, so yeah, I'd maybe start talking to the vapid one who doesn't participate in all that as much as the other do. And as others have said way up thread, she doesn't need this show like the others seem to. She'll be fine with her actual, legitimate writing career, or anything else she decides to do in the future.

I agree with every word, except in regards to Lu.  I just love the gal.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, film noire said:

All that said, I cannot WAIT for her to tell Andy Cohen he is full of shit -- that juicy apple has been a long timing coming -- and  she has more guts than all of them put together for throwing down a mighty fuck you card on her way out the door.


I'm thinking about something, regarding the "you're so full of shit" comment and not coming back: 4th wall...

It was NOT television, it was about their friendship ! As if they had a discussion privately on this topic and Andy was on her side... And, at the reunion, it was a 180° from Andy... Like he didn't had her back at all, as he stated he will... And that was too much for her, after what happened with Bethenny.... The reunion is over, she thinks about it and she decides that it was much too much, and she's out.

Only in my head, but that makes sense... Her "fu*k you" was not professional, it was private ! She's not only leaving RHONY, but ALSO Andy.

What do you think ?


Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 11
4 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

Carole...to me, she's the only one who doesn't have a substance abuse issue or any real 'issues', to be honest. She is an astute, intelligent woman who has manners, intellect, a true appreciation for the arts, and is a no bullshit kind of gal. S

This is quite funny.  Well done!  Love the true appreciation for the arts.....yep, smoking because Amelia smoked.....

  • Love 6
On 8/22/2018 at 8:24 PM, Martinigirl said:

Do NOT ever ask Dorinda for a nutcracker or dress! Bitch be crazy! She will come for you!!!

LOL, I just asked someone in my friend group for a favour. I thanked her by text, but then I thought about Nutcracker-gate and I remembered to also thank her in front of everyone, later.

RHONY Pettiness: You can NEVER give too many private & public 'thank yous'. It's one to grow on!

  • Love 10
On ‎8‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:15 PM, Miss Slay said:

Ummmm...I thought Andy was supposed to be neutral? Carol probably got canned for saying Andy was full of shit... (in next week's preview)

And wow, did he get testy when Ramona brought up Bethenny filming at Bobby's funeral. It seems that quite a few of the ladies agreed (Carol and Dorinda) that a funeral might have been the best moment for Bethenny and Jill to make up on camera. He did not like them saying that at all. He should have let Bethenny respond. Deep down, he probably knows it was tacky. Jill and Bethenny could have met another time and filmed the exact same thing.

I'm guessing he was being protective because it was his idea to film that and Jill signed off on it.   Not really fair to rail on Bethenny for something so was a passive participant in. 

  • Love 8
On ‎8‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:28 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

Fine, but has Andy defended ANY of the Housewives besides Bethenny?  He's full of shit because all he does is eat Bethenny's all day.

Housewives:  It's tacky to bring a camera to a funeral.

Holy shit, Andy.  

I'm really surprised now, that some people viewed it as a gang up!  I viewed it as "Andy Cohen Presents: The Real Bethenny of Bethenny."  Only Bethenny gets to speak without being interrupted, and Andy screams AND SWEARS at all of the (other) Housewives to let Bethenny speak.  Honestly, my breath was taken away.  It is insane, the bias on this show!

It's amazing how differently people see things depending on who they prefer to watch.   I saw it completely differently.   Of course it was a gang up, Carole SAID as much when they took the stage, calling them the "dream team" and saying "I have your back, I have your back, I have your back."  Had Andy not yelled at them to shut up and let Beth speak she wouldn't have been able to, since every time she got more than 2 words out, she had three women yelling over her.  Hell, she couldn't even thank them for donating to her charity without them yelling at her!  I think if you're either a Beth fan or are neutral towards her, you'd be appalled.  If you hate Beth tho, you'd be cheering them on.  Not that there's something wrong with either perspective, they're just different.  My husband got suckered in to watching with me and doesn't really have an opinion on any of them and asked numerous times why all the other women were ganging up on her.   

  • Love 15
19 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Regardless of Bravo filming, knowing N.Y. City, I think all the news stations would be there filming the mourners going in and out.  I’ve seen that funeral home filmed many times outside when other famous people were there, as in Joan Rivers, etc.

That's weird, I didn't say what was attributed to me in the quote.  I think the site is being wonky again.

17 minutes ago, Lakewood27 said:

Makes me REALLY believe the cocaine rumours, just sayin'

Totally.  The thing about Dorinda's drinking is that it ain't just drinking. 

I believe I read pre-Tinsley that many of the cast indulge in coke from time to time including Bethenny, Ramona, and LuAnne which is why they don't call out Dorinda for it.  It would immediately circle back to them.

Dorinda is so bad that it may be a liability risk for the show.  If she doesn't get asked back, or is asked back in a diminished capacity, this would be why without a doubt.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, albarino said:

This is quite funny.  Well done!  Love the true appreciation for the arts.....yep, smoking because Amelia smoked.....

She did take the Clinton defense and stated that she doesn’t inhale. 

I think she did smoke weed with Adam and that’s why she could readily smoke a cigarette naturally. I’m also pretty sure that she said when she smoked with Dorinda in Cartagena it was because she was stressed. People who stress smoke usually inhale. 

I really don’t care if she does or doesn’t (either forms). I just don’t like her lying to protect an “image”. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Carole started bashing Bethenny on twitter yesterday.  So 2 weeks is a proper mourning period according to Lee Radziwill?

If she's done with the show why doesn't she just go radio silent and avoid talking about the show? She could go with the "that's in my past and I'm moving forward" defense... But then again that wouldn't get as much attention as BF bashing would... Pffft... I'm so glad I unfollowed her on social media. 

  • Love 15
Just now, BodhiGurl said:

If she's done with the show why doesn't she just go radio silent and avoid talking about the show? She could go with the "that's in my past and I'm moving forward" defense... But then again that wouldn't get as much attention as BF bashing would... Pffft... I'm so glad I unfollowed her on social media. 

That’s what 80% of the responses say.  The other 20% call her a bitch for going after Bethenny when she knows B is struggling.

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

That’s what 80% of the responses say.  The other 20% call her a bitch for going after Bethenny when she knows B is struggling.

That really is gross that she's going after her while BF is mourning/dealing with a very sad turn of events. So unnecessary. 


ETA - curiosity got the best of me and I looked her up on Twitter... Glad to see people responding appropriately. She really needs to get a hobby. ;) 

Edited by BodhiGurl
  • Love 12

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