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Season 2 Discussion

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10 hours ago, Cherrio said:

My takeaway from this episode is a new disorder.

Jesse was TRAUMATIZED !!   Oh my, call 911, call Dr. Bombay, emergency come right away !

He is suffering from P.T.L.S.

Post Traumatic Louboutin Syndrome

Shove a wooden shoe up your ass Jesse.

LOL... maybe that was it. When his momma threw a shoe, they were wooden! Darcey chucked that Louboutin and he had flashbacks of wooden shoes.  (I'm thinking of a slow-motion like the time Frank Costanza had a flashback of the Korean War on Seinfeld... cue music and wooden shoe coming directly at Jesse's forehead because let's face it, that's a large target!)

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

Jon said he owes $50k US dollars. He also said he has been in 50 fights. Is he somehow drawn to the number 50? Does he have 50 kids out there somewhere? 50 girlfriends?

Jon's not great at the maths. 

              Exhibit A:

Jon: "How many men's wedding rings do you sell?"

Salesman:  "I sell as many men's wedding rings as I do women's."

Jon:  "But like... you wouldn't say they're common, right?"



  • Love 22
1 hour ago, noveltylibrary said:

I don't either but it was pretty obvious to me he did it.  When someone repeats what the accuser says with "What do you mean <repeat what was just said>?" over and over....

Absolutely right. He's trying to give himself time to make something up.

I think it was payment for services rendered.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 11
9 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I don't understand 'roid Rage Dean's objection to Hazel

Mr. Shockermolar rarely chimes in to say much except express disgust for all participating (including me!) but on the bro-reunion in the park he said, "He'd be just as pissed if it was a girl from their hometown. This guy is all about not letting a girl come between him and the brother." I think it's a pretty apt observation.

  • Love 6

Paul and Karine have no money.  Is there a reason Karine can't try to work to contribute?  It would actually be better for her to be busy than to be sitting around the little apartment all day thinking of her loss.  I understand that she (probably) doesn't have much education, but I hope she would *attempt* to find something.

The Jon thing still bothers me.  Most jobs let you take off a few days for your damn wedding, and I would assume his would as well unless he had been abusing his time off or was a complete jerk at his workplace.  Sure, he can get another job, but with a criminal record that is difficult.

It would have been nice if Rachel was sad that her older daughter wasn't at her wedding.

  • Love 22

Jon keeps dropping these bombshells on Rachel. Why does Rachel keep taking it? I think because she thinks she can't get anyone else. She puts her blinders up and deals with it. It sad in a way but also stupid. If she ever takes those blinders off, she'll be in for a rude awakening I think.

Piggy Ricky disgusts me. Just a sleazeball out for his own agenda.

I like Michael but totally uncool if he really did steal Grangela's money. I guess he thinks it's fair for all he had to go through with her on the trip ??

Edited by MsSilverSpecs
  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I don't understand 'roid Rage Dean's objection to Hazel

Mr. Shockermolar rarely chimes in to say much except express disgust for all participating (including me!) but on the bro-reunion in the park he said, "He'd be just as pissed if it was a girl from their hometown. This guy is all about not letting a girl come between him and the brother." I think it's a pretty apt observation.

Am I the only one that immediately googles crap when they say things on this show? Within minutes of Hazel's homelessness confessions I'd found her multiple apartments ready for move-in. Everything from basic unfurnished studios starting around $120/month to really nice furnished ones going for $500/month.  I think the question isn't whether or not she has a place to live as it is whether or not she has a JOB to pay for a place to live. And if she doesn't how does the Derp not know that?  

Handy google also let me know that Brazil has free health care - it's not great healthcare apparently - but it's FREE. Only the wealthy pay for private (read actually good) healthcare. So Paul's bleating about the unexpected medical expenses depleting his savings seems to be not so honest. Also glad that I'm not the only one curious about the Cujo kennels and giant bag of dog chow. And can we go back to the miscarriage? I'm still thinking the whole timeline here is dodgy. Cause unless that girl was binge eating like a crazy woman I just cannot fathom how she was @ 9 weeks and looked like she was a solid 3 or 4 months. I feel like maybe she had been pregnant and lost a baby, the show recreated all of that, and that she was farther along in a 2nd pregnancy when they filmed all of this medical drama. I dunno. 

I think Rachael and Jon actually do love each other. I think neither one is even remotely prepared for what being in a committed relationship MEANS, but whatever I guess. As to the older daughter, my GUESS is that she doesn't have custody of her at all. Aside from the father obviously having the ability to curtail showing the child on film, she simply doesn't TALK about her enough to make me believe the little girl actually lives with her. And that would explain why she and Jon never include the older girl in discussions of their new family.

But let's discuss the smoking hot girl cousin and the absolute dead-ass bitch face Rachael had when she assumed it was his ex. And then the bright bubbly smile when she was introduced as a cousin. THAT was outstanding. Not subtle at ALL is our girl Rachael. Also, btw Jon, if you don't want to wear the freaking ring then just don't wear it. Why does it have to become a BIG DEAL? She's going to be on the other side of an ocean. She's not going to know if you're actually wearing it. Good god with that.

Was there ANYONE who didn't recognize instantly that those two would ragefucking the moment Jesse returned to the car?  If they have nothing else they definitely have sexual tension. They're both assholes though. Maybe they're better off continuing to damage each other rather than sucking new and unsuspecting singles.

I refuse to waste thoughts or words on the noxious blond beast or the none-issues with Marta.

  • Love 22
2 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

Because she is an utter loser!! can't stand her.  and the fact that they never even mention her other child really bugs me. such a happy little threesome they are!  Gag!!!

If you were her older daughter, would you want to be in this mess?  Jon told Rachel THE DAY BEFORE THEIR WEDDING that a) he quit his job and b) that he's in debt.  Rachel should have taken Lucy, turned around and left that loser.  But she didn't, because she's physically attracted to Jon and that's why she stays.

  • Love 8

So, I can give Jon a pass on the wedding ring. My dad never wore one and my husband doesn’t either. He’s a chemist - and they never wear jewelry in the lab- and he doesn’t wear rings, watches, etc. Men can be painfully practical, so he didn’t want to spend the money on something he wasn’t going to wear. We got him a super cheap gold band and a more expensive one for me because I wanted to wear mine. He kept in on his key ring for years until it broke. 20 years later we are still married and I have no idea where his is. It never bothered me one bit that he didn’t want to wear it. Why would I force him to do something he is not comfortable with? Now, I might have been more pissy if his hands were full of rings and he wore watches and bracelets, and just didn’t want to wear THAT ring. Course I never felt the need  for rings or a shared last name to feel bonded or connected. Those symbols aren’t going to see you all though the tough times. A marriage has to be built on more solid stuff than rings and names. Plus, a cheater is gonna cheat. Those rings aren’t superglued on. Anyone see Nurse Jackie? A ring pops off so easily and slides into a pocket as necesssary.

Seems to me that if Jon wants/wears a ring is the least of Rachel’s problems at the moment. I can also say that Europeans, in general,  don’t get as caught up in all of he sentimentality (and expense) of rings and the trappings of wedding rituals. Marketing in the US is a powerful thing.

I am also wondering if Jon’s bombshells are producer shenanigans.   Going to university in Europe/England  is usually pretty reasonable. Tuition is pretty negligible. It’s the living expenses that are the greater burden. I really can’t imagine how John acquired 50,000 USD student debt. That sounds like a problem an American audience can relate to, but not one that you would find in Great  Britain. 

Labour law in the UK is usually geared much to protecting the worker, and vacation time is pretty generous. I find it weird he would be sacked just like that for needing a week to get married. So, I call producer-driven bullshit or Jon is not telling the whole story. We did see camera footage of him sorting garbage on the line with other men,  so we know that he was employed somewhere they didn’t mind having cameras on the premises, i.e., somewhere probably at least legit and following labor standards.

Wish someone with more UK knowledge or experience could comment.

But anyway, that’s my two cents, for what it’s worth. ;-) 

  • Love 17

Darcey:  (blubbering)- "that isn't how you treat someone you love!!" 


Darcey: (nose dripping)- "he's not going to control this breakup!"

Because that's what it's all about, right? Control. What healthy relationships are made of.

I love to watch how Paul "comforts" Karine with his phone in one hand and awkwardly pat, pat, patting her on the back the way one would comfort, say, a horse.  And what was that scene where he knelt down and buried his face in her chest?  Weird, weird stuff.  Their apartment is so horribly dirty and cluttered; I can't imagine them bringing a baby into it.  And I'm curious as to how he will just hop back to the US, "make some money for a few months," and then return.  What kind of job does/did he have? Seems I heard somewhere he does computer work? Still, not so easy to just get work the way he seems to be describing.

Angie, true to form:  "Wanna have a quickie?" (raspy cough, laugh laugh). Michael was thinking, "thank God; not enough time. Can't wait to spend the extra $600 I siphoned from her account!"  (just exactly how are Nigerian ATMs tricky that she needed assistance- to the point that she had to have HIM enter the PIN?  And even more puzzling, how does someone have only $900 TOTAL to their name and manage to buy airfare to Nigeria and spend two weeks away?)- And the "difficult ATM" explanation is about as plausible to me as Rachael's explanation about accidentally coming across the social media discussion between Jon and the ex.  "so, he gave me his password and somehow I got automatically logged on because I can be logged onto two accounts at one time..."  all those words to me mean THIS IS A LIE.

I think Himena is totally onto Ricky and is happy to see him go- her acting skills are quite good though; the tears and sad goodbyes were Oscar-worthy.  Same with him (scum). If I were her I'd just cash in that ring and move on to the next guy.  She seems quite skilled at this.

6 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Labour law in the UK is usually geared much to protecting the worker, and vacation time is pretty generous. I find it weird he would be sacked just like that for needing a week to get married.

He actually said that he "quit his job" for the wedding.  Very strange indeed.

Edited by KateHearts
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, noveltylibrary said:


BUT I am really looking forward to her telling Rachel off haa

Honestly, that quick preview scene of furious Grangela looming over Rachel, who was sitting on the couch, yelling at her "get your finger outta my face!" (paraphrasing) with her teeth bared seriously frightened me.

This is one hateful jealous animal, and I'm afraid for anyone who crosses this beast. 

Why would Michael rip her off before he gets to America? Maybe the ATM machine was outfitted with some sort of illegal card reader, and someone came in behind Michael who was able to withdraw money? The whole storyline is freakin' wild!

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, KateHearts said:
8 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Labour law in the UK is usually geared much to protecting the worker, and vacation time is pretty generous. I find it weird he would be sacked just like that for needing a week to get married.

He actually said that he "quit his job" for the wedding.  Very strange indeed.

Right, but my point is that he shouldn’t have had to quit his job over that issue...given what labour protections and vacation norms are. 

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

If you were her older daughter, would you want to be in this mess?  Jon told Rachel THE DAY BEFORE THEIR WEDDING that a) he quit his job and b) that he's in debt.  Rachel should have taken Lucy, turned around and left that loser.  But she didn't, because she's physically attracted to Jon and that's why she stays.

Basically. Physical attraction won't pay attorney's fees, immigration fees, nursery fees, or pay for transatlantic flights. She's already said she's living cheque to cheque. For him to quit his job because of the wedding was idiotic.. He's like the gift who keeps giving...the most unwelcome surprises. You don't spring a job loss and 50k worth of debt on someone the day before your wedding. She's a fool for continuing in the midst of the mounting red flags.

  • Love 9

Also glad that I'm not the only one curious about the Cujo kennels and giant bag of dog chow.

Are they somehow helping the homeless dogs that appear to live everywhere around them? Do they have two dogs now? So Paul is planning on keeping Karine holed up in that apartment until he is able to return. It looked like an episode of hoarders in there. Garbage bags, stuffed animals, trash, Pole's underoos. Yikes. Could he have squeaked at a higher decibel during the teary goodbye where he buried his head in her boobs? It sounded like he stepped on a mouse. (Possible in that hovel).

  • Love 12
27 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Seems to me that if Jon wants/wears a ring is the least of Rachel’s problems at the moment. I can also say that Europeans, in general,  don’t get as caught up in all of he sentimentality (and expense) of rings and the trappings of wedding rituals. Marketing in the US is a powerful thing.

That is VERY true.  That's why you see stupid commercials like, "an engagement ring is only 3 months pay" or some dumb shit like that.  It's fucking De Beers diamond cartel that's making the $$$ on our insecurities.  I'm like, "let's go to Vegas and get married by Elvis."


15 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

Basically. Physical attraction won't pay attorney's fees, immigration fees, nursery fees, or pay for transatlantic flights. She's already said she's living cheque to cheque. For him to quit his job because of the wedding was idiotic.. He's like the gift who keeps giving...the most unwelcome surprises. You don't spring a job loss and 50k worth of debt on someone the day before your wedding. She's a fool for continuing in the midst of the mounting red flags.

How true.  Rachel is a fool, but she's hot for Jon and until that cools off she won't quit him.  I think Rachel's insecure about the way she looks.  She thinks Jon is hot and is totally over the moon that a "hot guy" wants her.

I thought it was funny that Hazel remembered anything from Tarik's stupid rap: "Faraway girl from the other side of the world."

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 19

How could germaphope Pole sleep on that food crumb covered bare mattress? I expected a cockroach to crawl across a stuffed toy any second.  The kitchen appeared equally cluttered and dirty.... and those mysterious dog crates? Where were the dogs? What do these lazy people do all day besides talk on a phone app?  Obviously not clean the house.  

However, I do get the impression we are being totally manipulated with this particular couple.  Timelines are way off... I'm sure of it.

Why didn't cigar breath Jesse stay in his own hotel room and just gallantly allow TLC to arrange for another room for  Drama Darcey? Yikes! those forehead veins.  I thought they were going to pop any second.  I think she was straining to eke out some tears, or maybe it was having boobs hoisted up under her chin.

$600 is all the money Big Ange has?  She cannot buy gas now?  How little are these participants receiving from TLC?  I don't understand Michael.  Obviously he was going to be found out.  Stealing seemed incredibly stupid on his part. Maybe he wasn't so keen to meet with Donald after all?  The $600 was worth the hell he went through, I guess.

Hazel looks malnourished.  And now she's pregnant?

I hope we learn more next week at the reunion although I doubt it.  The moderator is doing her usual dumbfounded stare at the camera I see.

  • Love 11

There's not much I can add after @Toaster Strudel's amazing recap. But here are some musings...

Pole/Kreeny: I think since he works training K9 dogs, he used the dog crates as storage containers to bring over her piles of stuffed animals and assorted other hoarding crapola. Speaking of hoarding, I am equally obsessed with shows regarding this as well as compulsive cleaning. I have NEVER seen the combination of disorders in one human being though, before Pole. All that shopping for cleaning supplies and constant hand sanitizer available, yet they live in a dump like that, sans sheets on the bed?? Last episode Kreeny was demanding divorce because she knew she was preggo with the prize child, but now that there is no child, she's clinging now because she needs to be inseminated again. I felt bad for her last episode ( or anyone suffering miscarriage) but after this episode my sympathy is dried up. My shallow is self is still counting the mounting pimples on her cheeks with each new episode. Her hormones must be off the charts.

Karaoke Rachel/Garbage Gnome: Besides her sniffing and upper lip tick that she has, and the constant wiping of tears with her fingers poking her eyeballs, can we also add her running her hand down her scalp through her stringy hair?? I also have baby-fine hair, but Honey...PLEASE do something with yours to get it out of your face so that your hands STAY OUT OF IT! If you want to wear baby fine hair long sans bangs, it unfortunately needs some accessories. Her constant carrying of baby Lucy like a shield grated on me, even to the point of carrying her "down the aisle". It would have been cuter to see her holding Lucy's hands and walking her across the lawn if she insisted on not handing her off to Jon's Sister or Mother. Since I'm on the hair topic, Jon's annoyed me as well the past episodes. Had he lost his comb and/or funds for a haircut? He previously looked pretty well groomed, and I actually liked his hair. Now he seems to be conjuring up Cruella DeVille. I was also put off by Rachel's standoffish-ness at the pre-wedding dinner. Even the nice lady sitting across from her who was obviously trying to make her feel more comfortable by telling her how happy Jon appears, Rachel had that forced smile/cringe on her face and looked very slow to warm up until well into the party. I give Jon props for basically "carrying the event" since she insisted on sitting there with that baby-shield in her lap and refusing to walk around and meet/chat with his family and friends. Jon may be a loser, but Rachel dear, you really showed your asshole this episode. And even more so in the preview next week where you trigger Grangela for a fight. 

Heir Meester/Label Whore: These two are simply cartoons. Darcey dresses like she's about to be photographed for a magazine spread on a daily basis. WHO goes around dressed like this if not for a super special event of some sort?? I feel uncomfortable for her in those get ups. And as many others commented on, all I could focus on were those throbbing veins in her giant forehead that looked ready to burst at any moment. I really worry this woman is going to have an aneurysm one day. As for the possibility they screwed before Jesse left the hotel, if it's true then they both are two sickos that need lots of therapy. They make "9 & a Half Weeks" look like a Hallmark movie. 

Marlboro Angie/MAHkull: I had to laugh at the fact that the IMMEDIATE thought that came to her mind was that he had robbed her when the money was missing from her account. I mean, isn't it normal to immediately suspect and accuse the person you are in love with/want to marry that they are a thief? She really showed her true colors here, and they are nicotine stain. Since she carries everything else in those ginormous tits of hers, I would have expected her to keep a giant wad of sweaty cash there instead of a debit card. WHO travels with a debit card? Did I hear this correctly? I am not a world traveler, but when I do it's with some cash and a credit card or two (that I had alerted that I would be traveling and what countries I would be visiting beforehand). 

I don't have the mental strength to comment on the rest of the losers. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Didn't Darcey say they did it twice?  "We were intimate.  Then there was cuddling.  Then we did it again."

You totally misunderstood what she meant by "girls" . . . she meant the girls that were pushing up out of her bustier almost to her chin.  They come first.

Well, they do precede her into a room by 10 minutes. 

12 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Tarik's line from his stupid rap, lifted from LL Cool J, "A brother wanna make you a round the way girl."

What, you mean that brilliance wasn't original? This is my shocked face.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, sconstant said:

If you injure someone greviously whilst attending school and have to pay damages, can you call that student loan debt?   Asking for a fiend. 

Ha ha!

20 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Tarik's line from his stupid rap, lifted from LL Cool J, "A brother wanna make you a round the way girl."

I got the impression Hazel said she "was" pregnant, but it wasn't Tarik's.  

"Round the way girl" calls up visions of "round heeled" which used to mean, um, love for money.

  • Love 2

Pleaseeeeeee TLC, let this be the last of Jesse, Darcey, Marta, and Daya. We don't want to see Marta on another season because they got a late start. They should've just paid her for her time and never aired her segments. And no one wants to see emotionally abusive Jesse. They are the Nicole and Azan of BT90 Days. They'll NEVER get married.

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, renatae said:

Round the way girl" calls up visions of "round heeled" which used to mean, um, love for money.

Around the way girl definition.

My problem with Jesse and Darcy is to me they're SO obviously playing for the cameras.  They'll stretch this thing out as long as TLC keeps paying them.  That's why every now and then they bring back Dani and Mohammad.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5

Hazel is good.  Repeating his crappy lyric back to him?  He would've robbed a bank for her in that moment if she'd asked.

And Angela only had $600 in her account?  I'm by no means wealthy, but I've got a hell of a lot more than $600 to show for myself.  These people's finances (or serious lack thereof) are just incredible to me.  

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

Hazel is good.  Repeating his crappy lyric back to him?  He would've robbed a bank for her in that moment if she'd asked.

And Angela only had $600 in her account?  I'm by no means wealthy, but I've got a hell of a lot more than $600 to show for myself.  These people's finances (or serious lack thereof) are just incredible to me.  

That’s why I think there’s very little chance that Michael will have the opportunity to be disappointed in Angela’s circumstances here in the US. She will never be able to scrape up the money that it will take to pay for K-1 visa.  Unless she cons one of her friends into sponsoring Michael there’s just no way she be able to swing it. 

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 6

Jon quit his job because he didn’t want to pay back his student loans.  He was tired of his wages being garnished.  It’s a scam.  I know someone who is $100k in debt in student loans for a modern dance degree.  They don’t work a real full time job because they don’t want to pay back the loan.  They rather be on welfare.  

Darcy and Jesse are two narcissist jockeying for the upper-hand.  Both are losers.  

I hope Michael took Angela’s money.  It’s a better deal than coming to America and becoming Angela’s whipping boy.   

  • Love 6

If Jabba the Hut took me to that beautiful English cliffside where Jon and Rachel had their picnic and proposed to me, I would scream yes, yes, and throw myself into his arms. (Did he have arms?)

If Paul removed all the numerous crates of crap that he brought over and Krinny removed her stuffed animals the apartment would be bare. I believe they rent a room in a house that has a shared kitchen. Still surprised by the dog crates. That is a culture where the dogs usually  run loose.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, snarkish said:


Marlboro Angie/MAHkull: I had to laugh at the fact that the IMMEDIATE thought that came to her mind was that he had robbed her when the money was missing from her account. I mean, isn't it normal to immediately suspect and accuse the person you are in love with/want to marry that they are a thief? She really showed her true colors here, and they are nicotine stain. Since she carries everything else in those ginormous tits of hers, I would have expected her to keep a giant wad of sweaty cash there instead of a debit card. WHO travels with a debit card? Did I hear this correctly? I am not a world traveler, but when I do it's with some cash and a credit card or two (that I had alerted that I would be traveling and what countries I would be visiting beforehand). 

I haven't travelled to Nigeria, but I always take a debit card.  That gets me the best exchange rate in most countries.  I take cash and credit as well, but I have used a debit card in most countries, including Mongolia. 

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, MoodyGirl said:

I just can’t with Rachel’s only wardrobe of jeans. Who goes to a pre-wedding dinner to meet friends and family wearing old dirty jeans and a blah shirt and no make up. And in the previews of the tell all she is wearing the same damn jeans. OMG— Please wear something else. 

Yes, I actually yelled out - you aren't wearing that to the dinner??!!  Ohhh...you are. 

  • Love 7

I don’t think Mikey scammed her, he’s playing a long con and wouldn’t risk it. When we were in the UK our debit card was skimmed at an atm, beware they are everywhere. Also shifty editing again I bet by TLC


The look of guilt on Herr Jesses face was hilarious when he was caught with his pants down. Get a new hotel, he knew that there would be angry break up sex. Darzzzeeeee why? The dress, the veins? The boobs up in her chin.

Edited by Owwwww ma leg
  • Love 19

So far the best things about this season have been sweet Lucy and the killer cliff views in England. Does anybody know what area that was where Rachel and Jon married?

I laughed when the officiant offered Rachel a tissue. I'm surprised she didn't ask what that was.

Looking forward to next week. Wonder why Angela got all up in Rachel's face and can't wait to see what Jon's reaction will be.

  • Love 20

Tarik is some kind of magician. Oh, no, you will be homeless? Let me just look at airbnb on my phone for you. Well, what do you know!  Here's a place right in this very  building, all you have to do is go pick up the key. Problem solved. And Tarik will pay for it, of course.  Hazel, you are homeless no more!

Karine was sooo ready to get a divorce when she is pregnant. She has a miscarriage and now is madly in love with Pole again? 

Jesse said he went to Darcy's room and she was laying on the floor crying "I'm dying, I'm dying". Jesse loves the crazy. 

12 minutes ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

Paul could be getting the rosetta stone and learn the language. 

Karine could be trying to learn English, too, since she will be living in the US. They both have plenty of time on their hands. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

I agree with everyone about Paul and Karine's apartment. I don't get all the hoard. And some of the plaster is missing... I would be painting and spackeling in all that free time.

Seriously, what do they do all day if you aren't working?

Paul could be getting the rosetta stone and learn the language. 

He could go to the public library and use a dictionary! Why doesn't Karine teach him some useful words/phrases? Walk around the city and teach him the words for things!  Do they do anything but sit around that filthy apartment and whine? 

  • Love 16

I am skeptical of Hazel...I sincerely doubt her niece is the only person she could have stayed with as her parents at the very least would have made room for her. I think she got a taste of a decent apartment she knew she wouldn’t have to share and doesn’t want to go back to having to share bathrooms and beds with her family. She knew Tarik would ensure she had a roof over her head. I have no doubt her situation is dire, especially since she took time off of work to travel with Tarik, but she knew he’d help her out if she asked.

So Jon quit his job. This idiot. He’s an ex-con with a violent record. He should be thanking his lucky stars he even found a company willing to hire him. They paid him enough that he paid for Lucy’s childcare and I can’t imagine that’s cheap. Did he really need a week off for the wedding? Are courthouse weddings not an option?

  • Love 18

I'm skeptical of Hazel's claim of imminent homelessness. Has she ever been homeless before? Filipino families tend to take care of each other. Why couldn't she move back in with a family member, like the one she was living with right before Tarik showed up?  It seems to me like she just wanted her own place, which is understandable, and the best way to get it is to tell Tarik she was going to be homeless.

If Angela wanted to give Michael $300, and only $300, why didn't she just withdraw that money from her account at an ATM there at the airport and hand it to him? Why give him her ATM card and PIN?  Also, she needs to work on her interrogation skills. Michael is slippery. She would ask if he took out $900 and he would respond "Why would I do that?" which is not an answer at all.  She should have asked him did you go to the ATM, which ATM, how much money did you withdraw, how many times, etc.

It's actually possible that a dodgy Nigerian ATM gave him $300 and deducted $900. Not likely, but possible.

I think Jon quitting his job just to spend a week with Rachel was a romantic gesture, consistent with him being dopey and slow and willing to marry a woman with another dude's baby, before he even met her. I'm surprised Rachel is so angry about it.  His debts won't be a problem if he can move to the USA, he can just default on them. Though I find the 30,000 pounds in student loan debt to be hard to believe, did he even finish university?

  • Love 7

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