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Season 2 Discussion

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Once established in the US  Hazel will bring over her family one by one.  I don't know if she has brothers and sisters, but they'll all end up in the States, mom and dad too.  She probably would be a decent hard working girl once she gets her green card and maybe a good mother to the children.  But this is not love.  This is charity work, same as sponsoring a child in a poor country.

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4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Karine may have found out about Pole’s abusive past. She seems pretty Internet savvy, if she’s picking up all these men. All she’d have to do is Google Pole’s name and look at those mug shots.

There’s this one for violating a protection order:



And these beauties...



1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

Paul and Karine are getting more unwashed and gross by the week. Paul is lucky that Karine’s family did not beat his ass when she told them he’s not nice to her when her parents are not around. I didn’t get a feeling that he’s mean to her. I think she’s secretive and doing stuff behind his back and he knows that. His answer is to “forbid” her from being “social” online but she lives on her phone and spends her days lounging in bed chatting up whomever while he does the dishes and puts her toys away. Bleh.

I get the impression that now that she, and her parents, have his entire criminal record, she's tailoring her complaints about how terrible he is to his criminal record so she can be the victim. He's not self-aware enough to be completely different when the cameras are off. I think he complains a lot and probably expects her to pitch in with housework far more than her parents seem to have, but nothing he's asked, at least on camera, has been unreasonable. "I cooked, you clean." or "I'll do the dishes, you do the laundry." isn't asking too much. If/When they move to the US and he's working all day to pay for them, she can't expect to just sit at home and do nothing. Even when shopping, he asks her a question about a cleaning product trying to determine which product to buy but she's too busy on her phone to answer his questions.


Jon - Rachel needs way more information on what he qualifies as a "fight" because there's a vast difference between a schoolyard scuffle, defending someone, and a drunken bar brawl. From how he talked, it seemed like his count included all three of those. I'd be more worried about the bar brawls, especially if they are very recent, than fights in the schoolyard when he was a hormonal teen. Kids do stupid things, even when they should know better and some take longer to cook than others. As a criminal defense attorney, I even have an option for adults over 18 (legal age in the state) but not yet 22 called the "youthful offender act" that allows this group to have those stupid moments. You usually just get to use it once, but for a decent kid who gets a minor in possession or a marijuana charge that could derail their entire future, it seals the record while still requiring them to do whatever the punishment is, usually probation of some sort. I would also like to know when his last "fight" was. If it's been a number of years since he got into a fight, he may have learned better coping mechanisms and how do deal with his aggression in a healthy way. I know that a lot of the time, it's presumed that people don't change, but if drinking and fights were the way he used to release his aggression and now he plays American football to do the same thing, even if he still drinks but not to the same extent, I'd be inclined to believe that he has changed. I'd still be very aware of his past, but I wouldn't just write him off as a violent drunk in that scenario. Part of the reason that I think this may be the case is that he keeps saying that Lucy's crying is causing him "stress." It feels like it's something he learned in therapy to deal with his aggression and voicing when he is starting to get frustrated. It seems like he has been told to identify the source of the stress out loud so that he's conscious of the things that could lead to aggression and then find solutions to them that aren't aggression.

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6 minutes ago, Mercolleen said:

Jon's friend's "I personally think he's an absolute mental case" did not need anything else to finish that sentence.

That was in regards to Jon finding his one true love across the pond.  Friend must not be a big fan of dating over the Internets.

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The thing with Jon and Rachel is that he's not going to get into the States with that record.  So it's the other way around in this instance.  Rachel will be applying to emigrate to the UK if they do decide to get married.  How does she feel about that? 

I cannot even envision Darcy and Jesse ever having a long-term relationship, but if they both decided to make a go of it because they enjoy misery and hunger- would they even live in the States?  Amsterdam is a beautiful city. What would Jesse do once he got his green card? Riding around on a high horse isn't exactly a paying job.  

No one discusses anything of importance on this show.  As much as I'm enjoying all the crazy... it would be interesting to see actual folk going through the 90 day process because they're in love and have thought things through like adults.

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Just now, Drogo said:

She didn't want to cut the steak so much as she wanted to stand over him and criticize while he cut the steak.  After she criticized how he stirred the rice and accused him of pushing her. 



This is just it. Neither can shut up and let something go. They're both "right" all the time, and she's just as bad as he. Last week in the car for example, she just had to open her trap and tell Jesse that he was elbowing her, (it looked to me like she was cuddled up next to him and he sort of stretched, it didn't look like anything intentional. She couldn't let it go, she just had to make sure she pointed it out instead of simply placing his arm around her or shifting over slightly without saying anything. Then instead of saying, "oh, sorry babe," he balks at her statement and arguing ensues. Last night too, with the pushing. Surely people bump into each other in small kitchens without accusing the other of "pushing." 

Same thing when they were looking at pictures when they were out for pizza, they can't enjoy the pictures, oh no. They get into a fight over social media, "well, since you won't let me go on Facebook, which pictures are you going to post?" She baited and he got defensive. I don't know what the hell she expected. They want to have a nice meal out, but they have to bring up social media and then argue over it. 

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27 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

The thing with Jon and Rachel is that he's not going to get into the States with that record.  So it's the other way around in this instance.  Rachel will be applying to emigrate to the UK if they do decide to get married.  How does she feel about that?

She has another child too, correct? They’d all have to immigrate to the UK. With the cost of living over there, they will be living with the sister for some time.

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Dean's questions about why Hazel doesn't have her son may be legit (or legit for Tarek anyway) but to come in all aggressive and accuse her of being a bad mother as soon as they meet?  Not the way to get those questions answered, or to be a decent human being.

What if it was a case where Hazel could not afford to work and care for / feed the child.  The father has somewhat better circumstances and a better home with family around who can care for the child but not enough to financially support Hazel so she doesn't have to work.  There is no social safety net in the Philippines to help Hazel.  She can't afford good childcare while she works her ten hour days and the money she gets isn't enough not to work, so she uses most of her money to pay for sketchy arrangements and then only sees her son while he's sleeping.  Would it not perhaps be a better situation for him to live with his father and be cared for by a grandmother or aunt?

Now, maybe that is not the case here, but Dean has no idea and intimidating Hazel is not the way to find out.  

Also, this difficult subject may be something that she is willing to discuss with Tarek but doesn't feel comfortable sharing with his other relatives.  Lots of people share difficult things with their spouses but don't want to discuss it with their in-laws.  It doesn't mean they are sketchy, it just means they have certain boundaries.  If Tarek isn't comfortable with those boundaries, then he is free to end the relationship.

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3 hours ago, configdotsys said:

The dinner making was a riot. Let’s have the kids watch us nearly kill each other while cooking steak and Rice a Roni. Madness indeed... There were some priceless looks on the faces of Darcey's kids during that fun, family bonding moment.

I wonder if they ever got to divvy up that mini carrot cake into four "tiny-just-like-Darcey" wedges

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3 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:


My 91-year-old mother,  who smoked since age 25 (coincident with my birth,  haha!), didn't have anywhere near the wrinkles of Angela.  And that's an understatement. 

And does Angela think she is NOT fat? She really does shop at Delusions 'R' Us.


Just watched the YouTube clip of Grangela on the Maury Povich show. Looks like she lost some weight between the first and second go-round, so her wrinkles could be a result of that (in addition to the smoking AND the sun exposure from living in the South). And since she did lose some weight, in her mind she thinks she is now svelte. Guess it depends on your perspective.

I just hope my comment here doesn’t make her snap.

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4 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

With the cost of living over there, they will be living with the sister for some time.

The UK is an expensive place with very high taxes.  However free health care and a very generous welfare system will help Jon and Rachel, although they probably will be living with sister or mum for a long time.  Jon will be out at the pub with his friends.  It rains a lot and I think Rachel is from a sunshine State.  She needs to think long and hard about this relationship.  It's not just the fights. It's the complete change in lifestyle.

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2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:


That Maury clip made my day! i wonder if she sent that in as her audition tape for 90-Days?? LMAO!!

Smoking isn’t doing Angela’s teeth any favors


To whoever posted that Maury clip, thank you and kudos.

Grangela has a whole new set of teeth. I think she bought them at the same pawn shop where she put Michael’s ring on layaway.

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3 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:
4 hours ago, Honey said:

Then he better keep looking, because hazel is ugly as hell.

not sure where you get that! she really looks like angie jolie to me, without makeup.

Count me in with the people who never got the "most beautiful woman in the world" hype about Angelina Jolie. She and Hazel do have similar facial structure, high cheekbones and full lips, but to me they're both kind of skeletal looking and have resting bitch face. 

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2 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

I have to have a new conspiracy theory about this show now that my idea of Jon's being Lucy's bio dad has been shot down. Maybe we'll get to see his mug shots like we did with Pole's. 

If Lucy was really Jon’s bio-baby, she would have been born with a beard and vacant eyes. On this show, Lucy is the antidote for hopelessness.

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2 minutes ago, Quof said:

I watch this show solely for my self esteem.  It makes my life look like a shining beacon of good decision making. Plus, I feel like a beauty queen.

*small voice* I strangely like and enjoy Angela. 

Edited by ladle
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26 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

She has another child too, correct? They’d all have to immigrate to the UK. With the cost of living over there, they will be living with the sister for some time

Apparently, Rachel has conveniently forgotten that she has another child who is 7 yo and whose father seems to have prohibited her from being filmed. If that’s the case, Ella’s dad would also not permit his daughter to live overseas just because Rachel is searching for love (and Jon’s arrest record would only add to the decision to keep Ella away). But I guess if Rachel is happy, no one else matters. Poor Ella can grow up knowing that her mother abandoned her for an angry-when-drinking garbage picker.

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Usually when the fiancees meet family members on this show, it's awkward because we get the sense that these families don't feel that the partners are good enough for their loved ones.  Interestingly, in Jon's case I'm sensing it's the reverse, with all of his family members quietly and urgently telling Rachel: "Run!" 

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I love how Ricky was suddenly confused when it came time to ask Ximena to get in her pants. “Oops. I accidentally asked her if she wanted to spend the night with me in Spanish. That’s not what I meant to say. Ohh noo. Gosh darn.” 

Edited by charmed1
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13 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Ximena is wayyyyyyy prettier than Melissa. Melissa is like those girls in LA who have all the things that pretty girls have...the fake blonde hair, extensions, fake boobs, veneers, and lots of makeup. Those are distractions though. So many basic girls like that. Ximena is actually pretty.

Agreed - Ximena is very attractive and seems to be able to hold a conversation.  Ricky's standard of beauty (and conversation) is defined by porn.

"look, diapers!"said the King of Trolls

I'm sorry, but I have to say something about Karine's look in the talking head interviews.  She has long, lifeless hanks of black hair and there is something on her chin that kind of looks like a wart.  She looks like a witch in those THs...............apologies, apologies, apologies.  I hate myself for commenting on someone's natural look.  Fake physicality (Darcey, Melissa) is totally fair game so I feel like a creep for commenting on Karine.  Its just been eating at me though!!  Sorry Karine!!

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4 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:
15 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I have never been to Africa, but this show makes me believe it makes your shoulders really hot.

How dumb is she to talk about the hot weather to the locals?  ?

For all Angela knows, she might be visiting Nigeria at the coolest time of year and Michael's friends are thinking, "Hot? You call THIS hot?" 

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The major red flag for me outside of Jon's 50-60 fights was how his friends were prodding and asking when the most recent one was, and the one friend shushed the other friend when he was asking questions. Jon vaguely said a few years or some time ago, but the friend wasn't buying it. It was like he was trying to coax the truth out of him. That whole exchange with his friends was weird.

Rachel said she shares custody with the ex-husband, so unless he's suddenly OK with her uprooting their daughter and only seeing her on holidays/school holidays, I doubt that will work. He didn't even want the little girl's face to be shown during the brief time she was on screen. She might very well be willing to leave the daughter in the States to go pursue her insta-family. Jon might have changed, but it's serious when a fight resulted in an "eye injury." Was the chap left blinded? Did he break an eye socket? Is he drinking too much and starting fights. He's in his mid-30s, and if he can't hold his liquor, maybe he doesn't need to drink as much or needs to avoid the bars. If he was in uni between 18 and 22, why were you still getting into fights up until a few years ago? Five assault charges is nothing to sneeze at.

Angela is so unlikable. She's wearing cut out shoulder tops that say, "Flawless." Is she borrowing her daughter's clothing? If Michael has told you that your way of dressing isn't acceptable, respect it. She has no respect for him or his culture. I don't know what the benefit is for him. A chain smoking, cursing like a sailor, old as his grandmum, going through menopause, nasty attitude, disrespectful, I'm the boss, loud, braying, abrasive personality, and he describes her as masculine. Her statements were alarming because saying things like, "You make me do this or that," is what abusers say to their victims to justify it. She spent the episode yelling at him and taking long drags of Marlboros. He can do better. No green card is worth having to live in a double wide with that.

Jesse and Darcey. Please tell me he's going home next Sunday. They're so toxic. They're my weekly drinking game.

Dean came on way too strong, and I'm betting he had several too many while waiting for them to come to the bar. I have to fault the some of the Americans. They bitch and whine to their friends and families about these people, and then, when the friends and family members express said grievances, it's a problem. It's just like last season with Larry and Jenny. He told his cousin and his wife about Jenny talking to other men, so the cousin and the wife brought it up when they chatted with her. I suspect that Tarik told his brother that Hazel's son resides with his father, but he left out that she lives in poverty and couldn't afford the child. I think there might be a bit of cultural issue, too. I suspect that it's frowned upon in some circumstances when a woman gives a child to his father or her parents and goes on to live her best life. This isn't that. It doesn't seem like Hazel intends on leaving the child in the Philippines while she creates a new and better life for herself. It wasn't his place to question her mothering or her choices. Fall back, dude.

Paul and Karine have no business getting married or having a baby. What happens if the phone kills over? How in the world will they communicate?

ETA: Ricky is a schmuck. Ximena probably really thinks she's the reason he flew there. Never mind that he waited 5 days to reach out, had an engagement ring for Plan A, and obviously made up a whole relationship with Melissa to get on the show. Why is TLC still following him? And it's not romantic when a man just shows up in your country unannounced, so that's still not doing it for me. Ximena is a pretty lady, and she looks natural. She seems to really be into Ricky. Hopefully, he'll come clean before they sleep together. Cut the I'm a whole gentleman act, Ricky. You bought three bottles of wine, rose petals, chocolate, and you invited her to stay in a one bedroom. After you showed her the bedroom, you did your worst suave impression. "Oh, I don't know where I'm going to sleep." *insert a vicious eye roll*

What's with these oh so trusting people? We've chatted on a dating website or through text, and I'm going to trust you enough to stay in an AIRBNB or hotel with you the first time we meet. I've seen a few too many Fatal Attraction episodes, Datelines, and ID channel to even think about that. 

Edited by AussieBabe
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4 hours ago, JasonH said:

Big Ang has gone from a likable rube, to an angry, uncouth, aggressive/potentially violent dumb redneck American in just a few days. Poor Mah-Kull is in search of a fruitless endeavor if he thinks he can get her to quit smoking. She’s was none to happy that she needed to acclimate to a certain dress culture. In Nigeria.

Many times I wish the foreigner could come back while the American has to stay there.

That Maury clip showed what complete white trash that family is. She's a reality show whore and needs to go away. 

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Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Karine is looking really rough this seen. Flat, dry hair. Oily greasy skin with acne. Noticeable weight gain. Dead sunken eyes. I think she needs to see a doctor and get some bloodwork done. I'd hate to see what she looks like next season. 

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4 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

He made me sick when he texted if she'd like to have intimacy with him tonight  then "let's get to know each other".  He is such a loser!!

It's possible TLC was using some willful ignorance in the translation there. That's a direct translation, but it can also be inferred as something like..."let's know each other"...if you get my drift. I don't think Ricky thinks he's fooling anything with his aw-shucks-sheepish-I'm-such-a-gentleman act.

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13 minutes ago, thejuicer said:

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Karine is looking really rough this seen. Flat, dry hair. Oily greasy skin with acne. Noticeable weight gain. Dead sunken eyes. I think she needs to see a doctor and get some bloodwork done. I'd hate to see what she looks like next season. 

Practically every post about them mentions this.

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8 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

That Maury clip showed what complete white trash that family is. She's a reality show whore and needs to go away. 

Yeah, I really resent TLC for choosing Angela to be on the show this season.  And Jesse and Darcey, too, for that matter.  Because as much as we all know as viewers that this show is made up of a lot of manufactured bullshit and smoke & mirrors, being made aware of Angela's Maury past, along with Darcey & Jesse's business arrangement to get on this show has totally and completely killed my buzz for watching.  Because I know for a fact that I am watching fake Bullshit Artists who just want to be famous when I watch their segments.  The biggest fakers that ever faked.  They have broken the fourth wall for me and I hate TLC for allowing them to do this.  This is the only reality tv show that I watch and I like to pretend to be blissfully ignorant to how real it actually it whilst watching.  Screw you, TLC, Angela, Darceeey and Jesseee.

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14 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

He made me sick when he texted if she'd like to have intimacy with him tonight  then "let's get to know each other".  He is such a loser!!

It's possible TLC was using some willful ignorance in the translation there. That's a direct translation, but it can also be inferred as something like..."let's know each other"...if you get my drift.

Okay, I know just enough Spanish to get by and I have a fuzzy TV, but it looked to me like in the first message, he said something like "Quieres estar conmigo esta noche" and "estar" means "to be" so I read it literally as, "Do you want to be with me tonight" and figured he meant "Do you want to hang out with me tonight?"  But then he said he realized it meant something more intimate, so I assumed the "to be with me" has or can have a connotation of intimacy. 

Then the second message he sent, to correct it, used "conocer," which means to know each other, like "Conoces a Juan?" means "Do you know Juan?"  As in knowing him, not knowing him.  So he was trying to say, "Let's get to know each other" as a way to correct the intimacy that could be inferred from his previous message.

I guess I could see myself making the original mistake Ricky did, since my Spanish seems to be on about the same level as his, although there's no way I would ever realize the mistake I'd made with "estar conmigo" because I just wouldn't know that, so I'm a little suspicious that he somehow figured it out almost instantly.

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They said Jon could not get a Visa to come to the US, and I found that odd as I didn't think UK citizens needed a Visa for a short visit. They actually need a travel authorization which is a simple process they can do electronically with their passport. I guess Jon's passport was flagged and he could not get the travel authorization.

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3 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I think she's the worst mother ever featured on this show and yes, even worse than Nicole. Azan is at least not barred from the US because of a violent past. She's really selfish because if she pursues a relationship with Jon, she'll likely have to move to the UK. Has she spared a thought for her older daughter who will either be left behind in the US or deprived of a relationship with her bio dad if she's taken along? Rachel is stupid.

I agree, she's a terrible mother.  

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I guess it would depend on whichever is the original mistake--if Ricky misspoke in the first phrase, then "get to know each other" would be a good way to recover. I was viewing my translation in the context of coming immediately after "do you want to be with me?" Really language is so fluid and we can't even properly communicate in our own native languages over text sometimes, so it's fair to say we could both be right (or wrong). I think with Ricky, though, we'd all be fooling ourselves to think Ricky had no physical intentions with Ximena, and that his intimacy with her was a result of "oops, teehee, I meant to be a gentleman!" miscommunication.


Edit: in response to @StatisticalOutlier--this thread moves fast!

Edited by monagatuna
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11 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Yeah, Dean seems to have one emotion - furious. I got a vibe that he had had one too many beers, possibly. (And by "one", I mean at least 6.)

He was definitely drunk. I think he had a few beers before his brother even started making his way to the restaurant. And then he left drinking a beer.

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1 hour ago, Horrified said:


I'm sorry, but I have to say something about Karine's look in the talking head interviews.  She has long, lifeless hanks of black hair and there is something on her chin that kind of looks like a wart.  She looks like a witch in those THs...............apologies, apologies, apologies.  I hate myself for commenting on someone's natural look.  Fake physicality (Darcey, Melissa) is totally fair game so I feel like a creep for commenting on Karine.  Its just been eating at me though!!  Sorry Karine!!

Karine honestly looks sick to me. Like, someone who is just plain exhausted. I don’t know if it’s the stress of life or her relationship that’s taking a toll, but before, she looked much lighter and happier. I hope she’s in a better place now.

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The Young and Beautiful go on all the "The Bachelor/ette/in Paradise/Winter Games" and "DWTS"; the Older and Not So Hot go on "Maury" and "90 Day Fiance/e."

But Molly O'Grady and the Captain's Lady are fame-whore sisters under the skin. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I’ve said from the beginning I think Angela and Michael are acting and their whole story is fake. Michael would have found out way more about her and her situation if he truly wanted to come to the US and start a business. He speaks and understands English well so it can’t be chalked up to miscommunications.

In regard to Paul and Kareeny, I don’t think it is abusive to expect someone to help with the housework or expect an engaged woman to quit sexting other men. This is based on what we are seeing only, I don’t know other facts.

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1 hour ago, AussieBabe said:

ETA: Ricky is a schmuck. Ximena probably really thinks she's the reason he flew there. Never mind that he waited 5 days to reach out, had an engagement ring for Plan A, and obviously made up a whole relationship with Melissa to get on the show. Why is TLC still following him? 

Yes, we've kind of gotten off brief from "90 day fiance" to "14 day fling, minus the number of days that it takes me to find someone to agree to look at me."  Kind of like Catfish, just can't find people willing to do this anymore, but here are a bunch of idiots that will sign the releases.

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When Jon was talking about his past, he mentioned that after the very serious assault that ended in the eye injury that he had to leave university.  He then said he had really paid for that incident even though he did not go to prison.  I wonder if he is making financial payments to the person he assaulted.  If not, I would sure like to know how he thinks he has really been punished for that transgression. 

I really enjoy reading everyone's perspectives, but I have been a bit surprised that several posters wrote that at least Jon hadn't hit a woman or child that we know of.  I'm more of the perspective that it is less relevant whether someone was male or female (children are off limits!).  To me, it's more of a matter of responding violently to various situations, whether it's violently to a man or a woman.  I do understand that typically bar fights involve more men than women, but the fact that Jon has had over 50 fights is very concerning, no matter who he hit.  Rachel has made a series of bad decisions (IMO).  I think she will end up with "well, he promised me he wouldn't fight anymore, so we are good..."  I don't think she's giving a moment's thought to either of her daughters other than using Lucy to bond with Jon.

Although I think Karine is playing Paul, I do believe her statements that he is worse when the cameras are gone.  I think he knows what to say (all of his comments during lunch with Karine's parents sounded very practiced and what one would learn in anger management classes) and is intentionally trying to present himself as a hapless American in love.  I think both of them are very cunning and manipulative.  I wonder if Karine's mom knew Karine was pregnant and therefore couldn't really try to stop the wedding.  

Angela is also portraying herself in such a way that she thought would be endearing.  Nope, we've seen behind the curtain (Wizard of Oz reference).  I know that Michael really wants to come to the U.S.; like others who really want the green card, he must feel that he has to take what he thinks will be his best or only chance.  

Ricky should have just gone home.  I couldn't believe he wasn't even going to take his new mark, victim, love of his life out to dinner.  Just wine and rose pedals in his room.  Oh, and his insipid "I don't know where I'll sleep..."  I liked him at the beginning of the season. 

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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

not even the fanny pack would have slowed NotMelissa's roll. 

That fanny pack reminds me of the scene from Sex and The City (series) when Samantha is all hot for an older guy, then sees his ass naked.  She is outta there so fast......that is how I would be that that fanny pack.  "Sorry, gotta go......"


1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Okay, I know just enough Spanish to get by and I have a fuzzy TV, but it looked to me like in the first message, he said something like "Quieres estar conmigo esta noche" and "estar" means "to be" so I read it literally as, "Do you want to be with me tonight" and figured he meant "Do you want to hang out with me tonight?"  But then he said he realized it meant something more intimate, so I assumed the "to be with me" has or can have a connotation of intimacy. 

I must have a dirty mind as I thought he meant he texted "So do you wanna f*ck tonight?"  Yes, just the line to use on FutureStepmother.  "So how did you two crazy kids meet??"  "Well......"


4 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

When Michael said something like the man in the relationship should  be the boss and Ang tossed back her fried beached hair, took a long drag on the Marlboro and said 'it ain't happening' in her gravel voice... I worried for Michael and I realized reality TV can be way more entertaining than any network scripted show.  I understand we're being manipulated to a certain extent with editing, etc.,  but you simply can't write this stuff. I'm hoping she gets to bring him back to the States.  It'll be must see TV.

How come I learned more about Nigeria in one simple Google search than Angela ever learned while falling in love with her prince??  RUN MICHAEL RUN!!!!

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3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

No one discusses anything of importance on this show.  As much as I'm enjoying all the crazy... it would be interesting to see actual folk going through the 90 day process because they're in love and have thought things through like adults.

You should try to find the first few seasons.  It was much less of an obvious shit show then.

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1 hour ago, AussieBabe said:

Rachel said she shares custody with the ex-husband, so unless he's suddenly OK with her uprooting their daughter and only seeing her on holidays/school holidays, I doubt that will work. He didn't even want the little girl's face to be shown during the brief time she was on screen. She might very well be willing to leave the daughter in the States to go pursue her insta-family.

This may very well be the case-- We've had the discussion over in the Rachel/Jon thread that the father of her older daughter seems quite involved, while Lucy's biological father has a mess of other kids, is maybe (?) still married to someone else, and can't be bothered to even scrape together the money for a paternity test so he could go to court and get visitation rights. 

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42 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

He was definitely drunk. I think he had a few beers before his brother even started making his way to the restaurant. And then he left drinking a beer.

Not only was he probably drunk, but he was probably pissed off about being crowded into numerous airplanes (and Dean is not a small guy), dealing with the time change and whenever something en route to meet up with Tarik happened (like sharing an armrest with a smelly person or not getting any food on the plane), that was one more strike against Hazel. Dean came loaded for bear.

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2 hours ago, Quof said:

I watch this show solely for my self esteem.  It makes my life look like a shining beacon of good decision making. Plus, I feel like a beauty queen. 

I try to look at it this way, but every so often I get sad and think, "why am I single and these garbage people aren't?"  

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3 hours ago, Drogo said:

She didn't want to cut the steak so much as she wanted to stand over him and criticize while he cut the steak.  After she criticized how he stirred the rice and accused him of pushing her.  Certainly you don't have a Darcey at home, because I would run out of the house like I was on fire.  

The fact that Darcey is the kind of person who shouts "I'm leaving!" [because Jesse doesn't have a firm opinion on what kind of potatoes he wants served with his pasta] and acts like she's going to the store without him but instead stews on the porch waiting for him to chase her tells me she's the little bitch in every equation. 

Darcy is bush league compared to what live with at home (she would eat Darcy for lunch), but I know how to interact with her.  If Darcy was my girlfriend, as nutty as she is, we would not have about 97% of the issues she has with Jesse.  This guy is a jackass who is completely lacking in interpersonal skills.  I see all the passive-aggressive instigating he does in every scene, down to the comments he makes to get her wound up, and then when the commotion starts he pulls the "I'm above this" act and stalks off.  I've never seen a guy who is such a big drama queen as this guy.  Darcy is immature for sure, which is why she needs a mature man who is secure enough in himself to say, "Sure babe, you cut the steak, I'll set the plates."  There are a lot of men out there who would have no problem dealing with Darcy.

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Dobian, I agree with all of your comments about Darcy. I can see her with a wealthy, older New York-y kind of guy who would be honored to bankroll her designer label fetish. She would still introduce drama, but he would know how to deal with her and assure her when she has those self-esteem flare ups. Overall it would be way less drama. 

Also I agree with the posters who commended that "Kriny" was definitely cradling her lower abdomen area in the wedding dresses like a pregnant woman would. The suspense builds. 

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