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S13.E02: One Apology, Another Betrayal

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18 minutes ago, bosawks said:

In my head I always think “I thought turkeys could fly” when someone says “As god is my witness”....

RIP Mr. Carlson.

That is the funniest bits and line in the history of sitcoms.  Just thinking about it makes me laugh my ass off.

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That was quite the apology tactic Vicki used. Vicki: Eddie, the BIBLE is telling you to forgive me.

I would have said fine I accept your apology as soon as she pulled out the paper just so I wouldn't have to hear them. 

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9 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Dear Vicki: there’s  a difference between not telling your friend that her husband is dating, and actually facilitating him getting together with other women and having him at parties that she’s not invited to, and not giving an eff about any of it.


So weird, I saw New Housewife 1 go to dinner with her husband and thought, “there’s the next RH divorce....” and then the whole conversation is fraught with tension and divorce talk.


4 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

The new wife husband seems over her. OVER Her.

Yes, three of us so far think the same thing.

The Bravo divorce headboard is about to get another notch

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11 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

That is the funniest bits and line in the history of sitcoms.  Just thinking about it makes me laugh my ass off.

That and What Does a Yellow Light Mean ? From Taxi.

 New york wife reminds me of someone. Busy Phillips maybe?

Edited by JennyMominFL
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56 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Vicki said in an interview we won't.  She and hubby are living out east and she didn't want to appear.  Which makes me wonder why Vicki wasn't downgraded since the only interesting thing about her was seeing her be a grandma.

Well, she is seeing her boyfriend now and trying to persuede him to fill her love tank up permanently.  So that should be interesting .. NOT.

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5 minutes ago, tomsmom said:

Why was new housewife (the one I thiiiink might be an attorney) dressed like she was on Dynasty at dinner and the husband was dressed like he was going to a barbecue at Vicki’s??


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Kelly totally blew that out of proportion but if they insist on keeping Vicki on this franchise, we should get the pleasure of watching her get cussed out in every episode.  And we all know how vicious Kelly can be, so if she's going to go at Vicki while Tamra, Vicki and Shannon all hold hands and sing Kumbaya, that gives me something to look forward to.  

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1 hour ago, Annlynn said:

Please get rid of Tamra! I can't stand her fake nasty self.

And PLEASE take Vickie too.  Her and her apologies.  Eddie was decent to accept.  I wouldn’t.  Why doesn’t Vickie retire already?  I can’t stand her in every way.  I’m only watching because of Shannon and the new girls.  I’ll just have to FF when she is on.

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2 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

When will TPTB realize that watching young children run around like screaming banshees is not endearing, it's annoying. Kept those kids off camera please, with the nannies who take care of them all day. 

The contrast of Gina in her pageant gown with boobs hanging out and drag queen make up juxtaposed to her husband who looked like he just woke up was too funny. Ribs and fries for a major anniversary, seriously?

He really did go to school on David Beador.  We know what comes next...

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14 minutes ago, Wicked said:

I agree with you except for the "you guys turned on me" crap.

Yeah she was doing so well but I dont blame her for wanting Tamara to own some of it.. 

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45 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

Neither have a choice but to accept Vicki's half-arsed apology and take her back as "besties" since she's "the OG of the OG's;" and she's going nowhere! ;-)

She’s the Old Goat for sure.  Tamra is the alpha, and it was satisfying to see her request an audience to kiss her ring.

Eddie fucking hates her.  And no Vicki, he can’t make your ass look like Tamra’s.  

I rather like Emily, but her husband is creepy and that dry ass and crooked lipstick has to go.

shannons hair looks like shit.  She’s too wealthy to look that ratchet. 

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1 minute ago, charming said:

Vicki admitted in her TH that she had single friends who wanted to meet Kelly's husband so she invited them all the to BBQ. That's a crap thing to do to your "friend". And if it was not a big deal and so innocent then why did she conceal it from Kelly for months?

I say this as an avowed Kelly hater too.

Now that Vicki has secured Tamra and Shannon's (forced by producer's) friendship she's going to kick Kelly to the curb. 

Do Vicki's friends not watch the show? Didn't they see what an asshole he was last season? Aren't there any men in the OC who aren't jerks? Why are they asking about meeting him? Ewww...

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Vicki is a horrible horrible person. Horrible. Not that I expected any different tuning into this season but yeah. Horrible.

The lawyer and her hubs... no disrespect but in the first episode when we first met him I thought he was her gay bestie. I wouldn't be surprised if he's in the closet and had to get married to get the inheritance or whatever... There was ZERO sexual or romantic chemistry btwn the two of them. They don't even seem to be besties who got married because they were both of a certain age... no chemistry. At all. And I don't think it's that first season "uncomfortable in front of the cameras" situation...

Gina and her wild children.So far so nope.

This evening as I was waiting for the new episode to air I had zero excitement for it. I honestly wasn't looking fwd to watching, it's like I watched out of obligation because I'm a krap reality tv addict and it's been in my lineup for years... On the verge of bowing out. I'd rather rewatch shows I loved via hulu... bummer.

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36 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I don’t know how I feel about the Kelly/Michael/Vicki situation. Vicki should have told Kelly about Michael dating but Kelly said she wanted him to have a girlfriend. 

Too much Vicki this episode. The trip to Puerto Vallarta looks better. 

It may look better, but then we will have to contend with Vickie falling, screaming and just being annoying.

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Why is Steve with Vicki?  Why?

 I hope new girl #2 isn't going to be like Lizzy was and have the whole season revolve around changing her kid's crappy diapers.  That's all Lizzy and her husband ever did/talked about.

Last week I was wondering why Emily's sons had military haircuts.  Maybe their dad is already planning how to get them out of the house.  Send them to military academies. Is he the Mormon?  Mormons are usually all about big families.

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53 minutes ago, AntAnn said:

Ha ha ha! When I saw that coat I thought the same thing. She has absolutely no fashion sense...well any sense at all.

Especially that white lace sanitary napkin dress she wore to Tamra's baptism.

Vicki is a horrible waste of space.   I would believe an apology from Ted Bundy, not Vicki.

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12 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

When will TPTB realize that watching young children run around like screaming banshees is not endearing, it's annoying. Kept those kids off camera please, with the nannies who take care of them all day. 


Yep, two marks against the newbies as they have 6 banshees between them, and they are not the least bit entertaining. Ugh.

I would love a show with Eddie, Emily's husband and Archie. That is all I need. I loved it when Emily's husband told her that contrary to her belief that her embryos are lonely, that they have each other. That cracked me up. I hate women who are never happy. Does she expect her sister to now be a surrogate for a third pregnancy? And she has no guarantee that if she had another girl the two sisters would get along. Stop making up drama, Emily. I know you need a storyline, but this one is a dud. As are you, so far. 

While I think Vicki was wrong not to tell Kelly that she was double dating with his ex, Kelly has spent the entire time she has been on the show letting viewers know that she pretty much hates her husband, he is boring, she doesn't love him, etc. Pick a lane, Kelly. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Lol. What even is a salmon bowl?  And are expected to believe that necklace with the yellow stone didn’t come from Charming Charlie’s?

Odd to say the least that a Mormon man marries a woman who is not nor did she become a Mormon. And something about Persians. God I hope those hideous Shah people don’t cross over. 

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42 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

  I think I have reached my fill of this show. I can't stand Vicki. She is such a vile hypocrite. If someone did that to her she would be screaming. But good for Kelly. This bitch faked cancer to make coins. She is no one's friend.

I have felt that way for years concerning Vickie and stopped watching because of her and her drunken “who who” like she’s a big party girl.  I came back for the new girls.  Kelly was right, no matter what.  Vickie should have been truthful. Besides, I think Andy likes her, so that’s that.  I meant “who hoo” or what ever the hell she screeches.

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49 minutes ago, charming said:

Vicki admitted in her TH that she had single friends who wanted to meet Kelly's husband so she invited them all the to BBQ. That's a crap thing to do to your "friend". And if it was not a big deal and so innocent then why did she conceal it from Kelly for months?

I say this as an avowed Kelly hater too.

Now that Vicki has secured Tamra and Shannon's (forced by producer's) friendship she's going to kick Kelly to the curb. 

Agree.  Not a fan of Kelly's, but I don't blame her for being upset with Vicki in this case.

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36 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

The lawyer and her hubs... no disrespect but in the first episode when we first met him I thought he was her gay bestie. I wouldn't be surprised if he's in the closet and had to get married to get the inheritance or whatever... There was ZERO sexual or romantic chemistry btwn the two of them.

Yeah, I hate to say this, especially on the night that Vicki's "Eddie's gay" apology tour had its final act, but the moment this chick said they never dated, he proposed over text/social media, he was Mormon, divorced and didn't require her to convert I thought he was a conversion camp kid just faking it to make it. Her admitting he had an inheritance and didn't have to work was just gravy. The look on his face when she said that if she had fish tacos they would go in between her boobs and he would be having to go in there and 'fish them out' screamed "I ain't going in there!"

I really don't want to hear about fertility and adding more to the herd. I feel for her somewhat but damn she is blessed to have 3. Be thankful. 

Oh Vicki! If it stopped at Michael just having met this friend at her BBQ, I might've given her a pass, but to go out on double dates? Multiple double dates?!? No ma'am.  Oh Vicki. At damn near 60, people just need to stop having hopes that she will grow as a person and learn a lesson. That old dog can't learn new tricks. 

Still can't stand Tamballs but as an avowed house porn addict I am interested in how her reno turns out. I don't know how I feel about that gigantic banquette in the middle of the kitchen!

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1 hour ago, JD5166 said:

Is the new gal an attorney? She hasn’t mentioned what she does? Also, she smells a fart...all the time. 

Totally has  a smelled a fart look all the time. Not only was she dressed in the Dynasty collection at dinner, nary a hair was out of place when she was working out.

1 hour ago, Wicked said:

I think the New York housewife could be fun, she actually reminds me of Brianna. They have the same kind of wide eyed smile.

She reminded me of Brianna, too.

Vicki's apology was ridiculous. I was waiting for Eddie to roll his eyes several times. I think deep down, he knows she's full of shit.

If I was good friends with someone, I doubt I'd be by hanging around her ex husband. It would be awkward to me. Who knew she was that good of friends with Kelly's ex?

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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

In my head I always think “I thought turkeys could fly” when someone says “As god is my witness”....

RIP Mr. Carlson.

turkeys do fly...not very high but they do fly

Edited by jaybird2
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Gosh.  How long did that so called 'apology' go on before Vicks actually said, "I'm sorry?"  No, no Eddie, don't accept it.  Ok.  Your wife needs a paycheck...

Gosh.  How desperate is Vicks for a ring?

Gosh.  That conversation between new woman number one and her Mormon husband was painful to watch at dinner. 

New housewife from Long Island was a bit easier to take.  And I guess because I get having to spend time in another place.  I know couples who do and my husband traveled well over fifty percent of the time.  Just sayin. 

Archie sighting... Cool.

Overall, it was a boring episode

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I'm all for hiring a housewife that has kids, but I'd rather they be 12/13 or older instead of little kids running around while the housewife thinks they're adorable.  

I truly think Vicki doesn't think she was lying to Kelly, it's almost fascinating seeing Vicki say in one sentence that she had no idea what happened with Kelly's ex and Vicki's friend.. and in the following sentence just casually mention that she and Steve went out a few times with Kelly's ex and Vicki's friend.  I think Kelly was more upset that Vicki was lying to her rather than the fact that her ex was dating someone.

Emily doesn't like to work out and she seems a little quirky.  I think she's trying to be like Jeana/Shannon.. but both of those girls were just themselves.  Perhaps Emily will eventually let her true persona come out.  I don't know about anyone else, but if I hired her to be my lawyer... I'd be concerned if I found out she was a party planner on the side.. I'd be afraid her focus wouldn't be 100 percent on my case because she'd be either distracted about a party she was planning, or she would drop my case onto one of her inexperienced assistants to research.

Gina...hmmm.. jury is out.  Again.. why can't we hire a housewife with teen children and/or grown children.

Shannon's three daughters (especially Stella) have unique personalities... heck I'd watch a whole episode of Shannon embarrassing her three daughters by accident by doing her Bret Michael's stance or trying to listen to music her daughters listen to.

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So Kely should have a bbq and invite Donn and set him up. Then she should go on double dates with him. Vicki would be totally cool with that I’m sure. She wouldn’t turn into a screeching banshee at all lol.

Long island gals kids annoyed me already. I don’t care about the little kids. They seem like brats anyways. I think her husband prob has a side chick but she ignores it.

Other new attorney wife and her husband seem like barely friends. He does seem like he’d be in the closet but who knows. Also her whole Mormon men make great husbands made me laugh since she is his 2nd wife. 

Hopefully Long Island new wife steps it up because I don’t have faith in attorney new wife. Mega boring.

Vicki is disgusting still and always.

Edited by Marley
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Oh, isn't it kind of weird that Vicks invited Kelly's ex to a barbecue but it seems like Kelly wasn't invited?

And yeah, Vicks should have given Kelly a heads up on her ex husband no matter what Kelly has said to her regarding her hoping that her ex finds someone.  And I can't stand Kelly.

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19 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Gina's son Buca will never be able to walk into a gift shop and find a keychain or a miniature license plate with his name on it.

Yeah but he’s got a whole Fauxtalian restaurant chain to compensate! ;)


Also reminds me of one of my favorite Simpsons episodes...

Edited by ivygirl
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1 hour ago, Thumper said:

Agree.  Not a fan of Kelly's, but I don't blame her for being upset with Vicki in this case.

My 16 y/o walked into the room during that last scene with Vicki and Kelly, watched for a minute and said “the woman with the lips is right”. She meant Kelly and I agree. At the very least Vicki should have called Kelly and told her what was going down with her ex. Girl code. Then when she saw how upset Kelly was she could have been a little more sensitive and caring.

Looks like a good season.

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The new wife married to the Mormon Persian guy reminds me of the female they added to MDLLA last season.  Tracy maybe was her name? And I'm about as interested in this new wife as I was that other gal on MDLLA.  Which is not a good statement!

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So we are expected to believe that Vicki was just driving around Laguna in the middle of the day wearing a skinned muppet, several pearl necklaces when Tamra and Eddie were eating in Laguna and then call Kelly on the fly.

i will never be team Vicki but Kelly seemed to be only saying that she should have told her that she was hanging out with Michael and his new girlfriend and that the girlfriend is also friends with Vicki. Vicki is so weird that she when confronted with the thing that is normal/polite/obvious she does the exact opposite.

Edited by biakbiak
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3 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

And something about Persians. God I hope those hideous Shah people don’t cross over. 

Persian here. I'd be curious if you inserted another ethnicity or race instead of 'Persian' in your sentence, if you'd think it'd be okay to hint at whatever stereotypical thought you have about a group of people.

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2 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Does Vicki have a conscience? I mean, rewatching hat scene with her and Kelly at the end, it’s like she’s incapable of understanding human emotions and honest behavior—and then does her darndest to blame the other person. “Don’t put it on me that I had a party and your ex was there and he met a woman and we’ve hung out several times but I didn’t bother to tell you any of this until you confronted me!!!1!11!!!!”


Hello, another example after witnessing 10 TV years of Vicki Gunvalson's Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

NEVER taking blame for one's own hurtful- to- others action. Sociopathic. Me, me, me.

Yawn, eyeroll, sickening, tiring, and a refection of the dis-ease of the USA. DT bigtime.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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