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S08.E29: Trouble in Paradise


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1 hour ago, smhjess said:

Not quite.  She like Kail and so many other reality stars went and got BBL that looks good only at a certain weight.  The minute they gained weight with pregnancy it blew out of proportion and looked like a diaper.  Bri wanted what she had pre baby.

I’m aware. It never looked good on her, imo. It always looked ridiculous and too large. 

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

My favorite moments from that tea spilling session between Barb and Nathan:

  • Nathan calling Jenelle out on the fact that she is human tofu. When she was with him, she was a gym rat now she is with Lurch, it's guns and country living.
  • Barb's calendars detailing Jenelle's neglect.  I wonder if they were the deciding factor in Jenelle's lawyer advising her to settle with Barb because she has non-existent case. Lol

Kail and her friend just looked dirty this whole trip. Like they reek of patchouli and funk! 

I know it's mean but I got a kick out of how Chris goes out of his way to avoid having to speak to Kail. 

So did Kail's trip and Bri's surgery occur around the same time because that would explain why Javi was so hellbent on playing Nurse Sceentime. Couldn't film with Kail so he forces himself into Briana's segments.

I doubt that video Paisley made was her idea.

That poor horse!

Kail tweeted the surgery happened in January and her and Leah’s trip is March. 

(Jack was meant to be Javi) 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Kail and her friend just looked dirty this whole trip. Like they reek of patchouli and funk!

So did Kail's trip and Bri's surgery occur around the same time because that would explain why Javi was so hellbent on playing Nurse Sceentime. Couldn't film with Kail so he forces himself into Briana's segments.

So much gold here!  “Nurse Screentime!”  

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Typically, I follow along live tweets while watching Dateline. Tonight, it became too much to try and weed through tweets, with Tweetdeck actually crashing when I tried to just watch the Dateline hashtag (if you're fortunate enough to be scratching your head why, it's a political bitchfest on social media). So, I came to see if this episode was worth watching and it has barely any comments, so I guess not. I suppose some are probably following the political situation, but I I'm still surprised by the little amount of posts.

I'll come back tomorrow morning and there will be ten pages of posts I can catch up on, like what happens every week on 90 Day Fiance. It's such a hard life I lead, I'm going to see if Kail will let me join her "Poor Me Club." Unless the uniform requires clothing that is two sizes (at least) too small with size zero shorts, because otherwise I'll just sit here and pout. Putting up with her will be bad enough.

  • Love 5

This season has been BOOOORING. I blame Briana. Why did they add her to the show again? 

Nathan is not articulate. I think he lies a lot and is an idiot, but is still a better parent than Jenelle, (as if that's hard.)

Whenever I start to like Leah, I remember that she too is an idiot who basically gave her twins the same name.

Didn’t feel like watching the Hawaiian vacation montage. I'm absolutely not into the whole kail-javi-briana triangle. I don’t care who sky dives and gets plastic surgery.

As for Chelsea, I guess it was nice of her to get Aubree and Adam’s other kid together, but I remember when the other girl was born and she was basically against it. She “didn’t want Aubree to have a sibling.” I see you, Chelsea.

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I know! I came here to say the same thing. Her “friend” is telling them about Corey struggling with their daughter’s terminal condition and Kail cannot put the effing phone down?! At least Leah had the friend’s attention.

I was genuinely happy to see Nathan and Barbara getting along and Nathan actually being sweet to her with the comment about how small she was. She knew he was full of it but he meant it to be kind, I think.

I noticed Kailyn's disinterest wrt to Leah's situation with Ali in the previews, and I thought "Surely this is just the editing..." but alas, I was wrong. That woman has NO heart. 



Nathan: "Guess what I got finally finalized!"

Oh, Nathan. You sure are pretty though.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Stusan said:

That. Was. So. BORING.

This post right here is more interesting than the entirety of that episode.

Didn't they tease us last week that Janelle's road rage incident was going to be this week? And now it's next week? Or not? This felt like filler.

It was posted that it will air the 23rd. Someone must have jumped ahead on their guide but the date definitely said 23rd. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

First time I have seen Nova laughing and playing was tonight with her father. She needed an escape from all the estrogen!

Nova should absolutely have more time with Devoid. I bet he was enjoying himself more as well, out in the fresh air and not having every move scrutinized in that tiny apartment. He definitely has been a slouch and a deadbeat, but it's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy with those shrews. 


7 hours ago, eskimo said:

Javi reminded me of every cliched salesman.  'We better hurry and make this deal because someone else called about this car earlier and are on their way down here right now'.  Javi fell below Briana on my personal ratings scale, and that's saying something.

YES! I couldn't put my finger on the vibe he was giving off, but that was totally it. I was once looking at rentals a guy just as thirsty as Javi was putting so much pressure on me, I walked out of my dream home and never looked back. If you have to try that hard, there's got to be something wrong. 

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:


I was genuinely happy to see Nathan and Barbara getting along and Nathan actually being sweet to her with the comment about how small she was. She knew he was full of it but he meant it to be kind, I think.

Nathan is with kind words what David is with fighting words....all kinds of awkward. I don't want to insult the girlfriend, but comparing her to a piece of art that will net him a billion dollars...PLEASE!!


3 hours ago, elsie said:


Kail looked rough this episode. I'm down for not spending your adventure vacation time worrying about hair and makeup, but...wow

The only one that looks pretty without makeup is , dare I say, Jenelle.


40 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


Also, why doesn't Nathan ride WITH his mom, instead of taking two separate vehicles? These people confuse the fuck out of me. 


Why can't Kaiser ride with Nathan? (And btw I'm sure they break those "rules" when the cameras aren't there. Was nana at the mini golf course?)

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Linny said:

Wow, Kaiser absolutely lit up when he saw Nathan; I can't recall him ever looking so joyous to see David. Regardless of everything that transpired between Nathan and Barb in the past, I think it's good that they're staying in communication about Kaiser's well-being. Keeping tabs and comparing notes is the best resource they've got against David and Jenelle.

It was sweet that Chelsea arranged a playdate between Aubree and her half-sister, and I hope that in the future she'll be more diligent about letting them spend time together. Just because Adam is a worthless absent father doesn't mean these girls should be robbed of a sibling relationship. 

Javi is a real piece of work, bitching about "betrayal" and being "owed an apology" from Briana, and at the same time telling her he's got another girl waiting in the wings willing to give him everything Briana won't. That's such a dirty manipulative threat, and it speaks to how little respect he has for both women that he's okay with playing them like that. I think sometimes I let the fact that Javi's a good dad blind me to the fact he's kind of an asshole, but my eyes are open now.

Leah was sitting on that stunning Hawaiian beach talking about Ali's really serious issues, and then there was Kail, looking like the world's smelliest mermaid. It's hard for me to care about Kail's stress over Chris when Leah is navigating her daughter's health crisis. Kail's baby-daddy issues are entirely of her own creation, whereas Leah's daughter will struggle her entire life with a disorder that is completely outside of anyone's control. Kail really needs some perspective to recognize that her problems are small potatoes compared to what Leah's facing.

A real smile on Kaiser's little face. I think it may be the first time I've ever seen one.

Javi. Jesus fucking Christ. Laying down his stupid rules about who should be playing nursemaid. Javi. Brianna owes you NOTHING. You guys broke up. You are over. You have no "right" to anything to do with her! What a fucking creep.

So, now Chris is trash. Got it. Kail remains spotless while her various baby daddies are consigned to the dumpster.

8 hours ago, Emkat said:

Just fuck these bitches and their Hawaii vacation.

Normal people working jobs and raising kids and living a regular life are unlikely to ever get there. 

Yes; I'm jealous of that. But it's the truth. And they have done nothing to deserve it and don't seem to appreciate it at all. 

Kail talks about jetting off to Hawaii the way most of  us talk about a trip to the mall. She is such a repellent hose beast. Does she feel no shame, face timing her kids as she lolls on a beach thousands of miles away from them? Lux is still an infant! She makes my blood boil.

  • Love 21

I knows laws differ by state but Nathan needs to look into filing a no contact against David. If Macy could obtain one based off of threatening text, hopefully, Nathan can obtain one too.  I say this because if Nathan is serious about getting Kai out if there, he  needs to play it smart.  If he can't  get a no contact, he needs to go back to court and have it specified that David not be present at pick ups or drop-offs, only the parents. He has to legally force their hand and give them enough rope to hang themselves. He also needs to follow  Barb's advice and document everything.  

  • Love 20

Loved another one of Kail’s global lesbian housepeople hangers-on declaring Kail’s baby daddy to be trash. Um, three different baby daddies under 30 with the education of a spare tire. Not saying Chris isn’t trash because obviously he is, but all those hoes live in the dumpster.

Javi is crazy! Those eyes when he was talking to Bri and Shirley (poor Shirley! Learning the hard way that even free plastic surgery has a cost). These girls really do know how to pick ‘em. And I’m sure the girl he had chomping at the bit to move to Dover was a real prize. I picture some leg less science experiment being lowered by crane. 

And I kind of like Bri better without her gross hags orbiting her like moons and shutting down Javi’s bizarre nonsense. 

  • Love 9

Geeeez! I wonder what is going on at Javi's house right now. "I could settle but I don't want to. I have a girl who would move to Delaware for me, but you're the only one I feel this way for. I could fill that void with someone else but I don't want to." Way to make Lauren feel special! And in what world does he have stronger feelings for bri than anybody? Even though he and Kail didn't have the ideal marriage, he deeply loved her and was infatuated by her for a long time. So I call BS. I actually feel sorry for this lauren girl, because I'm sure javi was just telling her what she wanted to hear. Plus, this is her first pregnancy, and she's presumably been working and living a normal life, not popping out babies left and right like this crowd! I wouldn't feel as bad if she was another Jenelle or Kail, but it's GOT to suck to be on your first pregnancy and be humiliated on TV this way. 

Bri could not stop playing with the hair behind her bun, and it drove me craaaaazy!!!! Like, stop already!

i loved seeing Devoin play with Nova. I think there could be some hope for him if the coven wasn't so exasperating to be around.

I don't consider MTV a babysitting service, jenelle. They shouldn't be allowed to do drop offs for her, although unfortunately, that's probably the only way said drop offs will be civil. 

I loved Nathan and Kaiser light up around each other! I don't want to put too much hope in Nathan, but his girlfriend seems like a good influence, and maybe she could encourage him to stay on the straight and narrow. I bet Doris is praying they stay together! The way he told Kaiser that it was he rules he ride with Nana, but he would be riding right beside them was super sweet. He understands how kids think way better than Jenelle does! Nathan and babs was super entertaining, and they weren't wrong about anything! I love that babs has calendars going back to 2009. I wanted to high five Nathan when he said Jenelle changes her personality with every booooooyfriend. I think he has a good heart, and will always care for her in some way. Too bad that he had to suffer PTSD. I have the feeling he would be way different now if that had never happened. 

Aubree teaching Paislee to bowl was EVERYTHING. It could melt even the coldest of hearts! I feel like if Chelsea was anyone else, the fact that the girls hadn't seen each other in 4-5 months would be criticized, but Chelsea is Chelsea. However, taylor could pick up the phone too, and ultimately, they're both Adam's kids, and therefore his responsibility. He should care that they know they're both his kids, to the point where Paislee isn't asking if Cole is Aubree's dad. It doesn't sound like Chelsea or taylor has a good relationship with his parents either. And that, people, is why you don't knowingly procreate with a total asswad! Chelsea already knew what he was like when she (IMO) chose to get pregnant with him, and Taylor DEFINITELY decided to get pregnant by him WITH the information out there to the world that he is a horrible dad and person. Both seem like decent ladies, so it's a shame they are stuck with this. And I was thinking, taylor and Paislee were at Chelsea's wedding, which would have likely been 4-5 months before that. I wonder how long it's been since they've had a play date like this one! I still think Taylor and Paislee don't quite fit into Chelsea's familyyyyyyyy image, and she maybe sees them more like cousins in her mind. And again, ladies and gentlemen, that's what happens when you reproduce with an awful person. Even when you have moved on and found a family of your own, your life will be more complicated because of him.

kail was so annoying during the Hawaii trip! Leah reminded me of myself when I was a little girl at church, following around the "big girls," who were into more mischief than I was. She seems so much younger! I believe Leah has a kind heart, and would never be friends with Kail in real life. All of her friends, like Kayla and Victoria, seem kind too. I get the feeling that Kail feels like the typical childfree college student or recent graduate, completely entitled to go on trips with just her friends and have a good time. She seemed so comfortable, while Leah seemed to miss her kids the whole time. When Kail did talk about Lux, she was more bitching about Chris. That reminded me so much of college aged christina87, who was all into drama, and would have reveled in a juicy call about something my current love interest or ex had done wrong. Time to grow up, Kail! You are closing in on your late twenties, and are a mother of three. Not saying you can't have fun on vacation, but it was pretty evident to see how little she thought about her kids vs how much Leah did. I did like seeing Kail talk Leah into trying the skydiving, which was outside her comfort zone. We all need a friend who will do that!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 15
37 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

BS. I actually feel sorry for this lauren girl, because I'm sure javi was just telling her what she wanted to hear. Plus, this is her first pregnancy, and she's presumably been working and living a normal life, not popping out babies left and right like this crowd! I wouldn't feel as bad if she was another Jenelle or Kail, but it's GOT to suck to be on your first pregnancy and be humiliated on TV this way. 



39 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Aubree teaching Paislee to bowl was EVERYTHING. It could melt even the coldest of hearts! I feel like if Chelsea was anyone else, the fact that the girls hadn't seen each other in 4-5 months would be criticized, but Chelsea is Chelsea. However, taylor could pick up the phone too, and ultimately, they're both Adam's kids, and therefore his responsibility. He should care that they know they're both his kids, to the point where Paislee isn't asking if Cole is Aubree's dad. It doesn't sound like Chelsea or taylor has a good relationship with his parents either. And that, people, is why you don't knowingly procreate with a total asswad! Chelsea already knew what he was like when she (IMO) chose to get pregnant with him, and Taylor DEFINITELY decided to get pregnant by him WITH the information out there to the world that he is a horrible dad and person.

4-5 months is a bit of time since they both live in the same small town, BUT Chelsea and Taylor aren’t perfect. Taylor probably works and wants to spend her free time with her own family/friends/boyfriend (if she has one) and not spend her weekends with Chelsea and Aubree (and vice versa). They have both come a LONG way and are making an effort for the girls which the most important thing. Considering Adam is doing NOTHING at all for both girls to know each other the slack the Moms are picking up is noted. Maybe they can commit to something at least every other month so the girls can play, or Paislee can come over for sleepovers (since it’s known that Cole isn’t a creep or anything). 

  • Love 13

I think Chelsea had said they hadn't seen them in 4-5 months so probably at the wedding? 

Nathan can talk about having his charges dropped but he needs to realize that he needs to STAY out of trouble, too. Dude has as many mugshots as Jenelle. Though maybe he's working on anger since he didn't resort to rage when hearing about Kaiser's allegations regarding David?

So by this time was Javi's new baby mama already knocked up?  So far I've been one to think he was mostly Kail's victim but he really is shady AF.

I hope Devoin's outing with Nova has given him some confidence and that their time will result in more time. I swear some of these women make the guys feel so incompetent to take care of their own kids. I recognize they were usually deadbeats to start but when you treat someone like they're incapable of handling a 5/6 year old on their own, maybe they start to believe that. Though Devoin has basically been begging Briana for some time with Nova AWAY from the Coven. These hos love to have control over their kids, though, to exert some control over their exes.

  • Love 10

Was that...actual emotion from Briana when discussing Javi's side piece? I'm not sure how to feel about it, I guess I just never thought we'd see it. It takes a lot to get me feeling sympathetic for Briana, good job, Javi.

I actually enjoyed the Hawaii scenes, mostly because they were gorgeous, but also because of the skydiving. My partner and I scoured those scenes to see if we knew anyone, but the camera flyers work really hard to keep fun jumpers out of frame (because we're assholes who will no doubt ruin your special memories, even unintentionally), so we could only see the TI. Still, it was gorgeous. Reminded me of jumping in Costa Rica last year.

I enjoyed this episode a lot more and I think it's because we saw so little of Jenelle and none of David. Mind you, I was editing my own skydiving videos at the time and wasn't paying full attention, but it was pleasant. No coven, no Adam, no David, fun activities in a beautiful location. Let's have more of these.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:



4-5 months is a bit of time since they both live in the same small town, BUT Chelsea and Taylor aren’t perfect. Taylor probably works and wants to spend her free time with her own family/friends/boyfriend (if she has one) and not spend her weekends with Chelsea and Aubree (and vice versa). They have both come a LONG way and are making an effort for the girls which the most important thing. Considering Adam is doing NOTHING at all for both girls to know each other the slack the Moms are picking up is noted. Maybe they can commit to something at least every other month so the girls can play, or Paislee can come over for sleepovers (since it’s known that Cole isn’t a creep or anything). 

Yeah, I definitely agree! There are so many things I mean to do and people I mean to see, but there are only 24 hours in a day and sometimes things just get away from you! Too bad adam can't take responsibility for them seeing each other. Sleepovers are a great idea, and might help Aubree feel les left out when Watson gets a sibling about his age, and Cole and Chelsea have their hands full with babieeeeees in the house!

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