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S36.E14: It is Game Time Kids

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Castaways try to navigate their way to immunity when facing the biggest maze in the history for the game, and a fire-making challenge could change one person's fate. After 39 days, one castaway will take home the $1 million dollar prize and the title of sole Survivor

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There was a point around one of the commercials during the episode that Probst began with "Okay we know Ghost Island as an idea..." and he paused, then finished by saying "was kind of a goofy (or maybe cheesy something like that) idea." I was so waiting for an apology for what a dud the entire concept was and additionally that this was w/o doubt the most boring season ever (with a teeny asterisk for the tied final). But instead he kept pumping up what a great season this was. Where was that season when I was watching?? Where's MY apology for time wasted, huh Probst?

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I hate the fire-making challenge. Remember when going to fire at 4 was exciting? This might have been moreso had it not been the woman who's had such an invisible edit even the other people playing seem to forget she's there vs. the guy who's randomly narrated bits of the action and is tied-favourite to win. There was no way we were getting an Angela-Laurel-Dom F3, and that's been clear for weeks. 

I'm amazed by the tie. That was actually great. 

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They need to get rid of the fire making challenge for 3 reasons: it does not prevent a goat from getting to the final 3 and won't necessarily save a strong player, it's unfair to someone who might actually make the final 3 on their own, and it takes up way too much time.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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18 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Can next season ... reverse the curse?

To answer that honestly... I don't know. I mean it wouldn't be hard... but we'll see if Survivor has a worthy 37th kick at the bucket left. Or will it too implode over too many BB'esque 'twists' that left us not knowing anyone's names, a super dud of a theme (all themes in my opinion are duds but whooo BOY was G.I. a stinker!!) and a non-reunion as the cast was just THAT uninteresting to even bother asking 90% of them anything.

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If I was ever going on Survivor, the one thing I’d definitely do is practice fire every day before I went. And then, while I was out there, I’d still be making fire every day!

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Interesting end to a crap season. I assumed that the third finalist would break the tie for years, but I figured that each player would cast a private ballot that would only get shown in case of a tie. I dunno if Dom taking  Laurel to Day 39 was the end-all/be-all mistake Probst was hyping. I was pumped, thinking that Dom would relinquish immunity and try to take out Wendell personally. That would have taken massive testicles. Instead, Dom gets to constantly wonder what would've happened if he picked Angela. Would she have voted for him? Would Laurel have beaten Wendell with the fire? Then I remember . . . I don't care, and the sound we're now hearing is Probst spanking it to footage of the next season. Ghost Island is in the past now.

The legacy: too many damn idols. Also, Sia is still a fan. Maybe she hates herself like a lot of us do. Now I want to see fans parody her music and videos using Survivor as a template. Not making fun of her, mind you, but the series itself.

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The firemaking doesn’t bother me, because it does create a huge decision for the IC winner. I liked seeing Dom go through all the various scenarios.

Angela lost it the minute she let Wendell move from the spot that was freaking him out. Ugh, never give up an advantage!

Glad that it was as obvious to the jury as it was to the TV audience that Laurel was a goat.

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Have there always been 10 jurors? I thought the usual number was 9, just to avoid any chance of a tie. Made for an interesting end to the season, though. Personally, I would have given the edge to Dom, but that’s just my bias for aggressive and risky play.  I’m not at all mad that Wendell won, though, as he was the one I liked most.  I think this was one of the better casts they’ve had.  My only problem with the season is that the editing pretty much telegraphed the ending and took away much of the suspense.  Since it was clearly the Wendell and Dom Show, there was no way they weren’t both going to the end and one of them winning.

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14 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Have there always been 10 jurors? I thought the usual number was 9, just to avoid any chance of a tie. 

It still could have been a tie. It could have been 4-4-1

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True ‘nuff. 

ETA: This comment was meant to follow the response made by nutty1, two comments above, but it also works in the current position. ;)

Edited by 30 Helens
PumpkinPK types fast!
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Chris redeemed himself a bit for me. 

Michael is so handsome. I hope we see him on another season. 

I think I’ll be rooting for the David team next season. 

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2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I hate that fire making challenge so much! Good lord, my heart!  I would have been so epically disappointed if we didn't get a Dom/Wendell showdown in the final TC. It would have killed me not knowing who the jury would have picked. I know that there's no specific set of rules explaining why someone "deserves" to win Survivor but, damn, no way in Hell did Angela deserve to be in the final 3 more than Wendell. She was invisible and clueless the entire time.  (But wow does she clean up nice!)  I honestly don't remember ever seeing an alliance of two where both people played an equally great game in terms of challenge wins and being so good at reading people.And they did it without being smug assholes, never making it personal. I love people who play hard but still understand that it's just a game. Not to mention, they both have balls of steel when it comes to idols. They both still had their idols at the final 5...that's crazy! I cannot believe Dom's bluff with the fake idol worked at that first TC. My jaw dropped when he didn't play the real one.  I thought for sure he was going to get booted! .

Laurel had such potential but ended up such a disappointment.  She was content to meekly be dragged along as a goat while talking about all the big moves she was going to make but never did.

Dom and Wendell both did great with the jury. I think Dom did a little better though, he's a good talker. I think this might be the first season ever where we truly did have the best going up against the best! And Laurel.

ETA: Holy crap! I always wondered what would happen if there was a tie! Poor Laurel, I would never be able to keep a secret for so many months. I wonder if she actually did manage to do it.

I think Dom did far better (excepting the eye rolling) because Wendell gave up.  He got pissed and ignored Dom and turned totally defeatist.  The guy even gasped at the first vote he got because he thought he had blown it.  I think some of the votes Wendell got were people who took the game personally and were butt hurt. 

Sea Bass:  You were so mean!  Yeah, dude, I was totally voting you out of the game in a blindside, but I'm a lover and you're a meanie.

I hope to never see Sea Bass again.  I'm surprised Kellyn thought Wendell was the strategist when it was Dom calming her high-strung ass down all the time. 

And Wendell's "saving" Laurel was for show.  They knew how the votes were going but it probably won him the game.

I really liked Wendell, although it sounds like I don't, but I preferred Dom.  I'll get over it the longer I go from seeing Wendell's sulking at tribal.

I think Laurel presented her case in a very smart and strategic way.  It just wasn't enough.

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At one time I was rooting for Laurel, but then she kept passing up opportunities to get out Dom or Wendell.  Not getting rid of them only for the sake of making a big move but to get out unbeatable players.  It served her right to not get any votes and I hope that she thought about it as she watched herself on TV saying over and over that it wasn't the right time.  Well it certainly isn't the right time when it's the last day the HII's can be played, and the two big dogs are taking turns with the III.  I like her on a personal level, but she had zero chance at that final tribal counsel.

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It really was a fundamentally flawed approach to believe that she would win in the "they will split the votes" scenario. The basis of that scenario has people voting for one of two people and totally disregarding her which is exactly how it went down. I liked her but she never quite put any plan but that one into action.

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I think Laurel presented her case in a very smart and strategic way.  It just wasn't enough.

I agree with this. And as annoyed as I was with Laurel, her reasoning was sound. If she took out either Dom or Wendell, she a) loses the other, and b) becomes one of the very next targets. Being a Malolo was definitely a disadvantage this season.

She had what I think of as the Hannah problem. She could do what the jury wanted and remove Dom or Wendell, but that would effectively be killing her own game at that point. Unfortunately, the jury doesn't reward you playing the best game for *you.* They reward you for making moves they like or want to see.

Someone somewhere on these boards asked what Laurel meant when she said she made the decisions about who to send home. That was true for quite a few votes. Laurel and Donathan were the swing votes. She chose to keep Dom and Wendell for the above reason. But again, the jury doesn't reward that because she wasn't really driving the game. She was the one who ended up wielding the power of decision, but she wasn't free to use it any way she wanted. Going against D&W would have removed that power from her and left her vulnerable.

Before this episode, I slightly favored Wendell, but I have to say that I thought Dom worked his rear end off those last few days. I was surprised to find myself rooting for him at the end, though really either was fine.

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I disagree with most, I thought all three were great in that jury.  They addressed issues and really didn't back down. Dom did himself a disservice when he said there were no masterminds. He should've played himself up as the mastermind of that alliance. Onto the final 5.

Seabass: why vote donathon? Even if he plays the idol, from the way you were thinking it wouldn't have been you going home it would've been donathon.  Plus use your advantages, fool!

Donathon: you were all over the place,  next time around, tone it down and I legit think you can win.

Angela: you made the argument that had to be made at the ftc, but sadly there was no way you'd win this jury.

Dom: If you won, I wouldn't have been pissed. I think your theatrics probably cost you votes . Wouldn't be questioning about bringing along angela as opposed to Laurel.  In theory it made sense to keep a sure Wendell vote off the Jury. 

Wendell: One of my favorite winners. As half of one of the greatest duos out there, you bought it and won by playing a hybrid game. I don't think its a coincidence that your five votes were the last five people voted off.

That jury was ridiculous, let  Angela, Celsea and co. speak. wtf?

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IMO, an all-time horrible season had one of the best FTCs I can remember. I thought it was really well-argued by everyone, even Laurel. 

I'm seriously wondering if the jury made a deal to split the votes and go to a tie. The first five jurors voting for Dom and the last five voting for Wendell felt strange to me. 

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For a season that was supposed to be about reversing the curse and not making the same dumb mistakes as past players.....I’m sorry, but there were a lot of bonehead mistakes with this bunch. Boring, boring season. 

19 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Please, someone tell me that Sebastian's hilarious stoner faces during FTC have been turned into memes already. That was the best part of the whole show. 

I know! He was the only reason worth watching last night!

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2 hours ago, simplyme said:

I agree with this. And as annoyed as I was with Laurel, her reasoning was sound. If she took out either Dom or Wendell, she a) loses the other, and b) becomes one of the very next targets.

This is doubly true because they both had idols and were both winning immunity in that end game - if she flips and they manage a blindside, one of them goes home with an idol in his pocket. The other is still there and still has an idol, and she's their target (plus also expendable to the alliance she flipped to, who would need a secondary target because of that very idol, so she almost certainly goes next). If she flips and they catch wind of it, they use their idols to bounce her then and there. There was a small chance she could orchestrate something where neither of them had immunity and only one played their idol and the other went home, but that's risky, and it still doesn't put her in the power position.

She played the right game to get her to the f3, and that sucks for the jury - and many of the viewers at home - but it got her there, whereas flipping probably wouldn't have. I know there's a lot of talk about playing to win, and not for third place, but if you can't get to the F3, you can't win anyway. It was super-frustrating to watch - and I say that even as a fan of Dom and Wendell - but it was her best move. 

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5 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Angela lost it the minute she let Wendell move from the spot that was freaking him out. Ugh, never give up an advantage!

They were all too helpful to each other, Wendell was telling Domenick to mind his tone with the jury.

The seal was set on this craptastic season at the start of the final episode, Angela deciding to blow up the blindside and then Sebastian not making a move when he didn't really have much to lose.  Neither made much sense to me.  Both Domenick and Wendell also came across as too arrogant, and this was brought up at the final tribal.


Donathan got some fan money but I think he can thank the editors there, they started the whole underdog story.

I think the way they do this final tribal now is too messy and doesn't make that much sense, I really hope they abandon it but they probably won't.  Camplife is more social than outwit for a start, and outplay is really the combination of everything.  It was way better when every juror had a question/statement to them to say something,

By doing most of the votes in Fiji they likely gave away who was the winner to everyone who knew the tie there, so while it was original they may as well have held them all back.

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I don’t think that’s how the vote went. I thought the reason they showed the players that way (5 for Dom then 5 for Wendell) was to show who voted for each. 

Did anyone think Dom was wrong making a big deal out of his “2” idols at that tribal council? I thought he played it beautifully. I can’t believe the jury was so pissy about it.  

It was a tough choice between Wendell and Dom, but I do think Dom deserved it a tad more. 

Edited by nutty1
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Reminder- the winner is announced at the top of the reunion show. NOT in this episode. Keep the talk of the winner in the reunion thread in consideration for the posters who haven’t seen the reunion show yet. 

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Can someone explain to me how Angela and Laurel did not know how to make fire? They knew that there was a final fire making challenge and yet neither Angela or Laurel knew how to make fire. What the fuck? At least start practicing when you get to the merge. Dom was showing Angela how to shave the magnisium and start a fire at Ghost Island. Are you flipping kidding me? Just no. This is more egrigious then not knowing how to drive stick on the Amazing Race.

Laurel made the exact argument that I thought that she would make. Flipping would not have helped Laurel. She would have gone home sooner. That said, she didn't even bother learning how to make freaking fire. She did not do what she needed ot do to win. 

I thought Dom owned the final tribal. Wendell struggled with some of the questions and came off as whiney. 

I had to laugh when it was clear that Chelsea, Angela, Jenna, Des, and Libby made it through the final tribal having barely said anything. 

I am fine with who won.

Edited by ProfCrash
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I was so nervous for the FTC, Dom was making me crazy with his recklessness.  First when he played the fake idol and didn't play the real one during the Sebastian vote.  I thought for sure he (Dom) had made a huge mistake.  The man has balls of steel.  Then again when he was contemplating going up against Wendell himself at the fire making.  Man, I would have hated to lose either of them while both Angela and Laurel sat for FTC.  And when Angela was picked to make fire and casually allowed Wendell to change places?  I thought for sure this was foreshadowing her win.  Thank goodness it all worked out and the 3 most deserving people sat for FTC.

I loved that both Dom and Wendell understood that one was going to have to get rid of the other.  They both understood and accepted that without any hard feelings.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is how mature adults play the game.  Fortunately for us viewers that didn't work for them and we got both guys at FTC.

The looks on everyone's faces when Probst started reading votes were precious.

7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I think Laurel presented her case in a very smart and strategic way.  It just wasn't enough.

I like how well she articulated what a bad position she was in.  Many viewers were frustrated with her in past episodes for not going after Dom or Wendell, but she explained very clearly how it would not be in her best interest to do that.  She knew her best option was to play for third.  I guess that's why she was so insistent that she wouldn't be able to make fire and even if that is Rule #1 in Survivor, she didn't even try when they were down to 4.  But what pressure to be the tie breaker!  A million dollar decision.

Edited by Haleth
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4 hours ago, loki567 said:

IMO, an all-time horrible season had one of the best FTCs I can remember. I thought it was really well-argued by everyone, even Laurel.


Agreed, although I don’t feel quite as strongly about the season as a whole. I didn’t find it horrible, just couldn’t really get into it like I do most seasons. But FTC was really, really good, both by the finalists and the jury. 

Even though the season wasn’t my favorite and I didn’t find a lot of the players compelling in this context, I can think of many of them that I would like to see brought back for a second chance. Donathan, Dom, Wendell, Michael, Laurel (curious if she would play radically differently), and even Kellyn - I didn’t much care for her in the game, but she is smart and strategic and loves the game and I think could be a fun player to watch in another setting. So it wasn’t the cast I found boring, but something about the dynamics of this season.

And lastly, does production really think it is entertaining to have players stockpiling so many advantages/idols/fake idols that they almost need extra luggage just to cart them all to tribal? Please dial it back? Please?

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Random thoughts on episode 14 "Tie"

  • Laurel did a phenomenal job executing the bronze medal strategy
  • If your strategy for getting further in the game involves arguing how much you suck, you suck 
  • I don't know whether the jury was predominantly Malolo or Naviti, but I do know the jury was predominantly Goats
  • Goats Island was not a particularly entertaining season, but at least the two people who actually played decently ended up in the finals.
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I just realized we're not supposed to talk about who won in this thread, which is kind of difficult considering last night was two and half hours of show, 12 minutes of reunion, and then Kevin Hart because CBS hates us, but I'll try.

I've been defending Laurel's non-moves all season, and I still think she played the best game she could have given that Malolo was like Borneo's Pagong -- on the wrong side of the numbers and unable to get it together and vote as a unit -- as well as the idols that Dom and Wendell held, but something about her FTC performance rubbed me the wrong way. I think it was the way she kept saying that she "brought" Dom and Wendell to the end, which is an exceedingly generous interpretation of her role in their success.


11 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I hate that fire making challenge so much! Good lord, my heart!  I would have been so epically disappointed if we didn't get a Dom/Wendell showdown in the final TC. It would have killed me not knowing who the jury would have picked. I know that there's no specific set of rules explaining why someone "deserves" to win Survivor but, damn, no way in Hell did Angela deserve to be in the final 3 more than Wendell.

But if it weren't for the fire-making challenge, Wendell would not have made F3. Dom had immunity and he wanted Wendell out. Laurel and Angela would have happily gone along with that and voted with him to put Wendell on the jury.


2 hours ago, nutty1 said:

Did anyone think Dom was wrong making a big deal out of his “2” idols at that tribal council? I thought he played it beautifully. I can’t believe the jury was so pissy about it. 

I was surprised by that too and that they were seemingly more mad at him for putting on his two idols than they were at Wendell for doing the same thing, when Wendell was safe and Dom was on the chopping block. Sebastian being on the verge of tears about it was eyeroll-worthy. He was essentially carried along the entire game with his weird face, zero strategy, and loopy confessionals, and then acts as if it was a personal affront that Dom, who had been playing the game all along continued to play the game at the point where it was most critical for him to do so. I think some of it was Sebastian playing for the camera, but it was still annoying.

Best moment in the finale: Wendell at FTC saying that he and Des talked about Kanye and Chance and other rappers and then the camera cuts to Chris with what I imagined was a hopeful look on his face that Wendell would mention him as one of the rappers they talked about.

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7 hours ago, Oscirus said:

That jury was ridiculous, let  Angela, Celsea and co. speak. wtf?

I expect they did, but with the new way of doing the final tribal the editors can miss out people, another reason they should go back to each person having a question/statement to the finalists.


5 hours ago, MissEwa said:

This is doubly true because they both had idols and were both winning immunity in that end game - if she flips and they manage a blindside, one of them goes home with an idol in his pocket. The other is still there and still has an idol, and she's their target (plus also expendable to the alliance she flipped to, who would need a secondary target because of that very idol, so she almost certainly goes next). If she flips and they catch wind of it, they use their idols to bounce her then and there. There was a small chance she could orchestrate something where neither of them had immunity and only one played their idol and the other went home, but that's risky, and it still doesn't put her in the power position.

She played the right game to get her to the f3, and that sucks for the jury - and many of the viewers at home - but it got her there, whereas flipping probably wouldn't have. I know there's a lot of talk about playing to win, and not for third place, but if you can't get to the F3, you can't win anyway. It was super-frustrating to watch - and I say that even as a fan of Dom and Wendell - but it was her best move. 

Both Wendell and Domenick seemed happy letting some know about their idols.  I think they both had an overconfidence that against better opponents would have got them blindsided at some point.  Also to me they didn't really have charisma, if there was an audience's favourite survivor vote this season I'm not sure either would have won it even though they got to the end.  Some charisma helps you accept some of the confidence as a viewer, their confessionals weren't exciting to me.

Edited by amazingracefan
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7 hours ago, loki567 said:

I'm seriously wondering if the jury made a deal to split the votes and go to a tie. The first five jurors voting for Dom and the last five voting for Wendell felt strange to me. 

Yea, I got this impression, too. Especially with Donathan's ott and very fake reaction to realizing it was a tie. I think the jury knew it was gonna be a tie and probably set it up tbh.

11 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

I think it was the way she kept saying that she "brought" Dom and Wendell to the end, which is an exceedingly generous interpretation of her role in their success.

Yea, that was not good lol. I thought she explained her reasoning for sticking with them very well, but then she tried to make herself into more than she was and that didn't work. I was glad though that the jury didn't completely ignore her or treat her like shit.


Best moment in the finale: Wendell at FTC saying that he and Des talked about Kanye and Chance and other rappers and then the camera cuts to Chris with what I imagined was a hopeful look on his face that Wendell would mention him as one of the rappers they talked about.


I had some other things to say, but I can't remember them and I don't care enough to try to remember because this season was just so lackluster. Also because I find it hard to discuss the episode without mentioning the winner lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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While I hated the whole "Ghost Island" premise (really, they need fewer advantages, not more, and most of these "cursed" things ended up the same way), I did think the strongest three made it to the final. I spent a long time not knowing names or tribes, and not caring, even after the  merge; for me it's only been the last 5 or 6 weeks that people have gelled for me. But I liked Laurel and Wendell all along, and grew to like Dom as well (especially in the text of Chris vs. Dom).

I think the two tied players were both worthy winners for their overall gameplay, immunity wins, social game, and for being on top of decisions being made. It's rare that I don't care about which of two people wins because they BOTH deserve it (usually, it's because of "meh, whatever").

Would love to go back to a vintage season of Survivor with no idols, less food, and getting back to true survival strategy, both physical and mental. I'm sure that won't happen, but I can dream!

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5 hours ago, nutty1 said:

Did anyone think Dom was wrong making a big deal out of his “2” idols at that tribal council? I thought he played it beautifully. I can’t believe the jury was so pissy about it.  

It was a tough choice between Wendell and Dom, but I do think Dom deserved it a tad more. 

He pretty much oversold it.  Leaving it with Jeff was over the top.

What bit him in the ass was the aftermath of rubbing it in Sebastian and Don's face. Move spoke for itself didn't need that extra oomph.

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30 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

He pretty much oversold it.  Leaving it with Jeff was over the top.

What bit him in the ass was the aftermath of rubbing it in Sebastian and Don's face. Move spoke for itself didn't need that extra oomph.

I heard an interview with Sebastian this morning.  He is such a great dude - very kind and mellow (duh) and just wants positivity.  He said that TV didn't show how Dom really went on and on and on and basically bullied Don about the 2 idols.  It was an ugly side of Dom and really bothered / stayed with Sebastian for a long time.  Sebastian and Wendell were much, much closer than the edits showed too.  Sebastian LOVES Wendell like a brother, he said.

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But it doesn't explain why Donathon was speaking favorably for Dom during the final tribal. 

I am not surprised by the Sea Bass vote. Sea Bass and Wendell seem to have similar personalities, more chill and relaxed. 

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I agree with all who thought this was a good FTC. I thought all three finalists handled themselves well above average in explaining, pushing, and defending their moves.

I also really liked the jury's questioning, for the most part. I thought they did a good job of fairly evenly getting the information they wanted, rebutting points they didn't like civilly, and giving people credit for playing what can be a difficult game well.

I like that Michael acknowledged that Laurel was in a difficult position and gave her credit for surviving. I liked that they seemed to honestly discuss how social and integral both Dom and Wendell were, giving Dom credit for being the more active social hub, but also pointing out to him that he sometimes went too far. I particularly liked Des's response to Wendell's assertion that he'd had good conversations with people where he used their conversations about music as an example. (It was something like, "Yes, but I'm not going to vote for you because we had a good conversation about Kanye. I need to know more about what you did in the game.")

The only thing that got a slight eyeroll from me was Chris trying to insist they pick who was the mastermind. But then again, that seemed in character for Chris.

Overall, I definitely prefer the current FTC format to the previous, disjointed "Each juror gets to waste time, grind an axe, or awkwardly and inappropriately hit on Parvati" format. I think it allows for better discussion, analysis, and back and forth. Not that it couldn't still be honed, mind you. (Outwit, outplay, outlast... Just skip the branding. As long as the discussion is divided into segments that make sense, it's fine.)

Edited by simplyme
typo; clarity
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I'm not normally in the tin foil hat camp but something about the FTC doesn't seem legit. 

If the producers were willing to just count the votes on the island rather than wait for the LA show why would they not follow through when it was a tie? They had to have known, in advance, it was going to be a tie and planned it to go back to the reunion show.

I really thought it was a different twist we haven't seen since probably S1, but it got ruined for me because they didn't follow it through and announce the winner there. 

YMMV, but there were too many things about this season that made it one of my least favorite. Idols made it nearly impossible to vote out 2 of the 3 final contestants with 6-8 people left making it too predictable. 

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