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Season 3 Discussion

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9 minutes ago, Sofiyya said:

Jorge is 26 now, so, if the child is nearly 10, he would have been 15 or 16 when she was conceived.

I think he was 28 when he was arrested in Arizona in February. The alleged baby momma made a comment about wanting to let Jorge have a life because he was only 17, or something to that effect. If the daughter is past her 10th birthday now, that would fit.

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6 hours ago, Dobian said:

I liked that scene because it showed how bargain basement TLC's budget is for this show.  They won't even spring for a gourmet buffet lunch for these people, they order pizza lol.

I'll do the hosting for free if it means no more Shaun.

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7 minutes ago, Sienna said:

I think he was 28 when he was arrested in Arizona in February. The alleged baby momma made a comment about wanting to let Jorge have a life because he was only 17, or something to that effect. If the daughter is past her 10th birthday now, that would fit.

Yes, you're right.  My bad.

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16 hours ago, iwasish said:

His reality is that he lives in an apartment above a storage unit with his 25 yr old wife and a Masters Degree.

Which sounds ironically similar to "living in a van down by the river!"

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20 hours ago, KBrownie said:

And there it is.  All this over $150 a month.  That's it.  Pedro isn't sending some absurd and exorbitant amount back home to his family.  STFU Chantel and Family Chantel.  That's fucking peanuts.  That is nothing to their household expenses.  Chantel probably spends more on makeup, eyelashes, and stretchy dresses in a month.  

That is it???  And she still looks terrible.  

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2 hours ago, cheewhiz said:

Yep, agree 100% with all of this.  Wasn't last years "Loubs" fake too?  I think someone did a side by side comparison on this site.  Cannot.Stand.Pao

 People who can actually afford real Loubs can also afford to walk in them.  She think she’s fancy because she has red bottom shoes, but what I see is a woman with no money who shops at Walmart for everything (including her hair dye) except her shoes. 

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20 hours ago, champsdelavande said:

Ok, If Paola and Russ can not afford two tickets to Columbia for her grandmother's funeral, how they can both afford a pair of Louboutin shoes?!? The are usually a minimum of $600  per pair and I highly doubt they were sponsored to wear those shoes... and they don't appear to be used because there are no scuffs. 


Update: I have no life and looked up the shoes. Russ's cost $995 (I may be slightly off on the style, but oh my lord that's ridiculous). 

Now we know why she cheaps out on the hair.  When your hair looks like plastic doll hair spending a lot on shoes isn't going to make you look better. Spend that $ on your hair.  Especially if you are trying to make a living off your looks.  More people will see your head than the sole of your shoe.

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TLC really springs the cash for the talent on this show. The sad lunch in the green room consisting of pizza in cardboard boxes, sorry little side salads served on paper plates with plastic flatware. It brought back images of Danielle slinking out the stage door with a thin paper plate and a single greasy slice of pepperoni pizza on her season's tell all episode. 

I agree with everyone else. The host is terrible. I can't think of who would be better right now but almost anyone else would be an improvement. One requirement for getting the hosting gig should be you have to have watched the show.

George, if you were 100% sure you weren't the father you would take the paternity test. You can clear up all the speculation now. You think there is a possibility. Quit lying.

David's ugly cry face is pathetic. I did notice he and Annie were holding hands during the entire show. I guess she can stand to touch him. Shudder.

Russ is Pao's lapdog. He follows her around like a little kid and pipes in when she makes her mean girl comments.

Edited by Matty
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19 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Can't disagree.   If you want a right hand man I'd choose Annie or Anfisa.   They get the job done.

Maybe Anfisa could get into Executive Security.  I can see her rocking the suit/dark glasses/carrying a piece.  Not that she'd need the piece.  She seems pretty scrappy

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15 hours ago, iwasish said:

It looked to me as if Nicole had instructed Azan to let her answer most questions. He’s a lying liar that lies. 

And she is the Queen of denial. Any time her parents question her, she shuts it down and refuses any discussion. I think Jorge and Nicole would make a great couple - lazy liars - Stupid and More Stupider.


14 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Well, she IS Mahammit's Number One Fan. She was gonna use "Neltson" to make 'im jealous and show 'im what he's missin'.

Sounds like she's bein' catfished by Neltson?

Pao - nothing more to say about that narcissistic heifer. And please show, don't give Hhhuan any more attention. I feel sorry for Ross but he needs to bolt before she does get knocked up and he's stuck to her for life.

I can't believe all of this family Chantel drama over Pedro sending $150 a month to his mother and sister. Mother Chantel and River are the biggest assholes in this situation, and Chantel doesn't seem to see that they had any any part in the escalation of the dinner from hell. As far as I'm concerned, Mother Chantel  started the ball rolling with her comments to Nicole, and then by jumping in when Pedro offered to sit between her and Chantel. Did Chantel not see that part of the episode? 

David, please do shut up and stop the blubbering - it is not a pretty look.

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5 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

She might have been afraid that Gorge was underaged when they hooked up.


I’m not sure where this came from. If I remember correctly, Jorge said the young woman was his high school girlfriend.  He is not denying the relationship just the timing of the pregnancy. 

Let’s not blame the female and jump to conclusions so quickly. 

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13 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Now we know why she cheaps out on the hair.  When your hair looks like plastic doll hair spending a lot on shoes isn't going to make you look better. Spend that $ on your hair.  Especially if you are trying to make a living off your looks.  More people will see your head than the sole of your shoe.

In Pao’s jobs the stars of the show are tits and ass. 

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4 hours ago, dyanad said:

The amount he previously claimed he was sending back was $300.

I think that was after yet another argument with Chantel over his "generosity."   When he mentioned that amount she seemed shocked.  She knew he was sending money, but not THAT much.

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2 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Did anyone else notice when they were in break Pedro was slumped back on the couch  with his head back and chantel was hunched over him like she was doing something to his face?  Shaun was only other person on the couch and it looked very weird. All these screwed up couples giving insight to the others is rich. 

She looked like she was talking to him.

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My favorite part of the show was the beginning when each couple came in saying "I hope they don't bring up...." Duh, it's a tell-all, of course they will. They all looked incredibly uncomfortable up there. 

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1 minute ago, jackjill89 said:

My favorite part of the show was the beginning when each couple came in saying "I hope they don't bring up...." Duh, it's a tell-all, of course they will. They all looked incredibly uncomfortable up there. 

That’s why they’re all so quick to talk about whoever is in the hot seat at the time. Toss fuel on that fire and hope time runs out before it’s your turn to get roasted.

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David stated that Anfisa felt superior to all of them.  Well, I think she is.  And, the actuality is that HE thinks he's superior to them all (he has a Master's in case you didn't know...).  He's telling Molly what a great mom she is (lie), he tells Azan that he should get a job (truth, but it's a truth that David should apply to himself), he tells Anfisa that marriage is accepting kids (while he continues to neglect his own), and he defends Annie by stating that it was someone who hates him who first said that Annie worked in the sex industry (of course, this same someone is the person who told her husband to stop financing David).  Who is he to be making statements about others when he himself is do the same things?  Oh, and then Annie jumps on Pao's bandwagon regarding Anfisa.  Throwing stones anyone?  Too many of these people were quick to jump on the "mean girls/boys" bandwagon.  It's not a good look.  When Chantel tells you (Pao) that you were mean last year, it's time to take notice.  Oh, and Pao's "I was just making jokes" excuse is the same one children and teenagers use to get out of trouble for saying something mean.  Grow up.

I don't blame Anfisa for saying she would divorce Jorge is the girl is his daughter.  When would the lying end?  Would he abandon and deny any children they had?  When someone completely destroys trust in the relationship, it's time to get out.  And Molly?  Don't judge Anfisa just because you chose to have a child when you were in your early 20s; especially as you hand the care of Kinsley to Olivia and tried to do the same to Luis.  She really had a ready answer when both Pedro and David told her that Luis had sent video to them of another incident she had with Luis.  I really hope that Luis gets some kind of settlement from her as she totally mislead him about life in the U.S. and totally expected him to be a live-in nanny and maid with benefits.  I think Molly presents herself as easy going and naive, but as soon as someone doesn't do as she wants she has a quick and nasty temper.  It looked like there were a couple of times she was visibly reigning in her responses as she knew she was on t.v.

I think Chantel will really miss Pedro if he leaves her.  However, a lot of the fault of that would be on her.  She started it all with the lie about Pedro being on a student visa, escalated it with the pre-nup, and then continued it with running to her family about everything.  There is so much video of her mom and family trying to entrap Pedro and egging on Nicole.  She needs to just move away from Atlanta with Pedro and really give their marriage a chance.  

Next week I'm hoping that Luis DOES show up.  Then we'll see some real fire works.

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11 minutes ago, Former Nun said:


4 hours ago, dyanad said:

The amount he previously claimed he was sending back was $300.

I think that was after yet another argument with Chantel over his "generosity."   When he mentioned that amount she seemed shocked.  She knew he was sending money, but not THAT much.


I believe that is what Chantel told the private investigator in the presence of her family. 

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7 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

I’m not sure where this came from. If I remember correctly, Jorge said the young woman was his high school girlfriend.  He is not denying the relationship just the timing of the pregnancy. 

Let’s not blame the female and jump to conclusions so quickly. 

I think the theory comes from a comment she made along the lines of "You (Jorge) were only 17 and I wanted you to be able to live your life" (or some such, I'm heavily paraphrasing). I'm pretty sure it came up twice, once during the call between her an Jorge an episode or so ago, and again during her call-in to the host for this episode. It seems an odd thing for a 17 year old to say about a fellow 17 year old, but if she were older, it would make sense. It could also explain why she didn't push harder to legally establish paternity.

That said, it's just speculation, like lots of other things in this forum.

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5 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Maybe she spilled some of her hair dye on the floor and stepped in it.  

Yeah, Molly clearly doesn't get that dating/marrying younger men who want her only for her money and/or ability to get them green cards is not good for her, her daughters or her relationships with her daughters.  

Molly will never understand that.  

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2 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Haha! YEP!  I'm pretty sure on their first season the internets found out about Daddy Elizabeth serving time for multiple DUI's and also something to do with his business (embezzlement? can't remember).  1.  With his family, I'd be driven to drink too.  2.  Of course he's gonna suggest Andrei do something illegal (on camera) to make money and take care of his little girl.  It's what he does.  Money and status is worth breaking the law for.  His gaggle of daughters seem like baby birds hungry for Channel purses and trips to Vegas and new cars.  I think Libby had to swallow her pride and just live to pay her bills when she married Andrei.  She can't ask daddy for trips and clothes and extra money to get by anymore.  Welcome to life for most everyone in the world, Liz.  Andrei will make you be an adult; it's good for you.



ETA:  I looked it up and her dad was arrested for unpaid child support. (the brother was arrested for a DUI and coke possession)  So he had all these kids and couldn't even make payments?  Now he's acting like he's such an upstanding dad, family man , and daddy warbucks rolled into one?  What a weird family.  Andrei is hardworking and seems in control of himself; stay the course dude- you already outclass Elizabeth's whole family even if you are a caveman!

If I recall correctly the sisters also had their issues with the law and had some mugshots.

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2 hours ago, Sienna said:

I am super curious about the baby momma's age. If she was older and Jorge was under 18, that's statutory rape in California, isn't it? It's one thing if it was just a question of a few months age difference and one was just on the wrong side of a birthday or something, but if she's considerably older, I would absolutely place the responsibility on her, though it doesn't change the fact that Jorge should have been upfront about it to Anfisa.

It looks like the statute of limitations on statutory rape, when proven conclusively by DNA, is 10 years.   If the daughter is 10 years old, the deadline would have just passed to file charges against the mother, if she indeed was an adult when she had sex with Jorge.  

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6 hours ago, Dobian said:

I liked that scene because it showed how bargain basement TLC's budget is for this show.  They won't even spring for a gourmet buffet lunch for these people, they order pizza lol.

I had the same thought, Dr. Smith.   It's like the camera pulled back and suddenly everything is made of spit and toilet paper and you realize this show is even seedier than you first imagined.  

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58 minutes ago, Matty said:

The sad lunch in the green room consisting of pizza in cardboard boxes, sorry little side salads served on paper plates with plastic flatware

Maybe they were afraid the salad would end up on the floor? 

58 minutes ago, lizajane said:

I can't believe all of this family Chantel drama over Pedro sending $150 a month to his mother and sister.

Maybe he sends them EACH $ 150 a month? 

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20 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Maybe they were afraid the salad would end up on the floor? LOL

Maybe he sends them EACH $ 150 a month? 

That could very well be. And that is a fair chunk when you add that to the laptop, tv, airfare and whatever else they demand he buys for them.

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Ack!! My DVR cut off the last 10 minutes, right after Molly (who I just cannot stand her whiny voice so I fwd through her interviews). So what happened?? David was calling Luis?? Did David do the ugly cry we saw on TV or is that next week. And wow, Pao is such a nasty witch and the hair is awful. WTF is wrong with Russ? She treats him like crap.

1 hour ago, bethster2000 said:

I think she is very attractive.

yeah that voice tho, lol. but yes i liked her outfit. I just hope she will not move in another guy in with her kids:(

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7 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I don’t buy for one second that they couldn’t afford a plane ticket. People make room for what they want in their budgets. Designer shoes are obviously a priority and grandma isn’t. Russ and Paola may not be wealthy, but they aren’t broke. Russ has long implied that he is frugal.

Russ was wearing $900. shoes?  That's so odd.  He does not strike me as a fashion conscious person at all!  His wife either.  

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9 hours ago, iwasish said:

I don’t think Olivia will scarifice her choice of college to stay close to Kensley,  she didn’t call or visit her while she lived at the boyfriend’s parent’s place.

Was this said somewhere?

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I am always shocked to see these women dressed in designer dresses, shoes, etc., minus Nicole, of course.  As someone stated earlier, the Louboutin shoes alone are $700-$1000 a pair. And meanwhile, they complain all season about money. I am wondering if the clothing is coming from TLC's wardrobe dept. 

Azan had to quit his job in order to be available to Nicole whenever she called!?  That was the only statement he made with a straight face! And when he is approved (?) to come to America, he will have no problem finding a job. 

I loved Anfisa and Jorge each grabbing a pizza & going to another room!

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10 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Was this said somewhere?

When she saw Kensley at the skating rink. Kensley was pretty cool to her and Olivia made some remark about expecting more since she hadn't seen her in so long.

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15 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

I am always shocked to see these women dressed in designer dresses, shoes, etc., minus Nicole, of course.  As someone stated earlier, the Louboutin shoes alone are $700-$1000 a pair. And meanwhile, they complain all season about money. I am wondering if the clothing is coming from TLC's wardrobe dept. 

I'm amazed even wealthy women spend the money they do on those shoes.  Most of them are so tacky looking that I think if it weren't for the red sole that intended to tell everyone "Look, I must make a ton of money because I can afford these," they wouldn't purchase them.

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1 hour ago, lizajane said:

That could very well be. And that is a fair chunk when you add that to the laptop, tv, airfare and whatever else they demand he buys for them.

He does have a job and TLC money after all.  


I would love to know how much money Azan was getting.  

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On 7/23/2018 at 12:57 PM, Landlord said:


There was a shot of Pao walking backstage with her shoes in hand and what appeared to be sanitary pads under her feet. She was cleaning the floor, I guess.



That, or she is grossly misinformed about female biology.

Edited by millennium
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4 hours ago, Sienna said:

I don't think people automatically assume Annie is a prostitute because she comes from Thailand, I don't recall that assumption being made about Kyle and Noon, for example (or if it was, not to the level of David and Annie). The reason it comes up, frankly, is because David doesn't seem like someone Annie would be attracted to unless the alternate situation was pretty damn bleak. It's not just that he's older, overweight, and not what most would consider good looking, he's got the personality of Eeyore, with zero drive and no sense of responsibility.

Annie's personality isn't exactly perfect either, but with David, there's just nothing to recommend the dude. Not to mention Annie wants children, and doesn't seem at all likely to have them with David, for multiple reasons. Throw in the fact that Nikki apparently said that's how Annie and David met (I believe that Nikki knows the real story), and Ashley's assertion that David has a history of seeking out sex workers, and I'm inclined to believe it. I don't judge Annie for it, but I do think the relationship is skeevy. And while I usually tend to defend Annie, it pissed me off when she was so quick to jump on Anfisa over the webcam stuff, especially when Anfisa had already said that she didn't think it mattered if Annie had been involved in sex work.

I was also incredibly annoyed when everyone jumped on Anfisa for saying that she would divorce Jorge if the child turned out to be his. I think David said something about that not being what marriage is?  Yes please, Obi-Wan, share your relationship wisdom with us. You're our only hope.

I might have some sympathy if Jorge genuinely didn't know he had a kid out there, but he knew about the possibility for years, ignored it, and lied to Anfisa when she asked him about it specifically. As horrible as I think it was for Molly to move Luis in to a house with children he'd never previously met, at least he was aware of their existence when he came to the US.

I am super curious about the baby momma's age. If she was older and Jorge was under 18, that's statutory rape in California, isn't it? It's one thing if it was just a question of a few months age difference and one was just on the wrong side of a birthday or something, but if she's considerably older, I would absolutely place the responsibility on her, though it doesn't change the fact that Jorge should have been upfront about it to Anfisa.


I bet Pao has a punch card. The Tell All was number 10, so they threw in Roos' rental for free.

Word to your whole post but especially the part where Anfisa was ganged up for not wanting to be a stepmom to a ten year old at age 22, 23.  ME NEITHER when I was 22 or 23.  Plus a putz like Jorge?  Pass.  He knew it was a possibility he was the dad and ignored the s situation.  Deal ender for me.

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I haven't seen the ending yet. But this is my take.

Molly looked really nice.  Better than all the other women on the show.

Shawn is a waste of space as a host.

In the beginning , Pedro looked as though he was fighting back tears when Chantel was being an ass about kids.  I think he does love her and wants to be with her, but aperson canonly take so much.  I would not be surprised if he left her.   

Anfisa is the queen.  Jorge is the fool.


I can assure Pao that everyone watching wanted to punch her out.  She is horrid.  Russ kept getting in stupid quips to impress her by being mean.


Annie looked nice.  I think she dresses really bad though.  If she dressed to cover up instead of hanging out, she would look 10 years younger and be a knock out.


This must have been filmed like 2 months ago.  I'm pretty sure Nicole is back in Florida and has been for a while now.

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7 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Alan met Kirlyam when he went on a Mormon mission to Brazil.  It's creepy that a 21 year old would be attracted to a 12 year old, but as they get older, the age difference will be less noticeable. The main thing is that she seems happy.  Amy from South Africa and Kirlyam are my all time favorite 90 Days participants.  

Celine Dion? Creepy AF. But it seemed to work out.

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