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Season 3 Discussion

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52 minutes ago, iwasish said:


Stupid question., can Muslims have more than one wife? 

Just googled... yes they can. Up to 4 wives. 


Azan wouldn't qualify for more than one wife according to Moroccan laws:

"Polygamy in Morocco is legal,[1] but very uncommon due to restrictions that were introduced by the government in 2004 that mandated financial qualifications a husband must meet in order to marry a second wife.[2]In addition, a husband must have written permission from his current wife before marrying a second wife.[2] Breaking these rules and marrying without permission from one's current wife can and has resulted in arrests.[2]"


Edited by TwirlyGirly
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I don't think it would do any good at all for the enabling parents to hold a meeting.  They are all enableres except for the two steps and I'm not too sure if they have any voice in the Nicole, Mae heading to Morocco. 

Azan must be shitting his pants thinking she is going to be landing and preparing for 'the wedding' that I'm sure he does NOT want to happen.

I keep pondering where the money Nicole is sending him comes from.  Is it from the show or child support?  Where ever does she get money to send him?


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8 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Nicole and her family have repeatedly mentioned sending Azan money. This came up last season also. 

I seem to remember Nicole mentioning having sent him $800. I think that the total is several thousand dollars. Which is fine if you are financially stable and have money to burn. But Nicole doesn't even have decent housing for herr daughter. She could at least hire a cleaning service! Azan is basically taking food out of Mae's mouth. 

  • Love 12

Jorge’s phone..... can’t he get the broken screen replaced? 

5 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Oh no, we’re treated to another showing of Baby Beluga in the wedding dress that’s guaranteed to make Azan do a spit take once he gets a boobful, oops I meant eyeful of it. And her hair is still greasy!

 Annie wants kids and he’s been snipped! Oh Annie, nooooo. 

Annie should consider herself lucky. And her double chin is starting to rival David’s. 

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5 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I don't think it would do any good at all for the enabling parents to hold a meeting.  They are all enableres except for the two steps and I'm not too sure if they have any voice in the Nicole, Mae heading to Morocco. 

Azan must be shitting his pants thinking she is going to be landing and preparing for 'the wedding' that I'm sure he does NOT want to happen.

I keep pondering where the money Nicole is sending him comes from.  Is it from the show or child support?  Where ever does she get money to send him?


It is either from the show or her own money from her job


It’s stupid but didn’t Hassan say first season part of the reason Nicole is sending him money is because she got him fired from his job at the gym or wherever he was working because she kept calling him during his shift.  Although I’m sure there are other gyms, hotels, whatever.

Ramon is priceless...what headshop/medical marijuana line did they pull him out of?

Edited by For Cereals
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1 hour ago, NinaH said:

But that’s not going to stop her from bulldozing her sorry ass to the other side of the world to get her way. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Whatever misery she gets from any of this serves her right. She’s inflicted plenty of it on her family without any regards to their feelings. 



1 hour ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

I felt sorry for her when she found out. Because I’ve been there. But, I guess she’s gonna have to learn the hard way

I have a feeling this is a lot of why her family doesn’t say much to her. She is so damn stubborn, she has to get her way no matter what. Sometimes with people like her, all you can do is stand back and let them screw up, be there for them when they fall and hope they finally learned something “this time”. It’s exhausting and I think they’re simply tired. The thing that pisses me off to no end is that Nicole’s dragging a innocent child along with her. 

If Pedro and Chantel need a new thread title at some point I want to go ahead and nominate Pedro and the Boobs Chantel. I feel like it’s a good reference to her family as well as to her well endowed chest. 

I’m seriously considering starting to play soccer or softball again because every single person on this show except the children and Anfisa in this episode makes me want to kick or hit something REALLY hard!

Edited by Marilee
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Annie and David-I feel bad for Annie that she is not getting anything she wznts thanks to lazy ass David, I hope she gets her green card, she will leave David for good and find a sugardaddy that will give her everything she wants and be happy


Jorge and Anfisa-Anfisa made a bad mistake going back with him and Jorge just continues to lie, he will never tell the truth about anything, their marriage is not going to last with Jorge’s lying


Molly and Luis-I do not care about them to comment on it, they are boring


Pedro and Chantel-With Pedro not telling Chantel that he bought a plane ticket for his sister to come visit, it is going to be a diaster when Pedro’s sister comes


Nicole and Azan-Nicole is too stupid to give up everything and she should listen to her smart brother and I am not surprised Azan is cheating on Nicole

Russell and Pabola-Russell should divorce her dumb ass, I doubt she will ever choose her husband over Juan

Edited by DVDFreaker
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Who would think that Anfisa would turn into the reasonable one on the show? It's like she lost a lot of the makeup ans attitude with it, won the good edit.  Do you think the show's producers sit around and plot and plan who's the bad guy in who's the good guy on these shows? Juan, entire Family Chantel and Luis all are bad guys this season......

  • Love 23
15 minutes ago, rideashire said:

Luis seems like the type to go full psycho on that family while they're sleeping. I don't trust him.

Having said that, I used to feel like she was to blame for the majority of their situation because all she does is try to force him to be a parent to a child he doesn't know and he didn't sign up for that. However, he seems weirdly unhinged now and I just want her to call the cops and have him removed or she's gonna have a crazy squatter forever.

She signed paperwork saying she would be responsible for Luis.  She might be the one that has to leave the house.  

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3 minutes ago, SuzySmith said:

I loved how David says that once he gets the financial mess behind him...  Yes, you've been destitute for years.  It's going to be resolved soon so you can get unsnipped and father another human?  

I'm wondering what Molly can do to get Luis out of the house.  Since she had to sponsor him she's on the hook for him I think.  

David is a bad father and I would feel sorry for his new kid if he has one and he will never get his financial mess behind him if he is going to say “I need to please my wife” in every interview 

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And just what kind of friend does Nicole have?  Clearly not much of one since she can look Nicole straight in the eye and tell her her dress is really pretty.  Why does everybody coddle Nicole?  I don't care if it's just customary to coddle here.  NOW is the time for that ditz to be told some real hard truths.  I don't care if she sticks her fingers in her ears singing la, la, la, I don't hear you.  Make her hear you and tell her the truth.

  • Love 22
1 minute ago, Rt66vintage said:

Nicole's (blunted) female intuition is telling her something important, she needs to learn to trust that part of her brain. She knows she's running head-first into a bad situation. She knows her dress is inappropriate & ill-fitting. 

I honestly had a little sympathy for her tonight.  

You’re a good person...I’m not.  Seriously, I think there’s something delayed or not quite right with Nicole.  Like there’s some trauma or something so her family gives her a pass and cleans up her messes (except that ONE ROOM because damn that’s some repugnant shit, I mean is there no shame at all?  Your mess is on tv, which is in more ways than one).  Given that her siblings seem so much more with it, it’s hard to believe that more wouldn’t have been required of her from her parents.  She just gives me shades of Danielle.

  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, Horrified said:

I'm sure the producers have tempted Azan with an ongoing paycheque to keep this ruse going.

Also - the voice recording of him.....um, how does one find things like this on the Internet?  Google "azan/hassan voice recordings"?  I didn't hear a woman on the other end of that recording.  Could he have been whispering sweet nothings to a guy?  That way he wasn't lying when he told Nicole he wasn't sweet-talking another girl.....

Did I hear correctly?  Did Nicole's brother - when explaining why he wasn't going to Morocco for the wedding, say something like "I don't have the money, or a passport or the will to go".  Ha!!

The recordings... first they said they were voice mails he left for some woman. Then Nicole said they were recordings of him talking to “other” women. Supposedly they are in some you tube channel.

Nicole, good luck to you in Morocco. Sometimes the parents just have to let their kid wander off, make a mistake, and then have the broom and dustpan handy to help clean up the mess. It really is not a good idea. You haven't seen your 'world' in almost a year, you don't seem to have much contact with him. Flying to his homeland, complete with wedding gown? Maybe if you were a more seasoned traveler and instead of moping about him, looked up Morocco on the Internet and saw exactly what the country's customs and laws are. They will apply to you. It can be very scary when you have little to no support system. Not like a place in Europe where you can go to the nearest Embassy or Consulate for help.

Azan does not love you. He might like your money but that is about it. You need to work on your own happiness and learn that it comes from within you. You need to learn how to heal yourself and make yourself the best you can be before you will have any successful relationship. You can probably find more baby daddies and have more kids, but you will still have the huge hole within.

Felt sorry for her brother. Dear brother, do not hunt on the web for some foreign exotic woman, who you think will save you from yourself and be your princess.

Pao really turned in to the 'she ain't pretty she just looks that way' kind of woman this evening. She likes pitting Russ and Juan against each other. Do Russ a favour and dump him, and not make him dump you. I wondered if her black sleeves were attached to her tube top or they were just arm warmers. Maybe stay in Colombia a few months to look after grandma. But it won't be the exciting Miami nightlife for you. Thought the hotel room was a bit trashed.

Annie, Mr. Penguin is not the man of your dreams. He has lied to you repeatedly. There won't be a good job for him any time soon, you won't have kids, you won't feel comfortable with his kids or grandchildren. Bide your time, find some connections in Kentucky and make an exit plan. He certainly doesn't want any more kids and it's all a lie to keep you there. Run.

Jorge, man of lies. Of course he went to a divorce lawyer. Anfisa, continue your studies, get your degree, and get out and find someone better than this.

Pedro, no, you do not spend a lot of money to buy a plane ticket for your sister. Chantel may not have said it well, but that sort of money was go to toward furniture. Your mother or your sister can pay for her own ticket.

Molly, kick the piece of trash out. He hasn't really changed. He is exactly the same man you met. Doubt he wants to be married to you and be little more than a paid member of your staff. He has no interest in a life with you, no interest in your kids, no interest in being a parent. Just party and have fun. You probably can call the cops to have him removed from your home and take some legal action against him. His playing his music was childish and petty. And now you see his not-so-nice happy bartender side. He is who he is and won't be who you want him to be. Get a divorce, and celebrate that you did indeed get married once.

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