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Season 3 Discussion

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The emasculation of Roos continues...Pao certainly has his balls in one of her tacky handbags.   I hope that this is the last season of Roos and Pao, and the lame telenovela with Juan.  Juan is such an ugly person. He deserves no tv time.  We get it, Pao. You're a model. A classy model who needs to show her bolt-ons and her ass at every opportunity. 

"What are Jorge's good qualities?"     Dead silence.    

Family Chantel are nuts and extremely co-dependent. Chantel: There is such a thing as too much lashes.  Pedro's sister is a brat. She was laughing and mocking Chantel and it was disrespectful. Their marriage is doomed. 

Molly needs to burn those boots and those earrings. Actually she needs to burn most of her wardrobe.  Luis is psycho. Molly made a HUGE mistake and potentially a very expensive mistake marrying him. 

Azan likes to prank girls and call them with a promise of a good time. . But no kisses with fiance...maybe on the shoulder. Separate rooms. But keep your hands off Azan's fluffy sweater, Nicole. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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35 minutes ago, Horrified said:
42 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I think Azan considers May his reward for putting up with Nicole. 

I think Azan considers May his "bundling board" (look it up!)

Oh, I know all about "bundling" and you're probably right. May's presence is a very convenient sex deterrent, let's see how long Azan can play that card. Whoever said upthread about Azan taking her to a hotel instead of home the first night to avoid sexy time was also correct. Funny that the rooms were across the hall from each other, not adjacent and potentially connected. No goodnight kiss even in the relative privacy of the hotel hallway with only the camera crew to capture the moment? I looked up the hotel website, it's rated 4 stars, but the rooms are only $ 65 a night so Nicole's money must go a long way over there. 

I actually felt a little sorry for Azan on the taxi ride squeezed into that car between Nicole and May's toddler seat. 

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

No doubt Jorge is a lazy, gross, blackmailing slob but let's not forget the Anfisa of last season that we saw hit, slap, and scream at Jorge repeatedly. I don't get why people are buying this poor, poor, sad Anfisa act. It's all BS. Both of them are awful. She could go back home if she is so miserable. All she needs is money for a plane ticket. I do, however, believe her story of how she was raised. Sad that her father died, and mom was obsessed with finding men, and her grandmother raised her. Sounds like Anfisa is following in her mother's footsteps. 

I'd probably rage on his ass too if I left my family and country to end up with a con-man and liar. 

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35 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Molly, like Nicole, is about 13 emotionally.

I agree.  Did she have no friends that said, "Look, you are 42, he is 27.  Get down and dirty with him all you want HERE IN THE DR.  Do not bring him home to friggin' MARRY!"  No one?  

Certainly not her best friend and business partner whose advice to her was "you DESERVE love and happiness" and convinced her that OLIVIA was the one being selfish and immature. 

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21 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

The emasculation of Roos continues...Pao certainly has his balls in one of her tacky handbags.   I hope that this is the last season of Roos and Pao, and the lame telenovela with Juan.  Juan is such an ugly person. He deserves no tv time.  We get it, Pao. You're a model. A classy model who needs to show her bolt-ons and her ass at every opportunity. 

"What are Jorge's good qualities?"     Dead silence.    

Family Chantel are nuts and extremely co-dependent. Chantel: There is such a thing as too much lashes.  Pedro's sister is a brat. She was laughing and mocking Chantel and it was disrespectful. Their marriage is doomed. 

Molly needs to burn those boots and those earrings. Actually she needs to burn most of her wardrobe.  Luis is psycho. Molly made a HUGE mistake and potentially a very expensive mistake marrying him. 

Azan likes to prank girls and call them with a promise of a good time. . But no kisses with fiance...maybe on the shoulder. Separate rooms. But keep your hands off Azan's fluffy sweater, Nicole. 

Pao is ridiculous. "I just love to take sexy pictures. Its what I always wanted to do". Honey. That is not a career. Your shelf life at this time is extremely limited. Jesus, there are probably baristas in Miami who are prettier and sexier. And younger.

I wish Anfisa would stop getting lip fillers, she looks prettier without them. She knows she screwed up. She has to figure out how to disentangle herself from Jorge. He is very bad news.

Pedro and Chantel's marriage is doomed, and hastening that end is the one desire of the entire Family Chantel. They will not rest until Chantel and Pedro divorce. And they will use that as a club to beat Chantel with FOREVER. The end, amen. What a bunch. Everyone is so joyless and wooden.

Luis will take Molly for everything he can get his grubby hands on. He probably just thought he was marrying a well off woman and would have a comfortable life before taking off. Now? He's struck gold. They actually got married! Is Georgia a community property state? She'll end up supporting him and he'll bleed her dry.

I don't think Azan was calling girls at all. I think he was calling boys. Have we heard any other voices on those tapes? and how did the recordings end up online?

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Pao is ridiculous. "I just love to take sexy pictures. Its what I always wanted to do". Honey. That is not a career. Your shelf life at this time is extremely limited. Jesus, there are probably baristas in Miami who are prettier and sexier. And younger.


Pao's insufferable! What other kinds of "sexy" things does Pao say? "Oh, I just looove giving blow jobs!" "I just love cleaning the house in a sexy French maid costume!" "I just love to bring you beers wearing only a thong and stilettos!" 

Pao, STFU! 

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Maybe Nicole would be a little bit more tolerable/sympathetic if she didn't always look so fucking smug.  Yes Nicole, you got to Morocco. SLOW. CLAP.  Congratulations on landing yourself a guy who sends sad, sexy messages to randos when drunk.  You sure showed us!  Poor little May, man.  That little girl is going to have a huge therapy bill when the time comes.  Nicole has more chins by the minute in this episode.  How did she manage to gain weight on the plane ride to Morocco?  I laughed at Azan saying that even after not getting the Visa, he still wanted to marry Nicole.  So, after you didn't get the thing that you wanted, you still want to get the thing that you want?  Which is American citizenship?  Ok, dude.  

The Pao/Roos/Juan story line is so fucking old and boring.  She is insanely boring in every way.  I guess they saw the footage that they had with her parading around with her nipples twirling about and realized it wasn't enough for her 20 minutes on the show, so they got Juan, Colombia's angriest, most possessive gay man, to play the role of sassy villain. BO-RRRRR-ING.  Also, wasn't the point of this whole visit to see her ailing grandmother and spend time with the family she's neglected for 4 years?  The cameras are obviously not going to show everything, but it seems like she spend like, no time with them at all.  Just enough to say goodbye to her grandmother and let Russ get reamed by her family.  Also, LOL at Russ thinking he has any say in what she does.  When has she ever taken anything that you've said into consideration, Roos?  When?  When you told her not to wear lingerie and she did anyway?  When you told her not to show her ass and she did?  Or was it when you told her not to look trashy and she did?  I'm confused.  Are they going to keep this next topless photoshoot classy?  Of course, MI AMOR.  His naivete tickles me.  

Anfisa.  Girl.  Get out.  Get away from that lying man-child and count yourself lucky to be 22 years old, pretty, and with grounds to stay in the USA.  Go to school, take care of yourself and that cute little cat and forget about that giant boil that is Jorge.  You can go to therapy until the cows come home, but if he shows up to every session baked and preemptively bored out of his mind, there will be no growth.  You can do better.  She's essentially with him because she's terrified of what he will reveal when they break up.  No one is going to judge you for being a webcam girl when you met Jorge.  He made the choice to be with you when you were doing it.  He knew what you did and the allure of a beautiful, unattainable girl was what he wanted.  The idiot is him.  The one that's going to look terrible is him.  At the end of the day, I bet he's threatening to tell her grandmother what she did and that's why she stays.  I bet if she puts on 10 pounds, he dumps her.  

WTF is Family Chantal doing with low budget Dolly Parton agency detective?  It can be fixed as easily as this:  If Chantal has concerns, she can address them with Dolly Detective ALONE like an adult, without a full entourage, or tell her parents to roll their eyes and talk as much shit as they want to when she's not around.  Bing bang boom.  Pedro's sister is obnoxious and a problem, but I have a feeling that it's a problem Chantal is going to have to deal with for the rest of her life.  He'll never get rid of the parasites if he keeps feeding them.

So, have we learned nothing from 90-day fiancé and its many iterations, or did Annie not get the memo that vasectomy reversals are not only not guaranteed, but also super expensive?  Girl, you're living in a firehouse - one that he will probably get you both kicked out of soon.  Why is everything taking so long, you ask?  BECAUSE DAVID DOESN'T WANT TO WORK.  He is unwilling to deign any measly position with his incredible, money-making, brilliant businessman prowess.  Another one that's better off back home.  At least you know that the oxen will be harder for Bhat-man to pawn way over in Thailand.  

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I had to laugh when Nicole accused Azan of calling other women and he showed her his phone and said, "Look, there's no one else. I've deleted everything." Well, OF COURSE he got rid of the incriminating evidence.

edited to add: and he only brought his “Bigalittlebit” phone 

Edited by magemaud
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8 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I had to laugh when Nicole accused Azan of calling other women and he showed her his phone and said, "Look, there's no one else. I've deleted everything." Well, OF COURSE he got rid of the incriminating evidence. 


I personally think Azan has 5 or 6 phones on the go - one for each mark.

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4 hours ago, gunderda said:

Everything these days is password protected by default.  You can't buy a computer or phone without having to set up a password on it. I'm sure Chantel has never asked him for the passwords!

I have wondered the same.  Because she's obviously wearing a dress so wouldn't that mean certain areas are exposed to whomever is interviewing her? And then she was also sitting that way during the TH with Jorge when she learned he went to the lawyer.  And THEN I noticed that Chantel sits the same way in some of her's also.

That sectional fit just fine.  I'm confused as to why they thought it wouldn't fit- did they not understand how it went together or what? It looks perfectly fine. 

And anyone that says they should have bought a fold out sofa obviously has never owned one before lol 

I’m with you on the pull out sofa bed!

IKEA used to make a comfortable pull out sofa bed, but I don’t know what the current quality is like. They’re also such a pain to move into a new spot of the living room or have delivered because they weigh SO much more than a regular sofa (for those who don’t know). Moving out/selling it is also a challenge because no one wants to move that up/down stairs and I don’t blame them.

The sectional was way too big for their tiny ass apartment. Did anyone else catch the scene of them sitting on it tgthr? They took up less than 1/2 the total amount of the sofa. I couldn’t decide if that was a nonverbal dig about:

1. The sofa is too damn big & Chantal was right 


2. It’s big enough for sister Pedro to sleep on comfortably.

I can’t help but wonder how sister Pedro would’ve reacted if she had been told she had to sleep on an air mattress. I’m pretty sure she’d moan & groan about that too.

I’m confident that sister Pedro hasn’t traveled much to realize that accommodation is the most expensive part of going on a trip. If you’re lucky enough to be able to stay with people on your trip and not have to spend $300/night on a hotel room, you shut your mouth and sleep where they put you! 

From what I’ve been told, AeroBeds are really comfortable, relatively inexpensive and buying one would’ve been the best choice had those two morons not bought a humongous sectional for only TWO people. 

I understand Pedro wasn’t happy during the five day cabin trip, but at least he had an entire basement apartment to hide out in. He wasn’t stuffed into a small apartment with his in laws for two weeks. I know this is producer driven (at least I hope so!), but I can’t tell if he’s incredibly passive aggressive or just plain mean by bringing his sister to Atlanta for two weeks. 

Before I forget, I LOVE fresh flowers. They brighten any room and are an instant pick me up. They’re a steal at either Home Depot or Trader Joe’s. That said, I’ve never given nor received two bouquets of flowers at the same time to/from the same person, so when I saw sister Pedro’s flowers at the airport, I thought “Well, there’s more money down the tubes!”  One bouquet would’ve been more than thoughtful. The money for the 2nd bouquet could’ve been spent on a book for Pedro called “Verbs are your friends. Know them. Use them. Love them.” There was a scene last night when Chantal was trying to clarify/explain a lost-in-translation word to Pedro. I’d bet my life savings that their arguments are mostly grounded in the language barrier. I give Chantal props for wanting to be bilingual as it will help her professionally, but Pedro’s English will never improve when he serves as her 1:1 Spanish tutor, 24/7. 

As many of you have already so eloquently and hilariously written, these fools don’t know each other at all before they get married. It’s comedy gold for us, but a shit show for them. They just “want to be married.” Nicole kept saying it last night too! “I just want to be marry him and be his wife.” These morons really do think that having a wedding, wearing a fancy dress and living in a new place will automatically fix what they don’t like about their partners.

Reality paging the cast of 90DF, Reality paging the cast of 90DF......

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I just returned from a week in Europe so I had 2 episodes to catch up on - So I take it that Chantel & Pedro moved from the studio apartment to a one bedroom, as I recall last season she said her bed was in the kitchen - Sister Nicole is a bitch, basically a free ticket and place to stay and she is complaining about sleeping on a couch that is brand new where no dirty asses have been... David is a moron, but Annie is even worse, knowing he has been snipped and she wanting kids, obviously she was thirsty to get out of the Philippines at any cost.  Glad Molly finally came to her senses and got rid of Luis - hopefully she can rebuild her relationship with her older daughter. Pao is delusional, with her cah-reer posing for some dollar store calendar, he awful bestie Juan and her follically challenged husband.  Nicole, you are so stupid, Azan is using you for money - you are so blind to see that - 

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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I haven't finished the episode yet (I can only stand to watch so much of it in one sitting) but OMG, can we talk about Annie's new friend Tuk?  I LOVE Tuk!  She looked fab, she seemed to have her shit together (unlike almost everyone else we are subjected to) and she was giving Annie some tough love in the most sincere way possible.  Is Tuk a therapist, or a plant from production?  I really want to know more about her.  

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1 hour ago, JoBeth70 said:

Also, Nicole: “I don’t get drunk and call other men.” 

The irony was probably lost on Nicole.

1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

OK I am going to lay money down on this bet - Pedro and his sister are really a couple and are fleecing Chantel.

I was reminded of that Friends episode where Rachel dates Danny from next door while his sister is visiting:

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18 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

I must be living in a strange world, because in my world, it’s well known and normal for immigrants to send money back to their families in poor countries. It’s also normal for adults, even married ones, to password protect their phones. Either this is for the cameras, or this PI is stupid as hell.

Chantel’s family still sucks.

I got the feeling this "PI" was pushing to just get the job no matter what by telling Family Chantel what they wanted to hear?

It may be normal for immigrants to send money back to families, but Pedro is a married man and all his loyalty should be to Chantel, NOT worrying about going to a hotel with his sister because she thinks she is too good to sleep on a sofa. I wanted to slap her. But the main thing is Pedro doesn't even support his wife emotionally when it comes to his family. Even if it is "normal" Pedro chose to live in America and he needs to get with OUR cultures, not the other way around. And OUR culture says a married man and wife take care of each other before all others. 

18 hours ago, iwasish said:

She needs to “push him a little bit” according to her friend, 

I’m thinking that means there’ll be no sounds of David’s ass slapping nightly till he starts making good on his promises.

Speaking of Annie, I noticed the most scary thing of last night's show. Even with all the crap going on everywhere. That "priest" in the Thai Temple was BEYOND creepy as hell. Anybody see that?

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2 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:

I got the feeling this "PI" was pushing to just get the job no matter what by telling Family Chantel what they wanted to hear?


Totally!  She's not doing it out of the goodness of her heart, she's there to make money.  She wants to stir up as much suspicion as she can in order to make it seem like the only option they have is to hire a PI.  Notice that the whole "Maybe he's married to someone else...maybe he's not even Pedro..." insinuations came from her and not Family Chantel.  

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5 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:


Speaking of Annie, I noticed the most scary thing of last night's show. Even with all the crap going on everywhere. That "priest" in the Thai Temple was BEYOND creepy as hell. Anybody see that?

Wait, that wasn't the Crypt Keeper?

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18 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Sorry...if my husband had a trash-talking, disrespectful, nasty skank of a sister who ridiculed my very existence, she would not be welcome to stay at OUR house.  Period.  I cannot believe the number of people on this site who are siding with Pedro and his shady family.

Thank you!! I feel the same way, there is no more defense for family Pedro than there is for Family Chantel . If that girl came into my house and started with all that, I don't want to sleep on a sofa stuff, she would be OUT! For being so unappreciative. I am getting very angry at chantel for repeating over and over again how pedro never takes her side when it comes to his family.  Get a clue! He will always be that way. 

18 hours ago, nytonc said:

Why on Earth does David not have a job yet?!?! Now that the Chris gravy train has ended Does he plan to just ride the TLC wave? 

Didn't you see the one interview they aired when David was applying for a job. He was AWFUL!  Apparently he has the experience to make good money but nobody will hire a creep like that who fills the interview talking about he has to make money to keep up his 25 year old wife. Did he think the interviewer would be jealous of that fact?  No he saw like we all did, as some sort of creepy nearly child molester. 

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18 hours ago, nytonc said:

If Nicole doesn’t get laid soon I think she might go back to Florida. Azan is gonna have to put on his big boy condom and bang Nicole or she’ll never forgive him. 

I did see a wedding ring on Azan last night in one scene. 

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10 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:

I got the feeling this "PI" was pushing to just get the job no matter what by telling Family Chantel what they wanted to hear?

It may be normal for immigrants to send money back to families, but Pedro is a married man and all his loyalty should be to Chantel, NOT worrying about going to a hotel with his sister because she thinks she is too good to sleep on a sofa. I wanted to slap her. But the main thing is Pedro doesn't even support his wife emotionally when it comes to his family. Even if it is "normal" Pedro chose to live in America and he needs to get with OUR cultures, not the other way around. And OUR culture says a married man and wife take care of each other before all others. 

Speaking of Annie, I noticed the most scary thing of last night's show. Even with all the crap going on everywhere. That "priest" in the Thai Temple was BEYOND creepy as hell. Anybody see that?

Nah. I don’t think that’s necessary or realistic. You don’t just lose your culture because you move to a new country. Over time, you do learn about your new country’s culture, and you begin to incorporate parts of it. But it will never totally supplant your original culture. I’m an American who’s been living in Asia longer than Pedro’s been in America. That doesn’t make me Chinese, and it doesn’t mean I hold Chinese values about family.

That being said, Pedro did choose to marry an American, and the two of them should mutually agree on how much support they will give to his family in the DR. If Chantel had done an ounce of research beforehand, she would’ve known Caribbean immigrants almost always send money back home; it’s expected. This should’ve been a conversation they had before marriage.

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I hear the "it's my culture" excuse a lot on this show.  No, it's not your "culture" to gift your mom laptops and big screen TV's and other non-essentials when you and your wife are poor and barely getting by in a one bedroom apartment.  And it's not your "culture" to be a vain, self-absorbed mean girl who disrespects your husband in public.  We have a lot of those in the U.S. too.

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1 hour ago, Bridget said:

I’m with you on the pull out sofa bed!

IKEA used to make a comfortable pull out sofa bed, but I don’t know what the current quality is like. They’re also such a pain to move into a new spot of the living room or have delivered because they weigh SO much more than a regular sofa (for those who don’t know). Moving out/selling it is also a challenge because no one wants to move that up/down stairs and I don’t blame them.

I can’t help but wonder how sister Pedro would’ve reacted if she had been told she had to sleep on an air mattress. I’m pretty sure she’d moan & groan about that too.


I think she would have raged and complained about a pull out bed as well. Nothing would have made her happy. 

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17 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

Chantel is a bitch. Nobody needs to buy a 1000 dollar couch if they are living in a studio apartment they can barely afford. It's not the sister's fault. Look, buying a blow up mattress isn't a huge deal.  She didn't demand the bed. True, it probably won't fit in the apartment but still. It's not worth all this drama. And I do feel for the sister for getting all stressed. I know she's not the best but Chantel could have a better attitude, she is the guest. If she was going to be this annoyed, she should stay away for the weekend with her parents.

Have you not noticed that pedro calls the shots on the marital money together. And even on Chantel's money. Such as him saying last night that his video gaming system comes BEFORE a sofa. And Chantel let him get away with it! She needs to speak up and say "we are NOT buying a 1K couch just because your sister is coming. We will buy a good normal couch. And even tho she is a guest in Pedro and Chantel's home, be frickin grateful! I can't stand that sister and her bratty rude ways. 

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

I think Azan considers May his reward for putting up with Nicole. 

As long as he fusses over May, Nicole isn't molesting him. May is his shield.

If I've learned one thing in life, it's that you can never be too cynical.

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The guy delivering the furniture to Apartment Chantal was hella cute. The one with the bun. I don't usually like man-buns, but I would make an exception in this case. Just sayin'.

Last night I was so confused about why they didn't just pick up an inflatable mattress. They're like $50 or less. But then I remembered that Sister Pedro can't ever stop laughing while delivering her lines and remembered that this is all a damn set up. The producers are making a storyline for them. It's fun to go along, I guess, but they're so absurd. I'm going to cling to that idea in order to save myself from believing that people are actually this crazy.


4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What is Russ getting out of this marriage?  


Spank material for his cuckholding fantasies?

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Pao is ridiculous. "I just love to take sexy pictures. Its what I always wanted to do". Honey. That is not a career.

I wanted to do that too! When I was 14. Fortunately for everyone, cameras required actual film then so that wasn't a choice for me. But if we look at Pao like she's emotionally a 14 year old...makes more sense, right?

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Sorry, but I do think it is sort of shady that Pedro has not told Chantal what his password is on his phone. I know my husbands and he knows mine. If you don't have anything to hide what is the big deal? I don't go through my husbands phone, but if mine is dying and I need to make a call I use his or vice versa. I would think something was up if I didn't know it.

I can understand Pedro sending home $300 a month to help his family, but not everything else. His mother and sister do not need a big screen TV and laptops when in one episode Chantal did not know how she was going to pay for her textbooks. It's not her money and his money, it's their money and they both need to agree how to spend it. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


I agree.  Did she have no friends that said, "Look, you are 42, he is 27.  Get down and dirty with him all you want HERE IN THE DR.  Do not bring him home to friggin' MARRY!"  No one?  

I  think Molly only surrounds herself with yes people.   Her dad warned her but he was dismissed.  

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3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Is Chantel working? Maybe her parents are paying for her schooling . I'm pretty sure that was her apartment when he came to the states.  It would make sense if her parents are helping with finances and Pedro is sending his lawyer mother and unemployed sister his money.  What was name of other woman who married the beach boy who also supporting his family and she was shocked how big their house was? Did  it say Pedro spent   the night in a hotel with the sister? 

I have heard Chantel say more than once that she is trying to save money for her nursing school.  That couple you are talking about I forget the names bu YUK, I hated that woman. 

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4 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:

I have heard Chantel say more than once that she is trying to save money for her nursing school.  That couple you are talking about I forget the names bu YUK, I hated that woman. 

Are you thinking of Melanie & Devar?   She is a nurse who met her now husband on vacation, maybe the DR also?  He was educated/trained to do something really cool when he moved here, something like underwater welding??? He probably makes good money and good for him for actually learning a trade that he can probably do anywhere. 

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3 hours ago, Adiba said:

I can’t get too invested in the Pedro/Chantel storyline, because I just can’t believe it’s for real. Yes, I do believe they are married— but all this other nonsense—- really?

If in fact Chantel’s parents wanted to do a background check/ pi investigation on Pedro, they could’ve done it years ago or at least during the K1 90 day period. And they didn’t need Chantel present or even her permission to do so. They wouldn’t have even had to notify her of anything if the investigation came up empty.

This is not to say I agree with her parents doing an investigation—I think if this is for real, they are out of line and a bit crazy.

They are wasting money on that bullshit. Especially since US government already did thorough investigation on him before they issued his K1 visa. He doesn't have different name and another wife with kids in DR... 

PS: I went through all that when I won green card 21 years ago. 

Edited by ava111
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They've moved out of the studio apartment and into a one bedroom, so it makes sense that they didn't have a sofa. The kitchen was right next to the bed at that point, so there was no room for a sofa. When they went shopping, Chantel thanked Pedro for finally bringing her furniture shopping, and he decided to tell her about Sister Pedro visit while shopping. So I don't think the sofa was solely purchased as somewhere for her to sleep, but I do believe that was partially his idea. Pedro didn't suggest that they search for an air mattress or even a sofa bed, so I'm guessing the sofa was suitable for his sister--until she didn't like it. Then, he cast the blame on Chantel because Pedro wouldn't dare suggest his precious sister sleep on the sofa. Personally, I wouldn't allow someone who disrespected me or mocked me to interrupt the peace in my home. Family, in-law, or not, respect me and respect my home. If you can't do that, hit the bricks. Chantel greeted her with a hug and welcomed her. It wasn't until the sister started the cackling and acting like the supplied accommodation didn't meet her standards that it went left. He'll always put his mother, his sister, his gaming system, etc. before Chantel.

I don't care about Annie's plight. You went into this eyes wide open. You knew he was a sad sack. You heard how he cheated on the ex-wife. You knew he wasn't working in Thailand and was being a kept bitch by Chris/Nikki. You knew he was a potential alcoholic, broke, job less, neutered, pitiful excuse of father to existing children, and lousy husband to his ex-wife when you married him. What gave it away? The fact that he left his then 14 year old to chase the living my best life and be about himself or maybe it was when he hit you with the I'm too broke to afford your dowry? Cut your losses when you get the green card and keep it moving. Can we keep Tuk? I like her.

Molly did one smart thing by leaving and taking Kinsley with her. Considering he proposed after what--two dates or two months, what did she really expect? You probably didn't even know his full name and hadn't even run a background check on him. You should've left him at the resort and classified that under "Holiday D." I guarantee if he had his green card and was working, he would've been sending money back, too. And I'm sure that would've been an issue in their marriage. Just like with Chantel and Pedro and just like it was with Melanie and Devar initially. (Melanie was the one who was surprised by the size of Devar's family home etc. He was also the one who said he would send back half or more than half of what he would potentially make.) Molly never should've married him. He didn't change. You didn't know who he really was and what he was about. That's your fault for marrying a stranger.

I feel bad for Anfisa from the angle of Jorge is a lying sack of cow dung. I can't excuse her abusive ways last season. He strikes me as a sociopath. He's the type to see her crying and be completely unbothered. I believe he would try to ruin her life. He was hellbent on revenge before that sudden change of heart. Otherwise, why would you put it out there that she was a cam girl or a sex worker? Even by implying it or leaving it open for people to go search, he wasn't a supportive husband and that wasn't loving at all. He set out to embarrass her and shame her. That's not at all how you treat your wife. She would do well to get far away from him. Her childhood might explain her approach to relationships. If her mum was always chasing behind a man or looking for her next husband, she probably didn't have time to raise her which is how she ended up with her grandmother. That much is sad.

Juan is such a nasty person and a mean girl like his bestie. It wouldn't matter if Pao was beautiful on the outside. She's so nasty on the inside that it oozes out. I wish they would stop showing him and giving him airtime. I'll be glad when they get back to Miami just so we won't have to see Juan. I hope Pao's parents have seen these episodes and how nasty he is. Pao is still the worst. Chick, posing in body paint for a penny saver calendar that won't ever see the light of day with a pair of daisey dukes on isn't artistic. You could tell her parents were uncomfortable. That isn't at all representative of Colombia. She has this caricature version of what and who a spicy Latina looks like. Meanwhile, people like Sofia Vergara and Jennifer Lopez have seemingly mastered it without constantly being naked, wearing used lingerie, and being in no budget videos. And J. Lo started on In Living Colour as a dancer. I'm tired of hearing about Pao's cah-reer. You're not making money moves. You're just an exhibitionist, and TLC won't hurt my feelings at all if her and Roos and NEVER featured on another of these series. Go live in peace like Alan and Kirylam and all the others.

Nicole and Hassan. Well, as I said in an earlier post, that smug smile has been wiped off her face. I don't believe he'll ever marry her. Do we know if he's ever tried to visit to the States? I would think it would be more cost effective for him to have flown to the States than for Nicole and her child to need two tickets to fly there? Hopefully, she'll wise up and cancel the wedding.

Edited by AussieBabe
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1 minute ago, ava111 said:

They are wasting money on that bullshit. Especially since US government already did thorough investigation on him before they issued his K1 visa. He doesn't have different name and another wife with kids in DR... 

This is very true! I guess Family Chantel just got stupider. 

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1 hour ago, Nancybeth said:

Totally!  She's not doing it out of the goodness of her heart, she's there to make money.  She wants to stir up as much suspicion as she can in order to make it seem like the only option they have is to hire a PI.  Notice that the whole "Maybe he's married to someone else...maybe he's not even Pedro..." insinuations came from her and not Family Chantel.  

Yes, but after those insinuations did you catch family Chantel grinning like canaries over somebody else agreeing with their probable delusions?

One last note from me today on last night's episode. I would never forgive Pedro for taking his sister's side when his sister was the rude and insulting one. Even saying to Chantel, "are you happy now? Is this what you wanted?" NOT comforting his wife after his sister insulted her and made her feel like her home wasn't good enough for her. 

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Did everyone forget that Pedro admitted he prepaid rent for an entire year for that 3 bedroom place they are living in? And he is sending money and other things...that amounts to much more than $300-$400 a month. And did anyone else get a very controlling vibe from Pedro. Wanting to separate Chantel from her family and make her change her phone number? Let's talk about how he always forces Chantel to cowtow to him...he has his damn gaming computer desk that is staying right where it is...where is Chantel's space in that apartment? I didn't see one at all. And the way he said don't talk to me that way really was a warning sign. There is something seriously shady with Pedro and Family Pedro. 

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1 hour ago, Dobian said:

I hear the "it's my culture" excuse a lot on this show.  No, it's not your "culture" to gift your mom laptops and big screen TV's and other non-essentials when you and your wife are poor and barely getting by in a one bedroom apartment.  And it's not your "culture" to be a vain, self-absorbed mean girl who disrespects your husband in public.  We have a lot of those in the U.S. too.

Marry me.

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18 hours ago, rideashire said:

I live alone and my phone is password protected and I have no idea way. Who is looking? My cat? This show is making me question my life choices.

Because if you walk into a stor and lay your phone down and get distracted (and leave it, and are forced to ask someone else to borrow a phone so you can call it to find it, etc) the next person who sees it can open it and cause you all sorts of harm. Everybody’s phone should have password protection.  You’re smarter than you think.

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The lawyer and the PI are actors. Actually, I think all of the 90 Day Fiance lawyers that we've seen are actors. Have to be. They don't seem professional, intelligent, or articulate enough to be practicing in their fields. The clothes and hairdos are so bad. The offices look like sets with tacky, cardboard, rental office furniture. They are really bad actors too. They read the lines written for them in a monotone voice and sound like student actors in a high school play. The PI tonight jumping on the bandwagon with Chantal's parents was clearly seeing dollar signs and a few trips to the Dominican Republic on the family Chantal's dime. She was ridiculous. Maybe I'm wrong, but would you hire any of them? 

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I was mesmerized by Molly's lawyer's tupee.  I didn't hear a word he said.

50 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


Is there a little Jorge running around?  Stay tunned!!!

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1 minute ago, Matty said:

The lawyer and the PI are actors. Actually, I think all of the 90 Day Fiance lawyers that we've seen are actors. Have to be. They don't seem professional, intelligent, or articulate enough to be practicing in their fields. The clothes and hairdos are so bad. The offices look like sets with tacky, cardboard, rental office furniture. They are really bad actors too. They read the lines written for them in a monotone voice and sound like student actors in a high school play. The PI tonight jumping on the bandwagon with Chantal's parents was clearly seeing dollar signs and a few trips to the Dominican Republic on the family Chantal's dime. She was ridiculous. Maybe I'm wrong, but would you hire any of them? 

I looked up Nicole’s lawyer and she seems legit. I guess the others are also. Maybe they need the money or they think their appearance will drum up business, or they know someone on the production team?

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Actually, I think all of the 90 Day Fiance lawyers that we've seen are actors. Have to be.

Nope. They have all been found to actually exist and be practising members of their respective Bars.

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Random comments:

1. The hair on this episode! I cannot! The PI's hair, the lawyer's hair, Russ, Pao....wtf do these people not have mirrors? Did they honestly look at themselves before shooting and say, hmmm, yeah, I look good??!

2.  Azan's expressions when Nicole arrived--priceless! Looking frantically for an exit! Nicole feeling "heartbroken" over Azan's drunk dials, LMAO. As my husband said, "YOU fucked somebody!! Shut up!"

3.  Anfisa, honey, get your green card and run. We all know you were a sex worker of some kind, don't let Jorge hold that over your head. It's fine.

4. Family Chantal are so gullible. That PI played them like a fiddle. What a weird creepy cult those people are. And Chantal with her giraffe eyelashes...FFS she struggles to blink with the weight of those things!

5. Molly is too stupid to live, certainly too stupid to be allowed to be a parent. Who could IMAGINE this scenario would go badly? NOT HER!! She was scared shitless when the police were called--that's why she bailed. Not for her child's sake, she doesn't give a crap about her.

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12 minutes ago, Bou said:

I was mesmerized by Molly's lawyer's tupee.  I didn't hear a word he said.

Is there a little Jorge running around?  Stay tunned!!!

The baby is a girl and I doubt it is Jorge's baby

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After binge watching all of "Skin Wars" all i could think when Pao was doing the photoshoot was "wow that's eliminated first episode type work, Rupaul would not be nice about this."

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19 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

Chantel is a bitch. Nobody needs to buy a 1000 dollar couch if they are living in a studio apartment they can barely afford. It's not the sister's fault. Look, buying a blow up mattress isn't a huge deal.  She didn't demand the bed. True, it probably won't fit in the apartment but still. It's not worth all this drama. And I do feel for the sister for getting all stressed. I know she's not the best but Chantel could have a better attitude, she is the guest. If she was going to be this annoyed, she should stay away for the weekend with her parents.

Far be it from me to defend Chantel (I get the heaves just thinking about it!) but I have a feeling that even if they'd bought an inflatable bed instead of a couch, Princess Sister wouldn't have wanted to sleep on that, either.  She understands her role in this mess and she's doing her best to fulfill it.  Her laughing in Chantel's face was enough to make me want to throw her out.  How Pedro can defend that kind of behavior is beyond me.

47 minutes ago, Bou said:

I was mesmerized by Molly's lawyer's tupee.  I didn't hear a word he said.

Is there a little Jorge running around?  Stay tunned!!!

Jorge got someone else to sleep with him???  And didn't promise them a million dollars and all sorts of designer handbags to make it happen?  Damn.

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I would have liked to see more of Nicole and Azan this episode, simply because I enjoy the Moroccan scenery.  The doors on their hotel rooms were so pretty and I’d really love to see some close ups of the food at the restaurant.  That being the case, I’d love to see a Moroccan wedding, though I don’t think these two should get married.  

Azan can’t seem to show Nicole that he has any real affection for her in person, though he must be pretty convincing when they are apart to make her feel so sure he wants to be with her.  Though there seems to finally be a tiny bit of doubt in her mind about that now.

 I wonder if they do get married, would she be able to remain in Morocco on her tourist visa, or how would that all work?

Edited by SweetPotato
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49 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I looked up Nicole’s lawyer and she seems legit. I guess the others are also. Maybe they need the money or they think their appearance will drum up business, or they know someone on the production team?

As soon as I saw Nicole’s lawyer, I thought she looked more like a fortune teller.

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The whole PI angle wreaked of “We(PI company) will do this for free and plant any doubt you want us to as long as you film our business”. The cluttered office, the room that was so small almost everyone of their chairs were practically against the wall, the red glittery conference table, to yes, the hair. 

The set ups this season are beyond ridiculous, but I’ll be damned if I miss an episode.

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33 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

Jorge got someone else to sleep with him???  And didn't promise them a million dollars and all sorts of designer handbags to make it happen?  Damn.

Most important, does Lourdes know?? What will she say when she finds there was leg-spreading involved?

Seriously, can you picture Lourdes butting in and telling Jorge not to give up one penny in child support? 

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