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S10.E04: War and P.O.S

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1 minute ago, Reality police said:

Omg! I couldn't figure out her new TH look until you said that! I figured it out. Money is tight and Sonja has had to ditch her regular makeup people and hire one from the local mortuary. That's it. Thank you. 

I said earlier it was definitely fitting for a coffin viewing! ;-)

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3 hours ago, Steph J said:

"I don't know why we let Dorinda get away with it."

Um... maybe because her husband died and it's the empathetic thing to do?  I get that divorce is like "a death" but death is death. It's final. Dorinda loved Richard and he's gone from this Earth.

And Sonya loved the lifestyle. That's what she's mourning. She looks awful this season and seems like she's really gone down the rabbit hole. 

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1 hour ago, archer1267 said:

Sonja had a takedown coming, but I hate that these women go straight to slut-shaming with each other. First there was the comment last year about putting an E-Z pass on Sonja's "Holland Tunnel," now it's calling her a ho and telling her to shut her legs. Sonja's always been upfront about enjoying men and who cares, she's single and can do what she wants. It's just a cheap shot to call her a slut...especially when that's not the stuff that's making her annoying.

I'm tired of the slut shaming too,  from all of them. Including Sonja who started it all this year by calling Tin a kept woman. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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2 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

she makes a big deal about living in the present.   She preaches this about Sonja, but doesn’t really practice this herself.

Sonja's entire existence is the past. There are things that remind Dorinda of Richard, but she doesn't spend an entire conversation telling you about a yacht she hasn't owned in 15 years. I am wondering if a major milestone related to Richard is approaching. Typically if someone talks about a dead spouse or pet, a significant anniversary is approaching so everything is a reminder and a reason to talk about the lost loved one.

As someone said above it's scary when Ramona is the voice of reason. 

How bad did Sonja want to cash Tinsley's check?

I think Carole is over the show. Maybe she had a heart to heart with Heather and is rethinking her choices.

Edited by Drumpf1737
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You don't compare death to any breakup, it's just not the same. But a breakup can feel like a death, and there's no timeline for being over it. 


Eh, I got what Bethenny meant, though. Dorinda doesn't get to tell anyone when to get over shit. Her being a widow doesn't mean that she gets to use that as a trump card. I mentioned this last week, but I hate when people compare pain. Stop putting people on a timetable of when you think they ought to move on. "She's been divorced 12 years and she's still going on as if his reading glasses are next to the bed." Just stop. Dorinda's probably been on a downward spiral since Richard's death. Ain't no way she could pull this boozebag shit being a professor's wife and hobnobbing with stuffy faculty and the Clintons. 

I was with Sonja all the way when she told Ramona about herself in that text message. Any time Ramona gets the business, I'm happy.

Dennis's sweater was sinful in its ugliness. You either have to be a model or have the confidence to pull off those type of prints. I feel the same way about Versace clothes. 

Edited by Sheenieb
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So many people are enjoying this episode but man, I hated it! I hate the slut shaming, especially because it has NOTHING to do with the problems causing the outbursts. It's a vulgar and cheap shot. 

Dorinda, whom I normally love, is just plain mean. I can't stand her this season.

But the biggest problem I have is I think there is something really wrong with Sonja. Like Amanda Bynes wrong. I don't find her or the takedown of her funny at all. Well, okay, Carole's comment, "She looks normal from the outside" was pretty funny, for the most part, I was really uncomfortable through most of the episode. 

This just isn't working for me.

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19 minutes ago, archer1267 said:

Sonja had a takedown coming, but I hate that these women go straight to slut-shaming with each other. First there was the comment last year about putting an E-Z pass on Sonja's "Holland Tunnel," now it's calling her a ho and telling her to shut her legs. Sonja's always been upfront about enjoying men and who cares, she's single and can do what she wants. It's just a cheap shot to call her a slut...especially when that's not the stuff that's making her annoying.

Sonja absolutely had a take down coming. She looked like an ass for saying that 'mommy' and 'Scotty' pay all of Tinsley's bills.  However, I agree with you about the slut shaming out of nowhere. 

Dorinda's, "Liar, liar, ho on fire" was stupid and sophomoric.  It was beneath even her.

And here I was, blaming her tirades on the booze.  Nope.  Dorinda seems like she's continuously simmering in her own nasty and bitter juices. 

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2 hours ago, twilightzone said:

And he died, which must have been very hard for her.  But Dorinda doesn't live her life in the past.  Unlike Sonja, who is still desperately hanging on to being the grande dame Lady Morgan, even though that life has been over for years.

To me, there is a difference between making occasional references to your husband (that are following the topic of conversation) and really only talking about your previous marriage that has been over for 12 years.  Most of my friends who are widowed will still talk and reference their husbands in conversation.  For them, the marriage isn’t really over because they didn’t choose for it to be over.  It isn’t like a marriage where you make a choice to sever ties with that person—especially one like Sonja where they don’t even communicate anymore.  

1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Bethenny was the star of this episode for me. Loved her snarking on the ugly outfits, including her own; snarking on Ramona's house which badly needs a facelift (as someone pointed out here, Bethenny's newly purchased house is more updated than Moaner's); snarking on Ramona's fugly glasses (and I have similar ones in my home that belonged to my husband's grandmother. I have managed to move them from the china cabinet to a cupboard without him noticing - I hate them - lol); and best of all, Bethenny burning the cheque. I also loved that she called Luann on her "innocent" questions to Dennis, and got an apology from Lu, however insincere it might be. 

I have been a Carol fan in the past, but she is just a bitter hag this season. Trying to hold on to her apple? Complaining that there was no marathon memorabilia at the party? Even the cake wasn't good enough. Sheesh. 

I was loving B’s snarking but I couldn’t help but wonder how Carole was going to react on her blog and Twitter about it.  I see it being spun as another way Bethenny was attacking her when B was also commenting on her own outfit being awful. 

1 hour ago, howiveaddict said:

My sister, her husband and my brother have all ran lots of marathons.  I feel bad I have never given them a party, let alone a theme party.  But, if I had, it would have been a buffet like all of our family get togethers.  And my sister would have to  bake her own cake, because she is the baker in the family.  No way I could compete with her with a box of Duncan Hines.

Agree that the party outfits were ugly. Especially Carol's.  And what is up with Lu Ann's braids.  I read today that she smokes pot.  Maybe the braids are part of her new hippie life style.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.

I can't believe I used to be a fan of Sonja's.  She is a total delusional ass hole now days.

Dude, my husband runs marathons.  I think the most I’ve done was tell him to take out the garbage when he got back.  Whoops.  LOL. 

35 minutes ago, archer1267 said:

Sonja had a takedown coming, but I hate that these women go straight to slut-shaming with each other. First there was the comment last year about putting an E-Z pass on Sonja's "Holland Tunnel," now it's calling her a ho and telling her to shut her legs. Sonja's always been upfront about enjoying men and who cares, she's single and can do what she wants. It's just a cheap shot to call her a slut...especially when that's not the stuff that's making her annoying.

I’m not a fan of the slut shaming either.  There are plenty of legit criticisms of Sonja.  Her inability to stick to an argument.  She talks about how amazing her marriage is but then says she doesn’t miss her husband, she misses the lifestyle.  She says Tins didn’t buy the gift card but then says she might have but who knows where the money comes from.  She says Tinsley’s money comes from her mom but dude, where is Sonja’s money coming from?  She refuses to see where other people are coming from.  She only acknowledges her pain, her suffering, her perspective. 

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45 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

Disclaimer: I’ve just finished the episode but haven’t read any comments yet so I might repeat things. 


I really need someone to ask Sonja that if her marriage was so amazing then WHY ARE THEY DIVORCED????

Exactly!!! It was amazing for her because she was/is a piece of shit nobody that married someone of influence and it made her feel important.  It probably wasn’t so amazing for him and he saw her for the thirsty gold digging ho whack job that she is and he go rid of her ass!

i like Bethenny but I disagreed with her in this situation! Yes, Sonja does only talk about the lifestyle, the townhouse, the parties while Dorinda only talks about Richard.  That’s because that’s ALL Sonja cared about, not her ex. Meanwhile Dorinda deeply cared for and loved Richard not his money!! 

Edited by Kaia40
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5 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Dennis is not what I expected.

His voice was bugging me.  I need to take another closer listen but his articulation was off. Hated the Gucci sweater too but I hate most things Gucci is coming out with lately. I get that their design style is excess but come on, TOO MUCH. 

Just now, Kaia40 said:

Exactly!!! It was amazing for her because she was/is a piece of shit nobody that married someone of influence and it made her feel important.  It probably wasn’t so amazing for him and he saw her for the thirsty gold digging ho whack job that she is and he was out! 

Ooh, because she totally said at one point that she would not have left the marriage and then 15 minutes later said that she had no choice but to leave him.  So, which one is it?  Does she even realize that she is full of lies at this point?

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6 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

 I was with Sonja all the way when she told Ramona about herself in that text message.

Me, too.

I believe what Sonya was trying to convey. Ramona has known Sonja the longest. She knew Sonja when she was married and was privy to what went on at the end. I believe the stories, moreso now than ever about Morgan cheating on Sonja and leaving her for her friend. If true, I can see why Sonja would be pissy at Ramona for not shutting Dorinda down. 

Sonja DID support Moaner when Mario left her for another woman. It doesn't seem much of a stretch for Sonja to expect the same from Ramona if Morgan really did leave Sonja for her friend. 

For Ramona to keep insisting that Sonja needs to apologize, yet not tell Dorinda the same?  Yeah, I'd probably send a You're-a-POS text, too.

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8 minutes ago, Kaia40 said:

I really need someone to ask Sonja that if her marriage was so amazing then WHY ARE THEY DIVORCED????

Maybe it was amazing until he cheated and they had to divorce?

20 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

It isn’t like a marriage where you make a choice to sever ties

Maybe Sonja with a sexy J didn't have a choice.

11 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

Ooh, because she totally said at one point that she would not have left the marriage and then 15 minutes later said that she had no choice but to leave him.  So, which one is it?  

It can be both. She said she would not have left the marriage, but if he cheated, she may not have had a choice. Even if she wanted to make it work after an infidelity, he might have wanted out.

26 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

She talks about how amazing her marriage is but then says she doesn’t miss her husband, she misses the lifestyle.

Again, both are totally possible.  She loved her marriage and all the perks. If he cheated and left, I can understand not missing the a-hole but totally missing the lifestyle.

I know I just threw a lot of maybes out there, but....maybe. lol

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20 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Am I the only one who gets that Carole is being tongue-in-cheek about the "marathon party"?

I'm unsure in her talking heads,  she's gone so weird this season. I hope she was also tongue in cheek about her Hot Topic knock off. 

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I did laugh when Dennis said he had to stand by the chair.

Also, you can rent your house out for 2 weeks/yr and not have to pay taxes on it - considering it's the Hamptons, that can  quite a bit 


ETA - Did  some googling, looks like it's so

Edited by sheetmoss
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I'm one who thought this was fun, and I also credit Bethenny for helping with that. There are two things, though, that bug me. 

Tinsley tried really hard in that fight with Sonja, but I couldn't stop wondering where she pulled a check from. I haven't written a check in years, it's hard for me to imagine her just having one with her. So, I couldn't get into the scene. 

Also, Ramona. When they panned I caught a glimpse of a TV mounted to a wall, cables everywhere, cable box on a table. That's not the opulence I expect from the show, and I'm highly disappointed. 

The rest was amazing, exactly the kind of fun drama I need after a long day. My favorite moment was Luann pulling at her collar as she realized who she was chatting with. I love her when the character slips a bit (or a lot). Ramona's pact at brunch being immediately slaughtered was also a great scene. 

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17 minutes ago, phoenix780 said:

I'm one who thought this was fun, and I also credit Bethenny for helping with that. There are two things, though, that bug me. 

Tinsley tried really hard in that fight with Sonja, but I couldn't stop wondering where she pulled a check from. I haven't written a check in years, it's hard for me to imagine her just having one with her. So, I couldn't get into the scene. 

Also, Ramona. When they panned I caught a glimpse of a TV mounted to a wall, cables everywhere, cable box on a table. That's not the opulence I expect from the show, and I'm highly disappointed. 

The rest was amazing, exactly the kind of fun drama I need after a long day. My favorite moment was Luann pulling at her collar as she realized who she was chatting with. I love her when the character slips a bit (or a lot). Ramona's pact at brunch being immediately slaughtered was also a great scene. 

Dude my comfortably middle classes mom has someone to do that. But to be fair, when we were dirt poor that wouldn't have happened either. Me on the other hand? Cables everywhere.

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1 minute ago, Sherilea43 said:

Oh, Carole... You didn't know there was a problem between Ramona a Sonja? Ok. Carole is the biggest shit stirrer I've ever seen and that includes my middle school years. 

i dont think she did,  the previous evening they were sitting by each other and were perfectly fine and that Sonja sent the shitty text. 

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2 minutes ago, Sherilea43 said:

Oh, Carole... You didn't know there was a problem between Ramona a Sonja? Ok. Carole is the biggest shit stirrer I've ever seen and that includes my middle school years. 

Well Dorinda worked the spoon tonight! She had me LMAO trying to provoke Tins into confronting Sonja! When it happened, what was it said; "I said make an impression, not ...??" ;-)

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The only ones who knew about the Ramonja drama were Ramona and Dorinda. Tinsley and Carole were all worked up about Tinsley not sitting by Sonja.

I think Carole was annoyed about the party because she had already clocked it last week that Ramona just wanted to throw a party ANYWAY and tacked on Carole's marathon as a last minute reason. Go big or go home if you're gonna commit to a theme!

2 hours ago, Sheenieb said:


Dennis's sweater was sinful in its ugliness. You either have to be a model or have the confidence to pull off those type of prints. I feel the same way about Versace clothes. 

I love the Gucci tiger sweaters because they're zodiac-inspired and I am Year of the Tiger, but I didn't like the sweater ON DENNIS, and not sure why. (Versace being decadent and overtly flashy has always been its appeal). I loved Dorinda totally overdoing it with the compliments. "I think it shows you have style and taste." (Either because you could tell Dennis was uncomfortable, or perhaps because Dorinda loves Gucci) And then John, bless his heart, thinks the tiger on the sweater represents Bethenny being a Leo, which is a lion (and B is a Scorpio).

Per Twitter, Carole's body suit was Dsquared.

I could watch the clips of Dorinda laughing and unable to get through her TH and Bethenny making fun of everyone's outfits all day.

Edited by JakeyJokes
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I really don’t think anyone (Sonja being the exception) wants Dorinda to quit referencing Richard.  Sonja shows her ass all the time, but this is now like the fourth time we’ve seen Dorinda go over the top off on Sonja.   I don’t even remember what triggered the fights this season.   

I call BS if Carole now claims her comments were “tongue in cheek” about her party.  We specifically saw her horrible friend Bethenny reassuring Carole that the party really was for her when the cake was brought out.  That didn’t come out of nowhere.

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6 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Luann’s “ohhhh” after Bethenny said yeah THIS is the guy made the episode for me.

I also liked Tinsley’s little forward movement when she told Sonja to close her legs. It was in all the previews and I never not laughed at it. 

Really Carole, the cake was not sweet enough, you needed memorabilia and a theme?

Yes, Dennis is underwhelming. 

Kirk seems nice. 

The light bulb lighting up above Lu's head LOL!  Her expression was everything,  like "OH SHIT!" Hahaha.  

I think it's amazing that Carole ran the marathon.  She should be so proud of herself. But  she can  shut up about the party not being good enough.  Is it possible that Ramona was just having a dinner, then as an after thought decided to say I'm throwing you a dinner party, absolutely,  hell I'd put money on it.  I just  think a "thank you and "I appreciate this." Would be great and didn't need the petty bitching.  If you want an amazing party for your accomplishment, throw it your self. Pat yourself on the back and toote your own  horn. Do not complain about a lame party someone else is throwing you. That's ridiculous.  Dammit I can't stand Ramona and now I have sort of , kind of defended her ugh.

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5 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

.  Is it possible that Ramona was just having a dinner, then as an after thought decided to say I'm throwing you a dinner party, absolutely,  hell I'd put money on it.

Well that is literally what Carole said last week but The number of different times she shat on it came across as ridiculos. I think she might have been doiing several different takes on it but none were actually funny and she pissed off some of the editors to include several.

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4 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Dennis's sweater was sinful in its ugliness. You either have to be a model or have the confidence to pull off those type of prints. 

Fugly, and it was a little too, umm, clingy on top of fugly. Like cheap itchy acrylic doughy, love handles clingy. What a weird, weird choice for the Hamptons esp. 

4 hours ago, lcarolynl said:


But the biggest problem I have is I think there is something really wrong with Sonja. Like Amanda Bynes wrong. I don't find her or the takedown of her funny at all. Well, okay, Carole's comment, "She looks normal from the outside" was pretty funny, for the most part, I was really uncomfortable through most of the episode. 

The Icarus complex is a real thing and it's Sonja to a T. She flew too close to the sun and is free falling.  I too am seriously worried for her. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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7 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Is it me or are these ladies ( I use the term loosely) extra vicious this season? I mean, they always were like this but there was some fun in between the fights. This time not so much, at least so far anyway. 

They seem to be.  I read that the showrunner for this season of NY is the same showrunner that Altanta had.  And Atlanta is a mess (from what I understand, I don't watch it anymore).  Based on the episodes aired so far, and the previews I've seen, I fully expect NY to go down the same hole. 

I've always liked Dorinda, but she needs to take it down a couple of notches.  There was no reason for her to go after Sonja when Sonja was talking about Rocco.  Dorinda keeps saying she doesn't want to get into it, but she does at every opportunity.   If Sonja wants to talk about Rocco, who's it hurting? Ignore her.  On the heels of her Brunch Blow Up at Luann's, she's starting to make herself  look ridiculous. 

(We've all seen this happen on these HW shows before.  If they all gang up on one cast member and rip her apart every chance they get, they end up making themselves look bad and the person they are beating up on becomes sympathetic.  Sonja has brought most of this on herself, and calling her out has been a long  time coming , but just saying, the scale can tip if the others continually beat her up.)

I do understood why Ramona couldn't bring herself to sit across from Sonja and I think she handled that as best she could.    I think it was obvious to everyone what was going on, but at least she didn't make a scene.  So much for Carole's perfectly placed place cards.

Speaking of Carole, I never cared for her, but when did she become so insufferable?  There's no marathon memorabilia at the party, it was a buffet, who are these people....shut up already.  Maybe her next book should be about How to Throw a Proper Party.  (She could get Dorit to write a chapter on which glasses to use.)  And that tattoo jumpsuit thing she was wearing...hideous.  No Carole, the other ladies were not jealous.  Not in the least.

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15 hours ago, queenjen said:

ok, can one of you tech savvy people please gif/meme whatever it is that happens, cos i MUST HAVE that clip of Dorinda cracking up trying to explain Lu's faux pas re Dennis at the table. This kind of fckery from Doris I love, and her copping to throwing a bit of 'season 1 pot stirring' Dorinda into the mix using Tinsley as a proxy this time, so the heat is off her for the Sonja fight earlier that day, that's the Dorinda I love and laugh at. everytime i rerun her explanation, I'M cracking up, and momma's not welll and needs to laugh, show me some love!!


As gifs go, this one pretty much sucks.  First effort.  I will try to do better.  ?

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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Can anyone help me out here? I definitely understand Sonja wanting Ramona to stick up for her. If she really knew the real story behind  Sonja's divorce. What I'm confused about is, I swear I remember in Sonja's first season,  she and Ramona said they were close in the past and partied it up together in their single days but hadn't really seen each other after Sonja married old man Morgan. Am I remembering this correctly?  I understand after the divorce, Sonja probably did tell Ramona her side, that doesn't mean Ramona was around to actually see what happened.  I'm just not sure what she really wants  (from Ramona )as far as defending her marriage.  

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9 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I was really underwhelmed by Dennis.

He is bland even in his fugly Gucci sweater he seemed invisible.

Did Carole really accuse people of being jealous of her tattoo body suit from Forever 21? Really?

I had to laugh when Ramona had that artist help her move furniture instead of highlight his art, I am sure he thought he might have gotten some air time to show off his talent but she was not having that.  The one painting he showed she critiqued in a typical I don't know anything about art way, saying that looks like hay, did she even know how stupid she sounded?  I am sure she was trying to find something to match her sofa.  Is she really decorating her house on her own? No decorator in her house in the Hamptons? Geeze all that money and no taste.

Luanne looked like she borrowed her pink sweater from an ostrich Muppet.

For all their fighting Tinsley and Sonja have the same taste in clothes, both really enjoy a blouse with a bow and puff sleeved blazer. 

I hope Bethenny has a rental house reveal party, I do love me some real estate porn. 

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Sonja seems truly mentally ill, and that’s where Bravo’s apparent policy of hiring those with personality disorders really is itself sick - where do you draw the line? At this point, having Sonja on the show is exploitative - she needs help over and above the salary. I wonder if her daughter and/or other relatives could step in.

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4 hours ago, JakeyJokes said:

Per Twitter, Carole's body suit was Dsquared.

So it is expensive and ugly.

How does one use the the toilet when one is wearing a body stocking, a cami and leather shorts?  I guess the correct answer would be to not wait until you are doing the rain dance and undress completely like George Costanza does when he uses the potty.

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