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S10.E21: Reunion Part 3

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7 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Translation please...I do try and keep up with the cool speak on this show but somethings escape me.

Bebe's Kids was a movie from ... I can't remember exactly, I was a kid when it came out. I actually don't think I was allowed to see it. Maybe the early 90s? It's about a group of havoc-wreaking kids. "Bebe's kids" is synonymous for "bad-ass kids."

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Just now, janie2002 said:

Per Urban Dictionary -The ridiculously numerous offspring of an irresponsible mother (see clownshoes who doesn't watch her children properly, allows the kids to do whatever they please, and sits around watching TV all day talking on the phone with her friends, and then DENY your allegations of bad parenting and tell you that you have no right telling her how to raise 'her' kids

Wow, that's so not what the original meaning of the term Bebe's kids. Who wrote that??? 

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Just now, Queena said:

Wow, that's so not what the original meaning of the term Bebe's kids. Who wrote that??? 

I mean it come from the Movie where Bebe has 4 bad ass kids.  I guess it has since evolved from the movie to just mean bad kids because a lazy ass mom.

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How lovely that Kim on so many occasions denied saying and doing shit that she was caught in front of the cameras doing! And I'm really glad they showed the receipts for it to remind the viewers that she's a liar, and a bad one at that. Kim says shit to create drama but I'm not sure why because when she gets called out, she immediately cowers and tries to play it off with calling things a joke, or not that seriously or making the issue that the other person cares too much. She tries to re-write the entire narrative of history to make herself look like less of the stupid shirt stirrer she is and the best part was her calling out Andy saying she won't let him make her look like a liar and then they quickly show the footage while Kim is denying Andy's claims that it was on camera. What an idiot, lol.

Sheree looked plain old stupid this season and this reunion was finally her come uppance. If she had just owned her 'selective bone carrying' to say that Kim is her friend and ally among the cast and she wasn't going to put her on blast it would have at least been respectable. Instead she tried to give every lame excuse possible as to why she didn't feel the need to share with the other women the shit Kim was saying. It only made her look like a lapdop.

A part of me wonders if I misheard but did Kim say that social media has turned racism isn't a big thing??? Look, I don't expect everyone (including myself) to know every single word or phrase that has racial undertones. But when you say something that people see as having racial undertones to it, if you're not racist like you claim, why not acknowledge and accept their feelings on the matter and apologize? Kim sat there trying to discredit their explanations and showed little remorse or care. The more Kim talks, the more it seems like she really think that racism is exclusive to people who discriminate or hate another race. Just because you have black friends don't mean you can't be racist boo.

And then her trying to cry through all of her botox and fillers because she didn't get a single nice question...oh but Andy's response 'honestly, we didn't get a single positive question for you', LMAO. And her lapdog husband staring in silence, neither with any words. What more can you say to that? Kim has tried to make herself look like the victim every time her behaviour gets called out and she's delusional enough to think that she comes off looking good. I think the rest of the women proved that they don't care that she has her own show and they would all prefer if she just stayed there and didn't come back to RH. She's waste of space anyway.

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11 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Kim's little rant to Andy at the end? Cringe worthy and GOLD. I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth! I never thought she was racist but lord she is ignorant as hell. Racism was never that big of a deal? Social media has perpetuated it? Ugh Wig...Social media just showed that it is still alive and kicking. And I am sure that they could find another white woman who would join the show and take on any of the black women but apart from you...they just dont try to cast any other white women. If you weren't an OG you wouldn't even be here. 

That was about the craziest bit of "reasoning" I've ever seen - social media is responsible for perpetuating racism and made it a big deal? OK.

I did think her comment about "those women" didn't mean because they were black, but rather that she felt they were exceptionally mean because they called her out. She and NeNe were great friends for years, so I understand why she is surprised to find herself labeled as a racist, however. I can also understand opinions to the contrary. 

I *knew* Kandi had to have something against Kim besides the fact she wasn't around much for filming to go into her shaky voice. Glad the reason came out because I was certainly perplexed.

As offensive as Kim was this season, I would also like to see the back of NeNe as well. She just isn't any fun anymore.

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Never said it was new but at least she was enjoyable. 

I didn't mean that you believed it to be new. Nene has been saying for several years now that Kim has racist tendencies, but people have been hesitant to believe her (and with good reason because she never truly cut Kim off). My point was that viewers may not be open to a comeback because they may now realize that this was not a one time mistake, but is really what Kim has been feeling all along, even during her enjoyable years.


24 minutes ago, Queena said:

Comedian Robin Harris (father in the first House Party movie) made a movie about dating a woman who had unruly kids. He nicknamed them Bebe's kids, and since them, unruly kids have been given the moniker Bebe's kids when being well, unruly. There was a song back in the 90's and a cartoon movie. If I recall correctly, there was also a cartoon. 


RIP Robin Harris. He was a great comedian and he doesn't get much recognition. 

The kids didn't actually belong to the woman Robin was dating. They belonged to her friend, Bebe, who was never around to take care of them. And I agree; he was hilarious, but no one ever really speaks of him.

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I’m not a huge Nene fan (she had a great first season), but the woman knows how to hustle and works hard to be entertaining on this show.   I do not understand the appeal of a woman who started the show unapologetically living off the assistance of a married man and really for ten years has done absolutely nothing, but sit around and drink wine from her red solo cup.  And I don’t usually like to cut someone’s looks, but her face looks like it’s melted.   

I’d never heard the term Bebe’s kids, but I absolutely cannot stand hearing young children swear.   Kroy is from Montana, a place dear to my heart.  His family looked like salt of the Earth people.   I can only imagine how embarrassing it is to see their grandkids dropping f-bombs as preschoolers.  And every time I’ve been down south, I’ve slways been sure to be extra polite.  I don’t understand how Kim/Kroy are raising their kids, but you can’t put them on t.v., laugh about how bad their kids are and then say that “kids are off-limits” from comments.

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11 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

I think kandi’s (sp) dress is on backwards.

I've already forgotten Kandi's dress, but my eyes will never recover from the visual assault that was Porsha's boob baring number.

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2 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I don’t understand how Kim/Kroy are raising their kids, but you can’t put them on t.v., laugh about how bad their kids are and then say that “kids are off-limits” from comments.

Keeping the children out of things is usually an unspoken rule among most of the Housewives and audience members. Kim knows this and is counting on it.

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14 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

How lovely that Kim on so many occasions denied saying and doing shit that she was caught in front of the cameras doing! And I'm really glad they showed the receipts for it to remind the viewers that she's a liar, and a bad one at that. Kim says shit to create drama but I'm not sure why because when she gets called out, she immediately cowers and tries to play it off with calling things a joke, or not that seriously or making the issue that the other person cares too much. She tries to re-write the entire narrative of history to make herself look like less of the stupid shirt stirrer she is and the best part was her calling out Andy saying she won't let him make her look like a liar and then they quickly show the footage while Kim is denying Andy's claims that it was on camera. What an idiot, lol.

Sheree looked plain old stupid this season and this reunion was finally her come uppance. If she had just owned her 'selective bone carrying' to say that Kim is her friend and ally among the cast and she wasn't going to put her on blast it would have at least been respectable. Instead she tried to give every lame excuse possible as to why she didn't feel the need to share with the other women the shit Kim was saying. It only made her look like a lapdop.

A part of me wonders if I misheard but did Kim say that social media has turned racism isn't a big thing??? Look, I don't expect everyone (including myself) to know every single word or phrase that has racial undertones. But when you say something that people see as having racial undertones to it, if you're not racist like you claim, why not acknowledge and accept their feelings on the matter and apologize? Kim sat there trying to discredit their explanations and showed little remorse or care. The more Kim talks, the more it seems like she really think that racism is exclusive to people who discriminate or hate another race. Just because you have black friends don't mean you can't be racist boo.

And then her trying to cry through all of her botox and fillers because she didn't get a single nice question...oh but Andy's response 'honestly, we didn't get a single positive question for you', LMAO. And her lapdog husband staring in silence, neither with any words. What more can you say to that? Kim has tried to make herself look like the victim every time her behaviour gets called out and she's delusional enough to think that she comes off looking good. I think the rest of the women proved that they don't care that she has her own show and they would all prefer if she just stayed there and didn't come back to RH. She's waste of space anyway.

Kim saying Nene looked like she on something was funny. Sheree looked lost AF. she looked like she was stupid or high and could grasp the conversations. She is too effing lazy to even prep for the reunion!?

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10 hours ago, dosodog said:

I've always associated roaches with New York and that having them means nothing more than you live in an area with cockroaches.  But I will be more aware about my ignorance from this point on.

I have been confused on this point as well. We lived in the Atlanta area for a time and they came around our apartment building every month to spray for roaches. We were told roaches were everywhere in the south and the only way NOT to have them was to spray. So I was confused that anyone felt otherwise.

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54 minutes ago, Queena said:

Wow, that's so not what the original meaning of the term Bebe's kids. Who wrote that??? 

Now sis... you know. LOL

I was never on the Kim is racist train not because I thought it was impossible but because I just didn't care enough to think about it or her. But tonight Andy put it right on out there for the world to see. He could have left that on the cutting room floor but he made sure to show us. That tells me he's over her.

I'm just trying to understand why she thought the other women had it easier. Porsha, Kenya, Nene, and to some extent Cynthia had to answer some hard personal questions. But like Andy said, Kim spent the entire season not being shit. And I peeped his use of "combative." Good work, Andy. We see eachotha LOL.

Anyway, bye wig. Glad to have that trash off my screen.

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Somewhere in Montana Kroy’s parents are still sitting in their chairs staring at the tv with mouths agape.....

I forgot how much Kim used to look like her horrible mother. Why did Big Papa pay for THAT creature- there had to be more attractive HO’s in Atlanta back then! 

Seems like the common Kim hatred amongst the group was a uniting force. 

Porsha was throwing shade at Sheree- about having her moment- probably because she knew it’s over for Sheree after the reunion. 

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23 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

but her face looks like it’s melted.   


Perfect description. It is not just the duck lips. Her whole faces looks melted. Kenya was right about her double-chin. 

Brielle is still a pretty girl despite her cosmetic surgery. Like Kim, all of that makeup ages her. Kim does make beautiful children. Brielle, however, will never be a model. Her looks are not striking like Cynthia's or Noelle's. It's a shame that Kim did not use her time on RHoA to make her story line about Cynthia coaching her twins to become print models. It would have been better than Roachgate. She was a drive by housewife and deserved the smack down that she received from the others who did their jobs. 

I don't believe that the Kardashian's sell out of millions of dollars in product in just a few days. People can say whatever they want. Saying that the Kashmere line makes $15M just makes Kim sound stupid. The Kashmere line only has a few reviews on Amazon. Hardly a best seller. 

So, I am a white woman who lived in the projects as a child. The projects were predominately African American. From my experience, African American women take great pride in their home and were watchful of their children. They had the cleanest homes which were tastefully decorated despite living in the projects and having no money. Even though Kim didn't mean to, Roachgate did have a racial undertone to it. The issue is that Kim lacks sensitivity so she cannot see how her remarks offend people. It was malicious to take those pictures and post them on social media. 

Andy was like a school teacher when he told Kenya to go back to her seat. Andy wants to hate Kenya because she was a petulant child this season but she will be back. It's all about the ratings and she makes for good Ho teevee. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Translation please...I do try and keep up with the cool speak on this show but somethings escape me.

Bebe kids was a stand up routine by the late great Robin Harris. Bebe (pronounced bay bay) I believe was a cousin who had 8 bad ass out of control kids and she was never around. When anyone asked the kids where there mother was one of them would say "Bebe went downtown." I believe a cartoon movie was even made.

So any time someone says you have "Bebe kids" it is far from a compliment.

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Last night Wendi McLendon Covey was on WWHL.  A caller asked her a question she obviously did not want to answer.  She hesitated for a second and then answered the question by saying, "joggers."

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Was Kim trying to hint at reverse racism towards her?  No, stupid.  You said shit about everyone in the cast all season (except Sheree), some heinous shit.  How did you not think you would be called out?  

Cockroaches, I didn't understand that it was necessarily racist, but I thought it was classless and tacky to send that out about anyone's house.  Bugs can get into any freaking house.  Once I would have heard the explanation about how it is racist, I would have apologized.  Actually, as an older white woman, if I don't know about something or I'm not sure about something when with a person from another race, culture, or religion, I ask politely or choose my words carefully.  If I ask I just say, politely, I am not familiar with that or can you explain that, because I'm an older white woman from the Midwest, so I don't know.  Most people are more than happy to explain or say why something is viewed as inappropriate or why this or that is done.   Kim obviously does not care one bit.

Kim was obviously brought on to stir the pot, but damn, she was beyond all measure.  Saying shit that was racist, potentially liable shit (licking the box), are you on drugs, and all around nasty for no reason at all.  She barely interacted with the cast, so it's not like there was some long running beef.  She had the fight with Kenya early on, which looks like she provoked.  Kenya didn't say anything that wasn't true.  Kim did ask who Brielle needed to blow in order to get tickets to the John Legend concert.  Not a joke to me.  You can't say oh leave my children out of it, when you are constantly bringing them into it via your social media comments and pictures.  Then she said oh Brielle is 21 (woman?) and very successful. So on one hand, she's a child, then she says oh she's grown, she's a successful woman.  It switches up as soon as Brielle's interactions with the other women are criticized - oh don't bring children into it.  You do no see Sheree's kids, Kandi's daughter, Cynthia's daughter, or Nene's sons picking fights on social media with the other women.     

With her little rant at the end, Kim not only burned her bridges, but any hope Kroy had of being a sports commentator/announcer is probably dead, too.  His tweet didn't help.  Since they're joined at the hip, any network or organization is also basically hiring Kim, as she'd be there hanging on, looking for some photo opp/publicity.  No way would anyone want that now.  He stood there and didn't say shit when Kim made her comments about racism, so those maybe his views as well.  Since they always appear to be in tandem, it's a fair assumption.  Kiss his sports career goodbye (I don't think he really had anything on the horizon for him, anyhow - either playing, back office, or announcing).  Which, why wouldn't he have started his own training facility, like for youth football, or an overall athletic facility?  He could've probably done something like that in Montana where I bet he's still somewhat of a local star (there are rookies in the NFL from my hometown who are doing clinics, for Pete's sake, and they're treated as 'stars' there).  Problem is, Wig won't move there.  

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Just to clarify, “Bebe’s Kids” was a bit Robin Harris had been doing in his standup comedy act for years. The movie was derived from that — albeit a much more sanitized and politically correct version.  In his standup, Harris describes some really bad ass kids.  It’s worth looking up the clips online in order to truly appreciate Kenya’s diss.

And speaking of clarifying, I loved when NeNe “clarified” Kandi’s bombshell about Kim’s box being licked by a female DJ while Kim’s kids were in the other room.  I’m surprised Kim dared to bring up anything “lesbian” this season, given her past.

Edited by plotpointer
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58 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

The only kid anyone was addressing or talking about this season was Brielle.  Kim let us know last night that Brielle is 21 and a grown ass woman who does what she wants, so if Brielle is now a grown ass woman, Brielle can take these grown ass reads.  If Brielle is too tender to handle it, then Brielle needs to skip back to the kiddie table and sit down.

This is just it. Brielle wants the benefits of being a Bravolebrity and social media “influencer” yet she should be shielded from any and all criticism? Even when she runs her mouth? Yeah no.

I admit I’m an infrequent watcher of this franchise—largely because of Kim—and yet I’ve seen enough to say that she’s always struck me as lazy, ignorant, and a sponge. If she’s gone I’m not sad at all. 

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29 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

Which, why wouldn't he have started his own training facility, like for youth football, or an overall athletic facility?  He could've probably done something like that in Montana where I bet he's still somewhat of a local star (there are rookies in the NFL from my hometown who are doing clinics, for Pete's sake, and they're treated as 'stars' there).  Problem is, Wig won't move there.  

I honestly don't think Kim wants Kroy out of her sight. She's perfectly happy having him make a career out of waiting on her hand and foot. it's a sick relationship. 

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58 minutes ago, Jodie Landon said:

I didn't mean that you believed it to be new. Nene has been saying for several years now that Kim has racist tendencies, but people have been hesitant to believe her (and with good reason because she never truly cut Kim off). My point was that viewers may not be open to a comeback because they may now realize that this was not a one time mistake, but is really what Kim has been feeling all along, even during her enjoyable 

Nene doesn't really have that much of a leg with Kim imo. When they are friends, Kim's fine. When they feud. She's racist.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

Nene doesn't really have that much of a leg with Kim imo. When they are friends, Kim's fine. When they feud. She's racist.

Although, as the saying goes: "even a broken clock is right twice a day." LOL. 

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38 minutes ago, dolphincorn said:

I rewound the last minute a couple of times just to be sure, and now I'm positive that Kim said "WORLDWIND" when talking to Andy.

I noticed that, too. What a dummy she is.

Edited by jennylauren123
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45 minutes ago, plotpointer said:

And speaking of clarifying, I loved when NeNe “clarified” Kandi’s bombshell about Kim’s box being licked by a female DJ while Kim’s kids were in the other room.  I’m surprised Kim dared to bring up anything “lesbian” this season, given her past.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about Kim "experimenting" with a lesbian.

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2 hours ago, drivethroo said:

The only kid anyone was addressing or talking about this season was Brielle.  Kim let us know last night that Brielle is 21 and a grown ass woman who does what she wants, so if Brielle is now a grown ass woman, Brielle can take these grown ass reads.  If Brielle is too tender to handle it, then Brielle needs to skip back to the kiddie table and sit down.

May I say that I absolutely agree with you? 'Cause I do. Brielle chose to appear on this show as an adult, show her ass as an adult, and needs to get dragged like an adult. Being Kim's spawn shouldn't give her any cover for her actions. Or bar the other ladies from commenting on her actions.


My original comment was just an observation that the kids tend to be kept out of the adult conflicts on this franchise. Which I agree with wholeheartedly, until the adult children decide to wade in and start swinging.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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6 hours ago, LIMOM said:

So DJ Tracey and Kim were for real after all???

That is one of the biggest gags of the reunion. I was like "Damn! She actually was letting that woman play with her kitty." I was positive that it was all for show.

9 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

She's probably send Brielle to get the happy meals. Or Tracey.

9 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Now you just insulted Kroy, that is his side Uber job.


Uber Eats. Kroy's constant presence by her side tells me that Uber doesn't do a ton of surge pricing in the Atlanta area.

8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Exactly what job is it Brielle has that makes her successful?  Isn't her source of income only because she reached 18 years of age and can draw a check from Don't Be Tardy?  If I were Kim I would not be bragging on her success let alone telling someone her six year old is more successful then they are.

I'm pretty sure that Honey Boo Boo made more money than I did, but that's not a good thing on many fronts. Also if anything should be a cautionary tale about exploiting your young children, it should be Kim's fellow Kim, not Kardashian, but Richards. Kim Richards is a delusional alcoholic mess. This is what happens when you figuratively pimp your kids out for money and don't have good boundaries in place.

Yes, gawd! I have been living for the response on social media. They just burned her house the fuck down. She needs to be careful because plastic melts near heat. My favorite tweets have mentioned Chrissy Teigen and Khloe Kardashian. They've basically said "you're with Black men and had kids with them; this is what your 'friend' thinks."

Also Cynthia managed to rescue her entire season during the reunion. She spent all season whining about Will, but during the reunion they barely talked about him,  Cynthia looked great, we found out Cynthia came up with the roach costume, she looked great as 50 Cynt, and she casually shut Kim down multiple times. That's how you rescue a season Kim. You don't go bellyaching to Andy after the fact.

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I normally don't watch the reunions, but this one I had to in hopes of seeing the verbal smack down of Kim.  Loved when Nene spilled some tea on her being a "dancer".  I can't believe she looks in the mirror and thinks she looks good ? The wig is hideous and her lips are dreadful.  I can't stand all the petting she was doing to the wig.  She clearly lies about everything. She is delusional thinking these ladies are jealous of her.  

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29 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I normally don't watch the reunions, but this one I had to in hopes of seeing the verbal smack down of Kim.  Loved when Nene spilled some tea on her being a "dancer".  I can't believe she looks in the mirror and thinks she looks good ? The wig is hideous and her lips are dreadful.  I can't stand all the petting she was doing to the wig.  She clearly lies about everything. She is delusional thinking these ladies are jealous of her.  

I loved when Kandi said straight up that nobody was jealous of Kim, point blank. And really, why would they be jealous of Kim? I don't want six kids and an unemployed husband. And I laughed at Kenya's Bebe's kids comment because you KNOW Kim's kids are bad, and you know they're bad because she doesn't do anything with them. She's incapable of speaking without cursing so I'm sure they curse.

Edited by Empress1
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Here is something I don’t get.  When Kim was putting the final nail in her coffin in the bathroom with Andy she said (and I quote without the profanity) “everyone of those woman on that couch owe the world an apology”.   Why?  Everything they said she said came with production receipts.  It can’t be the racist statement because only Nene said that.  So why would they need to apologize to the world?  Oh I know because they got in that ass.  Normally I don’t like when everyone piles up on one person. Wait, let me rephrase that, I don’t like it when they pile up on the person I like.  Kim was so unlikable this season, she deserved every bit of it.  I think I am going to watch it again. Lol, I enjoyed it that much.

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I came back to this franchise this season, and even though the season was largely ridiculous, it was all worth it to see Kim get dragged theeeee fuck on the reunion. When Kenya (was it Kenya?) made a comment about Kim having a double chin and the editors cut to Kim pulling her face back to emphasize the rolls of skin beneath her chin, I really did holler. I need a gif of that moment. 

Also, for someone who claims that she doesn't see color, Kim sure was leaning heavy on the myth of "reverse racism" when she was talking to Andy in the bathroom.

Dumb broad. 

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7 minutes ago, lasandi said:

Here is something I don’t get.  When Kim was putting the final nail in her coffin in the bathroom with Andy she said (and I quote without the profanity) “everyone of those woman on that couch owe the world an apology”.   Why?  Everything they said she said came with production receipts.  It can’t be the racist statement because only Nene said that.  So why would they need to apologize to the world?  Oh I know because they got in that ass.  Normally I don’t like when everyone piles up on one person. Wait, let me rephrase that, I don’t like it when they pile up on the person I like.  Kim was so unlikable this season, she deserved every bit of it.  I think I am going to watch it again. Lol, I enjoyed it that much.

Kim thinks she is the world and that all the ladies owe her an apology, ergo they owe the world an apology?

Or that they called her ass out for what it is and she thinks every other person on the planet is shocked and offended on her behalf?


Ego the size of a planet on that one either way!

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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Kim is, has always been, and will always be a racist sow. I'm so glad Andy aired that bathroom footage, because Kim showed her whole ass, and Sheree just stood there all quiet.

Other than that I though that Kim just ruined the reunion. She brings nothing to the table other than stupid foul mouth, her gopher husband, and that creepy ass face. I was glad Porsha didn't apologize for her "ho daughter" comment, that Cynthia dragged her, that Kandi stood by her "drinking problem" comment, and that other than SheSilent by Sheree no one let Kim off the hook.

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

Nene doesn't really have that much of a leg with Kim imo. When they are friends, Kim's fine. When they feud. She's racist.

That Uber/rape remark could have been a career killer, imo. She was lucky, imo. AA is one of the most forgiving community in the world, imo.

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1 minute ago, Empress1 said:

Sometimes too forgiving. See: R. Kelly.

The way, Nene handled it last night was good. She came accross as very sincere.

Also, Kandi really is a good friend. She could have taken the opportunity to rag on her and so forth. Kandi is cool, imo.

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Poor Kroy!  When he met Kim he was a single NFL player with no kids and a nice ass!  He seemed like a simple, but sweet country boy.  Now he has a harridan for a wife, no career, no relationship with his family of origin and the responsibility of providing for 6 kidsa and a gambling wife.  He’s made his choices and seems happy with them but I feel for him.

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27 minutes ago, Lollo22 said:

Kim has always given me racist vibes with her suspect remarks, but now I've gotten the confirmation. She's an ignorant woman high on white privilege.

I was unaware of this mess from Brielle, so...I'm pretty sure that a selective understanding of race and privilege is something Kim has passed on to her children.


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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I normally don't watch the reunions, but this one I had to in hopes of seeing the verbal smack down of Kim.  Loved when Nene spilled some tea on her being a "dancer".  

I thought it already had been established that Kim and NeeNee were "dancers", but it was funny to see that NeeNee is no longer afriad to bring it up in order to smackdown kim!

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16 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Poor Kroy!  When he met Kim he was a single NFL player with no kids and a nice ass!  He seemed like a simple, but sweet country boy.  Now he has a harridan for a wife, no career, no relationship with his family of origin and the responsibility of providing for 6 kidsa and a gambling wife.  He’s made his choices and seems happy with them but I feel for him.

I am sure he thought she was fun, heck why not an older woman & he was in it for the fun, until she got knocked up. I read where he wanted a paternity test - understandable with her track record - I think Kroy got in too deep with her, and he does seem to love the kids. She is trash and I think she is very insecure, hence Uber Kroy to the rescue

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4 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

I thought it already had been established that Kim and NeeNee were "dancers", but it was funny to see that NeeNee is no longer afriad to bring it up in order to smackdown kim!

I knew Nene was a stripper (she's been open about it) but I didn't know Kim was, although it's not at all surprising.

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I'm weary in the fact that Kim was a dancer since it was never brought up until now which is weird. It wouldn't surprise me if she did it for awhile when she moved to ATL until she met Big Poppa but it took 10 years for this fact to escape Nenes lips?

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

That is one of the biggest gags of the reunion. I was like "Damn! She actually was letting that woman play with her kitty." I was positive that it was all for show.

Uber Eats. Kroy's constant presence by her side tells me that Uber doesn't do a ton of surge pricing in the Atlanta area.

I'm pretty sure that Honey Boo Boo made more money than I did, but that's not a good thing on many fronts. Also if anything should be a cautionary tale about exploiting your young children, it should be Kim's fellow Kim, not Kardashian, but Richards. Kim Richards is a delusional alcoholic mess. This is what happens when you figuratively pimp your kids out for money and don't have good boundaries in place.

Yes, gawd! I have been living for the response on social media. They just burned her house the fuck down. She needs to be careful because plastic melts near heat. My favorite tweets have mentioned Chrissy Teigen and Khloe Kardashian. They've basically said "you're with Black men and had kids with them; this is what your 'friend' thinks."

Also Cynthia managed to rescue her entire season during the reunion. She spent all season whining about Will, but during the reunion they barely talked about him,  Cynthia looked great, we found out Cynthia came up with the roach costume, she looked great as 50 Cynt, and she casually shut Kim down multiple times. That's how you rescue a season Kim. You don't go bellyaching to Andy after the fact.

I don't get it....

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'm weary in the fact that Kim was a dancer since it was never brought up until now which is weird. It wouldn't surprise me if she did it for awhile when she moved to ATL until she met Big Poppa but it took 10 years for this fact to escape Nenes lips?

Kim has denied it for years claiming she was a waitress/hostess at the club but not a dancer.  Much like Nene Leakes originally denying she was a stripper.  I thought the revelation some sugar daddy bought Kim a house in Sugarloaf was telling.  Kim has a lot of unexplained riches from her past.  She has been on connected with Bravo for  11 years.  The first couple of years these women did not make much money.  When Kim was shown having a yard sale-before marrying Kroy, she literally had rooms full of furniture.  Someone was paying for those things as Kim's talents would not enable her lifestyle.

Kim had Brielle 21 years ago, she began filming RHOA 11 years ago, she had another kid 17 years ago and married that guy for a brief period of time so the Big Poppa window is more in the 12 -14 years ago range.  Someone was supporting Kim and her brood and I doubt she obtained all she did "hostessing" and working as an LVN.  I do believe her parents originally moved to the Atlanta area and Kim followed.

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