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S36.E06: Fate is the Homie


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13 hours ago, dizzyd said:

We haven't seen anything negative about Libby, but he made her out to be the devil. Just one comment can ruin your game when you did absolutely nothing wrong to be targeted.

I wondered if that was somehow overedited or edited several comments together because while she did vote out...Gonzalez?and got called some sort of backstabber by Gonzales, were they on the same team then?  I can't even remember.  Maybe Domenick had big plans for Gonzalez?  
I do know that Probst seems to looooove Libby. Maybe thats why the edit of her game prowess?  Last 

epi and this epi when he went up to take the idol, he beamed, she simpered.  Always a nice word for Libby. Is she like a god daughter or something?  Or does he do this with every Andrea type?  

13 hours ago, vb68 said:

And yeah, No Ghost Island. What a joke.


Is no GI even fair?  Its supposed to be part of the game right?  They did a GI last swap so how did they not do one this time?  I could maybe accept skipping GI for the merge epi maybe.  And I swear in the preview for this upcoming episode Probst alluded to something new and exciting about GI.  Like, as in its missing?  

13 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

James seemed like a loyal guy to play with, so I don't know what Angela was thinking.  And, WTF Michael???

Yea.  While I love a fellow vet and midwesterner I'm wondering if Kellyn's assessment about Angela wasn't on point.  

13 hours ago, vb68 said:

I don't know that anyone has gotten an edit quite like Chris. Well maybe Coach. It's not so much a villain edit, but more the most self-absorbed moron who has ever come on the island. And on this show, boy is that saying something!


I suspect that Chris really is self-absorbed but that doesn't mean he doesn't know that he's self-absorbed and playing it up.  Normally I hate it when contestents are trying to make a reality show name/career for themselves by playing up/to the camera but in this case, if/hope that is what Chris is doing I fully approve.  

12 hours ago, LanceM said:

Chris is turning about to be one of my favorites this season. He is entertaining douche for sure and I have the feeling he is really playing it up during his confessionals. When he said that he didn't tell people he was a model because "for some reason people think we are self absorbed" I was dying.  I hope he sticks around for awhile.


12 hours ago, LakeGal said:

I didn't think it was fair that Wendell got to run back and get the bag at the challenge.  The other tribes had to bring their bags while blindfolded.  When he realized they had left it behind he ran back and got it.  That tribe won.  I just thought it was a bit unfair.  The tribe should have had to go back blindfolded and retrieve it.

I thought the same thing, like Probst was going to yell out - you lose, didn't follow the rules!  I mean they do get to go back to the beginning when they fall off a skinny bridge thing etc. but this was a bit more than that.  

12 hours ago, ByaNose said:


BTW! Chris still hasn't been to Tribal Council, right? Who am I to speak ill of him. He’s obviously doing some thing right. Pretty amazing statistics. Has someone gone longer? Who holds the record without going to a Tribal Council the longest?


I think Chris hasnt been to TC because he has been an amazing fucking competitor in all the challenges.  He's pretty much won 3 at least including his call on the puzzle when they first hit the beach.  I think his constant butting in an talking about himself is, at least in part, just another symptom of him playing as hard as he fucking can.  Full bore, never relaxes, always playing hard.  It will probably bite him in the butt but I've liked him from day one for sheer effor even if he is annoying.  

10 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Angela needs to get out of her own way. She was lucky the other two women didn’t join with the guys and vote her out. Kellan was justified in worrying  about whether Angela would vote with them. Of course, Kellan telling Angela that Des was her number 1 ally didn’t set Angela at ease either.  


I just sat right up when Kellyn told Angela that Des and her were so tight.  I'm mentally screaming Angela!  Pay Attention!  You are on the bottom!  Make a play!  disappointed in Angela.

9 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

, at the idols and advantages to come.  I’m not even shocked anymore when more than one person pulls out an idol on top of someone else having an advantage, and there ending up being 3 people out of 10 left to vote for because it suddenly rains free immunities for the chosen ones.  I think I’m more shocked they play the dramatic music before someone stands up and walks up to Probst and he has to hide his grin at what amazing TV he thinks this is.


Exactly.  When all the urns were duds I thought oh holy hell they've stacked the deck so there will be amazing numbers of weird idols, advantages towards the end.  

9 hours ago, Hera said:

Both Laurel and Wendell got scenes this episode showing them establishing relationships (Laurel with Jenna and Wendell with Sebastian) that have thus far had no direct impact on the game—Laurel had another one last week with Donathan. My guess is that they're both in it for the long-haul and these scenes are there to establish how they win/why they're voted out as likeability threats/why certain players feel betrayed by them later on.

I realize it would have taken away from the suspense of Tribal Council, but I wish we had seen what it was that made Michael and Angela vote for James. Specifically, I'm curious if Michael was tipped off that Angela was voting for James and saw no point in voting for Desiree, or if Angela was tipped off that Michael was going to vote with Kellyn and Desiree and so went with them. At this point, Michael, Kellyn, and Desiree have been on a tribe together longer than Michael was with James and Kellyn and Desiree were with Angela. Furthermore, Kellyn and Desiree are aligned with Bradley, who is aligned with Domenick. This means that their ties to Angela and Chris are not strong. I wonder if Michael might actually be ahead of Angela in the pecking order on Malolo, despite all of Kellyn's talk about being "Naviti strong".


I think you are right, that these relationships will figure big after the mege and thats  why they are being shown.  Also good call on how these original alliances seem sort of meaningless.  Or manybe not who can keep track?  I read all the cast bio's and got to know who was who individually right from the start.  But I have no idea about alliances anymore.  Original, old, now old old and new?  WTF.  


2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Anyhow, the three I'm rooting for at this point are Michael, Laurel, and Wendell. 

I already liked the first two, and Laurel impressed me further last night when she talked about her strategy of just being whatever that person, in the moment, needs her to be. She not only rocks in challenges, but she's playing a killer social game. 

But Wendell really won me over last night. First, I thought it was darling that he remembered Sebastian's shell and brought it to him. But his performance in that challenge? He was the epitome of a good leader. Calm, supportive, gave very clear directions. I was actually rooting for a tribe to win for the first time this season. Very well deserved. 

Desiree, on the other hand, was AWFUL. I always say - don't put a girl up there as the caller. Their voices simply don't carry as well as the men's. Plus, didn't she fuck up a puzzle on day one? WHY would she be the pick as leader of this challenge??? 

She should have gone home. That was just pitiful. I get wanting to keep numbers strong, but what are numbers once you hit the merge? I mean, Angie KNOWS her tribe already didn't have her back. She's low hanging fruit. Making a move like that, saving James, could have really garnered her some loyalty from him and Michael. Loyalty that's forged from actual game play is going to get you father than loyalty that exists because of the tribe you just happened to get put on on day one. 

And maybe I wouldn't be saying all this if the person I wanted to go went home....ha! But I was really hoping Ang would flip. Sorry, James.

I'm going to need Libby to go soon just because of those stupid, little, white, lacy shorts. 

I want to believe that Michael the precocious game genius that also is gorgeous but I'm kind of disappointed in last night.  At fifteen you normally will be losing at least 2 people before the merge.  At least I read that the merge usually happens btw 11-13.  So based on those numbers and voting out a physical challenge guy - you have just cut your chances of making the merge.  It would have been smarter to try to get Angela to flip on KELLYN as the (1) biggest post merge threat, (2) not a physical challenge plus and (3) Des's big ally.  
Same for Angela - vote that Kellyn out!  Her and Bradley have been the power couple - don't go into the merge with that!  

The only thing I can think of why is that if Angela is assuming she makes the merge she doesn't want to be seen as stabbing Kellyn/Des in the back because she will be in an alliance with......who?  This is the problem I no longer have any idea other than Chris and I can't remember if Kellyn et all have ever been on a tribe with him.  

I was just so frustrated.  Why Des, who cares that she fucked up the challenge? Its not strategy to vote out Des, its....retribution? Stupid way to play.

And why did Kellyn put Des in charge since she is probably calling the shots,why on gods green earth would she put Des in charge of a puzzle?  Kellyn fucked that up I think, not Des.  Unless Des begged to be the one which I find hard to believe. 

I liked Wendell untill he slowly killed that beautiful sea creature.  He kept saying, "yea it was still alive" Fuck you dude.  There are usually empty shells.  I mean unless you ate it which this didn't look big enough and obviously not since it stank.  

And Jenna and SeaBass stay on the same tribe.........right

I thought tonights episode name should have been - Guys brag about themselves.  My west coast friend who watches doesn't want spoilers but always wants a take on the show, my text was "boring but worse stupid". 

Edited by marys1000
  • Love 5
54 minutes ago, Special K said:

Basically you've all covered the high (low) lights of this episode.

I'm just going to be petty and point out how distracted I was at TC by Kellyn strangely thin nose.  It's almost like she has an imaginary clothespin holding it closed.  I'm sorry to mention this, because now you'll all be distracted by it as well.

OMG yes!  Her nose is so thin, the nostrils are so thin how does she breath? I was very distracted by that as well once I noticed.  I noticed because I was watching her mouth and teeth which I think are a lot like Bradley's.  Please never have a child together. 

1 minute ago, cherrypj said:

Maybe I missed it, or maybe it's just me, but to continue the "Looks Like" theme: James = Lou Diamond Phillips. 

I was sort of hoping he would stick around just to see how that natural fu manchu moustache was going to come in.  Anyone else notice?

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I’m okay with who is who but I’m totally lost on the alliances. Usually, I have a read on who is the main, sub & backup alliances are. This season I’m literally confused. I guess  at the merge it will be more clearer but it’s a total mystery to me now.  I’ve been watching since Day 1 and this is first for me. I’m not really invested in any one alliance because I don’t who’s with whom. 

I don't think there really are alliances in the traditional sense right now. Nobody who hasn't been on Malolo has really had to worry about it yet, and the rest feels very high school - the "Naviti five" from Malolo 2.0 are the cool clique who think they can get away with ignoring everyone else because they're in the cool clique and don't care where they are within the clique because they know that they're above everyone else, and the people from original Malolo who have been there in 2.0 and 3.0 are the outcasts who have no choice but to band together. I was impressed that Angela had the sense to realize that she's the girl who gets to sit with them in the cafeteria but won't be invited to the party this weekend.

8 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so over everyone being in their underwear. I feel like I know way more than I want to know about Brad's crotch. Note to self, if I ever go on Survivor, don't wear light-colored undies. Jenna's bottoms look.... soiled.

They're getting there. Desiree seemed to get a new top pretty early after she looked like she was about to fall out of her bra shooting baskets in the first episode, and I noticed that Michael got his producer-issued board shorts this week. But the underwear that is bugging me is Chris's. Even back on day 1, there was basically nothing left to the imagination.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I doubt the lit torches ever actually leave the set of tribal council.  I mean, no further than they film the exit walk.  They get on a bus with blacked out windows to go back to camp.  

Yep.  I've read that . . . but sometimes the lack of reality is glaring.  Kind of like how glaring Chris' self-absorption is.

9 minutes ago, djlynch said:

I don't think there really are alliances in the traditional sense right now. Nobody who hasn't been on Malolo has really had to worry about it yet, and the rest feels very high school - the "Naviti five" from Malolo 2.0 are the cool clique who think they can get away with ignoring everyone else because they're in the cool clique and don't care where they are within the clique because they know that they're above everyone else, and the people from original Malolo who have been there in 2.0 and 3.0 are the outcasts who have no choice but to band together. I was impressed that Angela had the sense to realize that she's the girl who gets to sit with them in the cafeteria but won't be invited to the party this weekend.

They're getting there. Desiree seemed to get a new top pretty early after she looked like she was about to fall out of her bra shooting baskets in the first episode, and I noticed that Michael got his producer-issued board shorts this week. But the underwear that is bugging me is Chris's. Even back on day 1, there was basically nothing left to the imagination.

Some of the men are showing full on package. This is an 8 o'clock family show? LOL!!! Usually, it's the woman who are all hanging out. Get these guys in bathing suits pronto.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I don' t know if Desiree couldn't figure out the puzzle or just couldn't figure out how to communicate the instructions, but she totally failed in that stage.  

I think it was both. She was horrible at giving instructions the entire challenge. No clear directions. Nothing specific. But I don't thinks she's very hot at puzzles either. She couldn't complete the first one she did; I'm not sure why they chose her for this role. I would have picked James or Michael. Both seem to be fairly sharp guys, and a male voice is always better in these challenges. 


57 minutes ago, Haleth said:

It's a good thing they didn't make Donathan the caller.  Everyone would have been standing there wondering, what did he say?  "Ah sayed clahm unna dah fayence!  Now tun layeft."  Half the time I have no idea what he's saying and I live in hillbilly country. 

LOL! For sure. I don't think females are a wise choice for caller, but that doesn't mean every male is going to be good at it! Donathan would be a nightmare. I can't understand a word he says without subtitles. 

  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

I thought the same thing, like Probst was going to yell out - you lose, didn't follow the rules!  I mean they do get to go back to the beginning when they fall off a skinny bridge thing etc. but this was a bit more than that.  

I thought he was going to make them ALL go back for the bag, blindfolded and all. 

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think it was both. She was horrible at giving instructions the entire challenge. No clear directions. Nothing specific. But I don't thinks she's very hot at puzzles either. She couldn't complete the first one she did; I'm not sure why they chose her for this role. I would have picked James or Michael. Both seem to be fairly sharp guys, and a male voice is always better in these challenges. 


LOL! For sure. I don't think females are a wise choice for caller, but that doesn't mean every male is going to be good at it! Donathan would be a nightmare. I can't understand a word he says without subtitles. 

I think Desiree's team did OK in the bag collection portion, but fell apart during the puzzle.  I wonder if the other members of the tribe were happy to let her do it, and put a target on her own back if they lost.  

3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I thought he was going to make them ALL go back for the bag, blindfolded and all. 

Me too. I think that would have been fair, given how the rules of challenges normally work.  Then again, you could argue that the caller's job was to 1) Direct the pair to pick up all the bags and bring them to him.  2) Direct the pairs to the puzzle area 3) Make sure the bags get to the puzzle area 4) Direct the pair in completing the puzzle.   It is possible that 2 & 3 did not have to be done simultaneously .  

  • Love 3

I really wish that the tribe swap had ended with the Naviti 5 together on one team with 2 Naviti and 3 Malalo on both the other ones - that would have helped shake things up!!! And actually would have made something interesting happen at tribal council. 

I do like that I don't truly hate any of the competitors. Chris is an obnoxious narcissistic bro but is damn entertaining. I am ready for both Bradley and Kellyn to get knocked down. But overall I am glad to not have someone there that makes it hard to watch because of how despicable they are. 

  • Love 6

Ha!  I knew they had stacked the urns in such a way as to back load all the good stuff at the end.  

I'm not buying time excuse at all.  They had GI on the previous swap and tribal was short and boring.  I think you could count urns and figure out this isn't true, that maybe they planned on skipping an episode all along 


Ah, from reddit, this makes more sense

Probst mentioned having more than 3 camera groups is too much too handle. So Ghost Island is probably gone til the merge.

Edited by marys1000
  • Love 2

Oh - found this on reddit

Updated cheat sheet

Naviti: (SAFE)


Malolo: (TRIBAL)


Yanuya: (SAFE)


Tell me if anything’s wrong

Edited by marys1000
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

She was horrible at giving instructions the entire challenge.

But, the silver lining of that yelling cloud was.......I remembered that I have a mute button and it was time to use it.  I even unmuted for a brief talking head moment, and then remuted.  

Since I can't tell most of them apart, maybe if I just watch.  

The talking heads are not interesting.  I think they could edit in talking heads from previous seasons and I wouldn't notice.  Especially the THs that are so proud that they and they alone know how to play the game.

  • Love 1

Random question. James was talking about the IQ Test in his exit interview. Why does casting give the IQ Test for the casting of Survivor? What does it prove or disprove? Personally, I know I would score low and I don't want them knowing how dumb I am. It would hurt my chances of getting cast. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

Anyone want to help figure this out?

I tend to think of it in terms of who's been playing together the longest. Unless players really don't get along, they usually stick with the people they know best.

It's hard to know exactly where the original Naviti divisions were—we know there's a split between Chris and Domenick, and we know Angela is/was with Chris, while it looks like Wendell was with Domenick, but that tribe never went to Tribal Council, so we'll never know how the alliances would have shaken out. The players themselves might not even be so sure. This is the problem with not going to tribal council at least once before a swap or merge—players know each other well on an interpersonal level, but no game trust has been established.

We also know that Kellyn, Desiree, Bradley, Chelsea, and Sebastian were able to work together on Malolo 2. Sebastian had a confessional that he was going along to get along, so I don't know how tight he is with the other four. It seems like Bradley and Chelsea are back with Domenick, while Desiree and Kellyn have stayed tight on Malolo 3.

The original Malolo who are still left in the game are Michael, Jenna, Donathan, Libby, and Laurel. Michael and Libby were the two people who cast votes against James on Malolo 1. Michael and Jenna stuck together on Malolo 2 (though it's worth noting that they didn't really have a choice), while it seems like Laurel and Donathan stayed tight on Naviti 2. I don't know where Libby fits into any of this. My perception is that the original Navitis were and are suspicious of Libby, while Laurel and Donathan were better integrated. I had actually forgotten that Laurel was originally on Malolo.

Given that the legacy advantage can be played when there are 13 players left in the game or 6, my guess is that the merge is at 13, and so there will only be one more episode with these new tribes. If Yanuya manage to avoid Tribal Council in the next episode as well, that'll make Chris the only player whose first Tribal Council will be at the merge.

2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Random question. James was talking about the IQ Test in his exit interview. Why does casting give the IQ Test for the casting of Survivor? What does it prove or disprove? Personally, I know I would score low and I don't want them knowing how dumb I am. It would hurt my chances of getting cast. LOL!!!

The producers like to mix people with low IQs and people with high IQs. I think the idea is that people with vastly different scores are likely to understand the world in vastly different ways, resulting in drama, especially when everyone's hungry, sleep-deprived, and paranoid.

  • Love 5

Just what we needed was another "shakeup" when I still barely have a handle on who is there let alone their names. 


Too many swaps, I really don't know who half these people are, who's aligned with who.  Naviti, Malolo, the new tribe (whatever it's called)...I don't think I could tell you what tribe a single player started on or what tribe any of them are on now.  I wish they would just merge already.

This is where I'm at. They switched tribes after 2 weeks, and that was way too soon for the audience to get a real handle on which players were on which tribe. For the life of me I could not keep track of who was where before the switch. Then just as I'm getting a feel for the new tribes, they do it again! 

I don't know why the show thinks this is "interesting" besides the fact that it screws over random players. I guess they think that's hilarious, but it's really not. It makes the game much less about strategy and more about producer manipulation. The players are just chess pieces being moved around by the producers: they're the ones actually playing the game instead of the contestants.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Chris....sigh.  He is one of those people I would spend time with just to passively-aggressively play mind games.  I would bring up different careers and see how many he dabbled in "over the summer".  I'd mention as many cool, edgy bands as possible to see how many he says he's seen or gone back stage or knows the drummer.  I'd talk about extreme sports to hear him tell me how he was on track to go to the X Games &/or Olympics until he got called to an emergency modeling job.  How is it that the most self absorbed people are the lease self aware?  What a douche-bro tool this guy is!  

Chris is Debbie - a "model" that has done and seen everything, better than anyone else!

  • Love 13
16 hours ago, AZChristian said:

AZChristian:Absolutely.  Which would pretty much insure that he has very few second dates.  

I'm sure that Chris would respond to all of these failed first dates that people were just intimidated by his good looks and amazing accomplishments. Just another sad example of how terribly hard it is to be as awesome as he is.

12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I don't know why the show thinks this is "interesting" besides the fact that it screws over random players. I guess they think that's hilarious, but it's really not. It makes the game much less about strategy about more about producer manipulation. The players are just chess pieces being moved around by the producers: they're the ones actually playing the game instead of the contestants.

Exactly, which is why to me this is feeling more like Big Brother outdoors than Survivor. Rife with opportunities for manipulation and the whole giving up on "themes" per whim.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

Chris is Debbie - a "model" that has done and seen everything, better than anyone else!

This is so hilarious, and I wish he knew we were saying he is the male Debbie!  Now all we need is for him to pose spread-legged on the front of a Mercedes.

And, no, that is not an invitation to post a link I'm going to regret clicking on.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Random question. James was talking about the IQ Test in his exit interview. Why does casting give the IQ Test for the casting of Survivor? What does it prove or disprove? Personally, I know I would score low and I don't want them knowing how dumb I am. It would hurt my chances of getting cast. LOL!!!

I haven't seen this topic in a while, but it seems it's a Mark Burnett thing to go for a mix of high and low IQs. Although, seeing as Survivor is supposed to be a "social experiment", according to TPTB, a mix of high and low EQs would certainly be more relevant. 

2 hours ago, Hera said:

The producers like to mix people with low IQs and people with high IQs. I think the idea is that people with vastly different scores are likely to understand the world in vastly different ways, resulting in drama, especially when everyone's hungry, sleep-deprived, and paranoid.

Or this.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

This is where I'm at. They switched tribes after 2 weeks, and that was way too soon for the audience to get a real handle on which players were on which tribe. For the life of me I could not keep track of who was where before the switch. Then just as I'm getting a feel for the new tribes, they do it again! 

I don't know why the show thinks this is "interesting" besides the fact that it screws over random players. I guess they think that's hilarious, but it's really not. It makes the game much less about strategy about more about producer manipulation. The players are just chess pieces being moved around by the producers: they're the ones actually playing the game instead of the contestants.

I can see where they're coming from, the idea being to switch it enough to avoid a Pagonging by giving players options for more than one tribe alliances, and I think it's worked in the past (various amigos, beside the famous 3, for instance). Except that it's not working this season, where for some strange reason (or talk we weren't shown) people from the original non Malolo tribe are stubbornly determined to pagong the original Malolos. 

Which gives me hope for the remaining original Malolos. Not that I know who they were, but history has shown me that often the winner comes from the tribe that had it rough early in the game, especially when there is a tribe or two that coasted until then and has not much experience of "eating their own", because they are by then bursting at the seam to do so, even if it doesn't always make strategic sense. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

My parents came from the Ozarks, and although most people in their town sounded standard Midwest, there were some country people who sounded a lot like Donathan.  So I don't have too much trouble following him most of the time.  

To me, it's not the accent. I've lived in several states in the south. Our vacation home is in the Ozarks. I'm used to a wide variety of accents. He speaks like he has a mouth full of marbles. It's just not clear, accent or no accent. 


4 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I think Desiree's team did OK in the bag collection portion, but fell apart during the puzzle.  I wonder if the other members of the tribe were happy to let her do it, and put a target on her own back if they lost.  

They got to the puzzle first, didn't they? But I don't think that was due to Desiree. Her calls were terrible. I think some people are just better able to navigate themselves. Her team seemed to figure it out fairly quickly. 


29 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

Chris is Debbie - a "model" that has done and seen everything, better than anyone else!

Oh my gosh, he's totally Debbie! Why didn't I think of that before????

  • Love 3

I told my 21 year old daughter she needs to marry someone like Wendell; first the shell thing. How sweet and thoughtful is that? And, he was so calm while he was instructing the puzzle put-together during the challenge. I thought Dom was calm as well. Des was a mess.

Chris reminds me of someone who should have been on the Bachelorette instead of Survivor. He's always trying to sell himself. Laurel is a saint for listening to that shit. 

I like Laurel. I think she is playing a good social game. I also like Donathon because he plays a good playing under the radar game. 

Three new tribes, three new tribes on three islands.. no one searches for a hidden immunity idol? WTF. That is the first thing I would have done. 

Edited by UniqueHandle
because I type faster than my brain works
  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, UniqueHandle said:

I told my 21 year old daughter she needs to marry someone like Wendell; first the shell thing. How sweet and thoughtful is that? And, he was so calm while he was instructing the puzzle put-together during the challenge. I thought Dom was calm as well. Des was a mess.

Chris reminds me of someone who should have been on the Bachelorette instead of Survivor. He's always trying to sell himself. Laurel is a saint for listening to that shit. 

I like Laurel. I think she is playing a good social game. I also like Donathon because he plays a good playing under the radar game. 

Three new tribes, three new tribes on three islands.. no one searches for a hidden immunity idol? WTF. That is the first thing I would have done. 

I wanted to tell Des just because you are screaming loud doesn't mean you are right. The other two were given instructions without screaming like the other person was done. They were are all shouting but Des tone was more shouting and screaming then instructing. That said, the blindfold challenge is my worst fear. I'm affraid to walk into things hard like they tend to do. I want my eyes wide open. I've always hated it. I'm weird that way.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

I wanted to tell Des just because you are screaming loud doesn't mean you are right. The other two were given instructions without screaming like the other person was done. They were are all shouting but Des tone was more shouting and screaming then instructing. That said, the blindfold challenge is my worst fear. I'm affraid to walk into things hard like they tend to do. I want my eyes wide open. I've always hated it. I'm weird that way.

To me it wasn't the volume but the tone of Desiree's voice.  She sounded like she was scolding them, not directing them.  

  • Love 4

I can see where they're coming from, the idea being to switch it enough to avoid a Pagonging by giving players options for more than one tribe alliances, and I think it's worked in the past (various amigos, beside the famous 3, for instance). Except that it's not working this season, where for some strange reason (or talk we weren't shown) people from the original non Malolo tribe are stubbornly determined to pagong the original Malolos. 

Part of the problem is they only gave the two original tribes six days together (or less for all we know) before they switched them around. That didn't really give them much time to form alliances or loyalties on anything substantial. It's herd mentality rather than strategy. 

The other problem with switching like that is whoever is in the majority has no real motivation to win immunity. Quite the opposite, it just gives them the opportunity to get rid of opposing numbers before a merge and shore up their own alliance. They're always going to go into a challenge in even numbers anyway since Probst makes the other team sit out however members they're down. What's the downside from throwing a challenge so you can vote out another Mololo? 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

To me, it's not the accent. I've lived in several states in the south. Our vacation home is in the Ozarks. I'm used to a wide variety of accents. He speaks like he has a mouth full of marbles. It's just not clear, accent or no accent. 


There were country people who had that mouth-full-of-mush diction, so perhaps it's that more than the actual accent.  I'm reminded of the time in 1972 when I was in western England with my best friend from high school, and I could barely understand anything people were saying.  Martha had better luck than I, and when I wondered why, since I was a French and Linguistics major, she offered the following:  "Well, at UCLA I volunteered with disabled children."  Oh myyyyyy.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

I wanted to tell Des just because you are screaming loud doesn't mean you are right. The other two were given instructions without screaming like the other person was done. They were are all shouting but Des tone was more shouting and screaming then instructing. That said, the blindfold challenge is my worst fear. I'm affraid to walk into things hard like they tend to do. I want my eyes wide open. I've always hated it. I'm weird that way.


1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

To me it wasn't the volume but the tone of Desiree's voice.  She sounded like she was scolding them, not directing them.  

Yes and Yes!!! 

I once got lost in downtown Chicago. I called my husband in a panic because I was lost and I was going to be late for an appointment. He started yelling/screaming directions at me. I was like, "dude, lets not forget who you are yelling at." He calmed down and started explaining where I needed to go calmly but loud enough so I could hear him over all the cab horns and buses and I found my way. And by panic, I mean I was freaking out in a full ugly cry in the middle of Michigan Avenue. 

I can't do the blindfold challenge. I run into things un-blindfolded every day in my house where I know where everything is. "Ouch, hello ottoman, you have been there for three years. Meet my shin, again." 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, UniqueHandle said:

I told my 21 year old daughter she needs to marry someone like Wendell; first the shell thing. How sweet and thoughtful is that? And, he was so calm while he was instructing the puzzle put-together during the challenge. I thought Dom was calm as well. Des was a mess.

Chris reminds me of someone who should have been on the Bachelorette instead of Survivor. He's always trying to sell himself. Laurel is a saint for listening to that shit. 

I like Laurel. I think she is playing a good social game. I also like Donathon because he plays a good playing under the radar game. 

Three new tribes, three new tribes on three islands.. no one searches for a hidden immunity idol? WTF. That is the first thing I would have done. 


They searched for an idol but as we have learned season after season unless someone actually finds it they are not going to waste time showing it.

  • Love 1

I'm reminded of the fact that Michael was the one who said he got along with Des and approached her the last time trying to find a crack.  Which she seemed to think was hysterical and stupid because why f with the numbers. 

I do wonder though if Kellyn, who does not seem to like or trust Angela in any way, and Des got with Mike and said join us, next out Angela if we lose.  I'm not sure Angela is in the alliance she thinks she is just because she showed loyalty.  

Edited by marys1000
  • Love 2

I don't think Kellyn dislikes Angela.  Kellyn is just Naviti strong, and just seemed really annoyed that Chris and Domenick would try to axe each other, and fracturing the Naviti alliance.  So she probably feels like she needs to do damage control with Angela.

Also, Angela may think that even though Domenick and Wendell is against her and Chris, that may not be true with Kellyn/Des.

Exit interview with Morgan, apparently there was actually a huge Naviti split with a pro Domenick vs pro Chris.  (Des was apparently pro Chris, and Kellyn was in the middle).

Edited by seltzer3
  • Love 2
18 hours ago, loki567 said:

I'll say it again, production made a horrible mistake focusing so much of the first two episodes on Ben, who didn't amount to anything. Considering this entire season has come down to purple vs. orange (I'm not even going to spend the effort to look up the tribe names), it would have been extremely helpful to establish the dynamics of the tribes better. As it is, it's just a big blob of undefined people and I can't remember half of the time who was on what tribe.

I think you must mean Jacob here - but I absolutely agree. The edit has been off this entire season. The tribe swaps haven't helped. But focusing so much on hapless Jacob, who wasn't interesting, or funny (we were supposed to laugh at him, I guess?), and annoying Gonzales, also, and not giving time to any telling dynamics between other cast members, just to give us an idea of some other personalities, was a big waste of two episodes and set the whole thing up for confusion.

I don't think the cast helps. But from the edit, I am guessing a woman must be winning?! Usually there is a subtler working of things and a clear, but gently soaring arc of some magnificent (male) hero rising through the ranks, excelling in blah blah blah; or else the plucky underdog overcoming the odds (helped by a few production twists). If it's the latter (Go, Donathon!) all is forgiven!

It is fairly clear each episode who is going, as whoever gets a sudden confessional about their noble overcoming of life challenges gets the chop. So as soon as James mentioned that South Korean move back to the States I said out loud in a bored voice to the TV, oh so you're going tonight, and then promptly forgot about it.

I was really hoping Desiree would go as I hate her with a passion. This season is starting to remind me of Worlds Apart where everyone I disliked the most stuck around, and the most annoying one of all won. So I guess Kellyn makes it far, along with Desiree and simpering Libby. (Whoever said upthread Libby hasn't shown any negative signs yet is not watching closely! Dom is right on the money.)

At this point I am going for Donathon, Dom, and Sea Bass! Laurel is so far the only woman I am rooting for, which makes me sad. And Wendell is kind of okay, but demoted himself this episode with what may have just been a timely suckup to whoever on his new tribe, by distancing himself from Dom. 

I think the edit is mean, boring, and on the nose. It creates jesters/idiots for us to gather and laugh and jeer at: Jacob, Chris, and to a degree Bradley (whose mouth indeed has re-expanded since last week's tribal, thank god). And it sells these endless stories of the triumph of the human spirit over some really minor/average/everyday human 'ordeals' in lieu of showing actual character development or any tribal bonds other than the most overt and obvious, which it then hammers home in every episode. Complete with tiny violins or swelling strings. I sincerely wonder if they have replaced the entire editing team this season.

Edited by violet and green
typos and other errors!
  • Love 4

Just checked out Chris’s instagram (I have no life) and, he looks so different. More weight in the face. Anyway, he seems to be going along with the jokes but deep down I’m sure he had no idea how he came/comes off. He’s probably never realized how “dumb” he appears. I doubt the show will change any of that. I’m not sure you can stop having no self awareness when you didn’t realize how unaware you were. LOL!!!! I have to see if I can post the picture. I don’t know if you are allowed to just post someone’s Instagram pictures.

21 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

If not, we could be in for a Malolo pogoning which is boring.

And I hate the ones who are doing it :)


13 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

All this talk about how Michael (and whoever his tribemates are?????) are cursed?  Maybe Michael just SUCKS AT CHALLENGES.  He's only 18.  Maybe he just sucks?  Is it a possibility?  

He seems to do well at his part.  I guess we will see if he makes it to the merge!


11 hours ago, Special K said:

Basically you've all covered the high (low) lights of this episode.

I'm just going to be petty and point out how distracted I was at TC by Kellyn strangely thin nose.  It's almost like she has an imaginary clothespin holding it closed.  I'm sorry to mention this, because now you'll all be distracted by it as well.

I had that clothespin thought too :D

5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

To me, it's not the accent. I've lived in several states in the south. Our vacation home is in the Ozarks. I'm used to a wide variety of accents. He speaks like he has a mouth full of marbles. It's just not clear, accent or no accent. 

It's eastern Kentucky.  My friend married a guy from there and he sounds just like Donathan.  We have known him for over 10 years, and Mr. P and I can understand Donathan perfectly :)

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Anyhow, the three I'm rooting for at this point are Michael, Laurel, and Wendell. 

Same here.


19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Bradley thinks he's playing an A+ game. Oh, PLEASE, someone knock the wind out of his sails and soon. 

Knock something out of his something, please - I’m not picky.


19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Did I hear Chris use the word "beneficiary" instead of "beneficially"? 

Actually, I think Chris’ Brand New Word was something like “beneficerary”.  News flash, mactor boy: when you’re already complaining about people thinking you’re dumb, using nonexistent words doesn’t exactly help.


19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm going to need Libby to go soon just because of those stupid, little, white, lacy shorts. 

Every time I see Libby’s shorts I’m reminded of the cheerleader tryouts scene in The Replacements.


17 hours ago, Special K said:

Also, revealing that he "also models" like it is some gigantic accomplishment that should be kept secret because of the power it has over other people.  Laurel was all kinds of awesome letting him "impress her."  And then cut to her telling one of the others "it's just easier to let him go on about himself."

Can you imagine this guy on a first date?

It would be one hell of a diet plan, that’s for sure.


17 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Some of the men are showing full on package. This is an 8 o'clock family show? LOL!!! Usually, it's the woman who are all hanging out. Get these guys in bathing suits pronto.

Regarding the females’ wardrobe: does Production have the women wearing extra padding south of the border during comps? I mean, I can understand TPTB wanting to avoid a cameltoe cavalcade - especially during/after the water comps - but whatever they’re doing to dodge that imagery sometimes comes off looking even weirder.

  • Love 2
On 3/28/2018 at 10:11 PM, Lantern7 said:

I know Erik's at peace with his S16 decision; he's been doing cartoons on running seasons, and here's the first one about Ghost Island. That's his ghost next to James' tormented specter, right?

Absolutely.  The hair and yellow shirt (and the necklace) give it away.  The James ghost has both his idols, and the Lauren ghost has the shell.  The only way he could have made it clearer would have been to draw his ghost holding an ice cream scoop.

One thing I haven't seen anyone comment on: James' posture at TC.  Dude was sitting up so straight it seemed like he had a back-brace on under his shirt!

  • Love 1
59 minutes ago, SVNBob said:

Absolutely.  The hair and yellow shirt (and the necklace) give it away.  The James ghost has both his idols, and the Lauren ghost has the shell.  The only way he could have made it clearer would have been to draw his ghost holding an ice cream scoop.

One thing I haven't seen anyone comment on: James' posture at TC.  Dude was sitting up so straight it seemed like he had a back-brace on under his shirt!

Devon Pinto was the same way last season. He sat up and was straight up as a board. I think he's into all that yoga stuff. I'm not sure if that's the reason for James though.

I officially hate this season. It’s so damn boring. Even with all the tribe swaps a Pagonging is still happening! I can’t stand Kellyn,Brad, or the woman with huge boobs whose name is escaping me. The army lady really upset me this episode too. Play the damn game! There are only 4 players I can say I somewhat enjoy(Michael,Laurel,Donathan, and Wendell). God help them if they get tribe swapped with the cultish group of Kellyn,Brad, and big boobs. 

  • Love 2
On 3/29/2018 at 10:39 AM, ByaNose said:

Some of the men are showing full on package. This is an 8 o'clock family show? LOL!!! Usually, it's the woman who are all hanging out. Get these guys in bathing suits pronto.

It appeared to me that they did reach the point in the show where everyone gets a bathing suit, but was Chris still wearing underwear in the competition? Or was his new swimsuit just cut that high?

Edited by valandsend
On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 7:47 AM, ghoulina said:

I think it was both. She was horrible at giving instructions the entire challenge. No clear directions. Nothing specific.

But her team got to the puzzle ages before either of the others.  And no, I don't think that's because her tribe had some preternatural walking-while-blindfolded powers.  I think she was great at the guiding part but is bad at puzzles as she said in the first episode.  And I think it's strange when the caller has to do both, personally.

It does remind me how Michelle rocked it on the MvGX blindfolded-puzzle-direction challenge, though, and that's a nice memory.

16 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

I don't think Kellyn dislikes Angela. 

Could have fooled me!  She really had a "why do I have to be stuck on an island with you and your bullshit" face during their conversation.

  • Love 3

I dunno guys....I'm getting the impression the editors hate Chris.  What do you think?  ::snerk::

Michael slid past another tribal council.  He did a good job keeping his mouth shut and staying in the background knowing full well that James was the bigger target.

And James?  That was not a blindside, and you were straight on pissed when you stomped out of TC.  Chris may be the one getting the self-involved douchebag edit, but methinks you feel pretty entitled yourself.  Buh-bye.  Maybe next time think about your endgame and connecting with other people.  That's what got you and your gym muscles voted out.

Though they left a puzzle bag behind, Wendell rocked that challenge--especially the puzzle part.  He took the time to explain to the blindfolded puzzlers that the puzzle was a circle, with an outer ring, so you could see them immediately feeling out the pieces and picking up the obvious curved edge pieces.  Since he makes furniture, he probably thinks visually and has to describe things visually to others all the time.  Excellent selection of a caller!

So...there should be one HII at the new camp, and one at the other camp to replace the one Michael used, Dom has one...but is he at the camp with a HII, or is he back at the camp where he originally found his?  This is so hard keeping track when they move people around so much!

  • Love 8
47 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I didn't watch the challenge that closely but I thought the editing was suggesting Desi was doing ok.  I recall at one point she told her puzzlers to switch positions and they ignored her and replied with something snide or off topic, I think?  

Kellyn, in a bratty voice:  "Don't yell at me, I'm doing my best."  Gurl.

  • Love 3

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