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S09.E10: Confronting Meri

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21 hours ago, WaterSpirit said:

Now..besides the obvious, going to put an offer on the house, and "my family not knowing"  Please don't wonder why your family does NOT trust you. Waiting for it to be official...this is why they hate you, well just one of the reasons.

On a lighter note:

Is she selling the Fabulous sweater/shirt with horizontal stripes?  WTF?  

LOL, your last line reminds me of an old Roseanne episode (and I will watch next week when she's back!  I'm almost as old as Rosey.)

Sister Jackie and Roseanne are at the hair stylists, and Jackie puts on a wig that looks like mom Bev's hair.  She parodies mom:

"Oh Roseanne, a woman of your size shouldn't wear horizontal stripes.  You should wear BLACK, or stay HOME."

The same could be said for Meri.  I just hate that LuLaNo shit she wears, and Meri is just FUBAR.  What made Meri give up on college, and just fuck up her life, more than it already was?  She's still trying to make everyone cry her a fucking river.  Gawd.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, ehall1052 said:

Does anyone else think this entire baby drama with Meri is ALL FAKE? Just for the storyline?  I mean, the day of the birth, Meri didn’t appear ticked off at all. She did come and go several times during the day, but she had a reason (labor was not progressing very fast, Mariah had to be picked up from the airport). And when she returned with Mariah, the camera crew was in the living room. Couldn’t she have asked them where everyone was? And then later, she was in the bedroom cuddling the baby along with everyone else. Now, a year later, she’s still in the cul-de-sac AND has the house in Parowan.  Seems to me, something would have already gone down by now (like she would have left).

I did see in some of the shots filmed and shown yesterday but not in the birth-giving episode that Meri had some sad expressions when she came into the room and saw everyone there and looking like they had been there.

16 minutes ago, Mariareads said:

I saw that. Only because I am stuck inside today and am bored so I went searching. They only tweet when their show is on I noticed. He really wasn't featured last night so he didn't bother. Story of his life. And yes, I blame Kody for most of the mess in this family. Creeper.

Agreed. Is Meri the only one working at something other than Robyn and SWC? No one else has a job. TLC can't be paying that much to float all those boats/floats/canoes!

Yeah, especially with between mortgage and taxes for the year they probably spend approx 95k.  Not counting food, utilities, car insurance (with a million kids that has to be high), etc. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Here comes out the clinical social worker in me again, but the key things I picked up on:

When Meri, and I'm only talking about Meri specifically, not other people who say they are guarded, she is really saying, "I don't trust you."  She doesn't trust her sister wives. As Robyn stated, "I'm getting tired of her questioning her sister wive's motives."

Meri does not trust that the sister wives want her to have a good relationship with Kody. She believes that they badmouth her, or talk about her behind her back to Kody. I think she believes that they influence Kody, and are trying to shut her out of the family. She believes they judge her, and therefore intentionally block her from being a part of things. It all comes down to trust. It's funny cause Meri always states that the family does not trust her, when in reality, Meri does not trust them.

When she is saying she is "guarded" what she is really saying, I don't trust you guys enough to open up to you, because I'm afraid you are going to go and tell Kody what I say, and I see you three as being on his "team" and not "mine."


This makes the most sense after watching the birth show and then this one and listening to all the comments.  Mary keeps asking her sister-wives, "Why should I be guarded?"   She wants them to admit that they talk bad about her to Kody and want her relationship with Kody to not be healthy.  

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, ranchgirl said:

This makes the most sense after watching the birth show and then this one and listening to all the comments.  Mary keeps asking her sister-wives, "Why should I be guarded?"   She wants them to admit that they talk bad about her to Kody and want her relationship with Kody to not be healthy.  

I can easily hear Janelle complain to Kody that Meri's house is pretty much empty, so Maddie could live there.   And I'm sure they all complain about how the "family" money is split.   Robyn would be in his ear about the catfishing, and the last thing Christine wants is for Kody to start putting Meri on the schedule again.    There did seem to be a lot of anger coming out when they decided to buy those houses.   Robyn has always expressed  not understanding why Meri isn't jumping in to take care of the various kids, as a way to feel included.   They hate that she can come and go, do whatever business she wants, while they are struggling as basically single parents. 

  • Love 10

So it's the night after the show. Not a one of them has added anything to twitter. Kody never wrote anything last night. So...the only reason they are on twitter is, obviously, to promote the new episode. In other words-they don't give a damn except for the check. Other than Madison giving birth, what was there to this season anyway? NOTHING. Some marriages and bad acting by Christine and fawning by Janelle (who, by the way, made me want to puke because she was so proud and preening about being a grandmother and saying "this is because of us! We did this!" which is kind of sick in itself! Then there was the let's complain and carry on about Meri part and her tears in return. Oh, let's not forget the Mariah is a lesbian schtick and the over-torn jeans. So everyone watched for nothing. I take it you all watch for the snark? And now there is another season. Any bets that it's the last? ~I was home all day today with an aching back and nothing to do but look around the internet so I finally saw their twitter accounts. it's the same MO. Tweet during an episode. Reading the people who fawn over each of the women was pukable. Do they know these women absolutely do not care if you like them? They just want you to watch the show so they can have the check and get the latest QVC Temptations casserole sets and go to Home Goods (nothing wrong with HG-I happen to love the place) for more word porn for their empty walls. Do I think there are personal problems within those 4 houses? Yup. Do I think Meri should leave? Yup. Do I really care all that much? Nope.It has given me some moments of complete certainty, however. Polygamy does not work. Doesn't work when they are young and it doesn't work when they are old. It's BS. Even if I do look at them as each person individually-I still come back to the group scam thing.  Hope they have some other way lined up to make a dollar because this bus is not going to be pushed by TLC much longer. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

It doesn't seem she enjoys much at all. She sat crossed armed at the lunch, she never wants to do any of their aw-inspiring   douchey dances ( can't blame her ) She doesnt do crafting, so  I wonder what she does all day, its not like she has little ones at home, is she just sitting around all day watching her stories ? Notice that all the wives seem to have gotten brand new cars/SUVs

Must have been a run on leasing cars in LV! I noticed the shiny cars too-especially since mr.mariareads is driving a 10 year old car & we are wondering whether to dip our toe in a new yet. As for janelle and what she does-it's not exercising! Sorry but she seemed HUGE to me in the last 2 episodes. For someone who has something to do with STRIVE (I only know about it because you all post about it) I would have guessed maybe go to the fitness center for an hour a day-but that clearly isn't it. She doesn't work outside of that house that we know of.  She never mentions a job anymore. Her kids are not little so she's not killing  herself chasing toddlers or elementary school play dates. Sorry to mention this but it's not cleaning that house! Reading what you all write here made me notice how messy their places are! I actually watched the birthing episode on FF just to see what you were all talking about!! So..what does that leave? Watching TV? Taking 10 months to gather info to do their taxes? She hates to go to lunch to that's out. Beats the heck out of me what Janelle does all day! I only know I'm going to pay for today by doing laundry, cleaning the entire house and getting ready for another freaking snowstorm on Wednesday! Oh SisterWives. What a mess!

  • Love 5

I disagree with those posters who believe Meri wants out.  I think she loves/needs the attention and energy she gets from the other wives.  I think she wants them to be thinking/talking about her all the time.  I believe she loves the drama and turmoil because it keeps everyone focused on her ALL. THE. TIME.


I wonder if any of the children--especially the older ones-feel a true sense of loss or abandonment over Meri's apparent absence in their lives?  There's no pain like being rejected by a mother--do you think they feel that way or was the bond ever really that strong?

Edited by HollyHoo
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Meri does not trust that the sister wives want her to have a good relationship with Kody. She believes that they badmouth her, or talk about her behind her back to Kody. I think she believes that they influence Kody, and are trying to shut her out of the family. She believes they judge her, and therefore intentionally block her from being a part of things. It all comes down to trust. It's funny cause Meri always states that the family does not trust her, when in reality, Meri does not trust them.


58 minutes ago, ranchgirl said:

This makes the most sense after watching the birth show and then this one and listening to all the comments.  Mary keeps asking her sister-wives, "Why should I be guarded?"   She wants them to admit that they talk bad about her to Kody and want her relationship with Kody to not be healthy.  

I think Meri believes that the other wives spend their time trash talking her to Kody because that is exactly what Meri did when she was top dog - try to make the rest look bad in order to make herself look better. It is beyond her comprehension that maybe Kody decided all on his own that he was done with her, she thinks it is the other wives making remarks behind her back that is keeping him from wanting to repair that relationship.

  • Love 13
23 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I think Janelle and Christine are best equipped to be Sister Wives, Janelle is more emotionally detached and Christine expected to live that lifestyle because of the way she was raised. Meri wants to be Kody's only and I think Robyn is enjoying being top dog now.

I'm not so sure Robyn is top dog now. I've been getting the feeling Christine may be leading the pack.  

I haven't read this whole thread yet and I just watched the epi. I found it the most interesting one in years. Finally we got a little real here - and there was minimal Cody which  is always a plus. I think it's been said here a thousand times - Meri needs to go. With her sour personality and checked out attitude things are never going to improve with the fam. Isn't the whole point of this lifestyle to foster love between everyone. She really shows no interest in anyone except Mariah. She moaned and cried for years about not having more children when she is surrounded by a gaggle of beautiful children she could be spending time with. That, for me, along with having sisters would be the big payoff in this kind of relationship. But it isn't. Not for Meri or to be fair in a lot of other plig families. So then what is the point? She needs to move into her b&b with mom and sell her wet bar dream mansion.

i don't really know much abt what goes on outside the show except for what I read here so I guess I'll have to google to read about Codys failed courtship. I waited for years to see that on the show

Edited by Lady of nod
Can't type
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4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

It doesn't seem she enjoys much at all. She sat crossed armed at the lunch, she never wants to do any of their aw-inspiring   douchey dances ( can't blame her ) She doesnt do crafting, so  I wonder what she does all day, its not like she has little ones at home, is she just sitting around all day watching her stories ? Notice that all the wives seem to have gotten brand new cars/SUVs

Makes me wonder why then, they had to literally push clunkers out of the way, to give the Golden Couple room to move in.  Why keep cars that don't run, to take up space, and piss the neighbors off more than they probably already are?  

They are all self-entitled because they have a TeeVee show.  I feel fortunate not to live on their cul-de-suck.

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

I'm not so sure Robyn is top dog now. I've been getting the feeling Christine may be leading the pack.  

I haven't read this whole thread yet and I just watched the epi. I found it the most interesting one in years. Finally we got a little real here - and there was minimal Cody which  is always a plus. I think it's been said here a thousand times - Meri needs to go. With her sour personality and checked out attitude things are never going to improve with the fam. Isn't the whole point of this lifestyle to foster love between everyone. She really shows no interest in anyone except Mariah. She moaned and cried for years about not having more children when she is surrounded by a gaggle of beautiful children she could be spending time with. That, for me, along with having sisters would be the big payoff in this kind of relationship. But it isn't. Not for Meri or to be fair in a lot of other plig families. So then what is the point? She needs to move into her b&b with mom and sell her wet bar dream mansion.

i don't really know much abt what goes on outside the show except for what I read here so I guess I'll have to google to read about Codys failed courtship. I waited for years to see that on the show

Not sure if that story about another potential wife is true. I read about it today and it seems kind of odd. Does it mean Meri is really going to leave the family? Is this potential 5th wife going to take over M's house in the LV dead end compound? Kody is getting up there for having kids. He may biologically be able to have them until he's 100 but what woman would want kids with the potential of a geezer for a dad? Is that mean? Probably. We are having our 2nd grandchild and I don't think we are "old" but my husband is too freaking old to have a toddler and guarantee that he will be here once that baby is 20! I know there are a lot of desperate women out there who would do this-especially for the nice living accommodations-if Meri does decide to leave the family and go to Per-whatever (can't ever remember how to spell that "magical" place). ~ As for the other kids being a good place for Meri to invest her motherly love in I have to say that they don't show much of that kind of thing on the shows. Not only for Meri but with the other SW's. I don't see them hugging on the other women's kids-or maybe I am not looking for it so I don't notice. Going by what I know as far as my nieces and nephew go, myy brother's kids love me. They kiss and hug me and since my niece had a baby she is always picking him up and giving him to me for kisses and such. Am I missing this on the show? ~For sure Christine is the new flavor of the season for now. The "my love" and the kisses goodbye before driving away with Meri clicked just as it played. She's his favorite for now. Robin is not so entranced with him anymore and she is busy with the 2 little ones as well as the 3 others in their teen years. She's also not the skinny thing she used to be. Christine is getting what she didn't get in the beginning when kody thought she was fat and said he was grossed out by her over heaped plate of food while on some date! She is way too jolly and happy these days for it to be anything other than kody paying attention to her over the others. 

  • Love 11
37 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

I'm not so sure Robyn is top dog now. I've been getting the feeling Christine may be leading the pack.  

I agree. That she was the one who called Meri in for a "talk", led me to believe that Christine is now the HBIC.  I think after Robyn got what she wanted, which is the Mrs. Title, she pulled back.  She seems to be barely tolerating Kody these days. I’ve never gotten a romantic vibe between Janelle and Kody.  Meri is off the roster, so that leaves Christine. Five years ago, no one would have predicted this turn of events.

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, kicotan said:

It wouldnt surprise me AT ALL if the Brown Clan are all happy with their relationships, content in their polygamous life and glad they sold their souls for the $$$ and attention.  Everything else is just scripted drama that generates ratings and funnels fans to their various businesses (The Sisterwives Closet, LuLaWhatever, Strive, etc.), as well as their pet project to legalize polygamy.

Sorry but I don't think this gang of yahoos has the acting talent to pull that off.  These would be Emmy-worthy performances if their lives were totally opposite of what we're seeing.

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Robyn is one of those poor unfortunates that when she gains weight, some of it goes to her neck. 

YES. I noted this earlier in the thread. What is up with Robyn's fat neck???? 



4 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

My question ... what does Janelle enjoy? 



4 hours ago, deirdra said:

 If these people want another season, let's have them delve into whether they should or should not "release" Meri.  Kody getting ED could put an end to it.

What is ED? Erectile dysfunction??? 



4 hours ago, kicotan said:

It wouldnt surprise me AT ALL if the Brown Clan are all happy with their relationships, content in their polygamous life and glad they sold their souls for the $$$ and attention.  Everything else is just scripted drama that generates ratings and funnels fans to their various businesses. 

Nope. Sorry. There's no way I buy that. They're not smart enough, for one, to pull that off. And they're not good actors. Janelle can barely memorize a 90 second dance routine. 


2 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

What made Meri give up on college, and just fuck up her life, more than it already was?  

I so wanted Robyn to delve into this at their "luncheon" - she pointed out that Meri stopped helping with MSW Closet to "go back to college." But..... what ever happened with that? She did not go back to school. I wanted Robyn  to point that out. But no, like every other conversation they have, they pull back right before they could actually make a valid point. 

  • Love 12

It enrages me to hear Meri say she can't figure out her role in the family now that she's an empty nester. I have sisters/cousins/friends who would kill to live closer to each other so we could jump right in there and help with each others kids and daily logistics! Just go help with meals/transportation/playing/homework/outings/whatever! Isn't that the point of this whole arrangement?? She isn't confused about her role, she is LAZY!! 

  • Love 15
42 minutes ago, lma said:

You’re kidding, right?


plenty of folks are enraptured/titillated with online/text/phone romance.  Doesn't mean they have any intention of leaving their spouse(s)~and it could have happened at a time when they were emotionally vulnerable and not necessarily ? in their marriage.  Honest mistake vs intentional undermining.  If Therapist Nancy was genuine, we would probably have heard that psychobabble already.

  • Love 1
On 3/18/2018 at 8:28 PM, Galloway Cave said:

Kody, YOU are not the one who needs the surgery. I am glad Ysabel's curve is better but she is still 15 degrees from needing surgery and her quality of life WILL be bad if she doesn't continue with those exercises. Right now she has the time and energy; what happens when she goes to college or has a job or gets married and has kids? No time or inclination to continue with the exercises and maybe doesn't have the insurance to cover surgery. Another example of the Browns trying to skirt around good parenting.

I was surprised that the "boot camp" was so effective.  HOWEVER I'll feel better once Ysabel's regular orthopedic doctor takes his own x-rays.  Not that I'm suspicious of a chiropractor who claims to have *healed* scoliosis.

  • Love 7
On 3/18/2018 at 9:26 PM, albarino said:

Haven't read through the thread yet.  They are all fat.  Fat.  If you don't have enough self-control to watch what you're putting into your mouth, I don't really care what is coming out of it.  Yes, Janelle, I'm looking at you as first at the feeding trough.

It's funny you should say this.  I was watching and noticing that everyone is overweight, some by a little and some by a lot, but then I thought:  that's one maybe the only good thing this show does:  it features people with bodies like the ones I see every day, "normal" bodies.

  • Love 5


No spoiler. I'm wondering if anyone watched the same episode as I did and why nobody can see Meri's side, not even a little bit. Hear me out. Meri asked if Maddie was going to have anyone in the room and Maddie said in front of everyone, when I start to transition, everyone is out. So why should Meri think to go knock on bedroom doors when Maddie said nobody will be in the room for the birth? Then later Meri finds out everybody did stay but nobody sent a quick text to come over. Sorry but I'd feel left out too. Maddie said everybody leaves at transition. But nobody left except Meri and nobody texted to say they changed their minds. Has anybody ever thought that maybe these three bitches really do bully Meri and purposely leave her out when the cameras aren't rolling? They have to be sweet when the cameras are on but when they're off, they probably treat Meri like shit for not being Kody's perfect stepford wife and stepping out of a relationship that he himself stepped out on three times and married the bitches. And before anybody says she agreed to being in a plural marriage, that may be so, but human emotions can surprise you after you figure out its shit and it's too late. So not taking the catfishing into consideration, all the new pussy probably treats Meri like shit consistently because she dared to betray their god, Kody. 

And fuck you Christine. You think you're so perfect because Kody likes to get in your britches now. Meri isn't unsafe! She's never done anything but love the kids. So no it isn't about Christine and what she said to Meri was offensive. It's no wonder Meri is guarded. She's constantly picked on.

i realize she acts like a victim. But some people act like victims because they actually are.

Everybody said the B&B was Meri's so why does she have to wait for these cunts' approval to make an offer? It was already established that the offer would be made.

Now before everybody gets all over my ass for my unpopular opinion, one more thing. Could Maddie have acted more smug when they were handing the baby to Caleb?  Her face told me she thought she was super important and the only one in the family who's had a baby. Idk but for some reason she annoyed me. 

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, jumper sage said:

They giggled which I think is even worse.  Any woman, in labor without meds, is going to tell them to shut the fuck up.  Who brings a friend to a birth?

10 points for the awesome reference to an awesome movie.  I've seen it at least 20 times.  Never gets old.  Very pertinent to this show.

Wow. you have me beat....I am going to look to see it again. I think the movie is why I am so fascinated with power dynamics and interpersonal relationships in Polygamy and even Polyamory. Not enough to live it, but to watch from afar. :)

10 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I was surprised that the "boot camp" was so effective.  HOWEVER I'll feel better once Ysabel's regular orthopedic doctor takes his own x-rays.  Not that I'm suspicious of a chiropractor who claims to have *healed* scoliosis.

yes. yes and yes.

  • Love 4

The therapy session and the Meri/Christine convo were...excruciating? Nah, that isn't strong enough. From Christine's breathy, "What can I do to make you feel safe?", when what she really meant was, "What can you do to make us feel safe around you?" (because, really, that's the problem) to Janelle's surprisingly honest, "Maddie's birth wasn't about you," this whole episode was cringeworthy. Some of these women have known each other for more than two decades, and they can't even suffer through a civil lunch together. 

I think all Meri wants from the fambly (the one that doesn't trust her) is the recognition that comes with being part of a plural family. I don't think she has any interest in actually acting familial (sharing her feelings, consulting the other wives about decisions, helping raise kids, hosting functions). I thinks he WANTS Christine, Janelle, and Robyn to do those things for her, and to want those things from her, but I don't thinks she wants to put any work in.

She spent this episode's entire two hours complaining about feeling left out, and then drove off to Parawon to buy a house behind the fambly's collective backs. Real team player, that Meri.

Edited by the-grey-lady
  • Love 11

It’s been interesting to read everyone’s thoughts.  I believe so much of it is contrived for ratings....The B&B was most likely purchased by mostly Meri’s mom, and the whole “asking” of the others was just for drama on the show.  The Christine character ( I really feel like they are acting a good bit of the time) is the most annoying to me.  She acts like a sneaky junior high girl, two-faced....pretending to be sweet, secretly conniving.  She is glowing with the “triumph “ of being the Queen Bee right now, preening with her “prize” trophy husband.

i predict next season there will suddenly be a flare of rekindled passion with Kody and Meri ( gag me lol!)...which will cause all kinds of trauma and drama.  

  • Love 4

My first few minutes of watching this show, I realized that if Kody's ugly man bun was combined with FRT (fatter Tony, because FT just doesn't describe him anymore), you would get Buddah. Without the wisdom and compassion, of course. 

Nowhere, so much of what you have written in your post is what I came here to post, regarding Meri. I was on Meri's side during pretty much the whole two hours. Yes, Meri was there when Maddie was in labour,  and Maddie said that everyone was leaving at transition. So when Meri returned she wasn't sure where everyone was. Janelle snarked in the session "Where do you think we were Meri?". Ummm, well not with Maddie and Caleb because Maddie said they would not be in there with them. I thought it was considerate of Meri not to drag Mariah, Audrey and herself into the bedroom to see what was happening. Too bad the others weren't as considerate. Somewhere on this thread someone posted a twitter from Janelle saying yes, that Maddie had wanted everyone gone but then decided to embrace everyone being there. My guess is she was in too much pain trying to push out a human to bother with these morons, and her mother should have been the one to carry out her wishes. Caleb too, but at least was trying to help Maddie rather than break out the popcorn for the show. 

Then there is Christine, who admitted that while she thought about mentioning during the spectator sport that was Axel's (hate that name) birth that someone should call Meri, she was afraid that Maddie would ask everyone to leave. So for her own selfish reasons she did not. Nothing to do with Meri making the space unsafe (whatever the f**k that means), but purely a selfish move. 

Janelle is such a bitch. At the session when Meri teared up, it was obvious she was upset when Christine talked about the bad period she went through with Kody, and how they worked through it together. When Meri admitted she was upset because of Kody, Janelle rolled her eyes. As soon as Kody conned Meri into a divorce (for the sake of Robin's kids IIRC), he was done with her, and has never tried to have a relationship with her since. Then at the lunch, Janelle sat there with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed. Nothing says I don't want to be here more than that. I have never liked Janelle since the show started, from back in the day when she couldn't wait to go to work to get away from her kids (and admitted it), and let Logan and the other wives raise them. She is insufferable. 

I actually feel sorry for Meri because as much as the polyg lifestyle is supposed to foster everyone being a mother to everyone else's kids, I just don't believe it. Now Meri has no husband, no spiritual husband because Kody is checked out, and her only child is gone. All the other wives have the multiple spawn they have birthed, who are now in turn getting married and giving them grandkids. Meri may be called a grandmother but she is no blood relation to Axel, and won't be to any other "grandchild". In addition if Mariah decides to become a mother, she will not have the convenient route of having married the sperm donor. It will be a much tougher process. I also think having the first grandchild together has brought Kody and Janelle closer (though I don't for a minute think they are bumping uglies) and with Christine and Kody seemingly having an upswing in their relationship, it must be hard for Meri to see that when she is out in the cold. Some may think she put herself there, but I don't. I think Kody put her there. 

So all in all I do think Meri feels distance for many reasons, including Kody, and the fact that she does have a very different life than the other wives, and always will. I hope she leaves the family and moves to her B&B. Maybe find actual love in her life. Because she isn't going to get it from the "family" she has now. Ever. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, kicotan said:


Ever see the "reality" show Jersey Shore?  They do NOT represent the fine folk that hail from the Garden State.


No, I haven't watched that show.  I actually watch very little television, but I can't give up Top Chef, Project Runway, any British murder mystery I can find, British documentaries, the great British baking shows and for some crazy ass reason many years ago I became fascinated by the whole Mormon and polygamy subject.  I have watched a few early seasons of some of the Real Housewives shows (I gave up satellite in 2010 and only watch select things online now) and a few seasons of the Teen Mom ones (because my mother watched them and talked endlessly about them...so I watched in horror)

What little I have seen has left me with enough knowledge that this stuff is just too bizarre to be fully real.  Yea...I know, truth is stranger than fiction and the best lie is always seeded with truth.  There is something there underlying, and it is developed and nurtured by experts in the field...called producers.  The Brown family is an interesting subject and as you watch there are tells that open up a little here and there.  I also think that they should have hired a Public Relations expert early on to help them navigate the "outside" world of all of us monogamist apostates!!  Especially when they all jumped onto Twitter.  They all needed help there, still do.

I also remember years back when reality shows took a HUGE leap on television after a big strike by Hollywood writers.  If a show is scripted there are rules to be followed and unions to be appeased.  That costs money for writers etc.  Reality shows are cheap to make, the "talent" is cheaper because they aren't real actors, no scripts are official because they are written as scene and filmed on site, no official scripts are used, so no real writers are paid or used...just producers. I have always wondered if the Browns can write off some of the cost of their houses because they are used on the show, or if they receive money for their roles plus money for the use of the "sets" of the houses. Robyn, Meri and Janelle all have in home businesses, so that would be in with their taxes etc. 

But...the one thing I have noticed over the years is that this family is worse off because of this show.  Their worlds were not changed for the good when 1.) Robyn came calling and 2.) cameras showed them what goes on with their husband and his other women.  They all lived their little apartment sharing lives as neighbors, wearing their blinders and trudging through.  That damn man has zero talent for structuring his family and dumps all the tough shit onto the wives backs because he just worries about the big picture.  Woe is Kody and his four nagging wives.  Asshat is too nice a word.  Douche Canoe would be my choice.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

At the session when Meri teared up, it was obvious she was upset when Christine talked about the bad period she went through with Kody, and how they worked through it together. When Meri admitted she was upset because of Kody, Janelle rolled her eyes.

I think this was a bit of real from Meri.  Christine brought up that she and Kody just kept plugging away to improve things (I honestly think the "plugging away" was 99% Christine after what he told her in Galveston) and kept working at it until it improved, Meri broke down because she knows Kody isn't willing to even try with her. 

This feisty shit from Janelle is interesting.  The only time she has woken up and come out of her fog has been talking about Kody wearing tight pants, Kody wearing a pony tail and cake.

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Oh, I loved it!

I hope it hurt him. I hope it pierced his heart like an arrow. I hope he walked around wounded for days.  I hope he NEVER gets over it. It positively warmed my black heart to see Kody take a small bite out of the same shit sandwich he feeds his wives every day and watch him choke on it.  

It sucks to know you're not the only one, doesn't it Kody? To know you have a rival who turned the head of the one you love.  Even if that person was only imaginary. Because you know if he had been real, your loving wife would have scraped you off her shoe like a piece of dog shit and left you in the dust so she could be with that someone else in a heartbeat. Just the same way you've left all your wives feeling over the years when you've clearly favored one and left the others to languish, fearing their place in your heart had been usurped. Or even "just" knowing you were in the other side of the wall rolling around having sex with another woman, a woman they may not care for but were expected to treat like a sister nonetheless, while they sat in their own room all alone. 

What I want to know is when are we going to see YOU use that painful experience to become a better person the way your wives are expected to do?  All far so I've seen is cold, dismissive resentment of the woman you promised to love for all eternity. When are you going to overcome it, Kody? Or does the requirement that one put aside their jealousy and anguish apply only to the women of monogamy, and men are free to hold onto their bitterness and punish transgressing wives with their indifference forever? Because that's how it's looking right now.  I'm not seeing you evidence the growth, the compassion, or the generosity of spirit demanded of your wives, Kadouche.  I'm not seeing the strength and leadership the men of polygamy are supposed to demonstrate, either, actually.

If I didn't know better, I'd think Kody practiced polygamy in name only, ignoring every supposed spiritual virtue and requirement, and instead caring only about having access to multiple sex partners made up from a pool of lonely women who are willing to kiss his ass just so they have some male company once in a while.  Nothing but a run of the mill hypocrite.  A hypocrite who can't forgive his wife for making him feel the way he's made her feel for years.

Screw him.

I'd pay to see someone say this to Kody and watch his reaction.  His expression alone would be awesome. 

  • Love 12
47 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

I think this was a bit of real from Meri.  Christine brought up that she and Kody just kept plugging away to improve things (I honestly think the "plugging away" was 99% Christine after what he told her in Galveston) and kept working at it until it improved, Meri broke down because she knows Kody isn't willing to even try with her. 

This feisty shit from Janelle is interesting.  The only time she has woken up and come out of her fog has been talking about Kody wearing tight pants, Kody wearing a pony tail and cake.

That is kind of depressing. I have no doubt your right. The "fixing" of Christine and Kody wasn't them plugging away to fix things. It was Christine doing all the work by pretending to be happy all the time, making nice with Robyn and not discussing any of her feelings, thoughts or anything else that Kody doesn't want to deal with. Also having another wife drop down in the totem pole. Its not really from both working on their marriage or any change from Kody.                     

  • Love 18
On 3/19/2018 at 12:54 AM, Bmglmr said:

Let me start out by saying I agree with most of the posters that Meri is....well...Meri.  But I’m going to defend Meri for a moment (unpopular I know). I think at the root of Meri’s issues is Kody.  Their relationship is fractured at best and he does virtually nothing to make it better. All the while his relationships with the other wives are thriving. He’s (unfortunately) the glue that keeps them together. This makes her feel like an outsider, like she really doesn’t belong. So she’s hyper sensitive, which makes her defensive, which makes them uncomfortable, which makes them not want to be around her, which only feeds into what Meri thinks/feels anyway, and around it goes because no one will address the elephant in the room.  Meri has no ties to that family anymore, Mariah is gone and so is Kody.

Meri is a case in point of why women that are dumped by their husbands should leave.  I know that sounds obvious to most of us but in this polygamous BULLSHIT arrangement their logic is warped and so Meri is doing stuff that is completely unhealthy for both her and the rest of the family by staying in that situation and attempting to still be a part of that family.

Kody is doing nothing to improve the relationship because they are divorced in every way.  This BS about them still being "spiritually married" is just garbage.  Both of them have gone on with their lives for years now.  When Meri took up with the catfish she was already dumped and moving on with her life.  The only thing she neglected to do was freaking LEAVE before she did it!  So of course the rest of the family has a reason to hate her for it and call her selfish for going behind their backs, etc., when she was just doing what a normal person would be doing if they had just MOVED OUT.  Would it be selfish then?  No, why is it selfish if she moves on with her life and tries to find someone else after being dumped?  I can hardly call what she was doing "cheating", even emotional cheating (and that's not even considering how it could be cheating when her husband has 3 other wives).  It wasn't really cheating because she was at that point DUMPED, and both she and Kody knew it.  The only thing she did wrong was not be honest and above board about it.  Him acting all victim-like with hurt feelings over her going behind his back to find someone else is BULLCRAP.  If she had moved out of that house and admitted she was dumped, would anyone have thought she was "cheating" by looking to replace Kody?  I doubt it!  Her staying there makes her look like she's to blame for everything when she isn't 100% responsible.  He at least bears 50% of the blame for everything between them.  Why she continues to beat a horse that's been dead for years already is beyond me - She acts like she wants to be a part of his life again - WTF?  Is she a freaking masochist?  He wants nothing to do with her!

I think there are complicated reasons why Meri never moved out.  I have my theories about it.  Some of them involve her being tied up in money with the family and she doesn't want to divest herself of it for any number of reasons, some of which may involve legal obligation.  First, she probably doesn't want to forfeit the show money, and she may actually be under some kind of legal obligation to continue with the show, because obviously she creates good show fodder.  We also don't know what the financial terms were of her divorce agreement and some of what she's doing may be a result of that.  Some of the reason Kody is acting weird about the house in Parowan might be because he owes her money from a financial settlement from the divorce, which she is cashing in on to buy that house.  That's the ONLY reason I can think of for his weird half-assed support of her endeavor on-screen and acting strange about how it's going to be financed.

Other theories I have about why Meri won't leave revolve around that screwed up cult of theirs.  She may have talked herself into staying because in their strange religion that's the only way she's going to get into heaven.  They believe marriage is for eternity, so in their minds physically leaving isn't going to break that bond even if they can't stand each other and have already gotten legally divorced.  And they may think that staying together is the only way to salvation, even if they hate each other.  So that weird logic becomes a justification for her not completely moving on with her life (even though she has moved on in her heart).  She seems to justify her staying there by pointing out that it wasn't just about Kody but "the family", so it's like she's staying there "for the family", as if whether or not they like it, they're manacled together for all eternity, even though she is legally divorced.  Or because she thinks she still feels something for the family and why should she have to forfeit that and leave the rest of them just because she's divorced from Kody?  So that becomes a justification for her staying too.  The only thing is that the family hates her now precisely because it is ridiculous and unhealthy for her to stay there after getting divorced (and she really doesn't care for them anymore anyway), so staying there has become a punishment, one I hate to say she probably thinks she deserves.  She is punishing herself by staying there, punishing them with her presence, and they in turn are punishing her for being there.  She is like a ghost haunting the family and they are treating her like "persona non grata".  They are never going to treat her like a member of that family anymore no matter how many times she pushes herself on them and demands it.  It's a toxic and unhealthy situation.  If no one really wants to work this situation out they can go to that ridiculous "therapist" of theirs all they want, but it's not going to change ONE THING.  I am just angry that there's no one beating her over the head with a virtual 2x4 to get this into her head!  She is doomed to acting like a selfish bitch trying to eke out any kind of respect she can like blood from a stone.  It just makes her look bad when in fact she wouldn't look so selfish if she had just played her cards right.  In this situation she is never going to become healthy or get anywhere with her life.  She is stuck in a purgatory of her own creation.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Here comes out the clinical social worker in me again, but the key things I picked up on:

When Meri, and I'm only talking about Meri specifically, not other people who say they are guarded, she is really saying, "I don't trust you."  She doesn't trust her sister wives. As Robyn stated, "I'm getting tired of her questioning her sister wive's motives."

Meri does not trust that the sister wives want her to have a good relationship with Kody. She believes that they badmouth her, or talk about her behind her back to Kody. I think she believes that they influence Kody, and are trying to shut her out of the family. She believes they judge her, and therefore intentionally block her from being a part of things. It all comes down to trust. It's funny cause Meri always states that the family does not trust her, when in reality, Meri does not trust them.

When she is saying she is "guarded" what she is really saying, I don't trust you guys enough to open up to you, because I'm afraid you are going to go and tell Kody what I say, and I see you three as being on his "team" and not "mine."

I could go on how some of this is due to the culture of polygamy, but I won't go there for now.

With the labor, I do believe fully that Meri was left out. If you listen, Robyn and Christine actually give you huge hints to that.

During counseling, Robyn stated, "It kept popping into OUR minds, Oh my gosh, Meri should be here." So many of them acknowledge that Meri wasn't there, and should be.

The excuse they kept using was "It wasn't my birth." That really is a deflective response in my opinion, basically saying, I didn't mention it or suggest to call or text you, even though I was thinking you should be there, because it should be Maddie's decision.

But if you listen to when Christine has her talk with Meri, Christine states, I know that Robyn suggested a few times that you should be there.  So again, we have confirmation, that Robyn did mention Meri not being there, and that she should be while the labor was going on.  Christine in my opinion is the only person to really own it. She tells Meri, I didn't call or text you to be there, cause I didn't want you there.

Now in counseling session Robyn does state, that Maddie says oh yeah, why isn't Meri, here, she should be here. My thought is this occured right after Maddie had the baby. That girl was in so much pain, I don't think it was registering with her that Meri wasn't there. I think after she had the baby, is when she made that comment. That's when I think Robyn then sent the text to Meri, saying you are invited, and to come over there.

Think about it. If Maddie actually made that comment while she was in labor, then Robyn would have sent a text to Meri saying Maddie is asking for you. There would be no excuse for not contacting Meri then. That really makes me believe that Maddie said that comment after giving birth!

Let's be honest. Kody, Janelle, and Christine didn't care that Meri was not there. The only one who really voiced it was Robyn, and sent Meri that individual text saying she was invited, after the baby had been born.

Like Christine, I think they need to own it. Yeah, you could have been there if you wanted, but when it started, we really didn't care if you were there or not, and were not giving the okay to text or call you to come over.

Now Meri, who has the victim mentality, can use this, and does, to wallow further into being the victim. Three counseling sessions? If he wives are all just honest with each other, that no one trusts anyone, then they could address the bigger problems. And by the way, Kody should be in that counseling session about the birth.

I pretty much agree with this. I think that's exactly what happened when Garrison came home, too - Meri was not invited. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I agree with Janelle on one thing. I hate girl lunch's, girl's night out, etc...  Yuk. Sitting around together and  discussing what is new in everyone's life is excruciating to me. Give me a one on one any day, but no group crap. 

For me, it depends on the girls. I'm not really a "friend" person and have never really connected emotionally with someone I wasn't related to. However, I've been blessed with two sisters and two cousins who I love dearly, and its always a good time when we all get together.

  • Love 5

I can't believe they still refer to the catfishing as Meri "getting catfished" like a victim, instead of "the affair Meri had". I agree with the poster above who said of course Mariah is angry, her mother cheated on her father and still hasn't admitted it. I don't care if they never hooked up, that level of connection is still cheating in my books. 

  • Love 16
17 hours ago, CassinaFaye said:

Well considering where they live and being surrounded by dirt outside if they don't vacuum and mop daily after a couple days their feet will be.

Well I live in New York suburb and used to live in New York City and my floors are and always have been dirt-free. You can walk around barefoot all day on my floors and never get black feet. Yuck! What? Are they trudging around in the dirt barefoot all day, then coming in the house without cleaning their feet? Then sitting on the couch? Getting into bed? I bet they had dirty feet in Utah too. Lol!

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, VedaPierce said:

Well I live in New York suburb and used to live in New York City and my floors are and always have been dirt-free. You can walk around barefoot all day on my floors and never get black feet. Yuck! What? Are they trudging around in the dirt barefoot all day, then coming in the house without cleaning their feet? Then sitting on the couch? Getting into bed? I bet they had dirty feet in Utah too. Lol!

What does that do for you, having spotless floors?

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Yeah No said:


I think there are complicated reasons why Meri never moved out.  I have my theories about it.  Some of them involve her being tied up in money with the family and she doesn't want to divest herself of it for any number of reasons, some of which may involve legal obligation.  First, she probably doesn't want to forfeit the show money, and she may actually be under some kind of legal obligation to continue with the show, because obviously she creates good show fodder.  We also don't know what the financial terms were of her divorce agreement and some of what she's doing may be a result of that.  Some of the reason Kody is acting weird about the house in Parowan might be because he owes her money from a financial settlement from the divorce...

Or - since he's half legal owner of her Vegas house afraid that he will be on the hook for the mortgage on it if she can only pay for one or the other.

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Here comes out the clinical social worker in me again, but the key things I picked up on:

When Meri, and I'm only talking about Meri specifically, not other people who say they are guarded, she is really saying, "I don't trust you."  She doesn't trust her sister wives. As Robyn stated, "I'm getting tired of her questioning her sister wive's motives."

Meri does not trust that the sister wives want her to have a good relationship with Kody. She believes that they badmouth her, or talk about her behind her back to Kody. I think she believes that they influence Kody, and are trying to shut her out of the family. She believes they judge her, and therefore intentionally block her from being a part of things. It all comes down to trust. It's funny cause Meri always states that the family does not trust her, when in reality, Meri does not trust them.

When she is saying she is "guarded" what she is really saying, I don't trust you guys enough to open up to you, because I'm afraid you are going to go and tell Kody what I say, and I see you three as being on his "team" and not "mine."

I could go on how some of this is due to the culture of polygamy, but I won't go there for now.

With the labor, I do believe fully that Meri was left out. If you listen, Robyn and Christine actually give you huge hints to that.

During counseling, Robyn stated, "It kept popping into OUR minds, Oh my gosh, Meri should be here." So many of them acknowledge that Meri wasn't there, and should be.

The excuse they kept using was "It wasn't my birth." That really is a deflective response in my opinion, basically saying, I didn't mention it or suggest to call or text you, even though I was thinking you should be there, because it should be Maddie's decision.

But if you listen to when Christine has her talk with Meri, Christine states, I know that Robyn suggested a few times that you should be there.  So again, we have confirmation, that Robyn did mention Meri not being there, and that she should be while the labor was going on.  Christine in my opinion is the only person to really own it. She tells Meri, I didn't call or text you to be there, cause I didn't want you there.

Now in counseling session Robyn does state, that Maddie says oh yeah, why isn't Meri, here, she should be here. My thought is this occured right after Maddie had the baby. That girl was in so much pain, I don't think it was registering with her that Meri wasn't there. I think after she had the baby, is when she made that comment. That's when I think Robyn then sent the text to Meri, saying you are invited, and to come over there.

Think about it. If Maddie actually made that comment while she was in labor, then Robyn would have sent a text to Meri saying Maddie is asking for you. There would be no excuse for not contacting Meri then. That really makes me believe that Maddie said that comment after giving birth!

Let's be honest. Kody, Janelle, and Christine didn't care that Meri was not there. The only one who really voiced it was Robyn, and sent Meri that individual text saying she was invited, after the baby had been born.

Like Christine, I think they need to own it. Yeah, you could have been there if you wanted, but when it started, we really didn't care if you were there or not, and were not giving the okay to text or call you to come over.

Now Meri, who has the victim mentality, can use this, and does, to wallow further into being the victim. Three counseling sessions? If he wives are all just honest with each other, that no one trusts anyone, then they could address the bigger problems. And by the way, Kody should be in that counseling session about the birth.

Love the analysis! Thanks!

when they were discussing their new homes and Janelle spoke up in a very gentle way about Meri demanding the same amount of money as the other 3 wives were getting, even though she has 3 times less the people in her sub-family, and therefore 3 times less the expenses, Meri jumped down janelle's throat with a "IM SORRY I TOOK WHAT YOU THOUGHT WAS YOURS, JANELLE!" In such a nasty, hostile way, she showed that she is loaded for bear in dealing with the rest of them, and would let loose if they dared question her in any way. Or deny her anything to which she feels entitled. If that was me that Meri was addressing, I would realize that I was dealing with an unwell person. She is incapable of empathy. She will only see things from her perspective. I bet she has never apologized for anything. Ever. I too would not include her in anything. She can cry me a river.  

  • Love 18
17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I agree with Janelle on one thing. I hate girl lunch's, girl's night out, etc...  Yuk. Sitting around together and  discussing what is new in everyone's life is excruciating to me. Give me a one on one any day, but no group crap. 

Lol! I LIVE for girls' lunch! I love my friends!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a girls lunch with ALL of you guys! Xo

  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Lol! I LIVE for girls' lunch! I love my friends!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a girls lunch with ALL of you guys! Xo

I would LOVE to book all the rooms at the Inn and enjoy the "tell-all" this Sunday in the comfort of Meri's living room with my fellow snarkettes.  We could doll ourselves up in LLR and enjoy some nachos and bananas while exchanging live comments.  In the morning, we could be on our merry way after a satisfying  breakfast of frozen cinnamon rolls. 

  • Love 8

Folks, stop snarking on each other. Stop calling into question the opinions of entire swaths of posters. Stop criticizing those who like watching the show. Stop anticipating you're going to get jumped on for your opinions. These are all examples of people talking about what other posters are doing/saying instead of talking about what we're all here to talk about: the Brown Family. Talk about the show, not about other posters. 

  • Love 10
36 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

I would LOVE to book all the rooms at the Inn and enjoy the "tell-all" this Sunday in the comfort of Meri's living room with my fellow snarkettes.  We could doll ourselves up in LLR and enjoy some nachos and bananas while exchanging live comments.  In the morning, we could be on our merry way after a satisfying  breakfast of frozen cinnamon rolls. 

I'm in for everything but the LLR.  I do have standards.

  • Love 17
12 hours ago, Mariareads said:

As for the other kids being a good place for Meri to invest her motherly love in I have to say that they don't show much of that kind of thing on the shows. Not only for Meri but with the other SW's. I don't see them hugging on the other women's kids-or maybe I am not looking for it so I don't notice. Going by what I know as far as my nieces and nephew go, myy brother's kids love me. They kiss and hug me and since my niece had a baby she is always picking him up and giving him to me for kisses and such. Am I missing this on the show? ~For sure Christine is the new flavor of the season for now. The "my love" and the kisses goodbye before driving away with Meri clicked just as it played. She's his favorite for now. Robin is not so entranced with him anymore and she is busy with the 2 little ones as well as the 3 others in their teen years. She's also not the skinny thing she used to be. Christine is getting what she didn't get in the beginning when kody thought she was fat and said he was grossed out by her over heaped plate of food while on some date! She is way too jolly and happy these days for it to be anything other than kody paying attention to her over the others. 

It's the same with my niece and nephew - I love them like my own and even though they're in their 20's now we're still really close. I think Christine is probably closer with all the kids as she was the stay at home mom while Janelle worked. And she's fun with a much sunnier disposition than the other wives. 

The scene with the library sit down with Meri was SO Big Love.  All I could see was Barb trying to reel in Nikki. Loved it!

Robyn seems like she's over Kody and is putting on weight. Christine on the other hand is definitely getting more Kodi time (yuck). She looks like she's lost weight while the others are just getting bigger. And we know how Kody feels about that! 

This episode was the only one this season (except for Maddie giving birth) where I was actually interested enough to stop coloring and actually watch!

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

It's the same with my niece and nephew - I love them like my own and even though they're in their 20's now we're still really close. I think Christine is probably closer with all the kids as she was the stay at home mom while Janelle worked. And she's fun with a much sunnier disposition than the other wives. 

The scene with the library sit down with Meri was SO Big Love.  All I could see was Barb trying to reel in Nikki. Loved it!

Robyn seems like she's over Kody and is putting on weight. Christine on the other hand is definitely getting more Kodi time (yuck). She looks like she's lost weight while the others are just getting bigger. And we know how Kody feels about that! 

This episode was the only one this season (except for Maddie giving birth) where I was actually interested enough to stop coloring and actually watch!

My sister colors while watching tv too! There are only a handful of shows, a small handful, that will draw her attention fully.

  • Love 3

You're probably completely correct. 

50 minutes ago, AZChristian said:
  1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

I would LOVE to book all the rooms at the Inn and enjoy the "tell-all" this Sunday in the comfort of Meri's living room with my fellow snarkettes.  We could doll ourselves up in LLR and enjoy some nachos and bananas while exchanging live comments.  In the morning, we could be on our merry way after a satisfying  breakfast of frozen cinnamon rolls. 

That would be hilarious if they had their "Tell All" in a room like the Bachelor with an audience.  Hilarious for us.  Not for the family. 

  • Love 9
On 3/18/2018 at 7:35 PM, Galloway Cave said:

The LV specialist had measured Ysabell's curve at 40 degrees and the Minn. guy then measured it at 45. The x-ray did look like there was less curve, so it would be interesting to see what the LV doc would measure it at.

They can always have a very special cross-over with the Little Couple and go to Nemours together to get checked out. 

On a serious note, I would take that offer in a heartbeat if I were the Browns because the doctor who treats the Little Couples kids is one of the best in the world with scoliosis/spine disorders. He worked miracles for my nephew who had a curve of 99%. 

  • Love 5

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