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S43.E04: Larry David / Miley Cyrus

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What's Miley been up to lately?  It seems like the rest of the world sorta caught up to her wackiness.  The last time I saw her she was hanging out with the Flaming Lips. 

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Cold Open: Trump visits Paul Manafort. And then everyone gets in the shower. Loved Mike Pence "I'm not married to the water." Can Otto The Autopilot be our president?

Monologue: I love Larry David. This was great. Only he can joke about checking out women in concentration camps.

Celebrity Price is Right: Weird to see someone playing Skinny Drew Carey. I thought it was gonna be Larry David having to deal with TPIR, but Bernie Sanders playing with Pete is even better. Alec as Tony Bennett was a great surprise, too. Leslie having to deal with Tilda Swinton was fun, as was Cecily as Sofia Vergara, but the sketch as a whole didn't really go anywhere.

White House Press Conference: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is no Sean Spicer, but I liked the last joke, though.

Ad Council Awards: This is so horribly hilarious. If Curb Larry David's career kept going, this would be the kind of stuff he would've made. I loved it.

The Baby Step: Cutting to Larry David was the best. He'll do a lot, but he won't dress as a giant baby for a sketch. I love it when SNL gets meta.

WU: Che and Colin are DONE with Trump, I love it. Is this the first time someone said "fleshlight" on this show? Love seeing Don Jr. and I'm ERIC again. Moffat just sells Eric Trump so damn well. I could watch him eat Fun Dip all night. Angel was a great surprise of a character. And hey, the Houston Astros showed up for Leslie to swoon over. Leslie's joy was just so pure, we need to see more of that.

Fresh Takes: Larry David as a teacher that's way into teen gossip was funny on the surface, but then it got weird and uncomfortable. At least he got called out on it? Again, apparently. The Magic Club ad was great.

Candice: "She's either 18 or 55." Larry was great in this. And he broke! That saved the whole thing.

Good Neighbor: Great to see one of these sketches again. Loved all the random segues. Like...why giraffes? I could seriously watch more of Larry David badly acting and nonchalantly throwing chairs for hours. Just the image of Larry wearing that outfit made me laugh. This was great, but if it ended with CJ waking up with bed with Kenan I would've declared this the greatest sketch ever.

Despite the lack of Kevin Roberts, I quite liked this one.

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Loved the monologue. Having a comic hosting is the only time the monologues are worth it. I wonder why last year the Cubs were in two sketches and got to do that and this year the Astros just stood there. 

Also, TWO separate sketches where the punchline was about cheesy 80s PSAs aimed at kids. Why? What's that for? And Good Neighbor continues be terrible. Hey, remember that thing from when we we kids? Let's reference it!

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This one was mostly fun.

The shower bit in the cold open was weird. I kept thinking that Trump is gonna take shirtless Alec as a compliment because he wishes he looked that good. I don't need to have the visual of a shirtless Trump in my head, though. 

Larry's monologue was great. He knows how to walk right up to the line.

I was so pleased to see Alec's Tony Bennett back again that it made The Price is Right sketch for me.  It felt odd that Miley and Liam Hemsworth were sorta promoting their relationship? I don't know. I wish Liam was playing his brother because without huge arms it just doesn't work. 

I can tell they are working hard ( Aidy especially) to find an angle for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but I don't think it's quite there yet. Spicey was so iconic, and I get it's hard to follow. I can tell Aidy is thrilled to finally have that big recurring character. 

I agree the meta was great, especially Larry calling out Kenan. "What the hell are you doing?"

Heidi killed it as Angel on Update, and I was thrilled for her. It's always great to see someone really hit it out of the park like that. And Alex could do Eric in every sketch as far as I'm concerned. He sells every gesture. As much as I love Leslie, I thought the interactions with the Astros were a shade awkward. One of them obviously couldn't wait for it to be over.

The last half hour was great.  I thought Fresh Takes was a very clever parody of a CNN/MSNBC type panel show. I watch enough of them to  find it very funny. At first I hated the power bottoms sketch, but it got great as Larry just completely lost it (and Kate being right on the edge of it, too). And I loved the Good Neighbor sketch. It just made me laugh. I thought Larry sold the hell out of it.

All in all, a very good show. 

Edited by vb68
Luke is actually Liam.
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14 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

Despite the lack of Kevin Roberts, I quite liked this one.

I guess a bitch can’t get a doughnut tonight.  :-(

I actually thought that the ad council sketch was probably the best one and was good commentary about how cringe-inducing some things from the past can be.

Fresh Takes was very good and hit some great beats about what it was like to be in high school, except for Larry as the inappropriate teacher.  I’d be okay with this show dropping sexually inappropriate teachers going forward:  that’s a well they visit too often, and with all the sexual abuses of power in the news, I’m not really feeling it unless they’re parodying a specific person instead of just laughing at a situation like that.

I do appreciate a standup (or someone with standup roots) trying new material, and so I give effort points on the monologue, although I was kind of with the audience in being undecided on how well it worked.

Nothing as brilliant as “Bern Your Enthusiasm” tonight, but it was okay.

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Why in the Candice skit they didn't just use  Erika Jayne's  name because that;s who that' supposed to be?

    I wonder if it was because the real Erika Jayne aka Erika Girardi(Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) is married to a big-time attorney?

Edited by sheetmoss
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1 hour ago, sheetmoss said:

Why in the Candice skit they didn't just use  Erika Jayne's  name because that;s who that' supposed to be?

    I wonder if it was because the real Erika Jayne aka Erika Girardi(Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) is married to a big-time attorney?

Also, her husband is geriatric (Larry David isn't a spring chicken, but the character he was playing seemed to be a midlife crisis type) and not nearly as impressed or amused with her entertainment career. I think Candice was definitely based on Erika, but then they veered off it. I thought it was okay, but I'm gay and know all the slang they were using. The Drag Race sketch with Chris Pine was better because while the parody aspect and inside jokes were dead-on, it was broadly funny enough that someone like my 60-year-old heterosexual mother also laughed at it.


15 minutes ago, vb68 said:

It's really odd to note that Miley is such an old hand at this now. She's pretty much another castmember even when she's just the musical guest.

She'll likely be the next female 5-Timer, and possibly the youngest. She really is seamless on this show. Must be that Acting for Disney Channel education (remember that sketch from her first episode?? When she was pre-twerk Miley?? Good times). Was Lindsay Lohan 4 or 5?

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2 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Despite the lack of Kevin Roberts, I quite liked this one.

Ohhhhhh my god.  That's his name!?  Dammit..... one of my favourite sketches.  I was never a David S Pumpkins fan but I loooooved this.

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4 hours ago, sheetmoss said:

Why in the Candice skit they didn't just use  Erika Jayne's  name because that;s who that' supposed to be?

    I wonder if it was because the real Erika Jayne aka Erika Girardi(Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) is married to a big-time attorney?

Bravo is also an NBC subsidiary. 

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Interesting that SNL Manafort had Shea Moisture products in his shower. Is Paul known to be down with the swirl?

I had never heard of Fun Dip before. Do people actually let their kids eat that stuff? Why not just give them cocaine? But OTOH, I guess it's not much different from Pixy Stix...

LD was great (though apparently there is some blowback on that concentration camp bit).

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That was a god awful monologue. Quasimodo seemed like something a bad stand up comic would do, and I don’t care how Jewish you are. I was surprised how bad it was; expected more from LD.

Cold open was gratuitous. It didn’t say anything, just expressed glee over Manafort and implied Trump issues. I actually first thought Manafort was Trump’s son for a few lines. Manafort is way more sleezy than that. 

Leslie was odd in the Price is Right skit. Almost like she hadn’t seen the lines before. They should have done more with Bernie and Pete. They were a good combination. 

I really haven’t watched Sarah Huckabee enough to know what to make of that skit. 

The advertising skit missed a great opportunity to tie the use of those words in the 80s, which were in fact commonly used in those ways at that time, with the sexual harassment claims today and how some verbal behaviors between equals that have everyone aghast were also common then and usually laughed off. Just like some people drank at lunch during the workday. Context matters, something no one recognizes today. 

Miley seems to have finally grown up, which was good to see. She really is talented. 

Finally, someone said we should just ignore Triump’s tweets. 

I love their Donald Jr and Eric. The repeated hand gestures were awesome. Poor Eric.

Che and his “both showed up late” line was wonderful. 

Good to see the Astros. Leslie was hilarious. 

The high school show was just odd. A professor saying a high school kid is sexy? That got weird fast. 

Another lit cigarette/ cigar. Ugh. 

I had to look up quank. I was surprised to learn I understood the rest. What happened to Larry?

i kind of lost interest after that. 

Edited by Ottis
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I could watch an entire show of Alex Moffat as Eric Trump. Him trying to copy the hand gestures of Don Jr cracked me up, but then I completely lost my shit when he ate the Fun Dip. 

And with two Erika Jayne references/sketches in less than 6 months, I need to know which SNL writer is a closet housewives fan. 

I need to give some credit to Chris Redd too, for keeping it together while Larry David and Kate broke right next to him. 

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The Price is Right sketch was such a mess, but I could have watched it for the whole 90 minutes, it was just the right blend of insanity. I kind of wish they just had Liam Hemsworth dress up as Thor and see if anyone noticed the difference. 

I would also watch an entire show hosted by Mikey Day and Alex Moffat as Don Jr and Eric. Just "Don Jr" preening through every average joe character he plays, and "Eric" reading other people's lines off the cue cards. I need this.

I know Good Neighbor's humor is poloarizing, but I guess since I grew up on the TGIF block of bad family comedies, I thought this was hilarious. I about died every time Larry David threw a chair (and how the set would change every scene) and then when he stabbed Kyle in the end. 

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10 hours ago, vb68 said:

I can tell they are working hard ( Aidy especially) to find an angle for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but I don't think it's quite there yet.

I thought this was a pretty good angle. She treats the press corp like dirt and fantasizes about being powerful.


10 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

Fresh Takes was very good and hit some great beats about what it was like to be in high school, except for Larry as the inappropriate teacher.

Yeah, I think this sketch would have been even better without the inappropriate teacher. Maybe a big reason he was there was to give Larry a role. I loved the Magic Club sponsor ad -- I'm really loving Carl... I mean Chris -- but the only part I liked about the Drama Club bit was when the guy said who he was. (I'm not a Miley fan.)


10 hours ago, sheetmoss said:

Why in the Candice skit they didn't just use  Erika Jayne's  name because that;s who that' supposed to be?

    I wonder if it was because the real Erika Jayne aka Erika Girardi(Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) is married to a big-time attorney?

I have no idea who that is. She was referenced in a previous show? Anyway, like others, I didn't get much out of this sketch until Larry started losing it.

The best part of the cold open was when Pence explained why he was wearing a suit in the shower -- "I'm not married to the water." I love his sycophantic character. Kate's Jeff Sessions is so ridiculous and makes me giggle.

My favorite part of The Price is Right was Alec's Tony Bennett. I ADORE this impression. (When he hosts Match Game I often hear Bennett when Alec speaks.) "The A.D. stands for anti-dump. Give it a chance, before you fill your pants."

The Baby Step sketch was... It was. 

And then there's Eric and Donald Trump Jr. I can't get enough of these guys. Watching Eric painstakingly mimic his brother's hand gestures is hilarious. 

Loved the Good Neighbor sketch. I didn't really watch those kinds of shows at the time, though I've seen a bit when my son has watched reruns, but I don't think that's necessary in order to enjoy these. 

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I wanted to enjoy the Cold Open because it was a little different than what it's usually been the past few weeks/months/eternity (instead of just repeating verbatim things 45 has said, they got a little creative with it) but all I could think about was the story I'd read earlier yesterday about Alec running his mouth re: Rose McGowan and I could not get into it.

The monologue was bad. I didn't really find it offensive, which apparently some people did, it was just poorly constructed and delivered. Larry was not keeping the audience and he knew it.

Heidi's Update bit was great. I think she's safe for next season.

I'm glad Miley's over her grimy gutter rat phase.

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You think you're a fighter...I still got a 4S bwahahahahaha. Bring Angel back! 

I love when they break and that definitely saved a lackluster sketch.

I might be one of the few Good Neighbor fans on this board lol but that sitcom sketch had me howling. 

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This was the highest rated episode of the season, which surprised me a little.  IMHO, this one was below average. 

I agree that LD's monologue mostly fell flat, and to people who are "offended" by the concentration camp bit, there's a whole area of humor called gallow's humor, which was employed extensively by concentration camp prisoners themselves.  This has been well-documented and even studied scientifically. 

While we're on the subject of what's offensive, I'll just throw this out there-- was the Sarah Huckabee sketch demeaning to women?

P!nk, Miley Cyrus, and Taylor Swift musical guesting three weeks in a row.  What a joke. 

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1 hour ago, helenamonster said:

I wanted to enjoy the Cold Open because it was a little different than what it's usually been the past few weeks/months/eternity (instead of just repeating verbatim things 45 has said, they got a little creative with it) but all I could think about was the story I'd read earlier yesterday about Alec running his mouth re: Rose McGowan and I could not get into it.

I can't stomach watching him, and as long as he is trotted out the faux-woke commentary about Trump or Weinstein or whoever else will always feel extremely hollow to me.

2 minutes ago, JZL said:

I agree that LD's monologue mostly fell flat, and to people who are "offended" by the concentration camp bit, there's a whole area of humor called gallow's humor, which was employed extensively by concentration camp prisoners themselves.  This has been well-documented and even studied scientifically. 

The monologue reminded me a lot of the last years of Seinfeld (I can't remember if he was even involved, actually, but...), which often felt clunky and stupid, and got a pass because it was supposed to be so daring that they were trying to offend people.

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The concentration camp bit felt similar to a female comic talking about how her grandfather met his wife in one of those. The end line is, "Damn, Grandpa, how much game did you have?!?" Larry went in a similar direction, but I don't think swiping was involved from either party.

When Michael introduced Angel, I thought it was going to be Willie. I like Willie. I can understand if Kenan Thompson retired him, though. I don't think you can top "Those turkeys are runnin' a train on your dog, Willie!!"

I know that Sarah Huckasanders is a step down from Spicey, but Aidy makes her work. I'd like to see a bit about how painful her father's jokes are on Twitter. So grisly.

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I can't stomach watching him, and as long as he is trotted out the faux-woke commentary about Trump or Weinstein or whoever else will always feel extremely hollow to me.

Never mind what he said to his daughter, a few years ago a female actor in a play with him quit rather than keep working with him because she couldn't work with his rage issues.  And never mind that they rely on a Trump sketch EVERY week, and not all of them are very good.

The show can also suck a fatty for perpetuating the myth that Sanders was a spoiler.

I did love the ad dinner, and the school news one was funny for goofing on that teacher at school who was always a bit too familiar with the kids.

I also love it when the WE goofs on stereotypes (like Cecily's nerdy-but-hot girl in male-oriented comedy, or Vanessa's romcom female lead) so I did like the girlfriend-in-a-boxing-movie character, even if it did go a little long.


Leslie was odd in the Price is Right skit. Almost like she hadn’t seen the lines before. 

I wonder if she was a last-minute replacement. Leslie is good at WE and in pretaped shorts but if she has a weak spot it is that she occasionally flubs in live skits.

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I’ve never been a fan of Larry David’s comedy and his opening did nothing to change that. Painfully unfunny and I felt that the audience reaction was same as mine.

in officially over Alec Baldwin. Reached my limit. I’d like to see them try some new sketches because seeing this dude just annoys the shit out of me. 

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2 hours ago, vb68 said:

Apparently there was a Kevin Roberts sketch that didn't make it past Dress. I don't know what's up with that.

If it was anything like the original, he probably couldn't get through it without laughing. Has anyone seen Larry David rehearsing for the original sketch? It's amazing.

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This is the first show I've watched from beginning to end in I don't know how many years (maybe since the Will Farrell, Molly Shannon, et al era?)  I'm a fan of Larry David's stand up comedy (but not Curb) and of course, he reminds me of George Costanza.  I always love it when he recalls his years as a chauffeur (especially being on the lookout for a future hangout over the grates when he becomes homeless--he was such a drama boy back in his youth).  Loved "Angel" the wife of every boxer in every boxing movie (or whatever the title is).  I wonder if Heidi wrote that sketch?  It was such an accurate depiction of all those sobstory wives in all those miserable movies.  I liked Fresh Takes but didn't care for the creepy teacher character.  Hopefully they'll continue with this but omit any faculty rep.  

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21 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

WU: Che and Colin are DONE with Trump, I love it. 

I don't care what their politics are, when they stop making jokes and go directly to making political commentary, delivered seriously, I don't care for it.  

There's been talk lately how people are tired of the breaking, but when a pro like Larry does it, it's funny.  Let's face it, anything Larry does is funny.

Good episode overall. 

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As a Jew, this was my take on LD's Holocaust hunk: You know, short of when they were starving to death or sick with disease, they probably did say/think those sorts of things, driven by affection or attraction, in the camps. Anything to deny the horror and cling to some sense of normalcy, as crazy as that was. And they probably did talk/think in terms of "when this is all over, and we're back in the world again," because they had to believe in the possibility of that in order to keep going. So I wasn't offended. I wasn't laughing, but I wasn't offended. It gave me something to think about.

Edited by Milburn Stone
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2 hours ago, Mystery said:

I feel like SNL didn't do enough to capture SHS's lies and disdain. Instead they made her kind of cool. 

I completely disagree. Not only did she show her disdain for the reporters (saying they were still in their journalist costumes), but she was only cool in her fantasy. At the very end she's singing or whatever next to the lecturn, and everyone is looking at her like she's an insane dork.  

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20 hours ago, helenamonster said:

all I could think about was the story I'd read earlier yesterday about Alec running his mouth re: Rose McGowan and I could not get into it.

Damn. I hadn't heard about that, but Alec Baldwin's always been an abusive asshole so if he's acting out again I'm not surprised. Having great comedic timing doesn't make up for being a generally shitty person, and I wish the industry would stop giving Baldwin a pass. There are plenty of talented people around, it's not like we'll die if we rely on other people for talent.

I thought this episode was the best so far this season, and I wondered if they got last season's writers back.

I'm a Jew who laughed at the concentration camp joke. Sometimes you have to laugh to survive. It means you still have your humanity and haven't been totally broken.

I share the love of the Eric/Don, jr appearances. The two of them together is what sells it. Djr calling him "buddy" takes it to another level. WU in general was a lot of fun. Loved Heidi's "boxing wife" character, and she made it special, because it could have come across like 80% of Cecily's characters but it didn't. She really made it her own, whether she wrote it or not.

This time of year, I always miss Taran's Jedediah character's movie reviews.

The baby sketch was exactly the right amount of terrible to be funny.

Price is Right was an excellent mash up of two SNL staples: celebrity impressions and game show sketches. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought Tilda Swinton having David Bowie's soul was uncanny.

Looking forward to Tiffany Haddish. She is terrific on talk shows, and I bet she'll crush on SNL if they give her good writing.

Showering to defeat a listening device is a spy thriller staple, but I never would have thought of using it the way they did. Funny but hard to watch.

I agree the sleazy teacher wasn't funny and I was glad they had one of the kids say so. Also think they could have done better with the drama club ad. But the rest of Fresh Takes was awesome.

I think the problem with SHS vs Spicey is that people acting out of control is always funnier than people acting stupid or mean or insulting in a more calculated way, but given the material they're working from, I think the take on SHS was pretty good.

Edited by possibilities
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15 minutes ago, Inquisitionist said:

This is lost on me.  Who the heck is Kevin Roberts?  Google has not helped.

Watch Ms Blue Jay's video a few posts above. It's a very popular character from LD's first show he  hosted a few years ago that went viral. The catch phrase was "Can a bitch get a donut?" 


1 hour ago, possibilities said:

This time of year, I always miss Taran's Jedediah character's movie reviews.

Same.  For some reason I don't think Taran liked repeating characters that often, especially on Update.

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11 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Watch Ms Blue Jay's video a few posts above. It's a very popular character from LD's first show he  hosted a few years ago that went viral. The catch phrase was "Can a bitch get a donut?" 


I did watch that.  I assumed the skit was parodying some movie or TV character that I'm not familiar with.  Are you saying that Kevin Roberts only exists in that one skit?  OK then.

Edited by Inquisitionist
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Yeah, Kevin Roberts is just one of those delightfully weird and random characters that the Internet really took to (a la David S. Pumpkins.) I think the more they belabor David S. Pumpkins though, the more grateful I am for the sparing use of Kevin Roberts.

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I liked the Fresh Take sketch, and thought the creepy teacher was needed so we could get Mikey's reaction.  Priceless.

The Trump brothers is actually getting funnier every time they do it. I laughed OUT LOUD the first time I saw it and then watched it again and laughed just as hard.

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7 hours ago, possibilities said:

This time of year, I always miss Taran's Jedediah character's movie reviews

I miss Jebediah Atkinson every day of the year. I pine for that character, actually, and he is the only Weekend Update character I have ever wanted to see more of, so I think Taran was smart not to repeat him too often or too soon. 

Sarah Huckabee Sanders remains a wasted opportunity and the Trump sketches aren't nearly as cutting or dead-on as they once were. If they can't get this shit right, I'll gladly wait for more Michael Che straight-up on the W.U. When Che uses his IDGAF biting snark for a topic that more than deserves it (aka, our current alt-administration) as opposed to something that doesn't (women, amirite?), it is a thing of beauty. 

I liked LD's monologue from the last episode he hosted and I will always favor even the lamest stand-up openings as opposed to the most talented singing, but...yech. That was awful. He sells anti-social shcmuck humor far better than edgy, borderline offensive humor. You could see him squirming when the reaction wasn't more than a few titters and you can't deliver controversial/taboo/gallows humor unless you're 100% committed. His attitude seemed to be, "Eh....I'll give it a whirl..." I wasn't offended, but I was rolling my eyes. 

God help me, but Miley Cyrus added an element of fun and enthusiasm to all sketches she was in. 

"If you make fun of handicapped people - that's retarded!" ROTFLMAO

The show hit gold with Alex Moffett. The man never fails to at least make me smile, and when he gets a good skit/character on top of that? My night - made! 

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Larry David along with Ricky Gervais is an absolute master of cringe humor.  The issue with that type of humor is that there is a very thin line between cringey humor, and what some may consider offensive.  So at times you put up with some stuff that doesn't land on the cringey side but you have to take the bad with the good because you never know what will land until you do it.  LD is way ahead in the humor dept for me.


Speaking of Taran, I really am bummed that we didn't get more Les Jeunes Des Paris skits while he was still on the show.  That was maybe my favorite thing he did.

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12 hours ago, cpcathy said:

The Trump brothers is actually getting funnier every time they do it. I laughed OUT LOUD the first time I saw it and then watched it again and laughed just as hard.

I am still cracking up just thinking of Eric's wondrous surprise at his first taste of the sugar. They totally sold that sketch!

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On 11/5/2017 at 5:35 PM, Blakeston said:

I'm getting really sick of Aidy Bryant's, "Look, I'm a white woman, and yet I'm acting like a tough-ass rapper!" schtick.

Same here. It's getting old real fast.


Even the Baby Step rap felt like a "been there done that".

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