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S12.E17: A Case Of The Vickis

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On 10/29/2017 at 11:34 AM, Should Be Working said:

sternly guilting the ingrates for choosing to eat rather than rushing to hover by Vicki's side at the hospital

I think it was more about choosing to drink. As the night wore on, they got sloshed. Those clips showing 1 am, 4 am, etc. were quite revealing. Tamra especially seemed hammered, and Kelly was rolling right along with her. I can always tell when Kelly is drunk because she says everything that comes to her mind right at that moment, and most of it is snarly and/or profane. Whatever slim filter she has is obliterated by the alcohol. 

The others were probably drunk too but didn't show it as much. Tamra peed her pants and then left them on the next day...? Sheesh!

And for Peggy to hole up in her room and say it was one of the worst days of her life... what didn't we see? The editors must have left a lot of stuff out, because I didn't see anything that bad directed at Peggy. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

I think it was more about choosing to drink. As the night wore on, they got sloshed. Those clips showing 1 am, 4 am, etc. were quite revealing. Tamra especially seemed hammered, and Kelly was rolling right along with her. The others were probably drunk too but didn't show it as much. Tamra peed her pants and then left them on the next day...? Sheesh!

And for Peggy to hole up in her room and say it was one of the worst days of her life... what didn't we see? the editors must have left a lot of stuff out, because I didn't see anything that bad directed at Peggy. 

Peggy seems to have a lot of "worst days of her life".  I cannot believe that having a rough day/night with cast mates (not friends...) was worse than the day she was told that she had cancer cells in her breasts?  Worse than when her mother died?  Worse than when her father had a stroke?  Worse than when her father subsequently died?  She seems to fit right in here, because she is so frickin' over-dramatic - she and Vicki should become best friends, just based on that!  

And, on that topic - she contradicted herself in her talking heads.  First, she said that seeing Vicki so sick reminded her of when she was in the hospital.  Then, after speaking with Diko on the phone, she said Vicki's "symptoms" reminded her of when her father had a stroke.  Which was it?  

  • Love 17
23 hours ago, pieinmyeye said:

And they keep you in the hospital until the clot dissolves so it won't travel any farther. Sent her back with a shot to administer herself? I'm may be wrong, but I call bullshit on that. Seriously, when they wheeled her into the hospital, they hadn't even put in IV in. Yeah, it was serious.  My aching ass serious.

I don't believe she had a blood clot. I had one and was in the hospital on blood thinners for two days. Vicki is so dramatic. She had "elevated" blood pressure. I wonder how high. They probably just ran a few tests and then released her when they realized she was fine. Vicki being Vicki probably secretly wished she was critically ill. Imagine all the attention she would get then... and the casseroles. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
  • Love 14
24 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

I think it was more about choosing to drink. As the night wore on, they got sloshed. Those clips showing 1 am, 4 am, etc. were quite revealing. Tamra especially seemed hammered, and Kelly was rolling right along with her. I can always tell when Kelly is drunk because she says everything that comes to her mind right at that moment, and most of it is snarly and/or profane. Whatever slim filter she has is obliterated by the alcohol. 

The others were probably drunk too but didn't show it as much. Tamra peed her pants and then left them on the next day...? Sheesh!

And for Peggy to hole up in her room and say it was one of the worst days of her life... what didn't we see? The editors must have left a lot of stuff out, because I didn't see anything that bad directed at Peggy. 

We didn't see Vicki grinning ear to ear under that damn robe. That's what we didn't see.

Edited by Martinigirl
  • Love 23
8 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Another thing about Peggy being holed up in her room, if she spent the whole time in her room, is, SHE WAS IN FREAKIN’ ICELAND!   She can pout when she gets home to tiny Dicko.  

What Iceland know, Armenia invented 20 hour days of sunshine, we have more ice than Iceland ever has, we have more waterfalls than what you call Iceland and we have clean glaciers, not dirty black ones! LOL

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Omg! Just watched this crazy, creepy episode, and how weird and disjointed it all seemed to me! The scene with them all in that Clockwork Orange hotel room was so freakish. The lighting, the camera-work, Vickie's hair. Like a strange, bad Felinin movie. Or a simpson's Tree House Of Horrors.

32 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Right?! You can't even make a decent gif out of those scenes because of the lighting.



I think a producer and maybe a camera man went to bed or on break early when Vicki went to the hospital because they knew it would be a late night. After all of the shit that went down on that last night in Ireland and knowing that Vicki was probably going to be discharged after the crew went down, they made sure they had some minimal crew available to film late night. RHoNY and Vanderpump Rules both intentionally try to out last their crews. That's never been OC's style, but I think the producers are trying to avoid missing good footage.

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

I think it was more about choosing to drink. As the night wore on, they got sloshed. Those clips showing 1 am, 4 am, etc. were quite revealing. Tamra especially seemed hammered, and Kelly was rolling right along with her. I can always tell when Kelly is drunk because she says everything that comes to her mind right at that moment, and most of it is snarly and/or profane. Whatever slim filter she has is obliterated by the alcohol. 

The others were probably drunk too but didn't show it as much. Tamra peed her pants and then left them on the next day...? Sheesh!

And for Peggy to hole up in her room and say it was one of the worst days of her life... what didn't we see? The editors must have left a lot of stuff out, because I didn't see anything that bad directed at Peggy. 

They weren't even close to drunk yet when Lydia was sanctimoniously scolding them for not going with her.  They had just sat down to dinner.  The Whooping It Up started once Vicki got back to the hotel.

  • Love 5

Has Vicki turned 60?   Regardless, no one nearing that age can drink like that without consequences.  And I would love to know what kind of "shots" they gave her to self administer.  It can't be for blood clots nor would it be for high blood pressure.  So unless she's diabetic or needing an epi pen for allergies, I can't think of any condition she was complaining about that requires self injectibles.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

Has Vicki turned 60?   Regardless, no one nearing that age can drink like that without consequences.  And I would love to know what kind of "shots" they gave her to self administer.  It can't be for blood clots nor would it be for high blood pressure.  So unless she's diabetic or needing an epi pen for allergies, I can't think of any condition she was complaining about that requires self injectibles.  

I believe she said something to Tamara along the lines of "I'm 55.  We've been friends for 10 years.  I met you when I was 45."  I do not know if it is true.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I don't believe she had a blood clot. I had one and was in the hospital on blood thinners for two days. Vicki is so dramatic. She had "elevated" blood pressure. I wonder how high. They probably just ran a few tests and then released her when they realized she was fine. Vicki being Vicki probably secretly wished she was critically ill. Imagine all the attention she would get then... and the casseroles. 

I wish Meghan had asked for Vicki's test results from the hospital in exchange for the casserole. 

  • Love 16

great episode, but my love/hate relationship with all of these women is wearing thin.

shannon's life at home is a burning dumpster truck fire and she projects this anger onto other people (i.e. vicki). her obvious jealousy that tamra was getting back together with vicki reared its ugly head again. the way she reacted was unbelievable.

peggy? shut up, move out of the way, and let the doctors do their job!!! and stop telling a very irrational kelly to be quiet!!! peggy has no idea how to act with women aren't armenian. 

tamra... I admit I have a soft spot in my heart for her because I love her and vicki together. but shannon is a slimeball and I do think she would've made up with vicki ages before this episode if it weren't for her.

megan is growing on me. she seems the most level-headed, but I wouldn't say I like her. the whole "motherhood is so exhausting!!!" tirade when she has a nanny is so out of touch with reality. 

lydia doesn't belong on this show. she's here to promote her magazine, but like, isn't print journalism a dinosaur? so many magazines are moving to bi-monthly issues instead of monthly because of reduced readership. she doesn't know the value of a dollar, so she doesn't really care if she throws a few hundred thousand away. she's from a famous Canadian family, especially on the east coast. aside from the mccain family, I think hers is the second richest in all of the maritimes and nfland.

kelly kelly kelly. I do agree with peggy on one point: sometimes you should listen to your husband and bite your tongue. but kelly isn't really good with either of those things. I also think wearing a nude lipstick instead of a bright red would do her more favours. 

with vicki, I have to admit she will always be my favourite. maybe it's because I've been watching her since S1... maybe it's because I love her crazy antics. she just wants some friends, but she needs to stop gossiping to kelly because that bitch will spill the beans like no other. I'm actually quite surprised vicki hasn't been like "KELLY YOU BITCH I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE!!!" I guess vicki realizes she doesn't have a lot of friends in that group and needs as much support as she can get.

Edited by NotEatingKale
  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Should Be Working said:

Finally, despite spending almost all of her life growing up in the U.S., Peggy is at heart just an uneducated, closed-minded, middle-aged peasant woman raised in some small isolated Armenian mountain village. Most emigrants with her life experience (educational background, trappings of wealth, etc.) become more American in their behavior and outlook, more outgoing, friendly, socially skilled, fully articulate in English. She, for some reason, has not. She remains cold and distant, suspicious of non-Armenians, inarticulate, superstitious, fatalistic, as if she never left that village. Probably wears a black peasant shawl at home and issues dark curses to ward off trouble when the cameras aren't running.

Lol, this is so true.

  • Love 2

When they asked Vicki what was wrong she could not even articulate what was wrong with her beyond "I don't feel well".  She did not have a fever, but did have elevated heart rate & BP probably.  What's the name of your heart condition? Ohhh wait, she does not know.

That's what surprised me.  Since she wasn't unconscious, she should've been able to relay the info her doctor told her.  It wasn't complicated.   I think that Kelly was aware of her heart issue (not sure how much she knew, but I thought Vicki told her,) so I wondered why she couldn't seem to get that info across either.  IMO, if you're with somebody who presents as possibly having a heart attack, asking them over and over if they're okay, and arguing over them doesn't help!  They should've quietly monitored her until help came, then relay whatever pertinent info they know to the EMTs, then get the hell out of the way!  I work in a dental office.  We have an emergency plan in place for scenarios like this.   Moral of this episode?  I wouldn't want this group of women around me if I was in distress.  

I understand that the ladies were hungry, but if I was with somebody that had to be carted off in an ambulance and I was famished, I would've asked the host/hostess at the restaurant if they could throw something simple into a to-go box and I would eat it on the way to the hospital.  The goal being for me not to pass out, not to have a 7-course meal before I go see about my friend. 

So, did Tamra basically grovel and apologize to Vicki?  I fast forwarded some of that because the sobbing gets on my nerves.  Did Vicki apologize for anything? It was like Tamra was bowing down to her.  Maybe I misunderstood the scene.    And hallelujah!  Vicki got a casserole!  

Vicki covered in a robe - Christmas came early!  Shannon’s commentary especially was cracking me up.

Didn’t Vicki say that she didn’t want any of them to come with her?  Before they took her off in the ambulance they were all  asking but then nobody went (leading to the glorious Peggy last one standing outside whomp whomp scene) so you have to think she said no.  

Dr Hotsson and the EMTs were sooooooo unimpressed with the whole shitshow.  I guess there isn’t a Real Housewives of Reykjavik?  Yet. 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah they divorced then to keep all of their money in Peggy's name.  Tiny Diko was being sued by someone who was in a car accident after he installed wheels (improperly fitted?) onto a car.  The passenger, or driver died.

There are some articles in the Peggy thread, I believe.

So, yeah real assholes!

  • Love 14

Vicki probably had a blood clot previous to this trip, and when she complained of palpitations and said she had a cardiac history, they may have prescribed an injectible blood thinner like Heparin or Coumadin. Altitude sickness is no joke, and she may have had a mild case of it. Drinking alcohol is the worst thing she could for either condition. I believe she didn't feel well, but when the ladies all surrounded her with attention I think the lightbulb went on in her head to milk the situation for all it's worth. Yawn..... 

  • Love 7
Just now, heatherchandler said:

Yeah they divorced then to keep all of their money in Peggy's name.  Tiny Diko was being sued by someone who was in a car accident after he installed wheels (improperly fitted?) onto a car.  The passenger, or driver died.

There are some articles in the Peggy thread, I believe.

So, yeah real assholes!

Aah.  Thanks for the info.  Yeah, I see no asset to the show with this family.  At all.

  • Love 7

For Vicki, sung to 'A Hard Day's Night':

It's been a hard day's night, and I've been drinking like a lush
It's been a hard day's night, and all that booze is such a rush
But when I get in my bed and rest my poor aching head
I will feel alright

You know I work all day so I can keep y'all in the green
And it's worth it just to hear you say, you're going to treat me like a queen.
So you know it's my goal to get a big casserole
You know I'll feel ok.
When I'm high everything seems to be right. 
Agree with me or it is you I will smite, smite

It's been a hard day's night, and I've been hiking up that hill
It's been a hard day's night, and I think I'll need a pill
So I will cover my head then they'll all think I'm dead
I hope I'll be alright.

When I'm buzzed everything seems to be right
When I'm buzzed, yes I am quite the sight, sight
It's been a hard day's night, and I've been whooping like a bird
It's been a hard day's night, and I've been acting like a turd.
But when I get in my bed and rest my poor aching head
I will feel alright
you know i feel alright

  • Love 24
11 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Vickie's health problems are she tries to drink and party like a 25 year old and she clearly is not. I am not putting down older people I am almost 50 and there are just some things you have to slow down on, fact of life!

Also could be a health issue caused by wearing clothes 5 sizes too small, but I am no doctor like Peggy!

Exactly.  Tamra is about fifty now and has slowed the party train.  She’s really sincere in her health and fitness thing.

I don’t think Vicki had anything worse than a hangover, but her risk for heart attack and stroke is high because she’s an idiot who doesn’t take care of her health.  One of these days she’ll pay the price for “whooping it up”.  

If you go to Armenia and ask to become Armenian, you automatically become doctor.  But not temperature doctor, until you finish Armenian Community College course, which is better than ant US doctor course.  If you call your husband to ask, only.

  • Love 9
On 10/30/2017 at 10:19 PM, NeverLate said:

OMG I felt so sorry for him, Peggy kept saying can you do something, can you see this, can you take her temperature I would of yelled, clear the effin room! stat!

Even when he did try and clear the room those dumb bitches wouldn't leave!  I absolutely could not believe the behaviour of those women, dispicable.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah they divorced then to keep all of their money in Peggy's name.  Tiny Diko was being sued by someone who was in a car accident after he installed wheels (improperly fitted?) onto a car.  The passenger, or driver died.

There are some articles in the Peggy thread, I believe.

So, yeah real assholes!

I don't think anyone died.  One was paralyzed and the other injured to a lesser extent.  

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, eclectcmoi said:

The best acting award in this episode (sponsored by Alcoholics Anonymous) goes to Tamara with a supporting nod to Vicki for their make up scene.  I was rolling my eyes so hard at this whole mess that I almost gave myself a headache. It was beyond ridiculous.   I can understand Shannon finally getting fed up with the garbage spewing from Vicki's mouth.  I don't think I could've sat there and listened to it all either without commenting.

^^THIS^^ and adding in her saying don't hurt me and I won't have to hurt you...  That's some seriously f-ed up shit right there.  

I was more than a little disgusted too with Vicki finally getting all the attention she craves.  Casserole my ass... 

That’s some creepy Jame Gumb shit right there.  

Vicki has no power to hurt anyone really.  She’s just an empty crone with no network.   My guess is that bills were waved, and Tamra went in for the touchdown.   She always moves shit along.

  • Love 9
On October 30, 2017 at 9:36 PM, bosawks said:

Just when I think she can’t get any Vickier she gets carted off to an ambulance in Iceland with a robe covering her head.

To paraphrase Lucy Van Pelt, “Out of all the Vicki Gunvalsons she’s the Vicki Gunvalsonsiest.”

Blanket Vickie can be filed along with Football To The Head Vickie, Self-Giving Award Vickie, "My Tits Want To Come Out And Play Vickie, Peeing On The Bed Vickie, and of course, Family Van Vickie. And that is why, like it or not, she is not ever getting fired. Don't kill the messenger. 

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

One of the best parts in that hotel room in the middle of the night, was when Tamra is in a ball, shaking and fake-crying, Vickie just stands up and leaves. HA! That's it folks, she's done, she's going to bed. Lol lol lol! I think Peggy or Lydia was left to hug Tamra, who was 'acting' as if her children just died. 

That’s how it works with npd - once the target is under thumb again, VICTORY and done! (For now.)

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5
On October 30, 2017 at 9:39 PM, whydoievencare said:

Peggy oozes into every single scene, even when she really shouldn't involve herself.  It's kind of funny.

I gotta say, her weirdness and awkwardness is so over the top, I'm beginning to enjoy her--but only when she's with the other hags. I'm getting a kick out of their befuddlement with her. If I had her in my group, I wouldn't know wtf to make of her either. I'm enjoying the tension she brings with the other women. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah they divorced then to keep all of their money in Peggy's name.  Tiny Diko was being sued by someone who was in a car accident after he installed wheels (improperly fitted?) onto a car.  The passenger, or driver died.

There are some articles in the Peggy thread, I believe.

So, yeah real assholes!

Wow - scumbags!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Didn't his company have liability insurance? Or were they asking for so much it would have cleaned them out completely? 

If you read the articles, they specifically talk about his liability insurance refusing to settle and forcing it to go to court, dragging it out over 10 years, and ballooning the settlement from $500k to $12M and how the plaintiff was going after the insurance company and not Diko.  I only corrected the assertion that someone died because things like that get posted on the forums and grow legs.  I am not an expert in Diko's lawsuit, nor do I play one on TV.  I just took the time to read 2 articles.

Just now, nexxie said:

Wow - scumbags!

I'm not saying they aren't scumbags, but I think maybe it is understandable in these circumstances.  The plaintiffs and Diko wanted to settle for $500k.  His insurance refused to settle, making it a lot more costly.  

  • Love 8
On 10/30/2017 at 8:18 PM, pieinmyeye said:

And they keep you in the hospital until the clot dissolves so it won't travel any farther. Sent her back with a shot to administer herself? I'm may be wrong, but I call bullshit on that. Seriously, when they wheeled her into the hospital, they hadn't even put in IV in. Yeah, it was serious.  My aching ass serious.

I know for a fact you aren't supposed to drink.  Alcohol is a blood thinner.  My husband has to take them daily for life.  He has some rare blood clotting disease so when we fly long distances he will need to do injections before each flight.  He hasn't flown since diagnosis so when we go to Poland he will have to do this.  My husband was never hospitalized and they did give him the injections to do himself.  If I remember correctly he needed to do them 2X per day until it dissolved.  The injections are very pricey apparently (covered by our insurance) and his clot dissolved before using all the autoinjectors so they asked him to donate his leftovers (sealed and not a risk of being germy or anything) to some organization that gives them to people without insurance.

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I don't believe she had a blood clot. I had one and was in the hospital on blood thinners for two days. Vicki is so dramatic. She had "elevated" blood pressure. I wonder how high. They probably just ran a few tests and then released her when they realized she was fine. Vicki being Vicki probably secretly wished she was critically ill. Imagine all the attention she would get then... and the casseroles. 

I agree and I am a Vicki fan.  lol  I know that medical emergencies are not funny, but, I just never took this as a real medical emergency.  The way Vicki came out of the room with the robe on her head, Kelly chowing down on that soup and fish, Peggy freaking out, Tamra peeing her pants, etc. It just cracked me up.  I laughed a lot during this episode. I may have to watch it again. 

  • Love 4
On 10/31/2017 at 7:12 AM, islandgal140 said:

I appreciate that Peggy did seem highly concerned and visibly upset by Vicki's "condition" but she was literally seconds away from a Shirley McLaine style Terms of Endearment breakdown


It was odd. She is odd. The whole Diko thing? Frankly, I just think that she was feeling unsure and her instincts were telling her to go to the hospital but the other lady's behavior was making her doubt herself. Diko's direction was really just giving her 'permission' to do what she already felt she should do. I don't think she is in a controlling  or abusive relationship. She is more bravado than actual strength and was hiding behind Diko in this instance. 

This is just weird. I feel like this sentence should only really be uttered by a child to its mother. 

I just realized I hate Tamra more than I hate anyone else on this show, including Vicki. My hate for this urine soaked, vile bitch is abiding and ever-lasting. Yes, Vicki ain't shit, but Tamra is a malevolent, calculating piece of human garbage. I don't care if she was baptized using the tears of Jesus himself while a choir of angels sang Hosannas, that bitch will always be Satan's #1 concubine. What I hate about this whole season is everyone jockeying to be her friend and her pearl clutching over a rumor that has been around since Eddie even hit the show. After all the heinous shit she has said and done, a gay rumor is akin to alleging her curtains don't match her drapes. Don't get me wrong, Vicki is wrong for this, but I can't find a lick of sympathy for the drunk wasted chick. Nope.

The only real bond between Tamra and Shannon is their dislike of Vicki.  Shannon is gonna need to learn that being a 'true friend' to Tamra is a thankless job. 

I am sitting here laughing my behind off when I am supposed to be doing serious work!  I do have one correction though.  She cannot be Satan's #1 concubine because that 'honor' is already taken by someone I know who eats people like Tamra for breakfast.  But I am good with Tamra being #2.  :)

I dislike Kelly greatly but I'll be damned if I wasn't virtually high fiving her all episode!  Tamra and Vicki deserve each other.  I understand why Shannon cannot hide her feelings during the cry/pee extravaganza.  I can't hide my 'I'm witnessing bullshit face' either.  Peggy not answering while everyone was knocking on her door, trying to call her is rude and tells me she thinks she is more important than she actually is.  I am sure everyone was fine with her not being with them but please answer so people know you aren't dead in your room.  These nice Icelandic folks don't need to deal with a stinking, rotting dead body after dealing with Vicki all night.  Have a heart.  Lydia?  Go find your elfin family and stay off my screen.

Between Vicki peeing Tamra's bed in Mexico and Tamra peeing her pants on this trip it makes you wonder if they are angling for a Depends contract like Rinna.  If you have leakage ladies buy some Depends or at least Poise.  No one needs to know you avoid doing your kegels.  

  • Love 12
59 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I know for a fact you aren't supposed to drink.  Alcohol is a blood thinner.  My husband has to take them daily for life.  He has some rare blood clotting disease so when we fly long distances he will need to do injections before each flight.  He hasn't flown since diagnosis so when we go to Poland he will have to do this.  My husband was never hospitalized and they did give him the injections to do himself.  If I remember correctly he needed to do them 2X per day until it dissolved.  The injections are very pricey apparently (covered by our insurance) and his clot dissolved before using all the autoinjectors so they asked him to donate his leftovers (sealed and not a risk of being germy or anything) to some organization that gives them to people without insurance.

You guys are almost making me wish I was still watching. 1) no way would Vicki been able to give herself shots of Heperin. No way. ( She gags/ throws up when riding in the backseat of a car or some such thing. And makes her daughters illness about her). If you give them yourself a nurse  instructs you and they can go into upper leg but most give themselves in fatty part of stomach  you don't just casually say you are to pick up injectables at the pharmacy in morning  they give you enough to go home with until get insurance to cover them $$$$$  

Ok I broke down and watched on demand  

She was do evasive about what doctor said... Bull crap you need information to tell your own doctor upon return also is 911 international??  Examples of ugly ugly bad behaving Americans. She said she was waiting results of EKG and labs then doesn't relay that information. ??   You were dehydrated from too much drink and throwing up. 

I wouldn't expose a little baby's to these women. 

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I thought she looked like she always looks after a bender.

Me too. Wasn't she hunched over the toilet when the cameras first came into her room? I figured she threw up, after partying so much the night before, then traipsing around glaciers. I look like a nasty troll when I'm puking; doesn't mean I need an ambulance. 

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, NotEatingKale said:

with vicki, I have to admit she will always be my favourite. maybe it's because I've been watching her since S1... maybe it's because I love her crazy antics. she just wants some friends, but she needs to stop gossiping to kelly because that bitch will spill the beans like no other.

Maybe if Vicki wants friends she should stop spreading their personal info around. When she tells stuff to Kelly, SHE'S the one spilling the beans. She can't blame Kelly for outing the shit that SHE said. Her friends told her stuff in confidence, she should honor that. Other stuff she just makes up or insinuates. She's a heap of garbage. No wonder she can't keep friends. 

  • Love 21
3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

You guys are almost making me wish I was still watching. 1) no way would Vicki been able to give herself shots of Heperin. No way. ( She gags/ throws up when riding in the backseat of a car or some such thing. And makes her daughters illness about her). If you give them yourself a nurse  instructs you and they can go into upper leg but most give themselves in fatty part of stomach  you don't just casually say you are to pick up injectables at the pharmacy in morning  they give you enough to go home with until get insurance to cover them $$$$$  

Ok I broke down and watched on demand  

She was do evasive about what doctor said... Bull crap you need information to tell your own doctor upon return also is 911 international??  Examples of ugly ugly bad behaving Americans. She said she was waiting results of EKG and labs then doesn't relay that information. ??   You were dehydrated from too much drink and throwing up. 

I wouldn't expose a little baby's to these women. 

How far away was the hospital? Did they say her clothes was cut off? I laughed at that like she was involved in a vehicular accident.

She didn't seem to be at the ER very long - in my experience with older parents - even in the ER on a slow night and older patients take priority - minimum of 6 hours. Every test is done - multiple blood tests, EKG, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen level. Then if they need to send out for various xrays, cat scan, MRI - that's 45 minutes for each procedure. Then you wait for lab/scan results - then you wait for the "expert" who knows how to interpret the chart.

In Iceland, they followed Shannon's advice and expedited Vicki's release


I'm with you ATC, if I were Meghan I would have stayed away from Vicki in case she had something like the flu. No need to expose herself and the baby.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 14

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