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S12.E15: Mystic Mistake

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3 hours ago, lunastartron said:

3mm of a 25mm of a largely precancerous had turned into actual cancer. Which (to me, in my layman's understanding; correct me if I'm wrong) suggests the remaining 22mm was in the process of turning as well. In the context of her mother's early death and her preventative mastectomy, I don't think her fears are unreasonable. 

"Over a span of ten years, I scheduled mammograms and MRI’s every six months, my doctor found a mass in my right breast in the MRI. The immediate response to this news, was to schedule a biopsy. Despite being negative on the BRCA gene testing, the biopsy revealed pre cancerous cells [DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in situ)] within my right breast. Few weeks later, we scheduled a surgery to remove the 25 mm of mass, and sent the mass to the pathologist. In a matter of weeks, I was told that of the 25 mm removed, 3mm of it was already cancer.”

Too bad Peggy has not managed to be verbally this articulate on any topic.  But I guess then she would have had to find some other way to make a story line that wasn't "what is this English you speak" and fighting with Shannon over David very calmly asking questions any rational adult would.

1 hour ago, diadochokinesis said:

Dude, I didn't even get vicodin after my c-sections. I left the hospital off painkillers. I think I took some tylenol the first day or two just at night but that was it. I understand that the expanders would be a bit painful but she honestly can't be on Vicodin for 5 months after the surgery.  Also, we've seen her drinking and driving (not simultaneously) during the show which would not be recommended when on Vicodin. 

I think a mastectomy is more damaging than most c-sections and has a longer and more complicated recovery period.   For one of her mastectomy related surgeries (there were over 10) my mom ended up with a jug of Vicodin.  I've never seen a pill bottle this big.  They gave her the container the Vicodin came in and it is probably 3 times the size of the bottle of Aleve I get at Costco.  My mom, being full of drugs and not rational, decided to stock pile her jug of Vicodin "in case there was ever a domestic war and [she] needed to medicate [her] children."  That giant jug full of expired pills is still taking up room in her bathroom waiting to be the hero in the event of a large scale disaster that takes out all infrastructure including the medical system.  My mom is not a prepper, so I don't know why it hasn't been tossed or why she didn't just take her damn pills.  The chest expanders are beyond painful after each expansion and a normal person probably would have hit that stash during the worst of it.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

She's a hypocrite - LOL - I know she loves that word.  Yes, she had a psychic over after her Mom died with Billy and Tamra there... she also had some astrologer over her house in one of the early seasons to read everyone's chart.  She should have gone to Megan's house, would have made her more relevant and been hella more interesting that her "acting" out her head shake routine at the phony Dr.

Thank you. That was what I was thinking of. I knew Jeanna was still around and there were sky-tops for miles. She's so full of shit. Well....we already know this, thanks for last week's episode.


1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

Lydia never should have come back to the show.  The thirst for more can backfire!  After her season she left on a relative high note, people were sympathertic to her becuause Ragey Ryan chewed out her mom.  And people remember her standing up to Slade and calling him a douche, which anyone would applaud.  Probably she had decent favorability in the public eye as "that former housewife".  But nooo that wasn't good enough, she had to come back with her unicorn sparkle and now everyone cannot stand her and she has lost any good will.  Well played Lydia!  

Yup. I did not mind her originally. I thought she was a bit of a fence rider, but I LOVED how she stood up to Slade. She hasn't done one right thing this season. She's trying to insert herself in everything and is totally messy about it. 

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, Marley said:

I miss heather kind of lol.

I miss Heather a lot!

9 hours ago, NeverLate said:

I couldn't even finish it tonight


I couldn't even start it! Well I did try to watch but turned it off after a minute or two. I can't stand Lydia, can't stand Peggy, can't stand Kelly although my Kelly hate has gone down a bit because Lydia and Peggy suck so much they make Kelly seem tolerable at this point. Also can't stand Vicki, Tamara annoys me, and Shannon somehow makes me feel sorry for her.  I keep forgetting Meghan is even on this show. At least Heather had some decent house porn, although I could do without her husband. I don't know why I watch this show at all, it gets worse every season.

8 hours ago, SoCal4Us said:

BRAVO - If you're listening, I beg of you, bring back Fancy Pants and her mansion stat!  This is an emergency!

Please! I'm begging too, it truly is an emergency! 

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, diadochokinesis said:

Dude, I didn't even get vicodin after my c-sections. I left the hospital off painkillers. I think I took some tylenol the first day or two just at night but that was it. I understand that the expanders would be a bit painful but she honestly can't be on Vicodin for 5 months after the surgery.  Also, we've seen her drinking and driving (not simultaneously) during the show which would not be recommended when on Vicodin. 

It always depends on the doctor and also the patient.   People want narcotics for a hangnail.  

As for Peggy, my take is that she would go to a doctor who caters to people like her and would prescribe loosely.   

As for being on narcotics for way too long (5 months) after surgery, its happens so much that these type of meds are now the number one drug epidemic in our country.

People who abuse narcotics wouldn't think twice about drinking and driving either.

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I think a mastectomy is more damaging than most c-sections and has a longer and more complicated recovery period.   For one of her mastectomy related surgeries (there were over 10) my mom ended up with a jug of Vicodin.  I've never seen a pill bottle this big.  They gave her the container the Vicodin came in and it is probably 3 times the size of the bottle of Aleve I get at Costco.  My mom, being full of drugs and not rational, decided to stock pile her jug of Vicodin "in case there was ever a domestic war and [she] needed to medicate [her] children."  That giant jug full of expired pills is still taking up room in her bathroom waiting to be the hero in the event of a large scale disaster that takes out all infrastructure including the medical system.  My mom is not a prepper, so I don't know why it hasn't been tossed or why she didn't just take her damn pills.  The chest expanders are beyond painful after each expansion and a normal person probably would have hit that stash during the worst of it.


I think a lot would depend on the type of mastectomy you had. The majority of mastectomies performed nowadays are a simple mastectomy or a modified radical mastectomy.  In a simple mastectomy, the chest wall muscles aren't removed.  It is just breast tissue (including nipple and areola) and the overlying skin. A modified radical mastectomy would be all of that plus some of the lymph nodes and possibly some of the chest wall muscle depending on if the cancer has spread there. Radical mastectomies are rarely performed anymore and in those, chest muscles are removed. My grandmother had a radical mastectomy (bilateral) but that was before the newer type surgeries.  I would imagine that Peggy had a simple mastectomy since hers was prophylactic. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't particularly like Meghan but she had me LMAO when she was telling Shannon and Tamra they would have to suffer her wrath if they woke her baby up with their yelling! 

Also when all the girls left and she turns to her Psychic and said :" these are my friends" and the psychic went in her totally sarcastic basic voice " your friends are great" I actually laughed out loud for the first time all season. 

I like meg this season, and actually shannon too. though GF really really needs to divorce david and go away to a theraputic retreat. She is really on a downward spiral. I feel badly for her. 

Lydia and Peggy are seriously the worst.  Sooooo unlikeable. I can't get over how awful Peggy is. I kind of like Diko, but seriously how can you even have a conversation with Peggy?  I don't understand how they have managed all these years. 

  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

It always depends on the doctor and also the patient.   People want narcotics for a hangnail.  

As for Peggy, my take is that she would go to a doctor who caters to people like her and would prescribe loosely.   

As for being on narcotics for way too long (5 months) after surgery, its happens so much that these type of meds are now the number one drug epidemic in our country.

People who abuse narcotics wouldn't think twice about drinking and driving either.

I live in Dubai now. I had one c-section in the US and one in the Middle East. I couldn't get Vicodin for either one.  LOL.  I got Tylenol 3's for the US one and nothing for the Middle East one (except I did get antibiotics that I told them I was allergic to so yay!). 

The opioid crisis in the US is horrible (I work in healthcare). I am certainly aware of the abuse of prescription drugs.  I just don't think that Peggy was on a legit Vicodin prescription 5 months after.  Now, whining and getting the drugs or doctor hopping for additional scripts are a different matter.  But saying that her pain is to a level that requires Vicodin 5 months after all of this is what I have trouble with. I work with people who have legit chronic pain and you can always see it on their face and in their eyes. Just like I can also always tell when they took their meds and have visited their happy place.  LOL. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Cranky One said:

Please! Your fireplace deserves better! Nobleman isn't even worthy of bathroom reading...unless you were desperate for toilet paper!

I wish the fashion industry would stop trying to bring back acid wash! I laugh at my 80s pictures with all of us decked out in it.


I did laugh at Shannon's reply to David when he asked (between crunching sounds) if they had stores in Iceland and she replied with something about trading animal pelts or something like that! lol

If tie dye, flare jeans, and boho fashions (which are pretty tacky) can come back then so can acid wash.  

I'm curious about what would fix the show because changes need to be made if it c9mes back in season 13.  

  • Love 1

Unless Peggy goes to a quack doctor who's a prescription clearing house, no way is she on Vicodin for that long.  I just had an attack of kidney stones, and for those who've had those know how bad the pain is, I didn't get anything stronger than Tylenol for the pain.  Used to be that they gave you intravenous pain meds (had kidney stones a couple of times) and then sent you home with a script for Hydrocodone, but I didn't get even that for this last attack---didn't get a prescription for anything.  So, maybe Peggy goes to different docs and gets her Vicodin that way

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

FYI - Peggy's exact words..."I'm lucky to NOT be going through chemo right now" She is NOT getting chemo...but wants it to sound like she is.....she is full of chit!!!! It is VERY RARE to have chemo with a mastectomy.  I don't understand why she was even talking about chemo??????????  

I am a chemo nurse.  Many women have to get chemo and a mastectomy. Sometimes they have to get chemo first before the mastectomy to shrink the tumor.  Sometimes radiation also.  Breast cancer is a horrible disease.   Peggy, however, didn't need either thing.  

12 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Support what? Her choice to have a mastectomy? I can't imagine any Doctor advising her to have a mastectomy.  Unless, it was due to Botched Breast Procedure lead to her double mastectomy. Sorry,but something doesn't quite add up with the cancer / not cancer BS story

I recently had a colon polyp removed.  The Dr didn't advise me to get a colostomy.  Women with HPV get precancerous lesions on their cervix.  They get them removed.  Not a total hysterectomy.

10 hours ago, Marley said:

Peggy is just trying for a storyline. Diko is assisting her. David asked a couple questions. If that is an interrogation then I pretty much interrogate everyone in my life lol.

Vicki is snooze fest and she’s one of those ppl where if she’s apologized to you about something then you can ever talk about it again. Ppl like that infuriate me.

Lydia sucks. She is so close minded and pathetic. She doesn’t even wanna be near a psychic? What a loser get a grip. Her magazine is also obv just a fun little hobby. Do ppl even really purchase magazines anymore? Seems super pretentious. If they didn’t have family money they wouldn’t have a magazine. Also nothing wrong with it at all couldn’t care less.. but Doug really sets off my gaydar.  

Im jealous they are going to Iceland tho it’s on my list. 


I miss heather kind of lol.

YOu have that backwards, Diko is trying for a story line.  Peggy is assisting him!  Also, if Peggy isn't American, then why is she named Peggy and not go by an Armenian name?  Would love to hear from someone who knew here years ago and how she acted then.  I bet she was a typical American child.

  • Love 12

Yes I wonder why she doesn't have an Armenian name?  But she named her daughters Armenian names.  Hmm.

I like Shannon, but I do wish she could just roll her eyes and smirk and say "I see what you are trying to do", then ignore them and talk to someone else at the table.   It would BURN them.  Tamra does this, Shannon needs to take a page out of Tamras playbook.  

  • Love 24
2 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Yes I wonder why she doesn't have an Armenian name?  But she named her daughters Armenian names.  Hmm.

I like Shannon, but I do wish she could just roll her eyes and smirk and say "I see what you are trying to do", then ignore them and talk to someone else at the table.   It would BURN them.  Tamra does this, Shannon needs to take a page out of Tamras playbook.  

I'm wondering if she does have an Armenian name and Peggy is just the American nickname.  You find that sometimes with people who have really ethnic names.  

  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

This. I'm sorry for anyone who has lost a loved one, but 83 isn't an age where one should be SHOCKED that someone died. Also, I am super evil, but I immediately thought that Brianna and Michael might WELCOME that call. 

I will be evil with you because I thought the same thing!  Well, I thought Micheal - definitely.  Brianna - maybe; it's harder to tell with  her.  As annoyed and exasperated as she gets with Vicki, I sometimes think the 2 of them have a codependent relationship.  

10 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

I am a chemo nurse.  Many women have to get chemo and a mastectomy. Sometimes they have to get chemo first before the mastectomy to shrink the tumor.  Sometimes radiation also.  Breast cancer is a horrible disease.   Peggy, however, didn't need either thing.  


OK, thank you for clearing that up.  When I read that original statement, I was like.....wha??? Because I was pretty sure chemo and a mastectomy often go hand-in-hand when treating breast cancer.  And yup, my best friend who was treated for stage 3 this past year had her chemo, her radiation, and then the double mastectomy.  

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Jel said:

If I am keeping track correctly, Lydia is allowed to express her feelings and insist Shannon stop doing something (essentially showing emotion in the way Shannon does) because it pushes Lydia's buttons.

Shannon is not allowed to express her feelings in the way Shannon wants to because it pushes Lydia's buttons.

Entitled much, Lydia?

She's a little troll doll, with her beady eyes, and troll doll husband! 

  • Love 18

Wow, I can't believe I'm the only one who can't stand Shannon. She is the eternal victim and isn't comfortable unless she's whining about how someone is being mean to her. The times she gets most upset are when she thinks she is being perceived as the aggressor. She can't stand to be accountable for anything. 


I just can't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her kids. She played out her marital BS on national television for fame and money. I'm sure it was a real pleasure for the children of that marriage to have that on display to their classmates and neighbors. Not to mention the dirty laundry between Shannon and the girls' grandmother. But who cares about the girls when Shannon can be on TV!

  • Love 22

OC is not my fave HW show, but I did start watching regularly when Shannon came on. I liked her quirkiness. Now it makes me sad to see the state she is in, and to watch these bitches constantly going after her. Especially that good christian Lydia. Way to go - find the woman on the show who is emotionally fragile and make gaslighting her your storyline. Her true colors are showing and they're not a rainbow, more like a black hole. She and her husband are the epitome of privilege with their stupid magazines and fake "christian" values. 

And Peggy and Dika - if you don't want to talk about your cancer - then don't talk about your cancer. How's that for a simple solution.

Vicki - ugh, just ugh cannot stand her. she really needs to go.

Kelly has redeemed herself a little in these last episodes, not hating her so much. I think divorcing Michael looks good on you. (Shannon - take note)

Megan is probably to me, the most likeable this season. She seems happy with her baby, and not having her bore of a husband around is a plus.

Shannon, luv, you need help. Your marriage is a mess, and he's really just not into you. LEAVE. Staying together for the kids is not a good idea - does more harm than good. 

Tamra - just waiting for her to turn on Shannon. Bitch.

That's all I've got.

  • Love 22

First, I FF’ed through Vicki because I never did like Vicki.

Then, I FF’ed through Lydia because the waving arms and bug eyes and buck teeth did nothing for me.

FF’ed thru Tamra because I don’t like known villains suddenly parading their religion 

FF’ed thru Meghan because she’s just dull

FF’ed thru Peggy because it’s no fun to see thru someone’s con so easily 

And then I came to Kelly and Shannon.  And when I FF’ed thru Shannon because I can’t take the dichotomy of such a “spirchal” person being so insanely unselfaware, there was only Kelly — and there was nothing to keep me coming back! 

Truth be told, I’ll watch for Iceland. Well schemed, Andy Cohen! But after that, nope. Dones-o.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Why would a hardy, no nonsense country need Deballed Dougs magazine? Are men in Iceland really hard up for advice on how to tie a cravat or bleach their buttholes?

Iceland doesn't need Nobleman Noballsman. It needs RHoOC. Bravo has one of the wealthiest most educated audiences on television. This garbage show is watched by 2.4 million viewers a week. If the Iceland trip can demonstrate what a beautiful and wonderful vacation location Iceland is, then every comp was worth it. A 30 second spot might be $60,000 to $150,000 for a national ad on Bravo. Maybe they spent $20,000 on airfare for the cast. Another $20,000 for hotel rooms. A final $20,000 for activities. Maybe round it out to $100,000 for the cast and crew. So for $100,000, Iceland gets to have their beautiful country on display for 42 minutes per episode for 3 weeks in front of 2.4 million sets of eyes.

Edited by HunterHunted
To reflect Cherrio's new magazine title
  • Love 20
2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Iceland doesn't need Nobleman. It needs RHoOC.

Love your analysis! And actually Iceland is doing pretty well with tourism. Nonstop flights from the middle of the North American continent — and for an insanely low fare — and Groupons are delivering people in droves. I’m pleased for the uslabd’s prosperity but I’ll wait til the fervor has died down in a couple years. Not surprised they struck a deal w Bravo. Somebody over there is smart!!!!

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Fixed it for you! LOL I agree, she has been fuzzy about everything!

I don't think the more recent event (from 2 years ago) was as widely known as the one that has the police report/DV plea, it was only reported in 1 blog, SH, which is now closed.

Watching how Shannon reacts/over reacts these last few years makes me suspect that her calling the police to stop a heated argument is something she would do. Shannon tends to panic quickly when things (arguments) don't go her way, so Yes, I can see her calling the police to stop David from arguing with her. I think she allows her imagination to take over and see things that aren't there, hence why David says he shuts down/withdraws from her when she gets like that. 

I can easily envision this as well. It would help to explain why David began distancing himself from her after the "your husband beats the shit out of you" grenade from Kelly. Imagine Shannon being responsible - directly by calling the cops and then indirectly by attempting to attack David while blackout drunk - for not one but two instances in which David was publicly maligned as an abuser. If Shannon's accounts are true and she did, in fact, telephone the police over a verbal disagreement, that's almost unforgivably pathological and, from my perspective, actually so warped as to be dangerous. Especially in the context of her second yarn about trying to break down Adaline's bedroom door when David locked himself inside. 

The "I just wanted the argument to stop so I dialed 911" contention doesn't explain why David accepted a plea, etc, though. 

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Iceland doesn't need Nobleman. It needs RHoOC. Bravo has one of the wealthiest most educated audiences on television. This garbage show is watched by 2.4 million viewers a week. If the Iceland trip can demonstrate what a beautiful and wonderful vacation location Iceland is, then every comp was worth it. A 30 second spot might be $60,000 to $150,000 for a national ad. Maybe they spent $20,000 on airfare for the cast. Another $20,000 for hotel rooms. A final $20,000 for activities. Maybe round it out to $100,000 for the cast and crew. So for $100,000, Iceland gets to have their beautiful country on display for 42 minutes per episode for 3 weeks in front of 2.4 million sets of eyes.

Iceland has been the new go to vacation spot for several years now. It’s easily accessible from most places in the US (even Alaska, where I live, it’s just a quick five hour flight over the North Pole) and a fun mid hop layover stop on a trip to England. They are getting to the point of being overwhelmed with tourists; the influx happened so quickly their infrastructure wasn’t ready for it, especially with the peak tourist season being just several months. 

Which leads me to Lydia exclaiming about Northern Lights AND the sun never going down in Iceland as two things they will experience. You really can’t have both Lydia, you need the sky to get dark to really see the Northern Lights. 

  • Love 24
11 hours ago, Jextella said:

Going against the grain, but this was the first episode I liked Lydia, Peggy, Mehgan, and Kelly.

Shannon is a hot mess.  I dislike Tamra most times but I appreciated how she talked to Shannon about how she is handling her emotions regarding David.

I agree totally. Not a popular opinion, but Shannon is a horrible person to be around. Everyone is constantly walking on eggshells. And I don't believe it's because of problems in her marriage. She has marriage problems BECAUSE of her overreactions and hypersensitivity and need for validation 24/7. I know someone like shannon. 2 speeds, 1-screaming, accusing, finger-wagging and then when someone talks back, 2-crying, falling apart, running out of the room. 

Don't care for Lydia, but she was right, "shut up for one minute and stop interrupting and let Peggy try to explain herself!" Damn shannon! You are insufferable! Take a Xanax! Calm down!

and btw, Peggy was asking Shannon initially why Shannon didn't bother to respond to Peggy's texts and phone calls after the party, where peggy was actually quite gentle with Screeching Barn Owl. That was a great moment to ask her. I like that she is being called on her shit. 

I believe Shannon was always this way, and will always be this way. She will forever make the people in her life miserable with her histrionics. Her husband, her children, her friends. I recognize what Shannon is, and it cannot be fixed. Not even with therapy. 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 12
15 hours ago, Cranky One said:

The best part of this episode was the old Family Vaaaaan clip!

It seemed like a goodbye Vicki montage.  Please? Let it be so.   If that was not the purpose of that they wasted too much time on her.  

15 hours ago, TexasGal said:

David was eating popcorn, no?  Which just means I really would have stolen the bag from him.

The flashback to Shannon talking to Tamra she looked like a completely different person.  Her face needs to be somewhere between the one we are seeing now (knowing she’s lost weight in real time) and how drawn it was when she was skinny.

Pirates Booty.  A lower fat sort of cheeto.  Totally yummy.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Either way, I'm over Peggy. Shannon's reactions are super fucking OTT, but Peggy and Niko are trying SO hard to make drama where there is none. Peggy brings UP the topic, and when she and Shannon finally get some alone time to hash it out, Peggy bails. She wants to make the scene. But when she's faced with a human being genuinely asking how she is, she can't handle it. This entire cancer thing has been a whole lot of bait n switch. THEY are the ones who keep bringing it up (and badly), but then get all offended when anyone asks follow up questions. Ugh, it's doing my head in. 

So, the premise of this Iceland trip is that this douchey, rich, So Cal magazine for men is writing an article on the country? Bahahaha, okay then. Again, super jealous of OC right now. I was literally gasping during the previews and I know these bitches will ruin another amazing travel opportunity. 

I was over Peggy's cancer narrative the first time she told it.


As for the Iceland trip, I am pretty sure I saw Vicki gagging on something local in one of the "this season..." previews.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

David hardly ever talks. His questions to Dicko, no matter how relevant, were definitively shade. 

David hardly ever talks....TO SHANNON. If you watch him in the background at parties, he's always chatting with the other men just fine. I don't think he was throwing shade at all. First, he doesn't seem like the type to care. Second, Dicko brought it up and then wasn't super clear (again), so David was just clarifying. He does have an odd cadence when he speaks, so I could see how someone who is not used to him might have found the conversation "off". But nothing he actually SAID appeared, in any way, to be trying to mess with them or call them out. 


38 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

As for the Iceland trip, I am pretty sure I saw Vicki gagging on something local in one of the "this season..." previews.

Vicki gags over something as "exotic" as a Taco salad. She is such a rube. I hate watching her travel. 

  • Love 24

Maybe there wouldn't have been nearly as many questions about Peggy's cancer if she just explained it in Armenian. Perhaps the women and David wouldn't be so confused about Peggy's Not Cancer/Cancer if Peggy had bothered to take a conversational English class before she started filming and NOT BROUGHT UP HER CANCER ALL THE FRAKKING TIME! She's been sketchy with the details from the beginning, including talking about her mother's cancer. A lot of viewers thought her mother died recently, but her mother died 20 years ago. She's been vague about everything except for designer labels, expensive things, and being Armenian.

47 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

I was over Peggy's cancer narrative the first time she told it.

Me too.

47 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

As for the Iceland trip, I am pretty sure I saw Vicki gagging on something local in one of the "this season..." previews.

It was Hakarl, which is fermented shark. Vicki knows she's not an adventurous eater. I don't know why she even tried it.

When people like Andrew Zimmern describe it like this:


Really, the worst tasting foods are the fermented spoiled ones, like Hakarl. Made from the Greenlandic shark, the meat is poisonous when fresh, so in order to eat it, Icelanders let it spoil in the ground for months and then out in the elements for a few more to dry. It’s a revolting dish to many first timers; eating it without gagging is what separates the men from the boys. While the smell of the putrefied shark itself could make the faint-hearted ill, the taste is ultimately sweet, nutty and  faintly fishy…if you like ammoniated wax.


And Anthony Bourdain says he'll never want to eat it again


Then it is probably really weird and off-putting.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

I can easily envision this as well. It would help to explain why David began distancing himself from her after the "your husband beats the shit out of you" grenade from Kelly. Imagine Shannon being responsible - directly by calling the cops and then indirectly by attempting to attack David while blackout drunk - for not one but two instances in which David was publicly maligned as an abuser. If Shannon's accounts are true and she did, in fact, telephone the police over a verbal disagreement, that's almost unforgivably pathological and, from my perspective, actually so warped as to be dangerous. Especially in the context of her second yarn about trying to break down Adaline's bedroom door when David locked himself inside. 

The "I just wanted the argument to stop so I dialed 911" contention doesn't explain why David accepted a plea, etc, though. 

Maybe he accepted the plea because it was better for Shannon, that way she isn't made to look "crazy". I can see him falling on his sword for her/their daughter.

  • Love 8
On 10/15/2017 at 9:55 AM, HunterHunted said:

@zoeysmom I think Peggy's line producer has noticed that Shannon is one of the few women who actually engage Peggy. The rest of the women barely talk to Peggy. They talk at her or benignly ignore her. In the vast majority of the scenes that feature Peggy and 2 or more women, you could erase Peggy and it wouldn't make a difference to the scene. She's just that irrelevant. I think Peggy's line producer is sensing how irrelevant she is and has encouraged her to mix it up with any of the women, but Shannon happens to be the only taker. I also think because Peggy and Diko are incomprehensible and clueless about their incomprehensibility, her producer is pointing her to Shannon, Kelly, and Megan, the three people who tend to fixate most on the words people use.

Totally agree...Peggy seemed to just a seat filler at Meghan’s psychic dinner party!

as Lydia was announcing her invitation to Iceland...Peggy was doing her own thing looking at her phone (possibly looking up “wher eez deez ice land place? Do bears leev der?...eez der a place fo dem to poop? Never duz eet git dark? Da same day evree day? I stay eez young eez I look? ‘We in!’)

REALLY ...wtf was she thinking joining this show? She rarely engages...just sits around making dirty looks (or she has THE.WORST.EVER. case of RBF!!!)

something is ‘off’...I don’t know HOW on earth Bravo could have/would have chosen Peggy to join the cast.

fingers crossed...Bravo will finally fire Vicki from ‘her show’....she’s gotta go!!! ...and take Peggy with!

  • Love 18
38 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Maybe there wouldn't have been nearly as many questions about Peggy's cancer if she just explained it in Armenian. Perhaps the women and David wouldn't be so confused about Peggy's Not Cancer/Cancer if Peggy had bothered to take a conversational English class before she started filming and NOT BROUGHT UP HER CANCER ALL THE FRAKKING TIME! She's been sketchy with the details from the beginning, including talking about her mother's cancer. A lot of viewers thought her mother died recently, but her mother died 20 years ago. She's been vague about everything except for designer labels, expensive things, and being Armenian.

Me too.

It was Hakarl, which is fermented shark. Vicki knows she's not an adventurous eater. I don't know why she even tried it.

When people like Andrew Zimmern describe it like this:


And Anthony Bourdain says he'll never want to eat it again


Then it is probably really weird and off-putting.

I wonder if it's anything like "vobla", a russian version of fish jerky. Dried and very salted and eaten with beer. Incredibly, my dad would peel it and I would eat it as a 7-year-old! No chicken nuggets for me! Lol

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Talking to Peggy is like listening to a song backwards.  She makes no sense and yet gets mad when people try to understand.  Something is just "odd" about Peggy.  I've notice, how during her TH, that accent goes in and out.   Not to mention when she's listening to people speak, she looks at me like when I ask my dog "do these pants make me look fat". 

Lydiot. . . OMG just stop.   Everytime I see her on screen w/Doug, I can't help but think they have terrible sex, but think they have great sex.   When she speaks it's like listening to a 7 year old explain physics.

Next week will we get to see Vicki at the podiatrist for an ingrown toenail?   Ugh

Tamra - nice throwing everyone under the bus in such a subtle way.  Nice to be so critical of Shannon, when year after year, we have seen her go NUTS at the drop of a hat.  That view from her high horse must be nice. 

Shannon.  Stop.   Go to a real dr., get everything checked out.  Do whatever it takes to reduce the stress.  Don't dwell on things all day long. 

Oh is Meghan still on the show. 

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