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Nicole & Azan: Supersize My Tagine

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5 minutes ago, iwasish said:

What cash cow? The only money she had was her earnings from Starbucks. The only reason she had that cash was because she was living rent free at her grandfathers charity home. She as much as told Azan that she was bringing everything she had when she came to Morocco. And they need that money to live on while they wait for the spousal visa. She doesn’t sound like she has any intention of working after the wedding. Once he marries her, he’s stuck supporting her and May in Morocco. Since the K1 was denied, her father’s agreement to sponser him is voided. So I would guess Nicole will have to prove for the spousal visa that SHE has the means to support both of them and May. That could be a problem. 

I cant see how marrying her benefits him. He has to stop it at some point. 

If he doesn't come up with another stalling tactic and ends up marrying her, I pray that they will be approved for a K-3 visa. Not because of Nicole and Azan, but because of May. That little girl is the only victim in a sea of assholes. 

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I meant her Sharp paycheck and presumably his since he's allowed to be paid for appearing outside the US. I believe at least some of the money she has made from the show is what she's been sending to Morocco, not her barista salary. 

Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

What cash cow? The only money she had was her earnings from Starbucks. The only reason she had that cash was because she was living rent free at her grandfathers charity home. She as much as told Azan that she was bringing everything she had when she came to Morocco. And they need that money to live on while they wait for the spousal visa. She doesn’t sound like she has any intention of working after the wedding. Once he marries her, he’s stuck supporting her and May in Morocco. Since the K1 was denied, her father’s agreement to sponser him is voided. So I would guess Nicole will have to prove for the spousal visa that SHE has the means to support both of them and May. That could be a problem. 

According to THIS :

"Income Requirements

K-3 Spouse Visa – Affidavit of Support – Income Requirements:

Q. How much money do I need to show in order to bring my spouse to the US?

You must meet either 100% of the poverty guidelines, or meet the asset requirement. If unable to do either, you will need a joint sponsor.

Q: What Are the Income Requirements?

A: To qualify as a sponsor, you must demonstrate that your income is at least 100 percent of the current Federal poverty guideline for your household size. The Federal poverty line is updated annually and can be found on Form I-864P, Poverty Guidelines."

Nicole won't meet the income guidelines herself, and as far as we know, she doesn't have any assets. Therefore, she'll need to call on her father - again - to sponsor Azan if she wants to bring him back to the US on a K-3 with her after they marry. Which OF COURSE her father will do, because Nicole will threaten to hold May hostage in Morocco if he refuses.

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I've always thought it was Scenario 4, that his international flirting snowballed to the point where he finds himself watching her pick out wedding muu muus.  He didn't seem to have a desire to be here nor to have his family here, and may not have even been the mastermind of the sent money.  I wondered if the joint account in her head was part of her happily ever after plan.  Last season, on the beach, she mentioned that she was more than happy to support him. I don't remember hearing the other girls were sending him money. He says the words, he goes through the motions but he doesn't look thrilled.  His smirking through important subjects is disturbing. He also hadn't given up chasing other women until yesterday.  I don't get him at all but I find it hard to believe that this is what he thought his life would look like. I hope they both have a lightbulb moment and just let it go. Maybe they could both file it under lesson learned.  

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12 hours ago, Morrissey said:

The Nicole-Azan coupling is such an enigma for me. I simply can't figure out why Azan would be with her, because none of the scenarios make sense.  


Scenario 1 - He wants to move to the US because he thinks America is one big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow -

It's been 2+ years and 3 seasons which leads me to believe that he must have seen her (former) living conditions either by watching the show or clips of the show on YT. Even if he were an Annie-type who has watched too much television and envisions the US as an episode of Gossip Girl where everyone has their private chef, chaffeur, and platinum credit card, he must know by now that she isn't well off. And neither are her parents, otherwise, they wouldn't let May live in some shabby room funded by the church, but would spring for a small apartment in a good neighborhood. 

This means that he would actually have to bust his ass at some shitty job if he ever made it across the pond. Leaving aside that bicep boi doesn't seem the type who likes to work, I'm not sure how much money he would have left at the end of the month after feeding May AND Nicole. He certainly wouldn't have hundreds of Dollars left to send to Morocco. 


Scenario 2 - He wants (financial security) for his family by obtaining a green card and then bringing them to the US - 

Would his family be better off in the States than they currently are in Morocco? Maybe if Azan had his own (middle class) version of the American Dream. But again, he doesn't seem to have the necessary skill set let alone ambition to be able to provide a decent life for his entire family. Hell, he can't even accomplish a decent scam if Nicole is the best he can do.

The States isn't Western Europe with its (still) stable welfare system. If you want to avoid poverty and living in a shitty neighborhood on food stamps, you actually have to work. This is my understanding of the US as a European and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I can see an Annie type foreigner or sheltered American believing that no other country can compare in respect to financial security and overall quality of life, and that even people from Granada dream of moving to a hicktown in New Hampshire. But Azan and his family don't strike me as sheltered or ignorant, but as people who would do their homework. Furthermore, they don't strike me as poor enough to say "Anywhere but here. Even if we have to cram all of us into a one bedroom motel turned section 8/church funded housing "apartment"."   


Scenario 3 - He actually cares for Nicole and wants to make it work - 

I was trying to imagine that he, in fact, is simply shy. And that he might be timid because of his culture. But that doesn't explain why he oscillates between disdain, annoyance, and suicidal thoughts whenever he has to interact with her. In the words of Mother Nicole: "You're animated when you are in love". And Azan certainly isn't animated. 


So, what is it? Why is he still with her? Now that the K-1 visa was denied and she moved to Morocco, she can't send him any more money. So, why would he agree for her to come live with him and get married. And if Nicole has indeed returned to Florida, what happens when she decides to fly back all original documents clenched in her fist? Could it be that their story is 100% made up and both of them are actors? If so, she should receive an Oscar for playing the spoiled, selfish, narcissistic nightmare that she portrays to perfection. 


You summed it up pretty succintly. 

I’m with Scenario 4 - he’s as dumb as she is and way over his head. The Sharp paychecks are too good for him to pass up. I’m pretty sure Nicole is sending him her share while Robalee chips in for gas, groceries etc..for Nicole/May. 

I probably think after three seasons on the show she’s making more bank. Danielle now has a new relatively nice car plus her double wide.

Question is - is he willing to fuck her regularly (I’m also pretty sure he’s using his religion ala Mohammed to not now) to eventually actually marry her? We all know she’s going to “ride her Morrocan pony” every night for her own self validation.

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How far is Starbucks income going to go if she has  to be sole support of the three of them, not far if she has to pay rent. She can’t apply for the spousal visa til after the wedding. Who knows if her father is willing to co sponser for the three of them. Once the family sees these episodes and hears Azan giggling  about other women, I don’t think theyll be  too quick to agree. 

Whar happens  in that year between the wedding and the visa verdict? She has said that Azan will get a job. She knows money is running out and there is the issue of the money paid out for the canceled wedding. Will she have to use her money for the actual wedding? Those  dresses don’t look cheap. Azan is going to squeeze her with money and his failure to get a job. 

I can’t imagine that some viewer hasn’t sent emails or clips from the show to the powers that be and let them see Azan in action. Who knows, someone who watches the show could work there and /or post here and bring it to someone’s attention, 

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You would think on a carefully documented show that immigration would see or find the aired footage at least while vetting these people.  But, Moho is still here and that was a case of 2 idiots "frauding" each other.  Maybe the show worked in regard to Luis, but I think Molly is smarter than Danielle and would produce video evidence of their failed relationship.  In the case of Nicole and Azan, maybe Robalee will sent in footage on the sly to the powers in charge of Azan's visa.  Maybe Nicole will become even sadder by having a long distance husband that she never sees because she is in the states and he is stuck overseas.

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I think Azan was so happy during the tell all was because it pays more than the regular episodes.

He did mention getting work freelancing which I believe that is how he got Nickel to send money. 

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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

Who knows if her father is willing to co sponser for the three of them. Once the family sees these episodes and hears Azan giggling  about other women, I don’t think theyll be  too quick to agree. 

That's also my opinion. By now, they have a large amount of evidence that Azan is a user. They also would know that she can only be there for a limited time on her visa, and marrying Azan does not automatically get her a Moroccan version of the Green Card. When she called her dad to tell him the wedding was postponed, he told her to just return home. She responded she wouldn't until Azan could return with her. 

If there is an actual, legal marriage, and not something that is just part of the scam, their marriage will fall apart immediately. Nicole will whine to her mom, just like she did when she told her that Azan said he forgave her for cheating but stayed mad about it and also blames her for Trump being the president. She'll tell her mom because she doesn't have any friends to confide in, and Dad may decide to protect her from herself and refuse to sponsor him. He only agreed to do it for the K-1 because of her threats to take May there, which she did, but now he knows she's not likely going to be allowed to stay. She doesn't have anything to offer Morocco.

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9 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

From what I've seen Nicole rules her family with these very same tactics.  I'm guessing she's been this way for a long time.  

I can understand that Nicole's family has gotten themselves into a rut and can't fine their way out...but WHERE does she find these other dodos?   Does she just continue whining until she wears people down?  Azan?  His family?  Starbucks?   TLC?

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7 hours ago, iwasish said:

Who knows if her father is willing to co sponser for the three of them. Once the family sees these episodes and hears Azan giggling  about other women, I don’t think theyll be  too quick to agree. 

Whar happens  in that year between the wedding and the visa verdict? She has said that Azan will get a job. She knows money is running out and there is the issue of the money paid out for the canceled wedding. Will she have to use her money for the actual wedding? Those  dresses don’t look cheap. Azan is going to squeeze her with money and his failure to get a job. 


The parents obviously get along well enough to have big family dinner gatherings and drive their daughter to the airport. I'm wondering, though, how much they actually act in concert when it comes to Nicole. Robalee is OVER IT, so much so that she's almost mocking her daughter. She's probably had a lifetime of shenanigans and toddler tantrums. I can't make sense of the dad. He comes across as spineless and easily manipulated.

The first time I saw the episode where Nicole gloated that "Daddy is sponsoring Azan!" and Robalee looked at her ex-husband like she wanted to strangle him, I imagined picking up a strange vibe from the parents and Stepmother Nicole. It looked as if the four adults had come to an agreement at some previous point to put an end to the Arabian Prince delusion by cutting off the money supply and that Father Nicole and Stepmother Nicole had fucked it up. I can't imagine that Robalee wouldn't take her ex-husband aside and fill him in. She's too smart to leave an opening for her daughter. So why he actually agreed, is a mystery. 

Does he want to get into Nicole's good graces? If so, why? Are there tensions with his ex-wife and they want to stick it to her? Was he genuinely scared that May would spend the rest of her life in Morocco? Does he think that Azan is the big bad Muslim wolf who will abuse his new family and this is why Nicole has to remain in the States "in case something bad happens"? Has he not seen footage of his daughter body slamming Azan into the van and shoving him around? Did he receive additional TLC money? Is he maybe really dumb?

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I don’t think Nicole is smart but she’s shrewd. She may bulldoze her family because that is what works with them. But I think she sizes up other people and figures out the best way to get what she wants via tears, cajoling, begging, nagging etc. I think she’s good at “working the phone” and calling places persistently and endlessly, telling sympathetic ears her romantic story and wearing them down so she can get what she wants . 

I don’t see her family wanting  to host an unemployed Azan and Nicole (and May)indefinitely. Even if Azan gets a spousal visa, doesn’t he have to get a green card to work? Can’t see him in any hurry to get that going. Nicole is lazy, can’t see her doing more than the minimum she needs to at Starbucks.

Married or not I don’t see a happy ending for these two.

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How much money does Nicole have left from her job at Starbucks when she has supported Azan? 

How foolish to think they can afford a wedding with all the bells and whistles and how foolish to spend that money knowing they don't have jobs, Nicole has a child and knowing that Nicole's father laid out money for the visa process...if she has money for an elaborate wedding she should have had money for the K1 process.  Her father must feel like he has been had.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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2 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

Yeah. Azan's gay 

Yes indeedy.  And now we know -- he's a gay guy using her to open a beauty shop.  If I'm Nicole's mother, I petition for full custody of May, get that poor child out of there, and let Nicole sink on her own.  I'm all for not writing off your kid, but this is ridiculous.

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Everything is in his name!! He just spit right in her mothers face (figuratively).

When her mom said  marry her or let her go, he just gave her this smug look, like I’m not giving up my cash cow til I milk her for every cent I can.

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37 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

Yes indeedy.  And now we know -- he's a gay guy using her to open a beauty shop.  

OMG! This made me laugh so hard, I literally spit all over my keyboard!

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8 minutes ago, Honey said:

Just wondering...If Nicole were an amazing beauty, would people still think it was impossible for Azan for actually love her?

If his actions were the same as they are now and have been all along? I’d still believe it was a con. Beauty or no.

The main focus of his side of the relationship has been $$$$$$. That’s why I believe he was using her from the get go. 

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22 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

You would think on a carefully documented show that immigration would see or find the aired footage at least while vetting these people.  But, Moho is still here and that was a case of 2 idiots "frauding" each other.  Maybe the show worked in regard to Luis, but I think Molly is smarter than Danielle and would produce video evidence of their failed relationship.  In the case of Nicole and Azan, maybe Robalee will sent in footage on the sly to the powers in charge of Azan's visa.  Maybe Nicole will become even sadder by having a long distance husband that she never sees because she is in the states and he is stuck overseas.

I read on another website that there WERE actual irregularities on Nicole's Sheriff's Dept. record (I believe driver's license suspensions and other related matters) that she "whited out" when she made the "copies" that she brought with her to Morocco.  Maybe the actual infractions wouldn't kick her marriage application out of compliance with Moroccan law; however, the "whiting out" part probably would be sufficient to deny her a marriage license. 

That said, the thing that stands out to me is that Azan apparently lives quite a comfortable life in Morocco with a family who seems to live a respectable "middle-class" life there and apparently has the means to possess thousands of $$$ in disposable income(or savings)to pre-pay wedding arrangements for this mis-matched pair of miscreants. 

WHY in the world would he want to come to live in the US??? 

Especially with a "woman" whom he obviously is not attracted to on any level, least of all, physically.

According to the media "buzz" Azan is a professional "gigolo" type who's bright enough to keep multiple women interested enough in him (for reasons I cannot fathom...but that's just me) to financially support him in various ways.

Is he making any $$ from this series?  I doubt it. 

Maybe his whole con is to gain world-wide attention and publicity from this gig (the show) and build on his reputation as a "ladies man" to possibly land a woman to wed who is much more attractive and at least somewhat better able to support him  (maybe wealthy family) for now and in the years to come...there may be a method to his "madmess!!"

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I wonder if anyone out there involved with K1/K3 visas is watching and putting a red flag next to these two names. 

What are the odds that Nicole gets on a plane in a few months and sashays herself over to Azans moms apartment?  That’s if she can even get a visa approved. 

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When the two of them went radio silent for a bit, I wonder if Azan took her on a little trip somewhere and romanced her into handing over the “nest egg” ( reminds me of the Albert Brooks movie “Lost in America”).

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I love how the wedding costs put out by the sister, the beauty shop and Nicole’s savings are all the same exact amount - $6k. I think Azan has maximized his scam in its entirety and there’s nothing left to be gained.

There’s probably no legal recourse for Nicole to ever recoup her money. She should take the experience as a learning opportunity and try to be a good parent and stay offline. 

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Just now, sarkygal said:

I love how the wedding costs put out by the sister, the beauty shop and Nicole’s savings are all the same exact amount - $6k. I think Azan has maximized his scam in its entirety and there’s nothing left to be gained.

There’s probably no legal recourse for Nicole to ever recoup her money. She should take the experience as a learning opportunity and try to be a good parent and stay offline. 

I give her  6 months and then she’ll be introducing May to her new video daddy.

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14 minutes ago, Honey said:

Just wondering...If Nicole were an amazing beauty, would people still think it was impossible for Azan for actually love her?

Looks, color and shoe size have nothing to do with these individual personalities.  Well, maybe Pao because she's at the sexiest time of her life or some crap. The others are just fascinating. Some smart, some not so smart, some kind of slimy, some cruel and so on. Nicole's choices, decisions, lack of awareness regarding his culture and pushing him around in the past made it hard to see what he saw in her.  jmho

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30 minutes ago, Honey said:

Just wondering...If Nicole were an amazing beauty, would people still think it was impossible for Azan for actually love her?

I actually think she is a pretty girl. I would kill for that nice clear complexion. Her personality and lack of hygiene are her main issues.

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7 minutes ago, iwasish said:

When the two of them went radio silent for a bit, I wonder if Azan took her on a little trip somewhere and romanced her into handing over the “nest egg” ( reminds me of the Albert Brooks movie “Lost in America”).

thumbs up for the Lost in America reference? Going to have to dig through Netflix and watch that again 

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3 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

thumbs up for the Lost in America reference? Going to have to dig through Netflix and watch that again 

“You are never to use that word again “ 

if asked, you’ll have “things over easy”

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8 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I actually think she is a pretty girl. I would kill for that nice clear complexion. Her personality and lack of hygiene are her main issues.

The way she snapped at her mom And basically told her to “fuck off,  I’ll do what I want, sorry you all lost big money on my folly but too bad”

Her mom needs to just  cut any financial help to her off. No rent, no car, money for gas, or babysitting for May. She’s so smug and smart, let her spend time that she used to waste making cooing noises in Azans ear and figure out how to support herself and her kid. And making amends to the family that wasted time and money getting jerked around 2x.

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If Nicole had an attractive figure and clean hair then I do think men would be more willing to put up with her stupidity, selfishness, and obtuse pawing. That's pretty much how it goes in life. However, my reluctance to believe that Azan loves her is, in order: 1. because he is gay; 2. because she is cultural kryptonite; and finally, 3. because she is gross.

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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I think Nicole’s father made a kind of smart-ass remark about having “pigs in blankets” at the wedding, but Nicole is so culturally ignorant that she repeated it to the banquet manager without realizing how it would fall flat in a Muslim country. 

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1 hour ago, Honey said:

Just wondering...If Nicole were an amazing beauty, would people still think it was impossible for Azan for actually love her?

She could be supermodel gorgeous, and if her personality was the way it is now, I'd think she was 50 shades of awful. I struggle to see the appeal, and it's not even a physical thing. She strikes me as childish and the type to have a tantrum when she doesn't get her way. She completely tramples over and disrespects his culture. The insistence on PDA when it's a known fact that in some countries, that will get you kicked out or arrested was a deal breaker for me. The way she talks to her mother and family is so disrespectful and rude. I'm almost 36, and I wouldn't dare yell at my mum or essentially tell her to piss off because she's being logical and rational. From what I've seen with Muslim families I know, family and respect are super important. Nicole is just awful. Not because of her weight, looks, or anything like that but her personality, lack of overall respect, and total disregard for others. Even if I didn't suspect that his family were scammers, she never apologised for tanking the documentation, loss of money on their end, or for her father/stepmother having to reschedule flights and ultimately cancel the tickets altogether. She's an ugly person on the inside, and she strikes me as a bully. Even without the physical abuse he endured at her hands and her lack of respecting his culture/laws, that doesn't change her character flaws. IMO, she'd still be unattractive.

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1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I actually think she is a pretty girl. I would kill for that nice clear complexion. Her personality and lack of hygiene are her main issues.

Yeah but like my late dad (and many many others) said:  Pretty is skin deep, ugly goes all the way to the bone.   Nicole is ugly in terms of being petulant, ignorant of all others ESPECIALLY her child, self centered, total and complete disregard for other's feelings, her selfish and self centered nature, and most of all, her eye rolling at her mom.  (Side note, in all fairness, eye rolling was the WORST sign of disrespect towards me when my kids were little, and now so I admit I am biased in this area.)

Hygiene can be improved, her weight can be lost if she wants (nothing wrong with some curves, paging Ashley Graham!) but her personality is just.......no.

Her attitude and composure at the bridal salon spoke volumes:  "Mom, of COURSE you are gonna pay for the dress.....DUH!" Then she pick out the WORST possible dress for a Muslim country......and doesn't care about either.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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So many inexplicable reactions - or non-reactions - in this final (?!) episode.  For one, Nicole's mother flips out when she hears they are not going to have the wedding (which they can't afford) and instead are putting the money they do have into a store ..  which could (remotely) be a way to actually make a living and support themselves.    On the surface, and if it were two people with a grain of sense, that would seem a pretty good choice.  Why did she flip out ?

I heard Nicole say she didn't want her mother to see "the store" until it was more ready, because she knew her mother would complain that it didn't look ready.  Got that.  But she could have told Azan he needed to at least show them the outside, or a copy of the lease, or plans for how it was going to look.  No ..  just Zippo - and "I'm mad 'cuz you don't trust Azan."  

Then I was (ha ha) waiting for Azan to tell his sister, when they canceled the wedding yet again, "I feel terrible for all the money you put out on this. Tell me how much you have spent.  I am going to get a job [or, open a store] and I will pay you back all of it, 5 drachmas a week (or whatever) until it is all paid back."  Just an idea ..

Or, did nobody hear me yelling at the screen.. "Will you ask them does EITHER of you know ANYTHING about make-up??"  "Will you ask them:  Why make-up?"  She did say that Nicole hardly wears any.  Does Azan have any experience?   The story was his earlier job had been in a restaurant, or hotel ?  That ain't make-up.    This all defies logic and the way ordinary people think.

There's a play called "The Foreigner" -- In it there is a rather dim young fellow who is having a hard time answering his mother about what he wants for breakfast, and she says "These aren't hard questions, Ellard!"    It came to mind tonight..

Finally the producer certainly dropped a ball when instead of asking these sensible kinds of question, he just kept asking "Do you really want to marry her?" in the same exact words over and again.  

Thank you.  Done venting.  I needed that.

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The point was for them to get married and bring Azan to the USA. Why spend 6k to make money to support themselves? Neither has business experience. What if it fails? She’s out 6k and her visa is expired. 

The whole business is in his name! She gave him the whole nest egg. 

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I hope May is safe, warm, and surrounded by family who love her.  I hope Nicole is stopped from ever taking her out of this country again.  She is so so so lucky that it didn't turn out to be something worse where may is concerned.  I think Azan did truly like May; it could have gone horribly in the other direction if he were a perv or wanted to harm her.  Nicole is a horrible mother for letting a man con her out of money that could be used for the comfort and raising of her child.

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3 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

I hope May is safe, warm, and surrounded by family who love her.  I hope Nicole is stopped from ever taking her out of this country again.  She is so so so lucky that it didn't turn out to be something worse where may is concerned.  I think Azan did truly like May; it could have gone horribly in the other direction if he were a perv or wanted to harm her.  Nicole is a horrible mother for letting a man con her out of money that could be used for the comfort and raising of her child.

Funny thing(not really funny) she had to spend a lot on baggage going to Morocco, thinking she would be there at the least a year. Talk about egg on your face. The mad look on Nicole face after Azan and her disappearance, let me know that it was all Azan idea to cancel the wedding.

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9 hours ago, Honey said:

Just wondering...If Nicole were an amazing beauty, would people still think it was impossible for Azan for actually love her?

Nicole is not "un-pretty".  When she actually washes and does something with her hair and puts some mascara on, she's a reasonably attractive fat girl.  She has decent skin.  What makes Nicole so unattractive is not that she's fat, it's that she's mostly slovenly, her voice is grating, she's mind-bogglingly stupid, she's lazy, and she uses whatever grey matter exists in her head to manipulate people.  She's as much a user as he is, only less intelligent about it.

There are cultures where fat women are not looked down upon, hard as that may be to believe.  Most of these are cultures where poverty is the norm and skinniness = sickness.    It's the same reason why "plump" used to be a compliment in the developed world until the development of a sizable middle class.  Only in an affluent society do we have the luxury of believing that looking like you're starving is attractive.

Try Googling "Do men in Morocco like fat women".  Among other articles, you'll get this:  https://www.fairobserver.com/region/middle_east_north_africa/women-disproportionately-affected-rising-obesity-morocco-03853/   Money quote: "...female fatness is still considered a sign of beauty, fertility and prosperity in many parts of Morocco, especially the south. In contrast to the Western obsession with thinness, many Moroccan men still prefer women with significant amounts of body fat, which they see as correlated with a woman’s wealth and readiness to bear children. Marriage and children are highly coveted in Moroccan society."

Azan doesn't not love Nicole because she's fat.  He doesn't love Nicole because she's annoying, nagging, clingy, and because he's clearly closeted.

Edited by brilliantbreakfast
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9 hours ago, Rachel51 said:

Funny thing(not really funny) she had to spend a lot on baggage going to Morocco, thinking she would be there at the least a year.

I was beginning to think that green dress was the only thing she packed. 

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9 hours ago, iwasish said:

The point was for them to get married and bring Azan to the USA. Why spend 6k to make money to support themselves? Neither has business experience. What if it fails? She’s out 6k and her visa is expired. 

The whole business is in his name! She gave him the whole nest egg. 

In reality there is no such shop, never will be.  What we have is con man and his con mother and con sister and they have that money socked away somewhere and Azan is certain to be closing in on some other mark.   

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14 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

In reality there is no such shop, never will be.  What we have is con man and his con mother and con sister and they have that money socked away somewhere and Azan is certain to be closing in on some other mark.   

And what's to stop Nicole from continuing to send Azan money? I can see her continuing on indefinitely with this charade. Even cashing her social security checks to send them to Azan to help with "their" business.  

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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

And what's to stop Nicole from continuing to send Azan money? I can see her continuing on indefinitely with this charade. Even cashing her social security checks to send them to Azan to help with "their" business.  

Her stupidity makes me mad.  Her refusing to see things how they really are is maddening.  What has to happen to make Nicole see what has been going on?  What will it take, you would think it would have been some lazy man gladly taking money from a women with a small child or the fake diamond along with fake promises or maybe the canceling weddings, any of those things would make most of us run the other way but Nicole runs towards it.

The $5oo dollars that Azan said he put in to the shop was Nicole's money, I thought it was funny that he said he put in some money.  

Did Robalee ask what the name of that (fake) shop was?  I would have let him keep on going just to see how far he would go with that tall tale.

I wonder how many Nigerian princes Nicole has sent money to.

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