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S12.E10: The Next Step

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I am little late bec I’ve been dreading this ep I like these girls and i am watching the show to see them suffer or humiliated 


Honestly, I think the reason Holly quit was bec of the show , she didn’t wanna be a “Chelsea” story line on the show and to be fair I don’t blame her for it. I think if the weren’t being filmed or it happened later on in the season it would’ve been swipe under the rug like with Paige and Jasmine.


I know a lot of people say the judy haven’t really choreographed in years so I’m glad to see all that she does. Also her attention to details is incredible there is a reason DCC are the best team in the NFL.


I’m sorry i still don’t believe Gina. Maybe it’s her voice that makes sound fake.


Clearly this show group performance is edited out of order bec Jenna was still the point and I saw Holly is couple of shots. Why wasn’t this segment last week instead of the Melissa stupid soulcycle bit. it would have made more sense editing wise to put that last ep to help show and drive the point of how much Holly and Jenna are a part of the team.


I am surprised that the rookie candidates who were the worst on entrance were the ones who were on NFL teams before , That kinda doesn’t make any sense.


Didn’t Alexandria get an introduction package before. Why are we getting another when some of the other girls aren’t getting ones at all. 

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On 10/6/2017 at 6:35 PM, woodscommaelle said:

Do we know ANYTHING about Alexis?  I think she's so cute and want to know more.  But I don't think she's been featured except a few seconds with Savannah during one of the hip-hop routines a few episodes back.

She cheered for the Dallas Mavericks for 4 years and her and veteran Chantel used to be Team. I think the girls who are on the Mavs who audition don't like being on the show alot bec if they got cut they can easily go back on the Mavs. There were 6 Mavs girls who auditions only Lexie and Alexis made it the others went back and are still on the Mavericks.  

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17 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Y'all, I still have no clue who Alexis is. Cannot place her face AT ALL.

Me either. I still don't believe there's a Bess and a Tess. I finally know who Lexie is though...so progress! 

My kin are all from the hills of KY; my dad was 71 when he died and had been out of KY since he left for Vietnam at 18; he didn't lose his accent at all. I love hearing KaShara talk because she sounds so much like my relatives (I was born in CA so no accent for me). 

Gina - she must have a really good redemption edit coming up; like she rescues kittens from wells or knits blankets for the homeless when she's not on the show. I dislike her more every time she talks. 

It'll be interesting to see what prompts the discussion with Jenna; maybe she kicked her head during practice or the heat got to her, but I can't imagine she thought it would be a good idea to bring up her punishment again. 

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On Friday, October 06, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Mabinogia said:

I'm gonna be shallow for a moment. I am so glad they finally cut Brennan. I cannot stand watching her talk. Her head just moves so freaking much it drives me mental. Has nothing to do with dancing or her being a good DCC, though I don't think she is a good fit for this team, but I can't want her talk. They could have cut Christina too and I wouldn't have been sad at all, but I'm glad Brennan is gone for my own sanity. And I'm thrilled to hear she won't be coming back. 

I am also glad that that was all they said about the Holly thing. She resigned, we have to move girls around, let's get going. It was the right way to handle it. Acknowledge it happened, don't go into detail and move on. 

I loved how much technical and dance stuff we got to see. The blocking, the rehearsal on the small stage and all the talk about how different it is for the girls vs the field. That is interesting to me. Gina memorizing facts about her competition not so much. She sounded fake as hell rattling off those stats. I don't for a second think she gives two shits about any of the girls she mentioned. She just needed names and facts to give in case she got called in again. 

I do think Jenna's hug was genuine. But maybe that's because I just can't imagine anyone not being happy for cute as a button Kashara. That girl is just adorable. IDK if she's a strong point but she is super cute and an entertaining performer. 

I need to know Judy's hair care regime because that woman has the most incredible head of hair I have ever seen. 

The more I see Lauren the more I love Lauren. I wasn't sure in the beginning but damn has she grown on me. Smart, sassy, fun, entertaining, great dancer, killer abs!, and she takes critique well and works hard. She damned well better make the team! Her and Karissa are my favorite rookies this year. Alexandria is losing me. She seems to be fading. Maybe she is starting to realize she really wants to go home and is just riding out the rest of the training experience just to say she did it. IDK she just seems to not be pushing as hard as she was in the beginning. I still like her a lot and if she does really want to be on the team I hope she makes it, but I don't feel like she is giving 100% anymore. 

I think after being criticized for little thongs like LASHES, like it's a damn 911 emergency....would make me pull back and not be as invested in making the team.

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On Friday, October 06, 2017 at 3:24 PM, LaurenBrook said:

It was so fun to see everything get blocked...sometimes I feel like they edit it so it looks like Judy doesn't do much but sit on her stool and nod or say 'that was a mess.' It was nice hearing more from her and some explanations of how she decides where people should go. I loved her taking off her heels LOL I also appreciate her being so honest, yet classy, about how she felt about Jenna's behavior.  It's a HUGE inconvenience for her to have to reblock everything, especially at the last minute. I'd be ticked too. 

I figured they'd do a talking head for Holly's exit instead of a scene a la Kaitlin LeGrande where they are asking her friends where she is and if anyone has heard from her.  I actually thought it was well done the way they presented it. Whatever, we all know what really happened but time to let bygones be bygones.  Kelli is probably thinking of her own daughter like, ok, if Sam screwed up like Holly did, I'd want her to know she is expected to follow rules and not lie to me, but at the same time I dont want to alienate her forever or throw her to the wolves.  Do I think Holly would make it back if she ever auditioned? Eh...it's hard for me to imagine since I can't even picture Holly ever being interested in coming back.  But who knows.  Again, I think Kelli saw more of her outside of DCC world and if she thinks there is something in Holly that can change and mature and be a good DCC down the road, I trust her judgment. 

Love Kash. LOVE HER. She is so sweet and humble and I LOVE that Kelli made a point of praising her - her work ethic, her attitude and what a good teammate she is.  A nice contrast.  I didn't even notice Lacey crying, I"ll have to rewatch, but considering Lacey is one of the sweetest girls on the planet I can't even imagine her being upset that she didn't get point.  

I know Tasha has had a lot of air time this season but I think it's good they did another meeting with her - people have been VERY vocal that they dont get why she made it back when she bombed her interview and gained weight.  Thank you, Kelli, for showing us why - her maturity, her hard work and her ability to take criticism (and clearly she got a lot of it during camp) and DO something about it instead of acting like she's too good for it. Team Tasha. I hope she sticks around another year. (ps interesting that they got on her for her hair too??? dont' they decide on her hair color??) 

Strange that we got 'introduced' to Alexandria twice and they still didn't mention that she lived with Holly Arielle during camp? Also, have we 'met' Alexis yet?  I'm starting to get them confused at this point. 

Tasha has really grown on me this year.

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Ok that photo display did stir my memory of Alexis being shown in an earlier episode!

It's weird they did a "Hi I'm Alexandria" segment because they already did one showing her eating dinner with her parents.    I did enjoy all the glimpses of her man back in Massachusetts with his man bun.   

19 minutes ago, healthnut said:

Thanks @Tootie, that was super helpful. I think Gina looks so much better with darker hair. 

Wow you are right!  Her eyes POP a lot more with that shade.  

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Gina looks so much more naturally beautiful than what she looks like in her cameo or on the show. That bleached out bobble head look she has now is horrible compared to what she looked like in the head shot above. Did Gina come to auditions with her current look, or is she a victim of the DCC 'makeover' ?

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12 hours ago, PBSLover said:

Yeah, Gina and Lauren look WAY better in their headshots than they do now.  Lauren is unrecognizable. @Java - Everytime you post, I just laugh.  Your profile picture is just wonderful.

That is an extremely good photo of Gina. Her current hair color does nothing for her. And she's one of those people who looks prettier when not smiling. She is a knockout in that photo!

Edited by veronicamers
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3 hours ago, MelissaMinion said:

I think after being criticized for little thongs like LASHES, like it's a damn 911 emergency....would make me pull back and not be as invested in making the team.

Yeah - and Alexandria seems very intelligent and classy - like I'd think someone like her would find that stuff even more of a turn off.  I'd love to see a scene where they call her in for another stupid thing and she tells them off and walks out...;)

Edited by MyFavShows
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1 hour ago, DCCFanInKy said:

In that head shot pic @Java referenced above, I can't believe that's really Lauren.....looks NOTHING like her current look

Yeah - I was going to say that too!  That doesn't even look like Lauren.  Gina looks really different too.   That is not a very flattering photo of Keyra - she may just not be very photogenic cause I don't think I've ever seen a picture of her that looks as good as she does in video.   Brianna's face is multiple shades whiter than her neck.  Mirandas hair looks really dated.

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On 10/7/2017 at 7:57 PM, Java said:

Gina looks so much more naturally beautiful than what she looks like in her cameo or on the show. That bleached out bobble head look she has now is horrible compared to what she looked like in the head shot above. Did Gina come to auditions with her current look, or is she a victim of the DCC 'makeover' ?

I cannot stand her hair. Her roots literally make me crazy. How is she this far in training camp and still have such bad hair?


I did a quick breeze through her IG and found this pic of her from a year ago. Her hair looks a million times better than that craziness happening on her head right now.




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On 10/5/2017 at 11:10 PM, Jess14 said:

I don't get the Brennan cut either. Savannah, Alexandra, and Christina all should have been gone before her IMO. 

The lack of even handedness in this process drives me nuts.  K & J called out both Savannah and Alexandria on the field entrance saying they were repeatedly making the same mistakes.  You'd think neither had ever set foot on a football field when in fact both cheered for other football teams.  When they moved on to the dances K said she preferred Savannah in the dance as opposed to the entrance but she didn't like Alexandria in either.  Can someone explain why Alexandria didn't even get called into the office?  I guess since her hair wasn't in her face and her eyelashes were in check it was all good.  Brennan nailed the field entrance but because K wasn't loving her facials during the dance she was out.  Color me completely disgusted.

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K&J are trying to balance between candidates with stunning good looks and those with phenomenal dance skills. Apparently they don't have enough candidates with both, and to top it off they lost Holly. This last-minute jockeying makes it seem that they aren't applying the same standards to everyone (i.e., keeping a beauty who isn't a great dancer, while harping about someone else's kicks). That said, I think that a few weeks into training camp they and Charlotte know who they are probably going to pick, and much of the weekly deliberations are for the show.

With dancers so young, there will always be rule-breaking and drama. It's the same at every job.

I do like seeing how they are having to scramble with the loss of Holly and Jenna (temporarily). We are able to see everyone's skills at work when it really counts.

I'm sure Jenna's friendliness to the new point was calculated, but I can't blame her, as this organization requires that kind of behavior to avoid being criticized. I didn't like Judy yelling at Jenna, as maybe Jenna wasn't sure whether to stand still or practice.

Kelli really likes facial symmetry and perfection, so I think candidates with sharper features (Gina, Alexandria) don't photograph as well and come under closer scrutiny, although they are careful to couch the criticism in softer terms. Kelli always prefers the beauties.

I felt sorry for the practice in the 103 degree heat. They are wearing dance tights, full makeup and long hair. I wish they would let them at least put their hair back on days like that. There was a brief shot of Molly in a ponytail in an earlier episode; she looked stunning.

Kelli looked cute in her flat sandals. She should wear them more often; great gams.

Edited by pasdetrois
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I'm not naming names, but if they cut Brennan based on looks, there are other cuts to be made after looking at the group of photos above.  Just being real.  

I like Brennan and if they ditch Jenna and Christina and Taryn next week...they have slots!   Bring back Brennan!!!   

They could ditch Jenna for all I care right about now.  Her sitting in the shade while everyone was busting their asses in the heat BECAUSE of her- girl, bye.

I really liked her when she first started, too.

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50 minutes ago, Calicocats said:

I'm not naming names, but if they cut Brennan based on looks, there are other cuts to be made after looking at the group of photos above.  Just being real.  

I like Brennan and if they ditch Jenna and Christina and Taryn next week...they have slots!   Bring back Brennan!!!   

They could ditch Jenna for all I care right about now.  Her sitting in the shade while everyone was busting their asses in the heat BECAUSE of her- girl, bye.

I really liked her when she first started, too.

Brennan is much prettier in person than on TV or photographs.

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On 10/7/2017 at 0:38 AM, MyFavShows said:

I thought that was inappropriate how Kelly mimicked Kashara too...however, I also suspect that Kashara exaggerates her accent for attention (I know a couple people on here know her and said that's not the case...but c'mon...it hasn't faded at all, and may have even got worse, and she's how many years removed from living in her hometown now?) - so in that respect I didn't feel bad for her.   

I doubt it would fade after such a short period of time. 

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On 10/6/2017 at 8:14 AM, Lexusprincess said:

So proud of Maddie.  She looked great and has come a long way from her first training camp.  K and J should use her more as an example for the comeback girls.  She's always being shown helping the rookies.  

I agree 100%!!!  She's one of my favorites and keeps getting better and better.  LOVE HER!!

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2 hours ago, LadyMsJay said:

I doubt it would fade after such a short period of time. 

Especially when she keeps trying to talk that way on purpose cause it's so attention-getting and "endearing".   I dunno - it just reminds me of those girls in dance who try to talk w/ a really babyish voice or a lisp or an accent cause it makes them stand out and seem "cute" - even well past the age where it's appropriate.

Remember Colby and her British accent after living there for a few years - I always thought you start to take on the accent of a place where you spend a lot of time talking and interacting w/ others.    It just seems like she talks like that even more now than she did when she first arrived.

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2 minutes ago, UnicornKicks said:

Gina is obnoxious.

Thank you, Madam Obvious! LOL. Gina is talented and reasonably attractive physically but geez, that personality! She strikes me as the type who makes friends only when it's advantageous to her, with those who would be considered advantageous to know (like vets versus other rookies).

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5 hours ago, Calicocats said:


They could ditch Jenna for all I care right about now.  Her sitting in the shade while everyone was busting their asses in the heat BECAUSE of her- girl, bye.

I really liked her when she first started, too.

Since she was on the sidelines stretching, I’m assuming that she was staying prepared for if/when K&J told her to join in with the rest of the team after they finished blocking for the HOF event. Since she wasn’t going to Canton, and this specific part of rehearsal was for Canton, I wouldn’t expect her to automatically know that they wanted her in there dancing with them. 

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When Jordan was late for the game in Season 7, she was benched for the game, but she still stood on the sidelines and went thru the dances.  And I've seen other girls who have been dancing on the side while another group dances.  But yeah, at this point, don't poke the bear especially when it's 103 and all this extra work is thanks to you:)

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8 hours ago, Katekate said:

I love Judy ❤️

Yes!  It was great seeing her in action with the team!  I would love to see more this.  

And Brennan stating that she was nervous because the team practices the moves, and works out for days & days but then they only get a few minutes in front of K&J was revealing again.  Someone (she was cut but came back for a 2nd TC & blogged about it) once said that they hardly see them except for when the film crews are there.  I believe they already know who is going to be cut  but show up to look for themselves one last time.  Maybe that is why we see them making 1 little comment and then the girl is cut?  

Rachel is very photogenic & has the hometown look & feel.  I haven't seen much of her dancing but I hope she will do well. 

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Brennan is not photogenic in the least.  She may be telegenic, but certainly not photogenic and that's a problem when she could be photographed at any second.  Part of that may be that Brennan seems to have a lazy eye and tends to tilt her head down naturally which, between that and the eye, makes her look cross-eyed among other things.  She could learn to change that, but there would be too many other things she would have to think about when performing that the camera would catch her at an unflattering moment far more than the other girls.  I feel sorry for her and I'm glad she didn't get plastic surgery to become the facially-perfect DCC.  That would be taking it too far, at least for me.  NOTHING is worth it unless it is medically necessary or you suddenly lost a lot of weight and had to remove the excess skin, neither of which applies to Brennan.

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I'm surprised at the anti-Brennan sentiment.  I thought she came across like a determined, intelligent young woman.  And I think she's very attractive.  I was sad to see her cut (especially when far weaker dancers like Christina are being kept around).

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On 10/6/2017 at 6:49 PM, nikkichan said:

I know saying yes or no ma'am is a respect thing, especially in the South, but it annoys me to no end on this show. These are grown women and they sound like little children every time they respond that way. I wonder if they are actually instructed to refer to Kelly and Judi as ma'am or if the vets just tell them that's what they should say.

I was born, raised and still live in the South. I can "yes ma'am" with the best of them. I, too, think they sound ridiculous. It's the repetition and the almost child-like voice they seem to adopt. Plus, they sometimes say it when other words would make more sense. "I understand." "I'll work on that." It seems to me they aren't really allowed to ask questions or get more clarity on what Kelli and Judy are saying. It's just yes ma'am, yes ma'am, yes ma'am.

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So, I'm rewatching the episode and I don't know how I feel about Gina's office visit. Call me a hater but.... I sorta don't like that the things that she had to tell K&J were ALL things that we (the audience) learned in their individual TCC interviews.  Almost like she left the first office visit and ask them what they talked about for the CMT footage instead of actually getting to know the girls. I would have expected to hit of a few, or AT LEAST ONE thing that we (the average person) couldn't gleam by just watching the episodes...and that itself is not much.

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7 hours ago, exitstageleft said:

Since she was on the sidelines stretching, I’m assuming that she was staying prepared for if/when K&J told her to join in with the rest of the team after they finished blocking for the HOF event. Since she wasn’t going to Canton, and this specific part of rehearsal was for Canton, I wouldn’t expect her to automatically know that they wanted her in there dancing with them. 

Agreed. That was definitely part of their ongoing plan to humiliate Jenna. No, she should not be dancing when you are blocking for a game she is not participating in.

They will keep doing that to show her who is boss and keep her in line. She is pathetic for continuing to go through it.

1 hour ago, tajalexander said:

So, I'm rewatching the episode and I don't know how I feel about Gina's office visit. Call me a hater but.... I sorta don't like that the things that she had to tell K&J were ALL things that we (the audience) learned in their individual TCC interviews.  Almost like she left the first office visit and ask them what they talked about for the CMT footage instead of actually getting to know the girls. I would have expected to hit of a few, or AT LEAST ONE thing that we (the average person) couldn't gleam by just watching the episodes...and that itself is not much.

See, I think it is insane they expect people to know that nonsense about co workers. It's not rush.

it is a real job or sorority, not both.

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I'll make this brief in case my post gets cut. I don't know why, but my post in last week's episode thread disappeared with no notice. Gremlins...?

I feel bad that Holly couldn't suck it up and accept her punishment. She wanted to be a DCC since she was little. Yes, she broke the rules, but Kelli and Judy didn't suspend her, so that should have been a good thing. Yes, it would have been embarrassing to stay with the Rookies, to be cut from going to the HOF. But if she'd stayed she could have had a couple more great years with DCC. Guess she's not grown up or mature enough to do that now.

Holly's resignation makes me appreciate Jenna's attitude so much more. It had to be humiliating to be a 6th year DCC and get removed from Point, and to get suspended from going to the HOF. Yet Jenna has stuck it out. Of course she wasn't happy about KaShara taking over as Point. But giving KaShara a hug and congratulations, even when you're not truly happy about the situation, is part of being an adult. She could have taken the easy way out like Holly, but she didn't. She stuck it out. So I say kudos to Jenna!

I'm on the fence about Brennan. I think she didn't deserve to get cut, but I also don't think she's very DCC-like. Can I have it both ways? 

So much for "brief." 

Edited by KatebytheSea
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On 10/7/2017 at 6:45 PM, PrincessLeia said:

Y'all, I still have no clue who Alexis is. Cannot place her face AT ALL.

I finally printed out the pictures of the Rookies this year (from the above post) so I could reference it when anyone talked about someone. I can't remember who these girls are! 

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5 hours ago, tajalexander said:

So, I'm rewatching the episode and I don't know how I feel about Gina's office visit. Call me a hater but.... I sorta don't like that the things that she had to tell K&J were ALL things that we (the audience) learned in their individual TCC interviews.  Almost like she left the first office visit and ask them what they talked about for the CMT footage instead of actually getting to know the girls. I would have expected to hit of a few, or AT LEAST ONE thing that we (the average person) couldn't gleam by just watching the episodes...and that itself is not much.

It's difficult enough having 2 people that are totally compatible with each other and the odds decrease with the more people you add to the mix. I don't believe for a second that all these young ladies are the charming sisterhood that Kelli wants/likes to portray them as, even among the vets. You can tell who the friends are, or who they're most comfortable with by the way they arrange themselves sitting on the studio floor.

I don't know anything about Gina. Perhaps she's shy or is a little awkward socializing with others that she doesn't know that well. Personally, I don't start revealing things about myself or my family to someone I'm not that well acquainted with, so if you were cramming for a K & J exam you wouldn't come up with much.

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8 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

Brennan stating that she was nervous because the team practices the moves, and works out for days & days but then they only get a few minutes in front of K&J was revealing again.

I thought it was Lauren who said this.

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My worthless opinion is that Kelly gave Holly the opportunity to formally resign over being cut and she did.  That last footage of Holly walking out of the building -- it looked as if it was her "final" exit out of the building and many words had been said that we didn't hear.  I don't know if it was the same night.  

No matter what is happening with Jenna, I hate that her final year (?) is marred with this mess.  I would have to come back just to redeem myself.

I do wonder how Holly's exit and Jenna's punishment affected the other TCC.  I bet they were scared half to death.  

I would be saying "yes ma'am" at every opportunity also.  Even to the housekeeping staff.

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6 hours ago, KatebytheSea said:

I'll make this brief in case my post gets cut. I don't know why, but my post in last week's episode thread disappeared with no notice. Gremlins...?

I feel bad that Holly couldn't suck it up and accept her punishment. She wanted to be a DCC since she was little. Yes, she broke the rules, but Kelli and Judy didn't suspend her, so that should have been a good thing. Yes, it would have been embarrassing to stay with the Rookies, to be cut from going to the HOF. But if she'd stayed she could have had a couple more great years with DCC. Guess she's not grown up or mature enough to do that now.


K&J probably told Holly that they were going to release her from the squad, or that she could save face and just resign (since it looks better for the organization if she did).  

What Holly did by entering those clubs was illegal. What Jenna did by not being able to curtail Holly’s behavior and not informing  K&J was only illDCC. 

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