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Season 5 Discussion


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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

I had the same feeling about Luis pushing Kensley from the front.  It felt like he was pushing her near her crotch area, though in his defense, the swing covered up Kensley very well.  I have never seen a child swing with so much security.  I looked like something you might strap astronauts into on a moonshot.  I guess helicopter parents and personal injury lawyers are causing a lot of things to get redesigned. 

I was very uncomfortable watching this. He should NOT be baby sitting. I find him inappropriate with both girls.

1 minute ago, Horrified said:

The tights Molly wore to the playground - oh my!  She didn't even have the decency to wear a tunic length top.  I gasped when they were filming her from behind.

Tights are not pants.  Tights are not pants.  Tights are not pants.

For someone supposedly into fashion - she looks awful

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Your pupils are tiny/pinned when on opiates/opioids.  Maybe you are thinking of someone who is needing opiates - the pupils get very large when someone is going through withdrawl.  Otherwise, large pupils are a sign of uppers - METH (my guess), or coke.

Hmmm you're right. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wd4ymw/can-you-tell-what-drugs-someones-on-just-by-looking-at-their-eyes-876

I guess I was remembering all the customers that were begging for a refill of Vicodin, Lortab, etc. 'because they spilled their pills into the toilet accidentally, left them in their pants and they got washed, had them in their car that got stolen' etc. Etc 

They must have been jonesing for them.

  • Love 1
Just now, Horrified said:

The tights Molly wore to the playground - oh my!  She didn't even have the decency to wear a tunic length top.  I gasped when they were filming her from behind.

Tights are not pants.  Tights are not pants.  Tights are not pants.

I wanted to avoid being catty about those multi colored spandex leggings but lawdy it was hard not to chime in!  Funny, that she opts to wear leggings typically worn to the gym but yet, they have never been inside of a gym.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, gavinmac said:

David is rapidly gaining his weight back.  He's such a sad sack, and Annie could have done better. 

I read this as sack of shit and I think I will go with that. What a loser! So, now they are going to go live with his kids????

Annie I know some nice men who will treat you like a Queen.

3 hours ago, lucy711 said:

Father and Brother Elizabeth lost me at "WHY would you want to live in Maldova" I fully expected them to star chanting " USA USA "  dicks

Plus the comment about Andreeeeeeeeeee being a King. I am sure I heard banjos!

Both major knobs


Truck Driver is a very good job in parts of Europe and can make major bucks. My Nephew in Germany does this for Mercedes and owns 5 homes.

  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

I read this as sack of shit and I think I will go with that. What a loser! So, now they are going to go live with his kids????

Annie I know some nice men who will treat you like a Queen.

As vile as David Poor is, I don't think Annie GoldBahts is all that great either.  She knows what she is getting into and chose to marry an American man for his money (or his friend's borrowed money), and a green card.  She also apparently squeezed an excessive bride price out of him for her parents, though they probably won't get anything but the Water Buffaloes and the down payment.  

She knows she is marrying a man twice her (stated) age, who is obese, broke, in poor health, has no home, no job and no money.   

I wish her well, but I don't really feel too sorry for her.  I have started rewatching "The Wire" recently, and the phrase, "It's all in the game." comes to mind when I think of David and Annie. 

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 18
12 hours ago, Desert Rat said:
15 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

I can't deal. I kinda want him to go to the US, get a job at the podunk YMCA or whatever, and watch him try that on a not-Nicole fat lady and get straight up punched in the dick. 

Also, how many times is he going to say that before she calls him out on being ridiculously disrespectful? It's infuriating to watch her mewl about "it's not easy to diet" or "you want me to change?" in response. Argh. They're both the wooooorst.

Love this.   Can I volunteer to be that lady?  Please!!!! I'm a Y member and would love to give him a nice swift knee to the groin. 

Fat shaming doesn't work and is cruel.  I am larger than when I first married, but my husband has never been critical and loves me as I am. 

He doesnt like her and I am sure she is more gross than we think.

I yelled at the TV when she said about his family- They don't even speak English yet!

Get off your fat ass honey and learn some French or Morroccan.Do something and not just lay in bed eating your toe jam and smelling your belly button!

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I agree that the cracks about Evelyn's physical appearance are unfounded.  She is an attractive young woman.  The water buffalo crack was about her singing voice, and I totally agree that her voice is horrid.  

I don't find Andrrrei to be all that controlling.  David seems more controlling than him, but since he isn't a hulking Eastern European guy, he gets away with it more.  

I will cop to being the originator of the water buffalo comment but I have never said anything about her physical appearance, I would kill to be that thin again.  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I actually think it is a fair question since Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe and there is very little economic opportunity there.  I did a quick search and it looks like many people leave that country and work abroad to support their families and thus go months or years without seeing their spouses or children.  Andrei himself was in Ireland because of the lack of jobs in Moldova.  I don't think that the USA is the best country in the world in every area, and certainly people are happier elsewhere, but there are many, many places that are a lot worse.  Source: I have lived in other countries and have a number of ex-pat friends who share experiences with me.  There are many countries I'd be willing to live in- Moldova is probably not one of them, although I'm totally game for a visit.

Elizabeth said she loves Moldova which reminded me of my love for a very poor town in Tanzania. After I left that place I said I'd move there if I could. I don't know why I felt such a connection but I did and I still feel love for the place. Maybe Elizabeth had that kind of experience. I'm just glad that they are making it clear that she'll move if she wants and her dad can shove it. She'll even move to Moldova to be with Andrei. It's not all about America. I love it. 

How did she find Andrei? I want one. 

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, Nowhere said:

Elizabeth said she loves Moldova which reminded me of my love for a very poor town in Tanzania. After I left that place I said I'd move there if I could. I don't know why I felt such a connection but I did and I still feel love for the place. Maybe Elizabeth had that kind of experience. I'm just glad that they are making it clear that she'll move if she wants and her dad can shove it. She'll even move to Moldova to be with Andrei. It's not all about America. I love it. 

How did she find Andrei? I want one. 

I get what you are saying- but in that case Elizabeth would have to give up her creature comforts that she has in the USA since it doesn't sound like Andrei would have many prospects.  If she's willing to do that, then fine.  But I don't get the impression that she wants to live with Andrei anywhere but in America.

  • Love 3
Just now, lucy711 said:

I get what you are saying- but in that case Elizabeth would have to give up her creature comforts that she has in the USA since it doesn't sound like Andrei would have many prospects.  If she's willing to do that, then fine.  But I don't get the impression that she wants to live with Andrei anywhere but in America.

I'm just glad she's pretending she does. A united front is a good thing when dealing with stupid dad and brother. They actually disgust me.

  • Love 13

Some random thoughts...

-Evelyn: I teach 18 year old students, and most are not as self-centered and immature as she is.  At the very least, they are mature enough to know that 18 is too young to get married.  This girl has a massive chip on her shoulder.  Maybe someone should tell her that most couples start out in tiny apartments and that they don't have a an extra "special" home.  And besides- your significant other is the reason the home is special- not the size of the living space or the "vintage" kitchen.

-Annie: I find it hard to muster sympathy because she knows what she is getting into.  David told her that he doesn't have money.  She knows he doesn't have a house.  But, she made sure to bleed him dry for the dowry.  Her plan is to ditch him in a few years and find someone better.  As far as I can tell, she hasn't been conned by David Poor.

-Nicole: She feeds her kid in the middle of the night?  What the heck?  Why isn't May sleeping through the night?  I also think it's rude to subject Azan's family to a toddler who apparently wakes up crying most nights.  And Nicole sleeps until 2 pm?  What is May doing while Mom sleeps?  So many questions! Why change May's diaper at night?  My son is 1 and sleeps from 7 am until 7 pm with one diaper.  I get the feeling that Nicole never bothered to put May on a schedule and is reaping the rewards!


I think Elizabeth and Andrei really love each other.  I hope it works out for them.

  • Love 11

I don't think Nicole has a lot of contact with May; her mom is probably her main caretaker.  Nicole is using the child as a prop, "see what a good mom I am, Azan?"  She's not too bright that Nicole.

The problem with many of the Americans on this show is that they don't think they should have to learn about the culture of the people they supposedly love.  You can think America is the greatest country in the world, but that doesn't mean that other places aren't great too.

Edited by Neurochick
problem and probably are two different words, WHOA!
  • Love 17
Just now, Nowhere said:

I'm just glad she's pretending she does. A united front is a good thing when dealing with stupid dad and brother. They actually disgust me.

Whether she wants to go to Moldova or not, I'm happy she and Andrei were sticking together on the issue. I didn't like Libby at first, I'm still not a fan, but I feel sorry for her, espcially now that we've seen more of her father and brother. It would be a very cold day in hell before any man told me, a grown woman, what to do. If there's one thing I hate, it's loud mouthed, uneducated men with opinions on anything. Seriously, stfu, no one wants to hear what you have to say. Funny how they're the types that have no problem expressing their opinions the most though. Advice given in an adult and respectful conversation is one thing, what Elizabeth's father and brother were doing was not that. Screw them. Libby needs to find a different job and get away from those two or else she will forever be under the thumb of her father. Andrei seems the domineering type too, but so far he appears to be a lot more worldy, educated, and reasonable than either Elizabeth's father and brother. 

  • Love 13
11 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

-Annie: I find it hard to muster sympathy because she knows what she is getting into.  David told her that he doesn't have money.  She knows he doesn't have a house.  But, she made sure to bleed him dry for the dowry.  Her plan is to ditch him in a few years and find someone better.  As far as I can tell, she hasn't been conned by David Poor.

Same here. Annie and David are made for each other because like attracts like. I’m sure she said nothing about his drinking for their entire relationship up until now.  In the preview for next week, it looks like he poured half a fifth of Absolut vodka into his red solo cup.  He’s not a recreational drinker. 

I’m so curious as to why Chris is so loyal to David Loser?! Did Chris kill a hooker and David helped him hide the body?

  • Love 22
2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

The probably with many of the Americans on this show is that they don't think they should have to learn about the culture of the people they supposedly love.  You can think America is the greatest country in the world, but that doesn't mean that other places aren't great too.

This is a real shortcoming of Americans (see Pricess Evelyn re David of Spain).   Nicole griped that Azan's family hasn't learned English yet.  She's in THEIR country and expects them to adjust to her!   I guess the term, "Ugly American" will never go away. 

  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't think Nicole has a lot of contact with May; her mom is probably her main caretaker.  Nicole is using the child as a prop, "see what a good mom I am, Azan?"  She's not too bright that Nicole.

It also looks like she brought May along so that she could use the child as an anchor to keep Azan home at night. It was such a hassle for Azan to meet his boyfriend for coffee. 

1 minute ago, Former Nun said:

This is a real shortcoming of Americans (see Pricess Evelyn re David of Spain).   Nicole griped that Azan's family hasn't learned English yet.  She's in THEIR country and expects them to adjust to her!   I guess the term, "Ugly American" will never go away. 

Nicole and Evelyn are spoiled, shitty people regardless of their nationality. 

  • Love 19
2 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

Some random thoughts...

-Evelyn: I teach 18 year old students, and most are not as self-centered and immature as she is.  At the very least, they are mature enough to know that 18 is too young to get married.  This girl has a massive chip on her shoulder.  Maybe someone should tell her that most couples start out in tiny apartments and that they don't have a an extra "special" home.  And besides- your significant other is the reason the home is special- not the size of the living space or the "vintage" kitchen.

-Annie: I find it hard to muster sympathy because she knows what she is getting into.  David told her that he doesn't have money.  She knows he doesn't have a house.  But, she made sure to bleed him dry for the dowry.  Her plan is to ditch him in a few years and find someone better.  As far as I can tell, she hasn't been conned by David Poor.

-Nicole: She feeds her kid in the middle of the night?  What the heck?  Why isn't May sleeping through the night?  I also think it's rude to subject Azan's family to a toddler who apparently wakes up crying most nights.  And Nicole sleeps until 2 pm?  What is May doing while Mom sleeps?  So many questions! Why change May's diaper at night?  My son is 1 and sleeps from 7 am until 7 pm with one diaper.  I get the feeling that Nicole never bothered to put May on a schedule and is reaping the rewards!


I think Elizabeth and Andrei really love each other.  I hope it works out for them.

I would take a guess that Nicole eats before she goes pee in the morning or grabs a snack on the way to the bathroom, so it's normal for her to eat the moment she wakes up.  She did say May didn't eat lunch, so she may have said she was hungry when she woke up. Which brings me to another thing. If Nicole hadn't made such a rude and disrespectful scene about the food Azan's Aunt prepared for them, May would have probably tried the food. The next thing she'll bitch about is  in addition to Azan's family still speaking their native language, they haven't bought a deep fryer and made her chicken nuggets and fries for every meal. Ugly american, indeed!

  • Love 5

Andrei has self-respect and assurance in who he is. There is no telling what his life experiences have been that taught him that. I think he respects Elizabeth but is not interested in the trivial concerns any of them have. 

I think if your girlfriends are so important to you that you have to incorporate them into your new commited relationship then you need to stay single. It's a different thing to meet for lunch or dinner every once in a while but to schedule regular partying with them certainly is a concern. I don't blame Andrei. 

He also appears to respect his access to getting a green card. He looks like he is going to live up to his part in getting it. But he is not going to override his self-respect in getting it.

Evelyn does have a unique voice but with training can be molded into something salable. I don't know how that's going to happen with her thought since she is afraid to experience new growth.

Edited by ethalfrida
typo and added opinion
  • Love 11
11 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

When fake smiling Evilyn was spinning around her vintage kitchen, smiling and admiring her vintage appliances, smiling and imagining her dining room table and then twirling and smiling while putting a nice real evergreen holiday Claremontian tree in the corner, did anyone hear "be our guest, be our guest, BE OUR GUEEEEESSSSSTTTT!"  in their heads?  No?  Just me?

Not just you, I was coming here to say that Evelyn reminds me so much of Belle that she could be in demand as an impersonator at little girls' birthday parties, etc. (in addition to her local singing gigs) "Little town...it's a quiet vill-age...Every day, like the one before..." and she even speaks FRENCH! 

Edited by magemaud
edited to add lyrics
  • Love 5

Josh/Aika: Josh is an idiot. He definitely promised Aika a bill of goods when they were talking from a distance, but he's unable to deliver now that's she there to collect on the promises he made. I have no doubt that he agreed to starting a family immediately and that he promised her a new ring as part of his sales pitch to get her to come over. Of course he waits until after his cheerleader gets on American soil to bring up his inability to conceive and not having the finances to purchase the ring of her choosing. Also, why did he come clean about the ring in the first place? Did Aika really need to know that he gave that ring to an ex first? I know it would've been dishonest not to tell her, but now this genius is on the hook for a ring he can't afford. It's not like Aika is going to let it go. This just makes him stupid in my book. Josh just wanted to get his hottie over here by any means necessary. He put no thought into how he'd support her once she arrived. His fantasy became a reality, and it's a major buzzkill for him now that Aika expects action. I would go home and find a better green card opportunity if I were Aika. This guy is a H-7 loser who might be a current or former drug addict based on appearance. I also think he's trying to pimp her out as a model as a way of making money since he seems to be financially challenged. Hopefully it's not to support his drug habit. Run Aika Run!!!

Evelyn/David: You know, I'm thinking about going on vacation. Yeah, Hawaii, Australia, Bonaire, Italy, and Japan are great, but don't fall asleep on Claremont, New Hampshire. They have world-class music producers, vintage decor, and the greatest breakfast spot in the entire world. Most importantly they have Evelyn, the most tone deaf singer I've ever heard in my life. How David can listen to that and pretend to like it nominates him for sainthood. Evelyn, like a typical 18 year old, is just not steeped in reality. She wants this lavish wedding they can't afford and she wants an expensive apartment that's way too big for their needs. I understand she wants to stay in Claremont where she can continue to be a big fish in a small pond. I have no doubt that whenever Claremont needs a musical act for an event, they just call up the Evelyn Family Band. I just wish she'd compromise more with David. Maybe if she'd lighten up about small things like tuxedos for groomsmen or providing accommodations for guests, then David would be more willing to stay in Claremont. However, because she's such a control freak, it makes David want to fight her about everything. I must say that I don't understand David wanting to move to Virginia just because it's warmer. Hopefully there's more to it than just climate like job opportunities. Don't get me wrong. I'm all in favor of him breaking up the band, but where is the money for a move to Virginia going to come from? David doesn't seem to have anything, and Evelyn will be maxed out after their wedding of the century. It still boggles my mind the length people will go to for bad sex.

Annie GoldBaht/David Poor: I don't think I've ever felt so bad for a contestant on this game show as I do for Annie.  She just wants to take care of her family and she has had to resort to this water buffalo. The crap she's had to put up with already is unfathomable and she just got to America. The girl welcoming to America was cute, but everything else just made me feel uneasy. I hated the game of 20 questions from David Poor's "friends" poor Annie was bombarded with after that long ass flight. I'm sure she was tired and jetlagged and probably didn't want to be near people or David Poor, let alone answer questions from judgmental people. Of course David Poor is such a sack of shit that he let her feel uncomfortable as his "friends" rightly exposed how ridiculous this relationship is. I don't think David Poor has any shame, but how unnerving it must feel for Annie to be living in another man's home, especially when it's known that the wife doesn't want you there. Yeah, it's a nice place, but Chris is so skeevy that I wouldn't want to stay there even for a night. I'm sure she got smothered in that bed by David Poor and experienced the roughest first night in America ever. David Poor really should've told his kids he was engaged and given them time to get used to the idea, so they can be prepared when he shows up on one of their doorsteps with Annie and his luggage. David Poor said he wanted to tell them about the engagement face to face, but this is a bunch of bullshit. He just didn't want any opposition or guilt from his kids who would've called their father out for making yet another bad life decision. He wanted to do it first so they couldn't talk him out of it. Annie is in for one heckuva disappointment and culture shock when they go to Kentucky. There will be no Thai Town there. Just an alcoholic David Poor unable to deliver on any of his promises.

Libby/ANDREIIIIIIIIIIIIII-I'm absolutely loving Andrei. Compared to Josh, David, David Poor, Azan, and Luis, he's a manly man who wants to take care of his own family. I respect him for not kowtowing to Libby's dad and brother and their smacks of ethnocentrism. Andrei doesn't want or need their support. He's in it for Libby, and that's what it should be about no matter where they live. I think Libby's dad expected the exchange with Andrei to go much differently than it did. I bet he thought he'd walk away with the upperhand, but he met his match with Andrei. I think it actually upset Libby's dad that he was dead wrong about Andrei. Libby's dad already bought them a bed and has provided Libby with a part-time job. There doesn't need to be any more involvement from him. Andrei intends to pay his own way with his paltry savings and hopefully Libby doesn't have to go back crawling to her dad to finance a wedding that is way behind their means. If that happens, Libby's dad needs to rightly point the finger at Libby instead of Andrei.

Nicole/Azan: I'm all in favor of Azan trying to help Nicole get into shape. This tells me that he wants to live a long life with her and contradicts the idea that he's just in it for the green card. However, he had to know what he was getting into when they initially met. It shouldn't have been such a big surprise to find out she was "big a little bit" when they first met unless Nicole completely misrepresented herself online. I have no problem with Azan expecting a woman to be in shape since he's in shape himself. I have more of an issue with someone like "man boobs" Jorge expecting a model when he doesn't take care of himself. It's only fitting that Azan would want someone to care about healthy eating and exercise since he obviously cares about it. Nicole, however, is not that girl. She's never been that girl and won't ever be that girl. And continuously calling her lazy just isn't going to be effective. I realize Nicole said she'd try to eat better and exercise, but she's just saying what Azan wants to hear because she's horny and wants Azan to come to America so she can maul him. If Azan is really invested in Nicole and her health, he's going to have to employ a baby steps approach and not get in her face and yell out about how lazy she is even if it's true. She's not in good enough shape for the workouts he's giving her. Simply walking around Morocco is a step in the right direction at this point. I don't think she's used to walking around outdoors in Florida. They need to slowly work into CrossFit. Maybe Azan is really that delusional and thinks Nicole could be a "10" if she just slimmed down. Maybe he thinks putting in the time and effort and Nicole will eventually be worth it, but Nicole has been untrustworthy and conniving ever since appearing on this show. I give Nicole a pass on sleeping until 3 PM if she's on May's sleep schedule. Azan should relish the free time during Nicole's naps to get things done.

Molly/Luis: I like Olivia, but I think that's rich of her to say that Luis's English is bad and then proceed to go on that adorably ignorant "plantins" rant. I still detest Molly for putting her kids through this. Luis clearly isn't ready to be a stepdad and Molly should've waited to see how Luis got along with the kids before accepting a proposal since she claims her kids are her first priority. I see Molly's and Luis's relationship as more of a business arrangement. Molly just wanted a babysitter by day and a sex partner at night, but it was unfair to thrust the role of stepdad on unsuspecting Luis who thought he'd be automatically accepted as a padre. He's still a stranger to the kids and the jury is still out on whether he'll ever be ready to be a stepdad. She's blinded by love and is clinging to the idea that her love for Luis will make it all work out, but Luis's dynamic with her children is a factor that should've been considered prior to accepting an engagement. She'll be in for a huge surprise when she finds out Luis wants to return to the D.R. Molly wouldn't be agreeable to that with Kensley being so young, but maybe it would shut Father Molly up about Luis just doing this for the green card. Obviously Molly and Luis have communication issues since Luis is dropping bombshells to Cowboy Suave during a game of catch. Molly would be floored if she knew Luis's true feelings.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I actually think it is a fair question since Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe and there is very little economic opportunity there.  

Well, they knew nothing about Moldova, so how fair was the question?  The dumbass brother even admitted that he had never heard of it.  They just couldn't believe that anyone could possibly choose another country over 'merica.  And even after Andrei told them where the country was located, if you asked them what continent it was on, they couldn't answer. 

  • Love 15
21 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Nicole griped that Azan's family hasn't learned English yet.  She's in THEIR country and expects them to adjust to her!   I guess the term, "Ugly American" will never go away. 

It won't, but don't worry. As a Canadian, and as someone who has traveled and lived internationally, I can tell you that the rest of the world knows that there are Americans, (the vast majority of American citizens), and then there are 'Muricans! and that there is a big difference between them. Of course, this show wouldn't exist if it weren't for the drama and stupidity of some of the 'Muricans! 

  • Love 18
5 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

It won't, but don't worry. As a Canadian, and as someone who has traveled and lived internationally, I can tell you that the rest of the world knows that there are Americans, (the vast majority of American citizens), and then there are 'Muricans! and that there is a big difference between them. Of course, this show wouldn't exist if it weren't for the drama and stupidity of some of the 'Muricans! 

On our trip to the USSR there was something that we wanted to do but were not allowed. Vera (who we came to name "that darned Vera") told the guard, who was holding a rifle and looking very stern, that they had to let us "because we are Americans". We were so embarrassed. And scared. It was Communist Russia for pete's sake...

  • LOL 1
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Horrified said:

The tights Molly wore to the playground - oh my!  She didn't even have the decency to wear a tunic length top.  I gasped when they were filming her from behind.

Tights are not pants.  Tights are not pants.  Tights are not pants.

Molly's problem is that she dresses like she's 19 and a size 4.

And going to the Hard Rock Cafe.

In 1987.

And that shiny blue top is way too small. Doesn't she do fittings for a living? Do all of the women come out of her shop wrapped so tightly that they can't breathe?

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 21
19 minutes ago, jmonkey said:

And continuously calling her lazy just isn't going to be effective.

Azan/Nicole.  I'd bet she has been called lazy (deservedly) from her teens to now--parents, teachers, friends, etc.  It will continue.  She has functioned just fine-ish so far. Parents bail her out.  Water runs off a duck's back.  She simply doesn't care and thinks she deserves more than others because she's Nicole.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

David seems more controlling than him,

Controlling?  He might have ventured to give his opinion* but where has there been any control so far--not on his part.

*I've seen his opinions shut down or considered frivolous.  I especially liked the opinions of Elizabeth's lovelorn"record producer." 

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Molly's problem is that she dresses like she's 19 and a size 4.

And going to the Hard Rock Cafe.

In 1987.

And that shiny blue top is way too small. Doesn't she do fittings for a living? Do all of the women come out of her shop wrapped so tightly that they can't breathe?

Yes, she's in the business of making and fitting undergarments. That's why at the beginning of this season I said I expected no back fat spilling out of whatever wedding dress she chose-LOL!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

Elizabeth said she loves Moldova which reminded me of my love for a very poor town in Tanzania. After I left that place I said I'd move there if I could. I don't know why I felt such a connection but I did and I still feel love for the place. Maybe Elizabeth had that kind of experience. I'm just glad that they are making it clear that she'll move if she wants and her dad can shove it. She'll even move to Moldova to be with Andrei. It's not all about America. I love it. 

How did she find Andrei? I want one. 

I did catch that Libby said "the people are nice."  America has become disconnected, we don't chat over the back fences with our neighbors anymore.  An Israeli engineer I knew 25 years ago already said that, and that he missed Israel for that reason.  It may just be a slower, more congenial place (which I would absolutely appreciate).  

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

It also looks like she brought May along so that she could use the child as an anchor to keep Azan home at night. It was such a hassle for Azan to meet his boyfriend for coffee. 

LOL.  Seriously though...I do think that is Azan's back story...and needs to get out of Morocco.  

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 9
11 hours ago, gavinmac said:

If Andrrrrrei was living in Ireland on a student visa, doesn't that mean university student?

I missed that, I thought they said he was in Ireland on a WORK visa. 

I think Azan's "55% attraction" to Nicole's numbers are going down instead of up the more she whines about his demands about her exercising and eating healthy. I don't fault him for constantly using the word "lazy" with his limited English vocabulary, but what is with the nervous (almost childish) face and head rubbing when he's on camera? I just love how Nicole's eyes narrow whenever something negative he says about her finally sinks in a few seconds later. 

  • Love 15
15 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I can see Elizabeth's dad holding every gift he gives them over their heads. If I was Andrei I would accept no more gifts. He obviously holds her job over her head since he sees it as HE'S supporting her even though she's working. 

Elizabeth comes from a family of stupid pricks. I loved that Andrei said "I'm not marrying a country, I'm marrying a woman." And btw, dad, they don't need your blessing or advice. And why is Elizabeth saying the wedding has to be expensive? Just go to a pretty place and have a friend officiate. It doesn't have to cost a lot. What the hell with these women?? I feel like Elizabeth needs a full time job away from her bigot father.

Here, here about Elizabeth's family.  What a couple of ignorant, rude, redneck assholes. How dare they assume that living in the old USofA is the be all end all for everyone on the planet. How dare they think that a dinner for an initial meeting with anyone never mind their future son/brother-I-law is the appropriate place for their zenophobic conspiracy theories and rude game of twenty questions. Ugly Americans like this make me ashamed.. 

  • Love 13
On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 9:31 PM, CofCinci said:

I have never been to a wedding where the wedding party had a separate better cake and the guests ate a Costco or Shop Rite cake. 


On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 9:44 PM, Frozendiva said:

If the cake is fancy and has a lot of presentation involved, you are paying for the ingredients, time used to make it, and probably delivery service and someone to serve and cut it in to pieces. That is not cheap. Nothing wrong with a small fake cake for show  and a regular sheet cake for the guests and wedding party.

On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 3:46 PM, 3girlsforus said:

Ok - I admit I'm reading the forum here before watching the episode so maybe I'm missing something but I don't see the problem with a small cake for the bride and groom (or bridal party) and sheet cakes for the guests. That's done a lot. Often people will have a small cake for the "cutting" which they then eat and then they feed the crowd with sheet cakes which are easier to cut and more reasonably priced. I wouldn't be angry if I went to a wedding and was served sheet cake from Costco.  That stuff is delicious which isn't always true of expensive, fancy wedding cakes with all of that thick fondant. EWW

Oh and to the poster who said cupcakes should be cheaper at a wedding - one would think right? But alas no. We looked into for my daughter's wedding and they still run $4-$6 per cupcake. Insanity. 

I know people who have done this.  The trick is to have a teeny tiny cake for cutting - then there are no illusions that someone is getting something better than you.  And to make sure the sheet cakes are the same cake/frosting combo.  I think it's a good way to save money.  But Evelyn is Tacky AF, and she'll find some way to screw it up.  As for Cupcakes, they were once a fun alternative, until they became "trendy" and "gourmet".  They they're just as expensive.


On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 11:51 AM, sleekandchic said:

Annie/BrokeAssDavid/At theKangarooHop:     Ach!  This guy is so terrible that I actually feel sorry for Annie.  I hope she breaks things off.

I don't think David wears scrubs.  The shirts look like Henleys to me, and his pants look like Aladdin harem pants.  Thing is, he really fills out those ballooning pants, in the ass, the stomach and thighs.  Very weird body shape.

He's ultra creepy, broke, a drunk, no prospects, no home, afraid to tell his family about Annie. Takes off his ring, hides Annie's ring during facetime. What's wrong with this picture?

However, did you happen to see the other sad sacks sitting at the end of the bar at the bachelor parties?  White, bald, hunched over their booze.   Methuselahs!   Man.  Maybe David seems more attractive compared to many other men Annie has met?  It's all so pathetic!

On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 11:40 AM, balisticnikki said:

90% love LOL

Could "nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic" be an overstatement?

Annie complained to her girl friend that David Poor had done "this" several times before. What exactly did he do? He embarrassed her somehow? He got tipsy? He raised his voice during an argument? Started on-too-many conga lines? Annie said the girl friend had to change seats bc of what David Poor was doing? What exactly was he doing? Or was he just being himself and am inebriated Annie just couldn't contain her total repulsion by him?

Didn't he own a business before he suffered a stroke? If so, I'm not sure you can label him nonfunctioning. Not clear on whether he works at all in Thailand. How long has he been there? It prbly started as an Eat, Pray, Love thing and just went on too long. LOL

I sympathized with Annie.  Mr. Funky was a binge drinker.  He'd bee all fine for 28 days out of the month.  Then one weekend, he'd go on a bender, usually with "friends" (I use that term loosely - they were mostly losers).  I usually got to be the designated driver, and none of them could fathom why I didn't enjoy sitting in a loud bar somewhere, sucking down soda, waiting for them to decide they were done for the night.  I got to watch them make asses of themselves singing, yelling and dancing badly, have people stare at me because I'm with them, have drunk guys breathe all over me, etc.  It was horrible, and I felt so badly for her.  Sadly, I don't see it improving for her any time soon.  He's just swapped addictions, and he needs help, but he won't get it until he's ready for it.  I don't think he's ready right now.

I don't think "alcoholic" would be an overstatement.  She's said he's done this before.  Chris said flat-out that David has a drinking problem, even though he denies it.  He may be a binge drinker, which means that it can be hidden easier, but an alkie is an alkie.  And she's in for a world of hurt.


On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 4:09 PM, magemaud said:

I'm sure the clever people on this forum can come up with a more descriptive and fitting name! 

"Warb-elyn And The Fun Facts"

On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 8:40 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

I think most people, including teenagers, and more likely to do (or not do) something if it's a decision they've made for themselves, as opposed to something someone else is trying to impose on them.. That's just human nature, IMO.


With my daughter, I never told her not to have sex until she was married, or until she was a certain age, or whatever. Instead, we talked a lot about the possible consequences of sexual activity (and we never had "The Talk" - this was an ongoing discussion because I always answered all of her questions about sex - in an age appropriate manner - whenever she asked). I explained I believed sex was considered an "adult activity," like driving, drinking, voting, etc., simply because most "adult activities" have consequences young people either aren't mature enough to successfully avoid or have the resources to deal with if they occur.


I made sure she knew about all the different types of STD's and how to identify them (those that CAN be identified). We talked about birth control, and the actual effectiveness of each method. We also discussed many of the myths about sex and pregnancy many teenagers believe, such as "You can't get pregnant the first time you have sex," and "You can't get pregnant of you have sex standing up," etc. We talked a lot about the difference between love and sexual attraction, and how hard it can be to distinguish between the two when you're young and being overtaken by powerful hormones.


I NEVER told her I disapproved of sex or in any way indicated I think sex is "bad" - but something that can be absolutely wonderful IF you're prepared, have protected yourself against any unwanted consequences, and aren't lying to yourself about what having sex with a particular individual means.  I made absolutely certain everything I told her was the objective truth, because teenagers are now just one click away from all the facts about sex, birth control, etc., and if they find out their parent(s) have lied to them about any of it, they'll never trust you to tell the truth again - and that's dangerous. Anyway, my daughter decided FOR HERSELF that engaging in sex as a teenager was not a good idea for a lot of reasons - and she stuck to that decision. She's now 21.

My mom was honest and up front with me.  I think she saw one too many cousins of hers become grandmothers when their kids were 13, 14, etc.  She also lost all of her friends during high school because they all became pregnant, and back then, that was a one-way ticket to being expelled.  And I think by taking the mystique away, and all of the stigmas and myths, it equipped me with the tools to make sound decisions.  I didn't wait until marriage, but it was with my husband, and I was in college.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

Insulting Belle is against the rules in this forum. 

Sorry, no insult meant, I just meant that Evelyn could be the low expectation "Claremontian" version of Belle and certainly not WDW character quality! And the colors in that apartment! Who covered that beautiful old woodwork trim with Puke Green paint? Is "House Hunters" broadcast in Spain so David is expecting stainless steel appliances? Next it will be granite countertops (which shouldn't be hard to find in NH) 

My kids didn't need to be pushed in a swing when they were six! I suspect a producer driven set up. 

Finally, can anyone remember anyone from ANY season who was evaluated by a so-called professional, whether modeling, singing, etc. (whether it was their idea or the American fiance/fiancee's) who was told they DIDN'T have "potential?" 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Until I have stared down an albino rhinoceros, I'm going to have to not judge Azan.

I haven't laughed that hard in a while.  Albino rhinoceros.  How descriptive and fitting  HA!

41 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

by the way, is Azan's haircut normal for his age group?  I think it looks stupid.  He has a nice face and then tops it with that. 

I sure hope not.  Looks like a squirrel died on his head.

  • Love 9

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