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Season 5 Discussion


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29 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

If I were in her shoes, I’d look forward to his death. When he dies she can take his social security surviving spouse monthly check right back to Thailand and live comfortably. 

I'm not in her shoes, but I am looking forward to his death. He is one pathetic 48 year old man and she will have earned that monthly check. 

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Josh has no intentions of having more kids. Aika doesn't have time to try to convince him otherwise. Her biological clock is tik tik ticking. She needs to give the tiny diamond back to Josh and go hunt for another American. Next time ask to see his financials before wasting your time. 

And his sperm count. ;-) 

Just to be sure. Girl's got no time to play. 

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

oever said pancake ass upthread was right. How do jeans get faded/stonewashed ONLY in the pancake ass anyway?

Everyone's definition of pancake ass is different because I was surprised that she looked like she actually had more of than I thought she would have in their jeans. Bit maybe I have seen too many men and women who are then who have concave booty.

All the marriage prospects have arrived in the US except for Azan?  Is he going?

Nicole keeps saying she wants them to talk - but I found Azan pretty open and clear when he talks, what more can he say?  He's not attracted to her (probably more attracted to that friend he met for coffee) and he  openly tells her that.  He want her to be slim and fit and not 'lazy'. Every time they 'talk' that's what he tells her.  

Problem is - Azan talks but Nicole doesn't listen.  Any man that tells me he's only 50% interested is not worth my time and effort.  And I feel bad for the little girl.  Where is she when lazy momma goes to the gym?  With the camera crew?

  • Love 14

I can't figure out why a 36-year-old attractive woman whose biological clock is ticking wouldn't have found someone closer to home if her (seemingly) primary focus is on having a family.  She has hitched her wagon to a star that is more like a black hole.  I have liked Aika so far, but I was afraid we were getting Anfisa vibes when she was pouting to try to get a $12,000 ring from a guy who is so broke he has to live with roommates.  

I've been in small evangelical churches who have had "family bands" come to give "concerts" on occasion.  Evelyn is the worst singer of that genre I've ever heard.  I doubt Family Evelyn gets invited back very often.  Small churches have limited budgets - they don't like to waste their money.  When a music producer refers to you as having "potential" and a "unique voice," and his studio is in his basement, he's just interested in the money you're paying him.

Azan doesn't love Nicole, is not attracted to her, is - in fact - embarrassed by her, and tells his friend that he doesn't even think he wants to live in America.  How dense can one woman be?  

David Poor is going to be David Poorer if he continues his pattern.  For every $10 he earns, he'll have to send $15 to Mama and Papa in Thailand.  They appear to have a pretty nice house.  Maybe they'll need furniture as they age and can no longer sit on the floor.  And, somehow, it will be David's responsibility to pay for it.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Nowhere said:

David isn't "embracing" Evelyn's idea of an apartment lol. That is a house, Evelyn. And it's big for only two people renting. She's getting ahead of herself. They don't even have any furniture. Her first home has to be special. Like her wedding. In other words, it's her way or the highway. David is the one who has to "deal with the facts." 

Oh yay, David! You GET to see Evelyn in the recording studio. Plug your ears. Oh dear. She is so bad. A unique singing style is a great way to put it nicely, Producer Guy. And she has "potential", the producer said. That's another nice way of saying it's not good. And I knew she was blowing smoke up david's ass by saying she'll go wherever her music takes her. But she has nointention of going anywhere. I'd like to see this producer's resume since Evelyn is acting like he's Quincy fucking Jones.

"Potential" is what he said because he wants to keep taking her money. 

I can't wait to see the second half of the show! (Again, Husband Coach wanted to watch The Walking Dead.)

Are they sinking good wedding/apartment money into this "demo" or disaster or whatever?

Just now, PityFree said:

 I am giving Kensley a break about being a “brat” because I was very uncomfortable with the way Louis delayed letting her out of the swing just to mess with her. Also, I was very uncomfortable with where his hands were on the front of that swing - low and near her lower abdomen.  He had to be an ass and swing from the side just to piss her off. If I were Kensley, I would be just as much of a “brat.”

My  instincts tell me that Louis should not be left alone with Kensley. Not because I think he’ll molest her, but because  he’ll spend the day taunting her and poking at her just to make her mad. some people like to mess with people like that and Louis seems to be one of those people. 

Luis is very disturbing because he seems to enjoy taunting people, and small children are no exception because they are, after all, people, and relatively easy to taunt. He gets good results from them.

Luis is very disturbing for other reasons also.

Luis is an a$$hole.

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, PityFree said:

 I am giving Kensley a break about being a “brat” because I was very uncomfortable with the way Louis delayed letting her out of the swing just to mess with her. Also, I was very uncomfortable with where his hands were on the front of that swing - low and near her lower abdomen.  He had to be an ass and swing from the side just to piss her off. If I were Kensley, I would be just as much of a “brat.”

My  instincts tell me that Louis should not be left alone with Kensley. Not because I think he’ll molest her, but because  he’ll spend the day taunting her and poking at her just to make her mad. some people like to mess with people like that and Louis seems to be one of those people. 

You know what's worse?  Molly sitting on her fat ass watching it! I'm convinced Luis is either a perv or likes to play mind games.  Either way, it's not going to end well. 

  • Love 23
14 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

David Poor is going to be David Poorer if he continues his pattern.  For every $10 he earns, he'll have to send $15 to Mama and Papa in Thailand.  They appear to have a pretty nice house.  Maybe they'll need furniture as they age and can no longer sit on the floor.  And, somehow, it will be David's responsibility to pay for it.

That's what he should do, but he won't do it.

David Poor has zero problem abandoning his obligations. His kid was 14 when he ran off to Thailand and I'm guessing it's very difficult to collect child support from there.

What's very disturbing is that he has no shame in admitting the most embarrassing things. He has no home, no car, no job, etc.  He seems like the type of guy who would have zero problems sitting there and telling you all about his erectile dysfunction. (We know he must be popping Viagra like M&M's.)

When Annie approaches him for money for her parents, it's easy to picture him shrugging and telling her, "I don't have." End of story.

Any money Annie sends to her parents is money she's going to have to earn for herself and scrape together after she's paid rent and bought groceries and liquor.

I hope that when David Pour gets to the states, he'll quit saying each. word. individually. He talks like English is his second language in an almost Thai accent. It's annoying.

I think that these two have become the most interesting to watch because of their train wreck of a predicament.

How does he expect to get on his feet in California if his plan is to settle in Kentucky? Obviously his plan isn't to find a job because he would only have to leave it after 90 days. He's got a built in excuse. And, how is he going to find a place to live? Are his long-suffering parents still alive? Maybe they'll crash in Mom's basement.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Impoverished, tattooed 24 year old Bangkok bargirls don't have great marriage options. No respectable Thai man will marry them. Their options are to marry a poor, low class Thai guy who might REALLY drink a lot and beat them and make them keep working in the bar as long as possible while living off the girl's money. 

Or they can marry a foreigner they meet in their bar, and believe me, those guys can be really creepy and old and way worse than the broke and occasionally tipsy David.  

The image resonating with me is Annie's mother standing alone in the darkness on that front porch. 

The whole situation is just so very sad.

  • Love 16
22 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 I am giving Kensley a break about being a “brat” because I was very uncomfortable with the way Louis delayed letting her out of the swing just to mess with her. Also, I was very uncomfortable with where his hands were on the front of that swing - low and near her lower abdomen.  He had to be an ass and swing from the side just to piss her off. If I were Kensley, I would be just as much of a “brat.”

My  instincts tell me that Louis should not be left alone with Kensley. Not because I think he’ll molest her, but because  he’ll spend the day taunting her and poking at her just to make her mad. some people like to mess with people like that and Louis seems to be one of those people. 

I had the same feeling about Luis pushing Kensley from the front.  It felt like he was pushing her near her crotch area, though in his defense, the swing covered up Kensley very well.  I have never seen a child swing with so much security.  I looked like something you might strap astronauts into on a moonshot.  I guess helicopter parents and personal injury lawyers are causing a lot of things to get redesigned. 

  • Love 15
13 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

Dear Editing Fairies,

Not a damn one of us believes that Andddddrrrrreeeeiii got off the plane without as much as a single carryon bag.  

Also, is Azan getting paid per use of the word "lazy"?

Where is Annie being held captive? Because I'd like to go find her and make friends with her so she can have one person in this country who isn't shady AF.  

I want to start a GoFundMe for poor Annie.  She is the first person to ever appear on this show that tugs at my cold black barely there heart. How completely awful for her. There is an old movie with Louis Gossett Jr where he is a free black man during slavery.  He has wealth, means and is married to a white woman living in Canada. Another well to do white man convinces the family he loves their daughter, marries her and takes her south, beat the crap out of her and sells her into slavery. I know it's extreme but man oh man do I think of that movie every time that poor ass great value Teletubbie comes on screen and talks about how much he loves Annie and taking her from her family promising to take care of her. I had no idea you could pay rent and buy toilet paper on hopes and dreams.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I think she'll have better luck trading up husbands in a couple of years.

My ex-brother-in-law (my sister was wife #2) married his beautiful young "pen pal" from the Philippines.  She was #6.  The wives all worked.  They lived in Vegas; he was a cab driver.  Through "connections" he got her a job as a change girl in one of the casinos.  Then he "sent" her to dealer school.  They had a baby boy.  She fell in love with the pit boss and traded up. She and her son have lived happily ever after...without my ex-brother-in-law.  I think it took three year from the time she arrived in Nevada until she had a new and better life.  Bro-in-law died, but not until he had married/divorced another woman...from Italy.

22 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

(We know he must be popping Viagra like M&M's.)

...and how does he qualify for any type of insurance that pays for this AND some weight-loss surgery?

  • Love 1

If David has been living in Thailand for the last 4 years does that mean he had some extra paperwork to do before he could get back in to the US?  Would he have been considered an expat? If David was in Thailand for 4 years how long has he known Annie?  Couldn't he have had time to line up a job and housing, 4 years and now he is in a 90 day hurry?  Annie wants to have a baby with David?  The gene pool looks a little murky, I hope she waits till David Poor has a job and health insurance, housing, common sense, etc...

BTW, Money Bags Chris' wife is absolutely beautiful as are the kids.

What is this business with Money Bags Chris asking about the dream wedding?  Is he footing the bill for that too?  The whole money thing makes me crazy, where does Annie think the money is coming from?  

Annie living in rural Kentucky will be horribly boring for her unless they are in downtown Louisville where she can walk to stores, catch a bus, participate in life a little bit.

David Poor's kids will be less than thrilled to see him on their doorstep with Annie. Are they going to live in the basement of one of his older kids house?  

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

If Azan wants a thin, fit wife, then why is he engaged to Nicole?

Probably because there was no one thin and fit trolling whatever international dating site they met on?


11 hours ago, greekmom said:

Molly is a douchebag. And she’s drunk. The convo she had with Olivia in regards to love is so stupid. She should just hire a live in manny .  Crap who isn’t feeling sorry for Olivia? She is not acting like spoilt brat.

That's what I was thinking. Does she want to get married or is she looking for a live in babysitter?


11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

David has made it very clear to Evelyn that he does not want to stay in Claremont forever and build a life there. A smart, talented guy is looking at living in a big city and looking to make a better life there. What is keeping you in the small town Evelyn - if you want to 'sing' well, Claremont isn't going to build you a Vegas style hotel with a stage to have your car-eeer. Being a performer means months on the road.  It can be a very lonely and very tough life.  If you even get to that point. Chances are that you are looking to get knocked up real fast so you can 'stay at home'. Bye singing career. You conned the dude from Spain.

And David has a business degree. What's he supposed to do in Claremont? It would be much better for both of them to move to a more urban area where he can get a good job. And Eveyln needs to stop just making youtube videos. She needs to book gigs and sing live and not just in churches. Anyone trying to break into the business will tell you you hustle and book any and every gig you can. Outside of BFE, NH . 

I don't have a problem with Josh using the same stone, but fer fucks sake, take the stone out and put it in a new setting or have the gold melted and formed into a new setting. That way it would be a new ring for Aika. And when Aika said baby, the look on Josh's face told the whole story.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, millennium said:

I'm having a hard time understanding why David is considered the potential victim here.   He's a 26-year-old man who courted a girl just out of high school.   Despite knowing that Evelyn lives in small town America, and that she has close emotional and professional ties to her family and hometown, the first thing David did when he landed was to say he's taking her away.  Then, in cruel and calculated fashion, he set about alienating Evelyn from her friend, insulting Michaela and making her cry in the process.

I have no sympathy for any man that age who seeks a relationship with a teenager, or who tries to manipulate her.   He deserves all the grief he gets.

agree,. some of the comments toward Evelyn come across as jealousy TBH... calling her a pancake ass (she has a great body, thin, but she will fill out as she gets older, shes 18!). itty bitty titty... waterloo buffalo, needing to be slapped...etc...etc.... so much hate... yea she's a bit annoying and idealistic, but who among us was perfect at 18...lol...

David must have been talking to her since she was like 16, 17... he's no saint.

meanwhile the controlling guy from Moldova is being praised? 

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I can't figure out why a 36-year-old attractive woman whose biological clock is ticking wouldn't have found someone closer to home if her (seemingly) primary focus is on having a family.  She has hitched her wagon to a star that is more like a black hole.  I have liked Aika so far, but I was afraid we were getting Anfisa vibes when she was pouting to try to get a $12,000 ring from a guy who is so broke he has to live with roommates.  

I've been in small evangelical churches who have had "family bands" come to give "concerts" on occasion.  Evelyn is the worst singer of that genre I've ever heard.  I doubt Family Evelyn gets invited back very often.  Small churches have limited budgets - they don't like to waste their money.  When a music producer refers to you as having "potential" and a "unique voice," and his studio is in his basement, he's just interested in the money you're paying him.

Azan doesn't love Nicole, is not attracted to her, is - in fact - embarrassed by her, and tells his friend that he doesn't even think he wants to live in America.  How dense can one woman be?  

David Poor is going to be David Poorer if he continues his pattern.  For every $10 he earns, he'll have to send $15 to Mama and Papa in Thailand.  They appear to have a pretty nice house.  Maybe they'll need furniture as they age and can no longer sit on the floor.  And, somehow, it will be David's responsibility to pay for it.

I think Aika wanted to get out of the Philippines, marry a guy who could take care of her and have a baby.  Nothing wrong with that, per se.  One outta three ain't bad, right? :)

I wonder if she was really insisting on the $13,000 2 carat diamond ring, or if she had settled on a smaller diamond and was mad a Josh that he wouldn't get her that and made her wear his ex-wife's ring.  The diamond they held over the setting in the jewelry store didn't look 2 carats to me.   I think they might have edited it to make it look like she was insisting on 2 carats.  

Evelyn's voice is bizarre.   I could almost see how it might be so bad that people might see it as "good".  (Not me, though.)  Strange sounds seem to be somewhat common in modern popular music, though her sound might be the strangest.  It is definitely "unique" as her producer put it.  

I don't see David Poor sending much, if any, more money back to Thailand.  He isn't going to have enough money to support himself and Annie and now that Annie is in the US, they have no leverage to try to collect the rest of the bride price.  

  • Love 4

What the heck has Aika been doing with herself all these years? Could she not find a rich foreigner while she was in her 20"s? 36 is old to start this mail order bride game. I would love to know all about her past.... has she been married before? Something is up with her. To be 36 and this naive about choosing a wallet is weird. 

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Or they can marry a foreigner they meet in their bar, and believe me, those guys can be really creepy and old and way worse than the broke and occasionally tipsy David.  

I don't get why "old" is suddenly "creepy."  I find Josh creepy and he's certainly not "old."  A woman can do WAY worse than old IMO.

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, EDTV said:

agree,. some of the comments toward Evelyn come across as jealousy TBH... calling her a pancake ass (she has a great body, thin, but she will fill out as she gets older, shes 18!). itty bitty titty... waterloo buffalo, needing to be slapped...etc...etc.... so much hate... yea she's a bit annoying and idealistic, but who among us was perfect at 18...lol...

David must have been talking to her since she was like 16, 17... he's no saint.

meanwhile the controlling guy from Moldova is being praised? 

I agree that the cracks about Evelyn's physical appearance are unfounded.  She is an attractive young woman.  The water buffalo crack was about her singing voice, and I totally agree that her voice is horrid.  

I don't find Andrrrei to be all that controlling.  David seems more controlling than him, but since he isn't a hulking Eastern European guy, he gets away with it more.  

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, EDTV said:

meanwhile the controlling guy from Moldova is being praised? 

I think he is being praised for not turning in to the hulk when he was talking to Father Libby but I am still trying to see something physically attractive about him.  

Evelyn does not understand that her music will not pay the rent and she is blocking David from getting a job in a market where he could make a decent living, he will be the bread winner.  Last I looked an 18 year old, not in college and no job cannot pay the rent, she is oblivious to real life.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, gavinmac said:

If Andrrrrrei was living in Ireland on a student visa, doesn't that mean university student?

I  didn't hear that he was on a student visa, but I could be wrong . The EU has open borders, so citizens can travel freely and relocate in other EU countries to work. I had assumed that was why Andrei was in Ireland. And maybe he has other ambitions, but if in the US, you can get you CDL and start making decent money pretty fast. Maybe he figures he can get a job quickly once he is allowed to work. He doesn't seem like the type who wants to live off anyone. 

  • Love 15
18 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think he is being praised for not turning in to the hulk when he was talking to Father Libby but I am still trying to see something physically attractive about him.  

Evelyn does not understand that her music will not pay the rent and she is blocking David from getting a job in a market where he could make a decent living, he will be the bread winner.  Last I looked an 18 year old, not in college and no job cannot pay the rent, she is oblivious to real life.

not even about physical appearance... the guy is a hothead... he clearly has a temper problem, he cant even control it on camera... and he clearly wants to dominate Liz... thats not alpha male to me. he seems like the type that will put her down as a "woman"... like when she was driving... and he didnt even appear to joking...lol

Edited by EDTV
  • Love 4

I don't think Luis is an abuser/molester/Charles Manson 2.0.

I DO think that he hates children though and since Molly has a child living with her, she shouldn't want to marry a man who hates kids.  I remember Devar with  Melanie's son; the two of them got along great, then again Melanie and Devar had working out and fitness in common.  I have zero idea what Molly and Luis have in common, except sex.

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think he is being praised for not turning in to the hulk when he was talking to Father Libby but I am still trying to see something physically attractive about him.  

Evelyn does not understand that her music will not pay the rent and she is blocking David from getting a job in a market where he could make a decent living, he will be the bread winner.  Last I looked an 18 year old, not in college and no job cannot pay the rent, she is oblivious to real life.

While that may be true about Evelyn, David:

a) Has not told her he doesn't think her music can pay the bills.

b) Hasn't mentioned employment opportunity as a reason for them to leave her home and family.  He has basically just whined about the weather and that it is boring in Claremont. 

David is odd that way.   While the "vintage" kitchen in the apartment wasn't nearly as nice as Evelyn thought, he called it "impractical" because it didn't have stainless steel appliances?  Huh?  It was a perfectly practical kitchen, just not a great looking one.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I had the same feeling about Luis pushing Kensley from the front.  It felt like he was pushing her near her crotch area, though in his defense, the swing covered up Kensley very well.  I have never seen a child swing with so much security.  I looked like something you might strap astronauts into on a moonshot.  I guess helicopter parents and personal injury lawyers are causing a lot of things to get redesigned. 

It did look like an infant's seat and not one a 6 yo would need.   Considering Luis' pushing style though, turns out it was a good thing. 

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 2

If Aika went to a real modeling agency they would ask her to come back after a make under, with a little more commercial look, and a few pictures that don't even have to be shot by a commercial photographer. 

Maybe Aika could be a ring girl or convention girl for car shows, there is decent money she could help pitch in for her dream ring and her dream wedding.

I will forever ask why none of the US people do anything to prepare for the overseas fiance?

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

OMGosh...my ears are bleeding from that raptor screech Molly made while trying on wedding dresses.

If I see one more plus sized bride in a strapless mermaid dress .... I don't get why that's the go to style.  These bridal consultants seem lazy to me; they rarely offer any other options to anyone who is not sample size.

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Frankly, father Elizabeth needs to take his hat off and take a seat. Whst an ignorant hayseed. (Apparently, my word of the night.) I can tell that he thinks the man is the head of the household as long as he’s the man in charge.  Apparently, he thinks he should be head of Elizabeth’s household too.  

I have to own it and say that I really like Andrei. He was sweet and complimentary  about their empty apartment when he arrived. He handled  Dumb  and Dumber with a lot of grace under pressure at the restaurant. He really seems to be in it for the girl, and only the girl. So far he gets my vote.

Right there with you, @Chickabiddy. Andrei handled himself with grace and style. Elizabeth looked like a teenager next to him, with her pouting and puffing. Andrei stood when Libby's gleefully ignorant father and brother entered, shook hands (with a firm and manly grip, I bet), listened respectfully when they spoke, answered their quesitons plainly, bore their denigration of his homeland without smacking their ignorant faces, and all in all behaved like an adult with good intentions. Elizabeth's dad and bro acted like knuckle dragging cretins, mocked Andrei and his country openly, spoke to Elizabeth like she was a child, and of course pulled the old "how do I know you're not just in this for that holy of holies, a green card"? And while we're on that subject, fun fact, Father Elizabeth--you don't get to hate on your daughter's intended for being both a lazy moocher who is only pretending to love your silly daughter so he can get his mitts on a green card, AND an evil furriner who is going to whisk your more precious than rubies little princess off to some benighted foreign land. Pick a side. But mostly, take a seat. You are ridiculous.


11 hours ago, Nowhere said:

David isn't "embracing" Evelyn's idea of an apartment lol. That is a house, Evelyn. And it's big for only two people renting. She's getting ahead of herself. They don't even have any furniture. Her first home has to be special. Like her wedding. In other words, it's her way or the highway. David is the one who has to "deal with the facts." 

Oh yay, David! You GET to see Evelyn in the recording studio. Plug your ears. Oh dear. She is so bad. A unique singing style is a great way to put it nicely, Producer Guy. And she has "potential", the producer said. That's another nice way of saying it's not good. And I knew she was blowing smoke up david's ass by saying she'll go wherever her music takes her. But she has nointention of going anywhere. I'd like to see this producer's resume since Evelyn is acting like he's Quincy fucking Jones.

That apartment was bigger than my house. And it was ugly. The paint colors nearly seared my eyeballs. Why does a young couple need a huge apartment? Oh wait, I forgot. Evelyn.

11 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Couldn't Bahtman's friends let Annie get some rest before throwing a party?

Everyone on this show does this! Drives me nuts! These poor people have been traveling for hours, maybe even days. They are surely exhausted and overwhelmed and reeling from culture shock. Let them rest for a day! They're not going anywhere!


11 hours ago, Hero said:

On a shallow note: His body is amazing. He looks like he would give great hugs ?

Right? (fanning self). If he were my guy I would be snuggled up to that manly chest at every opportunity.


10 hours ago, Lemons said:

And olivia needs to get out of Alabama or whatever southern state she's from once in awhile.  If she said "a man from another country" one more time!  She doesn't appear to have much empathy for anyone else and is way too self centered.  The salon employee was right in telling Olivia that she's going to college soon and her mother is lonely. Grow up already. 

As for Olivia stating that Luis English isn't any good?  I would bet money she does not speak another language. Ugh, unlikable kid. 

I am trying to cut Olivia slack because she's a teenager. But that jab at Luis' English was low, as was her bitch about plantains. For one thing, plantains are delicious. For another, I'm sure no one is forcing her to eat them. How's your Spanish, Olivia?

10 hours ago, Lemons said:

The Americans are really not coming off well, are they?  Redneck father and son letting the world know they have never heard of "madova". Then  when Andrei  tells them  Moldova is a small country near Ukraine, the father says "wasn't that part of the Soviet Union?" Showing off his Florida education!

i think there are a lot of white men in this country who think the whole world wants to live   In the United States. Not anymore. Too much gun violence and an unstable president. I would choose Moldova over Florida if I was them. 

I have a young friend from Moldova--she loves it. Granted, she only knows it from childhood and loves being down on the farm, but according to her, Chisinau (the capital city) is a beautiful town with lots of green space, attractive people, and lots to do and see. Given the choice I'd probably pick Moldova too.

10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Speaking of Annie and Baht-man...

Being the member who is probably closest in geography to this couple (assuming they managed to escape LA and are now back in the land of fried chicken and horses), I volunteer to spearhead a rescue campaign. #freeAnnie 

I'm down! I like Annie. She seems like a kind hearted and warm person. You can see the dismay on her face when David acts foolish.

Nicole: "And Azan's family still doesn't speak English!" Girl. You did not. How's your Arabic coming? Or your French?

And May waking up in the middle of the night, being fed sandwiches? Apparently Nicole confuses parenting with shoving food down that child's gullet.

  • Love 23
1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Yes, it did look like an infant seat, but it was large for that.  I had far more bulk and security gear on it than even any infant seat I have ever seen.  

 It looks like the type of swing kids who have developmental delays use.  My theory is that normally Kensley does not use that swing, but it was empty that day and she was curious as to what swinging in it felt like. She has probably seen kids in before and wondered about it.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Yes, it did look like an infant seat, but it was large for that.  I had far more bulk and security gear on it than even any infant seat I have ever seen.  

Oh, I just remembered...there are swings for older children with disabilities so maybe it was one of those. 

Edited by Granny58
sorry PityFree, you beat me to it.
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

If Azan wants a thin, fit wife, then why is he engaged to Nicole? It's so important to him and the first thing you see when you look at her is that she is morbidly obese. A gym rat and exercise fanatic is not going to want a morbidly obese love partner. It's all so ridiculous. He doesnt want to go to America either it seems. He says "because she wants me to"

Love how Andreii was on a 10 hour flight with no manbag/backpag/phone/sweatshirt. He just sat on the plane in his short sleeved shirt for ten hours? Maldava? The brother is a jackass!

An Olivia saying that Luis's English was not okay was mean as she was talking about the "plantins". His English is quite good for someone learning to speak a second language. If she could speak Spanish or any other foriegn language half as well as Luis speaks English..jeez. It's HARD people, he is doing quite well. Yes he makes mistakes. Just my pet peeve.

I think Olivia is probably so used to Molly talking up Luis that she instinctively talks him down (and is usually 100% right).   I don't have a lot of good things to say about Luis, but I think he speaks English fairly well for a person from a non-English speaking country.  

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, Former Nun said:


...and how does he qualify for any type of insurance that pays for this AND some weight-loss surgery?

My guess is he had the weight-loss surgery when he was still gainfully employed.

And, I'm guessing the viagra is cheap and easy to find in Thailand. Or, his buddy brings it to him.

Sorry, but David has practically turned into Davida. Hard to see him functioning well in that department. Every time I see him now I want to see if he would look better with some of Libby's bright red lipstick.

Nothing he can't fix if he gets his act together.

4 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I think Olivia is probably so used to Molly talking up Luis that she instinctively talks him down (and is usually 100% right).   I don't have a lot of good things to say about Luis, but I think he speaks English fairly well for a person from a non-English speaking country.  

Giggling Luis does have a fairly good command of the English language, which gives us all the more reason to dis him for his abominably coarse words with her daughters.

Molly's mom is a divisive bitch. Seriously sick in the head, that woman, yet all her words come out dripping with saccharine. Blech.

And why does Molly go for a strapless gown? Rockin' the Danielle arms! And while I'm on it, spandex is a privilege, not a right.

With Danielle I got the impression that they just didn't have a dress with sleeves wide enough to accommodate those things, and she barely had money for the dress, let alone alterations. Also, these things take time, and time is something she did not have.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I have never seen a child swing with so much security.  I looked like something you might strap astronauts into on a moonshot.  I guess helicopter parents and personal injury lawyers are causing a lot of things to get redesigned. 

The type of swing Kensley was in is designed for for children with disabilities. 

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

What the heck has Aika been doing with herself all these years? Could she not find a rich foreigner while she was in her 20"s? 36 is old to start this mail order bride game. I would love to know all about her past.... has she been married before? Something is up with her. To be 36 and this naive about choosing a wallet is weird. 

These are great questions. The big tattoo on the back of her leg (and she may have other tattoos I forget) suggest "bargirl" to me.  If her breasts are as fake as her eyelashes, then someone must have paid for those. It's surprising if she has no kids, Filipinas are pretty baby crazy and condom averse. 

Many of your prettier and savvier Asian bargirls will have multiple "sponsors," i.e. boyfriends who just fly in to see them a few times a year but send them money all year long.  It's possible she has just been a "professional girlfriend" for a while but now wants to settle down in the USA.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, magemaud said:

Aika did specify heart shaped, but for $ 12,900 I don't think she's going to get flawless! 

I re-watched the Say Yes to the Dress scene and Molly's tattoo says "Live" 

I thought it said "Livi" (for her older daughter) and looked to try to find a matching one for Kensley, but didn't.  So maybe i'm wrong.

11 hours ago, Lemons said:

I think he said he began to learn English as an adult working at the resort, so that's pretty good. His mistakes are the exact mistakes that English speakers make when they learn to speak Spanish.

And I don't hear any one of the Americans attempting to learn the other person's language. Did I miss any of them?

I am not sure whether she did so for Luis, but we sometimes hear Luis speaking in Spanish to Molly, seems like she has at least a bit of Spanish proficiency.

  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I  didn't hear that he was on a student visa, but I could be wrong . The EU has open borders, so citizens can travel freely and relocate in other EU countries to work. I had assumed that was why Andrei was in Ireland. And maybe he has other ambitions, but if in the US, you can get you CDL and start making decent money pretty fast. Maybe he figures he can get a job quickly once he is allowed to work. He doesn't seem like the type who wants to live off anyone. 

Moldova isn't in the EU though, which is part of why it's so poor and many of its citizens want out. Chisinau, the capital, is a fairly nice place, if you have money to spend for comfort. The rest of the country is pretty poor and backwards.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Yes, it did look like an infant seat, but it was large for that.  I had far more bulk and security gear on it than even any infant seat I have ever seen.  

They make some of the ones like that bigger now so handicapped kids can swing too :)

Edited by ChiCricket
What everyone else already said.
41 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:


And, I'm guessing the viagra is cheap and easy to find in Thailand. 


Righto. They have it for sale on the counter at the ubiquitous 7-11s all over Bangkok. Or you can buy it from street vendors if you're too lazy to step into a 7-11. It's called "zeagra"  and imported from India. You have to be careful not to buy the counterfeit pills though, and . . . oh never mind . . . I'm disgusting.   

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

I thought Josh was possibly using opioids because of his large pupils. That was a dead give away when I was a pharmacy tech.

Your pupils are tiny/pinned when on opiates/opioids.  Maybe you are thinking of someone who is needing opiates - the pupils get very large when someone is going through withdrawl.  Otherwise, large pupils are a sign of uppers - METH (my guess), or coke.

  • Love 9

Isn't Evelyn a very traditional, fundamental type christian? You know, the type who is taught that the husband is the head of the family and her role in their marriage is to be supportive? Or, is she exempt from all of that because she sounds like one of my cows when they're wanting their dinner and is so speshul? My in laws were as conservative fundamental as they come. My mother in law was a dutiful wife who moved every year or so and lived in shithole after shithole because her husband couldn't hold a job for long and believed god would magically drop a high paying job in his lap. When she was down to two kids left at home, she got a job and found a nice rental home she could afford to pay for. My father in law flipped out at her defiance and actually lived in his car for a year because she had the nerve to want to live a decent life and did something about it.

Josh is such a piece of shit. I'm in agreement with the notion that he's had a vasectomy and didn't mention that to Aika. I really hope she runs far, far away from that brokeass loser.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Lindy Dear said:

It's hard to know which of these love-bird couples is more sickening than the others. Where to begin? How's about an alleged step- father wannabe suggesting a minor child consider f---ing" her boyfriend and Mama Molly remaining committed to the relationship nonetheless? Could Luis be brought up on charges of child endangerment and abuse for that alone? Possibly? Do authorities anywhere catch this show? The poor Thai lady along the one from the Philippines have sold themselves to the lowest bidders: both losers, one an abject jobless drunk and the other, a jobless felon abuser who apparently has failed to let his "I wanna have a baby now" fiance know he's sterile? Azan and Nicole may how warrant whatever their delusional hell brings next. But can poor little May be rescued? Where's Grandma when we need her? The Grandma who wept so openly at the very thought of what her grand daughter was being subjected to when "mom" yanked her half-way around the world, far away from any hope of sanity? f Elizabeth is comfortable following Andrei to Maldova after all the green card effort, so be it and her daddy is right to say go it on your own. How will this fare? Andrei is clearly a bully and gives the impression he's capable of selling her into white slavery. Or if he stays i n the US and fulfills his aspiration to be a truck driver....what are the odds he'd be capable in any way of obeying any relevant US laws? Finally, David and Evelyn. Run David, Run. Run as fast as you can. Just run.

Child endangerment charges for Luis, but a warning to run from Evelyn for poor, put upon David Spain? David Spain was grooming a 15 year old to be his malleable virgin bride. He's literally the creeper from every cyber threat movie on Lifetime. How is what he did better than Luis?

  • Love 6

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