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Season 5 Discussion


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Evelyn is garbage, I could never ask someone to host someone but I have no problem serving my guests cheap cake as long as I still get the good kind. 

 Also, why do they need to have 150 people are their wedding? Scale down the guest list, make a playlist and skip the dj, etc. And her entitled attitude is even more bullshit given its both their families contributing.

  • Love 12

Elizabeth & Andrei - I actually didn't think anything Andrei said during the girls night out convo was that unreasonable. I sure as hell would not want my spouse going out to the club until 4am. What disturbs me is how Elizabeth seems to have a genuine fear of him and his temper. She needs to get out NOW.

Nicole & Azan - I'm not sure sheep head falls in the 'healthy food' category. 

David & Annie - He is gross but I didn't really get what the big argument was? He was drunk but other than that, did I overlook something? 

Evelyn & David - Boring

Molly & Luis - All kinds of wrong. I agree with everyone who said he is testing the waters. Cultural differences aside, I can't believe it is acceptable anywhere  to have that conversation with your soon to be stepdaughter. Since Molly is trying on dresses next week, obviously she doesn't care. It truly makes me sad and disgusted.

Josh & Aika - I like her, can't stand him. He sounds 19 instead of fortysomething. She could do soooo much better. I also think he has the same filter on his phone/camera as Elizabeth. He looks a lot different in quite a few of their pictures. 

Edited by Splithair
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, eggsnbacon said:

That market had me salivating. Veggies as far as the eye could see. Morocco is one of the best & diverse ( a lot of fresh food options) food places in the world, Nicole seems to not even care. 

Me: We need to go to Morocco.  Immediately.

Husband: Oh, HELL no.  We'd go to one of those beautiful marketplaces and I would never see you ever again.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I couldn't believe Luis doubled down on the lewd comments even after Olivia and Molly both told him it was unacceptable. That might have been the biggest red flag of all. He tried to excuse it as a cultural difference, but I'm sorry, if that is your culture (which I don't necessarily believe), then your culture is objectively wrong. 


Talk about stubborn!  Luis should have stopped giving his opinion when they clearly didn't want him it.  Maybe Molly's brother can tell Luis out on what NOT to do or say.

Olivia needs to stop using the word stepfather. She will be an adult within the year and he won't be her stepfather. He will be her mother's husband. But I loved how Olivia asked for Luis not to tell on her and the first chance she got she ran to mom to tell on Luis. 

3 hours ago, PityFree said:

Fun fact, Josh: 36 is wayyyyyyyyyy too old for someone to start a modeling career. 

She wouldn't be on any runways but they always need women to be mothers or wives or friends or office workers, etc. in print ads.  it's not all high fashion. She wasn't into it though. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

TCL don't you dare make me feel bad for Nicole. I woul dnt eat brain either. 

I gave Larry on Before the 90 Days a lot of grief for not eating the lechon.   Now I think I have to eat crow because I strongly suspect I wouldn't have been unable to eat that Moroccan sheep's head no matter what.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 20
1 hour ago, lizzie3 said:

I was extremely uncomfortable watching the exchange with Luis and Olivia. Good for Olivia for telling her mom right away, but we all know that she’ll (sadly) choose Luis over her daughters. I really hope Uncle Jess keeps a close eye on Luis and recognizes the vulnerable position that his nieces are in; someone has to look out for those girls. Considering the previews for next week show Molly preening in a wedding dress, it doesn’t look like she cares at all. The whole  situation is disturbing.

I usually don’t really care too much if things on this show are scripted or not because it’s entertaining, but in this scenario talk about “crossing the line”. When I genuinely fear for childrens safety, it’s not entertaining for me anymore. 


1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

The scene of the two teenage girls playing pool in the basement with the unemployed stepfather and uncle made me uncomfortable.  And if that wasn't weird enough, Luis had to make that obscene comment.   I am glad Olivia had the sense of mind to report it to her mom right away.  I am starting to wonder where TLC draws the line, because this is not entertaining. 

There is no excuse for Luis using those words with Olivia. I have an 18 yr old and a 16 yr old daughter and if my boyfriend of any age made my daughters feel as uncomfortable as Olivia was, he'd be out immediately. But Molly will keep him. Just wow! No man should make a girl feel violated and attacked, and trust me, men, your words can make us feel that way. It was obvious the first time Luis said it that Olivia didn't want him to say it again, she told him not to say it again, so he proceeds to say it two more times? And uncle just stands there like an idiot. He was probably getting off on the thought as well because my Uncle would have knocked this kid into next week.

What makes a man think this type of talk is ok? When we say no we mean no! Teach your sons to speak to a woman with respect and to pick up on her cues that say "shut up and leave me the hell alone." A boy Olivia's age should know better, so Luis should definitely know better. Sexual predators come in all ages so I don't think the fact that Luis and Olivia are closer in age than Luis and Molly is the problem. I know plenty of 26 yr olds that would not go after somebody that young but Luis had a look in his eye during that interaction that I don't trust now.

It is also my opinion that David and Evelyn's age difference is too much. He's a weirdo too for being comfortable with dating a girl still in high school. These girls may look like women, but they are not. I don't understand men who can't distinguish. unfortunately, society encourages this behavior. The "We Are 18" commercials on Comedy Central disgust me. Media is raising a bunch of pedophiles!

  • Love 19
3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Josh is now in skeevy territory. How many days in and he’s dragging her to a talent agency? And how many times must we hear him talking about how he “scored” with a “hot wife”?   Good on Aika for not falling into a “modeling career”. 

Good on Aika for that double-takedown of Josh's lurid fantasies and the agency's plan to exploit her "ethnicity."   The instant she uttered the P-word you could almost hear it all crashing down.

  • Love 9

Evelyn is behaving like a spoiled teen!

Oh, wait ... 


6 hours ago, Nowhere said:


There is no excuse for Luis using those words with Olivia. I have an 18 yr old and a 16 yr old daughter and if my boyfriend of any age made my daughters feel as uncomfortable as Olivia was, he'd be out immediately. But Molly will keep him. Just wow! No man should make a girl feel violated and attacked, and trust me, men, your words can make us feel that way. It was obvious the first time Luis said it that Olivia didn't want him to say it again, she told him not to say it again, so he proceeds to say it two more times? And uncle just stands there like an idiot. He was probably getting off on the thought as well because my Uncle would have knocked this kid into next week.

What makes a man think this type of talk is ok? When we say no we mean no! Teach your sons to speak to a woman with respect and to pick up on her cues that say "shut up and leave me the hell alone." A boy Olivia's age should know better, so Luis should definitely know better. Sexual predators come in all ages so I don't think the fact that Luis and Olivia are closer in age than Luis and Molly is the problem. I know plenty of 26 yr olds that would not go after somebody that young but Luis had a look in his eye during that interaction that I don't trust now.


I question whether Luis and the Molly's Brother were drinking before the cameras started rolling.   A couple unemployed louts playing pool in a basement in the middle of the afternoon and no beer?   Please.  

  • Love 23
11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Azan and the shade..."This is the first time you're not hungry." That was cold. I need more.

That was hilarious. He said exactly what I was thinking. She's so rude. Don't any of these Americans read up on the cultures they are visiting?


On 11/6/2017 at 10:19 AM, Drogo said:

Things get heated between Luis and Molly; Andrei reveals the status of his visa to Elizabeth; Azan and Nicole discuss finances; Evelyn and David struggle with wedding costs; Josh wants Aika to begin modeling; Annie cries over David's actions.

Josh creeps me out. He's like a lecherous pig. I could see him trying to encourage his wife to do porn, just so he can brag to his buddies. Meanwhile Aika will feel like an object.


11 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

So precious,  little, snowflake princess wants to be just a little bit selfish for just one day.  Just a little bit. Screw her soon to be husband, screw her family, screw her best friend, screw the guests, she has planned this her whole life and deserves this, so, fuck off everyone. 

How sad of a life is that? Placing all of your life's importance onto one day? Nevermind the future, or the past... everything is about saying your wedding vows in front of a crowd. I just don't get "it".

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, Adeejay said:


I found David’s daughter Ashley to be very disrespectful.  I can’t imagine dropping the f bomb while speaking with my dad.  Someone should probably tell her that not all Asian women do nails.  Her father claims that she  speaks her mind.  However, there’s a very thin line between speaking your mind and being rude.  Annie seems to be having second thoughts about David and rightly so. I think the fact that he hasn’t told his children about her and is unable to take care of her financially is starting to make her worry.


David ditched his family. There is most likely some pain there with his children that the family is not able to resolve in a healthy way.  He never allowed Annie to Skype with his children.  David didn’t want his daughter to know that he’s getting married so much so that he held Annie’s hand down while Skyping and took off his own ring. I wouldn’t be able to respect this man if he was my father. 

  • Love 21
9 hours ago, millennium said:

Luis may be the most harmless guy in the world.  But common sense alone should inform Molly that you don't bring a strange man into a home where he will have unsupervised access and control over two young and vulnerable children.

I don't care if he's the Pope, you don't do it.    

Sing it sista!  Glad to hear another voice of reason!

12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I feel this way:

Nicole is Danielle 2.0

Molly is Danielle 3.0

If you want a hot boy-toy from another country, go for it.  Go to his country, screw his brains out, then go home, but for goodness sake, don't marry him and especially don't bring him to your house where you live with your minor children.  

Amem, amen, amen!

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Oh, she is going to so hate sex.  

That, unfortunately, may be true. Girls raised in purity culture often have serious issues with sex once married. You're raised to believe sex is bad (bear in mind there's a subtext there that says MEN are sexual, but sex is a "gift" women give to men - that women really aren't sexual beings themselves). Prior to marriage you've been taught to deny, deny, deny any (normal!) sexual feelings you have Then, once married,  the "sex switch" is flipped to the "on" position, and suddenly - overnight - you're supposed to become a willing and fulfilled sexual partner. It often doesn't work that way.

Libby Anne at the Love, Joy, Feminism blog posts a lot about purity culture. Here's a post that addresses purity culture and sexual dysfunction in marriage :


There are many more posts about purity culture on her blog; just type "purity culture" in her blog's search box on the right side of your screen.

Here's a website with stories from both men and women raised in purity culture:


There are many stories submitted by those who experienced problems with sex in their marriages as a result of being raised in purity culture.

I knew a guy (we met at work, about 15-20 years after the following took place) who had been raised in a strict Catholic family. In his late teens/early 20's, he married a girl (of the same age) who was also raised in a strict Catholic family. They were both virgins when they got married.

Five years later, when they divorced, his wife was still a virgin*. Five years, people. Five... YEARS!

He was gay. What he told his wife during those five years they were married that she accepted as an excuse for them never even consummating their marriage I'll never know.

Not that I think David is gay (I don't). But purity culture doesn't protect women as much as they claim. There are too many stories of women raised in purity culture who ended up marrying someone who is abusive, gay, etc.

*His wife, after the divorce, ultimately met another man with whom she fell in love, married, and had several children. They're still married, and quite happy.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, spankydoll said:

What type of modelling would someone like Aika or Pao end up doing anyhow?

JOsh wants her to do nude modeling.    So when everyone is leering at her pics, he can brag it's his "hot" wife.  Because that is the type of guy Josh is.   No sense of propriety, just showing off how the waterboy got the cheerleader.   No matter if everyone else gets to look at her lady bits if they belong to him.

  • Love 15

Luis:  This has been a couple times now where he's been inappropriate to Olivia.  Starting to be pervy and I hear warning bells. 

Nicole:  After chicken feet-gate and pig-gate most of us said that out of respect we would eat whatever was served...but I'm with Nicole on this one.  First, it looked like a set up.  But even it it wasn't. NO NO NO.  Especially the brains!!!  Nope, I would have been just unable to endure.  

I am loving Aika and her forthright statements, but Josh is in it only for the admiration HE will get for having a hot woman on his arm.  

  • Love 15
5 hours ago, Nowhere said:


There is no excuse for Luis using those words with Olivia. I have an 18 yr old and a 16 yr old daughter and if my boyfriend of any age made my daughters feel as uncomfortable as Olivia was, he'd be out immediately. But Molly will keep him. Just wow! No man should make a girl feel violated and attacked, and trust me, men, your words can make us feel that way. It was obvious the first time Luis said it that Olivia didn't want him to say it again, she told him not to say it again, so he proceeds to say it two more times? And uncle just stands there like an idiot. He was probably getting off on the thought as well because my Uncle would have knocked this kid into next week.

What makes a man think this type of talk is ok? When we say no we mean no! Teach your sons to speak to a woman with respect and to pick up on her cues that say "shut up and leave me the hell alone." A boy Olivia's age should know better, so Luis should definitely know better. Sexual predators come in all ages so I don't think the fact that Luis and Olivia are closer in age than Luis and Molly is the problem. I know plenty of 26 yr olds that would not go after somebody that young but Luis had a look in his eye during that interaction that I don't trust now.

It is also my opinion that David and Evelyn's age difference is too much. He's a weirdo too for being comfortable with dating a girl still in high school. These girls may look like women, but they are not. I don't understand men who can't distinguish. unfortunately, society encourages this behavior. The "We Are 18" commercials on Comedy Central disgust me. Media is raising a bunch of pedophiles!

I totally agree about Luis.  Even before his extremely inappropriate comment he was out of line.  When he told Olivia he wouldn't tell Molly about things she did (including having her BF spend the night) he was starting an inappropriate, secret relationship with her.  His loyalty should be to Molly and he should not be keeping secrets about her daughter from her.

I think Evelyn is a bit young to get married and would benefit from a few more years.  But she is 18 years old, an adult under the law, so I don't think it is right to call it pedophilia.  Not too long ago, it was very common to get married at 18.  An 18 year old can vote, fight and die for his/her country etc.  Some 18 year olds are more mature than others, but that is the age our society has set for adulthood.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Fun fact: would you not establish a budget prior to the wedding?  $5/serving seems like a lot for cake.  Why not just go the grocery store or Costco route.  They make decent cakes especially for large parties.  I almost did that when I found out a lot of bakeries here in Los Angeles don’t do buttercream.  Apparently I’m tacky.  It’s more “European” to have whipped topping.  Well, we ain’t in Europe.

Unfortunately $5 per slice is on the conservative side for a wedding cake. We were lucky to find someone who was less expensive but Costco was on our list of options had we not been able too. 

7 hours ago, Hero said:

Elizabeth is odd. She is definitely making Andrei out to be some type of villain. What he was saying to her seemed to be lost in translation. She was also interrupting him and wouldn't let him finish speaking. 

The way he says things sounds pretty harsh, but I think it's his accent and the way he is very straightforward in what he thinks. 

Yes, thanks for reminding me and @Caseysgirl  I didn't get an abuser vibe from Andrrrrrei.  He just seems over the phase in his life of being out looking for a woman and assumed she was in the same place.  Plus, when she kept interrupting him he didn't get ugly about it....just said, I listened to you, listen to me.   He hasn't lost me yet.   

6 hours ago, millennium said:

I gave Larry on Before the 90 Days a lot of grief for not eating the lechon.   Now I think I have to eat crow because I strongly suspect I wouldn't have been unable to eat that Moroccan sheep's head no matter what.

I'd eat the chicken feet before I would be in the same room as the sheep head.

  • Love 20

I am in the minority, but I don't hate Evelyn or David Spain.  To me they seem to be having the normal type of disagreements you'd expect from a young couple (wedding plans, finances, where to live).  I think the 90 day time constraint has forced them to deal with some of these things more quickly than a typical dating couple who could take their time trying to convince each other.

I did notice Evelyn has a habit of shutting down discussion by saying "I'm going to get angry." or "We can talk about this later."  In her defense, it could be because she doesn't want to have these disputes in front of the cameras or the woman in the tuxedo shop, etc.  

Where I come from, the wedding is mainly the bride's project and the groom makes a few suggestions and objects to any ideas he really hates.  So, I don't see Evelyn's behavior as too out of line.

I thought it was mature of her to start adding up the expenses on the napkin and discussing where to cut expenses.  I am not sure how I feel about the 2 cake idea, but at least it shows they don't think money grows on trees and that they are trying to make compromises to save money.

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I totally agree about Luis.  Even before his extremely inappropriate comment he was out of line.  When he told Olivia he wouldn't tell Molly about things she did (including having her BF spend the night) he was starting an inappropriate, secret relationship with her.  His loyalty should be to Molly and he should not be keeping secrets about her daughter from her.

I think Evelyn is a bit young to get married and would benefit from a few more years.  But she is 18 years old, an adult under the law, so I don't think it is right to call it pedophilia.  Not too long ago, it was very common to get married at 18.  An 18 year old can vote, fight and die for his/her country etc.  Some 18 year olds are more mature than others, but that is the age our society has set for adulthood.

I though that was a red flag, too. But of course you're going to be willing to keep secrets when you plan on pursuing said girl. When I was 16/17 I had a couple adult males in my life that were 'cool' like that. But the intentions were soon very clear. 

  • Love 12

I think just trying to figure out your wedding budget while in  the bakery and then deciding the wedding cake was too expensive was a little backwards.  Shouldn't you have a budget before you start shopping? Apparently the budgets of the attendants weren't a priority for Evelyn.      As far as Olivia, I'm not too worried about her. She has a better head on her shoulders than her Mother and sees Luis as inappropriate and I doubt  she will allow him to get too close to her and she will NEVER see him as a step parent.   Molly seems so childish and it's amazing that she's a successful business woman.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Molly, Luis is not a parent! Stop saying he is. 

Okay, out of all the WTF moments on this show (and there are many, and I am at work so I need to streamline) this had to be.....just ugh.  No, Molly, YOU are the parent.  Luis is the f$&k buddy you flew here form the DR who is closer in age to your older daughter than you are to him.  Off topic a bit but indulge me:  I am recently remarried, known the man for five years as adults plus we knew each other as kids.  HE IS NOT THE FATHER nor do I ever refer to him as a parent.  My kids have a dad, thanks.  To say a stranger you flew in and are having coitus with is a parent is just......not sure of the word.


9 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Luis had to make that obscene comment.

Again, WTF x10.  Creepy, gross, rude, inappropriate.....again I need to streamline.


9 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Fun fact: It is not okay for step dad to encourage step daughter to f*** her boyfriend. 

I fear this will have a very bad ending that will tear Family Molly apart.  

Yep - Mom will side with Luis, wonder why Daughter can't respect her man and Daughter will hate on mom for years.  Years.


10 hours ago, PityFree said:

Azan keeps expressing that he wants Nicole to change.  The very definition of disaster is marrying someone while hoping they’re going to change

I said those words out loud.  Nicole is not going to change.  She will stay stuck in her unhealthy eating, Azan will be lecturing to her about food and exercise......May be will wearing headphones, playing on an Ipad and eating McNuggets.  Ahh......wedded bliss.

  • Love 15

I didn't think Andrrrei was being unreasonable, though it was a bit hard to tell as Elizabeth kept interrupting him and it seemed like neither of them were on their first Guinness.  I took it that he was fine with her spending time with her sisters and going out for dinner and drinks, but he didn't want her stumbling through the door at 4:00 AM smelling of booze and male strippers.  

I don't think any married person should be staying out all night with "the girls" or "the boys", while their spouse is waiting at home, at least not on any sort of a regular basis.  If you want to stay out all night, it should generally be with your spouse.  That was what Andrrrei seemed to be getting at.  

Josh was creepy pushing Aika into modeling.  I hope production was pushing them into it.  

The modeling agency seemed rather cheesy.  Aika actually has a pretty good spokes model personality, but she doesn't seem to read the lines cleanly enough and I think her look is just a bit too gaudy.  

I'd really like to know what is underneath all the makeup my Ringling Brothers.  She seems like she is attractive, but I suspect women are usually not hiding their natural beauty with excessive make up.  It looked like she wisely lost the colored contacts, but her false eyelashes were enormous.  I was surprised the weight of them didn't keep her eyes permanently shut.  

I like that Aika speaks her mind.  Bringing up wanting to have a baby was brilliant as it put a stop to the modeling nonsense.  She seems to have a nice personality and her expectations might not be too unreasonable.  That said, I'm not sure Josh can meet reasonable expectations, their own home for example.  The preview where she complained about her current engagement ring and asked about the price of a 2 carat one was not encouraging.  I'm not sure Josh can afford a big ring or a place of their own, but I am even more doubtful he can provide both.  

I despise Nicole, but I don't blame her a bit for not wanting to eat the sheep's head.   It looked absolutely disgusting.   She did try some and she didn't like it.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 13
7 hours ago, millennium said:



I question whether Luis and the Molly's Brother were drinking before the cameras started rolling.   A couple unemployed louts playing pool in a basement in the middle of the afternoon and no beer?   Please.  

I agree. I think it can be both things, one his cultural machismo and open cultural views toward late teen sexuality as well as TWO, production and TLC tooooootally staging this “scene” between two teen girls and two adult males drinking alcohol setting up a soundstage to discuss “keeping Olivia’s secrets about Matthew.” I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if production just did this to manipulate the conflict between Olivia and her mother. Evidenced by Olivia’s smirk, her squad in tow, and after telling Luis we don’t tattle here she ran upstairs and immediately tattled on Luis only telling her mom half of the context of the convo. Olivia could not wait to bait this out of him and she’s knew it would be easy. She got what she sought. 

It is sad because Molly needs the manipulation because it’s the only way she can get thru to her mom and the uncle needs the scene to make $, and Luis ideas about late teen sex is what it is. That’s what Molly is getting and what she professes to want . Everybody has some ownership here.

Olivia can brag she is entitled to her privacy with her b f (notice she didn’t tell her mom that part) then clutch her pearls when he volleys back that he is cool with what she’s saying. He is technically right but it’s also creepy at the same time, but no one here is innocent . Except the friend of Olivia, if I were her parents and she was thrust into this convo for tv ratings I would be pissed ! 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 15

I don't even know where to begin with my assorted observations. There was so much to sort through, and the skeeviness factor (that is a technical term) was just off the charts. So, maybe jump in with Molly and Luis to get that out the way.

I had to laugh when Molly declared with great feeling at her picnic that they should make a toast, and promptly came up with "To the beach!" Our Molly really is the poet laureate of Woodstock. I laughed less when I swear I caught her sticking that long, hot pink talon of hers in her ear at lunch. And then it was worse when she was arranging her hair coquettishly with her hands after eating chicken with said hands. Yuck. Just no.

I thought that would be the end of it, but it got worse. Watching that disgusting display of OTT PDA that she and Luis perpetrated right across from her young daughter, at lunch no less, was enough to make me throw up in my mouth. I am by no means a prude, but jeebus, time and place people. Time and place. I think I was so repulsed because my take away was that Luis was doing it as some kind of dominance gesture in front of Olivia to show who has the most power over her mother, and by extension, over Olivia as well. And Molly just proved him right by making excuses for him and poo pooing Olivia's discomfort by saying that she does not understand because that is what people in love do. Molly should have said firmly but sweetly, "Luis, not now. It makes Olivia uncomfortable., and I know we don't want her to feel that way because she is a member of the family...and we are in the middle of lunch for FUCK SAKE." Ok, that last bit was my imagination running away with me. ;-/ 

2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

When he told Olivia he wouldn't tell Molly about things she did (including having her BF spend the night) he was starting an inappropriate, secret relationship with her.  His loyalty should be to Molly and he should not be keeping secrets about her daughter from her.

 This. So much this. You have summed up that interaction far better than I could. Luis is using sex, sexual innuendo, and lewd commentary to exert some kind of dominance and control over that entire household. I don;t think he is into Olivia per say, but I think he wants to use their secret friendship to control Olivia  and to drive a wedge between mother and daughter. And then you have Uncle Useless who just sits there like a sponge and does nothing while some almost stranger is behaving so rudely in front of his young niece and her friend. That also tells Luis that he can pretty much say and do as he damn well pleases.

Evelyn and David are just raging assholes. They deserve each other. That is all. However, watching that relationship self destruct in 90 more days might be another spin off that the evil side of me might really enjoy watching. 

2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

It is also my opinion that David and Evelyn's age difference is too much. He's a weirdo too for being comfortable with dating a girl still in high school. These girls may look like women, but they are not. I don't understand men who can't distinguish. unfortunately, society encourages this behavior. The "We Are 18" commercials on Comedy Central disgust me. Media is raising a bunch of pedophiles!

I agree that David is far too old for Evelyn. An age difference is more than just the calendar years. Such an age difference may be no big deal for some people. But for these two, Evelyn is far too uneducated, untraveled, and unschooled in the ways of the world to help bridge that gap of eight years. If David just finished school at 28, i have to wonder what the hell he was doing in his early 20s. A little failure to launch methinks. I still think David is biding his time until they are married and he can start lowering the boom to get and do what he wants. 

Elizabeth and Andrei - I think I am sensing more than a whiff of producer manipulation to create an image of Andrei as some Eastern European bad boy villain a la Boris from Boris and Natasha. They really seem to be doing their best to paint him as some one-dimensional cave man with an accent. My sense last week was that he was hamming up the part just a little too much. And I think Elizabeth is over dramatizing her take on situations and her reactions just a bit. They certainly ginned up the whole " Will he get his visa or not? Will he attack the embassy officer or will his shady, lawbreaking past prevent him from coming to America?" And in the end, he got his visa with no problem.  And then it turns out that Andreii is cool with her spending time with sisters and having a girl's night out...just not in clubs until 4 am. My husband and I don't  have issues like that, but as noted before,  that request seems like a reasonable starting point for a discussion. As for him getting testy when she kept interrupting him, that IS some annoying shit, It can also be even more irritating when you are trying to express your point in a foreign language and your train of thought is perpetually interrupted.  I am a very verbal, fast talking person, and I really try to slow down and chillax if my husband and I are having an intense conversation. He has lived in the US for 20 years and is fluent, but I still have the upper hand in English. I figure it's the least I can do because I sure as hell don't want to argue in German. I lose all my home court advantage. :-) 

And no, I am not making excuses because I think alpha males are sexy. Jesse scared the shit out of me during the reunion special. I think Andrei has role to play for this show and he is enjoying the role a lot.. As noted upthread, his accent and blunt style of speaking have a way of making what he says sound worse.  Cast in a softer voice, I think a lot of women would want to hear that their future husband sees them more as the priority than their family, is wanting to marry them and not their country - and particularly if they are concerned that said man wants them only for a green card.  My take is that Andrei is trying to say the relationship is about the two of them first and foremost, and not about where the relationship happens or the opinions of people outside the relationship. 

I still think he is more of Mr. Right Now as opposed to Mr. Right, but I am not willing to write him off completely. We'll know more in a few episodes. 

Edited by Chickabiddy
Because I remain the world's shittiest typist.
  • Love 23

I am starting to sense fakery on the part of Evelyn and David Spain. I have a hard time believing that Evelyn, who I don't doubt  has been planning her wedding day all her life, does know the exact price of every detail. I think she knows enough to understand that she has to bring the drama for TLC.I think TLC is pushing the "Evelyn is being unreasonable" narrative by scheduling things like a cake tasting when they have a limited budget. And in the previews for next week, they are looking at apartments when she admits she is paid next to nothing and he can't work based on his status. Of all the couples, outside of the whole fundie why get married so young storyline, they are the most normal. David is a college graduate, Evelyn teaches and sings. Yes, she is being pouty, but psst, I wouldn't want my fiance picking a tux color that didn't match with my color scheme. Yes she's OTT, but I am wondering how much of it is producer driven. 

  • Love 4

Andrei is being painted as a villain by editing and Elizabeth.  Nothing he said was controlling.  And did anybody else catch when he applied the no clubbing standard to men too?  If you want to see a controlling, potentially abusive man, look to Jesse on Before the 90 Days.  

David Poor was also a victim of editing.  He was drunk, but I missed him doing anything combative or embarrassing.  He's a jackhole for not being honest with his kids though.

Aunt Azan is my hero.  Sheep head is a Moroccan tradition, but she knew Nicole would freak out.  And to not prepare anything else was a total sham.  I loved that she declared the kitchen closed. 

I continue to like Aika and the fact that she seems like an actual, intelligent woman.  Not sure why she's with Josh though.  

Evelyn and David Spain remain the couple I'm most likely to fast forward through.  They deserve each other.

I'm only going to say this about Molly and Luis.  He is not their father.  He will not be their father.  He might have a more parental role with Kensley, but Olivia is grown.

  • Love 12

Molly's brother just stands there looking like a fool while Luis inappropriately talks to his niece? What a jerk.  

Josh, you idiot. Aika is 36 yrs. old. She is never going to be a model. And stop parading her around in those daisy dukes and stiletto's. She said herself she should have worn flip flops to the supermarket. She has alot more sense than he does.  Poor Aika. She wants to settle down and start a family and given her age, she has no time to waste.  Does she realize yet Josh is broke, and has no home of his own to bring a baby to? 

If Evelyn says one more time that she has been dreaming about her wedding her "whole life", I'm going to throw a brick at my TV.

I can't figure out what's going on with Azan. Why did he lose his job? Because Nicole wants to talk to him all day while he's at work? Is she out of her mind? I wonder if it occured to Azan to turn his phone off while he's working.  Now we hear Nicole is sending him money. Something's not right. I thought she had no money which is why her parents have to sponsor Azan. 

  • Love 16
22 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Molly should have said firmly but sweetly, "Luis, not now. It makes Olivia uncomfortable., and I know we don't want her to feel that way because she is a member of the family...and we are in the middle of lunch for FUCK SAKE."


23 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Watching that disgusting display of OTT PDA that She and Luis right across from her  young daughter, at lunch no less, was enough to make me throw up in my mouth.

 Off topic a bit but indulge me:  the first time my kids saw my new hubby and I kiss was on OUR WEDDING DAY.  


23 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Luis is using sex, sexual innuendo, and lewd commentary to exert some kind of dominance and control over that entire household. I don;t think he is into Olivia per say, but I think he want to use their secret friendship to control Olivia  and to drive a wedge between mother and daughter.

I agree to the hundreth degree.


37 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I’m sorry for “fat shaming” (god I despise that term) but she looks like a blob especially standing next to him

I agree - and it doesn't help that she has such a whiny tone:  "It is not that easy......"  "I am trying......"  Ugh.....stop whining as you are heading into Frumpy Danielle territory.  And her reasons for not cooking healthy?  "I work!"  Yeah, so do I and so do A LOT of women who are moms.  So do Dads.  I thought she worked part time as a barrista?

  • Love 7

I can't help but feel that several of this season's scenarios are blatant setups for maximum drama and/or to punch up some extremely boring couples:

Nicole/Azan/Auntie Azan:  If SheepsheadBayGate was a real thing, then why weren't Azan and Auntie chowing down?  Why weren't they seated at a table, with cutlery and drinks?  Why wasn't BaaBaaBlackSheep presented in an appetizing manner, instead of plopped on a platter with protruding eyes, nose, brains.   I think the entire event was strictly producer-driven.

Oh, Nicole was disgusted for sure, but not disgusted enough not to try to push a morsel on poor May.  "Taste it!  It's chicken!" 

Also, Nicole (and Azan) committed one of my "neglectful-parents'-top 10-deadly-sins-list" that is tattooed on my brain.  That is, when at a beach/lake/pool, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILDREN!  Do NOT chat or read a magazine or nap or make out with your partner or turn your back to check out the hot guy/girl practicing yoga.  People!  Ever since I was around 15, I have been chasing after strangers' toddlers and preschoolers, ignored and abandoned, at water's edge.  I don't want to hear the excuse that this lovely couple knew they were surrounded by a watchful tv crew.  I don't buy it. Both of them were perfectly comfortable to allow May to disappear from view. And Nicole, in her beached-whale repose,  had no interest in chasing after her kid.  

Why is Azan with Nicole exactly? He hates her, thinks she's disgusting, doesn't respect her, has no interest in her whatsoever.  Is he really going to immigrate and marry her?  God.

And another thing, idiots!!  You are taking a small child to the beach?  How about splurging on a pail and shovel, or just an old bowl and spoon from AuntieBaaBaa's apt?  You know?  So, like, the kid, like, doesn't have to sit in the cigarette butts flailing sand over her head by the handsful.  You know?

Aika/Josh/"TalentAgency" Motley Crew:  BubbaBowTie! Grandmas in Muumuus and Wigs! World-Weary 20-somethings, mute yet exchanging knowing glances.  In a "talent/modeling agency" in Arizona. In a strip mall?   LOL LOL.  Just NO.

Color me shocked when they told Aika she wasn't a good candidate though.  I thought the contracts would appear, stipulating the need for hundreds of acting lessons, makeup/hair coaching,  speech, presentation, yada yada.   The entire thing was another setup for our viewing pleasure, IMO.

Not that Josh doesn't WANT Aika to model. But it's gonna be via webcam for paying customers from his lonely room.   He's a schlump, isn't he?  I am guessing that even though he has no relationship with his children, he is very likely paying court-ordered child support, which is automatically deducted from his paycheck.  IOW, sorry, Aika, no new babies for you plus he's thinking your "modeling," will bring him some money, cause he's broke. I guess there are pregnant-woman fetishists out there via webcam,  but Josh won't go for that.  (The K1 visa approvals this season are truly suspect.)

I think I like Aika.  I mean, she's ultra self-conscious of her looks (the constant playing with her hair, for example) and I think her "ingenue/Im-just-a-simple-girl" shtick is phony as hell, but she doesn't give me a bad vibe, unlike Josh.   She says she's 36, maybe closer to 40, and she realizes time isn't her friend.  So she's settled for this American moron and his roommate loser friends, who will be her first webcam customers, btw.  For now, I'll give her a break.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 16
12 hours ago, PityFree said:

Evil-lyn doesn’t understand what HOSTING people means. She/David/their parents are hosting a wedding. That doesn’t  mean that you throw scraps at the guests you’re hosting and save all the good stuff for yourself.  If you can only afford a cake for your wedding party, then scrap the fancy wedding cake altogether and buy sheet cakes to serve everyone.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: she is planning a wedding she cannot afford. 

 That said, I was glad the show finally said something about her having a job and what David’s work/educational background is like.

Agreed. David's family will fly 1000 miles, pay exorbitant amounts for hotel rooms, and not even get a decent piece of cake? 

But they'll get to watch Evelyn eat hers as part of the "decorations."

2 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Never thought of that.  Ugh and gross.

And where are the Uncle's balls if he's going to allow Luis to talk like a lech in front of his niece?

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

Why is Azan with Nicole exactly? He hates her, thinks she's disgusting, doesn't respect her, has no interest in her whatsoever.  Is he really going to immigrate and marry her?  God.

And another thing, idiots!!  You are taking a small child to the beach?  How about splurging on a pail and shovel, or just an old bowl and spoon from AuntieBaaBaa's apt?  You know?  So, like, the kid, like, doesn't have to sit in the cigarette butts flailing sand over her head by the handsful.  You know?

Azan is not going to marry her.  He has waaay too many doubts about her faithfulness and he does seem truly disgusted by her eating/health habits plus he also judging of her parenting, he feels she is too loose with May.  "In my country, kids are this, kids are that."  True, but you got yourself a lower IQ girl who popped out a kid at what, 18? 19? and is in over her head and depends heavily on Mom and who feels it is fine to plug May in and give her shitty food rather than, oh I don't know......cook/prepare healthy stuff and PLAY with her?

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 5

The whole Luis situation is really upsetting.  Olivia was very inappropriate in asking him to keep her secret, however she is a teen and I can give her a pass.  Luis doesn’t understand boundaries and I believe Molly is too busy having fun with her boy to have a serious conversation about her kids and his relationship with them.  This is going sideways fast!  Keeping secrets is one of the steps in grooming someone for abuse and it scares me.  Not only will Molly overlook Luis’ behavior, she will blame Olivia for enticing him.  Unfortunately, I know this from experience.  It’s a sad situation and I really hate Olivia for putting her children at risk.  Did anyone catch Luis’ comment about “liking Molly?”  Not a good choice to bring someone who makes drug references home to your children.  Oh and excellent job there, Uncle Corn Pone!!  He should not be allowing Olivia to have her boyfriend staying over and he should have jumped down Luis’ throat for what he said.

I like Andrei.  I agree that he is being painted as a villain.  I liked that he could care whether he goes to America or not, he just wants to be with Elizabeth.  I’m so sick of Americans thinking everyone wants to be in this country.  Get over yourselves!  Many men and women would have issues with their partners going to clubs late into the evening.  His reasons were not jealousy and control.  He was worried about her safety, as a good partner should be.  And personally, I really don’t get into the whole Bachelor/Bachelorette party thing.  I think there are better ways to celebrate than drinking and strippers!  He applied the same standard to men.  I think he’s a good guy, but comes across a bit gruff.  Good for him not bowing and scraping to her family.  I can’t wait to see her father be put in his pompous place.

I love Aunt Azan!!  She was awesome!  I would have had problems with the sheep’s head, too, but if I were marrying someone from Morocco, I would do some research and prepare myself.  Eating is a way of bonding and you need to be prepared to eat a little of things you may not like and be gracious.  Of course, this is too much to ask from Nicole.  I do think Azan seems very sweet with May.  At least if he comes to the US, I think it will be positive for May, especially her diet.

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Azan is not going to marry her.  He has waaay too many doubts about her faithfulness and he does seem truly disgusted by her eating/health habits plus he also judging of her parenting, he feels she is too loose with May.

I would not blame him, he should have never taken her back after she cheated on him, that is a big mistake! 

  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


 Off topic a bit but indulge me:  the first time my kids saw my new hubby and I kiss was on OUR WEDDING DAY.  


I agree to the hundreth degree.


I agree - and it doesn't help that she has such a whiny tone:  "It is not that easy......"  "I am trying......"  Ugh.....stop whining as you are heading into Frumpy Danielle territory.  And her reasons for not cooking healthy?  "I work!"  Yeah, so do I and so do A LOT of women who are moms.  So do Dads.  I thought she worked part time as a barrista?

I don’t think she even has a kitchen in that place she lives in.  Probably goes to mom a lot along with ordering out.

Seriously doubt mom is gonna give a rats ass about feeding him healthy foods. She wants him gone.


the way things are going with them, their storyline( yes I said it) will go into the next season unless the truth comes out.  That it’s phony

8 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

Why is Azan with Nicole exactly? He hates her, thinks she's disgusting, doesn't respect her, has no interest in her whatsoever.  Is he really going to immigrate and marry her?  God.

Because Nicole has sent him $500 and then another $800 and "doesn't mind paying for things."  * She also has a green card. And for now, religion is the convenient reason that he doesn't have to touch her.

Dude will move to  to America and take some family cash, along with Nicole's, to start a gym in Florida. where he will probably end up being successful after a few years. And after a few more years, he will import his family members to employ them at the gym. And after a few more years of successful entrepreneurship and a few more gray hairs to make him look distinguished, he will find some cute gym bunny and marry her after a messy divorce from Jabba the Blond. Not a bad plan, really. ;-) 

*Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized.

  • Love 17

So on top of "borrowing" money from his friends that he never intends to pay back and leaving the bulk of child-rearing to his ex-wife, David Poor has a drinking problem?

And no, Americans don't all hide things. This guy hides things. Get it?

More beers, and more kangaroo dancing. Made me think of Rizzo's line from Grease, "Maybe you could invent the kangaroo bop?"

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 5

The fact that the Luis/Olivia/Uncle Lynyrd Skynyrd & friend scene didn't end with Uncle Lynyrd Skynyrd breaking that pool cue over Luis's back is a travesty! What kills me about it is not only that Luis is utterly inappropriate but he doesn't know when to stop. He just keeps going on and on, no matter who asks him to stop. He did it to poor Kensley about being her father. He did it at lunch asking about a 'real' boyfriend. He did it while playing pool and than in the talking head with Molly after the incident. He has no fucking chill! Frankly, I think he is sexually interested in Olivia and it makes me disgusted with him.

The lunchtime PDA was gross because it was overtly sexual. Luis had a lascivious & lustful look at his face. 

That sheep head was right out of Raiders of the Temple of Doom dinner party from hell. It looked wholly unappetizing and really what meat is to be had to fill 3 adult people and a child? Face skin, cheek meat, brains (bleck) and ears? Fuck no!! 

I think it should be noted that Andrei works as a bouncer in a bar in Ireland.  Ireland!!! Not to be stereotypical but he probably has gotten the impression that going to a club is all about drunken hookups and fights. 

Josh has been watching too much porn. He is confusing "porn hot" with "model hot." The one good thing he did this episode was get Aika to take out those gawd awful contacts. Next work on those eyebrows. Lawd, I hope they are not tattooed on. 

I like Aika.  I think she has a good head on her shoulders, decent attitude and seems to have realistic expectations, quest for a 2 carat ring notwithstanding. What she needs to be complaining about is her living situation, not her ring. 

12 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Anika has tattoos right below her lady bits,  on her inner thighs. I’d like to thank the camera crew for allowing us a floor-level view of her crotch every time she walks.

They must be using the same camera crew from My Giant Life. LOL!

Why does it always looked like Bahtless David is wearing hospital scrubs? Is is a shame that he is the best Annie can do. 

If you are at a catering hall,after the cake cutting ritual with the bride and groom, the cake is usually taken to the kitchen and cut up there so no one knows exactly whether they are getting a piece of the actual wedding cake or not so.... shoulder shrug! 

Spain David slide into a 16-17 year old's DMs so whatever son! You wanted a child, you got a child! 

7 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Because Nicole has sent him $500 and then another $800 and "doesn't mind paying for things."  * She also has a green card. And for now, religion is the convenient reason that he doesn't have to touch her.

Dude will move to  to America and take some family cash, along with Nicole's, to start a gym in Florida. where he will probably end up being successful after a few years. And after a few more years, he will import his family members to employ them at the gym. And after a few more years of successful entrepreneurship and a few more gray hairs to make him look distinguished, he will find some cute gym bunny and marry her after a messy divorce from Jabba the Blond. Not a bad plan, really. ;-) 

*Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized.

Actually it was $800, $500 and $300 so $1600. I'm thinking and hoping it was his share from being a show participant. 

  • Love 12

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