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8 hours ago, Granny58 said:

As for the quote, wow...have you actually heard that????

I heard the "already been chewed gum" lecture. It was also (on different days) compared to putting toothpaste back inside a tube, a wrecked (totaled) car, and my personal favorite - a licked cupcake that no one wants to eat. I was told that it was better to die defending myself than to be 'sullied.' Then we were told that it wouldn't be a problem if we were modest enough and didn't lead a man on. That was illustrated by 3 different stories - and in one of them, the teenager was raped by her boyfriend, but we were told all the things she did wrong to 'deserve it.' Since I had already been sexually assaulted at that point, as a small child, all of it completely threw me in a tail spin. I tried to kill myself not too long after. The first time of many attempts. Over 20 years later I still have massive issues surrounding sex and intimacy.  And this was at a 'normal', well regarded and well attended Baptist church. On the 'fundie' scale it barely scratched the surface.

If people make the *informed* decision to wait themselves, for whatever reason, more power to them. But adding pressure of the kind Evelyn has on her - where she's failed her church and her faith and her parents and everyone else if she slips up - I think that is incredibly cruel. I wish 'purity culture' would go DIAF. In addition, most (I won't say all, because I haven't been to every single one, but the vast, vast majority) places that preach/teach abstinence-only make it a point to keep teen uninformed of the things they'll need to know about. Even within a marriage, there needs to be information about sex and consequences of it. There's more than just STDs to think about. I tend to think people should just give factual information, parents should give their opinion (without pressure) on what they'd like to see happen, and then everyone should butt out unless the person in question asks for something else. I hope Evelyn has a great experience and finds her faith deepened or whatever she's hoping for, and once she's married and has sex that she comes out of it all with no hangups at all. But I don't realistically see it happening. 

  • Love 14

I think Azan's strict adherence to "Moroccan hotel room law"  is the same as Muhammad's adherence to "Muslim law" prohibiting him from kissing Danielle during Ramadan.

3 hours ago, Sprockets said:

I think Azan is a very private and self-contained person.  I think he finds Nicole irritating and exasperating, but who wouldn't?  But I do not get any sense of how he feels about Nicole, because he is not showing his emotions.  He could be madly in love with her.  

He despises her. He wants out of Morocco.

  • Love 11
58 minutes ago, ArcticWolfRS said:

And this was at a 'normal', well regarded and well attended Baptist church. On the 'fundie' scale it barely scratched the surface.

You dear lady.  I am so sorry that this happened to you.  And you know, it makes me hate Evelyn even more, that she puts a Manic Pixie Dream Girl Ingenue face on a set of attitudes and teachings that are so inherently evil.  I always have found the Purity Ring thing beyond creepy; I always have felt that there is a pedophillic aspect to it that is not appropriate for any girl.  I had a wonderful father and I loved (love) him very much.  My sexuality, and how and when I chose to express it, was none of his business.

Edited by bethster2000
The spacebar is our friend, not our foe.
  • Love 7
On 10/24/2017 at 3:58 PM, balisticnikki said:

She would definitely have to inform her housing case manager and the case manager would have to decide.

I don't think that room they show Nicole and May in is really where she lives. At all. First, section 8 would not approve something that small as an apartment for a parent and child. Second, it just looks like a motel room. I think, in reality, Nicole and May live w/ Robbalee. 

I think that Nicole doesn’t have custody of May and lives in solo subsidized housing because she is on social security disability (she’s able to work at Starbucks as long as she doesn’t make more than $1100ish a month). 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I think that Nicole doesn’t have custody of May and lives in solo subsidized housing because she is on social security disability (she’s able to work at Starbucks as long as she doesn’t make more than $1100ish a month). 

If she didn't have custody she would not be allowed to get a passport or leave the country with her. 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Excellent points.  Also, if May is not used to a stroller (and why would she be? does anyone believe Nicole walks her?) the outcome of putting her into one now would probably be dismal.  

Yes. May is almost 3, which is the age that children are encouraged to "age out" of strollers, (unless there will be a prolonged amount of walking such as a theme park), and if May hasn't ridden a stroller in a while, she probably will refuse to sit in one altogether. I dont like leashes but in this situation, Nicole is alone in a foreign country bustling with lots of people, and a toddler who may have a tendency to bolt. Safety comes first. I also think it gives the tot "just enough" freedom if they dont like/refuse holding hands when walking. 

Disclaimer: I have never leashed any of my kids. It still has a slightly wierd aura about it. 

Edited by Matias130
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

If she didn't have custody she would not be allowed to get a passport or leave the country with her. 

But the custodian (Grandma?) could have gotten the passport and given her permission to leave the country.  We've taken each of our three grandchildren individually to Europe; their parents got the passports and off we went.

  • Love 3

I'm American and I understand Azan's anxiety at putting May on a leash and having people whisper about him because of Nicole's public displays.  I would be very embarrassed to have to walk a child around on a leash.  I've raised two children and never used one.  I've never understood why parents can't manage to hold their little one's hand or carry them when they are tired.  The issue here is that Nicole who isn't too bright and doesn't seem to know how to care for her daughter, is in a foreign country with busy streets.  I guess in this situation the leash is the lesser of two evils.  That said, it would totally stress me out if I were Azan.  As others have noted, he willingly signed up for this.  Money and life in the US are the prizes for him, however I wonder if it is really is worth it. 

  • Love 2

@ArcticWolfRS   I wish there were more options for posts than just "like," such as a shocked face or a sympathy face.  Your story is horrific and I am very sorry you endured that.  Wow.   That sort of attitude that you encountered takes all the love out of faith and it's all about the laws.  Sure, okay, having an ideal is fine,  but people of (all) faiths need to remember that standards show the 100% perfection level and humans are anything but!   Knowing this, for my own son of course I would like him to wait until marriage (I'm pretty conservative and I think there are many good reasons to wait) but I'm realistic and DON'T want him to marry for sex, but rather for love.  What I do ask him to do is love the girl - REALLY love her, which means keeping her best interests in mind, and not just infatuated - and not use her.  

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, gavinmac said:

I think Azan's strict adherence to "Moroccan hotel room law"  is the same as Muhammad's adherence to "Muslim law" prohibiting him from kissing Danielle during Ramadan.

He despises her. He wants out of Morocco.

Exactly! Nicole is what is known in the nomenclature of scammers as a "pink elephant" -- a vulnerable and desperate white woman who will be easy to manipulate.

Sure, she's difficult to be around, but a self-possessed woman with a career wouldn't be nearly as pliable.

Nicole suits his purposes, and he's already got his reasons for divorcing her in the future. She's difficult and volatile. It will be easy for him to push her buttons so that she will detonate at the right times, allowing him to get restraining orders and whatever else he needs to show that he tried to make it work but she was just the worst wife ever. 

It's harder to divorce the best wife ever!

In the meantime, however, she's a huge pain in the a$$!

  • Love 4

The more I look at Molly and Olivia...the more I see why she seems so irritated. It looks like Molly can't drive, so it looks like Olivia or her uncle will be stuck chauffering Luis and/or Molly around. I don't know where she was coming from the day they had to go to the airport, but she looked like she was rushing to get home and rushing to get ready. It didn't look deliberate to spite mummy dearest. If I was 17, had to deal with a stranger my mum has known two whole months, and be her personal chauffeur/emotional crutch, I'd probably be over it as well. I'd bet money that she's used to Molly making stupid decisions where men are concerned. Where's the second daughter's father? I'm sure that's proof. On another level, Luis' arrival affects her future. Mummy is pouring all this money into caring for what is the equivalent of a third, dependent child because he cannot work, drive, or do anything. Meanwhile, she has a 17 year old who might be going to university and last time I checked, that costs quite a sum of money. Molly is putting her lady parts ahead of everything from common sense to the well being of her daughters. That whole airport scene was gag worthy. I cannot with her voice. It's so shrill and ughhhhh.

Nicole did revert to calling Azan, Hassan a few times at the end of this episode. I thought that was what I heard, but I saw in one of these threads that that is his real name. I guess the editors slipped up or thought no one would notice. The whole daddy thing is making me feel stabby. I can't get a read on Azan. He doesn't seem to like her as a person. Then again, there's not much to like. Her raising her voice at him in public was a major NO-NO. I'm surprised he didn't walk away right then and there. He corrected her and told her not to do it. Consider yourself warned. She's a spoiled, petulant child, and I'm not talking about May. I'm talking about her mummy. Aside from familial pressure or some unforeseen reason, I don't get why he'd saddle himself with Nicole. No green card is worth being abused, and as evidenced by last season, she has no problem getting physical. Imagine what it's going to be like when he's on her turf and doesn't have anybody. Nicole is the parent no one wants to co-parent with. She's the type to criticise everything he does and get mad at him for not doing xyz.

As far as the lead...in a foreign place where there are a tonne of people, a two year old running off is not a good thing. Just like in the airport when she hopped up on the luggage carousel, that scared me because what if it had started moving? She's a typical toddler who likes to explore, and she seemed to be okay with the lead on. Nicole should have been the one holding it if Azan felt uncomfortable or was worried about being judged. It was more about safety than keeping up appearances as the perfect parent. Nicole should have put her foot down on that issue. She knows her child or at least what family has told her. I wish some other parents would use leads. I was recently at an airport at 12-1 AM. There was a lady travelling by herself with two children under three and a suitcase or some type of bag. Well, she had one strapped to her, and the oldest child was walking. Well, the lady walked over the the car hire counter, but the little boy was trailing way behind because he was wagging with his backpack, blanket, etc. He dropped his stuff, and he was saying, "Mummy," but she never heard him. Someone could have easily snatched him, and she would have been none the wiser as to who did it because her back was to him. It was really busy in the area we were in. My mummy instincts kicked in, and I helped the little guy and brought him over to her. That could have been alleviated with a lead. (Also they make strollers that fold down to fit into a tote bag. GB Pockit, maybe. I bought one for a colleague who is a frequent traveller, and she said it is a life saver because it can fit into certain handbags she carries.)

Evelyn is a smug individual. My goodness. 

Aika and David. Well, I hope she's ready to live with him and all his roomies.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Azan DOES need to get over the embarrassment of the leash, if that's what May needs to stay safe. I think some of that is just lack of experience as a parent. Once you've been one for awhile, you start getting over some of that. I mean, in the beginning I used to cringe whenever my kids would have a meltdown. My face would redden, I'd get flustered, and I'd even give into my son on occasion because I couldn't stand people LOOKING at us. Now, 3 kids and 11 years later, I roll with that shit and move right along. I've danced in public, broken into song, disciplined in front of a crowd, raised my voice, unintentionally exposed body parts, etc. You learn to get over a lot of things that would have embarrassed the hell out of you in the past. 

That's kind of what I was thinking re Azan and leads for kids. Does anyone here remember way back in the early 90s when that little boy, James Bulger, was led away and murdered by those two older boy in England? It was a horrible case and the boys were seen walking with James on mall security cameras before the killed him. I remember back then experts and parents being on television saying to ignore the stigma and leash your kid if that's what it takes. Shortly after you saw kids on leads everywhere. 

  • Love 6

Nicole kept saying this trip was to see how Azan was with the kid. And now Azan can see how difficult it is to control a 2 year old. This is probably the hardest stage, between 1 and 3 years old. He doesn't know how hard it is. She barely knows because her family helps her. The two of them are starting to see how much you can fight if you disagree on parenting styles. So this argument they are having is very realistic. Now they both see throwing the kid into their "fairy tale romance" can really upset the apple cart. But no matter how much fighting and how hard it is with Mae, neither one of them is going to break up with the other so they can keep doing the show.

They both really need the money from the show.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I think that Nicole doesn’t have custody of May and lives in solo subsidized housing because she is on social security disability (she’s able to work at Starbucks as long as she doesn’t make more than $1100ish a month). 

What makes you think she is disabled?


43 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

That's kind of what I was thinking re Azan and leads for kids. Does anyone here remember way back in the early 90s when that little boy, James Bulger, was led away and murdered by those two older boy in England? It was a horrible case and the boys were seen walking with James on mall security cameras before the killed him. I remember back then experts and parents being on television saying to ignore the stigma and leash your kid if that's what it takes. Shortly after you saw kids on leads everywhere. 

IDK why ppl have such strong feelings about this. Other than this "stigma" how is a leash harming a child? Some ppl are too tall to comfortably hold their children's hands or aren't strong enough to carry them, some parents have multiple kids and can't juggle all plus shopping or whatever they're out doing, some kids don't listen due to behavioral issues or disabilities, some children are pre-verbal, so many reasons. I could never understand why, in a society where ppl sleep w/ their dogs and kiss them on the mouth and dress them in clothes, anyone would care that a child is being held close by a leash. (No, I personally did not use leashes for my kids.)

  • Love 8

These leashes are a good idea. I never used one because they didn't have these cute backpack ones when my kids were toddlers.  There is a stigma because we only have ever seen a dog on a leash. I would feel weird having my kid on a leash but I can see how this could solve a lot of problems, with a wild toddler in a busy place. The kids seem to accept them because it's a backpack. Once i was trying to garden so I tied my 2 year old to the tree on a long rope, lol. What the neighbor must have thought. My boys also never sat in a stroller, they climbed out of the high chair too. 

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

 I could never understand why, in a society where ppl sleep w/ their dogs and kiss them on the mouth and dress them in clothes, anyone would care that a child is being held close by a leash. (No, I personally did not use leashes for my kids.)

Ha! My parents' dog eats organic vegetables and farm fresh meat that my dad specially prepares for him each night. When we come over for dinner? It's frozen lasagna or greasy takeout. I'm not ashamed to say that I've been jealous of the dog's meal on more than one occasion.

I'm not a parent, but I totally agree with you. I think there's this weird culture around child rearing and parenting, where it's so sacred and delicate. Like, any tiny thing will scar them for life. Just do what works for you and your child. In this case, I think the leash is actually the smartest thing Nicole has done on the show, because Mae is hyper, and Nicole is slow.


  • Love 11
2 hours ago, balisticnikki said:



IDK why ppl have such strong feelings about this. Other than this "stigma" how is a leash harming a child? Some ppl are too tall to comfortably hold their children's hands or aren't strong enough to carry them, some parents have multiple kids and can't juggle all plus shopping or whatever they're out doing, some kids don't listen due to behavioral issues or disabilities, some children are pre-verbal, so many reasons. I could never understand why, in a society where ppl sleep w/ their dogs and kiss them on the mouth and dress them in clothes, anyone would care that a child is being held close by a leash. (No, I personally did not use leashes for my kids.)


Exactly. Its a backpack harness and a string. While I dont leash mine, I dont judge or give looks when I see leashed kids, usually its at the mall or busy places, and typically because the toddler has a tendency to run away.

The home theatre techqnician (cable guy ????) definitely looks like he has done some hard time. He's a good looking guy, in a "blue-collar" way and I mean that in the best way possible. Aika looks different than the average Fillipina woman we have seen on this show; she looks like she spends a loootttttt of $$$$ on makeup and clothes. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Normades said:

I would be very embarrassed to have to walk a child around on a leash.  I've raised two children and never used one.  I've never understood why parents can't manage to hold their little one's hand or carry them when they are tired.  The issue here is that Nicole who isn't too bright and doesn't seem to know how to care for her daughter, is in a foreign country with busy streets.  I guess in this situation the leash is the lesser of two evils. 

As I said in a prior thread, my mom was often out alone (my dad worked odd hours).  If she wasn't alone, we had her mother with us.  My grandmother had her kids late in life, so my mom was in her 20's but her mom was pushing 70.  She had a ton of health issues, and often needed help getting around.  She didn't drive.  My grandfather would take all the overtime he could get because she didn't work and her health issues were costly, so he often worked Saturdays, and my mom's brothers were usually sleeping a hangover off (they lived at home until both parents died).  So it was up to my mom to take her mom for her weekend shopping.  My mom was a fantastic mom and very attentive, and I was mostly a good kid, but that time around 2-3 years old can be tough. Back in my day, it was a wrist strap with a coiled cord, and the other strap went around my mom's wrist.  It made it so that if she had to turn around to help her mom, I couldn't bolt far.  If she had to take her mom to the bathroom, or help her in a fitting room, I couldn't bolt far.  If she had to help her mom in or out of the car, it made it so I couldn't bolt in to traffic.  And also, I eventually learned it was pointless/not fun to bolt, and that helped.  If people say they wouldn't leash their kids, fine.  But it bothers me that people equate it to lazy parenting, or kids being dogs, etc.  But yet a kid crawls in to a gorilla enclosure, and we're told "Don't judge!  Kids can bolt in the blink of an eye".  

3 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

IDK why ppl have such strong feelings about this. Other than this "stigma" how is a leash harming a child? Some ppl are too tall to comfortably hold their children's hands or aren't strong enough to carry them, some parents have multiple kids and can't juggle all plus shopping or whatever they're out doing, some kids don't listen due to behavioral issues or disabilities, some children are pre-verbal, so many reasons. I could never understand why, in a society where ppl sleep w/ their dogs and kiss them on the mouth and dress them in clothes, anyone would care that a child is being held close by a leash. (No, I personally did not use leashes for my kids.)


  • Love 5
19 hours ago, Gigglepuff said:

Strollers are available there, they just aren't used in the old areas. Seriously, you'll see donkeys pulling carts, the streets are crazily crowded, there are stalls and bins of produce and spices all over the place that you'd constantly have to dodge; it's like you've traveled back in time. I didn't have kids with me when I was there, but from what I remember the tourists with small kids either held their hand or had them in a backpack. May looks like a handful and the crowded streets of a medina in Morocco are the last place Nicole should be testing her parenting skills. 


As far as Molly and Olivia goes. Poor Olivia has probably had to be her mother's emotional support system every time one of Molly's relationship goes south. Poor girl. She's had to be the adult and instead of Molly consoling her over teen heartbreak and first loves, Olivia has to pick up the pieces for her mother. It really seems like role reversal to me. 


Evelyn is smug and annoying. Can't stand that girl. I don't have much to say other than that. 

She reminds me of Audrey Roloff and her irritating AF demeanor.  She is just SO SPECIAL and knows everything.  As someone who hears live music a lot including singer/songwriter stuff, she SUCKS!  Whoever told her that she has a good voice seriously is a lying liar who lies.  

  • Love 8

I see nothing wrong with leashes.  They weren't really a thing when I was growing up, but since I had a fun time in restaurants ducking under the table and exploring, it probably would have been a good idea.  Azan is caught up in the classic non-parent thought that they know how to do it better.  Yes, I'm sure most children in Morocco do act differently, but they've been raised since birth to do so, not like 20 minutes into the first outing with strange people in a strange place.  He can make Nicole hold the leash.  It's not like he's not already on display with her and the cameras. 


As a non-parent myself, I also support the use of child muzzles, but those have yet to catch on.  :)

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, AZChristian said:

But the custodian (Grandma?) could have gotten the passport and given her permission to leave the country.  We've taken each of our three grandchildren individually to Europe; their parents got the passports and off we went.

She clearly didn't want Mae to go so this seems unlikely. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Nicole doesn't have full custody of Mae. 

  • Love 4

Evelyn is literally a virgin who can't drive and she is smug. David seems normal but he also reminds me of Lyle Menendez. Plus, I doubt he is a virgin. Many folks who profess purity (at least when I was teen / in college) had loose standards as to what acts were ok to parlay in.

Normally I would not criticize a mother on this but Nicole telling Azan how to parent her child  after christening him May's (new) daddy was ridiculous but, then again so is Nicole.

I am embarrassed for Molly. Olivia already knows what her mother is but the younger one does not. It is really bothersome that Molly has her youngest all excited about a man that she barely knows. There are people who won't introduce their kids to someone they have seriously dated for several months.

  • Love 9

I've just been catching up on the spinoff "Before the 90 Days", and if any of you folks haven't seen that one yet (I didn't know it existed until 3 days ago) - it's a doozie. Please do yourselves a favor and start watching immediately.

I bring that up, because Darcy reminds me a lot of Molly, yet her daughters had such a different reaction to their mom flying off to meet some stranger. I know there's a slight age difference, but it makes me wonder if there's more to the Molly story - if maybe she's done this so many times, that Olivia is now traumatized by the many men that have come and gone. Or maybe Molly just isn't as great a mom as she claims...? I'm not saying Olivia's reaction isn't justified (totally is!) - just made me curious if there was more to it that we're not being shown/told.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

You dear lady.  I am so sorry that this happened to you.  And you know, it makes me hate Evelyn even more, that she puts a Manic Pixie Dream Girl Ingenue face on a set of attitudes and teachings that are so inherently evil.  I always have found the Purity Ring thing beyond creepy; I always have felt that there is a pedophillic aspect to it that is not appropriate for any girl.  I had a wonderful father and I loved (love) him very much.  My sexuality, and how and when I chose to express it, was none of his business.

It doesn’t make me hate Evelyn even more, because this mentality has been drummed into her since day one as The Way Things Oughtta Be. It makes me hate these damaging aspects of the purity culture that have caused further shame and damage to people like @ArcticWolfRS who I just want to hug right now. My heart broke for her even more to learn that she may not have made it to being able to share her story with us.

Evelyn is  barely ‘legal’, very insulated, and hasn’t been around long enough on this earth do develop much in the way of critical thinking skills beyond the pat, scripted answers and lines she’s been programmed to follow.  Most of us posting here are decades older, holding a girl child or kidukt to the task of being in the same place we all are now.

Evelyn isn’t likely to attend university or take part in any activity that might allow her more opportunities to see how some of this plays out. She’s only going to be spared the pitfalls of ‘slipping up’ by marrying so young while living st home in a twin bed, and she’ll think that entitles her to be even more smug about it, rather than having any or much empathy for those damaged by the more destructive and hurtful aspects such teachings have done to others.

She’ll be held up by her church as a shining example of “how it worked for me and you, too, can have the same happy ending”.  I sadly know of many “nice girls who waited (some into their 30s)”’, good, kind, decent, godly young women who met a controlling shit heel at church, married him, and then divorced because they were fearing for their lives physically abused or were married to lazy, shiftless bums who refused to work, or drank themselves into a stupor all day long. These poor girls did everything right too, Evelyn. I pray David is decent to you.

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, Sugar said:

I've just been catching up on the spinoff "Before the 90 Days", and if any of you folks haven't seen that one yet (I didn't know it existed until 3 days ago) - it's a doozie. Please do yourselves a favor and start watching immediately.

I bring that up, because Darcy reminds me a lot of Molly, yet her daughters had such a different reaction to their mom flying off to meet some stranger. I know there's a slight age difference, but it makes me wonder if there's more to the Molly story - if maybe she's done this so many times, that Olivia is now traumatized by the many men that have come and gone. Or maybe Molly just isn't as great a mom as she claims...? I'm not saying Olivia's reaction isn't justified (totally is!) - just made me curious if there was more to it that we're not being shown/told.

There’s a whole forum for Before the 90 Days, bet you’d enjoy!

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

She reminds me of Audrey Roloff and her irritating AF demeanor.  She is just SO SPECIAL and knows everything.  As someone who hears live music a lot including singer/songwriter stuff, she SUCKS!  Whoever told her that she has a good voice seriously is a lying liar who lies.  

He folks probably told all her life how wonderful she was and how her poop dont stink. Now she is a horrible brat who needs to be brought down to earth.

I wonder if when they actually have sex if she will give him instructions? Or maybe do it in song?

  • Love 4

When 90 Day Fiance first started, the Americans were the only ones paid because the spouses wouldn't have received their work permits yet, and therefore couldn't be legally paid. Azan is in his country and being filmed there. I don't believe he would be doing this if Nicole is the only one to be paid. He doesn't like her, has shown outright disgust at her behavior, and I doubt his family thinks he should continue on with her, I think he is sucking up this trip for payment but doesn't plan on continuing his relationship with Nicole otherwise. As long as the show is around, he'll continue to play a part, but doesn't even come across as wanting to leave Morocco. 

We've only seen limited amounts of Nicole's siblings, but they are nothing like her. Whatever is wrong with Nicole isn't a result of bad parenting because the siblings are also at their wits ends with her. 

With May being so young, Nicole probably would be in a single unit because the young children aren't deemed to need their own bedroom space. She would just have to put a crib in the room at first, May wouldn't need her own bed until around now. BTW, last year, May was spelled Mae and May with Mae being more often, and that's why we were spelling her name that way.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Christina said:

 As long as the show is around, he'll continue to play a part, but doesn't even come across as wanting to leave Morocco. 


Almost all young single men in Morocco want to leave Morocco. They desperately pile onto rickety boats to try to leave Morocco.

Azan was on that dating website chatting up mentally stunted, physically unattractive American women solely because he wants to leave Morocco.

  • Love 4
On 10/26/2017 at 6:19 PM, biakbiak said:

She clearly didn't want Mae to go so this seems unlikely. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Nicole doesn't have full custody of Mae. 

Nicole may have full legal custody of her daughter but I doubt the kid is with her most of the time. She is bounced between grandparents. Her studio apartment barely has any child items. 

On 10/26/2017 at 10:38 AM, balisticnikki said:

What makes you think she is disabled?

An intellectual disability. 

  • Love 1

I did not think Azan was telling Nicole how to parent, he just didn’t want the child running off in the market or the street.  I didn’t see her running after Mae.  I don’t think Nicole can run or carry the child for very long.  

He looked totally embarrassed when Nicole was talking back to him loudly in the market.  Everyone was looking at them and they were drawing a lot of attention.  Walking with the blonde, pink, blob will do that to you.  She is really being a “B” to him this season!

  • Love 24

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