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S19.E39: Finale, Winner Revealed


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14 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I thought for sure Josh blew it when he evicted xmas.  I almost wish Julie would quiz the jury like Peachy does in Survivor as to the other choice.  I think Josh still would have won, but not as close.


I hated all 3 of them, so it would have been real hard to choose.  Josh at least needed the money more and probably at least has the better capacity to change.  I really hope his family and friends show him how unacceptable his behavior was many times.

Oh Hana,

I know what you mean so much. I feel you so much. I suspect that most of the audience knows what you mean and what you feel as well. Isn't it time to cancel this POS? At the very least, I think it sure is time to stop watching it.

  • Love 1

All season long I've been listening to Josh say, "I've GOT to win this comp!  I've GOT to play my game!  I'm thinking about making my move!"  A montage would be hilarious.  So his grand finale argument is to reveal he's secretly a BB mastermind?  Uh-huh.  What's this water on my leg?  Is it raining?


1 hour ago, Mnemosyne said:

Paul should have owned up to his game  during the jury questions. Trying to deny it did him no favors.

I loved Cody's reaction to winning AFH.

Please let all of these people fade into the ether now.


1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Paul went down to the wire trying to avoid any BOHH - when in reality, acknowledging the bloodstains would have undoubtedly served him better.

I don't understand why he didn't!  "Yes, I played you.  It wasn't personal--it had to be done."  What's the percentage in trying to tapdance and sugarcoat it now?  I don't have a good memory for these things, but I seem to remember Paul suddenly turning stupid and blundering with his jury appeal against that whiny girl last season, too.  Man, talk about choking in the home stretch.


And those idiot jury members stammering around, trying to draw a distinction between lying x amount as necessary to win the game, but they're not going to vote for a guy who lied extra.  STFU.  You sucked at BB, you got revenge against someone else for being better at it than you, go home.

Edited by candall
  • Love 9

It was hilarious watching Raven cling so tightly to Paul's arm at the end.  She thought she was being supportive, yet he probably wanted to swat her away.  Wait until she finds out how Paul talked about her. 

I can't help but think Julie revealed her true feelings for Paul by pointing out he's the bridesmaid.  I may have giggled a little.

12 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

 I know I'm over it.

Strangely, Paul's loss has reinforced my love for the show.  I will definitely return in the winter. 

Will we have the feeds available as well?  If "celebrities" agree to the 24/7 feeds, they must really be bottom of the barrel celebrities.

  • Love 21

I joked about Spicey being on Celeb BB when Julie first announced it. I would love it but I was kidding. Then Spicey appers on The Emmy Awards (which was hilarious for the site af  completely caught off guard hollywood t.v./movie folk that didn't know how to react with the cameras on them;melissa mccarthy seemed especially confused). So, maybe he will do Celeb BB after all.

I wonder how long it took them to get Paul out of the BB House. When they were going to commercial he still wasn't out.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Diana Berry said:

You could tell Paul was giving him an earful when they went to break.  

I am so unbelievably sad there isn't one more episode because I feel like this probably would have been the most entertaining conversation of the entire season! Paul looked absolutely horrified during that segment. It clearly never even occurred to him to worry about the goodbye messages.

57 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

What is with Will looking young in face, but letting the hair grey? i am confused. 

Agreed. The Botox with the grey just looks weird.

  • Love 9
19 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I am wondering will Paul come back next year? 

Please don't put that out into the universe!

Anyway, I think Paul's ego is far too fragile to try again.  After all, he's living the life of a "rock star" and "clothing designer" in his parents' mansion and getting free laundry service.  Why would he risk it again?

My true fear is seeing Paul in the "celebrity" version.  God knows he thinks he's a superstar, and the AG (that bitch!) may agree with him.  He would pretend to be nobly suffering, like those who do back to back Survivors.  Now that would be interesting!  I want to see Paul starving on the beach, unable to prance around in the mirror and put glitter in his beard, and no endless DRs for him to pontificate for.  Paul for Survivor!

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I can't believe Paul got so pissy at Josh during the montage of Josh's goodbye speeches. He was telling the truth! 


Our dying swan sure glommed on to Paul at the last segment because she knew she would get camera time.

Yeah Paul had to be the ONLY one playing at all and how dare Josh find a way to get his position and pov out to the others?  How DARE Josh play the game! 

It was like Paul was all season.  No one but him could have an independent thought or play to win themselves.  His constant shaking his head back and forth endlessly in denial during the whole Josh diary segment looked totally whack.  Surprised his head didn't unscrew on the spot.

Haven't felt this good about a reality show winner since Sandra won over Russell Hantz.  Because this really was the BB version of that win and Sandra is my all-time Survivor favorite.  So great night.

As to Raven "gloming" (love your choice of words) I thought it was hilarious.  Paul looked like he was ready to throw up on live TV and Raven, who nobody liked including Paul, is latched onto his arm like a leech from the swamp.  It was like the final humiliation of one of the biggest, most cruel for cruelty's sake, bullies ever on BB.  I liked him at the beginning but his way of treating his targets was downright sadistic and had nothing to do with game play.  And Karma knew it and took him down a peg.

Meanwhile Christmas, who claimed to be voting "strategically" (hahahaha) -- aka she wanted to be the glomer with Paul after he became a half millionaire like she was gloming constantly in house with him the last couple of weeks -- suddenly shifted to gloming onto Josh.  (Run, Josh.  Run very fast and very far away).

Congrats to Josh.  Whatever his faults he has shown growth and he seems very close to his family and is a good kid at heart.

PS:  Loved the clips they ran of all the jury members "trusting Paul".  Cameron made some of the best comments of the night.  Too bad he never really got to play.

Oh also just want to say I am sure the producers are so relieved how the finale went.  They were showing big time major buyer's remorse for well over a month and Paul losing gives them the ending they wanted and the bump they will get online and on entertainment shows.  They clearly did not want Paul to win by August I'd say and they are probably celebrating like crazy now having just avoided the minefield they themselves had planted their show in.  I hope they have learned their lesson now.

Edited by green
  • Love 23
17 minutes ago, green said:

Meanwhile Christmas, who claimed to be voting "strategically" (hahahaha) -- aka she wanted to be the glomer with Paul after he became a half millionaire like she was gloming constantly in house with him the last couple of weeks -- suddenly shifted to gloming onto Josh.  (Run, Josh.  Run very fast and very far away).

I noticed that too.  She really is a trip.

  • Love 3
On 9/13/2017 at 8:17 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yep. I think the F2 will be Josh and Paul and Josh will win because of jury anger toward Paul.

Called it. ?

Raven's hair was interesting. Was she trying let it dread? And I thought her boyfriend Matt was trying too hard to prove he actually has a personality.

Geez, Alex. How is she, 12? What was with all the mugging at the jury roundtable?

Seemed to me like in the jury segment they went back and made the houseguests say more positive things about Josh. I guess maybe Production realized there was a real chance Josh would win the final HOH.

Christmas didn't seem like she wanted F2 and was sweating that Josh would pick her. 

So Paul's final strategy was to try to gaslight the jury? Ya played yourself.

Cody got to put the final knife in Paul's back. I can respect that. Thanks, Production.

As long as they don't bring another vet back to play next summer (looking at you, Christmas) I guess I won't be writing this fakakte show off after all.

Congrats, Josh!

  • Love 6

After such a horrible season, I was deliriously happy to see Josh win and Cody get AFP! With that many votes, I wonder if they did count some of ours even if we didn't have CBS all access!

Thank you to all of you that posted on here regularly. Your comments on here were more entertaining  than the show itself and kept me watching the show!

Edited by Uwbadgmad
  • Love 8

Paul calling Josh cowardly was rich. Paul barely owned up to anything in this game. People will claim bitter jury but Paul played himself, as others have said. The point of the game is to evict and keep the goodwill or or at least the respect of those you evict. He overplayed in a mean way, and it cost him. 

He had plenty of advantages this season and he still lost....again. I'd say that's on him. 

Raven with her duck lips and rubbing all over Paul...ugh. May neither of them show up on TV again. Same with Matt, Xmas and Alex. Horrible people. Maybe they can use their jury stipends to buy some self-awareness.

Thank goodness this horrid season is over.

Looking forward to Z-list BB as a nice palate cleanser.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 17

This was great.  At the point there was a tie vote and you see Paul's face as he's realizing there's one vote left and it's Cody...my boyfriend only catches snippets while I'm watching Big Brother but I look over and he is just cracking up!  Then we spent the next 5 minutes laughing at Paul's loss.  I thought to myself wow from such terrible options we actually got the best outcome,  only thing that could make it better is Cody wins afp .  And then  that happened too.  10 minutes of redemption to a dumpster fire of a BB season.

Edited by sunshinelover
  • Love 17

A thing of Beauty is a (not Xmas-) Joy Forever.  No, it didn't redeem the season, but it came as close as it possibly could.

I still revile Josh on multiple levels (although it's interesting to find out that he's a legitimate superfan; I thought that one DR where he name-checked Vanessa/Derrick/Dan might have been fed to him by Production, but apparently not), but it was absolutely wonderful to see Paul lose, again, by one vote, again, and for the exact same reason:  his horrible, horrible, jury management skills.

I mean, what can top seeing Paul dissolve into a tiny pile of bearded pout when he's watching Josh's goodbye messages?  "Wait, what?  You're allowed to use your goodbye messages to mend fences and win over the Jurors??  Why does nobody tell me these things???  PISSED!"

The only better thing would have been if we could have seen Paul's face when he wasn't even in the Top 3 for America's Favorite Player, not to mention when Cody, of all people, wins it.  (I don't just think that was anti-Paul voting, either; Cody was great in the Jury House segments last week.)

Oh, and let's not forget this:


PAUL (during Jury Questions):  I don't understand why people are saying I orchestrated stuff.  I was just trying to keep myself safe.

PAUL (five minutes later, in his final plea):  I totally controlled this entire game!

Even this Jury wasn't so stupid as to fall for that.  Although I was scared that Cody's "I'm going to keep my word" meant that he'd decided that if Paul made it to the end, he deserved to win.  Thankfully, I was wrong.

Part 2 of the HoH was one of the best comps in a good long time.  (And, with a combined time of 3.11.00 , it did in fact take a good loooooong time.)  Big ups to Heath Luman for that, to say nothing of the BB photographer for getting those hilarious pics that were adapted for the comp.  Jillian's in particular cracked me up.

Dr. Will watch: omg, he's gone grey!  Second thought:  He still looks fine, though.  Third thought:  Damn, I'm getting old.

Mark really, really hates Raven.  He probably deserved a Top 3 AFP spot for that, alone. 

And I loved the bit at the end, where Julie is saying goodbye and Elena is mugging for the camera, and then Raven sees her doing it and tries to out-mug her.  Because Elena is an honest attention whore, if such a thing exists.  Whereas even Raven's fakery is itself a big fake.  Pathetic.  (Okay, I hate Raven, too.)

I agree that DoorMatt was the most useless HG in several years.

Cody and Jessica looked really sweet together.  (Her chocolate-vanilla extensions aside.)  I wouldn't want them to rush into anything (if only for young Paisley's sake), but BB Wedding #4 doesn't seem too unlikely.  Loved that he pulled the curtain back on how Production had told him he couldn't rush across the aisle to grab her; loved how she leapt into his arms at the first opportunity (as Josh came out of the House).

Excited for Celeb BB in the winter (although the "guest list" will probably suck…and if we're using ex-Trump flunkies, I'm definitely picking Scaramucci over Spicer…), and a bit sad that there's no OTT #2 in the fall.

But not as sad as Paul is, tonight!  Cry, BobbleBeard, cry!  Your tears are sweet delight to me! Yessssssss!!

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 18
3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

One thing I noticed at the end is that Kevin looked so sad. Maybe he just wanted to go home.

Maybe he finally realized what was really going on with Paul and he realized just how he would be seen by all the people he knows. He would have been seen like a real fool deserving of ZERO respect.

Poor deluded fool. People likely never realized he was so stupid. He cannot be respected for being willing to finish in Second Place when First Place would be won by such a fucking Creep Asshole.

13 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

My fave moment was the look Paul got on his face like he caught his scrotum in his zipper and the way his face scrunched up while he whined and whimpered  " not againnnn...not AGAINNNN."


Oh yes. It was a thing of beauty for sure.

Another good moment was actually not exactly a moment. It was the fact that no one at all ever spoke with Dullian or ever asked her any questions. No one cared what she had to say and that was very understandable.

She has some friends (or maybe she has two Ghost IDs) that posted on several boards all during the summer about how wonderful and fascinating she is. It was all a complete load of bull crap. She is a big ZERO and not at all any use in this game. I hope she goes away and we never see her again. Just a big ZERO. Why would she ever have participated in this game when she knows nothing about how to play. So sad. Stupid woman.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 1
On 9/20/2017 at 10:07 PM, asabovesobelow said:

Paul totally deserved the win but I’m actually glad he didn’t get it. He overplayed his hand it and it went to his head. 

For all those who voted Cody for AFP because of the zero fucks he gives, congrats! Zero were given for his win as well.

I was embarrassed for Christmas and her  dumb final question. We get it, you’re friends. At least make it look like there was a game going on too.

I disagree that Cody didn't care. We all know he isn't a animated or overly emotional guy. And Cody being dumbstruck that he won the AFP seemed 100 percent genuine. I don't know what anyone else would expect from him.


Based on gameplay, Paul deserved to win. He had tons of help in the beginning but the cast not figuring out that Paul was a need go is on them. But, gameplay is half the battle. His jury management was trash. These people still have to vote for you and bitter jury is always a thing.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

[Jillian] is a big ZERO and not at all any use in this game.

Well, not as big a zero as she was, pre-Tijuana.

That said, I did spend the first few episodes struggling not to think of her as "Lianne".  She always did seem unnecessary and disposable.  And so, she was disposed of, early on.  Probably for the worse, given who remained…but scarcely unmerited.

3 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

[Cody's] being dumbstruck that he won the [AFP] money seemed 100 percent genuine.

It's so nice that he'll spend it to help Callie (his baby-mama) take care of their daughter.  And here Raven probably thought she had that trip to Sweden all paid for, in advance.

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Well, not as big a zero as she was, pre-Tijuana.

That said, I did spend the first few episodes struggling not to think of her as "Lianne".  She always did seem unnecessary and disposable.  And so, she was disposed of, early on.  Probably for the worse, given who remained…but scarcely unmerited.

It's so nice that he'll spend it to help Callie (his baby-mama) take care of their daughter.  And here Raven probably thought she had that trip to Sweden all paid for, in advance.


Hello. Nice to meet you. I wish you would have been more active during this season. This season was such a dreadful bore. So difficult to maintain interest. Production must accept most of the blame for that. Or maybe it was all due to the terrible casting. This could be a good show. But they need to shake up the production staff. The current staff has let us all down in a very big way. Sigh.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Whereas even Raven's fakery is itself a big fake.  Pathetic.  (Okay, I hate Raven, too.)

Oh, indeed!  It might be interesting to check in on her periodically in the future. She is one of the most bizarre people I have ever seen or gotten to know - even just in a tiny way.  She could well evolve into some kind of serial killer or mass murderer. There is just no way to know. But she is definitely unique among the criminal population.  She may well disappear into a semi-normal life. Or, ... she may become a truly prolific mass murderer. This creature seems to be capable of most anything.

I just thank God that she is truly not very clever. She really is kind of dim-witted. If she was truly clever, many of us might be in a whole lot of trouble.  I think she is capable of doing all kinds of really serious harm to people. She may well develop into a very wicked creature.  The worst thing about her is that it's almost impossible to understand her mind. Given that, it's going to be very difficult for anyone to catch her in any evil deeds and slap the cuffs on her. She may well get away with all kinds of harmful acts before she is stopped and charged. But she definitely is going to make news until she is stopped.

Next time you hear of some mysterious crimes where people are hurt for no apparent reason, I would suggest you think about Raven and maybe even try to notify someone about her. Can't really say she is a likely suspect. But, you sure can tell them to review this TV show and see for themselves. Despite not being very clever, she will always remain - potentially - a very dangerous woman. Even if she doesn't hurt anyone physically, there is just no telling what that evil mind may get up to. I would bet that one day she will suffer some kind of serious rejection (either from a lover or a job or some financial situation) and when that happens .... LOOK OUT WORLD!!!

I'm not seriously suggesting that anyone send letters to police in her home town. But if she moves to some new city and that is then followed by reports of strange harmful crimes or activities, it may well be worth the effort just to make sure someone knows about this lunatic lady.

As Kurt Cobain used to ask, "How do you sleep at night?"

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 1

The guy who lied in his goodbye messages because he was too scared to own his game called someone else cowardly. Paul really is a delusional little toad. 

Cody saying "I'm keeping my word" when he voted. Wonder what that was in reference to. Maybe a pact he made with Mark and Elena to not vote for Paul? 

An excellent finale for an otherwise dreadful season. 

Bring on Celebrity BB. 

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 16
54 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Granted, without that three week free from eviction gift, maybe Paul isn't in the game.  It is hard to tell, because the house was full of people that didn't seem to want to play the game.

Paul would have been on the hot sat in week one and probably would have been gone if it was not for the three weeks of safety. Toss in the friendship bracelets that forced the house guests to suck up to Paul on day one and Paul was set up to go far because Production thought it would make for a good game. I think Production regretted that decision pretty quickly.

  • Love 11

I started the night planning to mostly watch the Masterchef finale and just switch over to BB during commercials. But as it turned out, BB kept my interest more. 

I was thrilled when Josh won, which totally shocks me considering I despised him back the first week when he was harassing Megan. But I really hated Paul more and did not want him to win. Can't believe Christmas didn't even seem to want Josh to pick her. Maybe she was terrified of having to make the final speeches and answer jury questions.

I'm ok with Cody winning AFP. But I also would have been fine if Kevin had won, simply as a sympathy vote for him having to put up with the bulling and isolation all season.

  • Love 5

Celebrity BB?

Usually, celebs are no fun at all because they are egomaniacs who only want to talk about themselves and expect everyone else to talk about nothing but themselves. So when you put a bunch of them into a house, they will all be unhappy because everyone won't be spending all their time talking about only one of them.

Also, they think of themselves as being the center of the universe and they are not willing to deal with the reality of getting on with others and then voting them out. No matter what is going on in the house (no matter whether it is competitions, votes, discussions, etc.) there is only one thought on all their minds and it is the very same thought. It is:

ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME! 

Not at all entertaining. Just another season of shit from the producer who uses her own "gut" to produce this shit. If she would ever use a focus group and ask others what would be entertaining, she might actually produce something good. But when deciding what to do in any season, she only has one thought on her mind and it is:

ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME!  ME! 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Otherkate said:

It's weird that with all the assholes in that house, somehow I still ended up hating that walking cereal box, Matt, the most. 

I cannot explain to you how badly I wanted Mark to launch himself off that couch and beat Matt's laughing, wide-eyed, condescending ass down.  There's no way I could keep my cool in an argument with that douchebag.  But Mark's complete rage and disdain for him and Raven was the absolute best part of the finale for me lol.

8 hours ago, green said:

Yeah Paul had to be the ONLY one playing at all and how dare Josh find a way to get his position and pov out to the others?  How DARE Josh play the game!  It was like Paul was all season.  No one but him could have an independent thought or play to win themselves.  His constant shaking his head back and forth endlessly in denial during the whole Josh diary segment looked totally whack.  Surprised his head didn't unscrew on the spot.

Right?!  I was like, "Why are you shaking your head?  He's telling the truth!"  I mean, the jury's votes had already been cast at that point, why keep lying?

2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

ETA:  I felt bad for Cameron, I don't know why some members of the jury laughed at him.  I was hoping that he would win AFP.  I thought Cody acted like an ass both inside and outside of the BB house.  I hate to see him rewarded for it.

ITA.  What he said was spot on, it was insanely frustrating to watch these morons all do Paul's bidding instead of playing the game for themselves.  So I don't know what the laughter was about, but it annoyed me.

Hated the final three, but oh well...it still kind of felt like an F-U to production, who had Paul set up for the win all season, so I'm okay with the outcome.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

It was hilarious watching Raven cling so tightly to Paul's arm at the end.  She thought she was being supportive, yet he probably wanted to swat her away.  Wait until she finds out how Paul talked about her. 

Knowing her delusional ass, she'll end up thinking he HAD to talk about her that way, it was all game play, to cover up the fact that THEY had the tightest bond in the house. Bahahaha

3 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

ITA.  What he said was spot on, it was insanely frustrating to watch these morons all do Paul's bidding instead of playing the game for themselves.  So I don't know what the laughter was about, but it annoyed me.

I'm with you guys as well. Cameron seemed like someone who was really a fan and enjoyed the game and wanted a chance to actually TRY. Being booted immediately and having to watch all those simpering sycophants do Paul's bidding would have driven me mad. 

  • Love 11

I love how Dr. Will was blowing smoke up everyone in the backyard interviews.  He told Raven that she "controlled" the Jury Round Table.  You know, aside from the part where pretty much everyone there laughed in her face and then voted the other way…

And yet I would be that she will go to her grave (any day now! Honest, y'all!) without ever getting that joke.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

You could tell Paul was giving him an earful when they went to break.  

But the best thing in that small segment was that Josh was looking Paul squarely in the eyes and not backing down, or worse - crying.  Seemed like Josh had a couple of things to say back to Paul in that moment as well.


10 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Our dying swan sure glommed on to Paul at the last segment because she knew she would get camera time.

I was rolling, watching her stroke Paul's arm to soothe his shattered gnome ego, while also beaming at the cameras.  I'm surprised Christmas didn't whack her upside the hair extensions with her crutch and move in as Paul's official comforter - but oh, that's right - she was too busy glomming onto the winner.  RUN JOSH RUN.


9 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Strangely, Paul's loss has reinforced my love for the show.  I will definitely return in the winter. 

Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one.  And since I recently discovered Rob Has a Podcast, I am all in.  


7 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I mean, what can top seeing Paul dissolve into a tiny pile of bearded pout when he's watching Josh's goodbye messages?  "Wait, what?  You're allowed to use your goodbye messages to mend fences and win over the Jurors??  Why does nobody tell me these things???  PISSED!"

I can understand that Paul possibly went into his first season having not watched previously, but did he not even watch his own season?  The fact that he didn't own his lies and attempt to soothe the wrath of the jury in his final speech after hearing the bitter questions - that's all on him.  To quote a phrase I never want to hear again - "he played himself."

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 10

I told yall weeks ago Josh was going to win this game.  I knew when he won his first HOH and heard how knowledgeable he was that he would go this far.  I was definitely scared Josh pulled a Cody BB16.  Yet Josh turned into Ian Terry BB14.  But thankfully Paul's jury management was ass!  It was very similar to Dan second time playing.  Paul also underestimate the jury and Josh and he didn't own his game in the Q/A. 

It was wonderful seeing Paul lose.  Hope this keeps away vets for awhile til we get fresh blood a few seasons. I need a break from fuckin vets. 

I didn't care Cody won AFP.  Sorry not sorry.  His Transphobe comment about Audrey/Ferguson comments were gross plus he was bland as fuck.  I voted for Josh AFP in case he didn't make f3.  Jessica trying to read the jury was comedy since she had all the power and botched her HOH run.   But the network, Julie, and producers loves and gasses her up like she's Janelle or Dani D.  So there's my Jody distaste.  

For a mediocre season,  glad the superfan won and the production fav got screwed because he didn't own his game.  Plus Josh being the first POC to win since Jun is great.  I will relish in the moment because With BB you'll never know when It'll  happen again.  Anyhow let this be a lesson to hgs jury management = social game = VOTES! 

See ya bb celebrity! 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

Paul's face on seeing Josh's DR goodbye messages - the ONLY thing he couldn't control and didn't know anything about.  It really was quite funny.

Cameron (or whatever his name is) said it best - two many showmances right off the bat and no one really played the game from then on.   I wonder what they think when they go home and watch the show (if they do?)  Paul was quite condescending about most of them in his DR's.

Anyway, after a lackluster and predictable summer, the finale was a total blast!

  • Love 15

I almost forgot.  I had a love/hate thing for Alex all season.  Glad she saved her petty for final act to make sure Paul didn't get her vote.  Paul made a critical error there.  He had her sold on F2 all summer and stabbed her in the back late.  One of my favorite answers Josh gave was he cut Alex to make sure she didn't win the game.  It stroked her ego since she's a gamer and thought she was hot shit.  Alex gave Josh the game ?

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 13

Strangely, Paul's loss has reinforced my love for the show.  I will definitely return in the winter. 

Me too. What this season showed me is what a mindfuck this show is. If you told me the first week, the kid who cries at the drop of a hat and who sold out his team for immunity would win, and that I'd be sort of okay with it, I wouldn't have believed you. Also what is so great is how small decisions have huge consequences. Imagine if Jess hadn't listened to Cody (as much as I like him) and had replaced Ramses with Paul during her HoH week. That would have changed the entire game. And, watching their reactions as the votes were read was raw emotion. A lot of these shows are fake, but that was raw and authentic.

ITA on all of you who said Paul "outplayed" himself.  I think the lies in the goodbye messages epitomize this.  He would have been better served if he just gave neutral goodbyes, or even owned up to some of his actions. He should have guessed people would be checking notes.

As for Cody's "promise" that he alluded to when casting his vote, I think he told Paul flat out in the house that he would never vote for him to win.

  • Love 3

Party of One----So sad Paul lost. He played the best game and that should have been the deciding factor. Josh was a big baby (who cries that much!) who was obnoxious and a way worse bully than Paul ever was.

So wanted Kevin to win Favorite. I just loved him from beginning to end. I'm older than Kevin and I would have lost my damn mind in that house with those kids! I love to watch but be there? no, no thanks. 

Raven made sure her face was on TeeVee so she snuggled up to Paul knowing that's where the camera would be. 

  • Love 3

I am very afraid that AGrod's takeaway from this season isn't going to be to not bring back lone [male] vets, load them down with advantages and producer manipulation and just cast real people who want to play the actual game to win (not "make jury," "get SM followers," "have a showmance and go on TAR," "build my 'brand,'"or "get invited back") and let the game play out. I'm afraid it will be the opposite: cast her lone [male] vet, bring back the dual HOH and make him the permanent co-HOH, and let him vote as well, plus have permanent second veto.

I have to disagree that Paul played a better game and so deserved to win. Jury management is crucial, and he blew it. He lied when he didn't need to, manipulated when he didn't need to, didn't own his gameplay, and somewhat fell into the trap that woman from Survivor did (Dawn?) When you make people feel so intensely personal about your situation, and they believe that it transcends game, they take the inevitable betrayal very badly.

I'm okay with Josh winning. He's young, impressionable, and has a lot to learn. But he is a fan, did have a good read on the house, and at some point realized Paul was using him and pulled way back from his earlier behavior. I think he has the capacity to grow and become a better person. Same with Cody (except for the young part.) He's from a rural conservative area, was in the Air Force (known for having an aggressively Christian culture) and the Marines (known for having a hypermasculine culture.) It's not at all surprising he holds some of the views he does. He has shown some self-awareness, and I think his relationship with Jessica will help him expand his horizons, however long it lasts. He seemed like the HG who was the least interested in creating a BB character, so his reactions were real, and he often seemed like a stand-in for the audience - his eye-rolls mirrored ours.

I need a Survivor type reunion, in which people address what they've found out since the show, but I know we'll never get it. I hope they don't have Christmas back - I would understand that if she had gone home right after her injury, but she stayed and did get to play. Since her "brand" is the only reason she was there in the first place, and her nasty behavior negated and damaged that, perhaps she won't even want to if they did ask her. She's had her shot, and she shot herself in the foot, so to speak.

I wish Mark had been top 3 for AFP, but I understand why Jason was. He had a good read on the house, but couldn't unshackle himself from that horrid Alex. Also, his reaction to the new baby news was hugely memorable.

All in all, a crap season with a moderately less crap ending.

Edited by Ananayel
  • Love 14

Christmas does get crap for her dickmatized ways with Paul especially the last several weeks of the season, yet I couldn't be too mad at her jury vote.  He did save her early when her foot broke and her voting for him made sense to me.  She had a loyalty to him since the majority house were formed.  I did love Joshmas since week 6.  It's good there Were no hard feelings when Josh cut her.  Christmas, even when many thought it was a bad idea, told Josh to take Paul to the end because of bitter jury.  They have a friendship that I hope continues out of the house. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

One more thing, I had a love/hate thing for Alex all season.  Glad she saved her petty for final act to make sure Paul didn't get her vote.  Paul made a critical error there.  He had her sold on F2 all summer and stabbed her in the back late.

I got into a huge argument with my husband about whether the "best player won" or if it was a "bitter jury," and I told him that Paul's loss hinged on Jason and Alex. He royally screwed over those two. They were not Matt and Raven, who would nod and play along dumbly with whatever he said. They genuinely believed they had a "friendship" (blech) and a game deal with Paul. I thought he completely mismanaged telling Alex he wasn't using the Veto on her ("it's not you, it's me me me me me me.") and that he hid behind Josh and Christmas to get rid of them and then was like "hey! wasn't me!" ... and didn't realize that was never going to fly with either of them.

Paul got so caught up in being the "puppetmaster" that he made the fatal mistake of thinking everyone else was stupid, just because they went along with his machinations. When you start thinking other players are stupid, that's when you lose.

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, candall said:

I don't have a good memory for these things, but I seem to remember Paul suddenly turning stupid and blundering with his jury appeal against that whiny girl last season, too.  Man, talk about choking in the home stretch.

I can say that Paul did the EXACT same thing this year with the finale as he did last year. He did screw up last year with poor jury management and trying to deflect all the bad that he did. I believe people who were wavering with him last year switched their votes to Nicole....just like this year, when some voted for Josh instead (I truly believe Jason was wavering until last night, when Paul gave poor BS answers and lying still). Alex may have been wavering too.

It was brilliant to see the moment where Paul was defeated, right from that first jury question...and then when Josh answered his first jury question and admitted he was a superfan. That's when Paul's crushing defeat started, and you could tell he was getting more and more pissed. I mean, he basically bitched Josh out and snarled a cruel remark about Josh's goodbye messages being cowardly. I wonder if Josh and Paul are ever going to talk after this. My guess is that they won't, because Paul will subconsciously blame Josh for his loss.

Feliz Navidud can shut up about friendship and being pissed about her foot and being oh so loyal to her boys...when she was basically saying to Josh to evict her in her eviction speech, and then seemed to favour Paul and root for him over Josh. You could see both her and Raven change their tune. Raven pretty much dropped Matt like a hot potato when she sidled up to Paul at the end, and she also went to hug Josh first so she could get her TV time in. And Xmas sidled up to Josh quite quickly after he won. I'd like to think it's a real friendship, but I'd be surprised if they were still chatting in six months. 

I really haven't liked Alex at all...but who knew she'd be the most bitter juror and who'd vote against Paul? I thought Paul could talk himself out of Alex hating him. It turns out, she surprised me most of all. If Paul had been honest with her, she probably would have voted for him. But since Paul underestimated Josh and the jury in general, he lost out on one crucial vote. 

This season, it was really about seeing the most unlikely outcome for me as well as seeing Paul's pain on his face. Josh winning against him and then Cody winning AFP satisfied me. This season was filled with predictability and a lot of bullying. Paul thought he had it in the bag, but he made one major crucial mistake that cost him. That's on him. Also, he's now stuck with Raven, who will never leave him alone. I bet he misses Victor right about now, and Victor's happy with Nicole, the person who beat Paul last year.

This last day is probably going to be Paul's least favourite day.

  • Love 17
14 minutes ago, Ananayel said:

I am very afraid that AGrod's takeaway from this season isn't going to be to not bring back lone [male] vets, load them down with advantages and producer manipulation and just cast real people who want to play the actual game to win (not "make jury," "get SM followers," "have a showmance and go on TAR," "build my 'brand,'"or "get invited back") and let the game play out. I'm afraid it will be the opposite: cast her lone [male] vet, bring back the dual HOH and make him the permanent co-HOH, and let him vote as well, plus have permanent second veto.


Poor Allison.

Another year where she has to put away the KY Jelly

Jesse... Jeff... Frank... and now Paul. 
All of her favs that she gave huge advantages too that couldn't win the game. 

One of my favorite tweets last night

Edited by BlackMamba
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