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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I don't want to make a prediction on Jer's marriage because I just... think that marriage has its problems that we will never ever see and I think these two will regret making such a spectacle of how perfect their marriage is. They've basically boxed themselves in so that if there IS some marital problems, and there will be because EVERYONE has marital problems sometimes,  they're basically screwed because we're all going to laugh and point because they've insisted on putting their marriage up on a pedestal to be admired. 

So very true.

Also, they have been approaching marriage oddly from the very beginning.

At the very beginning of their marriage, Jeremy said that they were seeing a marriage counselor just to make sure they were doing everything healthy. Who does that? No problems, but pay a counselor just to be safe. Very odd. I think that they have been setting themselves up for trouble since day one. They are so self obsessed, that they over think everything.

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4 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I don't want to make a prediction on Jer's marriage because I just... think that marriage has its problems that we will never ever see and I think these two will regret making such a spectacle of how perfect their marriage is. They've basically boxed themselves in so that if there IS some marital problems, and there will be because EVERYONE has marital problems sometimes,  they're basically screwed because we're all going to laugh and point because they've insisted on putting their marriage up on a pedestal to be admired. 

These are the kind of people you see on the ID Channel.  Homicide is preferable to divorce in "certain circles".  If Audrey lures Jer on a mountainous hike and he has a life insurance policy?  ... Yikes!!!

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10 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

These are the kind of people you see on the ID Channel.  Homicide is preferable to divorce in "certain circles".  If Audrey lures Jer on a mountainous hike and he has a life insurance policy?  ... Yikes!!!

Can't you just imagine her private photographer snapping graveside pictures of her in her long black veil, which she would throw back just in time for the shutter to snap?

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I wish Amy would cool it with the TMI.  The double entendre with Chris about tying each other up, and then fanning herself and telling him he was getting her hot.  Blech.  I wouldn't appreciate it from their kids and I don't appreciate it with them.  She's like a newlywed Duggar wife who walks around in a sex daze.

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Agreed. A little goes a long way. Frankly I'd like a little less of Matt smooching Caryn too. 

Although I admit, I was secretly hoping Matt had broken up with Caryn, so that his next woman could be of child bearing age. I'd love to see Jer deal with Daddy Matt breeding himself a new lil Farmer to take over the farm.

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On 5/27/2018 at 4:00 PM, ginger90 said:

I forgot to include this with the treehouse posts. This was on the Facebook page: 


We had the pleasure of hosting Jeremy Roloff & Audrey Roloff in the treehouse this week! These two are so full of life and are changing 100's of thousands of lives through their example of embracing selfless love & togetherness in marriage.    

Here's the review they left about #BoltFarm ?

“This treehouse is magical. We were in awe of how beautiful and cozy it was. We visited during the winter time and stayed nice and warm and cozy cuddle up inside! All the details and exceptional hospitality make this place a true "experience" rather than just a place to stay. So romantic and elegant! We loved the meal that was brought to us and the wine! SETH is an incredible host and has made this place one heck of a killer destination spot! So much fun and we are recommending it all over the place:)” 

-Audrey & Jeremy Roloff

Re: my bolded part: Um...hey you 2 "elmer dumbfucks", that's what MILLIONS of other married couples do every day. A & J act like they've discovered something nobody else knows about. 

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I haven't watched this show for very long. I have been very sympathetic towards Amy. But she was being a real jerk about the farm. You either one the business and give a fan of get out of it . I thought her shrugging her shoulders and taking zero responsibility was terrible  

And Jeez Louise the baby storylines are sooo boring.  

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On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 10:59 AM, AZChristian said:

When I traveled with some friends, we discussed up-front that we didn't all have to do everything together (it was a cruise).  But if I opted out of something, I'd say . . . "I think I'll pass on that."  I didn't just walk away without a word, leaving people to wonder where I was and if I was okay.  

Maybe it's because I'm old and hang out with people of a similar age, but it's important for people to know where you are if you just wander off.  We might need to contact the authorities for a "Silver Alert"!  Not to mention, he was her only mode of transportation.  

I think "the fire" erupted because of how many times Amy mentioned it . . . SHE kept the fire going on Chris' behavior.  

I'm just watching that episode and it is a little confusing.  I swear Amy first said he was gone for an hour.   It was only later that it turned into twenty minutes.  My guess is that Chris is an introvert and needed time alone to re-energize.  The bad part is very little was shown of the actual incident - Amy just didn't let it die.  She yapped to her friends and in her talking head.  Both done at a later time and after she knew his reason for leaving.  It left me feeling sorry for Chris because the murkiness is leading to so much speculation.  If the camera didn't catch it - which they would have shown us if it did - nobody would have known at all.

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On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 8:12 AM, Quof said:

As I say to anyone who says "I have a high pain tolerance",  "How do you know?  Have you ever been anyone else? How do you know how anyone else experiences pain?  Have you ever participated in a scientific study on the subject?  Or are you just trying to impress me?"  

They look puzzled, then realize how ridiculous their statement is.

But that's not true of everyone.  I know I have high pain tolerance because I've had kidney stones, a broken shoulder untreated for two days*, JRA, and endometriosis with surgery.  The kidney stones were the worst, but I wouldn't give it a 10/10, because I'm sure there are greater degrees of pain out there. 

Audrey's irritating, but if she went through with natural child birth I think she probably qualifies.

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16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Amy does really pour it on with the sexual innuendos. I think she's just so tickled with being so active again.  It'll probably wear off, eventually. 

What's Chris' excuse? 

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REF. the Chris disappearing thing.  He admitted that he went to speak with some other people they were traveling with.  At least, that's what he said on air.  I suppose that would easy for Amy to check. Just ask the friends if that's what happened.  So, I have no reason to disbelieve what he said happened. 

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Catching last week's episode re the days before pumpkin season. What is it with grown men being reluctant to WORK -- when they wax lyrical about how important the farm is, how they want keep it going and how Jer wants to inherit the farm!? Zach and Jer were talking amongst themselves re whether each would be involved in pumpkin season and both hemming and hawing. And then Zach who is usually the less lazy one says -- well I guess I'll be here some, but I can't be here all day bc I'll have to be going home to check on Tori and Jackson. Um -- hate to break it to you but in most families at least one person goes to work ALL DAY and doesn't run home a few times in the day to check on their spouse/kid?! Same with Jer and Auj when Jer was saying he wanted to be involved in pumpkin season but Auj/kid were his first priority and Auj says -- yeah it'll be hard to have you gone all day. Uh what would you do if he had a JOB?

Given that these 2 have no marketable skills/education and aren't looking to develop anything, I would think it would behoove them to take the family business seriously and do what they can to grow it bc ultimately they'll inherit it and until their dad, they'll need to support TWO households with that money, not just one.

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OK I know that this was a few episodes back but one thing that has been bugging me, re: the trip Matt and Caryn took to the Oregon Coast, Manzanita.

Matt was whining on about he is not into the beach in Oregon, that is it hard for him that that he would rather be in a chair drinking Mai Tais with warm weather and Palm Trees. Now THATS a beach!!!!

They are both beaches dumb ass!!!  What a self entitled whiny snob.  I lived on the Northern Oregon Coast for over 10 years, and now live on the beautiful island of Maui for the last seven (I am very fortunate- I have worked in hospitality management many years to get here!)  Both are gorgeous and offer astounding beauty in their own way.

I challenge you Matt to hit an actual BEACH on Maui that is not attached to a huge resort with pool side service with someone catering to your every whim. Pansy.  Sitting poolside on your comfy resort provided shaded seating on your little okole is not  "going to the beach!" 

The Oregon Coast is one of the most recognized, rugged beautiful coastlines in the Mainland US, if not the world. 

The city of Manzanita (and many other coastal communities) offers free of charge, beach wheelchairs for visitors to use so that the rugged beautiful beaches are accessible to everyone to enjoy.


I thought (silly me) that this was supposed to be educational and show us how they, as little people, are doing all the same things everyone else does, "but in a different way". 

This is a wonderful invention and a wonderful thing that these communities are offering. It was a great opportunity to show and educate people about this. Instead we get another example of Matt playing martyr.

What a stick in the mud. 

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I really could have lived a long and happy life without knowing that Audrey puts cabbage on her breasts to cure what ails her.  Too much information!!!!!!!!!!  And way too much whining!!!!!!!!!  I don't know that I can watch next week if it means another prolonged discussion of her "suffering."

Even Tori, whom I like, bugged tonight.  I know she loves her baby, but seriously, Amy, who raised four children, including a little person, is more than capable of watching Jackson for an evening.  I don't recall my Mom ever agonizing about dropping me off for an evening with Grandma.

Edited by TVFAN
Typos are bad things.
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Wow, if I were Amy, I’d be beyond insulted that my children were so reluctant to allow me to babysit my own grandchild.  She raised four kids, for God’s sake.  I also didn’t like what Zach said about making sure she was focused on Jackson and not on her phone.  Give me a break.  That’s when this grandma would have headed back home and told them that they obviously weren’t ready to be away from their baby for a couple of hours.  Hey, Zach and Tori?  Babies (who do not have severe disabilities!) do not need to be tended to every single second.  Amy can take a quick phone call in the same room as the baby.  Chill the hell out before you drive yourself nuts.

Edited by SuzyLee
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Can someone explain to me how Odd is so fucking tired all the fucking time?  She does not work any kind of part time or full time job. She doesn’t appear to do volunteer work.  It doesn’t even look like she leaves the damn house often. She has Jerk running up and down stairs fetching oils and cabbage leaves (WT ever lovin’ F was that about?).  I do not count her sitting in front of a computer to “write” a “blog” that is woefully full of spelling and grammatical errors as employment.  I never breastfed, but I know many women who do/did. Most have other children to care for as well as a nursing baby.  Some have a spouse who also works. A few are single. ALL OF THEM WORK! I know nursing is time consuming and can be difficult, but 99% of the women who choose to do it manage to do it while juggling family, career and social lives.  How is it possible that millions of years of this planet’s existence have seen civilizations rise & cultures develop if breastfeeding was as hard and exhausting and draining and painful as one Mrs. Jerk-ermy Roloff keeps telling anyone who will listen? Good God, she is so self absorbed! So entitled for someone who hasn’t really put any effort into making the world a better place.

Her idiot husband is just as insufferable. Never mind his ridiculous BS how he wants to inherit the Farm despite hardly doing anything close to manual labor (no, driving a ‘Gator’ or ‘mule’ or tractor around on camera doesn’t count). His judgmental attitude toward his mother is obnoxious.  I wanted to reach through the screen and slap his stupid face when he made his comment about seeing Matt, Caryn, Chris and Amy together in the barn.  “It’s a broken picture” “It isn’t want anybody wants” Guess what, jackass? It is exactly what your dumb-ass Daddy wanted. He slept with the help and allegedly screwed around prior to Caryn while married to your mother.  He was selfish and immature and absent during their marriage, and has the emotional intelligence of a 4 year old. He is the one who asked for the divorce. 

Hey Matt...If that pirate ship has so many financial hopes and dreams attached to it, why the hell wasn’t it ready to go for your precious pumpkin season? Or at least by the 2nd or 3rd week of it? Why didn’t your celebrity friend know he was supposed to be in pirate costume?  My guess is because you have no follow through. He likes to be the “idea man”, but without having vision, drive or commitment to see them through, he just ends up with barns and sheds and rooms full of hoarded crap and half finished projects.

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Two quick points about tonight's episode.. which should have been entitled "How much can I b*tch, moan, gripe and whine about my life..."

#1 - 


WTH ???

#2 - Caryn: "If Amy would ask me to leave, I would give her my blessing..." Goodness - someone please pull the plug already. Amy if Caryn's presence bugs you that much, more so than the revenue she is bringing in during the pumpkin season, get rid of her. #SetTheSidePieceFreeFromTheFarm

Edited by sATL
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 I would like your post a hundred times if I could  Busyoctober.  I  wanted to reach in my tv and knock Jeremy off that stool. My mother and Caryn have different personalities. WTF ? 

Who is the women who fed you , drove you to all your sports and put up with your foolishness?  Show some damn loyalty!  The talking heads where Matt is so understanding of Amy's lack of self confidence and how patient he is with her makes me spit. 

I have not  finished watching yet but Tory and Zack need an adult standing watching over him? Get a grip. 

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Neither Amy nor Caryn wanted to work together on the party, but neither one of them had the guts to tell Matt that it wasn't a good idea.  The fact that he even suggested it shows how out of touch he is.

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9 hours ago, oceanlover said:

<snip> The city of Manzanita (and many other coastal communities) offers free of charge, beach wheelchairs for visitors to use so that the rugged beautiful beaches are accessible to everyone to enjoy.


I thought (silly me) that this was supposed to be educational and show us how they, as little people, are doing all the same things everyone else does, "but in a different way". 

This is a wonderful invention and a wonderful thing that these communities are offering. It was a great opportunity to show and educate people about this. Instead we get another example of Matt playing martyr.

I got really excited when I read this. Not that I live anywhere near Oregon (opposite side of the country - Rhode Island), but I thought if Oregon is doing this, eventually other states with coastline will, too. Rhode Island has a heck of a lot of coastline/beaches!

Then I followed the link, and was so disappointed.

Beach wheelchairs that require a able-bodied person to push, thus perpetuating the stereotype persons who use wheelchairs for mobility don't live/travel independently. Persons with disabilities who are unable to walk will always have someone who is able-bodied accompanying them to push their wheelchairs. This isn't true.

There are several models of self-propelled beach wheelchairs available. Here are two. Why don't they have those instead?

self-propelled 1.jpg

self-propelled 2.jpg

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The way Amy is constantly mentioning Caryn representing a marriage lost or something to that affect, and how she has a hard time around her makes me believe she may still have feelings for Matt.  If she were so happy with Chris, she would be moving on and not caring about Matt and Caryn.  It would not bother her anymore.  Next week looks interesting with talk of the move to Arizona.  

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9 hours ago, camom said:

Neither Amy nor Caryn wanted to work together on the party, but neither one of them had the guts to tell Matt that it wasn't a good idea.  The fact that he even suggested it shows how out of touch he is.

I think that was made-for-TV drama scripted by the producers. They've been doing pumpkin season for what, 20 years, and they showed clips of previous employee parties serving pizza. So what is there to plan? Do the same thing you've done, many, many times before. The "planning" ended up being a 2 minute conversation where they had to make such momentous decisions as which table they would put the pizzas on and that they should probably bring in some chairs from outside. Riveting. 

Edited by absolutelyido
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Why does Amy not have any more involvement in the running of the farm, I mean she pretty much said as much last night....telling Caryn that she knows more of the day to day goins on with the employees. Last night, more than ever, it looked like she just stepped aside and let another female take her place in everything. It doesn't even look like Amy belongs on the farm & if what they say that pumpkin season is so important to sustain the farm for the next year, you can bet your pretty peaches I would assert myself in everything that's done to make it happen. I don't know it just looked weird. 

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re. the "party" for the pumpkin people....that was a lame ass party.  Pizza and a few 2-liter bottles of soda???  "Um, gee thanks for your lack luster enthusiasm and gratitude for all the labor WE provided, while your two sons whined about their complex & difficult lives all season. With all that business of  Z & J being pregnant, laboring , delivering, nursing & parenting ONE child each and no other job to go to, we totally understand why they can't pitch in.  We are forever in YOUR debt for providing us with a slice & warm Sprite!  Can't wait to come back next year!  And maybe one of us can pony up some funds for ice!"

Loved Amy's disdainful, "who's gonna clean all this up?" at the end of Lame Fest 2017.  Really??? First of all, YOU and your dolt ex are the figureheads & proprietors of the so-called party, so grab a trash bag and get your ass in gear.  Second, your able-bodied jack ass heir apparent is loafing standing right next you, so hand him a trash bag on your way by. Finally... what's to "clean up"? She said it as if as if they just hosted Coachella or Burning Man on the property. A few pizza boxes, some cups and plates rounded up into trash/recycling bins, and re-stack the 15 chairs you so charitably offered your hard working guests.  DONE! 

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Oh I think the pizza "drama" was producer driven.  Because seriously, much like most pumpkin season drama, everyone acts like this is the very first time they've ever opened the farm or had employees working on the farm other than family. They've definitely had pizza parties at the end of the season before, and they were pretty similar. There was no wild planning needing two women. 

I also will throw them a bone for even having an end of season party. The workers do get paid, after all. They aren't *owed* a party. 


Wow, if I were Amy, I’d be beyond insulted that my children were so reluctant to allow me to babysit my own grandchild.  She raised four kids, for God’s sake.  I also didn’t like what Zach said about making sure she was focused on Jackson and not on her phone.

Honestly I thought they were pretty openly teasing Amy about walking in and finding her on the cell phone with the baby. Tory and Zach seemed to acknowledge their concerns were more their own stress than any concern about who they were leaving the child with. 


Why does Amy not have any more involvement in the running of the farm, I mean she pretty much said as much last night....telling Caryn that she knows more of the day to day goins on with the employees. Last night, more than ever, it looked like she just stepped aside and let another female take her place in everything.

Because thats always been the dynamic between Amy and Matt. Matt runs the farm and Amy runs the house. When Amy tries to do something in pumpkin season, Matt always shunts her off to be local color or to do tours. She' was never encouraged to do very much or to have very much power. Matt always treated her like one of the kids. Caryn in contrast is an actual employee, and in order to get paid, had to actually learn and do a job. 


His judgmental attitude toward his mother is obnoxious.  I wanted to reach through the screen and slap his stupid face when he made his comment about seeing Matt, Caryn, Chris and Amy together in the barn.  “It’s a broken picture” “It isn’t want anybody wants” Guess what, jackass? It is exactly what your dumb-ass Daddy wanted. He slept with the help and allegedly screwed around prior to Caryn while married to your mother.  He was selfish and immature and absent during their marriage, and has the emotional intelligence of a 4 year old. He is the one who asked for the divorce. 

On the one hand, I get that Jeremy would prefer his parents hadn't divorced. He probably remembers the good times when he was a kid and Matt and Amy got along. On the other? Yeah. Sit down and watch your own fucking show and acknowledge that your dad left your mom and your mom wanted to make it work. If Jeremy genuinely believes his mom needs to wait for his dad, then I hope Auj understands that when Jeremy leaves her for a sidepiece that she better keep her legs closed and she's gonna be a whore if her every words aren't "I love Jeremy for leaving me. I will always love him. I will forgive anything to get him back. It's my fault because he has a penis and I just have a vagina. I am to blame for my husband leaving me."

As for Auj and the suffering of Auj... wasn't she the pretentious bitch who whined publically how awful it was that people dared share their horror stories of child bearing? 

And we have to listen to her endless tales about rubbing her infectious titties with cabbage in order to bear the horror of mastitis?

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Did anyone else notice when Amy was trying to call Chris before he showed up that she was pissed that he wasn't picking up ? I never really invested too much thought and energy

into this show until I started reading here and the insightful and funny posters how truly messed up these folks are. I think Amy is a big baby with a bad temper and when she doesn't get her way she mouths off.  Matt is a dick, however is he going through manopause, he seems to be tearing up more than ever. Baby Jackson is the cutest, and these 2 are the only somewhat likable people on this show, other than Lucy & Felix. Auj & Jerms are insufferable with their wanna be holistic approach to life, they act like the cool kids and their way is the only way to live. They come across as too self absorbed to even care about baby Ember, especially Auj - its almost like she resents that precious baby. 

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17 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

And we have to listen to her endless tales about rubbing her infectious titties with cabbage in order to bear the horror of mastitis?

Omg, right??? 

I hope I don't get mastitis again. 

Oh, no, I think I'm getting mastitis again. 

Mastitis is so painful.

I do have mastitis again. 

It's sooooo painful. 

Jer running to her upon her summoning him. I need cabbage leaves and pure oils. 

Shut. Up. Aud.!

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14 hours ago, TVFAN said:

I really could have lived a long and happy life without knowing that Audrey puts cabbage on her breasts to cure what ails her.  Too much information!!!!!!!!!!  And way too much whining!!!!!!!!!  I don't know that I can watch next week if it means another prolonged discussion of her "suffering."

Even Tori, whom I like, bugged tonight.  I know she loves her baby, but seriously, Amy, who raised four children, including a little person, is more than capable of watching Jackson for an evening.  I don't recall my Mom ever agonizing about dropping me off for an evening with Grandma.

After watching Audrey apply cabbage leaves and some essential oils to her breasts to cure what she thought was a mastitis infection last night, I have to come to the conclusion that she is NUTS!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! What's next, wearing a bulb of garlic around her neck??? Did you see the cupboard full of oils? I hope that she doesn't try to cure the baby of any infections with oils and vegetable leaves...

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2 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Afnot watching Audrey ahan'tcabbage  leaves and some essen tial oils to her breasts to cure what she thought was a mastitis infection last night, I have to come to the conclusion that she is NUTS!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! What's next, wearing a bulb of garlic around her neck??? Did you see the cupboard full of oils? I hope that she doesn't try to cure the baby of any infections with oils and vegetable leaves...

Re curing an ailing infant: i.m Not 100% on board with using donated brest milk. I  wouldn.t have the patIence to inquire about the donor's  health and easting habits.   Its no shame in supplementing with formula. Maybe the little one would sleep for more than 2 hrs.

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12 minutes ago, kicksave said:

After watching Audrey apply cabbage leaves and some essential oils to her breasts to cure what she thought was a mastitis infection last night, I have to come to the conclusion that she is NUTS!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! What's next, wearing a bulb of garlic around her neck??? Did you see the cupboard full of oils? I hope that she doesn't try to cure the baby of any infections with oils and vegetable leaves...

funny this was on last nights episode, my son & dil had my first grandbaby last Friday...yay :) we were over there yesterday afternoon and she is strictly bottle feeding. While we were there she quickly got up from the couch I didn't think much of it, she came back and whispered to me that she thought her milk had come in and she was all of a sudden very sore. She said the dr told her to apply ice packs and/or cabbage leafs. She made no big deal over it, when Auj did it for all teevee land to see was kinda disgusting but apparently it's what's prescribed, who'd a thunk.

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4 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

funny this was on last nights episode, my son & dil had my first grandbaby last Friday...yay :) we were over there yesterday afternoon and she is strictly bottle feeding. While we were there she quickly got up from the couch I didn't think much of it, she came back and whispered to me that she thought her milk had come in and she was all of a sudden very sore. She said the dr told her to apply ice packs and/or cabbage leafs. She made no big deal over it, when Auj did it for all teevee land to see was kinda disgusting but apparently it's what's prescribed, who'd a thunk.

Being sore is a lot different than an infection which is what mastitis is...infections require bonafide medicine, especially mastitis...not using an antibiotic can result in a staph infection which can affect the baby who is nursing as well as the mom. I have a friend who had this happen to her and she and the baby had to be hospitalized. I doubt cabbage leaves and oils would cure a staph infection.

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5 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

funny this was on last nights episode, my son & dil had my first grandbaby last Friday...yay :) we were over there yesterday afternoon and she is strictly bottle feeding. While we were there she quickly got up from the couch I didn't think much of it, she came back and whispered to me that she thought her milk had come in and she was all of a sudden very sore. She said the dr told her to apply ice packs and/or cabbage leafs. She made no big deal over it, when Auj did it for all teevee land to see was kinda disgusting but apparently it's what's prescribed, who'd a thunk.

A lot of unconventional treatments work quite well! I don’t know about cabbage leaves. But I do have a few oils in my homeopathic cabinet that work for various ailments. 

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18 minutes ago, sATL said:

Re curing an ailing infant: i.m Not 100% on board with using donated brest milk. I  wouldn.t have the patIence to inquire about the donor's  health and easting habits.   Its no shame in supplementing with formula. Maybe the little one would sleep for more than 2 hrs.

I agree...I would be VERY wary of donated milk...you don't know who donated, if they have health issues or what they eat...I would rather give a few bottles of Similac everyday the use breastmilk from an unknown source...YIKES!

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I assume they do check milk donation mothers for stuff. I mean, you don't get it from black market breasts. 

The cabbage leaves thing is recommended to soothe infectious breasts. I am not a proponent of essential oils and onsidering how Auj goes on and on and on about her illnesses, I wonder why she's so stuck on it. 

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14 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I assume they do check milk donation mothers for stuff. I mean, you don't get it from black market breasts. 

The cabbage leaves thing is recommended to soothe infectious breasts. I am not a proponent of essential oils and onsidering how Auj goes on and on and on about her illnesses, I wonder why she's so stuck on it. 

There sort of is ?. Women sell it on Craigslist, I believe bodybuilders are the main demographic for it. Or maybe even men with fetishes, who knows. But I know the milk banks are pretty strict about the quality, especially with preemies being on the receiving end.  

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I've heard of the cabbage thing before. It frankly seems a lot less silly than thinking essential oils are medicine. But I seriously thought my DVR recorded the previous episode by mistake. It was so much of the same tedious nonsense, especially with the twins and their wives. Zach and Tori benefit a lot from being the foil to Jeremy and Audrey, who are insufferable, but they're really not that great. Neither is particularly smart, funny, or interesting, and Tori's attachment to Jackson is nice for them but super boring/borderline annoying to me.

Tori: Jackson is such a good baby. I can take him anywhere. He's always cool and never a problem.
Also Tori: <takes Jackson to a nice restaurant, where he fusses and moans the entire time, until Zach points out that they should probably leave>

Also I agree that Amy is more than capable of taking care of Jackson for a few hours. Their expressing any doubt about that was just so rude, not to mention idiotic. We may have concerns about how the Roloff kids turned out in terms of being lazy, entitled, or obnoxious, but Amy (and I guess Matt?) did manage to keep them clean, healthy, and properly fed up to adulthood. And it wasn't Amy who trebucheted her kid...

Audrey's "struggles with motherhood" are so incredibly boring. For one thing, they seem to be pretty standard challenges -- aren't most new parents constantly tired? Isn't breastfeeding difficult more often than not? I'd much rather see more of their hipster home renovation, or what hipster food they hipsterly cook, or whatever else producers could cobble together from their unemployed, uninspired hipster lives, than Audrey's princess-and-the-pea experiences with having a normal, healthy baby.

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16 hours ago, camom said:

Neither Amy nor Caryn wanted to work together on the party, but neither one of them had the guts to tell Matt that it wasn't a good idea.  The fact that he even suggested it shows how out of touch he is.

I don't think he's out of touch. I think he gets a sick pleasure out of rubbing his sidepiece in Amy's face. He knows that Amy's been pretty diplomatic about the divorce and her feelings towards him on the show and in public and he hasn't always been as kind. I think he saw it as an opportunity to get Amy to react poorly on camera, vindicating poor little Matty's tales of woe and mistreatment at her hands. He knows that most of the public sided with Amy on the divorce and she remains pretty popular overall because she's more likeable than he is in a lot of ways. But even before the divorce, he's made a habit of belittling Amy on camera (her housekeeping, how he did all the work, her business skills, etc.). This would just be another time of that.

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The way Amy is constantly mentioning Caryn representing a marriage lost or something to that affect, and how she has a hard time around her makes me believe she may still have feelings for Matt.

I took it differently.  I thought her reactions to Caryn meant that most likely Caryn and Matt were seeing each other while Amy and Matt were still married.  We'll probably never know.

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9 hours ago, LucyEth said:

The way Amy is constantly mentioning Caryn representing a marriage lost or something to that affect, and how she has a hard time around her makes me believe she may still have feelings for Matt.  If she were so happy with Chris, she would be moving on and not caring about Matt and Caryn.  It would not bother her anymore.  Next week looks interesting with talk of the move to Arizona.  

I think in their situation it's hard to move on with Matt in her backyard, not to mention his insistence that they all act like one big happy family. It's very clear on Amy's face that she's massively uncomfortable (I'm sorry, I would be too)- and for Matt to "decide" that she and Caryn should plan the party together (along with his typical character jabs like "well, I hope Amy can accept Caryn someday;" and "I hope Amy is in a good mood," as if she is the only culprit in their divorce) is especially grating.  Add to that Caryn's behavior (all the "woo hoo"ing, acting as if she runs the whole place) and I'd be irritated as hell.  Caryn needs to back off.  I thought her convoluted "If Amy asked me to leave, I'd give her my blessing" made it sound as if Amy needed Caryn to validate her.  Caryn is not a family member, nor is she part of their business.  Again- she's overstepping.

Jeremy is such a dork standing their in his (too-tight) overalls, arms crossed and passing judgment with his stink-face on.  Get over it, dude- your dad is the one who imploded your ideal family. It happens.  


The "date night" scenes with Z/T were mind-numbingly boring.  All the obviously staged restaurant patrons side-eyeing them.  Tori's dull conversations about the baby.  Maybe if they went out into the world rather than spending their days sitting around their AC Moore-decorated house talking about how hard it is to sleep train a baby (how about working?!) they'd provide better TV fodder.

Audrey has developed perennial resting bitch face.  She is good inspiration for not procreating since she seems to be having the worst birth/breastfeeding experience ever and doesn't even seem to enjoy a single second with her precious baby.  I was shocked that Ember is now six weeks old and Audrey hasn't even figured out how to grab some sleep or get out of the house.  It's a wonder any of us survived having children at all, based on what they are portraying.

Edited by KateHearts
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With the animosity that Amy has for Caryn, just being away from her and Matt won't likely help her with her deep rooted issue.  She is overly invested in being miserable over Matt and Caryn's relationship and it doesn't appear that everyone else being fine with it matters.  To me, it looks like a real obsession.  She can't let it go. 

So, maybe, Matt and Caryn will stop being in her presence.  She can have the farm to herself and be in charge......but, she wouldn't like that either.  I can hear her now complaining how it's all on her and is too much.  With Amy, it's always Matt somehow bothering her.  Does she really want to be happy?  I wish she would just do it and stop blaming Caryn and Matt for making her miserable.  How many years of punishment do you get for whatever it is they did?  A year?  Five years? Will they ever do their time?  

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10 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

I think in their situation it's hard to move on with Matt in her backyard, not to mention his insistence that they all act like one big happy family. It's very clear on Amy's face that she's massively uncomfortable (I'm sorry, I would be too)- and for Matt to "decide" that she and Caryn should plan the party together (along with his typical character jabs like "well, I hope Amy can accept Caryn someday;" and "I hope Amy is in a good mood," as if she is the only culprit in their divorce) is especially grating.  Add to that Caryn's behavior (all the "woo hoo"ing, acting as if she runs the whole place) and I'd be irritated as hell.  Caryn needs to back off.  I thought her convoluted "If Amy asked me to leave, I'd give her my blessing" made it sound as if Amy needed Caryn to validate her.  Caryn is not a family member, nor is she part of their business.  Again- she's overstepping.

Jeremy is such a dork standing their in his (too-tight) overalls, arms crossed and passing judgment with his stink-face on.  Get over it, dude- your dad is the one who imploded your ideal family. It happens.  


The "date night" scenes with Z/T were mind-numbingly boring.  All the obviously staged restaurant patrons side-eyeing them.  Tori's dull conversations about the baby.  Maybe if they went out into the world rather than spending their days sitting around their AC Moore-decorated house talking about how hard it is to sleep train a baby (how about working?!) they'd provide better TV fodder.  As an aside, I noticed for the first time that Tori has a rather prominent scar/birthmark below her left outer eye.  Cameras have been good at disguising it until tonight.

Audrey has developed perennial resting bitch face.  She is good inspiration for not procreating since she seems to be having the worst birth/breastfeeding experience ever and doesn't even seem to enjoy a single second with her precious baby.  I was shocked that Ember is now six weeks old and Audrey hasn't even figured out how to grab some sleep or get out of the house.  It's a wonder any of us survived having children at all, based on what they are portraying.

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I'm beginning to think that the Amy/Matt tension is heavily producer driven.  I'm sure there are some hard feelings and discomfort, but they make it worse for the cameras.  If they didn't have that story line, what would they have?  Even less that they have now.  We've got new babies (boring!), young couples (boring again!), the most suffering new mother in history (oy!), the new lovers Amy and Chris (enough already!!), and the stressful relationship between the divorced parents (way overdone!).  Bottom line, there are no interesting stories coming from the Roloff clan.

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