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S06.E01: A New Courtship

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Really disapointed to see the Dullards on screen. I really hoped TLC would have cut them out.  Jill also said she was using her midwifery skills to monitor her pregnancy while she was there. Also said "just pray nothing happens". uhhhhh Jill.....not a good plan.

Hey assholes- stay the fuck home if its so dangerous. Jesus. Also it might be your home away from home Derick, but it certainly isn't your wife's. Fuck. off. Ugh. That whole segment just proved how dumb their whole missioncation with a toddler and pregnant wife really truly is.

Fast forwarded through anything having to do with Joy Anna, lol. Boring. Also Joe. Glad he did the promise ring vs the necklace. Joe does seem less herpy derpy than some of the other guys. Him and JD seem humble and like they actually care about the wimmin folk vs the child molester and Josiah/whoever the newly bearded guy is(Jason).  He did seem nervous which was pretty adorable. 

I had a typo for adorable- aborable. I think I am going to use that from now on. Both aborable yet boring

Also how awkward was the courtship thing with all the siblings and dad standing around? Jesus give them some space. But they did seem so happy. Joe did seem really happy. It warmed my cold dead heart. Blaming hormones. 

Joy- STFU up about the 'high road' You are an undereducated, barely literate teen mom. Just with a ring on your finger. No better than anyone else. 

Jana is really beautiful, she looked stunning in the scene with her and joe outside the car auction.

once again, anything of interest had to do with Jessa and Jinger. The bottle going into the river was kind of funny.

TLC stop asking them when they are going to have kids. Its annoying and overdone. Can we limit it to once a season?

Also Jason and Josiah really annoy me in these interviews. 

ETA: YES!!! JESSA AND BEN MOVE TO LAREDO! haha. I'd love for them to go. 

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 14

Also how awkward was the courtship thing with all the siblings and dad standing around? Jesus give them some space. But they did seem so happy. Joe did seem really happy. It warmed my cold dead heart. Blaming hormones. 

This! So much of this. I kept thinking that maybe the rest would drop back and let Joe ask Kendra without them so close. Of course they did not. Also, which sibling had to sit between Joe and Kendra in the truck while they were driving to the slab of cement? He could not sit in the backseat? I do not think Joe and Kendra would jump each others bones if whatever J'sibling was in the backseat. Sigh, I should not be surprised with any of it.

  • Love 6

A few LOL moments in this ep for me. Jill's deadpan reveal of the family recipe for pickle juice popsicles and Spurgeon winging his cup at the mallard for starters and a lot of questions as usual. Why did Ben and Jessa pack all those diapers rather than just hit up a Walmart or whatever and get them once they got there? Why couldn't anyone buy poor Spurgie a seat of his own? Doesn't Jeremy know that "spunk" means something else now? Why doesn't anyone tell Kendra to stop the nervous laughing or suggest therapy? It's not as if anyone is telling a joke. She laughs after just about everything she or anyone else says. Speaking of laughing, I LOLd hearing Jinger and Jess' fake laughing at Jeremy's lame jokes in the restaurant as well as Mechelle and Miss Cindy saying  "heeeeyyyyyy" and "hiiiiiiiiiiii" when Cindy showed up. It made me want to do an autotune of it. I was also picturing adding sound effects to some of the goofy music playing under the scenes. Do they think they're being funny? Do they not know we're laughing at them and the music is a perfect accentuation to their words? Combo facepalm/LOL during the awkward pause right after Cindy asks Joy what she wanted on her wedding day and she answered, "Just to get married...." Her face! LOL I wish I knew what she was thinking at that moment or what made Joy think that was the information Cindy was after. So many questions, so many questions.

  • Love 8

Seeing Jill and Derrick in Central America was eye roll inducing - before it was just part of the show we usually tuned those parts out but with everything Derrick has done recently and the fact that the whole world knows their trips were pretty much fake and not sanctioned to go on showing it like they're doing real work is laughable. What was telling though was Jill's interview - how many times did she use the word "safe"?  They may be in a compound with security and fences and they may be closer to civilization and stores then we're lead to believe but Jill is still shook over whatever happened during previous trips or because of phobias/psychological problems she has.  That's the one part I don't think is fake; I think her happy to be in the mission-field smile is fake and it's when she talks about the dangers and whether she feels safe that she's letting her true feelings show.  I also think Derrick is completely oblivious to his wife's issues (second choice, he knows she has some problems but figures they'll pray it away).

Joy just wants to be married, they could tell her they're flying her into the sanctuary on wires and she'd be like "OK, how long do the vows last again?".  The talk in the car with MeChelle and the planner was gross - yes we all know couples have sex on their wedding night but going from we can't kiss or front hug to "Gee, why do you want to leave the reception quickly, wink, wink" is a little much coming from them.  I am not buying Jessa's comment that she and Ben thought about a courthouse wedding and Joy might have wanted that too - there is nothing in this world that would make me believe that JimBob the control freak would ever let one of his precious girls get married anyplace but a church, no way.

As usual the best part of the show was the kids, Spurgeon is adorable and I hope they never break him.  The cup throwing was so normal for his age.  A regular parent would just tell their kid no and teach them we don't throw things; wonder what evil the child is willful and satan is among us spin Derrick would have put on it.  Hank is looking cute and healthy even Israel is a cutie.  Please stop asking Jinger and Jer when they're popping one out - they looked like deer in headlights - Jeremy's answer was VERY evasive, a sort of "well we love our nephews and nieces" reply that sounded like a roundabout way of saying we like kids from afar that we can play with and give back when they scream.  Keep firm Vuolo's we're on your side on this one.  Next thing I want to see is Jinger wearing pants on the show, bonus points if she wears them in the TTH!

Edited by sigmaforce86
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

If Kendra's dad is a pastor at the cross church, and the remains of Joe's birthplace are right next door to the Cross Church, wouldn't Kendra have seen the nothingness already?

Appropriate if.  He isn't.  Kendra's dad is the pastor of the small IFB church that the Duggars began attending a couple of years ago.  Although the area is small enough that it's highly likely Kendra had been there before, but perhaps no one had called it Joe's birthplace.  

  • Love 3

TLC, turn down Kendrab's mic if she can't control that laugh/giggle, you can't risk annoying the diminishing viewing audience.

JD is Eeyore...same deadpan delivery....jaded, world weary, cynical...

Joe and his future FIL have cars and car auctions in common, so the awkward conversations between the two on camera will be...about cars...

Flashback to the big V in flowers for Jinge's wedding, now that we have seen Joy's wedding alter decorations seems like Miss Cindy wasn't as inspired....dangling flowers by fishing line, spreading hay...

For Kendrab and Joe's alter decor... it will be a bride wind sock and groom wind sock dancing and waving their arms ....

  • Love 6

What's happened to James?  Did the Duggar Machine suck out his personality too?  Good news he still looks as bored as ever as a chaperone.

Deleted Scene.

Jim Bob " Joe, if your going to ask to court you should take your mother along.  She'd love it."

Joe. "Okay, Dad.  Jana, get in the car!"

Question.  Does anyone know how old Joe was when they moved into the big house?  The TTH?

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Joy just wants to be married, they could tell her they're flying her into the sanctuary on wires and she'd be like "OK, how long do the vows last again?".  The talk in the car with MeChelle and the planner was gross - yes we all know couples have sex on their wedding night but going from we can't kiss or front hug to "Gee, why do you want to leave the reception quickly, wink, wink" is a little much coming from them. 

^^^^THIS.  Good God this was so cringe-inducing.  It wasn't presented as: Joy isn't really into weddings or being the center of attention so she wants to get out as soon as possible, it was: they want to get naked so badly because, as predicted, young people cannot possibly control themselves for a couple of hours after kissing and front hugging, that they need to f*ck as soon as possible so they plan to leave the Pickles/Popcorn reception as soon as possible.  What do you think about that mom??? Har, har, har!! They are going to get to baby making!  Gross.  I wanted to vomit at this scene (between times I was audibly yawning, because this was so boring).  Especially now that we know that she is in fact pregnant.

2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Please stop asking Jinger and Jer when they're popping one out - they looked like deer in headlights - Jeremy's answer was VERY evasive, a sort of "well we love our nephews and nieces" reply that sounded like a roundabout way of saying we like kids from afar that we can play with and give back when they scream.  Keep firm Vuolo's we're on your side on this one. 

Completely agree.  Did notice that Jinjer used the "season-speak" to say that they are just getting to know one another in this season.  Yeah, funny that.  Getting to know one another after being married for 5 seconds.  Good call Vuolos.

  • Love 17
26 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

What's happened to James?  Did the Duggar Machine suck out his personality too?  Good news he still looks as bored as ever as a chaperone.

Deleted Scene.

Jim Bob " Joe, if your going to ask to court you should take your mother along.  She'd love it."

Joe. "Okay, Dad.  Jana, get in the car!"

Question.  Does anyone know how old Joe was when they moved into the big house?  The TTH?

Was that poor James stuck in the car when they were finally able to sit side by side? That poor kid looked like he wanted to jump out of a moving vehicle to get away. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Maya said:

This episode was boring. The best part - Michelle asking someone (Cindy? Joy? the church lady?) if Joy was going to be wearing flip flops or going barefoot at the wedding. I don't think she was kidding. 

Was Dereck ridiculing his wife on national television when he mentioned being afraid of loud noises? What an ass. 

Oh tell me he did not go there ...

  • Love 3

This "asking to court"  location may be the strangest one yet. ( Benessa's in the Duggar's family office is still my all time favorite.) Joe showing her a slab of concrete with family members a foot away? Couldn't the group have stayed back,  being the cue for just Joe & Kendra to walk ahead for a little privacy?

Did anyone else notice Joe said "OUR plan is to go to the car lot" when him & Jana were getting the roses ready & he was explaining how things were going to happen?  I know he meant the group when he said "our" but I would have expected him to say "MY plan....".  Sorry, I know this was scrutinizing things, but it really got on my nerves.

Poor Spurgey having to end up on the plane's floor because his parents are too cheap & not safety minded enough to get him his own seat,  not realizing there's an infant that needs to be held and tended to also.  Yeah Benessa, driving may be better in the future.

My favorite scene was Spurge taking out the duck with the bottle/sippy cup.  

Israel has such nice manners for a guy his age.  I'm hoping  Grandma Cathy had a part in that & not a blanket.

  • Love 11

When Ben and Jessa were getting ready for the trip, and talking about the difficulties of parenting two children - she said at one point that she was surprised at how much more work it was to have two, especially close together.  Huh?  Wasn't Michelle popping one out every year? You would think after being around ALL those kids, ALL the time, this would come as second nature to her.  She seems slightly overwhelmed, maybe this is all scripted, but if not maybe they need to realize how much they can handle, kids-wise.

  • Love 14
11 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Poor Spurgey having to end up on the plane's floor because his parents are too cheap & not safety minded enough to get him his own seat,  not realizing there's an infant that needs to be held and tended to also

Interesting that you stated that they were too cheap. Heck, you don't get that kind of legroom in coach class. They had to be flying business or first class. Now since those seats are more costly than coach, I think the parents were a little off on their priorities. Arkansas to Texas is only 1 hour and 23 minutes. They could have avoided paying any more for 3 seats in coach. 

  • Love 7

I actually have some positive things to say about this one!

Jessa and Ben seem like normal parents parenting their normal children normally. I actually like them these days. I liked Jessa talking about Spurgeon's happy dance. I think she's embracing regular old 2017 parenting with a normal dose of Jesus, as opposed to her own terrifying upbringing.

Jinger and Jeremy seem like they're loving married life and are in no hurry to start a family. Jinger even said she can't imagine having two kids so close in age, so it sounds like whatever they may be doing to not be pregnant yet may be done AGAIN after their first baby to space their children out more than the average Duggar.

I think Kendra is adorable. I liked that she was described mainly as bubbly and outgoing and entertaining as opposed to just sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet. I liked Joe in this episode too. I do think their courtship rules are embarrassingly specific and holier-than-thou.

Other than Israel being really cute, I still have nothing positive to say about the Dillards. It was actually awkward watching their scenes. I don't think Jill said a single sentence that didn't imply that she hated every single aspect and moment of their time in Danger America.

Joy and Austin are so boring that I almost forgot to include them in my post. I am now including them but realizing that I really have nothing to say!

  • Love 17

I don't think Spurgeon would have been any happier with his own seat, and the producers were obviously paying for everyone's seats, one of them was there filming the flight.

1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

Was that poor James stuck in the car when they were finally able to sit side by side? That poor kid looked like he wanted to jump out of a moving vehicle to get away. 

But James got those lovely flowers!

  • Love 2

Derick didn't make fun of Jill. He instead had a look of' we aren't supposed to be talking about this'.  Since then we have surmised that SOS didn't like all the DA talk. 

Jessa was not in a first row coach seat at the beginning of the flight. Wonder who traded seats so she could put Spurge on the floor?  I don't fault them for using the under 2 no seat rule. But I suggest driving next time too. At night. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 5

They really need to stop showing the green, rolling mountains outside Jill and Derick's Central American abode.  They are obviously trying to create the impression they are out in the middle of nowhere. 

I wish they would show the view from the other side.  The one with the paved highway that leads to the big Walmart and the Pizza Hut. 

I'm just kidding, I don't know if the road is paved or if you can actually see the Walmart.  But enough with the mountain scenery and trying to make people think Jill and Derick are living in an Amazonian jungle already!

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, truebluesmoky said:


Jessa and Ben seem like normal parents parenting their normal children normally. I actually like them these days. I liked Jessa talking about Spurgeon's happy dance. I think she's embracing regular old 2017 parenting with a normal dose of Jesus, as opposed to her own terrifying upbringing.


Jessa is the most media-savvy of the Ds, so yes, she's trying desperately to hang onto the show, even if it takes "normalizing" them for the cameras. Not buying any of it.

I forgot about this new "season", flipped past the part where they're touring the house grounds with a nice-looking friend. Turns out the friend is Kendra's dad, who looks younger than her courtship partner.

Were the hallowed grounds where Joshley molested the Jgirls? ....if so, it was like the scene in Forrest Gump when he razes Jenny's old house to erase her past. Ugh. Puke. And way creepy.

Got bored.... it was so staged. Saw Mullet scream her fool head off over the courtship ring.... because courtship ring ...leads to engagement ring ...which leads to marriage... which produces GRANDBABIES!!!! She's so gunning to be the star of "100 Grandbabies and Counting" while wearing matching shirts with her headship. Barf.

  • Love 14

I hadn't watched for a few seasons, so I was agreeably surprised by how much I enjoyed this episode.

I agree with all those who thought the scene where Joy and Me-chelle and the wedding planner were laughing uncomfortably about how Joy would rush out of the reception for her officially sanctioned sexy times was icky.

I was glad to see that Jessa and Ben are reading secular books to Spurgeon - I spotted Little Blue Truck and Guess How Much I Love You.  I guess I had expected board book versions of wisdom booklets, or something like that.  

Which Duggar men said that paletas were French or Latin?  Perhaps they should get out more.  I thought it was funny that although Jessa and Jinger claimed to love the pickle paletas, they didn't actually order one.

  • Love 5

I wanted to confirm that the multicolored house that they showed was the same one I found through the county records under Austin's name. I'll look when I have access to my laptop later to see if Joy's name was added to the deed. I guess the Duggars boys worked overtime getting what looked like a former meth lab into a place one could actually dwell. It needed much more than a paint job.

Edited by Sew Sumi

When they were arranging those roses I wanted to reach through the screen and break up the baby's breath.  That clump in the middle made me twitchy.  They were pretty flowers, though.

Kendra reminds me a chipmunk.  I can totally picture her gnawing at a nut.  And that laugh...I'm sure the poor girl was nervous, but she needs to tame that pronto.

As big a deal as they make of courtship, I can't believe Joe thought that a concrete slab was the way to go.  It's not hallowed ground because the Duggars used to live there.  It's just a concrete slab.  Makes the pickle/pretzel reception proposal look fancy pants.

Did anyone else do a double take when they focused on the A - heart - J on the wall?  My first thought was Anna and Josh, and I my mouth dropped.  Thank goodness it wasn't them.

Edited by Kbo
  • Love 7

John David's analysis of Joe's courtship proposal plan was hilarious.  "Taking her to an auto auction and then to a slab of concrete, doesn't sound too romantic."  I'm guessing that John David didn't know that a million siblings and her father would be there as well. 

I think Joe and Kendra are cute together.  The boys always seem so downtrodden, I think Kendra will help Joe liven up a bit.

Jana should really move out and get her own apartment if she can't have her own room at the compound.  A late twenty something should not have to share a room with her preteen-baby sisters.

Jinger seems happy and thrilled to not be taking care of kids.  It definitely looks like Jeremy makes the decision on when they will be adding to their family.  I'm not sure what "season" they are in.  I'm guessing newlywed?  Or maybe they are in their carefree married with no kids season? 

I surprised at Jessa and Ben's inexperience traveling with kids.  Shouldn't Jessa be a pro at it?

Israel was incredibly polite and bi lingual for his age.   Poor Jill, she married a poor missionary.  Seriously, that's all Derick wants to do in life, is be a missionary who travels the world 6 months at a time.  Poor Jill is scared out of her mind and he's just like, "you're just scared of loud noises"!  Huh?  She grew up in a house with 20 other people, I'm guessing the house was loud all the time.

  • Love 6

Two giggles then the gag in Kendrab's mouth...were you a fly on the wall of the first night of wedded bliss and were reporting on Joe's foreplay?

What was more horrifying...conjuring up good memories of the house that the family molester started formulating his plans of despicable deeds or the meth house reminiscent of the brother/sister house of incest in the first season of True Detective?

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

Does anyone think Ben and Jessa will move to Laredo?  Or was that just a throwaway statement Jessa made?

I think they'd love to move to Laredo. Jessa clearly isn't getting the Sister-Mom help she expected with Spurge and Henry, so aside from the comfort of being close to Boob and his $$$ what's really keeping them rooted to Tontitown? Also, Jessa is very PR savvy. She knows Jeremy and newly renovated Jinger are the hot thing on Duggar social media and she desperately wants to chain herself to the cool kids. 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Allison Lynn said:

I agree with all those who thought the scene where Joy and Me-chelle and the wedding planner were laughing uncomfortably about how Joy would rush out of the reception for her officially sanctioned sexy times was icky.

This got me to thinking there should be a Duggar drinking game if there isn't one already.

Off the top of my head:

1. Drink every time someone references the act of sexual intercouse in any way.

2. Drink every time Jill mentions she's scared of living in Danger America.

3. Drink when MEchelle says the word "grandbabies".

4. Drink whenever someone asks one of the Juggalos when they're having kids.

5. Drink for every side hug.

If you don't drink you can do whatever it is you do instead. I personally suggest chips or cookies!  

Feel free to add to my list. I can't wait to hear what you guys come up with!

WARNING: For safety reasons please don't suggest a drink every time Kendra giggles. Alcohol poisoning is a serious thing.

  • Love 20
2 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

Yeah, but no way is Jing gonna be Jess's kid's babysitter. Or their "Aunt-Mom." Or whatever.

And there is no way Jeremy will share his pulpit with Preacher Ben.  However, on this week's episode the two couples met in San Antonio.  That is where Jeremy's sending church is located.   Jeremy's mentor Tim Conway may be interviewing Ben for another church plant in the area.  Ben may be finishing his correspondence courses to be a minister.  Even if he doesn't finish the courses, Tim Conway hired Jeremy as a minister and Jeremy never took any courses to be a preacher.  

  • Love 5

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