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S12.E09: Drag Bingo Bombshell

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Ugh I can't with Peggy - I bet that Birkin was fake- I get an Alexis vibe from her as far as the wealth she wants the viewers to think she has.  Oh and did you know Armenians want their kids to be educated?? (LMAO I know an Armenian girl who dropped out of university and has been a stewardess for 30 years. But she eats though! Because Armenians like to eat food!)

Who is more unattractive- Lydia as a man or Lydia as a woman?

shannon and Tamra need to realize that they had it half right his evening - shut Vicki out of your events but DO NOT spend the whole night talking about her! Ugh.  But you can tell it got Vick worried about her place on the show.

  • Love 16

Lol every time it's mentioned that Peggy was an English major. Yes Shannon, Megan is a shit stirrer.

I could see Lydia in the future, if one her sons was gay, sending him to conversion therapy camp. She couldn't clutch her pearls any tighter without choking herself at the drag queen bingo event. 

I'm not ready to give this franchise up yet, but damn this season sucks so bad. I can't stand Lydia or Peggy or Vicki. And Shannon and Megan who I used to like are annoying this season. Never thought I'd miss Heather but I do.

And the preview scene of Shannon and David was so uncomfortable to watch even a few seconds of.

Edited by parrotlover
  • Love 14
28 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

Did you know they also want their children to have an education?

Or as my dad would say: How do you put a two ton turd in a one ton container?

She pumps and dumps.  Lots of moms do it.  It infuriated me the low blow Kelly dealt about Meghan's baby being home alone.  She would be missing teeth if she had said that to me.

but they have shown her breast feeding and and drinking   (i don't mean at the same  time)

i can't stand kelly.  i keep waiting for the improved kelly that andy cohn said we would see......where is she

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, tinaw said:

Was that Vickie's brother talking about Eddie?  Vickie stirring shit again

But she doesn't lie, Sure

Ugh, if she really doesn't want to hurt Tamra, the correct response is, "Be that as it may, I'm out of the business of talking about Tamra's business."  Maybe Eddie is gay or bi.  That's no one's fucking business but his and Tamra's; lots of people have reasons to stay closeted that they don't have to explain to anyone.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, schmickschmack said:

I love Meghan.  She's a total shit stirrer but someone needs to stir up the languishing turds in this season's toilet.  When she said it was time for her to return as an investigator all I could hear is Ben and Ronnie from Watch What Crappens going "Hashtag justice!"

when did she say this.....she calls them out  which i love

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

but they have shown her breast feeding and and drinking   (i don't mean at the same  time)

i can't stand kelly.  i keep waiting for the improved kelly that andy cohn said we would see......where is she

What, drinking alcohol at the same time the baby is on her breast?  I haven't seen that but I may have missed it.  Her pumping before she sat down to dinner had nothing to do with drinking, she likely just needed to pump or she'd start leaking.


I got annoyed with Vicki and Steve for trying to redeem his reputation on the show.  He spoke some Spanish and she remarked how she liked how dark he looked (gag).  He only used the name Chavez when he was running for city councilman  in order to garner votes.  He's dirty in other ways too, but this was such an obvious ploy.

  • Love 17
37 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

but they have shown her breast feeding and and drinking   (i don't mean at the same  time)

i can't stand kelly.  i keep waiting for the improved kelly that andy cohn said we would see......where is she

But alcohol doesn't stay in your blood indefinitely. Couldn't she just dump her milk for 24 hours and then alternate with formula before switching back? 

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Lydia - "I'm not a good looking man".  Honey, at best you're an unfortunate looking woman. 

Lydia reminds me of a girl I went to high school with - she was all teeth and gums and eyes but she was a cheerleader, so people thought she was pretty.  I'll never forget in an English class a teacher said "pretty" is an insult because it's surface and shallow; beauty is deep.  Before he got to the second part she actually huffed and then laughed, as if to say we all knew she was pretty. I could see Lydia doing just that.

  • Love 11

Highlights of the episode...


We now know that if Lydia were born a man, shed resemble Charlie Chaplin.  Shannon would resemble Bret michaels, etc.

Meghan should keep her hair dark, it looks great on her, but I guess since Nancy Drew is a blonde that is why she is a blonde. :)  glad to see Nancy Drew is back.

Peggy is trying to fill a void left by Heather..but why not just be yourself?  Boring as that might be.

Gretchen back.next week..yuck.  a con artist just like Vicki.

Edited by JAYJAY1979
  • Love 7

Lydia is a bundle of laughs isn't she, or shall I call her Charlie Chaplin. I get she didn't like them arguing, but she was uncomfortable before that! I thought Shannon looked good, even being spanked! Kelly makes a better looking man than a woman, but Tamra without her makeup looks pretty bad m or f...
I see Vicki starts with her yipping sounds next week..what, what what..gawd that drives me crazy, thankful for the mute button..:)

  • Love 6

This season is real snooze fest.

Peggy & Diko are just boring, they are no DuBrow 2.0.

Tamra and Shannon please stop talking about your husbands and your marriages.

Kelly is still her 14 year old petulant self.

Megan stated the obvious that Aspen sleeps next to her in her (not our) bedroom.

Lydia just sign up as "young life" mom host house and be gone already.

Vicki deserves no further comments. However I did love the peek for the next episode with her grand birthday enterance with "crickets" from her party guests.

  • Love 11

If Tammy Sue is so secure in Jesus, why does she still employ a psychic? Isn't that a bit.... hypocritical? I know psychics are for fun in most cases, but she brought him in to decode a volitile situaiton. 

Talking about people who won't film with anyone else: Peggy is about as sad in that aspect as Icktoria. Newbies need to go to Hamburger Mary's with the rest of them (sans Icky) to make the cast look at least a little bit cohesive. 

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Won't start none, won't be none. Funny how Meghan left out the part where she was the first to ask Kelly whether she was having an affair. Kelly's response sounded like a standard clapback to me so .... shoulder shrug! Meghan butthurts easily for someone all up in everyone's mix. 

Meghan never omitted that she brought up Kelly's rumored affair first. In episode 4 (We Have a New Puppet Master) when Kelly comes to visit Meghan and baby Aspen, Meghan brings up how people were tweeting that Kelly was cheating. Meghan texted Kelly to ask if it was true. Kelly texted back that it wasn't true and Jim was cheating on Meghan. 


However, tonight Meghan absolutely skipped telling the other women that she started the cheating stuff to make Kelly's response look worse.

  • Love 3

Bravo was really scrapping the bottom of the barrel when they found Dick and Miss Piggy. It's like they put out a casting call to replace the ostentatious Dubrows, and got stuck with the obnoxious Sulahians. I was laughing at the staged scene where Dick forbids Piggy to take the $60,000 bag to New York, so the kid takes it back to presumably the bedroom. Apparently Piggy was travelling with it empty, no need to transfer anything that it may have been carrying to a cheaper, say, $30,000 handbag. Who knew it was possible that I would miss Heather and Miss Terry so much?  Dick and Piggy are so far out of their league, that they aren't even warming the bench. 

So where did Piggy get her English degree? She may "step her foot on" insisting that her children get a degree as she did, but they really need an education to go along with the piece of paper. Piggy appears to have obtained one without the other. 

Lydia needs to tone down the eye make up. I don't think she would looks so ridiculous if she didn't emphasize her already large eyes. She looks like a model for those ugly big-eyed waif paintings. Interesting though that she isn't sure what to make of drag queens, as they aren't in the bible. So Lydia can only accept/approve of things that are in the bible? I haven't picked up a bible in years, but apparently Spartan races are in it. Good to know. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 17

Vicki when most people talk about being a marriage person and brag about being married for 30 years they are usually talking about being married to the same person and not having overlap in relationships.

Kelly lies so easily when Shannon told her not to hit low by criticizings someones parenting she said she woukd never do thay when she had literally just criticized Meghan.

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

But alcohol doesn't stay in your blood indefinitely. Couldn't she just dump her milk for 24 hours and then alternate with formula before switching back? 

It doesn't even take that long, and you don't have to dump your milk unless you've had too much to drink.  Basically if you've had enough to drink that would make it unsafe to drive, then that's unsafe for the baby.  If you keep your intake to what  you're considered safe to drive on then you can breastfeed.  Your breast milk holds alcohol like your blood does, and after time as passed the alcohol clears from milk like it does blood.  It's not like you pour alcohol into a glass and it stays there until you dump out the glass.  If she had a single glass of alcohol with dinner and sipped it like a normal person drinking, assuming it wasn't an excessive amount she could go home and breastfeed in a few hours and not have any alcohol in her system.

  • Love 15

I'm so glad I know how much everything Peggy and Diko own costs.  In Armenia we just leave the price tags on everything, it saves time.

I hate it when Kelly gets the petulant whine going in her voice.  

Jeri Blank was lively this episode.

I think Aspen is my favorite baby.  I want to steal her.  But I'd probably be done with her the first time she needs a diaper change.  So she's safe.

Meghan's lunch with Vicki was amazing.

Really, Shannon wigging out while drunk and getting hurt storming around and trying to break down a door is the logical explanation for what happened that night for anyone that has ever seen Shannon drink.

Why is Vicki trying so hard to convince everyone that Steve is so great?  You can just google his name and see all the news paper articles regarding his political scandal.  

"I've been married 30 years."  BWAH!  Vicki is such an idiot.  That's like me saying I've been sober 30 years because I added up all the periods in my lifetime that I didn't actively have a drink in my hand including when I was a child, never mind it wasn't consecutive time.

Now that Tamra and Shannon are tolerating Kelly and she doesn't need Meghan anymore it only took her about 15 seconds to turn on her.

I just can't even be bothered with Lydia's fake ass.  

  • Love 22

Another week, another lesson in "What Armenians Do". Armenians are VERY protective of their daughters. No other culture is like that. At all. Armenians REALLY value education. So much so that they major in English, then walk around butchering said language. Oh, and did you know? Armenians never break out! 

I have to say, I was very surprised at the degree of civility the women were exhibiting in the beginning of the episode. Kelly was all, "If you say you didn't, Shannon, I believe you". And Megan apologized right away for blabbing. I was a bit impressed. Of course, it all went downhill by the end. Another odd thing - I found myself siding with Kelly most of the time. Was her affair comment about Jim shitty? Yup. But Megan came at her with an affair rumor first. I know it sounds petty, but I'm failing to see the difference here. But, when Kelly took it the level of insulting Megan as a mother, that was just shitty as hell. Where's Jolie right now? 

Megan tends to be one I can tolerate more than the others, but I DO think she's being too intrusive lately. I know it's a TV show, but she doesn't need to go around telling everyone what everyone else said about them. It does come across as very shit-stirry. Maybe she's bored, being at home with the baby. But if you're going to bring up Megan King Edmunds PI - at least do some real PI work!!! He said/she said is boring. Dig into Steve's background a bit. 

Speaking of - Steve and Vicki's interactions always reek of desperation from her and "He's Just Not That Into You". 

And Vicki, no one believes you are having sex 4 times a day! 

All the drag outfits were pretty damn good, except Lydia's. What WAS that? Shannon wins, though. She WAS Bret Michaels!

  • Love 17

Weird that Armenian men are protective of their daughters.  It's a well known fact that no other nationality gives a shit about their daughters.

Seriously.  This whole Armenian people cultural lesson by Peggy is really making me learn so much about Armenian ways and customs.  So Peggy tell us a little about Armenian people.  Well, Armenian people like food.  Armenian people value education.  Armenian men are protective of their daughters.  I feel like I have totally been immersed in Armenian culture!

  • Love 23

I'm almost done with the Real Housewives franchises ( have not bothered with Dallas, Potomac, Miami or Melbourne)  and this one is so boring that I've fallen asleep twice when I tried to replay it.  The desperation is showing with dressing the ladies up like male rock stars, restirring past pots, questioning a cancer diagnosis and bringing Gretchen back!   I don't know if I can stick around for the whole series, though watching the dessimation of Shannon and David's marriage is fascinating. Kelly, Meghan, Tamra,Lydia a Vicki are a snooze.

3 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

I'm almost done with the Real Housewives franchises ( have not bothered with Dallas, Potomac, Miami or Melbourne)  and this one is so boring that I've fallen asleep twice when I tried to replay it.  The desperation is showing with dressing the ladies up like male rock stars, restirring past pots, questioning a cancer diagnosis and bringing Gretchen back!   I don't know if I can stick around for the whole series, though watching the dessimation of Shannon and David's marriage is fascinating. Kelly, Meghan, Tamra,Lydia a Vicki are a snooze.

Yup. Boring.  Nothing new going on, just more of the same old drama that we thought was put to rest after last season's reunion.  Next week we see Shannon complaining to David that he does not touch her...self awareness is not in the house, Shannon should stop announcing she has gained weight, gain some confidence and work on losing it because David would much rather be with a confident woman. 

Gretchen is back, oy.  Why? Is this a punishment? Did we misbehave?

Vicki is going to chase off that guy, buying a boat together is stupid, what happens when he wants a boys day out on the boat?  She will lose her mind wondering if there were girls on board, her habit of lording over her family with money is a slippery slope for boyfriend, she will suddenly be counting the pennies she has put in vs. how many he has put in and emasculating him all he while.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Marley said:

Vicki is wrecking the show. I've never liked her..it used to be fun to laugh at her tho. Now not so much. Plus next week with the whole guy coming on to say he saw Eddie making out with a guy sd Vicki acts so shocked. Like first who cares. Second what a crock. Total set up. Fuck off Vicki. Also Gretchen is back ? Omg pls no I thought we got rid of her.

Lydia is a total moron and how did she grow up? How can she know nothing of drag queens or psychics? She's such a judgemental loser. Go home to your vanilla husband and stay off the show. Stay in your little pathetic bubble with your joke of a magazine.

Peggy and Diko are total fakes. He just wanted to price drop that handbag so bad. I wouldn't be surprised if down the road they pull a Joe and Teresa.

Im liking Meghan this season. Having some drinks while breastfeeding is not a big deal. It's not like she's slamming back a 26 with aspen right there lol.

If she keeps talking like she did in this episode, that magazine isn't long for this world. They will lose their big advertisers and A list star interviews like Matt Damon because of her nasty/judgmental comments big time! 

  • Love 9

Vicki is wrecking the show. I've never liked her..it used to be fun to laugh at her tho. Now not so much. Plus next week with the whole guy coming on to say he saw Eddie making out with a guy sd Vicki acts so shocked. Like first who cares. Second what a crock. Total set up. Fuck off Vicki. Also Gretchen is back ? Omg pls no I thought we got rid of her.

Ugh I can't believe they are having Gretchen on.  I am really disappointing in all involved with her casting and reappearance, that they would give her TV time and make her relevant again after she dropped into obscurity for the past 5 years.  Yuk.  



So Lydia can only accept/approve of things that are in the bible? I haven't picked up a bible in years, but apparently Spartan races are in it. Good to know. 

Word.  Were unicorns in the bible?  What about spray glitter?  Spray tans? Not cool Lydia.



Meghan's lunch with Vicki was amazing.

Yes I only wished Megan had pushed Vicki a little harder, but she did well. I really think that Meghan's intention was to point blank ask Vicki what she wanted an apology for, and to let Vicki talk, and the nonsense would flow and speak for itself.  There is really nothing more needed.  The best thing you can do for Vicki is give her the platform to speak and let her share her POV, because with what comes forth, she buries herself.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Who is more unattractive- Lydia as a man or Lydia as a woman?

Ooooh, that's a tough call. Like, Sophie's choice tough. 


6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Vicki when most people talk about being a marriage person and brag about being ,arrived for 30 years they are usually talking about being married time the same person and not giving overlap in relationships.

That's really how she views it. It's not about having a good person in her life, a loving and supportive relationship. It's about the TOTALITY of years she was married. Period. She's so pathetic. 

8 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Gretchen is back, oy.  Why? Is this a punishment? Did we misbehave?

If I get even a WHIF of Slade, I'm done. 

  • Love 6

This show is lame - you know a show has nothing at all going for it when the storyline is about a conversation that we just witnessed on screen, and then who texted the other cast members first after leaving that conversation, then confronting each other about it at the next get together and an argument forming from this entire interaction.  When the show has devolved into this, stick a fork in it, it's done.  This is too meta and stupid for words.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Another week, another lesson in "What Armenians Do". Armenians are VERY protective of their daughters. No other culture is like that. At all. Armenians REALLY value education. So much so that they major in English, then walk around butchering said language. Oh, and did you know? Armenians never break out! 

I have to say, I was very surprised at the degree of civility the women were exhibiting in the beginning of the episode. Kelly was all, "If you say you didn't, Shannon, I believe you". And Megan apologized right away for blabbing. I was a bit impressed. Of course, it all went downhill by the end. Another odd thing - I found myself siding with Kelly most of the time. Was her affair comment about Jim shitty? Yup. But Megan came at her with an affair rumor first. I know it sounds petty, but I'm failing to see the difference here. But, when Kelly took it the level of insulting Megan as a mother, that was just shitty as hell. Where's Jolie right now? 

Megan tends to be one I can tolerate more than the others, but I DO think she's being too intrusive lately. I know it's a TV show, but she doesn't need to go around telling everyone what everyone else said about them. It does come across as very shit-stirry. Maybe she's bored, being at home with the baby. But if you're going to bring up Megan King Edmunds PI - at least do some real PI work!!! He said/she said is boring. Dig into Steve's background a bit. 

Speaking of - Steve and Vicki's interactions always reek of desperation from her and "He's Just Not That Into You". 

And Vicki, no one believes you are having sex 4 times a day! 

All the drag outfits were pretty damn good, except Lydia's. What WAS that? Shannon wins, though. She WAS Bret Michaels!

How can that possibly be true when she is always soooo freakin' busy with Coto Insurance??  Doesn't Vicki also claim that she is working so much, all the time - it's hard to make time to do anything else??  (Or, was that just in the past?  I'm so over this show, I can't even be bothered to remember these things...)

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

How can that possibly be true when she is always soooo freakin' busy with Coto Insurance??  Doesn't Vicki also claim that she is working so much, all the time - it's hard to make time to do anything else??  (Or, was that just in the past?  I'm so over this show, I can't even be bothered to remember these things...)

I do think she's been a bit lighter on the "I WORK" bullshit. She toned it down since she divorced Donn. Probably because she thought her shady relationship with Brooks was a more interesting storyline, and her company is just backrground noise. 

But still....no way she's having that much sex. Coto or no Coto. She just says that crap to come off as what she thinks guys want - a sex crazed grandma!

  • Love 9

Some thoughts about Vicki having sex 4X a day:

Doesnt her beau work? Who is she having sex with? 

At his age, does he really still have the mojo to do it that much without getting worn out (exhausted)

Is she a pillow queen (a taker but not a giver) 

Does she go into the office bathroom and....(earplugs for all my employees) 

Im not sure what's more disturbing. That she's having sex four times a day or that I actually sat here and gave it some thought. The latter I think. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Oops. Changed her to here. Big difference lol
  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Some thoughts about Vicki having sex 4X a day:

Doesnt her beau work? Who is she having sex with? 

At his age, does he really still have the mojo to do it that much without getting worn out (exhausted)

Is she a pillow queen (a taker but not a giver) 

Does she go into the office bathroom and....(earplugs for all my employees) 

Im not sure what's more disturbing. That she's having sex four times a day or that I actually sat her and gave it some thought. The latter I think. 

LALALAAAAA I can't hear you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is all too horrifying to even consider.

  • Love 6

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