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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)

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I knew right away that Scarlett was going to give Austin a run for his money. She is smart and fast on the clicker. I'm still not sure if Austin is endearingly quirky or a jackass. He was so happy for Scarlett that I can't really dislike him now. So many of the contestants don't even acknowledge each other at the end. I loved Austin and Scarlett's high five.

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Just watched. Thank god this national nightmare is over. That said, it always seems the person who beats a longtime winner loses the next night. Hopefully, that won’t be the case. Once again, Hallelujah!!!

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Scarlett was really smart and fast on the buzzer.  Of course she knows her Dolly Parton.  She's from Tennessee.  I used to live in East Tennessee and I could run that category too.  Congrats to her.  Austin was a gracious loser. 

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Scarlet!  Scarlet!  Scarlet!

I’m so happy he didn’t get to Julia.

I would have been happy either way...loved the high-five!  Never understood the Julia love....thought she was a drip.

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3 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

If I didn't know better, I would cry fix--a Dolly Parton category on the day a Tennessee woman comes up against a very divisive champ?

I'm not from Tennessee, but I think I got every answer in that category. They weren't hard.

Anyway, I'm very happy for Scarlett, maybe as happy was Austin is. I was worried when she was writing her FJ answer at the last minute.

I got the musk ox DD, Pecos, Doris Lessing, ashram, and gumshoe. Again, I couldn't quite bring to mind the last name Ballard to go with JG. 

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I give him credit for being gracious in defeat, but good riddance, Austin.  

3 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I was not a fan of Austin's annoying mime-ing, etc....but tonight he seemed tired and Scarlet was hitting the buzzer before him, and he seemed relieved at the end that she had won.  He truly looked happy and excited for Scarlet.  And FJ was easy!

I thought the same thing.  He seemed exhausted.  I guess being a continuous jackass catches up with one at some point.  

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It was good while it lasted. Back to boring, stuffy, lame episodes we go.

Yup. I totally agree. But maybe Scarlett-with-an-extra-T will last for a while. And maybe, since tonight they had a Dolly Parton category, tomorrow night they'll have a GWTW category.

Obviously, she was named for Scarlett O'Hara.

Which reminds me. I forgot to mention that my (red) car is named Scarlett O'Honda.

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He did, which is an odd, yet interesting choice for a favorite animal.

I wish I knew what Sean was saying at the end because he looked angry, and was gesturing to Scarlett (sorry for the missing T before).  Maybe he was just like “man, she’s good, I just couldn’t keep up.”

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I did like Austin's high five to the new champion, but because I'm mean and cynical and not a fan of his schtick, I thought his excessive celebration for her was a wee bit put on.

But anyhow, good job, Scarlett!  That was a fun game to watch. 

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I wish I knew what Sean was saying at the end because he looked angry, and was gesturing to Scarlett (sorry for the missing T before).  Maybe he was just like “man, she’s good, I just couldn’t keep up.”

That was basically my thought, like, "It was impossible being against those two." I didn't think he looked angry, just serious.


1 hour ago, TaraS1 said:

I did like Austin's high five to the new champion, but because I'm mean and cynical and not a fan of his schtick, I thought his excessive celebration for her was a wee bit put on. 

I must admit that occurred to me for a sec, but I think it was genuine. I wondered if they had hit it off (friend-wise) before competing, maybe in try-outs, so he was happy for her. I also think he appreciates good game-play.

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Austin did seem a bit off tonight compared to how he has been before. 

Those sort of lapses are why I think other great champions would beat him

But he was a gracious loser and happy for Scarlett.  She did great right from the start

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1 hour ago, TaraS1 said:

I did like Austin's high five to the new champion, but because I'm mean and cynical and not a fan of his schtick, I thought his excessive celebration for her was a wee bit put on.

But anyhow, good job, Scarlett!  That was a fun game to watch. 

There was cheering in clanstarlingville when Austin lost - but I thought he was genuine. His body language and the smile that lit up his face convinced this old cynic. I have to give him credit for that. 

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2 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

I thought his excessive celebration for her was a wee bit put on.

ME TOO!   I didn't think he was sincere for one second.  Which makes him really mean-spirited, in addition to smug and annoying.  Goodbye.

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Austin really didn't annoy me.  His mugging during the intros was a bit goofy, but once the game started he lost the silliness and got down to business.  I appreciated the fact that he didn't jump the board, and his daily double bets were often pretty gutsy.  He was extremely gracious to Scarlet, and it seemed sincere to me.  I got the impression that he enjoyed having a worthy opponent tonight.

Scarlet is a strong player too.  Hope she sticks around for a while.

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I thought Austin looked happy for Scarlett and relieved to be done. He played a tired game. Scarlett got off to a roaring start, took a quick lead and never let up. If Austin hadn't hit those two DDs in DJ, it might have been a runaway. 

Scarlett played a great game and seems like the real deal. I'll be shocked if she's one-and-done.

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2 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

I did like Austin's high five to the new champion, but because I'm mean and cynical and not a fan of his schtick, I thought his excessive celebration for her was a wee bit put on.

Finally, someone with a heart as black as mine.  ;o)

Nobody is ever that ecstatically happy to have lost.  Way over-the-top reaction.  But if it gets him off my TV . . .

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Yay, Austin's gone! I had a feeling Scarlett would give him a run for his money when she said she met her husband during a College Bowl-type tournament. I still had a nagging sense that his loss was intentional - he sat out a lot of questions - though Scarlett was fast on the buzzer - and was overly enthused at the end. I can just picture him regaling his customers with how he threw the game. Bah!

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17 hours ago, PaulaO said:

I'm gobsmacked and already can't stand Scarlett.  Alex said 4 players have made more money than Austin.  Ken J and who else?  I wonder if that includes the players from the special,tournaments.

Brad Rutter, who's won more money on Jeopardy than any other contestant.  And who has never lost to another human contestant, only to Watson.

Edited to note that Brad won most of his money in tournaments, because he competed in the "5 wins and you're done" era.  I imagine he'd have won a lot more games in a row than most of the contestants since the change because he was that good.  Might've even done better than Ken Jennings.

Edited by proserpina65
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If I'd known my post yesterday, "Austin can't get off my teevee fast enough," would have caused his loss, I would have posted it DAYS ago. I'm intrigued that so many here saw his "congratulating" Scarlett as genuine. Count me among the minority who saw him overacting, flailing his arms around, jumping, smiling, high-fiving, all WAY too OTT to be anything other than LOOK AT ME! THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD! I got the drift that he lost on purpose so he could be in the upcoming TOC and win that, proving he actually IS the smartest person ever. A simple hand over the divider to shake Scarlett's hand, and a smile and "Congrats, great job!" would have shown me he's a gracious loser instead of a self-absorbed dick tree.

Meanwhile, animal categories remain my strong suit and the weakest for Jeopardy contestants, so HOORAY! on Austin missing DD "muskox." Which made me agree with Trebek that the muskox is indeed my favorite animal. At least it was yesterday. And NO WAY should judges have given Austin a pass on "whale" instead of "seal." I don't know what kind of clothing Eskimos make out of whale skin. But back to today: Jeopardy returns to smart people concentrating on playing well and not promoting their own reality show ... I hope.

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Well, it's a good thing I padded my DVR with 90 extra minutes to record J! in the middle of the night last night.  I needed most of it!  I have no idea if football ran long or if my TV station and or guide is lying to me about when the show is meant to air.

Agreed Scarlett was on fire during yesterday's game.  Austin seemed to play his usual game -- lay back a bit, then make a run closer to the end.  Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for us, it didn't work this time.  Hooray for Scarlett for not making a conservative wager on FJ.

FJ was definitely an instaget for me -- not sure how Sean screwed it up so badly.  Even if he picked the wrong movie, at least get the title right!

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50 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Well, it's a good thing I padded my DVR with 90 extra minutes to record J! in the middle of the night last night.  I needed most of it!  I have no idea if football ran long or if my TV station and or guide is lying to me about when the show is meant to air.

Agreed Scarlett was on fire during yesterday's game.  Austin seemed to play his usual game -- lay back a bit, then make a run closer to the end.  Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for us, it didn't work this time.  Hooray for Scarlett for not making a conservative wager on FJ.

FJ was definitely an instaget for me -- not sure how Sean screwed it up so badly.  Even if he picked the wrong movie, at least get the title right!

Have you checked to see if another station broadcasts Jeopardy? My "normal" channel is a CBS affiliate and has the same problem with the timing of the changed broadcast being regularly off.  Sometimes it's because a game runs long, sometimes they seem to want to add in more news coverage. I guess because I live between two major markets, I also have access to an ABC affiliate (in standard definition...but Jeopardy is worth it) which isn't affected by football. 

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Actually, Austin made it really clear on Jimmy Fallon that Scarlett beat him to a pulp and was totally on fire. He still seemed really happy for her but I'm sure that won't change anyone's opinion because like I said, once dislike sets in, everything grates...

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I thought Austin would win yesterday's game when I saw the history and music categories. He was a history major and would have also majored in music -- if he hadn't slept through his piano exam. Yes, he did graduate college even if his "genetics" made him win Jeopardy. I was also surprised Scarlett beat him on the buzzer since, as they say, practice makes perfect, and Austin had plenty of buzzer practice. Other contestants (not victims) have said most of the time everyone knows the answer, it's just who can buzz in the quickest. Austin practiced that before coming on the show. (So did Mr. Jennings and Mr. Jacobs.)

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1 hour ago, Pallida said:

Have you checked to see if another station broadcasts Jeopardy? My "normal" channel is a CBS affiliate and has the same problem with the timing of the changed broadcast being regularly off.  Sometimes it's because a game runs long, sometimes they seem to want to add in more news coverage. I guess because I live between two major markets, I also have access to an ABC affiliate (in standard definition...but Jeopardy is worth it) which isn't affected by football. 

Unfortunately, I live in the back of beyond, nowhere near one major market, much less two.  Even with satellite, I have access to only one affiliate of each major network.  I just have to remember to record CBS for half the night. 

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21 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

Dave Madden, Julia Collins, and Matt Jackson., according to http://stuarte.co/2015/all-time-jeopardy-winners/  Although it says 2015, it's been updated to include Austin and Seth.

Why do you dislike Scarlett?

ETA: I see DrScottie beat me to the list.


4 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

Brad Rutter, who's won more money on Jeopardy than any other contestant.  And who has never lost to another human contestant, only to Watson.

Edited to note that Brad won most of his money in tournaments, because he competed in the "5 wins and you're done" era.  I imagine he'd have won a lot more games in a row than most of the contestants since the change because he was that good.  Might've even done better than Ken Jennings.

Yes, I was wondering why Brad Rutter wasn't on the list linked in GreekGeek's post.  So I guess the list only includes those who competed after the "5 wins" era?  That seems unfair.

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19 hours ago, halfpint ingals said:

I thought it ironic there was a category called The End is Near the night Austin lost. 

I was thinking It's a Wonderful Life for FJ, but was not absolutely sure since the clue said 1947, but I was thinking the movie was released in 1946. 

It was released in 1946 - but the clue wasn't referring to the year the movie was released, it was referring to the year the FBI report was issued. It makes sense that a Christmas movie would be released around Christmas (i.e. the end of 1946) so the report wouldn't be issued until the following year.

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3 minutes ago, secnarf said:

It makes sense that a Christmas movie would be released around Christmas (i.e. the end of 1946) so the report wouldn't be issued until the

For the record, why do I think "It's a Wonderful Life" actually came out in June????

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How far in advance are these episodes taped? There were a couple eerily topical questions tonight: Catalan and Tom Petty.

The TS is remember getting are Embedded and Dale Carnegie. For Carnegie, I think they were tripped up by the wording of the clue.

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I am still sad about Tom Petty.

TS I got include bread, bearded collie, embedded, breast stroke, and Dale Carnegie.

FJ was a total guess for me -- I couldn't think of any other river in that part of the world.  I was surprised to find I was correct.

Manny pissed me off by starting in the middles of categories.  I really hoped either of the women would win.

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4 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

FJ was a total guess for me -- I couldn't think of any other river in that part of the world.  I was surprised to find I was correct.

Me too! Then I felt smart when the contestants guessed Yangtze and... was it Ganges?

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47 minutes ago, Fex said:

How far in advance are these episodes taped? There were a couple eerily topical questions tonight: Catalan and Tom Petty.

It varies, but this one was in August, I believe.

Geography. Study it!

"The" Movie: This category bugged me a tiny bit because normally the show does not care about articles (a, the) at the start of an answer, so normally you would be able to just say "What is Truman Show?" and be ruled correct.

I got Fatima (Portugal), but only because I had just read about it.

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Scarlett is indeed gone already :( 

11 minutes ago, Driad said:

So Scarlett is gone already?  Please remember some of us are trying to follow the show here because our stations don't carry some episodes.  @#$%& f**tb*ll!

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Did I see a photo of @saber5055’s avatar or was that a different breed?

I can’t believe someone who works in newspapers didn’t get embedded.  I can’t believe embedded was a TS.

Manny said Department of the Treasury and Department of Justice which grated because aren’t they called the other way around?

Edited by mojoween
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Well, gee whiz, Scarlett sure fizzled out.  Although, Manny bugged me a little by starting in the middle of categories, both women deserved to lose with their bone-headed FJ answers.  

I got bread, embedded, and Dale Carnegie.

FJ was an instaget.

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14 minutes ago, RT4 said:

If Manny wants to hang around for awhile he better learn how to cover 2nd place all in bet other wise he going out in flames.

Michelle's wagering on her DD was terrible. Why not go for the lead? Manny also wagered poorly in FJ.

And I'd still take any of them over Austin. It wasn't his wagering that bothered me but his attention whoring. Good riddance. 

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19 minutes ago, teebax said:

Michelle's wagering on her DD was terrible. Why not go for the lead? Manny also wagered poorly in FJ.

And I'd still take any of them over Austin. It wasn't his wagering that bothered me but his attention whoring. Good riddance. 


Yeah I agree Michelle Should have Wager enough for the lead on her DD but since she got FJ Wrong it wouldn't had matter

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