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S04.E05: Week 3, Night 1

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I'm glad others are also feeling that "Well, there's two hours of my life I'll never get back" feeling as well. It's bad y'all. And tomorrow we have to deal with another (law suit settlement condition) 'special' episode about that time when, according to us, nothing really happened? Pfft... not as if this season had a chance int eh first place but if it ever had a chance to build up some momentum these 'special' episodes are like the last nail in the coffin.

Matt made the right decision and got the hell out of there. I think we should probably follow!

But since I did waste time on this today...

Can someone explain to me why a virgin (who apparently wants to send the message that sex doesn't rule her life) would want to get a boob job? And this is the 3rd/4th to get one after being involved with 'Bachelor Nation'?? How about getting some counseling for your rampant insecurities and zero self confidence instead of making your tits bigger?

This show is like a funhouse mirror. Everyone comes out of it looking much worse than when we originally saw them and maybe even (gasp!) cheered for them.

Thankyou Amanda for backing up the concept of no meaning no by going for Robbie. He's that guy that thinks if he just puts on enough pressure and keeps not taking no for an answer eventually he'll get the girl (or Amanda in this case...). Did nobody listen to the consent talk? I guess those glowsticks really turned the proverbial tides.

Dean I never liked you so that doesn't bother me to much that you've turned out to be a pretty silver-tongued devil telling both Kristin and Danielle what they want to hear simultaneously. So klassy. Both women say "I won't let him drag this out I need a decision TODAY blah blah blah" as they continue to let themselves be sweet-talked out of being two-timed and led on... have we ever seen evidence of any of the 'qualities' Dean claims Danielle has? If we have I must have missed it.

No speaking of "triangles" how the fuck did ADAM of all guys end up with two women pursuing him? Adam. Really?? My mind boggles. And again two women letting themselves be lead on by a guy... do these girls never compare notes? I hope Adam gets caught in his own web and in the next rose ceremony that the women have power he ends up getting the kiss off. Of course that ceremony won't occur until around Christmas Break so maybe he'll wriggle out of it by then.

  • Love 23
6 minutes ago, twoods said:

I'm out. I almost wish I stayed for Jasmine's meltdown to see that trainwreck.

It took the entire two hours to get through.  Not-worth-it.

17 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Must be an alternate universe where Matt and Raven are considered the 'hot ones'.

I was confused, then thought you were confused then realized that Matt and Raven also exist on Big Brother.  I watch too much crap TV.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Matt is like please, anyone, save me from Jasmine! But this is really crappy that HE told Christin he wanted to go out with her. Christin even tells Jasmine this, but she completely ignores this and still focuses in on badmouthing Christin. Ok, women, PLEASE stop blaming "the other woman"; stop and check YOUR MAN. Christin doesn't owe Jasmine the fidelity, MATT does (if they were committed).

Taylor is dropping F bombs left and right in her reaction to explaining how she feels about Derek saying FU. She also says she shuts down when she hears that--but her complaint that she got the FU over was that she wasn't sure he has what she wants in a relationship because HE shuts down. Ugh, the hypocrisy. I don't even care--both of you can just go home.

Did Matt ever claim Jasmine? I think he was pretty clear trying to avoid her for some time. I can't rewatch to see if I missed something lol! 

On Taylor, I was trying to catch what she said to Derek and it didn't seem like she said it the right way. Granted FU is strong words to respond with, but she doesn't seem to consider others feelings when she's giving such 'great' advice. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

 She is either two-faced or incredibly dim or possibly both

I would lean toward spoiled. She seems like she usually gets what she wants and this is weird. So much crying in 24 hours.  

I also think she seems like she has an eating disorder. She packed away a lot of food in this episode... or maybe she just crash dieted before the show and was super hungry?  It was weird how much she was shown eating: I swear we saw her eat more food than anyone else has this whole season, even though she has only been on the show for one episode!

Lacey sucks.  

Edited by fib
  • Love 1

Wait, Taylor wants to be a therapist? Who is going to pay to hear her vocal fry and uptalking? Just her trying to say "entrepreneur" a few episodes ago was torture enough. She's too vapid and self centered to give a shit about anyone else's problems. 

I guess nobody wants Ben Z even if he's one of the hottest guys there. With people running to Matt and Adam, it seems as if personality is winning over looks which is nice to see. No wonder they went so far with Rachel.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I understand the show likes to fixate on certain things like Clare and the talking to the crab ? etc , but the scallop thing wasn't funny whatsoever . They really tried way too hard to make something dumb turn into something funny . That was a fail 

I thought it was a little funny when the editors highlighted Scallop Fingers dangling that shrimp over (I think it was) Amanda's shoulder.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Honestly, none of these men are all that.  If I were on this show, I'd relax, stuff my face and keep Wells busy fixing me drinks.

Ya, I would enjoy the island, relax, take a vacation and not be concerned of any drama!!  Guava Daiquiris, Pina Coladas, island food....nap, eat, repeat!!

5 hours ago, rebeccalj said:

If there is a God, then Lacey will go home.

yes she is creating unnecessary drama.  She had one casual date with Diggy.  Back off;   not necessary to be drilling him for a casual two hour date. She is just too immature and inexperienced for this...experience!!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Zahdii said:

Halfway through.  I just can't deal with the immaturity, the meanness, and the "like" every other word, the nasal 'little girl' voices, and the uptalking.  I think I have a murder mystery on Netflix to watch instead.

I am having a hard time paying attention with this as I am so tired of the word 'like'.  

Can't the producers/directors encourage them to not say the word?  It elongates sentences, conversations, and the entire show! I have to keep getting up to get something to eat!  I am now out of ice cream, cake, sunflower seeds and cookies!!

2 hours ago, twoods said:

I tried giving it another chance but lasted 10 minutes. Between all the terrible voices (Taylor and Amanda), and boring ass conversations with douche bag guys who are leading two girls on, I'm out. I almost wish I stayed for Jasmine's meltdown to see that trainwreck. The four hours weekly is killing this show, along with everyone being either annoying, douchebags, or bullies. 

Reruns of Psych. MUCH better. 

I was flipping to 'Big Bang Theory' myself...sigh

  • Love 7

Does anyone actually manage to watch this show live? I can only mildly tolerate it by fast forwarding through most of it.

Jasmine is straight up psycho. She is disturbing and it is not cute and it is not funny. If one of the guys talked and behaved like that, we'd have another Corinne/DeMario after-school special sit-down. 

Raven's boobs are distracting, but in a "yikes girl, you needed a better plastic surgeon" kind of way. Sarah is much cuter. 

Meanwhile Lacey keeps dipping a makeup brush in Raven's black hair dye for her eyeliner. 

Also, every time they gossiped about scallop fingers, I kept thinking about salad fingers. 

  • Love 5

So, does Daniel-to-the-rescue mean there will be no rose ceremony at all this week?   It sure looked like everyone was still there on the previews.   Are we done with rose ceremonies all together?   

I'm beginning to think the whistle-blowing producer who is no longer there (right?) was the one making it good TV.   The interns/underlings left behind to scrabble this mess together are not up for it.  The humor is gone, the fun is gone. 

  • Love 6

I agree with you all... I am not even sure why they wasted their time airing this stuff.  I like how they act like there is so much excitement in the previews, and then the show comes on, and it is a bunch of nothing.  I will have to tune out..... I looked at the clock at 9:30 and felt like I had been watching for at least 3 hours and wondered how their could be another half hour left, and also wondered why they bothered to think there was actually 2 hours of content here.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

How is Derek interested in Taylor ? The girl has one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard and she is absolutely in the wrong profession , as she never says anything soothing or warm to any of the upset people . 

Well she has beautiful long legs.  Every time that Victoria Secret ad started up with the tan legs, I thought it was Taylor.  I would consider my boyfriend saying, "F***k you" a reason to break up, too, but then I don't use the f-word three times in every sentence.  Maybe if Taylor didn't keep the word in the air all the time it wouldn't have been the first thing Dereck thought to use.


7 hours ago, Rainsong said:

Some of the ladies have magically acquired manicures despite not leaving the compound.

Most women know how to do their own nails. I've never had a professional do mine and they're always polished. 

When Wells started talking about sticky scallop fingers with the puppet, I thought he was making fun of the mean girls and mimicking their gossipy talk.  Now, I'm not sure.  I do cringe when people lick their fingers and stick them back in the food but it doesn't bother me that much.  On the other hand talking to people with a mouth full of toothpaste? Jasmine was raving and Christen looked like  she was foaming at the mouth -- it will make a nice "previously," clip.

It probably wont happen, but I would love to see Kristina and D'Lo both drop Dean and chase Daniel. Sarah and Raven, too.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

... have we ever seen evidence of any of the 'qualities' Dean claims Danielle has? If we have I must have missed it.

Danielle is constantly showing off her two 'qualities.' 

5 hours ago, bequialife said:

I am having a hard time paying attention with this as I am so tired of the word 'like'. Can't the producers/directors encourage them to not say the word?

The contestants are directed to speak in complete sentences during their ITMs, so that we don't need to hear the questions the producer is asking in order to understand their answers. So, the producers could ask them to drop the 'likes,' but they loathe the audience too much to do so.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

It probably wont happen, but I would love to see Kristina and D'Lo both drop Dean and chase Daniel. Sarah and Raven, too.

I would love it if Daniel became the hot property around there. These guys need a wakeup call


1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

On the other hand talking to people with a mouth full of toothpaste?

At least she did keep trying to cover her mouth. These people need bathrooms with locks on the door. I'd be pissed as hell if I'm trying to brush my teeth and someone came barging in to yell at me.

I really couldn't with Jazz. I ended up having to mute the TV every time I saw her in a scene. I don't watch for all the yelling. I watch for the silly. Which is why Wells' puppet didn't bother me too much. I think he meant it more in jest than the others, who were just trying to stay popular with the class bully so she didn't turn on them next. Ugh, this really is like middle school isn't it?

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Can someone explain to me why a virgin (who apparently wants to send the message that sex doesn't rule her life) would want to get a boob job? And this is the 3rd/4th to get one after being involved with 'Bachelor Nation'?? How about getting some counseling for your rampant insecurities and zero self confidence instead of making your tits bigger?

Implants, except to correct deformity or following cancer, are always kind of hard for me to understand.  I respect any woman's personal decision, but  for me, I would consider any man who needed  exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics in order to perform, a good one to weed out when culling my own personal herd.  However, Christen's boob job made perfect sense to me after she talked about her virginity as a wise decision for her brand or however she put it.  Clearly she sees her own body as a product to be sold to the highest bidder so polishing it up to the mass market's ideal is smart business for her.   She actually offends me more than Corinne ever did and Corinne tries to shock.

  • Love 11

I did not understand that whole virginity as a brand strategy thing at all. She was telling a guy she was presumably trying to date that she is marketing her virginity? But there was something about not finding the right guy, which does make sense, but then she was on about it like a strategy. I wanted to like her after all the mean girls ganged up on her but that was just so strange. Is she even really a virgin or is that her job title for the show, like Dolphin and Dog Lover?

I wish they had just sent all these losers home and picked a fresh crop after Poolgate! This batch have sucked all the fun out of this show.

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, thejuicer said:

Taylor is so insufferable I'm surprised no one else had said "F*** you" to her already.


According her they have, many times.  As in most of her past relationships.  Hence her "trigger".   Being no stranger to that word herself it seems pretty hypocritical, though.

Edited by Suzysite
Needless info
  • Love 6

This show is ruining my enjoyment of drinking wine on Mondays because it is bringing back high-school flashbacks.  I may have to see Taylor for PTSD.   The original pack of hyenas are just plain mean.   I know we shouldn't bring kids into this but if that is behavior that Amanda is modeling for her kids then they will be the leaders of the Mean Girl clique class of 2028.  

And speaking of Amanda what was up with that hot tub date and her cooing about how cool it was?  How is that cool?  Even my cats would stop being entertained by it after a minute and they stare at walls for fun.

  • Love 16

Derek will NEVER be right in any argument with Taylor ever. That chick lacks self-awareness and is hugely projecting. Run, Derek, run.

Jasmine and the mean girls - STFU. 

I think Dean is immature - but he's 26. However, I also think he's being fairly honest with both of the women. Frankly if someone was telling me he couldn't make up his mind between me and someone else, I'd be out. That both women are staying and "competing" says more about them than it does about Dean.


Humidity is not Raven's friend.

Edited by NoWhammies
  • Love 17

And jasmine was acting totally psychotic. The desperation. Hanging all over Matt. He wasted no time bouncing the f outta there. . 

I actually think it was kind of lame how he just bowed out to avoid the tense situation that he had a hand in creating.  Jasmine - I am not into women who blame other women but make excuses for poorly behaving men.  She really laid no claim to Matt, but he was not clear enough with her about this.  The editing was hilarious how her face was hovering around over Matt & Christina's date.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Does anyone actually manage to watch this show live? I can only mildly tolerate it by fast forwarding through most of it.

Jasmine is straight up psycho. She is disturbing and it is not cute and it is not funny. If one of the guys talked and behaved like that, we'd have another Corinne/DeMario after-school special sit-down. 

Raven's boobs are distracting, but in a "yikes girl, you needed a better plastic surgeon" kind of way. Sarah is much cuter. 

Meanwhile Lacey keeps dipping a makeup brush in Raven's black hair dye for her eyeliner. 

Also, every time they gossiped about scallop fingers, I kept thinking about salad fingers. 

I'm cosigning this entire post.

I was basically in a coma by the time it ended. Do not watch this season if you are prone to narcolepsy. All the actual drama went on before the show premiered. And we haven't seen any of it. This is just a waste.

Anyone else think no romantic bonds are forming because the cast is scared to death something will go on that's deemed "inappropriate" and they'll be vilified like DeMario?

Jesus, if I have to see puss-face Corinne go on about being a "victim" next week, I won't recover and this show won't either. LET IT GOOOOO and take a cue from Elsa, Fleiss. Or show us the damn tapes. 

Sarah is like Danielle M. Super cute, natural, sweet, seemingly low-maintenance, and with a decent sense of self-confidence - no wonder she can't get a date on this franchise. These men like their women psychotic and ready to brawl for their love (like Jasmine), or "mysterious" (really just code for vapid and vacant) like Danielle M. and Amanda. Or super freaking needy like Amanda.

Robby is slowly brainwashing Amanda. She couldn't be less into him.

I thought of nothing but Salad Fingers after that ep. When that's the most interesting thing that came out of the ep, you know it's bad. Also, they mean-girled her so hard. Can we please have a few hour-long specials about the women's awful behavior? I was treated like Christin in middle school, with no such boobs to back me up. These bitches never grew up, did they? 

Wells joined the gossipy women's club. The Red Hat is not a good look for you, Wells. He was once one of my all-time favs and I wanted him to be Bachelor. Now with the girly antics and clique mentality, plus the puppets, I'm thinking the Wells Love Boat has sunk.

Another one who won't recover from this edit is Dean. I adored him just a few short weeks ago. Now I find him incredibly self-consumed and smarmy, and disingenuous beyond belief. The way he talks to these women, completely unashamed by the fact that he's playing them both, makes my skin crawl. Being honest about being a player is slightly better than lying about it, but guess what? You're still a player! And you have no actual game! He's so passive, just lying there spewing platitudes in a calm voice, hoping that the actual content of his conversations aren't fully comprehended (with D-Lo it's a safe assumption). Run Kristina! You deserve so much better than this boy.

No guy on this season is fit for Bachelor. If it's true Peter won't play ball w/ Fleiss and Co., then time to look up Eric or go back into the archives for Cupcake or Arie. 

Finally, and most annoyingly: Taylor. The uptalk. The analyzing. The constant assertion that she's totally right and you're totally wrong. The millennial buzzwords. I'm a millennial and I can handle a million FU's. What I cannot handle in any way, shape, or form, is BS like "triggered" and "boundaries" and having those words thrown at me like indictments of my overall character. She's having a meltdown because someone threw a curse word her way? Don't go to an Italian family dinner, Tay, you'll be passed out on the floor by the end of it. Every boyfriend of hers should be taken to a psych convention for a second date or handed a vocabulary sheet with some instructions to learn how to deal with her. Because it seems, upon first transgression, the punishment shall be severe and never-ending. Christ on a cracker. Derek should pull a Matt and exit stage left.

Edited by thesupremediva1
  • Love 23
1 minute ago, FamilyVan said:

The editing was hilarious how her face was hovering around over Matt & Christina's date.

That and the Psycho edits during the conversation between Jack Stone and Christen were the only things that made me laugh last night. And it wasn't really laughing, as much as chuckling in an "I see you having fun, editors" sort of way. Thanks to them for giving me a half a minute of minimal amusement during a two-hour shitshow of horrible people who never mentally got past 6th grade.

The only one I'd remotely want to be in a room with would be Ben Z. The rest of them just aren't worth the time I'm wasting watching them create their stupid lack-of-real-drama drama. They are flipping out over non-issues. Bring back Bachelor Pad. I'm done with this.

  • Love 4

I enjoyed the last 2 years of this show because its silly, goofy, and fun.  There are lots of attractive people running around, flirting, going on dates, and acting foolish on camera.  What a great show for the dog days of summer!  

This year, though, its no fun at all.  First, we have to go through an hour-long sermon every week about race and alcohol and televised sex, hosted by Reverend Chris Harrison (really--he can actually marry people! lol).  We have a fairly unattractive cast; the women are homely and the men all kind of look alike.  No one on the show seems to be enjoying themselves at all.  Already we've had 4 people walk off the show (plus Jorge!) because they just weren't "feeling it" with anyone there.  That's right, a bunch of fame-whores are having such a lousy time that they're voluntarily walking away from the cameras--let THAT sink in for a minute! 

The dates are terrible.  They leave the beach together to go to -- another beach (I think its another beach; maybe its just the same beach but just around the corner).  There are no fun activities; just people sitting around looking sweaty and glum.  The women are some of the meanest Mean Girls I've seen since middle school.  The men all hang out together and rarely seem to talk to any of the women (except if its a woman they consider "a pal").  We've had 1 Rose Ceremony in 3 weeks.  People are actually torpedoing their chances for "sure-thing" roses by breaking up/taking a break immediately prior to a Rose Ceremony; its like they're hoping to get sent home!

Editing on the show is terrible.  jasmine's meltdown last night could have been kind of funny, but it went on and on and on and on.  I finally lost interest.  "Scallop fingers"?  That's not a very clever insult, but they all sure jumped on it and kept using it the entire episode.  Where's the silly hijinx?  Maybe there's none to be found this year.   Is that why someone gave Wells a puppet and told him to ad-lib some "funny" thoughts for the cameras?  Pitiful.

Robby finally got a kiss from Amanda last night.  Not because of any kind of mutual attraction, though.  He simply begged, pleaded, and bought her stuff until she finally gave in out of boredom.  Heck, I can see that kind of thing on my own dates!  I don't need to see it depressingly played out on my TV, too! LOL (But not really "LOL", its kind of sad for me. :(      Okay, now I'm kind of depressed.)

TL;DR : This season of the show is a real downer.  

  • Love 14

Derek will N be right in any argument with Taylor ever. That chick lacks self-awareness anis hugely projecting. Run, Derek, run.

Agreed!  At one point he said she could not be his therapist because she is not objective about their relationship (I am paraphrasing) and she was like, no, I know how to remove myself and be objective.  OK then!  Yup, he will never win.

I don't know why she could not have simply said to him, she does not want them to talk to each other like that in a relationship, even if joking around, and set that as a boundary without having a big fight crying alone in the hot tub and sending him away.  The entire thing was overblown and stupid.  I liked the two of them as a couple but she's going to be too much with all that relationship meta-talk and they will only be a vacation thing.  I hope this show will lead to him finding someone awesome.   He seems great.

Dean - ugh no.  So stupid.  Even D Lo was saying to him to man up.  What is this guys problem.  He obviously likes D Lo and wants to pursue things.  Just do it then!  Dean:  There is something about D Lo I find really interesting but Christina and I knew each other first so I feel obligated to her.  What should I do?  I nearly fell asleep watching this play out.  



Dean was so bad, at one point he was actually pulling on both of his fucking ears like an idiot when he was talking to whomever it was (can't remember if it was Kristin or Danielle).

Speaking of nervous tics, did you also notice that the angrier Jasmine got the more she kept playing with her hair and pulling on it?  It seemed obvious it was a nervous tic done out of frustration.  But I think running your hands over and over again over your fake extension hair with all the hair product in it is at least as equally gross as finger food scallops. 

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 9


16 minutes ago, Gregg247 said:

TL;DR : This season of the show is a real downer.  



I think we are seeing the full flower of society's smartphone addiction:  these people are unable to communicate face-to-face.  The subtleties of both spoken language and body language are lost on them.  Instead, we get halting, insincere 'Do you like me?  Cos I like you' chat-up inanity before a mash session brings a merciful end to the stunted conversation.


The producers are desperate for visuals...cow-eyed looks of longing or tender embraces on a balcony or a beach.  Instead, they're getting blank looks from blank people except when they look as if they're chewing on a wasp after suffering even the mildest form of criticism or rejection.

  • Love 6

I didn't think Sarah was desperate at all. I actually like that she told Adam very directly that she liked him and that it's his decision to make, take it or leave it. She's one of the few girls there who is showing some sort of self worth.

Ew, Dean grossed me out so much. Not only his personality but his looks. He always look so greasy on this show.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I did not understand that whole virginity as a brand strategy thing at all. She was telling a guy she was presumably trying to date that she is marketing her virginity? But there was something about not finding the right guy, which does make sense, but then she was on about it like a strategy. I wanted to like her after all the mean girls ganged up on her but that was just so strange. Is she even really a virgin or is that her job title for the show, like Dolphin and Dog Lover?

I wish they had just sent all these losers home and picked a fresh crop after Poolgate! This batch have sucked all the fun out of this show.

I think what she was trying to say was that her virginity is a great tool to use to weed out guys, and she's correct...in most cases. A guy would have to REALLY like her to stick around knowing that she wasn't going to have sex with him. A guy who is only mildly interested or just wants her for sex will not stick around for more than a couple of weeks once they realize that she is serious about not giving up the goods.  

  • Love 5

I was so shocked when they put up Taylor's age and I saw '23'. Well, that pretty much explains everything doesn't it? No wonder she dated 'bad' guys, that was probably in college and she was too busy 'analyzing' them and spewing whatever rhetoric she learned that day in her classes. College guys aren't generally known for being sensitive expressionists of their feelings... I doubt she's ever had a relationship that she hasn't 'cut off' because of her 'triggers'. I really wonder what her longest relationship was. She's 23!!

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I was so shocked when they put up Taylor's age and I saw '23'.

Taylor speaks as though she's been in many serious relationships. At 23, you're barely an adult, so your relationships were in high school and college. While many people meet their mates in college, and some lucky souls actually marry their high school sweethearts, I just cannot imagine many of those preteen/post-teen years yielding valid relationships that form a decent basis for adult romantic interactions. 

You're not in the working world, you probably don't live on your own, you are likely still on your parents' health insurance... it's just a whole separate ballgame from 22 on. Which is why I cackle every time Taylor speaks as though she's this weary old soul. Girl, you haven't even begun! I got into my first serious relationship at 23. It is, for better or worse, the benchmark by which all other relationships are judged. Taylor's stories would sound credible coming from a woman like Danielle M. who, at 31, has likely dated for years or lived with a guy or maybe been close to marriage. 

With her career and accreditation, Taylor has spent the majority of her adult life in higher education. I did my BA in 3 years and my MA in 1 year, and I still wasn't out of higher ed until I was 22. Then and only then did I really feel ready or have the time to pursue significant, meaningful relationships. She's going to learn fast that grown men (Derek is 31, so sorry but I question what he sees in a 23-year-old) don't respond well to being involuntarily psychoanalyzed by a young adult woman who's trading on her academic credentials instead of true life experience. 

Some 23-year-olds might be able to pull this kind of posturing off and seem mature. Unfortunately, Taylor's uptalk and nasal voice belie her words. She comes off as naive, unaware, and insecure. I have a theory that millennial and Gen Z specimens speak this way (putting a question mark on the end of every spoken phrase) because they're deathly afraid of a declarative sentence. It might hurt, trigger, offend, confuse, or generally upset someone. Or, horror of horrors, one might speak with conviction and end up being wrong! Anyway, it's a a tick that's quite at odds with the way she portrays herself and it does her no favors, on TV or in real life. 

Edited by thesupremediva1
  • Love 16

I've decided that this season is actually an homage to the twilight zone.  Only we are the ones trapped in the episode thinking that we are in real life while we are endlessly circling in an airplane that will never land.  I keep expecting to look outside my window and see an alien who looks like William Shatner hanging onto the wing.  There is no other explanation for why they had such short filming time and yet I feel like this season started when Eisenhower was President.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:


No guy on this season is fit for Bachelor. If it's true Peter won't play ball w/ Fleiss and Co., then time to look up Eric or go back into the archives for Cupcake or Arie. 


Not a fan of Cupcake or Arie but I think Eric would be a total joy to watch after this slog, and I obviously agree none of these idiots on BIP would be a good Bachelor haha.

I don't pay attention to spoilers at all but hopefully this doesn't count - Do we know any info about who they have in mind or any ongoing discussions yet?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ilovetrashtv said:

ETA: and Lacey.

Lacey is so bad at dating, she's like a "what not to do," instructional film.  She cries and whines, making herself as unattractive as possible and then wonders why no one has asked her out. She gets a date card and runs around telling men she'll take them on her date only if they promise great romantic commitment.  Then, after one meaningless afternoon date with Ziggy she felt she had the right to get upset when he went out with Dominique.  Ziggy clearly prefers Dominique, but Lacey wants a rose so she thought it would be a good idea to sit Ziggy down and lecture him about all the things she didn't like about him and what she would definitely not stand for in the future only she can visualize.  I should have known she was crazy as soon as I saw her with her eye make-up upside down.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, waving feather said:

I didn't think Sarah was desperate at all. I actually like that she told Adam very directly that she liked him and that it's his decision to make, take it or leave it. She's one of the few girls there who is showing some sort of self worth.

Sarah has boned Robby Hayes. Maybe qualify that statement?

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

Dean - ugh no.  So stupid.  Even D Lo was saying to him to man up.  What is this guys problem.  He obviously likes D Lo and wants to pursue things.  Just do it then!  Dean:  There is something about D Lo I find really interesting but Christina and I knew each other first so I feel obligated to her.  What should I do?  I nearly fell asleep watching this play out.  

Speaking of nervous tics, did you also notice that the angrier Jasmine got the more she kept playing with her hair and pulling on it?  It seemed obvious it was a nervous tic done out of frustration.  But I think running your hands over and over again over your fake extension hair with all the hair product in it is at least as equally gross as finger food scallops. 

Dean kind of seems shell-shocked just going through the motions for the most part.  There IS something about D Lo "that he finds interesting".  I think he's found it interesting ever since she made her entrance going down the stairs to the beach falling out of her dress.

I remember D Lo from Nick's season...he seemed really interested until he had a conversation with her and I also remember Jasmine getting more and more agitated from lack of attention from Nick until she kind of had a semi-meltdown in front of him and ended up leaving.  Unfortunately this is NOT a good franchise for self esteem.

  • Love 4

Call me ismael, your post made me LOL. William Shatner on the wing indeed. One can only hope this is Twilight Zone and TPTB don't expect us to actually care about any of these dweebs. I, too, wish they had brought in a whole new cast after Poolgate. I guess the show blew its budget flying everyone back and forth and putting them up in hotels, then paying lawyers, which is why the dates are ZOWIE! Let's go to the BEACH! and YOWZA! Let's eat dinner in our room! and WHOOPEE! Let's ride an ATV! I'd rather eat scallops with my fingers than "win" one of those dates.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I did not understand that whole virginity as a brand strategy thing at all. She was telling a guy she was presumably trying to date that she is marketing her virginity? But there was something about not finding the right guy, which does make sense, but then she was on about it like a strategy. I wanted to like her after all the mean girls ganged up on her but that was just so strange. Is she even really a virgin or is that her job title for the show, like Dolphin and Dog Lover?


They actually had Christen's job title as "Scallop Hands." Sigh. But, yes, you and JudyObscure made such a great point about her virginity/purchased boobs as a personal brand. Perhaps when she and her potential suiters were younger, her virginity was "prized," but then somewhere along the line she hit the age in which most others switch their view of her choice as "weird" in modern society, and more men would avoid her because she's a virgin rather than pursue her because she is. So maybe she felt that she needed to spiff up the goods to show men that she's a sexual being without yet having sex--but then she's also trying to play up the "pure, delicate flower" she has to offer. It's just all very strange because it seems that the virgins on this series talk about sex a hell of a lot more often than the people who aren't. I mean, maybe they feel like they need to put it out there to reset any expectatons the guy might have, but I can't imagine that bringing it up in the VERY FIRST CONVERSATION you have with any man is the right strategy to go with. You know, I'm no professional like Taylor, but I would think that there are certain steps to take to build emotional intimacy with someone as opposed to walking up to the food counter and saying, "Huh, no scallops? Do you like my new boobs? No man has ever touched these or my old ones because I'm a virgin. I'll take the shrimp, please."

  • Love 11

The whole "scallop fingers" thing was so fucking stupid and mean.  She ate leftover scallops with her hands because she didn't have silverware.   Is that such a strange or wrong thing to do?  Oh, and then she had the nerve to touch someone!  So, none of these women have ever eaten food and the touched someone without washing their hands?

I swear to God, between this and big brother, I'm convinced that you have to be an asshole in order to be on a reality show.

  • Love 14
14 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Raven's boobs are distracting, but in a "yikes girl, you needed a better plastic surgeon" kind of way. Sarah is much cuter. 

I really liked Raven's dress when they were in the run-up to the Rose Ceremony that hasn't happened after an hour of nonsense that should've been done in 15.  The only problem is, she was falling out of it on top.  We almost ended up with a wardrobe malfunction.

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