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S19.E11: Live Eviction #3; Head of Household #4

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I can't help but think but the thrown drink and the subsequent condiments attack would have resulted in evictions in past years. They are on the same level of scariness as Willie Hantz's chest bump and Justin's creepy knife play.

Dominique was frustrating because I do think she's bright and she did see through Paul, but just shot herself in the foot with her bizarre ramblings and weird ways of communicating.

I'm surpisingly okay with Jessica getting the temptation because she's not one of the sheep, for now.

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10-0. Wow. Nobody dared through a hinky vote? I thought Mark would care to at least give her one.

14 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Are they all such sheep that when Paul suggests someone they just fall in line?

Yup he's just pulling their strings like he himself said. They have no brain or question things for themselves, he's obviously not safe anymore and is using Jess as an easy target to rally the house against. 

Josh is horrid. He obviously is a babied child who always had to win and his family let win at everything even when he was wrong. He lost the game, they slow motioned him double hitting and he wanted to do it again? No, that's not how it works you fool. You don't get a do over. Then his tantrum in the pool was ridiculous. 

8 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I don't believe that Jess really won the vote...especially as no proof is ever offered.


She totally won that vote. If you even read Cody's exit interviews in major publications and websites (ie The Hollywood Reporter) it was basically asking people to vote for Jess. The casual fans also vote based on the edits. Jess's edits for the week of voting was her crying and all alone, being the underdog, having nobody in the house, her and Cody against the world. Then Cody killed it in his exit interview with Julie and they sold the showmance all week. People all over twitter and even Jokers were voting for Jess daily. She totally was expected all week to win that vote.


Seeing Dom and Cody whisper during the show made me kind of wish both can go back in together. They'd be able to both turn on Paul as a duo. Liked her filling him in and whispering the second they thought the camera's were off them. 

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And yeah, that whole pickle juice/hot sauce deal was ridiculous behavior. Josh is a baby and a moron (and was clearly wrong, as Josh clearly scratched the eight ball - I mean, come on, dude, that was so dumb), but holy shit, Mark, what made you think that that was okay?

Edited by Brian Cronin
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16 minutes ago, Artsda said:


Seeing Dom and Cody whisper during the show made me kind of wish both can go back in together. They'd be able to both turn on Paul as a duo. Liked her filling him in and whispering the second they thought the camera's were off them. 

I liked that too. I wish it could be possible. I'd love to see them team  up and take down Paul early in the season so we could have most of August without his blight on the house. If only Jess had used the halting hex tonight then that scenario could have played out with Cody most likely coming back.

19 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I can't help but think but the thrown drink and the subsequent condiments attack would have resulted in evictions in past years. They are on the same level of scariness as Willie Hantz's chest bump and Justin's creepy knife play.

Dominique was frustrating because I do think she's bright and she did see through Paul, but just shot herself in the foot with her bizarre ramblings and weird ways of communicating.

I'm surpisingly okay with Jessica getting the temptation because she's not one of the sheep, for now.

Nah. Evil Dick who was admittadly a producer's pet dumped ice tea all over his rivals head and he lived to puppeteer another day. That was man on woman "violence" and they let that stand but god forbid Chima throw a $300 microphone in the pool and she's got to ousted from the game.

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Don't hate me -- I actually like the Halting Hex. It's the closest thing I've seen in Big Brother to a hidden immunity idol on Survivor -- in that you have to decide when you (or your ally) is not safe. And there's a chance you could waste it. I guess the veto ring is similar, but there's not as much power attached. This is giving a contestant a tremendous amount of power and asking them to correctly interpret when to use it. That's like, advanced level strategy we don't usually see on Big Brother.

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Paul has the right to talk to someone? Under what law? He has quite the sense of self-entitlement, especially in regard to women of color, IMO.

Why did they spend so much time on the Mark and Josh argument? Trying to make sure the audience sees again what a loose cannon Josh is? I think he was justified in being upset about having a stinging liquid thrown in his eyes but he went off on another of his bizarre tangents after that. Looney tunes.

Oh of course they gave Jessica an out even though it was pretty much guaranteed Dom would be evicted. Ugh, this time next week it'll be the Cody & Jessica Reign of Terror Part 2.

Raven might be overdoing it a skosh with the makeup. I thought she looked like a clown tonight. (The Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane reference in another thread was on point.)

I also wonder if they're bringing another vet back to play in Battle Back. It'd be hilarious--to me, anyway--if it were Victor from BB18. I would laugh so hard.

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Not cool to have the third week in a row without the conclusion of the HoH on Thursday, show.

I still like Paul, but why is he constantly running around in his underwear?  Mark too, during the fight he was wearing what appeared to be undies, then went in and changed and somehow managed to find something even smaller.

It seemed like they used to alternate weeks with the HOH conclusion on the show vs the longer endurance comps. Now they just said to hell with it, yall gon' get this HOH when we're good and damn ready lol.

I wasn't hating on Mark in the pink shorts ?...hey boo ?. Production can we get a "punishment" for Mark where he has to wear only a speedo for a week? 

Dom, Dom, Dom, we were rooting for you, we were all rooting for you. After that cringeworthy speech, she can go and stay gone. Good for Jessica for not using the halt. Hopefully she can bust it out when Cody comes back ?. 

Did it say if she could use it before or after the votes are cast?

Edited by Negritude
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Neither Josh nor Mark came out looking very good. It was a game of pool, guys. Channel Elsa. There was absolutely no reason for it to escalate that way.

I am not shocked Jessica won, and I see how it could have happened. She was on the block the last two weeks, and I suspect people would have voted for her just to see it used. Throw in the tears and it doesn't seem that unlikely. She is still a mean girl, IMO, but she has gotten easier to watch now that she is trying to have some semblance of a social game.

It really felt like we didn't get much tonight. It would have been nice to at least get details regarding the upcoming competition. 

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No HOH on eviction night...there will be some form of "battle back" competition between the 4 evictees on Friday, and the live feeds are dark until Friday night AFTER the battle back is over.  My guess is that the one coming back in also gets to play for HOH, then the entire HOH competition is shown on Sunday. 

What is the "curse" they have not told us about?  Likely the return of one of the evictees.  Had Jessica turned down the "temptation" there would have been no curse and no returnee. 

Paul and his minions have been worried about double eviction.  I might be surprised by a double eviction, because BB already had an UNPLANNED double eviction in week one when Megan left.  TPTB may need to skip a double eviction week so they stay on schedule to finish the game on the correct night.

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42 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I actually like the Halting Hex. It's the closest thing I've seen in Big Brother to a hidden immunity idol on Survivor

As I hate hidden immunity idols I hate the Halt as well...

37 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ugh, this time next week it'll be the Cody & Jessica Reign of Terror Part 2.

No, it will be the (as far as edits go) completion of Cody's redemptive arc that began in his last week when they started setting him up to be Our Hero vs. Our Boy.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Raven should never ever be allowed to talk in the DR ever again. 

I thought Nicole was the worst. I was so wrong.

Raven totally reminds me of Nicole. The hair, the annoying voice, the boy obsession. 

I'm not thrilled Jessica got the hex. She was so awful. Cody will no doubt go back in the house, but I will laugh if Cameron (could be interesting) or useless Jillian pull it out. 

I used to think Mark was ok, but what the hell. 

I just have a feeling Jason will win this season. He seems like a typical winner.

I don't hate Paul like everyone? does but I want to see how they play without him. Who will they all listen too? Cody? Jason? Will actual gameplay occur? Ramses was cute, but I continue to forget about him, Matt and Elena.

I need more Kevin stories.

Edited by CrazyDog
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44 minutes ago, TroopinFairy said:

I kind-of wanted Jessica to be evicted only because maybe Cody would've been conflicted about the Battle Back thing. The show seems to be really invested in their "relationship."

It's the shows only real hope for a showmance this season that isn't fake.


 But she would have gave it to him, she told Dom this week. 

Raven was horrid in the DR and her only one was to have her talk about Jess. 

Edited by Artsda
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4 hours ago, mojoween said:

Josh is a lying liar who lies who fucked up a pool game and when Mark called him out on it Josh lied some more and Mark threw hot sauce in his face (which admittedly is uncool) and Josh threw ketchup and mayo on Mark and then their mommies said they should lay down for nappy time.

You know, there are some decaf blends which are just as tasty as real coffee....  :D


3 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Dominique kind of blew up her own game.

That's a little like saying OctoMom was kind of pregnant.  ;)

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SInce loyalties and  alliances change so often, I'm bugged that Dominique kept talking about her "team"  and how they betrayed her.  Sure, there were people who aligned with each other, early, before they knew each other.  But then they felt betrayed by Cody, and some of them latched onto Paul like he was the new leader, so the whole "team"  thing kind of fell apart. 

Besides, even if a team of people stay loyal to each other to get out everyone else, they eventually HAVE to turn on each other. This isn't a team sport!  

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The gravest position is on the block

But there is a way to halt the clock

Say this spell and you will Hex it

On eviction night there will be no exit

Repeat these words three times...


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3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Nah. Evil Dick who was admittadly a producer's pet dumped ice tea all over his rivals head and he lived to puppeteer another day. That was man on woman "violence" and they let that stand but god forbid Chima throw a $300 microphone in the pool and she's got to ousted from the game.

Didn't he also "accidentally" burn Jen with a cigarette?  He was a thug. 

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I find this grand power of the Halting Hex to be kinda pointless/prone to backfire. So nobody (you) goes home until next week and you have deal with everyone being on your case and guaranteeing your exit in just a few more miserable days... it just delays the guillotine from falling the whole way down.

I guess if in this case both Cody and Jessica were on the block together it gives someone two weeks to round up votes and survive, but whoever is the HoH and the HoH's peeps are gunna be pissed!

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5 hours ago, Negritude said:


Did it say if she could use it before or after the votes are cast?

She has to use the Hex before the first vote is cast, is how I heard Julie put it.

Edited by mojoween
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Ya know...if you told me three weeks ago that Josh and Ramses would live to see the 30-day mark in the house, I wouldn't have believed it. One, maybe, but not both. Expect the unexpected, I guess.

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8 hours ago, North of Eden said:

The best case scenario would have been Jess using it tonight. That would reset the board. Jess stays, Dom stays and the producers manipulate Cody back into the house as he will likely would handily beat Cameron and Jillian.  Then we'd have a pretty much a do over for the season and this time Paul would NOT be safe (until Alison whips out some new shenanigan to save him) but no....I'm sure in the DR they were pressuing her not to use it.

I'm glad she didn't use it because that third eviction definitively ended Paul's 3-week safety. If she had used it and there's no eviction, it's possible his safety would have gone on for another week since the wording of the temptation was safety for the first three evictions.

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this time next week it'll be the Cody & Jessica Reign of Terror Part 2.

I'm actually looking forward to this, assuming Cody makes it back in.   He seems to be the only one not completely snowed by Paul.  

I've started calling him (Paul) Rasputin for his mystical, mesmerizing ways that nobody sees through.  

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Josh is the just THE WORST. Even before the pool game escalated to a condiment fight he was working my last nerve. I absolutely cannot stand people who try to trip you up when you're taking a shot in any game. What a tool. But then he REALLY flipped his shit. I do think Mark was wrong for throwing hot sauce at him, but I kind of think Mark thought he was being silly and trying to defuse the tension. I also believe that he really as sorry for getting it in Josh's eyes. But Josh is so scorched earth about everything. "I lost all respect for you!" Overrrr......??? Pool and hot sauce? 

And I don't know why Julie and Jessica were trying to be all doom and gloom about Jess jumping into the fray and calling Josh out. Josh is such an unhinged asshole, it's not like yelling at him is going to make YOU look bad. Dom was going home, no question. So Jessica was smart not to use the hex. 

But....ummm....unless America was collectively drunk, I'm not sure how she got it in the first place. 

Speaking of Julie, have we seen the Chen-bot in jeans before? That really threw me. 

Speaking of fashion, Elena - dress for your size!!!! She's not a huge girl, but she LOOKS huge because she's dressing like my size 2 sister does. 

Best moment? Ramses telling the Temptation voice to "calm down". 

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Oh, Raven is definitely rockin' the Lillian Gish caught in a windstorm look.

I wish they wouldn't keep showing the walk to and from voting :; their collective dances/high-fives irritate me no end.

I'd've bounced Dominique, too. Way way too much religious talking for me.

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10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

It's because they don't have BotB or Roadkill to fill the Sunday eps. I'd rather they just keep on not showing HOHs live then bring either of those back!

How about just showing the organic interactions the housemates have during the week??? I'd prefer that over all these different comps any day. 

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5 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

They should have attempted to boot Jessica.  It is like house guests walk into the house and they totally forget what happened in past seasons. 

Especially Paul, whose game was saved by these shenanigans.

6 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I would love to see her hold on to it until the final week of usage, then be forced to use it on people that she wants evicted, keeping those people in the house.

I would like to see that.  Use it or be evicted yourself!

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It seems like all three of the Den of Temptations were made to keep Paul  in the game - it all depended on how much danger he was in, in any given week.  I'm pretty sure if everyone loved him week one and his name never came up, he would have gotten one of the other two.

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8 hours ago, wings707 said:

Bangs are not a good look on Cody.

Would you tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back?


6 hours ago, backformore said:

SInce loyalties and  alliances change so often, I'm bugged that Dominique kept talking about her "team"  and how they betrayed her.  Sure, there were people who aligned with each other, early, before they knew each other.  But then they felt betrayed by Cody, and some of them latched onto Paul like he was the new leader, so the whole "team"  thing kind of fell apart. 

Plus, that "team" included like 7....8....9 people??? With fringe alliances? Honestly, I don't even know who was on that "team", and I don't think they all know either. It was too large to sustain itself, and Dom would have been better served forming relationships with smaller groups of people. 

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12 hours ago, mojoween said:

Josh is a lying liar who lies who fucked up a pool game and when Mark called him out on it Josh lied some more and Mark threw hot sauce in his face (which admittedly is uncool) and Josh threw ketchup and mayo on Mark and then their mommies said they should lay down for nappy time.

Eerily accurate and concise description of what went down.  Josh is a toddler in a huge man's body.  That's a dangerous combo - it would be smart of the houseguests to give that guy a wide berth.  Of course, no one is that smart, so they'll keep poking the hornet's nest for kicks.

I was SO hoping Kevin would throw a vote to Jessica, and then be all, "wha--not me!" when questioned on who didn't vote Dom.  I love when he does that.  I can't decide if he's on the up-and-up when he says he doesn't know what's going on, or he's playing that role like Robert DeNiro.  Also, I love how he tells everyone to chill because he just wants to sit outside and enjoy the day without watching the preschoolers use up all the condiments in a food fight.

I don't know which is more annoying during voting...Raven's "HIIIIII JULIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" or Elena's stupid "Hi grrrrrrlllllll!" while conspicuously yanking on her earlobe  - obviously a shout-out to someone at home, but Carol Burnett did it first and better.

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Paul has the right to talk to someone? Under what law? 

The First Amendment? I really don't see how speaking to Dom means that he's entitled. Someone was using his name in an example, Dom started nodding in agreement (clearly not understanding that this person was just using Paul's name as an example, not actually trashing him) and Paul said something like: "Why are you nodding? He's not actually saying that about me."  If Dom doesn't want to listen to Paul, she's free to walk away or plug her ears or whatever but Paul can speak to whoever he wants to. Especially if it's in his own defense. Dominique was a crappy player with a crappy social game and she was booted because of those reasons, not because of anything Paul did.

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10 hours ago, Drogo said:

I keep hearing everyone saying Raven is an angel, but she seems pretty bitchy if you ask me. 

She is an attention seeking, self absorbed, child.   

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I thought Cody was the reason Paul went after Dom to begin with, so why act shocked at her eviction?  His fake reaction - & reaching over to hold her hand - was so irritating, knowing he'd thrown her & Mark under the bus. 

I wish Dom could figure it all out before the Battle Back; more incentive to have someone - anyone - beat Cody. 

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The First Amendment? I really don't see how speaking to Dom means that he's entitled. Someone was using his name in an example, Dom started nodding in agreement (clearly not understanding that this person was just using Paul's name as an example, not actually trashing him) and Paul said something like: "Why are you nodding? He's not actually saying that about me."  If Dom doesn't want to listen to Paul, she's free to walk away or plug her ears or whatever but Paul can speak to whoever he wants to. Especially if it's in his own defense. Dominique was a crappy player with a crappy social game and she was booted because of those reasons, not because of anything Paul did.

Right, Paul's entitled to say whatever he wants to whoever he wants. And he's also entitled to suffer the negative consequences of doing so. Oh, wait, this is Paul. He doesn't do consequences because privilege. (And the protection of the producers.) His rights apparently supersede everyone else's and he can handwave any responsibility away with some meaningless catchphrase like "friendship" or "your boy" or whatever b.s. he's hiding behind this season.

Meanwhile I'm pretty sure I've never blamed Paul for Dominique's eviction. She seems to have accomplished that very nicely with not a lot of help.

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I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say that Paul's rights supersede everyone else's. Not being a smart ass, unless there's something really unfair that went down on the live feeds, I really don't have any clue what you're referring to.  Everyone else in the house has the same rights as Paul. 

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Clearly there is something wrong with Josh, and it's more than just having lived a sheltered life or having been coddled by his family. It isn't even necessary to clinically diagnose him and put a name on it. The point is that this guy went through a lengthy audition process and was interviewed by numerous people - all of whom had to realize he wasn't quite right - and they decided he would be "entertaining." That's really sick when you think about it. They knew there was something wrong with this guy and thought it would be hilarious to throw him into the house and see what he did.


Neither Josh nor Mark came out looking very good. 

Mark was just joking around, and was even still smiling and treating the whole thing as a joke after Josh threw ketchup and mayo on him. And I don't actually think Josh got hot sauce in his eye either: when they were discussing the terms of the bet, Mark specified that the loser had to drink the remnants of the pickle juice jar and (in a separate container) the hot sauce. Mark threw the pickle juice in his face. It probably did sting if it got in his eyes but Josh just thought it was hot sauce. Because he's a moron.

No, maybe it wasn't all that mature to throw the pickle juice but Josh is not only a sore loser but a bet welsher. He clearly lost that game and couldn't cope. It was just horseplay to Mark whereas it was life or death to Josh. There's something seriously wrong with him, he's not just "a big baby."


Secondly, the game is clearly not rigged for Paul because Jessica getting the Halting Hex right before Cody might return is the worst thing that could have happened to his game.

Bringing back Cody and insuring he and Jess have some kind of power insures this show remains The Paul Show. There's literally nobody else in the house even thinking about going after Paul. It isn't about helping Paul win, it's about making sure he stays the center of attention.


I've started calling him (Paul) Rasputin for his mystical, mesmerizing ways that nobody sees through.  

He probably smells just as bad too.

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5 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Mark was just joking around, and was even still smiling and treating the whole thing as a joke after Josh threw ketchup and mayo on him. And I don't actually think Josh got hot sauce in his eye either: when they were discussing the terms of the bet, Mark specified that the loser had to drink the remnants of the pickle juice jar and (in a separate container) the hot sauce. Mark threw the pickle juice in his face. It probably did sting if it got in his eyes but Josh just thought it was hot sauce. Because he's a moron.

It was a mix of hot sauce and pickle juice in the same cup at that point. When Mark throws it in his face, it has a colour like orange Gatorade. Whether it got in his eyes or nose is debatable but it's still something pretty volatile to throw in someone's face, no matter how they're acting. 

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Clearly there is something wrong with Josh, and it's more than just having lived a sheltered life or having been coddled by his family. It isn't even necessary to clinically diagnose him and put a name on it. The point is that this guy went through a lengthy audition process and was interviewed by numerous people - all of whom had to realize he wasn't quite right - and they decided he would be "entertaining." That's really sick when you think about it. They knew there was something wrong with this guy and thought it would be hilarious to throw him into the house and see what he did.

Mark was just joking around, and was even still smiling and treating the whole thing as a joke after Josh threw ketchup and mayo on him. And I don't actually think Josh got hot sauce in his eye either: when they were discussing the terms of the bet, Mark specified that the loser had to drink the remnants of the pickle juice jar and (in a separate container) the hot sauce. Mark threw the pickle juice in his face. It probably did sting if it got in his eyes but Josh just thought it was hot sauce. Because he's a moron.

No, maybe it wasn't all that mature to throw the pickle juice but Josh is not only a sore loser but a bet welsher. He clearly lost that game and couldn't cope. It was just horseplay to Mark whereas it was life or death to Josh. There's something seriously wrong with him, he's not just "a big baby."

Bringing back Cody and insuring he and Jess have some kind of power insures this show remains The Paul Show. There's literally nobody else in the house even thinking about going after Paul. It isn't about helping Paul win, it's about making sure he stays the center of attention.

He probably smells just as bad too.

Honestly, throwing liquids in another person's face during an argument crosses a line to me. It is no longer horseplay, regardless of whether or not you are laughing when you do it. Technically speaking, it may rise to the level of battery and/or assault (depending on state law). While Mark may have kept a light demeanor, he clearly was too angry to let it go. Instead, he escalated the situation. Again, it was a game of pool. Who cares if Josh is being a baby about losing, doesn't understand the rules, is incorrect about whether he scratched, or is just an immature idiot. A proportionate response may have been to continue to insist he was wrong and badmouth him to the house, or to refuse to play with him again. Instead, he physically attacked him. 


I cannot imagine living with someone as thin skinned as Josh. He would drive me absolutely bonkers. However, I don't think that excuses Mark's behavior in any way. 

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

The gravest position is on the block

But there is a way to halt the clock

Say this spell and you will Hex it

On eviction night there will be no exit

Repeat these words three times...



It sounds like a bad episode of Charmed.  Not that there ever was  a good one.

It's better than the Survivor rhymes.

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8 minutes ago, The Companion said:

Honestly, throwing liquids in another person's face during an argument crosses a line to me. It is no longer horseplay, regardless of whether or not you are laughing when you do it. Technically speaking, it may rise to the level of battery and/or assault (depending on state law). While Mark may have kept a light demeanor, he clearly was too angry to let it go. Instead, he escalated the situation. Again, it was a game of pool. Who cares if Josh is being a baby about losing, doesn't understand the rules, is incorrect about whether he scratched, or is just an immature idiot. A proportionate response may have been to continue to insist he was wrong and badmouth him to the house, or to refuse to play with him again. Instead, he physically attacked him. 

I completely agree. Even if it was just water, unless the two of them are engaging in mutual horseplay and it's clear to everybody involved that they're having a goodnatured water fight/food fight/whatever, it definitely crosses a line IMO too. Having a disagreement with someone and unexpectedly throwing a drink in their face is not just joking around. Josh was wrong about the game - he scratched, he lost - but, as far as I'm concerned, Mark is the one to blame for that whole mess. I felt the same way when Evil Dick dumped water on Jen. That whole argument was so stupid, I loved that even Julie made it obvious that she thought it was ridiculous too.

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I just don't think Mark and Josh came off looking "equally bad." Mark came off looking like a dumb but harmless kid (like he always does) but Josh came off looking mentally unstable. 

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

It sounds like a bad episode of Charmed.  Not that there ever was  a good one.


4 hours ago, mertensia said:

Oh, Raven is definitely rockin' the Lillian Gish caught in a windstorm look.


2 hours ago, wings707 said:

She is an attention seeking, self absorbed, child.


Agree.  Agree.  Agree.


One thing I'm curious about though...  Did production tell the hamsters there would be no live HoH competition after the vote?  Otherwise, they'd just be milling around in the house, waiting for Julie to get back to them after her interview with Dom.  Oh, I hope they didn't tell them, and they just sort of kept wandering around in anticipation of the call to compete....  I wonder how long it would take before it dawned on them nothing was happening. 

I hate him, but Paul would twig to it first.  He'd also know that with no HoH competition, something else was happening, so he's already run the numbers and realizes someone--probably Cody--is coming back.  He's probably kicking himself all over for not manipulating Alex into putting up Mark, who would be a stronger Battle Back competitor against Cody, or pushing to vote Jessica out which would be a conflict for Cody during the Battle Back.  Hopefully his little hamster brain will spin itself into meltdown.

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Josh was wrong and out of control but throwing something in someone's face is never a good idea, and the way Mark did it was just like a sucker punch. Not cool. At least it seems like he got that it was wrong, a concept that Josh would never understand.

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Random observations --

1. Battle Back? ABD! (Anyone But Dom!) Few things on TV chap my hide like smug, patronizing godbotherers and that phony, "I'm always happy! I'm always happy! I'M ALWAYS HAPPY, DAMMIT!" attitude.

2. Speaking of Dom, all the times she ranted and raved, why didn't a single person tell her it was CODY who threw her under the bus? It looked like they all just let her make her loony accusations.

3. Even though I can't stand him, I'm actually kinda sorta rooting for Dead-Eyed Cody to come back. Especially if he meant it when he said on leaving that Paul was the only left in the house that he respects. Because could you imagine a secret alliance between Cody and Paul?? NOBODY would suspect. They could wreak havoc. It would be glorious.

4. Okay, I admit it - Paul is starting to get on my nerves. He's a lot more watchable as the loudmouth underdog than as the loudmouth mastermind.

5. Josh. Oh, Josh. Josh, you know who constantly accuses others of "not being a man"? Someone who's damn insecure about their own masculinity, that's who. 

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I was honestly shocked that Josh didn't go all Rambo on the pool table, the hammock, the washing machine and Mark after Mark threw the juice in Josh's face.  His restraint in that one moment made me think - albeit briefly - that maybe Josh isn't the raging hothead he's been portrayed to be.  But then came the ketchup and the mayo, and the tantrum in the kiddie pool, so...yeah.

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12 hours ago, K-9 said:

The gravest position is on the block

But there is a way to halt the clock

Say this spell and you will Hex it

On eviction night there will be no exit

Repeat these words three times...


Okay.  Now I absolutely positively have a reason to stay alive by whatever means for the next month...


...just so I get to see Bitchy Barbie stand up in the middle of a LIVE TV EVICTION and start chanting, "HALTING HEX RISE! EVICTION NIGHT DIES!  HALTING HEX RISE! EVICTION NIGHT DIES!  HALTING HEX RISE! EVICTION NIGHT DIES!"...


...and I get to see the other HGs look at her like...




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