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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I have to admit that they’re not bad. They have strong voices, and with some coaching might do well.

I love to watch Bill Gaither and his gospel groups, not so much for the hymns, but for the beautiful voices and harmony. 

If the boys were serious and got a good vocal coach they might make it on the gospel circuit.

The younger guys seem like good kids, maybe this would be a way out of the family circus.

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Black shirt at the piano has the type of voice that would make him a big hit with the tween-teen crowd. Their parents are being really short-sighted by their strict no "fun" in religion. There are tons of religious pop groups but they have to be willing to dance to the music and show excitement for the Lord they claim to love so much. 

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On 12/2/2018 at 10:24 PM, Christina87 said:

I fondly remember traveling with a United Methodist youth choir all of my summers in high school. Any high school kid in the state could audition, and then we had a camp and tour. I wish the boys could use their talents in a Christian environment like that, and have some normal experiences! That would never be allowed, though, because there were definitely occasions for boys and girls to be together unchaperoned. 

Did you grow up in NC?  Because if so, we probably toured together.

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31 minutes ago, Tasya said:

Black shirt at the piano has the type of voice that would make him a big hit with the tween-teen crowd. Their parents are being really short-sighted by their strict no "fun" in religion. There are tons of religious pop groups but they have to be willing to dance to the music and show excitement for the Lord they claim to love so much. 

Is there another expanded version of this which showcases individual voices or something? I couldn't possibly pick out one from another from this short clip with everyone singing in unison, even in the section with harmony. But you have me intrigued.

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These five should’ve made an album - they sound better than the little girls by a landslide.  There are fan accounts for how hot these boys are on Instagram, never underestimate the power of 5 mediocre white boys.

I mean...they sound better than One Direction when they first started.  And now they’re all millionaires (and quite talented, I love all of their music except Louis’s)

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2 hours ago, Tasya said:

Black shirt at the piano has the type of voice that would make him a big hit with the tween-teen crowd. Their parents are being really short-sighted by their strict no "fun" in religion. There are tons of religious pop groups but they have to be willing to dance to the music and show excitement for the Lord they claim to love so much. 

He could be a rough rider filled up with Christ's love!

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The one at the piano doesn't start singing with the rest of them so it's easy to tell his voice when he comes in. He's very talented and could most definitely get a contract from some sort of Christian/Country label and do really well. His parents are idiots. 

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15 minutes ago, Tasya said:

The one at the piano doesn't start singing with the rest of them so it's easy to tell his voice when he comes in. He's very talented and could most definitely get a contract from some sort of Christian/Country label and do really well. His parents are idiots. 

If you mean the one on the far left, that's James.

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30 minutes ago, Tasya said:

His parents are idiots. 

I think we knew that already.

All the positive responses to the video finally persuaded me to listen to it. I agree that with a little training and a song that's not a dirge like this one, they could be pretty good.

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On 12/3/2018 at 4:06 PM, PikaScrewChu said:

Jason looks like some sort of elf, so it was easy to figure out. Plus he has the same hairline as Joe.


Jed was in the middle so naturally they had to put his twin beside him, because how else would they know they're twins?

James and Justin were process of elimination. Justin is still in the "maybe the Duggar curse will get him, maybe not". James is firmly in the "The Duggar curse has struck."

All I can focus on in this pic is "Momma" braying like a donkey , and that horrible concoction that looks like it had 26 grimy hands and/or paws touching it before he got it.

And, just for the record....styrofoam, stacked and ready!!!

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13 hours ago, Tasya said:

The one at the piano doesn't start singing with the rest of them so it's easy to tell his voice when he comes in. He's very talented and could most definitely get a contract from some sort of Christian/Country label and do really well. His parents are idiots. 

I still can't tell. I'm assuming we are talking about the one at the keyboard end of the piano (since no one is playing it, they are each technically as much "at" the piano as the other. But even though his head is more down than the others when the song starts, he does appear to be singing, and I cannot, no matter how many times I try, match any voice I can differentiate to any specific Duggar. Someone does have a nice bass/baritone, and the kid singing lead ( which I'm assuming is the one who brings them all in on the right note) has a decent voice as well, but not outstandingly so. I guess that having no one stand out is really part of the whole point in this sort of harmonization, so I'll give them credit for that even if I'd have liked to be able to tell who was who a little more.

It would be nice to hear them do something which showed a bit of personality and gave them each some solos here and there.

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48 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:


It would be nice to hear them do something which showed a bit of personality and gave them each some solos here and there.

Sorry. Verboten. Showing a personality equals a one-way ticket to a long-term stint at Alert. I expect. 

In my family, showing a personality was called "blowing your own horn." And it was a major crime, an action spoken of with loathing and contempt unless it was done by the heads of household -- who ruled entirely by the whims of their horrible personalities. I expect the same thing is pretty much true here. The only one who was allowed to do it was Joshley, back in the days when the idiot Duggar parents were still able to treat him like the young king and "leader of the family," as Gothardspeak suggests. 

But you know all that! ;  ) 

It is a shame for these kids. ... Back in the older days, Josiah and company used to do those little videos that showed personality, though. I wonder what happened to that kind of effort....Does it go so against the overall grain that now there's nothing left of it except for stupid one-off pranks pulled during the only actual allowable Duggar productions -- the weddings? In another life, you can easily imagine these guys forming a group of some kind and arranging some songs their own way, even involving some -- gasp!  -- non-Duggarling friends. ... They could even show personality with classical or purely-churchy music. But it looks as if they may be too squelched to go that way. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 12/4/2018 at 3:15 PM, bythelake said:

I have to admit that they’re not bad. They have strong voices, and with some coaching might do well.

I love to watch Bill Gaither and his gospel groups, not so much for the hymns, but for the beautiful voices and harmony. 

If the boys were serious and got a good vocal coach they might make it on the gospel circuit.

The younger guys seem like good kids, maybe this would be a way out of the family circus.


On 12/4/2018 at 3:20 PM, Sew Sumi said:

The last sentence is precisely why a boy band will never happen.

@bythelake makes some good points, but I completely agree with @Sew Sumi.

If the boys were serious. When have the Duggars every taken anything seriously? When have they ever put more than 30 minutes of time or effort into anything? 

If the boys . . . got a good vocal coach. That would cost JB some money. Why spend money investing on his children and their future when there are enough humpers to buy whatever half-assed thing they put together?

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17 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:



This could go in either the Duggars friends thread or here because of Jana. I’ve put it both places- mods, please adjust per your preferences. 

Am I misremembering or is he one of the ones who issued what I interpreted as a kind of veiled "ewww, yucky, nope" response to the rumor about his seeing Jana? .... Hmmm. Whether he was or wasn't, I guess we know who's the yucky one now. 

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On 12/7/2018 at 10:12 AM, Churchhoney said:

Sorry. Verboten. Showing a personality equals a one-way ticket to a long-term stint at Alert. I expect. 

In my family, showing a personality was called "blowing your own horn." And it was a major crime, an action spoken of with loathing and contempt unless it was done by the heads of household -- who ruled entirely by the whims of their horrible personalities. I expect the same thing is pretty much true here. The only one who was allowed to do it was Joshley, back in the days when the idiot Duggar parents were still able to treat him like the young king and "leader of the family," as Gothardspeak suggests. 

But you know all that! ;  ) 

It is a shame for these kids. ... Back in the older days, Josiah and company used to do those little videos that showed personality, though. I wonder what happened to that kind of effort....Does it go so against the overall grain that now there's nothing left of it except for stupid one-off pranks pulled during the only actual allowable Duggar productions -- the weddings? In another life, you can easily imagine these guys forming a group of some kind and arranging some songs their own way, even involving some -- gasp!  -- non-Duggarling friends. ... They could even show personality with classical or purely-churchy music. But it looks as if they may be too squelched to go that way. 


The Duggars and their insistence on lame "pranks" always reminds me of what passed for 30's (?)-era (50's?) party-game "frivolity", such as "seeing how many young fraternity men you can fit into a phone booth", and the ever-popular chestnut "swallowing a live goldfish".  I mean, I'm all for "wholesome" fun if it means actual fun, but the fact that the boys are constrained to this form of expression, automatically makes it less fun. 

Also, I agree with you that it's surprising that even the girls were allowed their little girl group, because as you say, traditionally that requires personality - whatever one can say about the likes of Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato, they've got personalities - but when "personality" equals "basically attempting to rise yourself pridefully above everyone else, thinking you're better than them", which is a big and understandable part of being the best at any profession, that's a big no-no.  No wonder the Duggars get mixed-messages whiplash, as you can only strive to do things within the comfort and protection of a puppy pile.  It in fact frequently surprises me that/when the littles (of any generation) are allowed personal time in teevee talking heads, that there wasn't JimBlob or Meechelle poised right offsides scolding them for showing said personality once the crew goes away.  

Edited by queenanne
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On 12/5/2018 at 9:02 PM, Wishing Well said:

These five should’ve made an album - they sound better than the little girls by a landslide.  There are fan accounts for how hot these boys are on Instagram, never underestimate the power of 5 mediocre white boys.

I mean...they sound better than One Direction when they first started.  And now they’re all millionaires (and quite talented, I love all of their music except Louis’s)


I'll stick with One Direction.

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I love harmony!!!  I love it love it love it, and the guys aren’t bad.

On 12/4/2018 at 4:15 PM, bythelake said:

I have to admit that they’re not bad. They have strong voices, and with some coaching might do well.

Watch for it.  If there’s a way to build and capitalize on something, JB will make it happen.  And THEN they will build a new TV show around the singing group.  

I’m being serious when I say they aren’t bad.  Not bad at all.  They need stage presence (coaching), and someone who can work with their vocals.  But for people like me who love harmonizing, it’s not painful.  

Im quite musical myself (piano, and sang in a trio for about 9 yrs).  I think red shirt is singing the high lead, and blue shirt is the one hitting bass notes.  Watch their chins, it’s a tell.  I would bet big and large money they are going to market these boys.  It’s a-coming.

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On 12/19/2018 at 10:57 AM, JoanArc said:

For moral people, The Duggar’s sure are rapist adjacent. That’s what, 3 sex criminals, now?

Well, rapists are really just exercising the dominion over womankind that the good Lord gave them, right? 

Something tells me a lot of these guys justify themselves with a "theology"-based incel argument.... 

Tabitha's anal rapist basically said as much, arguing for years after the event that the fact the woman lived in the same house as he did and had a boyfriend meant that she was not just asking for it but demanding it. And her boyfriend participated in the demand since he left her napping in the same house with Tabby's future hubby while he went to the grocery store or something. ... I mean, what's a guy to do when people act like that? 

Edited by Churchhoney
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8 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, rapists are really just exercising the dominion over womankind that the good Lord gave them, right? 

Something tells me a lot of these guys justify themselves with a "theology"-based incel argument.... 

Tabitha's anal rapist basically said as much, arguing for years after the event that the fact the woman lived in the same house as he did and had a boyfriend meant that she was not just asking for it but demanding it. And her boyfriend participated in the demand since he left her napping in the same house with Tabby's future hubby while he went to the grocery store or something. ... I mean, what's a guy to do when people act like that? 

Yes- basically because the woman worked as an exotic dancer, then her body was public property for anyone to use as they saw fit SO it wasn’t actually rape. And her “owner” aka her boyfriend left him in the house with her (she was ASLEEP) when he went to the store so what did he expect?!

These types make me sick. 

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16 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

I love harmony!!!  I love it love it love it, and the guys aren’t bad.

Watch for it.  If there’s a way to build and capitalize on something, JB will make it happen.  And THEN they will build a new TV show around the singing group.  

I’m being serious when I say they aren’t bad.  Not bad at all.  They need stage presence (coaching), and someone who can work with their vocals.  But for people like me who love harmonizing, it’s not painful.  

Im quite musical myself (piano, and sang in a trio for about 9 yrs).  I think red shirt is singing the high lead, and blue shirt is the one hitting bass notes.  Watch their chins, it’s a tell.  I would bet big and large money they are going to market these boys.  It’s a-coming.

You and I are a bit alike yet again...I have a passion for harmony as well, and played piano for many years growing up (12 years of lessons, and I continued playing a lot while my kids were growing up, but have rather neglected it since they have been out of the house and am way rusty). I sang with a Sweet Adeline group for a while as well, but dropped it mostly because I couldn't get myself to look as animated as they want you to. They are all about overacting with the facial expressions and rudimentary "Jazz hands" type choreography aside from the music, which was just not me. But I do love to sing, and would love to have a friend or someone to harmonize with, but that has never happened. 

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23 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Oh, no. Jer has that weird tuft of hair in the center of his head just like JD and Si. I feel like he's walking a fine line between cute and the Duggar Puberty Curse. 

I give it 6 months.


3 hours ago, kokapetl said:

Is anything too hard for god?  I snickered like an 11-year-old. Apparently creating a hairline That will survive until their mid 20s is something god just can’t do. 

Edited by JoanArc
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On 30/12/2018 at 10:29 PM, BitterApple said:

Oh, no. Jer has that weird tuft of hair in the center of his head just like JD and Si. I feel like he's walking a fine line between cute and the Duggar Puberty Curse. 

Lol for some reason I call that little bit of hair floof. Josiah should’ve shaved his floof lol and now Jer should shave his.

Edited by Puffin
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Well, they aren't too bad.  I wish they'd get a stylist and music coach.  They could do pretty well for themselves.  Their posters could be on the bedroom wall of every fundie pre-teen girl.  Is there a Gothard version of Tiger Beat?

Edited by beagletime
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2 minutes ago, beagletime said:

Well, they aren't too bad.  I wish they'd get a stylist and music coach.  They could do pretty well for themselves.  Their posters could be on the bedroom wall of every fundie pre-teen girl.  Is there a Gothard version of Tiger Beat?

I think they'll need to start with the stylist, though! .... Although I guess it could be worse -- they could have the same fondness for mustard-colored cardigans that their sisters do....

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On 12/30/2018 at 3:34 PM, PikaScrewChu said:

How much longer until Sinner Twin is snapped up? Someone must be looking to offload one of their mouths to feed to the borg.

Which one is the sinner twin and why is he called that?  

Sorry for a stupid question, I've read have in the thread but couldn't find an answer. Thanks!

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Sinner Twin is Jeremiah. He's known by that name because he got sent off to ALERT, but his twin did not. Since we see ALERT as some kind of Duggar punishment, it's assumed that he did something that Boob didn't approve of. Hence, the sin.

Edited by Sew Sumi
This post was an autocorrect nightmare!
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1 hour ago, beagletime said:

Well, they aren't too bad.  I wish they'd get a stylist and music coach.  They could do pretty well for themselves.  Their posters could be on the bedroom wall of every fundie pre-teen girl.  Is there a Gothard version of Tiger Beat?

Jesus Beat?

This reminds me back in my day Kirk Cameron, a Duggar friend, was on Tiger Beat. 

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6 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

  I found myself irrationally irritated at the one whose clothes don't "go" with

 the dark suits of the others. 

Maybe there wasn't another set of dark clothes in the community closet.

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8 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

  I found myself irrationally irritated at the one whose clothes don't "go" with the dark suits of the others. 


He must not have any groomsman attire that still fits.

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