Guest July 2, 2017 Share July 2, 2017 Quote One houseguest will win the first Power of Veto of the Summer! Link to comment
Lamb18 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 So is Cody the Marshmallow Man? Funny how Jessica calls him out on showing emotion! So far Alex is my favorite. She is definitely a Ballsmasher. And now Paul is Banana Beard. Go Alex! She reminds me of Alex on BBOT. Cody, he can detach himself emotionally from everything (except Alex). He almost showed agony in his eyes when talking to her. 8 Link to comment
Lamb18 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Oh, gosh, Kevin the mermaid! I wonder what his daughters are thinking as they watch this. He's good at reading the instructions. Oh, Jason also studied at the Johnny Mac school of DR shouting. I keep thinking of Raven as Bronte, I don't know why. No more slop for her. Those aquifer things sound like someone peeing. Ha ha Cody! Quitter! Oh oh Lady Macbeth is mad at him. Congrats, Alex!! Cody says he let Alex take this competition, but I think she would have won anyway. He couldn't keep more than 5 or 6 starfish up there. Is Cody really a soft-hearted romantic under that tough, hardened exterior, who cries when he sees a butterfly flitting in the backyard? Is his monotone delivery of his scripted diary room lines just a ruse to hide the fact he likes kittens, rainbows, baby squirrels and tough competitive girls named Alex? Newsflash: Cody smiled. Jason, don't listen to Cody! Cody's practicing his roofing salesman pitch with Jason in making a deal to save Jason if Jason promises not to nominate Cody & friends next week (if Jason wins HOH). How funny, Cody calls Jessica Alex! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Oh, how dare anyone sow disloyalty and distrust against King Cody's game?? Who does he think he is, Macbeth? I don't want Paul to stay, but it was fun to see King Cody thwarted. He's so gracious: "Christmas, you got screwed. Take a seat." 2 Link to comment
Suzysite July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Even though Cody is a total robot, the fact that he likes (maybe like likes?) Alex makes me hate him just a tiny bit less. A teeny tiny bit. 15 Link to comment
Ananayel July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 That was hilarious. Paul running around in his red underwear, pontificating like he's the BB Guru, Cody brushing his teeth forever and ever (was there even toothpaste on that brush?), "You've got banana in your beard." Cody calling Boobs McGee Alex's name, and then it all blowing up in Cody's face. Just awesome. And, I don't think we heard from Josh at all, except for the snake dramaticals. Since they let them choose their own entry to the DR to find out who matched the number, that was probably actually on the up and up. 15 Link to comment
PaperTree July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I'm really hating on Jessica tonight. Cody could have been a bit more subtle throwing that competition. Wouldn't Kevin be a mer-man? That was funny as hell. Cody is super weird. This love/hate thing with Alex is strange. Doesn't look like she is falling for it. Just go with the flow and nail him when you can, Alex. He obviously has some oddball crush going on so use that to your advantage. Bummer for Ramses. I understand the fear of snakes, but c'mon people, it's plaster! I have a plaster rattlesnake ashtray with blue eyes. Being one of three nominees does dilute the vote. He needs to find a bigger target to sit next to. Jason should keep his stupid hat on. Or go with a baseball cap. I hope Cody's Grand Scheme goes seriously off the rails and he or Jess is gone next week. Ring of Replacement. Does the holder name a replacement nominee if the Veto is used? Calls Jess Alex. LOL Hyperactive Paul doing his annoying thing and...... BOOM! The pendant is automatic! Nice touch. Screw you Cody. Like you wouldn't have gone after Christmas next week if you got Paul out. I can't decide if I dislike Paul or Cody more. This should produce some fireworks. Going live! 1 Link to comment
Stinger97 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 In these early weeks, I think that was as good a scenario for the reveal of the PoP as one could hope for, especially if you despise Cody and his crew as much as I do. Seeing him knocked down a peg while being stupid enough to ostracize a strong competitor who was, until that moment, seemingly aligned with him was delicious. I attempted to vote for the Ring of Replacement temptation and couldn't because I'm not going to create a CBS account, but if I could, I was going to vote for Raven because 1. I wouldn't want to waste such a lame temptation on someone I like; and 2. she strikes me as a weak competitor and the power is unlikely to help Cody's team. 3 Link to comment
The Companion July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Ugh, Paul is so obnoxious. I really wanted to see all of his overt scheming bite him in the butt. I wish the pendant of protection was once in the three weeks. It's too much to get three weeks. Also, shut up Paul. You were the one who wanted to go after the veterans last year. Cody's deadpan look when people try to talk game cracks me up. So does Alex. She has no tolerance for fools. 9 Link to comment
helpmerhonda July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 (edited) I don't care for Cody, but he could've thrown that comp without standing there doing nothing. Then his own allies wouldn't be pissed at him. Edited July 6, 2017 by helpmerhonda 8 Link to comment
Lamb18 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 3 minutes ago, Stinger97 said: I attempted to vote for the Ring of Replacement temptation and couldn't because I'm not going to create a CBS account, but if I could, I was going to vote for Raven because 1. I wouldn't want to waste such a lame temptation on someone I like; and 2. she strikes me as a weak competitor and the power is unlikely to help Cody's team. I've been voting for Ramses. I like him well enough to give him a temptation, but there's others I like better who I want to save for better temptations. Also, Ramses having the curse about going on the block, then having the temptation where he can compete in POV - I thought that would be a funny twist. 2 Link to comment
Maverick July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Hee hee. Stahfish. I'm digging Kevin. Please don't let him turn out to be an asshole. Cody had to nominate 5 people. I would pay good money for this to be Rewind Week and for him to have to do nominations again. I'm so torn this season. I like Alex, but she seems to overreact a tad and she's being WAY too honest. While I appreciate the humor in Cody trying to save her and she freely admits she'd put him up, dude not smart. I like Christmas so far, but she's all up Paul's ass (and Cody just pushed her the rest of the way there) so I can't be a big fan. I think Cody's an arrogant, superficial prick but then he hates Paul so I'm forced to root for him on some level. I am amused that Cody is now effectively aligned with the 'outsiders'. If he would realize this and roll with it I might warm up to the guy. But I'm sure he'll stoking his core bros in a New York minute. Production must hate Cody since he's not acting like he's going to wet himself at every twist, meeting and comp like the other fools and won't play along with the dumbass Den of Temptation shit. 7 Link to comment
Writing Wrongs July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Mark's head is too small for his muscled out body. It looks weird I agree with Alex about the showmances. It seems to have started up immediately this season. 14 minutes ago, The Companion said: Cody's deadpan look when people try to talk game cracks me up. Me too. It's hilarious. 10 Link to comment
NYCFree July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Cody: I've nominated a third of the house. Cody: Alex,........uh, Jessica...... Me: bwaaaaaaahh 12 Link to comment
perfectstorm July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I call FRAUD on this Pendant of Protection. It was obviously rigged by the producers to keep Paul in the game. It was the first vote - where viewers were not familiar with any of the other house guests and the voting window was very brief. 3 weeks safety is total b.s. Cody has no game, but at least he sees Paul for who he really is. The house needs to get him out ASAP - otherwise, it will end up like last season where a vet slither by and won. I dread sitting through another season of Paul and his out of control ego. 19 Link to comment
Katesus7 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 That was a fun Veto ceremony. I absolutely loved everyone's reaction shots, which ranged from "Holy shit, wtf is he doing, this is awesome!" (Jason), to "Holy shit, wtf is he doing, my game just got fucked!" (Everyone in his alliance). Part of me does want to like Cody, I loved the fact that he does not give one tiny fuck about Paul, and was willing to go for it. But it's piss-poor gameplay not to talk to anyone in your alliance about it. And he gives just the worst DRs. Such dead eyes and monotone, and I just want him to be a human boy. Also, I kind of hate Jessica, so he's guilty by association. I did love him just kind of rolling his eyes at the snake, and casually sticking his hand in there. Because I was thinking to myself that these people were being ridiculous, and I would just casually stick my hand in there if I was there. 21 Link to comment
Artsda July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I really hope this pendant of protection goes the same way as it did on BBCanada. Neda voted out the second the safety was over. I do love Cody not buying Paul's act. The fact the others are just makes them look foolish. 11 Link to comment
mojoween July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 "Snake den...and chill?" complete with quizzical expression made me laugh. Cody is completely humorless and I cannot stand him. Oh wait, he laughs when he calls Jessica by the wrong name. And then she kissed him and stayed? WTF, have some self respect why don't you. Alex is also very annoying. She can stop calling her competitors bitches any damn time now. She is also humorless. 1 Link to comment
Eolivet July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 1 hour ago, Suzysite said: Even though Cody is a total robot, the fact that he likes (maybe like likes?) Alex makes me hate him just a tiny bit less. A teeny tiny bit. Right? I know showmances aren't popular, but I liked when there was some sort of development -- like they'd be a storyline on the third week of the show. Multiple people hooking up on literally day 2 makes it seem more like a science experiment than anything else. Like actual hamsters in a cage, not just metaphorical ones. Like, it's called a showmance not a show-arranged-marriage? 9 Link to comment
North of Eden July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 (edited) I'm going to give credit where its seriously due. Out of hundreds of BIG BROTHER episodes...and I never thought I'd have Shakespeare and BB in the same breath but that was episode was absolutly Shakespearian. To Wit: Cody-he wants Alex SOOOO BADDD...I was literally hyperventalating with laughter when he Freudian slipped her name during pillow talk. I wonder at what point he realized he'd picked the wrong woman? Then we have Alex...who seems to have no interest in him whatsoever and he doesn't seem to realize it. In the future if she nominates him we will see him having deep regrets at what was he thinking and he will turn on her....but right, now...right apparently the real deal...he's so into her. I hate that this played out in Paul's favor as Alison Grodner (who was probably having multiple O's when her plan of protection to save him worked) was no no doubt craving when she orchestrated the entire three week bull shit....but again we go back to Shakespeare....Christmas (who I was cringing when it appeared was falling for Paul) is the one to pay the price for Paul's safety and Paul can only sputter indignation at his one chance at a showmance goes on the block. Meanwhile everyone is blaming Cody but how was he to know that the powers that be had orchestrated things to protect their pet. And besides...about him not trying to win the comp..he wasn't going to win at that point anyway....I don't know why the others didn't realize it. Okay, enough some random things. Love her or hate her....Jessica doing the sock shuffle was the cutest thing. I forgot Joshua was in the house until he appeared in a non verbal clip while Dominique and Jess were talking. I know Matt isn't really old...espeically compared to me...but Raven looks like a LITTLE may not be unseemly but it sure LOOKS unseemly. To wrap up...I am so happy for Alex winning and getting to stay but in my heart I know it's only a stay of execution....there are too many people arrayed against her and she would have to go on the veto run to end all veto runs to stay. Edited July 6, 2017 by North of Eden 10 Link to comment
Mumbles July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 1 hour ago, Maverick said: I am amused that Cody is now effectively aligned with the 'outsiders'. If he would realize this and roll with it I might warm up to the guy. But I'm sure he'll stoking his core bros in a New York minute. I totally agree on both points...I was so pleasantly surprised he didn't go with Ramses or Cowboy. Jessica is such a basic bitch. The vocal fry drives me nuts. 11 Link to comment
Wings July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 (edited) Rodeo clown is a dangerous job, worse than putting your hand in a paper mache snake's mouth, even. Really. Google it. Edited July 6, 2017 by wings707 10 Link to comment
woodscommaelle July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 (edited) Jason was literally gagging at the site of a wooden snake. I found that humorous. Did Jessica even realize he called her Alex? I would have thought we'd see some type of reaction but nothing. Edited July 6, 2017 by woodscommaelle 6 Link to comment
vb68 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 (edited) The title of the episode could have been "Cody tries to act like a human boy". He's really so bad at this. He has zero social game, and I guess he even missed the memo that all houseguests must fake excitement and and enthusiasm for all competitions. The crickets were a nice touch, editors. The big question I have is why did he even nominate Alex when his respect cup for her bubbles over and starts a flood in in the house? "Alex... I have a plan. Alex, you're wonder woman." Don't get me wrong. Jessica is awful and is probably the worst mean girl you'll ever hope not to meet, but I also have to say he was very "Alex, Alex, Alex". (Said in the best Jan Brady-like way.) I did hurt myself laughing when he called Mount St. Jessica "Alex" in bed. That was golden. Edited July 6, 2017 by vb68 13 Link to comment
Maggie Mae July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 When Paul chose the number of the houseguest to be cursed, he didn't know what number he chose. We were told that. So how did he know not to go into the room second? Did production give him a heads up...oh why am I asking? Of course they did !!! 3 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Tonight I saw why the show protected Jessica in the pao pao blowup. She's seemingly willing to ride the Codybot's joystick on camera, even if he calls her by another woman's name. The very woman she's been pulling that same crap on except mostly not to her face and not by accident. Oh the irony, it burns... Was Paul really clueless that Cody has no use for him and his unsolicited veteran's advice? Whatever, Cody just made a powerful enemy by pulling that nomination stunt. What an idiot. Always so extra at the times when he could easily not be and still accomplish his goal. Why is Cody protecting Dominique? I know he named her as one of the Babes early on but what else has she done to merit the protection? I don't get it. Still Team Alex, especially now that she's got Cody wishing he could drink her bathwater. 11 Link to comment
Callaphera July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Clearly someone didn't double click the subterfuge.exe icon on Codybot's interface before that Veto began. Do robots not understand what "poker face" means? Do you think those DRs of his are the final takes after they keep saying to him: "Gee, Cody, that was great. Now try it again with a little more... emotion. Or any at all." 5 Link to comment
The Companion July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 15 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said: When Paul chose the number of the houseguest to be cursed, he didn't know what number he chose. We were told that. So how did he know not to go into the room second? Did production give him a heads up...oh why am I asking? Of course they did !!! I got the impression he was exempt, so whenever he went in, he wouldn't be counted. 3 Link to comment
AndreaK1041 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 Cody has obvious flaws, but I actually do think it's crappy he had to nominate 5 people in the first week. There is a lot of luck in the game and he had a really unlucky HoH. 14 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I'm glad that Raven got the "no-not" starfish because girl doesn't have a pound to spare. I've soured on her personally however. But not near as much as I have on Jessica who has turned out to be a classic mean girl bitch basically. Nice fake eyelashes Jess. Also, when you want to have a serious convo how about when you are both say... sitting in separate chairs, not when you are straddling him in bed. No wonder he called her Alex by mistake. Hah. That was classic. I was thinking that the snake was like a rat trap that was actually going to snap down on whoever was cursed. I think it was people afraid of that happening not of the paper mache snake in front of them. In most cases at least... A little retelling of how I see this going down, from Cody's persepective: "Well, I nominate... PAUL!! Ha!! And double-hah!! I sooo GOT you bro!! Bet NOBODY saw that coming! I am the KING!! *pause* Wait, why isn't it working?? I said I nominate PAULLLL!!! *another pause* Okay what is this pendant doing on the screen??? Oh... FML..." Not sure we've ever seen anyone's plans backfire so beautifully. It was like the end of a James Bond movie as parodied by Austin Powers. "Throw me a freakin' bone people, I've nominated half the house." 12 Link to comment
Callaphera July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 2 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said: But not near as much as I have on Jessica who has turned out to be a classic mean girl bitch basically. Nice fake eyelashes Jess. Also, when you want to have a serious convo how about when you are both say... sitting in separate chairs, not when you are straddling him in bed. No wonder he called her Alex by mistake. Hah. That was classic. She isn't quite at BB15 Aaryn's Tragic Eyebrows level yet but she's getting there. The lashes usually distract from them, though. 1 Link to comment
Nashville July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 4 hours ago, Lamb18 said: Oh, gosh, Kevin the mermaid! I wonder what his daughters are thinking as they watch this. Hey now - not everybody can pull off the butch mermaid look as well as Kevin did. God knows *I've* tried. 13 Link to comment
Blissfool July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 3 hours ago, helpmerhonda said: I don't care for Cody, but he could've thrown that comp without standing there doing nothing. Then his own allies wouldn't be pissed at him. Not his style. He doesnt fake niceties, he doesn't fake emotions, and he doesn't fake losing. He is a robot. 2 hours ago, North of Eden said: Meanwhile everyone is blaming Cody but how was he to know that the powers that be had orchestrated things to protect their pet. And besides...about him not trying to win the comp..he wasn't going to win at that point anyway....I don't know why the others didn't realize He could have refilled his cylinder with more water to get more time, but then Alex might have lost because he wasn't about to fake losing the competition. 1 hour ago, Maggie Mae said: When Paul chose the number of the houseguest to be cursed, he didn't know what number he chose. We were told that. So how did he know not to go into the room second? Did production give him a heads up...oh why am I asking? Of course they did !!! It's whoever entered 2nd on the day that den of temptation was introduced. Link to comment
Wings July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 20 minutes ago, Nashville said: Hey now - not everybody can pull off the butch mermaid look as well as Kevin did. God knows *I've* tried. You're killing me. 4 Link to comment
jumper sage July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 3 hours ago, Katesus7 said: That was a fun Veto ceremony It was awesome! Paul just sitting there and Cody not getting why Paul was not going to sit in the seat - hilarious. Loved how Cody completely blew up his game and then got blindsided. Just goes to show you that being kind even when forced, or pretending to be forced, to nominate someone goes a long way. 2 hours ago, North of Eden said: Out of hundreds of BIG BROTHER episodes...and I never thought I'd have Shakespeare and BB in the same breath but that was episode was absolutly Shakespearian. I love you for that sentence! Literature and crap TV combined is pure gold. My favorite line: Alex to Cody - "If you wanted a showmance you should have gone on the Bachelor, I am here to play the game". Loved, loved, loved when Cody called Jessica Alex. 14 Link to comment
SiobhanJW July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I'm pretty sure if looks could kill, Codys look after Paul revealed his Pendant, would of killed the whole cast and made Cody the winner of BB19 by default. Haha. 13 Link to comment
Brian Cronin July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I just couldn't do it - I had to fast forward through the Veto ceremony. Paul is just way too smug and I hate watching him get what he wants. 19 Link to comment
Star Aristille July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 4 hours ago, woodscommaelle said: Did Jessica even realize he called her Alex? I would have thought we'd see some type of reaction but nothing. She realized it. But she shook it off surprisingly well. 1 Link to comment
poopchute July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 7 hours ago, Maggie Mae said: When Paul chose the number of the houseguest to be cursed, he didn't know what number he chose. We were told that. So how did he know not to go into the room second? Did production give him a heads up...oh why am I asking? Of course they did !!! So BB didnt call them in, they just went in any order they wanted? I figured they were called in and they just didn't show the voice calling them. The numbers are stupid. Link to comment
North of Eden July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said: I just couldn't do it - I had to fast forward through the Veto ceremony. Paul is just way too smug and I hate watching him get what he wants. Word!! 2 Link to comment
Michichick July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 28 minutes ago, poopchute said: So BB didnt call them in, they just went in any order they wanted? I figured they were called in and they just didn't show the voice calling them. The numbers are stupid. Yes, they went in any order they wanted. Ramses went in second, so he got the curse. Would have been way less fair for BB to call them in, since then that would mean BB was selecting the person to receive the curse. 6 hours ago, Blissfool said: It's whoever entered 2nd on the day that den of temptation was introduced. No, not according to how they showed it on the show last night. It was based on how the house guests entered after they were informed about the curse, not when the den was originally introduced. 3 Link to comment
llewis823 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 8 hours ago, vb68 said: I did hurt myself laughing when he called Mount St. Jessica "Alex" in bed. That was golden. Me too! (and BTW, "Mount St. Jessica"? LOL! 7 Link to comment
llewis823 July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 So far, I am team Alex. (Still ironic considering hers was the first intro we saw and I told my husband, "I hate her already") But I do like her since "getting to know her" (you know what I mean - it feels like we actually know these people anyway). But I digress... I cannot decide who I love to hate more - Cody-Bot or Our-Boy. I'm leaning toward Cody, but until I do decide, I am just going to enjoy the entertainment value of these two and their vendetta. (and can I just say - Cody calling Mount St. Jessica (borrowed that from VB68's post - giving credit where credit is due) by Alex's name while she is straddling him, and ultimately laughing about it...pure BB Gold. I'm still giddy about it almost 12 hours later! : ) 5 Link to comment
Never Again July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 (edited) So much I don't understand... first of all, how can you have three showmances in the first week? If I've just met a big group of people I can barely remember everyone's name. How are they in relationships? I know it's strategic and not "love", but it's still really amazing to see three couples already. Then again, the fact that it's strategy and not feelings is borne out by the fact that Cody called Jessica Alex, in bed no less, and she didn't blink. She is only with him to get ahead in the game, it's too fast and early to be a love situation. And breaking up right now would hurt her game, so she's going to make like she didn't hear it. Edited July 6, 2017 by Rbonnie 7 Link to comment
Never Again July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I know I'm alone but Cody doesn't bother me. I give him a big shiny pass on his personality, due to the life he's lived and the things he's witnessed and been through. He hasn't done anything wrong, he's just cold and very direct. Whereas Paul turns my stomach. I don't know how people are blind to his whole shtick, especially having the benefit of seeing him play last year. And not for nothing, they also saw that he's really wealthy and doesn't need any of the money. Why are they letting him get anywhere? Now he's safe for the next two weeks. If they don't vote him out the first available week, then they deserve what they get. But he makes me cringe. And that's something I admire about Cody. He's not fooled at all and he's not afraid to show it. He got screwed by production's little tricks this week, but I hope he gets past it safely. Did anyone notice Paul's face when he was nominated? It was scary. Before he quickly put his game face back on, the look in his eyes made me nervous. 22 Link to comment
The Companion July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 18 minutes ago, Rbonnie said: I know I'm alone but Cody doesn't bother me. I give him a big shiny pass on his personality, due to the life he's lived and the things he's witnessed and been through. He hasn't done anything wrong, he's just cold and very direct. Whereas Paul turns my stomach. I don't know how people are blind to his whole shtick, especially having the benefit of seeing him play last year. And not for nothing, they also saw that he's really wealthy and doesn't need any of the money. Why are they letting him get anywhere? Now he's safe for the next two weeks. If they don't vote him out the first available week, then they deserve what they get. But he makes me cringe. And that's something I admire about Cody. He's not fooled at all and he's not afraid to show it. He got screwed by production's little tricks this week, but I hope he gets past it safely. Did anyone notice Paul's face when he was nominated? It was scary. Before he quickly put his game face back on, the look in his eyes made me nervous. I agree. I far prefer cold but direct over constantly mugging to the camera convinced that the world thinks you are hilarious and cute. Honestly, I kinda like Cody, though it is early and that is subject to change. I think some of it is strategy. If you try to talk game to him, he gives you the blank poker face and you end up revealing more than you intended. I have seen the same thing work in negotiations and depositions. People feel like they need to keep going if the other person doesn't give them cues to stop (and one of the main things your lawyer will tell you if you are deposed is to answer only what is asked). It's also effective when people are pissed. I had a terrible customer service phone job as a temp and I learned quickly that the more you apologize, the more people continue complaining about stuff that is not your fault. I also think he is fairly straightforward and would be good to work with if you get him. He clearly likes direct (even if he doesn't like the answer) and someone who puts in the effort. I suspect that if you came to him with a real argument for staying he would consider it (rather than just trying to tell him what the to do, PAUL). 13 Link to comment
candall July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I know Paul comes with a lot of baggage, but this show would currently be about three-quarters less interesting (to me) if he weren't in there. That blindside at the end was glorious, and <s> it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. </s> I saw Paul's point that he might as well align with the power players, but now I'd love to see him organize all the non-couple hamsters into a rebellion machine. I just really can't stand that these three bro dudes walked in, bumped fists, chose mates, and the six of them could potentially be in charge of the summer. Zzzzz 11 Link to comment
ghoulina July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I didn't necessarily think Cody threw the comp. I think he was trying at first, but when his stack tumbled and he knew he didn't have much chance of starting over and winning, he just gave up. But I do think he should have kept going, made it seem like he was trying his hardest. His little group is going to really have an eye on him now. It was also really dumb of him to try and acquire safety for SEVEN people. Yea right. I can't help it, though, I still like Cody. I like that he is upfront about not liking people. I like that he doesn't play typical HOH games, holding court and making promises to everyone. I know he'll probably tank his social game because of it, but I don't care. I find it refreshing. I also love that he accidentally called Jessica "Alex". Simply because it was Jessica. And Paul, don't try to talk to people when they're brushing their teeth!!! It's so annoying. I'm still pissed that Paul has protection. Him being a returnee, he should have been out right away. By the time he's eligible for eviction, he'll have cemented himself with too many people. I really don't know who I'm rooting for at this point, I don't necessarily dislike everyone involved in the power alliance (but Jessica and struggle Leia bug), but I tend to hate those just for what they are. I'm an underdog rooter. Always have been. And while Alex has bugged me too, I did like her comparing the couples to The Bachelor. Preach!!! 11 Link to comment
Drogo July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 31 minutes ago, Rbonnie said: I know I'm alone but Cody doesn't bother me. I give him a big shiny pass on his personality, due to the life he's lived and the things he's witnessed and been through. He hasn't done anything wrong, he's just cold and very direct. Whereas Paul turns my stomach. I don't know how people are blind to his whole shtick, especially having the benefit of seeing him play last year. And not for nothing, they also saw that he's really wealthy and doesn't need any of the money. Why are they letting him get anywhere? Now he's safe for the next two weeks. If they don't vote him out the first available week, then they deserve what they get. But he makes me cringe. And that's something I admire about Cody. He's not fooled at all and he's not afraid to show it. You're not alone. I like Cody. He's a Marine (+1000), he was the only one to not kiss Paul's ass (+100), and he's playing according to his own plan. Don't talk about your game out loud, don't float along. Interestingly they all reach a point in the season where they have to keep secrets from each other and not reveal where their head is at for fear of tipping off their 'outside allies' - at least Cody won't have to worry about that because by that point, no one will expect him to say anything anyway. 17 Link to comment
Nashville July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 (edited) 10 hours ago, woodscommaelle said: Did Jessica even realize he called her Alex? I would have thought we'd see some type of reaction but nothing. 5 hours ago, Star Aristille said: She realized it. But she shook it off surprisingly well. Frankly, I don't think Jessica did; I think she may have thought Cody was starting to say something about Alex, but stopped. Reason being - a normal human reaction to being called by someone else's name is to either joke it off or get pissed, and Jessica did neither. Ask yourself: considering (a) what we've seen of Jessica's nature and (b) Jessica's openly-displayed antipathy toward Alex, do you really think if Jessica had realized Cody had mistakenly called her by Alex's name, Jessica would've let it slide without comment? Especially considering at the time Jessica was lying on top of him - in the dark - in bed? Oh hells no. If recognized for what it truly was, THAT screwup would have gotten Cody a flat-tone 80-decibel "WHAT." at the very least, immediately followed by the landfall of Hurricane Jessica. Luckily for Cody, though, he apparently caught Jessica in the middle of downloading a nightly software update to her Fembot Speech Interpretation module - so no harm, no foul. :> Edited July 6, 2017 by Nashville 14 Link to comment
watch2much July 6, 2017 Share July 6, 2017 I swing back and forth on Cody. Now I'm kind of liking him again. I also love how he sees through Paul....who I loathe. 17 Link to comment
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