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S04.E09: Guess Who's Coming To Lunch

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Fortunes are coming true following Patricia's chaotic dinner. Also: Cameran checks to see if Kathryn has really changed and brings along a surprise guest; Shep's love life is discussed; Landon sets out to squash a potential relationship, yet her fate may be sealed.

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If Craig gets this confused over a conversation with Naomi, how do you think he will handle the sharks that are the opposing attorneys? Or a client who can't keep his story straight  

Glad he celebrated first with Gizmo. 

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Landon's voice. Omg. She looks rough. She is delusional if she thinks she could just say the word and she would be the next Mrs. Ravennel. Shep looked rough at that outdoor lunch.

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I feel a tornado coming. Kathryn had that wistful voice, the look in her eye, after she read Thomas' letter and said that she hoped there was a future for them. And I don't think she means as friends. He was very clear that there will not be a relationship other than parenting their children. But we know how Kathryn reacts to any woman coming in contact with him.

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I did feel bad for Craig. He was so wanting to see Naomi happy for him and she acted like it was nothing

I get a feeling they will be broken up before the season is done or right after the season ends

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Thomas' skepticism of rehab comes from a legitimate place because after he was busted for cocaine he went to rehab in hopes that the judge would be lenient in his sentencing. He thinks that a person's DNA can't change because it obviously didn't change his.

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39 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I wonder how you get hired by Bravo to sit in a restaurant and be an interloper.   Just randomly become a part of the cast conversation from an adjoining table in various restaurants. It's a job that would fit nicely in my retirement.  But, I'd prefer to interrupt the conversations of the Housewives of Potomac because I'm a mid-Atlantic-er, not a southern. 

I'm choosing to believe that she won the role of bystander busybody in the silent auction for the Haiti charity.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I have never been a Craig fan; however Naomi could have been happy for him instead of taking a dig at him. 

The lunch between the five was actually kind of refreshing.  Shep did a nice job of making his point about giving Kathryn another chance.

Landon is a major bitch.  She knows that she has no interest in Thomas and in all likelihood Thomas's alleged crush on her is producer driven.  However, she knows that her comment about Thomas giving her a ring would get under Kathryn's skin and that's why she said it.  I don't think Cam is a mean girl, but Landon fits the description perfectly.

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Been sayin all along that Naomi has a major nasty streak. Craig got more of a genuine happy reaction from Cameron ( who hasn't exactly been leading the cheerleader squad for him) than he did from Naomi.  Hope to heck he ditches her....he may have some maturing to do, but he deserves better than the southern sourpuss.

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31 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Soooo, Landon thinks she could get a ring and a bunch of horses from Thomas pretty quickly?   HAHAHA!  That Landon!  She's such a card!  

It is funny that they've shown Landon being a lazy selfish ass who says stuff that suggests that she's a gold digger, but the label is never going to stick to her. It is so strange.

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Way too much of the boring giggling Landon. She's pathetic, and if she thinks T- Rav will ever walk her dog with her, she's Looney tunes. Same goes for the nosey broad at the restaurant who said they were soulmates! 


Cameron is very pretty, but I can't take to her. Bring on more Kathryn! Her daughter really looks like her, she's a cutie.

Edited by F. M.
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Was Whitney wearing blush?  Closeups of him -- he looks really shitty & old.

Did Kathryn have some sorta bitterness toward Whitney for her downfall?  Um, WTF?

Chelsea gave Horseteeth a nice haircut.  Must last about 3 seconds till he looks like a serial killer again.

Craigie looked like he had a decent swing, but he is one shitty golfer.  Man, that guy is just not an athlete.  Stick to the programmed sewing, Craigie.

Naomie & Craigie?  Eh, they both suck.  I'm on neither side, but she's def worse.  He was happy he got his degree, but her attitude was unsupportive, suspicious & generally blech.  Still, he's lied to her & acted cagey, so I can't totally blame her.  Like I said, they both suck.

Oh, Snowflake.  That giggling & always saying thank yoooooooou?  Ugh, you keep bugging the absolute piss outta me, Snowflake.  And yet she keeps giving us those unintentional giggles.  She thinks she could get Thom-ass so easily -- to do what?  Marry her?  And without a pre-nup?  Ah, those delusions again, eh, Snowflake?  Trapped in that dream-world where there are aren't a billion companies named Roam.  So she couldn't take the half-second to google Roam & find that out?  Oh, Snowflake.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Was Landon on something in that break-up scene?

She seemed disheveled, kept flipping her hair about, was glassy eyed, giggly and super emotional (went from smiles to tears and back to smiles).

The poor guy aka Bizarro Shep looked a little weirded out by her behavior and really didn't give a rat's ass that he just got dumped on television.

Landon must be worse in real life.

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5 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

 Was Kathryn sorta blaming Whitney for her downfall?  Um, WTF?

Oh, Snowflake.  That giggling & always saying thank yoooooooou?  Ugh, you keep bugging the absolute piss outta me, Snowflake.  And yet she keeps giving us those unintentional giggles.  She thinks she could get Thom-ass so easily -- to do what?  Marry her?  And without a pre-nup?  Ah, those delusions again, eh, Snowflake?  Trapped in that dream-world where there are aren't a billion companies named Roam.  So she couldn't take the half-second to google Roam & find that out?  Oh, Snowflake.

I think more hurt by him always in Thomas' ear badmouthing her in past seasons?

I actually felt for Landon in that moment when her eyes filled with tears talking about Charlotte; they're both "aging," and she desperately wants a partner. Sad. It still doesn't excuse her mean girl-ness. 

Once again, Patricia sneering about Kathryn, in the preview about how she's a guest at her son's party. Ugh. 

I'm always in for HomeGoods!

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I wish Kathryn would stop with the long hair, severe side part and back scalp /back combed bump-it (tm).

She would look so much better with a short straight bob and she has the facial structure to rock it!

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Ugh Landon...

I tried to pay attention, but didn't Craig's letter just say he finished the one requirement?  I don't think it said anything about being done with law school.  It could probably be implied from someone who doesn't have a fast and loose relationship with the truth, but from him I would need it to say clearly "you're done with law school," or something to that effect.

Edited by Denim Dreams
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Craig, as far as we know, only had to complete his writing requirement to complete his law school degree.  The letter said as much: "Prof. (blurred) has informed me that you now satisfied your upper level writing requirement.  Congratulations!  I believe this completes your graduation requirements, but I will check with Dean (blurred) this morning."  Granted, there is a little wiggle room for there being some other thing that Craig has to complete, but given that he passed the February bar, I don't think he's talking out of his ass on this one.

Craig's golf pants might have been a bit weird, but given what goes down on SC Savannah, let's all just be glad everyone stayed fully dressed on Craig & Shep's round and it's not a plot point for four episodes.

Landon's degree of whininess tapped me out.  I haven't gone for the mute button yet this season until this episode. 

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34 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

 hurt by him always in Thomas' ear badmouthing her in past seasons?

As opposed to her cursing him out for Thomas's actions or bad mouthing him to everyone else?

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Soon as Cameran and Whitney arrived, after the greeting hugs and kisses and they sat down, there was a noticeable period of silence.

Of course this was forced meeting.  Sure Cameran had that little apology rehearsed but it was stilted.

Originally she wasn't in the cast but some of the men wanted to hook up with her so there are few women in the cast who'd be predisposed to socializing with her.  But then Kathryn adds her unique charm on top of it.

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What's with that preview for next ep -- with Cams being so over dramatic, checking on Horseteeth?  Oh Cams, you really don't know by now that Horseteeth sleeps till 5 PM every day?  We know that full well, hun, so why don't you?  Ho hum.  This is the best drama they can come up with?  Well, with Kathryn off the drugs & being so oddly calm & quiet, they're desperate for someone to have a fit.  Guess that's why Snowflake was crying into her chicken wings so suddenly.

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5 hours ago, chewycandy said:

I actually felt for Landon in that moment when her eyes filled with tears talking about Charlotte; they're both "aging," and she desperately wants a partner

 All she has to do is snap her fingers and Thomas will come running to her with a ring and a stable of horses! Keep dreaming, Landon.  Thomas couldn't look less interested in her at dinner, despite the drunk budinski lady at the next table going on about them being soulmates. 

So, what's with Chelsea? Is she dating Austen or not? Does she like him or not?  Girl is weird. 

Kathryn, the weird bump on the side/back of her head distracts me. At that lunch, I got the impression she hates all of them and was only there per contractual agreement (and a paycheck). She did come up with a few funny zingers though. "It's all water under the Ravenal bridge". Ha! And her reaction to Whitney being in love. Her response: With what? She can be pretty quick witted when she's not stoned off her ass. 

Craig must have lied to Naomi many, many times for her to react to his good news like that. It wasn't a good look for her but there must be an underlying reason for her being so underwhelmed by his news.  

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4 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

What's with that preview for next ep -- with Cams being so over dramatic, checking on Horseteeth?  Oh Cams, you really don't know by now that Horseteeth sleeps till 5 PM every day?  We know that full well, hun, so why don't you?  Ho hum.  This is the best drama they can come up with?  Well, with Kathryn off the drugs & being so oddly calm & quiet, they're desperate for someone to have a fit.  Guess that's why Snowflake was crying into her chicken wings so suddenly.

Scoobiedoobs, I ALWAYS get such a chuckle when you call Shep "Horseteeth!" Thanks for that!

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I've been to the restaurant that Landon and Thomas were in, they were in the quieter, private dining area. Good food, best gazpacho I've ever had.

I'm waiting for the Twitter or Snapchat fallout from that date, from Kathryn. Whoever here watches that, please share.

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Felt bad for Craig. Naomi could have been more supportive and given the man his moment. She spent all this time questioning on him on what he was doing about writing the bar, well this was an important step to the process. It wouldn't have hurt for her to leave the questions to the side and properly congratulate Craig. He did let his goals fall to the wayside a bit, likely distracted by this show I bet, but he's getting back on track and making things happen and no matter that it took longer, it's still an accomplishment worth celebrating.

I was impressed with Cameron and Whitney at the lunch with Kathryn. I think they both handled themselves well and didn't try to rehash anything which I think speaks well to their intentions when they showed up there. Also, Whitney vouching for Kathryn to Thomas was a good look for him. Not that Kathryn deserves every bit of forgiveness and free passes, but because Whitney has showed he can be a mature person that has moved past his issues with Kathryn.

Landon - please go away. Isn't it common sense that if you want to trademark something, you should at least do some basic research about the name? It doesn't take more than a google search to tell you that there are other are people that have thought of your oh so creative idea long before you did. I'm assuming she wasn't wearing make up on her date with her 'boy toy' but she looks pretty tired and rough. I would say maybe being stressed has got her so emotional but from what we've gotten to see from her so far, but I do think Landon was genuinely crying over not having a man around to fertilize her eggs. As much as she says that she wants the real thing, she comes across as someone who will easily fall for the 'image' of what having a husband and children would be like.

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For me this show has completely jumped the shark.  I'd rather watch Pat design new dog faced caftans than sit through another episode of fake love interests (Landon/Thomas) and fake relationships that may or may not be (Chelsea, Austen/Shep).

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44 minutes ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

For me this show has completely jumped the shark.  I'd rather watch Pat design new dog faced caftans than sit through another episode of fake love interests (Landon/Thomas) and fake relationships that may or may not be (Chelsea, Austen/Shep).

I totally agree.  I want Summer House back.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Craig must have lied to Naomi many, many times for her to react to his good news like that. It wasn't a good look for her but there must be an underlying reason for her being so underwhelmed by his news.  

I agree.  Naomie gets a lot of flap, but I think we tend to forget she's only about 24 or so and is compared to people who are ten years (or more) older than her.  She has her sh*t together and I think she's actually mature for her age.  I don't blame her for the way she reacted at all.  Craig thinks he deserves a trophy for something he should have completed on-time, three years ago.  Gag me.

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9 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Hee! According to Thomas if you do not like Landon you are a "son of a bitch", to which I concluded I must be a son of a bitch.

I kind of enjoyed the lunch with Shep, Kathryn, Craig, Whitney, and Cameran. It was low drama, which I seem to appreciate more and more on these shows.

Can Gizmo get a spin off? Please? I would rather watch Gizmo take a nap than a Landon/Thomas date. 

I'm also a son of a bitch.  Sad.

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I thought Naomie was a little harsh with Craig about his law-school news. I sort of GET Naomie's reaction, but clearly by now she should know he doesn't respond well to this kind of criticism. He's kind of a child, and being critical of him only results in pouting and digging in his heels. Not that any of this speaks well of him, but I feel as if she keeps doing the same things and expecting him to miraculously figure it out. He's not going to.

Cameran used to be my favorite, but I'm growing so weary of her holier-than-thou above-it-all-ness. Bringing Whitney seems like a ploy to stir up trouble, and thankfully it backfired. Who knew that Whitney would end up being an actual human being? I loved him this episode. DON'T MAKE WHITNEY MY FAVORITE, CAMERAN.

Landon crying into her chicken wings about her eggs drying up was pretty sad, and I felt for her; but way to terrify the hell out of your date, Landon. It's also a bit hard to feel too much sympathy for her, because I think she's the sort who expects men to fall at her feet because of her alleged cuteness, and it's irritating.

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This season sucks, super scripted. The only thing as appalling  As last season is that the Village Idiot is worse than ever!

It was more fun when Sheep and Craig were more likeable, Kathryn was glamorous and mad, Cam was calling the boys "you turds", and Thomas was  Raging on Cake- kane at his Pourties. And Patricia wore better caftans

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I'm no Craig fan, but, I did feel a little sting when he got the Naomi treatment.  lol TO ME, it's clear that she is so over this guy.  I'm not sure if I am reading her right, but, it appears that there is just too much aggravation, pain, lies, BS, or whatever you call it with Craig, so that she has reached a saturation point.  I can't see a recovery for that.  And maybe, there shouldn't be.  Some things aren't meant to be, regardless of what the psychic predicted. lol  Naomi knows the kind of person that Craig is.  How likely will he stop being that kind of person?  I suspect she knows the answer and that's one reason she seems to be ticked off.

When they all converged for the meeting with Kathryn, it gave me this ill feeling.  I think it brought me to the realization of just how sad, desperate and manipulated this cast of characters are.  I got the feeling that Whitney met with his financial consultants and made a business decision to garner more horror for the viewers.  I don't think this is about helping support Kathryn at all. ( Odd support. Were they non-alcoholic beers on the table?) Hanging out with people who drink like they do is a hindrance, not a help.  And for Cameron to have stooped to do this......OMG. This tells me just how desperate she is to be on a tv show.  She'll do anything......sooooo......I just got the feeling that it was like, OH, my producer tells me what to do and I'm doing it.  I don't think they understand that for an addict/alcoholic returning to old triggers is not good.  

I suppose I'm supposed to wait for Kathryn to have her next meltdown and then we can do it all over again.   Please stop.....isn't there any other way? 

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2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I've been to the restaurant that Landon and Thomas were in, they were in the quieter, private dining area. Good food, best gazpacho I've ever had.

Thanks for sharing that insight. I thought the restaurant setting looked "staged," so if it was in a private area, that explains it a bit. (The buttinsky was CERTAINLY a set up.)


36 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I agree.  Naomie gets a lot of flap, but I think we tend to forget she's only about 24 or so and is compared to people who are ten years (or more) older than her.  She has her sh*t together and I think she's actually mature for her age.  I don't blame her for the way she reacted at all.  Craig thinks he deserves a trophy for something he should have completed on-time, three years ago.  Gag me.

I didn't get the sense that he wanted a medal, but that a "hey, that's great! So happy that's finally over"--period end of sentence--would have gone far. In my experience, if someone has problems completing tasks, as Craig apparently does, then saying "what you've done STILL doesn't meet my standards" is even more demotivating and leads to further procrastination. MMV of course. 

On another note, Landon whining about her age, her shriveled eggs, and her "old hen" status was super annoying. Was it supposed to elicit sympathy? She makes it sound like finding love after 37 is impossible, or that having a baby at that age is impossible, and that's bs. Besides, what dude wants to hear about how old you feel or how infertile you are? (Though maybe I'm wrong, I'm not a guy. So maybe they dig hearing that they're dating a woman who feels like she passed her sell-by date?) I know some of it is about what she feels are societal expectations, but it's still annoying to listen to.

Edited by ivygirl
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11 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Craig is a momma's boy. Simple as that.

Maybe Naomie should stop trying to be Craig's mother.  He seems to have very capable parents.  How very telling Naomie made Craig finishing his course all about her.

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Never felt as bad for Craig as I did watching this. His GF is a straight up bitch. Christ he was SO excited and she just threw ice water all over him! SO it took a long time, big deal, not everybody matures or knows what they want in their 20's or even 30's. It was a HUGE accomplishment and he sure deserved better then that nasty, basic bitch answer from her. You could SEE the hurt on his face!

I love dogs and caftans but those ones of Pats were UGLY....

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So, what's with Chelsea? Is she dating Austen or not? Does she like him or not?  Girl is weird. 

After the loving, at the hunting cabin, she basically put him in the friend zone.

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