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S09.E08: Return of the Berzerkshires

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1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

.  A lot of it has to do with the memories attached to said decorations that were bought or given to me over my lifetime. 

I had ornaments that my mother made my father over 50 years ago. I cherished those things. Then I thought my daughter would like these pieces of family history, gave them to her, and haven't seen them since. 

I loved that Dorinda had premade cookies for all the girls to decorate. She was trying to make it nice and FUN! 

Edited by Mindthinkr
  • Love 22

I know this has been talked to death but I can understand Carole and Bethenny's doubts. Ramona OTOH is just a nasty snake. 

Carole didn't ask Barbara about Luann, Barbara volunteered the gossip and sounded really worried about Luann marrying a guy who is still meeting ladies at the Regency. Carole in her own words thought that Luann was having cold feet about the wedding but would marry just to save face and then get divorce. Carole might have thought that if Luann learned that Tom is still flirting with other women so shamelessly then that would be the way out for Luann and would save her the embarrassment of a public divorce and the "I told you so..." 

Bethenny mentioned that she had heard more news about Tom from the same 4-5 people who sent her the original picture of Tom and the other woman but she has not mentioned any of that until this episode. She obviously took Luann at her word and realized that Luann will marry no matter what. But now she is hearing Carole telling her that Luann is getting cold feet, she is looking and Ramona with texts from other women about Tom and how he hasn't changed. Bethenny probably thought that "if" it is true that Luann is having cold feet then this might be a good time to reveal some new information. She was smart to let them know that she will not be the one bringing it up to Luann though. 

At the end of the day, IMO Bethenny and Carole once they hear from Dorinda that Luann can care less about any more cheating allegations and she doesn't have cold feet and will marry Tom anyway , they will back away and keep on moving. Bethenny and Carole didn't look for this information, it fell on them. 

Ramona going around calling people, contacting Tom's exes (must be a long list) and what not, is on another level.

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, film noire said:

Clearly they are jealous (and how sad is that?) because what disinvested person spends this much goddamn time on Tom's tongue and hands? They're the CDC of relationships, tracking him like he's a hunta virus. And if it's not jealousy, it's a demonstration of clinical insanity. These dim witted cackheads keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results ("Hey! Maybe THIS time the SAME story will destroy Luann's life!") Gossipy pieholes, every one of them (even Dorinda, with her, "Do you TRUST HIM?' line) but especially bitter Bethenny. The sight of her crying in the previews, looking like Michael Jackson -- all pointy-bridged nose,  down-turned mouth and botoxed forehead, straining to express caring like a woman birthing a forty pound baby, barely seconds away from an MJ "No more propofol for you!" meltdown -- that was a fucking trigger for any sane human being.  Her fakey-fake cry-face was over a woman she'd just called The Big Bad Wolf, but she expects me to buy this shit? Yeah, she's a real caregiver, that one -- sobbing about Luann being on the verge of making a big mistake -- sour-mouth, heal thyself.


Bravo airing this can actually be considered community service. Please, let folks know that the water in Sonja's home is brown, that there's dog shit everywhere in said home, and that Sonja licks her finger before sticking it into food that others will most likely partake. Bravo needs to let folks know that in the event of a potluck, Sonja's contribution is to be avoided at all cost.

It was pretty neat seeing Carole with Adam's parents. They like her, they really like her! I remember all the kvetching in the beginning about how Adam's parents would be appalled or sad or what have you that he was dating a woman Carole's age. Seems like not.

  • Love 14
On 5/25/2017 at 9:02 AM, mytmo said:

Dorinda can swing by Cleveland and pick me up and we'll go to Bronners in Frankenmuth, Michigan which is the size of 1 1/2 football fields of Christmas decorations and fun!

I love Bronner's. 

Hey, can you guys stop and pick me up? I live in an adorable village about 40 minutes from Bronners. I will invite you in for some nice Gluhwein to fortify us for the drive. I promise I will make it nice. We can run over and pick up Ryebread as well. And my promise to her is that I won't put my feet on the dashboard. Just this once. For her. 

  • Love 12

I actually like Carole with Adam, but, unfortunately, in my opinion, Carole looks older than his mom.  

Did Beth or Carole's room at Dorinda's have a Pucci armchair?

Question for the guys posting: doesn't the casual sex with many women thing get old at some point? I can understand guys in their 20s and 30s wanting to hook up with anything with a pulse, but Tom was 48/49 during this filming.  Shouldn't he have gotten it out of his system by now?

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Question for the guys posting: doesn't the casual sex with many women get old at some point? I can understand guys in their 20s and 30s wanting to hookup with anything with a pulse, but Tom was 48/49 during this filming.  Shouldn't he have gotten it out of his system by now?

Exactly.  Tom and T-Rav (southern charm) are pathetic.  And yes as an American, I love Christmas decorations!!!  haha  

  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I actually like Carole with Adam, but, unfortunately, in my opinion, Carole looks older than his mom.  

Did Beth or Carole's room at Dorinda's have a Pucci armchair?

Question for the guys posting: doesn't the casual sex with many women get old at some point? I can understand guys in their 20s and 30s wanting to hookup with anything with a pulse, but Tom was 48/49 during this filming.  Shouldn't he have gotten it out of his system by now?

Once a cheater, always a cheater ......

By all accounts Tom hasn't changed one bit, maybe he wanted to get it all out of his system before he got married and once he marries he will be the perfect husband, I doubt it. For some reason he acts like he is a gift send from heaven to mature women so who knows. 

Dorinda's TH about how Luann has Tom on a short leash and how logistically it just didn't add up had me LOL but then I thought about it and realized it was sad, so sad that you have to be with him at all times just to stop him from cheating. Whoever said that if you marry for money you earn every penny was spot on. 

I was bothered by that scene at the park, Tom had a really condescending attitude with Luann, he even whistled at her at the end as if he was calling the dog. Douche.....

  • Love 16
4 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Scoobie, I watched Rachel as well, then watched the crazy HW's later. Rachel is always a good choice. 

I don't think this is going to be the whole season, as usually the dynamics of the season alter a bit after episode 10 or so (although you have a good point because last season the Lu/Tom drama did go on and on...)

I have no interest in the "Tom is a dog" storyline, simply because we all know he is a dog. Lu's dog. She would no doubt pick up his shit as well. Got it Bravo. The problem is that in reality, I do think these chicks would be talking about it. At my work, we would be talking about it endlessly, pondering the whys, analyzing the situation from every possible angle. Shit, we do it just when someone is consistently late for work. Why are they always late for work? Have anything to do with their lousy husband? The fact that they drink too much? Problems because of the bill collectors that keep calling to ask to talk to them? Doesn't mean there is nothing going on in our own lives, it's just human nature, even if it is not very nice. That is just what many people do at work, or even with casual friends about rumors that are going around. They are just not being filmed while doing it. 

My GOD! I do my share of gossiping and analyzing but Geez Louise. Even in "real life" and or "human nature" that seems WAAAAAYYYY extreme.

  • Love 3

I'm afraid that I am like Dorinda when it comes to holiday decorating.  It's funny.  I have actually used the term that it's akin to a religion on our home!  lol  What's the harm, though, if he makes you happy.  I think it hold a meaning or us that it doesn't to most people.  

 I would LOVE a weekend at the Berkshires!  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Denim Dreams said:

I think Lu knows all about Tom but doesn't care because he has a nice NY residence, the Florida properties, a boat, etc.  I don't buy for one second that it's strange for her to say "ours," she was comfortable with that from day one.  I'm sure she has some money, but based on her stand alone special, she's an opportunist.  She knows the game and she gets the wedding she didn't get with the count.  She probably figures that she can deal because Tom knows where home is (because he owns it) and they get along. I'm sure she can't just come out and say that, but the funny thing is that if she did, the ladies would at least stop talking about the cheating because most of them have been there or are trying to get there and probably want to know her secret--looking at you, Sonja (Tom probably liked the benefits but I'm sure he saw what a loon she is).

This made me LOL for real. Awesome!!

I doubt the women would stop talking about it. It would be the new party  quip they would get in regularly. Ribbing Lu with and a wink, an elbow, a smirk and a very insincere "just foolin' wit cha Lu, be a sport"

Lu's in a no win no matter how she handles these bitches.

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I laughed when the real estate guy told Bethenny to "depersonalize" the apartment.  I've always found her taste to be extremely sterile and lacking any kind of personal touches (SkinnyGirl displays don't count).  You can't even tell that a small child lives there.  

As I pointed out weeks ago her purging Brynns room is more "noise" about her issues w clutter than necessity.  Agree with you ! 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, F. M. said:

The ladies should move on, some of this crap is so old. Rhony, Lu is  married!!!!!

I love the way Dorinda throws herself into Christmas, snippy remarks about that from the bitchy peanut gallery.

I think Sonja is a bitch, jealous of Lu and Tinsley. Tinsley move asap, using Sonja's fake intern to open a door, sacrilege! 

Do Carole and Bethenny really just sit in that bedroom like 12 year olds, that's flipping hilarious, but very sad. Talking of sad, wtf is Carole wearing in her PI? Horrible dress, kind of like the saddo dress at the last reunion .lol

Sonja does seem far out there and way off base a lot, however, once I really thought about her objection to her employee accepting a package on Tinsley's behalf, the businessperson inside me kicked in.  She's right.  You have to think of LIABILITY issues and who's going to pay if something valuable is missing.  For example, if Tinsley orders an expensive item to be delivered to the house and Sonja's employee accepts it, signs for it, etc., THEN it goes missing.....is Sonja responsible?  Will her insurance cover it?  I don't know, but, I'd be wary of allowing my employees to be responsible for another's property.  It sounded like she was just being difficult, but, I get it.  She's right on this one, imo.

 But, I do think that she's still got the jealous bug about Tom. As does Ramona.  I'm over that.  My goodness, I wish they would get there. 

  • Love 1

This episode was a bit of a game changer for me. Tom wasn't presented as being just a womanizer. He was presented as being a sexually aggressive dick. To me that puts his behavior in a whole new light. Guys like that are scary. Years ago the boyfriend of a friend cornered me and out of the blue tried to aggressively kiss me. When I told my friend she chose not to believe me. I think Lu is suffering from the same level of denial. Even if she loves being married for the sake of being married, and is accepting of Tom having affairs - I find it hard to believe that she would find sexually aggressive behavior acceptable. I can see how the other women would want to warn her - not that I think that they'll be able to break through her denial.

  • Love 15

If Tins is paying rent to live in Sexy J's Brokedown Palace, does she really owe her hostess gifts?

I like how Luann calls Dorinda "Dorin", that's pretty cute.

I wonder what would have happened if Luann had been completely honest "Tom's gonna do what he's gonna do, and I like being married.  Shut that shit down."

I would not want to be in Carole's relationship, living on borrowed time

seriously, Bethenny, get on some task-oriented reality show.  I'm annoyed with this fake-ass marketed version of your life.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

Seriously - this is so played out!  She does not care!  At the time they were filming I bet that Luanne had no idea the other ladies were filming all these scenes clucking and kibbutzing about her and now that it is airing I am sure she is totally pissed and, also completely justified for not inviting them to the wedding.  

100% they are all jealous.  Let's call it what it is.  Every one of them is mad because Lu is getting exactly what they hoped would happen to them, meet someone of a certain UES level in society and get MARRIED to him.  She is locking it down, getting the Penthouse, the vacation house, maybe a yacht?  I am not sure, but either way, this is what she wants and it is absolutely the direction she wants her life to go in.  As they ALL do , but everyone else has failed to accomplish this.  And Ramona take note: Luanne did not have to bat her eyes or sip wine through a straw to land this dude that everyone at one time saw as a huge catch but now they are all sour grapes over.  

Whatever you want to say about Tom, if this guy was a classic bachelor, and is now choosing Luanne to get on board his marriage train, then he must feel differently about her, so in that regard, good for her.  He seems happy and looking forward to marrying her so everyone else needs to back off.  Maybe he just wants her for his public for-show wife and he will keep messing around with side chicks that are not marriage material.  Who knows, who cares.  Maybe he's just a flirt and that's his style, but he truly loves Luanne deep down.  Whatever it is, he's cool with it, Luanne is cool with it, bye now.

Also Lu was cute picking up the dog poop.  She's uppity and snobby as all get out, but she elegantly put that bag on her arm, picked up poop, then whipped it off as if they were white gloves and she was at the opera.  Countess 4 eva LOL. 


Trying to dissect Lu or Tom's intentions or reasons or logic over WHY they are getting married is so tired!

They are getting what they want and I agree with you as well with regards to Tom being a bachelor all this time an now decided that Lu is the one he wants to get in the marriage game with being relevant. Oh that's just cause Lu's gonna be a willing...yada yada yada.  Exactly! They work for each other for WHATEVER their needs are. Why are people mad? Or trying to label it some mistake for Lu? Cause women shouldn't get into arrangements like that? Oh wait, they can but THEY MUST acknowledge that's the arrangement PUBLICLY before outsiders let it go? It's all so very strange. The expectations of OTHERS being what's supposed to be considered with regards to Lu and Tom's marriage.

Rather comical as well. These women need to get lives for real... LOL!

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

I don't think Bethenney is jealous, since she can afford all of that on her own, and wouldn't be the public-image wife while the husband screws each and every side piece he can stick his dick into.

As for Carole...she might want companionship, but like Bethenney, she seems happy to live south of the UES and doesn't seem to be in a rush to get remarried anyway.

I think they aren't happy that Lu is getting what she wants. Not that they want what she has. It's about Lu, yet again waltzing around larger than life and then having her desires fall in her lap with little effort.

That's what I think of when people say the others are jealous.

So instead they have to paint it as something no one in their right mind would be happy to have in order to have it sting less.

Whether or not the situation is everyone's cup of tea these women won't stop until they get Lu to admit that what she has with Tom DOESN'T make her happy therefore putting Lu right in the same boat as them.

Which is still pining for a better life......

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Sonja does seem far out there and way off base a lot, however, once I really thought about her objection to her employee accepting a package on Tinsley's behalf, the businessperson inside me kicked in.  She's right.  You have to think of LIABILITY issues and who's going to pay if something valuable is missing.  For example, if Tinsley orders an expensive item to be delivered to the house and Sonja's employee accepts it, signs for it, etc., THEN it goes missing.....is Sonja responsible?  Will her insurance cover it?  I don't know, but, I'd be wary of allowing my employees to be responsible for another's property.  It sounded like she was just being difficult, but, I get it.  She's right on this one, imo.

 But, I do think that she's still got the jealous bug about Tom. As does Ramona.  I'm over that.  My goodness, I wish they would get there. 

If Sonja is so paranoid over liability and loss issues then she should not have a houseguest.  Tinsley on her own steam brought things of value into Sonja's home.  I sign for things and if when I open them they have arrived damaged or broken, I simply contact the sender for replacement.  I am not signing for anything more than I received a package.  We didn't even get to the signing part, Sonja was hung up on Connor answering the door.  This is why Sonja will always be a big joke to me.  Sonja has definite issues when it comes to master/servant relationships.  I am using that antiquated legal term as Sonja seems to love the role as being the master.  I am curious what businesses Sonja runs out of her home.

  • Love 16

Once an item is delivered to the destination, it's considered delivered.  If it goes missing, it's on the person who accepted it.  Maybe, Sonja's employees, interns, agents, etc. are bonded.  ??  I wouldn't accept liability on their behalf.  It could be an expensive piece of jewelry. Just saying.  Sonja seems to have her hand in a lot of business projects.  Plus, she has that business of being Sonja Morgan. lol 

What a shit show of an episode.  Ramona, Carol and Bethenny stay the fuck out of Luann’s business.  How many ways and times does she need to say it.  At this point you don’t look like friends but shit stirrers.  If as much “evidence” is out there as you guys are basing your actions on then Luann is probably aware and doesn’t care.  So just drop it.  Even if she was having 2nd thoughts you harpies would be the last person she would admit it to and definitely NOT on camera.  Move on ladies.

Sonja  WTF are you even saying that was such a nothing argument that if this doesn’t send Tinsley running for the hills she deserves what she gets from Sonja.  Part of me thinks that this was Sonja’s attempts to “prove” after the last Berkshire fiasco she wanted to show the girls “See, I can yell and argue too, I could have been invited last year and fit right in”.  So so sad.

  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, Mannahatta said:

This episode was a bit of a game changer for me. Tom wasn't presented as being just a womanizer. He was presented as being a sexually aggressive dick. To me that puts his behavior in a whole new light. Guys like that are scary. Years ago the boyfriend of a friend cornered me and out of the blue tried to aggressively kiss me. When I told my friend she chose not to believe me. I think Lu is suffering from the same level of denial. Even if she loves being married for the sake of being married, and is accepting of Tom having affairs - I find it hard to believe that she would find sexually aggressive behavior acceptable. I can see how the other women would want to warn her - not that I think that they'll be able to break through her denial.

Yeah, it was eye opening seeing Tom and Luann's dynamic by themselves, somehow I had formed this idea in my mind that he was a devilish charmer, elegant, sophisticated, so rico suave that women found him irresistible. 

Something about the way he treats Luann (and maybe other women) bothered me.The whole grouping thing was weird but I have to believe that when it comes to aggressive sexual behavior Luann has seen all of this and it still doesn't matter to her. "There's none so blind as those who will not see" applies perfectly here. 

IMO Luann feels like marrying Tom is almost a dare against the naysayers so she will make anything and everything to make it last just to prove them wrong. Luann knows who Tom is and what he does, she turns a blind eye to his ways and is just upset that the rest of the ladies keep bringing it up because what is few affairs here and there when you have a penthouse in NYC, right?

  • Love 12
On 5/25/2017 at 9:56 AM, bichonblitz said:

I haven't seen any fun yet. Well, maybe a little if you want to call three UES hags trying to pick up 20 somethings in some meat market joint. Yea, that was fun. 

I think that is why it is so hard for Bravo to make all of us happy. I actually think there has been a lot of fun stuff this season. Loved Lu and Dorinda on the boat, having what looked to be fun, Sonja and Beth laughing like crazy while going through Sonja's donations (and Sonja and Beth at lunch), loved Carole and her mom, and Carole with Adam's parents. I'm no big Lu fan, but I also liked the scene of her and Tom just walking through the park. I also love the small moments. The times when the gals are just talking to one other person about their lives, their fears, or their issues. But others would see all that very differently, hence the reason Bravo can never make us all happy. 

  • Love 17
29 minutes ago, AnnaL said:

Yeah, it was eye opening seeing Tom and Luann's dynamic by themselves, somehow I had formed this idea in my mind that he was a devilish charmer, elegant, sophisticated, so rico suave that women found him irresistible. 

Something about the way he treats Luann (and maybe other women) bothered me.The whole grouping thing was weird but I have to believe that when it comes to aggressive sexual behavior Luann has seen all of this and it still doesn't matter to her. "There's none so blind as those who will not see" applies perfectly here. 

IMO Luann feels like marrying Tom is almost a dare against the naysayers so she will make anything and everything to make it last just to prove them wrong. Luann knows who Tom is and what he does, she turns a blind eye to his ways and is just upset that the rest of the ladies keep bringing it up because what is few affairs here and there when you have a penthouse in NYC, right?

Ding Ding Ding...

Why do we believe that Lu is some vulnerable delusional victim? Something floats her boat about Tom and whatever that is who is anybody to take issue with it?

I mean it seems like she gets off on whatever it is Tom's about.

There are women who share husbands, engage in threesomes, swing, orgy, have celibate marriages, S&M, whips, chains, latex, sex dungeons etc. etc. Why do these women want us to believe that Lu is doing something against her will or her knowledge? And why are they making it shameful if she is indeed accepting of who Tom is? The part that aggravates me is that it's being presented as some sort of "saving" or "concern" of her well being when all this ever was, is and always will be is them trying to shame Lu for entertaining this man due to them needing to paint Lu's circumstances as dire and not worth coveting.

I think Tom provides Lu with what she desires (not only the penthouse, but whatever) and Tom see's Lu as his perfect fit (whether that mean she's okay with him straying on occasion or not which I don't think is necessarily the case) why the constant need to frame their relationship as something completely unacceptable is beyond me.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I DID IT NICE! Love Dorinda. The enthusiasm with the decor. Big light bulbs! <3


I loved the big light bulbs too!   Reminded me of our trees growing up.

Someone else mentioned their friend who was picky about the tinsel.  That was my dad -- we could NOT throw clumps of it on the tree! lol I get it now, but then it annoyed me.  

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, BBHN said:

I think it isn't a case of these women having nothing going on in their lives, it's a case of Bravo choosing what they want to show us and fashioning a story line out of that.

And Bravo being worried about the season being dull is a great copout for Bravo if viewers aren't interested.

Production  has a lot of film. There's a big difference in the way they edit Bethenny and Luanne. It's all about promoting Bethenny's business ventures, as for Luann - this is just a small taste of the punishment she will  be getting from Bravo. She will probably be demoted to friend of next season.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

 It's all about promoting Bethenny's business ventures,

I don't mind "business ventures" on shows like the Rachel Zoe Project, or (remember that Lizzie Grubman shit show on VH1 a million years ago?) Power Girls, because that's the point & kind of what we're signing up for, but on Teen Mom (Maci & Farrah, I'm looking at YOU)  & Housewives I like to see actual, real lives...

the business parts aren't even as interesting as watching me sit in my cubicle posting on these forums for eight hours a day.

well okay it's sort of funny when Sonja and Catelynn and Amber try to do "businesses" because then I feel like I'm watching Romy & Michelle in their latex dresses blathering on about Post-Its, which is entertaining.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, bagger said:

Soooo, Sonia's "assistant" and Sonja just sit around the house not answering the door unless they know the person knocking is calling on Sonja? It has taken me all these ours to figure out how to phrase that without sounding as stupid as Sonja did in that arguement but yep, yeah, no way to avoid it. 

Tinsley is the biggest threat to Sonja's apple, so Sonja will do everything in her power to turn the others against Tinsley. Did she brag to Rocco that she was ironing Tinsley's pillows - that ungrateful wretch!

Sonja's not wanting Connor to answer the door is valid. It has nothing to do with the dogs running out or because Connor is too busy running her invisible International Lifestyle Brand. When the doorbell rings it could be one of the 3 people she needs to avoid...1) The Repo Man 2) The Department Of Buildings declaring her Townhouse is condemned 3) XYZ serving subpoenas

  • Love 17
30 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Ding Ding Ding...

Why do we believe that Lu is some vulnerable delusional victim? Something floats her boat about Tom and whatever that is who is anybody to take issue with it?

I mean it seems like she gets off on whatever it is Tom's about.

There are women who share husbands, engage in threesomes, swing, orgy, have celibate marriages, S&M, whips, chains, latex, sex dungeons etc. etc. Why do these women want us to believe that Lu is doing something against her will or her knowledge? And why are they making it shameful if she is indeed accepting of who Tom is? The part that aggravates me is that it's being presented as some sort of "saving" or "concern" of her well being when all this ever was, is and always will be is them trying to shame Lu for entertaining this man due to them needing to paint Lu's circumstances as dire and not worth coveting.

I think Tom provides Lu with what she desires (not only the penthouse, but whatever) and Tom see's Lu as his perfect fit (whether that mean she's okay with him straying on occasion or not which I don't think is necessarily the case) why the constant need to frame their relationship as something completely unacceptable is beyond me.

I don't think any of these ladies believe that LuAnn is a vulnerable, delusional victim. The hot mic from last week picked up that Barbara was saying that LuAnn would rather go through with the wedding then later get divorced than to have this union blow up before any walk down the aisle. That doesn't signal to me that they're viewing LuAnn as vulnerable or delusional. They're rightly picking up that appearances matter very much to LuAnn and she'll go through with something with a slimy  guy just for the performative aspect of it all. 

I think there's also a ton of incredulity from the women. At least that's what I'm getting from all this chatter from the women about LuAnn's and Tom's situation. Like, they all know that Tom can't keep his tongue in his mouth (or his hands to himself, it seems), but because LuAnn wants the wedding she never had, she's willing to go through and get hitched with a creep. It's not so much, "Poor, poor, LuAnn" but rather, "She knows he isn't worth a damn but still getting married?!"

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Other than the Tom stuff, I found this episode mostly fun. Again. I don't know what it is about NYC, but I find myself laughing the most with these girls. Sometimes WITH them. Sometimes AT them. But there's always so much snark and goodness. 

Ramona really DOES just show up everywhere and start criticizing things. Carole's glasses. The temperature. But am I crazy? Sixty-four is way too cold! I keep my house at 70. (I'd keep it even warmer, but I ain't made of money.) Dorinda was all, "I'll bump it up to 68. That's the best that I can do". Then you better provide me a nice, fluffy robe to keep me warm! 

I had to laugh so hard when the "Made it Nice" cake flopped. Perfection. And....umm...it clearly had arrows pointing in the direction you needed to keep the box. 

I laughed so hard when Bethenny and Carole walked in and pretended to walk right back out. I would have done something like that. I think that's why I like B, despite her many flaws. Her humor is a lot like mine - I'll always be the first to make fun of myself or poke fun at a bad situation. And Beth was right; Sonja would totally keep those leftover piping bags in her basement! 

What were those jammies Sonja wandered into the kitchen in??? Looked like something you'd wear for a 3 am rendezvous. 

Oh man, the 3 blondes trying to start the fire. Classic! Ramona and Tinsley are wadding up old newspaper to pack in there and Sonja stops, "Look, there's a sale!" 

There were a few uncomfortable moments, though. Like Tinsley's mom's face - and reminiscing over how she loved her daughter less when she was chubby. 

Or Sonja yelling at her for the silliest thing. "You get your own goddamned hats!" Talk about UES problems. 

Aaaaaand....the Tom stuff. I'm kind of conflicted. On the one hand, you told the girl once and she doesn't seem to care. She's a big girl and it's possible they have some arrangement. On the other hand, I do feel that Beth and Carole are genuinely worried she's making a big mistake. It's not like they're her best friends or anything. But I really do not think they just want to say, "Aha! I was right" like Sonja and Ramona. I think B, especially, has been through some shit and she wouldn't wish that nightmare on anyone. And didn't Lu say something at last year's reunion that made it seem like she WANTED to know if there was more stuff? I don't know...I think the guy is a total lech and his interactions with Lu always feel so forced, to me. On both sides. I'd probably just shut up and let them do their thing, but I can see how people would be tempted to warn her. 

At any rate, I'm ready for the wedding to happen so we can just move past it. 

Complete summary of my feelings with regard to Tom and Lu.

1 hour ago, AnnaL said:

I know this has been talked to death but I can understand Carole and Bethenny's doubts. Ramona OTOH is just a nasty snake. 

Carole didn't ask Barbara about Luann, Barbara volunteered the gossip and sounded really worried about Luann marrying a guy who is still meeting ladies at the Regency. Carole in her own words thought that Luann was having cold feet about the wedding but would marry just to save face and then get divorce. Carole might have thought that if Luann learned that Tom is still flirting with other women so shamelessly then that would be the way out for Luann and would save her the embarrassment of a public divorce and the "I told you so..." 

Bethenny mentioned that she had heard more news about Tom from the same 4-5 people who sent her the original picture of Tom and the other woman but she has not mentioned any of that until this episode. She obviously took Luann at her word and realized that Luann will marry no matter what. But now she is hearing Carole telling her that Luann is getting cold feet, she is looking and Ramona with texts from other women about Tom and how he hasn't changed. Bethenny probably thought that "if" it is true that Luann is having cold feet then this might be a good time to reveal some new information. She was smart to let them know that she will not be the one bringing it up to Luann though. 

At the end of the day, IMO Bethenny and Carole once they hear from Dorinda that Luann can care less about any more cheating allegations and she doesn't have cold feet and will marry Tom anyway , they will back away and keep on moving. Bethenny and Carole didn't look for this information, it fell on them. 

Ramona going around calling people, contacting Tom's exes (must be a long list) and what not, is on another level.

More completion.  

See, last season, when they got the yacht lol, before we even knew about Regency footage, I said they all need to stop giving it to Lu because it was clear from the results of her showdown with Ramona and justifiable headshaking at Sonja's memorial service, that she was not about to let these chicks try and talk her out of her happiness.   And you know what?  Mazel to her for that.   If she'dve stuck by her convictions and said the equivalent of:

43 minutes ago, teapot said:

If Tins is paying rent to live in Sexy J's Brokedown Palace, does she really owe her hostess gifts?

I like how Luann calls Dorinda "Dorin", that's pretty cute.

I wonder what would have happened if Luann had been completely honest "Tom's gonna do what he's gonna do, and I like being married.  Shut that shit down."

I would not want to be in Carole's relationship, living on borrowed time

seriously, Bethenny, get on some task-oriented reality show.  I'm annoyed with this fake-ass marketed version of your life.

from jump?  We wouldn't still be talking about this.    However, she got to the reunion and responded to Ramona's shady question of:  if there were something else that came out about him would you want to know that?  She answered yes.   And she hadn't finished processing.   She'd said he made a mistake, she'd said he'd behaved badly, she'd said he apologized profusely and she had forgiven him.   Then she said, yes I'd want to know if there was more. Bruh.  We saw that gut wrenching moment when you find this out, so now we're watching you try and reconcile the public betrayal with the plans to go forward - because remember that nothing *before Lu* mattered - no problem, but this is during Lu and forsaking all others is a promise he might not be able to keep - so instead of shutting the shit down with a definitive statement - for the why should she even have tos:  because she's the one who'd want to know - she comes up with this:  

33 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I think they aren't happy that Lu is getting what she wants. Not that they want what she has. It's about Lu, yet again waltzing around larger than life and then having her desires fall in her lap with little effort.

That's what I think of when people say the others are jealous.

So instead they have to paint it as something no one in their right mind would be happy to have in order to have it sting less.

Whether or not the situation is everyone's cup of tea these women won't stop until they get Lu to admit that what she has with Tom DOESN'T make her happy therefore putting Lu right in the same boat as them.

Which is still pining for a better life......

No one in their right mind (don't show me Sonja, I said right mind) would be happy to trade places with Luann.  Are we really saying that these women envy the impulse borne of distrust that drives you to have to be near a man 20 hours a day in order to prevent him the physical opportunity to cheat on you?   There's no way to know for sure but I doubt that any of these women knowingly married a man who'd already proven he couldn't be trusted. 


That honestly doesn't strike me as a circumstance to be jealous of at all. 

1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

Oh, no one has mentioned Dorinda letting Ramona know that her dog is not welcome at Greystone Manor.  Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.  She will even invite Sonja but your shit machine is not welcome. Yes Ramona after the entire viewing public saw your dog crap all over the orientals a dozen times you just hang on to the story about it just being the once. And she still is not apologizing.  I would have been mortified.

Ramona says it was one little poo, Dorinda said no it was not.   #PettyLabelleBravoEditTeam cuts to one of cookie's slimy turds.   LMAOOOOOOO!! 

1 hour ago, Denim Dreams said:

Conner has probably been trained to recognize bill collectors or process servers...hats just complicate the whole thing



13 minutes ago, AnnaL said:

Yeah, it was eye opening seeing Tom and Luann's dynamic by themselves, somehow I had formed this idea in my mind that he was a devilish charmer, elegant, sophisticated, so rico suave that women found him irresistible. 

Something about the way he treats Luann (and maybe other women) bothered me.The whole grouping thing was weird but I have to believe that when it comes to aggressive sexual behavior Luann has seen all of this and it still doesn't matter to her. "There's none so blind as those who will not see" applies perfectly here. 

IMO Luann feels like marrying Tom is almost a dare against the naysayers so she will make anything and everything to make it last just to prove them wrong. Luann knows who Tom is and what he does, she turns a blind eye to his ways and is just upset that the rest of the ladies keep bringing it up because what is few affairs here and there when you have a penthouse in NYC, right?


She sees.  It's time for them to stop trying to help her cross the street.

10 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I think there's also a ton of incredulity from the women. At least that's what I'm getting from all this chatter from the women about LuAnn's and Tom's situation. Like, they all know that Tom can't keep his tongue in his mouth (or his hands to himself, it seems), but because LuAnn wants the wedding she never had, she's willing to go through and get hitched with a creep. It's not so much, "Poor, poor, LuAnn" but rather, "She knows he isn't worth a damn but still getting married?!"

Tell her what she's won Bob!   

= why they kept his name in their mouth and why jealousy doesn't apply.   Even if these aren't her friends, they still think enough of her to say, we think you're better than this. 

  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I don't think any of these ladies believe that LuAnn is a vulnerable, delusional victim. The hot mic from last week picked up that Barbara was saying that LuAnn would rather go through with the wedding then later get divorced than to have this union blow up before any walk down the aisle. That doesn't signal to me that they're viewing LuAnn as vulnerable or delusional. They're rightly picking up that appearances matter very much to LuAnn and she'll go through with something with a slimy  guy just for the performative aspect of it all. 

I think there's also a ton of incredulity from the women. At least that's what I'm getting from all this chatter from the women about LuAnn's and Tom's situation. Like, they all know that Tom can't keep his tongue in his mouth (or his hands to himself, it seems), but because LuAnn wants the wedding she never had, she's willing to go through and get hitched with a creep. It's not so much, "Poor, poor, LuAnn" but rather, "She knows he isn't worth a damn but still getting married?!"

But people want to focus on what they THINK is motivating Lu and not what may ACTUALLY be motivating Lu.

It's an ASSUMPTION that Lu is forging forward against her own misgivings. People are trying to project THEIR OWN misgivings about the pairing onto Lu and then having CONTRIVED reactions to the narrative they themselves are putting forth. I find that particularly lame and rather cruel actually. Trying their damnedest to elevate his behavior to scandal levels of inappropriateness by chattering about this and that in the most incredulous of ways. I mean pish posh. The bullshit surrounding Tom and Lu barely registers on my "givesafuck" radar as it would for most people who have better things to worry about but it's that much more "relevant" cause this is "unfolding" on a reality show. Just cause there is a reality cast involved doesn't mean it means more than it is in the real world. 

This attempt to turn it into something oh so horrific is what I find completely ridiculous. But the cast needs their storyline so that's where we are and I'm yawning the whole way through. 

Ever since that ONE "red handed" moment we are now supposed to take EVERY rumor and piece of gossip about Tom as FACT? All I'm saying is that there is a whole LOTTA exaggerated craze surrounding this man and where he puts his tongue. It's designed to hype it into something more than it may just be and nevertheless it's what Lu wants. What the hell is wrong with her being with her frog? This is all just an excuse to be as judgemental about Lu as they can. They are smacking their lips and drooling all over this opportunity to do so that it's absolutely pathetic!

  • Love 7

I think they aren't happy that Lu is getting what she wants. Not that they want what she has. It's about Lu, yet again waltzing around larger than life and then having her desires fall in her lap with little effort.

That's what I think of when people say the others are jealous.

So instead they have to paint it as something no one in their right mind would be happy to have in order to have it sting less.

Whether or not the situation is everyone's cup of tea these women won't stop until they get Lu to admit that what she has with Tom DOESN'T make her happy therefore putting Lu right in the same boat as them.

Which is still pining for a better life......

That seems like the most roundabout way of saying well, they're not jealous. Except, they totally are jealous.

I doubt Carole or Bethenney would trade their lives with Luann. Or want what she has with Tom in any way, shape or form. And I doubt it's a question of how much effort Luann put into getting what she wants.


why they kept his name in their mouth and why jealousy doesn't apply.   Even if these aren't her friends, they still think enough of her to say, we think you're better than this. 



Making that Frederick guy use chalk, and putting down the amount of her condo was selling for , she is so junior high..

In what sense?

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

If we all chip in can we get a house in the Berkshires? 

Sure.  But we'd have to schedule arrivals in shifts over a 3 day period. 

3 hours ago, mytmo said:

Dorinda can swing by Cleveland and pick me up and we'll go to Bronners in Frankenmuth, Michigan which is the size of 1 1/2 football fields of Christmas decorations and fun!


2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I love Bronner's. 

Hey, can you guys stop and pick me up? I live in an adorable village about 40 minutes from Bronners. I will invite you in for some nice Gluhwein to fortify us for the drive. I promise I will make it nice. We can run over and pick up Ryebread as well. And my promise to her is that I won't put my feet on the dashboard. Just this once. For her. 

LOL.  You can put your feet up on the dashboard.  As long as you have socks on.

Dorinda would LOSE HER MIND in Bronner's, wouldn't she?  She'd spend enough money to pay the city of Frankenmuth's electric bill for a year.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Ever since that ONE "red handed" moment we are now supposed to take EVERY rumor and piece of gossip about Tom as FACT? All I'm saying is that there is a whole LOTTA exaggerated craze surrounding this man and where he puts his tongue. It's designed to hype it into something more than it may just be and nevertheless it's what Lu wants. What the hell is wrong with her being with her frog? This is all just an excuse to be as judgemental about Lu as they can. They are smacking their lips and drooling all over this opportunity to do so that it's absolutely pathetic!

I'm with you on this here, there are levels to this shit. Lol.  Calling up exes in the middle of the night and pulling out unverifiable Texas (™D. Medley) is a bridge too far, Teribithia.   But if you can move away from that nutty ass style and concentrate on the substance of what is being gossiped about, there may be some merit in the message because he has indisputably participated in the same behavior during a time he was already committed to Luann.  That's kind of key here, I don't think they'd give a shit one way or the other if he was an aging bad boy she was fooling around with, so what?  But she made the investment of exclusivity based on what they all thought was incomplete information.  Now they know it's complete and it's just shitty.   The one redhanded moment was the cockroach we saw.  Girl, when is there just one?   If judgemental is how we want to characterize it, I'm fine with that, it's shaky judgement we're talking about.  <-- which represents not only their opinion, but her choice to go forward.  Now I realize that that's the whole crux of where we differ.  It is, after all, her choice, so they should leave her alone.  But I don't expect them to quit sideyeing her for it.  Not to speak on behalf of chick squads every or anywhere, but dammit man, it's sort of our thing.  lol.

  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:




A few years ago, when I saw the video that this gif originated from, I was deeply creeped out.  Seeing it again?  Just now?  Yup.  Still creepy.

Frederik and Bethenny.  A little of them goes a long way.  I can't imagine a show that features them together for a whole hour.  That's a whole lotta....hyper exuberance (?) right there. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

No one in their right mind (don't show me Sonja, I said right mind) would be happy to trade places with Luann.  Are we really saying that these women envy the impulse borne of distrust that drives you to have to be near a man 20 hours a day in order to prevent him the physical opportunity to cheat on you?   There's no way to know for sure but I doubt that any of these women knowingly married a man who'd already proven he couldn't be trusted. 



I was saying that their history with Lu before Tom and the way they've felt about her is what's at play and the fact that she's gone and annoyed them YET AGAIN by apparently getting something that works for her and makes HER happy while prancing around like she who can't be of the bothered doesn't sit well with them.

I ain't saying they want what she got, I'm saying they don't like the idea of Lu being content and continuing on with her she of the unbothered reign. It's a forced narrative that reeks of needing to rip into Lu.

I don't buy any other reasoning and that alone keeps me from accepting it as anything else.

I'm not touching Lu's situation with a 10 foot pole, that's for her to deal with which is my overall point. Ain't no body got the right to be as disrespectful as these women have been with regards to this woman's relationship. No one knows how Lu's handling this shit behind closed doors and I doubt she's gonna come out with any transcripts for anybody to review in order for anybody to understand she's handling it. And if she isn't???? Whatevs man. They need to move on.

Lu doesn't want to share what she's doing in response to the rumors or share what their ultimate situation entails. One thing is certain. Lu doesn't want the constant barrage of unsubstantiated information. Come on now. Do we really believe that Lu isn't getting a bunch of BS accusations being offered up to her due to the visibility of their relationship along with sour grapes and ill will aimed at her and Tom? Of course she's gonna want to be a little more dillegent with regards to the information she being fed and take time to sift what's being told to her.

I get that it's a sad predicament but at the same time I don't think it's fair to expect Lu to run with every lame brained, half assed, ill willed rumor that comes her way. I have no problem with her not automatically treating every piece of info she receives as fact cause there is reason to believe that alterior motives are in play with regards to any information she receives.  The best way to alleviate all the aggravation that coming from all this crazy is to just leave it alone once and for all.

  • Love 3

100% they are all jealous.  Let's call it what it is.  Every one of them is mad because Lu is getting exactly what they hoped would happen to them, meet someone of a certain UES level in society and get MARRIED to him.  She is locking it down, getting the Penthouse, the vacation house, maybe a yacht?  I am not sure, but either way, this is what she wants and it is absolutely the direction she wants her life to go in.  As they ALL do , but everyone else has failed to accomplish this.  And Ramona take note: Luanne did not have to bat her eyes or sip wine through a straw to land this dude that everyone at one time saw as a huge catch but now they are all sour grapes over.  

Whatever you want to say about Tom, if this guy was a classic bachelor, and is now choosing Luanne to get on board his marriage train, then he must feel differently about her, so in that regard, good for her.  He seems happy and looking forward to marrying her so everyone else needs to back off.  Maybe he just wants her for his public for-show wife and he will keep messing around with side chicks that are not marriage material.  Who knows, who cares.  Maybe he's just a flirt and that's his style, but he truly loves Luanne deep down.  Whatever it is, he's cool with it, Luanne is cool with it, bye now.

This.  I distrust any of the past "girlfriends" of Tom and their text messages/stories.  Many of the them are like Sonja & Ramona, wondering why Tom didn't want to marry them.  Ramona purposely seeking them out and relaying every little story to the group like it's gospel is ridiculous.

And while Carole didn't go out seeking gossip, she did misstate what Barbara said.  It was Barbara's belief (right or wrong) that Luann was going through with the wedding while having misgivings rather than call it off.  Luann never actually said that to her. 

Finally, we're supposed to believe that Bethenny cares about Luann and is genuinely concerned?  She doesn't care about anyone but herself, least of all the woman she spent all last season calling a lying whore.  I think Bethenny suddenly realized her camera time was down and she need to put herself back in the middle of drama.

  • Love 12
34 minutes ago, BBHN said:

That seems like the most roundabout way of saying well, they're not jealous. Except, they totally are jealous.

I doubt Carole or Bethenney would trade their lives with Luann. Or want what she has with Tom in any way, shape or form. And I doubt it's a question of how much effort Luann put into getting what she wants.


In what sense?

Call it what you want but being annoyed with a woman for living her life and being happy about it is what I see oozing from their pores.

You don't have to want to live someone else's life in order to be annoyed that they GET to live it.

It' about not liking Lu.

Plain and simple.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 10

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