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S09.E04: The Etiquette of Friendship

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3 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Dorinda goes low but I think she may have been high

That poor guy giving a toast To health, happiness and Sonja's tunnel.

So the drug rumor has some legs. She came off certifiable. Talk about a rude bitch. The back combed hair nest was funny. 

I am not looking forward to Carole's meltdown as it's probably similar to mine. 

  • Love 18
Just now, phoenix780 said:

I was almost fully on team Sonja tonight, until the last scene with the dog. Still, I respect how she handled Dorinda and Tinsley tonight. She can be very articulate about feelings. 

I might skip the election episode. I'm not there yet. 

She had a really sweet moment when she told Lu she was happy for her after the house tour, then Lu ruined it with "ARE you?"

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

It's not working because we've known that she washes her undies and her face in the bidet since season 5, but everyone here seems surprised.

Which might be the most surprising thing about this episode. That folks are surprised by her washing her undies in the bidet. She very famously did this 4 or 5 years ago, much to Ramona's chagrin. It was almost all anyone was talking about at the time, and seemed to be evidence of all that was wrong with her. 

  • Love 9

Jeez, Carole, that couch looks really fucking gross!  Did I spot enormous rips & tears in it?  Yikes!  Ugh, between the dog & the cats, I think I'd rather sit on George's peed on couch in Seinfeld than Carole's ratty leopard thing.  Seriously . . . EW!!!

The Bethenny TH, where she's snarking on Carole's inability to give her cats the decency & respect to have different names, gave me a slight giggle.  But I want more humor from Bethenny.  Why didn't she snark on what a shithole Carole's place looks (and surely stinks) like now?  More snark on Carole, please.  She's your only friend & relentless defender, so you have to predictably turn on her, Bethenny.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6
22 hours ago, ninjago said:


I don't hate Bethenny, but she may have played herself tonight by punking out on going to this dinner.  The show obviously doesn't need her and if she is refusing to film, they shouldn't be afraid to cut her.


I'm hoping Bethy has overplayed her hand this season. She was pretty much licking the windows of the car, talking to Carole on the phone and listening in to that fight. I was happy to notice that in all of these scenes sans B, none of the women gave a rats that she wasn't there, and drama continued without her. She called the shots all last season and we got nothing but a busted trip to Mexico and the bloody vagina monologues.

And some shady editing going on: Tinsley and Sonja eavesdropping on Dorinda and co bitching about Sonja, then Tinsley eavesdropping on Sonja bitching about Tinsley. Plus Ramona butthurt to be disinvited to Carole's party followed by footage of Ramona disinviting Sonja. They really kept it moving this episode and I loved it. This episode basically did everything for me that a whole season of RHOBH and RHOA couldn't do. This is the formula. 

When Sonja revealed that she had a french lover nicknamed, wait for it, Frenchie (all of Sonja's cosmopolitan yacht party cred incontrovertibly disappeared with that sobriquet), did anyone else think Jacques??? Lu's old beau? Wouldn't that have been delicious! And Sonja still has no compunction about referring to her relationship with Tom in Lu's presence, good lord, you have to admire the delusion of it. And she was invited to Lu's wedding, dammit! Her Phuket engagement trumps it, is all!! Sonja's story and she's sticking to it.

Does STAM stand for Sonja Tits Arse Morgan??

20 hours ago, Teddybear said:

Did anyone hear Sonja say she felt like Gumbo?  Haha I think she meant Gumby, being pulled in two directions.   That's such a Ramona-ism! 

I actually thought a fishy stew full of the many and various meats that happen to be around was completely appropriate!

23 hours ago, Pickles said:

Dorinda says on Andy Cohen's show that she regrets none of her behavior at that dinner party. Really? She looked positively unhinged and it was embarrassing.

I think she meant that, just as she said the next day, she'd said her piece, it had to be said, and now she's moving on. She's not a grudge holder. So basically Dorinda doesn't regret letting Sonja have it. It's the only way she COULD spin it. Her behavior was beyond. The only reason Ramona didn't kick her out was probably because it was Ramona that was on the end of it last season "FRIENDS talk to FRIENDS in private!!!!!!"

And we got John back this episode. Hopefully it'll only be once every 4 episodes for the rest of the season. So far, they're making good on the drama and SLs without needlessly involving the boyfriends.

22 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I think Dorinda should have handled the whole situation with Sonja better. I got the impression from Dorinda speaking about it with the other housewives that it was much more than what she went after Sonja for at Ramona's. I do not know if it was because Dorinda was angry and word vomiting, but it all seemed left unsaid. I was fine with Dorinda being angry at Sonja, but she could have handled it way better

When Dorinda kept unloading on Sonja, I got the distinct impression that her rehearsed reads were the work of weeks of martini induced nights of insomnia with a notebook and some lines on the bedside table to catch that inspired bile that pops up at midnight (and possibly to avoid anything else that might be popping up in Dorinda's bed now that Hannah has moved out). It was like she wasn't going to stop until she'd spat every last bullet point and when she left the table, I thought 'she's going to check her handbag for anything else', because when she returned it was straight back into it. Props to Sonja for continuing to shovel food into her face for the duration. Also, there were NO specific accusations or examples given by Dorinda. Apart from the very broad 'do you need to call the media/blogger about us' (whatever she said when she began her tirade) the rest was just a long and kinda sloppy read on Sonja.

22 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Sonja was washing her undies in the bidet to justify her "funny, quirky girl in the city" persona, and for the exact reason that it will be discussed, here, on other message boards, in any blogs, etc.  It will give her some relevance.  It will, of course, be brought up at the reunion, as well - it will draw attention to her, and that is exactly what she wants.

You saved me saying it. I hate this transparent gimmickry that people fall for (especially Ms Cohen). When Sonja's tagline this season references Grey Gardens (hopefully to get up Carole's nose, but more likely to get on the bandwagon, Sonja has history with this kind of TipsyGirl behavior), you know she's going to be amping up the wacky schtick and it's all about providing her with talking points. Similarly, it's working for Patricia from Southern Charm, who is monetising her appearance on that show in a way Sonja can only hope to emulate.

21 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Sonja even admitted to Tinsley that she has said some unkind things about Dorinda/Luann/Tom to the tabloids! That said,

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there is the possibility that someone else was doing it more than Sonja did (it's about 1/2 down the blog in large bold print without naming names) and I suspect it is none other than Ramona. http://tamaratattles.com/2017/04/26/real-housewives-of-new-york-the-etiquette-of-friendship/

No, she specifically says that the person attibuting blame to Sonja for trashtalking Dorinda is not a member of the cast. The whole thing (Dorinda's meltdown at Sonja) was one of those fights that probably shouldnt be on the show because it's got nothing to do with the show. All of it is happening somewhere else, involves people we don't know or get to see in a different time frame. It becomes nonsensical to the audience. 

  • Love 23

No joke, y'all but my grandma named all of her cats Sam.  And we are talking a ton of cats over like 50 years (she did it even when my mom was a kid and my grandma lived until she was 90). She said it was because she liked the name Sam and that way she would always remember the cat's name. 

Dorinda came off unhinged but dude, Sonja.  She is just so much. Her delusions (see: everything she has ever claimed), her uncouthness...  My god, she needs to shut it about Tom.  Tom is marrying LuAnn.  End of the story. MOVE ON. He obviously didn't find you marrying material if he never even told anybody that you were his friend with benefits (because let's face it, that's all they ever were). 

  • Love 10

Color me impressed that Lu is friends with Candace Bushnell ( author of Sex and the City amongst other books)!! Wonder how long they've been friends? (Haha is Lu Carrie?!) 

So embarrassed for Dorinda - she managed to make Sonja look reasonable. Dorinda is quite the angry drunk. 

Loved seeing all their Hamptons homes!! 

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

Maybe Carole let her couch go to hell because she's like, "I have a sort of Kennedy relationship so if it anybody is going to go Grey Gardens it's going to be ME and NOT Sonja Morgan."

Actually- Grey Gardens is from Jackie O's original family- Bouvier (sp). So Carole has much more of a connection to them than she does the Kennedys.

But for all Sonja's quirkiness I do not see how she benefits in the end. She has now pissed off enough people that she is having to chase down possible chances to film and rent houses she pretends are owned by a 'dear friend' or other such malarkey.

I will say- at one point or another I liked everyone last night. Even Bethenney- she was a raging hypocrite about Ramona being rude or not supportive when she has issues when B goes for the kill when anytime anyone ever has a struggle. But her talking heads and Carole meet up where just the correct amount of B. She really would function better as a 'friend of' who pops up to point out the insanity. Although I wouldn't be opposed to a couple of the broads letting her no she is no better/more important than anyone else.

I though Carole was actually pretty even keel at the dinner party & I enjoyed some of her quirks. That sofa is a complete psychological tell though- the poor woman really has not been able to move on or make any decisions as basic as whether to get rid of it or reupholster. I imagine the cols of reupholstering is probably too much for her to validate.

And I know I'm among the few who like Lu but you have to admit she always has the best decorated and most inviting homes. And they always seem appropriate to style location. I wish that addition didn't block the original 2nd floor from behind but it was appropriately scaled and the interior really suited the house. I am actually impressed that she has stuck with a farmtable in the kitchen instead of throwing in the ubiquitous island. Let's see if she can rework Tom's penthouse into something more pleasing.

  • Love 15
26 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

So this was Dorinda sober? I guess that makes sense, and it's not that surprising considering the way she went off on Heather a few seasons ago - her good friend and someone who hadn't been talking shit about her in the press. She claimed then that she hadn't been drinking before her meltdown. So this is just Dorinda? If it were me, I would claim to have been drunk, or high, or something. 

IMO it was worse than Beth last year, as there were others at that dinner party who had nothing to do with the drama. It wasn't just the girls at this dinner party. And the things she was saying about Sonja and her moral fiber were every bit as bad as what Beth said about Lu last season. I guess she was ready to move on the next morning and lucky for her, Sonja is so desperate this season to not be locked out of filming with the others, she just moved on as well. 

I am probably alone in that I loved Carole this episode. Loved her quiet words to Dorinda at the end of the table (while usually I don't like grown women telling other grown women how to behave) mainly because she was also defending Dorinda to the others. She wanted for Dorinda to not look bad, and wasn't going to let the others leave the table without knowing that she had every reason to be pissed at Sonja. I also love all the cat stuff. As a life long cat lover, it thrills me whenever someone realizes the awesomeness of these animals a bit later in life. Carole is completely fascinated by these sweet things, while probably never giving them a thought before now. Now she gets it and I love her more for it. I wonder if Ramona does come to her election party? I totally get Carole not wanting her there. I have lots of friends from the other side of the political aisle, although mostly casual observers who don't really give two shits for the most part. I didn't invite any of them to my party because they would have been mocking and mean, and I didn't want any of that on a night that was important to me, but didn't really matter at all to them. And they most certainly would not have wanted me at their party, had they cared enough about what was going on to have one. 

yes to all of this and agreed, Dorinda the Not Well Bitch certainly did not make it nice 

Edited by Jezebel97
needed more coffee
  • Love 9

I remember when I thought Dorinda was too good for John. No more, Dorinda has shown herself to be a gutter rat. What was with all the vulgar slut shaming? She thinks that's an appropriate way to address her unhappiness with Sonja speaking to the media? What does one have to do with another? 

She better throw a fabulous party or two this season because she is bringing down this show so far. What a low class mess.

Edited by lcarolynl
  • Love 24

She better throw a fabulous party or two this season because she is bringing down this show so far. What a low class mess.

So we know we are 4 episodes in and we still have Mexico with Bethenny.  Last night on Andy Cohen Dorinda said 2 episodes in the Berkshires and Andy noted it doesn't go well.  I am now convinced the whole boring season nonsense was more of Jill Z's new plants.

  • Love 3
Just now, QuinnM said:

So we know we are 4 episodes in and we still have Mexico with Bethenny.  Last night on Andy Cohen Dorinda said 2 episodes in the Berkshires and Andy noted it doesn't go well.  I am now convinced the whole boring season nonsense was more of Jill Z's new plants.

Me lol'g....Do we really believe Jill is still planting stories?  

Ok...it's Jill ... she probably is.  :D

Actually can see the pic or Jill, LuLu and Kelly plotting and planning together.  :D

  • Love 1

Damn it Dorinda!  And just when I was singing your praises last week. Now you had to go and pull a "Bethenny in the Berkshires"-lite on Sonja. Now I've gotta go back to giving you the side-eye. This is why we can't have nice things!

Seriously though, that tirade was ridiculous. Do I think she had the right to confront Sonja over her comments? Absolutely! Do I think she did it in a classless and rude manner? 100%.  Sonja - wacked out and delusional as she can be at times - did handle it with as much grace as possible.

Sonja and her panty bidet soup though...  I just can't. So nasty.

Agree that Bethenny's comment about Carole calling all 3 of her pets "Baby" was pretty funny--and accurate.  Interesting to find out that Carole and Adam living together was just a temporary arrangement.  Also that she questioned what their relationship would be like once he moved out. I wonder... did he ever move out and are they still together? 

Speaking of Carole, I thought her hair looked really good last night.  I like it even better in the TH where she has it cut to shoulder length.  With thin, fine hair like she has-a shorter 'do is the way to go for sure.

Can't wait for Alex M to appear on WWHL!! 


Once again, we get a short scene with Dorinda and John, and despite all the criticism in past seasons (Bethenny observing that it seems as if Dorinda is trying to sell John to everyone), Dorinda looks annoyed and protests when John mentions staying overnight at Dorinda's, now that Hannah has moved out. The only time she seems to like him and defend him is when she's not with him. 

Agree. I think it's pretty clear at this point that Dorinda has no interest in living with - let alone marrying - John.  She just really wants a companion - a dinner and movie date - not a boyfriend.  And hey that is understandable to me, considering she's a divorcee and a widow.  And it would be fine if BOTH parties were cool with that arrangement.  But it's clear that John is NOT.  He was ready to take things to the next level years ago.  I really think one of them needs to cut the cord on that relationship and find a person whose long-term goals are more compatible with theirs. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 13

How come, in their talking heads, so many housewives look as if they had to shampoo using low-flow shower heads, like Jerry, Kramer and Newman?

I love the red dress Tinsley wears in that little introduction shot, short in the front, long in the back, with a beautiful silhouette.

Holy caca.  Maybe the caffeine from the diet cokes, followed by the glass(es?) of wine contributed to that epic rant.  Does anyone know anything about Richard? I get the impression that he was a lovely, dignified man.  Did Dorinda erupt like that around Richard?

Once again, we get a short scene with Dorinda and John, and despite all the criticism in past seasons (Bethenny observing that it seems as if Dorinda is trying to sell John to everyone), Dorinda looks annoyed and protests when John mentions staying overnight at Dorinda's, now that Hannah has moved out. The only time she seems to like him and defend him is when she's not with him.  

Can someone give me a brief summary of what was going on with regard to Bethenny and Jason's divorce at the time they filmed these episodes? Was it getting uglier than usual?

Did I hear correctly?  Did Sonja say she couldn't go to the wedding because she had already booked her Phuket flight and reservations for the same weekend -- actually booked everything during an evening several months earlier that she had been "benefiting" from Tom?

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

How come, in their talking heads, so many housewives look as if they had to shampoo using low-flow shower heads, like Jerry, Kramer and Newman?

I love the red dress Tinsley wears in that little introduction shot, short in the front, long in the back, with a beautiful silhouette.

Holy caca.  Maybe the caffeine from the diet cokes, followed by the glass(es?) of wine contributed to that epic rant.  Does anyone know anything about Richard? I get the impression that he was a lovely, dignified man.  Did Dorinda erupt like that around Richard?

Once again, we get a short scene with Dorinda and John, and despite all the criticism in past seasons (Bethenny observing that it seems as if Dorinda is trying to sell John to everyone), Dorinda looks annoyed and protests when John mentions staying overnight at Dorinda's, now that Hannah has moved out. The only time she seems to like him and defend him is when she's not with him.  

Can someone give me a brief summary of what was going on with regard to Bethenny and Jason's divorce at the time they filmed these episodes? Was it getting uglier than usual?

My guess...the stalking situation.

  • Love 4

Can someone give me a brief summary of what was going on with regard to Bethenny and Jason's divorce at the time they filmed these episodes? Was it getting uglier than usual?

Oh girrrlll, it was really heating up.  And I have no life because I know this.  This was filmed during the time that Dennis sent the cyst and disease for Hoppy sending him really crazy emails.  They were running at about 10-20 of them a day.  They were threatening and said nasty things about Behtenny.  Towards the end of filming was when Hoppy got arrested.  We are still waiting for his court case.  Latest is that it will be in June.  In the meantime right now Jason has a protective order against him. 

  • Love 14

I thought in the previous episodes Dorinda brought up that Sonja was bashing her on Twitter. I do not follow any of these women on social media so I do not know if and what was said. Though during Dorinda's tirade she never mentioned it she just mentioned a blog post. I was fine with Dorinda being mad at Sonja if she did indeed say things on Twitter or quotes in articles, but Dorinda never really got into specifics. It was more of insult after insult with her.

I am one that was surprised that Sonja was washing her underwear in the bidet. I did not realize it was mentioned/featured before. I skipped season 5 and 6, so I could have missed the first time she did it. Maybe I will go back to Hulu and check those seasons out if I get really bored.

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:


Can someone give me a brief summary of what was going on with regard to Bethenny and Jason's divorce at the time they filmed these episodes? Was it getting uglier than usual?

At the time of filming, Jason had become unhinged. He was sending Beth tons of emails every day. Nasty emails, and he was copying Dennis (and I believe some of Beth's staff).  It didn't hit the media until the end of November, and it sounds like from what Beth said, she hadn't told anyone except Carole, so none of the other gals knew what was going on. Dennis had his attorney send a C&D letter to Jason warning him to stop. 

Later, in January, Jason was arrested for stalking Beth. Apparently that case goes to trial this summer. 


6 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

I thought in the previous episodes Dorinda brought up that Sonja was bashing her on Twitter. I do not follow any of these women on social media so I do not know if and what was said. Though during Dorinda's tirade she never mentioned it she just mentioned a blog post. I was fine with Dorinda being mad at Sonja if she did indeed say things on Twitter or quotes in articles, but Dorinda never really got into specifics. It was more of insult after insult with her.

I am one that was surprised that Sonja was washing her underwear in the bidet. I did not realize it was mentioned/featured before. I skipped season 5 and 6, so I could have missed the first time she did it. Maybe I will go back to Hulu and check those seasons out if I get really bored.

This is what is so interesting about it all. Dorinda doesn't want to actually say on camera what Sonja was saying about her. I believe Sonja was furthering the discussion about Dorinda having a love affair with the white stuff, among other things. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 14

Couple of things.  Yeah I agree that Dorinda showed her ass last night but I give her a pass because she has provided me with my favorite phrase. Whenever anyone asks me how I am doing i respond “You wanna know how I am doing? NOT WELL BITCH” complete with hand gesture and up-in-their-grillness.  Ahhhhh it gives me life. That phrase is my spirit animal LOL

I just can’t with Sonja.  Did she have work done.  She looks amazing in her talking heads but also a lil different…  She also gave a lil more insight into her priorities.  She gauges and judges her friendships on whether or not she is included or invited/disinvited to parties and get togethers. Which is sad.   Also the “argument” with Tins was telling.  First how are you going to tell someone they aren’t close friends with someone because you are closer.  WTF?!?!? I see why it’s hard to have a discussion with Sonja because she is just so erratic.  First she started out saying that  Tinsley shouldn’t hang out with her friends without her being there which Tins rightfully checked her on then in the same breath literally 5 seconds later the reason was if you are going out with my friends you should tell me about it.  I hate arguing with people like that who flip flop around.  Sonja, just because Tins is staying with you does not mean she has to get your permission on everything.  I will say I agree with the no sex in my daughter’s bed rule.  That’s just creepy. It’s a freaking townhouse I can’t imagine there are only two bedrooms in it get Tins out of your daughters room. 

  • Love 9

I'm starting to think that Sonja and Tinsley might be perfect for each other. They both seem to spend a lot of their time sadly trying to recapture glories long past. And if Sonja was invited to Luann's wedding, why doesn't she just produce the invitation to prove it? Sonja becomes more and more like a study of bitter cliche. If she wasn't invited to something, she actually was invited but would never go because it's so far beneath her. When they showed her washing her underwear in the bidet, I very nearly threw up.

  • Love 6
  29 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:


Can someone give me a brief summary of what was going on with regard to Bethenny and Jason's divorce at the time they filmed these episodes? Was it getting uglier than usual?

At the time of filming, Jason had become unhinged. He was sending Beth tons of emails every day. Nasty emails, and he was copying Dennis (and I believe some of Beth's staff).  It didn't hit the media until the end of November, and it sounds like from what Beth said, she hadn't told anyone except Carole, so none of the other gals knew what was going on. Dennis had his attorney send a C&D letter to Jason warning him to stop. 

Later, in January, Jason was arrested for stalking Beth. Apparently that case goes to trial this summer. 


  15 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

I thought in the previous episodes Dorinda brought up that Sonja was bashing her on Twitter. I do not follow any of these women on social media so I do not know if and what was said. Though during Dorinda's tirade she never mentioned it she just mentioned a blog post. I was fine with Dorinda being mad at Sonja if she did indeed say things on Twitter or quotes in articles, but Dorinda never really got into specifics. It was more of insult after insult with her.

I am one that was surprised that Sonja was washing her underwear in the bidet. I did not realize it was mentioned/featured before. I skipped season 5 and 6, so I could have missed the first time she did it. Maybe I will go back to Hulu and check those seasons out if I get really bored.

This is what is so interesting about it all. Dorinda doesn't want to actually say on camera what Sonja was saying about her. I believe Sonja was furthering the discussion about Dorinda having a love affair with the white stuff, among other things. 

Dorinda read the post she was talking about on the show. I think someone also posted it here.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

What are these tabloid or Facebook comments that Sonja supposedly planted?  Everything and then some is always out there, so why can't anyone (myself included) find this stuff?

In last week's thread, TheMole posted a screenshot of the FB comment that Dorinda is on about. If the link doesn't work, it's on the 8th page, posted on Friday (4/21) at 3:19 pm (central).  The FB post came from a defunct Bitch Sesh fan group.

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I don't thin Carole let the couch go.  At some point when a couch is used every day, it just happens.  That time comes when the material just has lived it's life in the every day world and the time has come to either reupholster or replace.

I totally get the idea of holding onto a piece for sentimental reasons or because you haven't found it's replacement or you haven't decided on the reupholstery fabric yet. I'm just grossed out that, in the interim, you couldn't buy a cheap temporary slip cover from Target or Home Goods. Heck even a bed sheet or lap blanket would suffice.

  • Love 6

I live for the Hamptons and the city house porn. Even Ramona's house, which badly needs a kitchen remodel. I also like that they film this franchise in the fall which is my favorite time of year. I don't have seasons where I live now and I really miss it.  Damn these women and their wealth! I can only dream of that life. 

Carole's couch- I remember a few ep's ago I saw different swatches of fabric draped over the back of the couch, it looked to me like she was going to choose a new fabric to reupholster it at some point. Maybe after the ki-ens grew out of their ki-en ripping and clawing phase? 

The whole Dorinda meltdown was kind of lost on a lot of us because it's never really revealed what Sonja was saying about her. It would have been a lot more interesting if we knew what Dorinda was so pissed about. That story line was poorly executed by production.  

Shallow note: I wish Dorinda would stop pushing her hair back with her glasses on her head, it looks awful. I always liked her haircut but this year it's a sloppy mess. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, queenjen said:

I'm hoping Bethy has overplayed her hand this season. She was pretty much licking the windows of the car, talking to Carole on the phone and listening in to that fight.

To me the most telling thing was Carole actually making Bethenny wait for her because she didn't want to leave the party!  I'm sure Bethenny thought Carole would be waiting at the door for her to pull up and come running out, ready to bitch about the lame party and how awful everyone else is.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, queenjen said:

No, she specifically says that the person attibuting blame to Sonja for trashtalking Dorinda is not a member of the cast. The whole thing (Dorinda's meltdown at Sonja) was one of those fights that probably shouldnt be on the show because it's got nothing to do with the show. All of it is happening somewhere else, involves people we don't know or get to see in a different time frame. It becomes nonsensical to the audience. 

Ahhh, I didn't see TT's reveal in the comment section! I see what you are saying except that at the time Dorinda blew up she believed Sonja was the source. It's apparent that Sonja has talked to the tabloids though because she admits it to Tinsley before they go to the party but I guess someone else did as well.

Oh and they had fights/arguments about things that happened outside of filming last season as well, they do every season.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

Oh, wow. This Jason Hoppy arrest is all news to me! I don't stay up on these women during the interim. As much as Bethenny has annoyed me over these past few seasons, I did also believe that Jason was secretly an asshole as well, so here we are.

2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

So this was Dorinda sober? I guess that makes sense, and it's not that surprising considering the way she went off on Heather a few seasons ago - her good friend and someone who hadn't been talking shit about her in the press. She claimed then that she hadn't been drinking before her meltdown. So this is just Dorinda? If it were me, I would claim to have been drunk, or high, or something. 

IMO it was worse than Beth last year, as there were others at that dinner party who had nothing to do with the drama. It wasn't just the girls at this dinner party. And the things she was saying about Sonja and her moral fiber were every bit as bad as what Beth said about Lu last season. I guess she was ready to move on the next morning and lucky for her, Sonja is so desperate this season to not be locked out of filming with the others, she just moved on as well. 

I am probably alone in that I loved Carole this episode. Loved her quiet words to Dorinda at the end of the table (while usually I don't like grown women telling other grown women how to behave) mainly because she was also defending Dorinda to the others. She wanted for Dorinda to not look bad, and wasn't going to let the others leave the table without knowing that she had every reason to be pissed at Sonja. I also love all the cat stuff. As a life long cat lover, it thrills me whenever someone realizes the awesomeness of these animals a bit later in life. Carole is completely fascinated by these sweet things, while probably never giving them a thought before now. Now she gets it and I love her more for it. I wonder if Ramona does come to her election party? I totally get Carole not wanting her there. I have lots of friends from the other side of the political aisle, although mostly casual observers who don't really give two shits for the most part. I didn't invite any of them to my party because they would have been mocking and mean, and I didn't want any of that on a night that was important to me, but didn't really matter at all to them. And they most certainly would not have wanted me at their party, had they cared enough about what was going on to have one. 

You know I agree with this whole post lol, but the part in bold I want to chatter about a bit more. I can totally see why Carole would say to Ramona that she should stay away from the election night party. If Ramona doesn't care or isn't going to vote (per Sonja) then there isn't any point for Ramona to be there. It's going to a be nerve-wracking night, and Ramona will do what Ramona does best and say something awful and then become a close talker (seriously, why does Ramona like to stick her face in other people's face?) in trying to explain away her shit. 

On the cat thing naming issue, it's meh to me that all of the animals in the apartment are "Baby." I suppose Carole could have named one Kale and the other Quinoa in honor of Adam? Or maybe Flaubert and Pushkin would be more suitable for a writer's pets? Or, or...hear me out--something cheeky and irreverent like Whiskers von Puss or Purrsilla Bouncington? That Bethenny is all, "Oh, gosh hee hee the writer named them all 'Baby'" when she thought Biggie and Smalls was the height of dog naming...girl, bye.

Speaking of one Ms. Bethenny Frankel, I see what others have pointed out regarding the snark to Carole. It strikes me that Bethenny just needs friends who are as high strung as she is (maybe that's the kind of personality her friend that we've seen featured here and there has). Carole is pretty relaxed (except when it comes to this election, and I don't blame her. I totally get it) and not out here chasing this branding or that branding, and Bethenny's the total opposite. It's probably why her friendship with Jill, also a high-strung busybody, worked until it looked like Bethenny was gonna outpace Jill. 

Edited by Mozelle
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1 hour ago, Mojoker said:

Dorinda read the post she was talking about on the show. I think someone also posted it here.

That was just the most recent thing Sonja had done - something to do with a Facebook Group. Dorinda read that on the show to Lu and Ramona the day before Ramona's party. She was pissed at Sonja before that (as we saw on the first episode when she was talking to Lu about all of Sonja's trash talk about her in the media). 

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5 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

No joke, y'all but my grandma named all of her cats Sam.  And we are talking a ton of cats over like 50 years (she did it even when my mom was a kid and my grandma lived until she was 90). She said it was because she liked the name Sam and that way she would always remember the cat's name. 

My grandpa named at least three of his dogs Worthless. Particularly funny since they were all supposedly working farm dogs.

Just a thought but Carole is fostering the ki'ens so maybe not naming them makes some sense since they will probably get new names after adoption. Another thought too, maybe she'll finally recover the couch after Adam moves out...

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I live for the Hamptons and the city house porn. Even Ramona's house, which badly needs a kitchen remodel. I also like that they film this franchise in the fall which is my favorite time of year. I don't have seasons where I live now and I really miss it.  Damn these women and their wealth! I can only dream of that life. 

Carole's couch- I remember a few ep's ago I saw different swatches of fabric draped over the back of the couch, it looked to me like she was going to choose a new fabric to reupholster it at some point. Maybe after the ki-ens grew out of their ki-en ripping and clawing phase? 

The whole Dorinda meltdown was kind of lost on a lot of us because it's never really revealed what Sonja was saying about her. It would have been a lot more interesting if we knew what Dorinda was so pissed about. That story line was poorly executed by production.  

Shallow note: I wish Dorinda would stop pushing her hair back with her glasses on her head, it looks awful. I always liked her haircut but this year it's a sloppy mess. 

To me it looked like an attempt to hide the state of the couch.. And what was visible would be excused because, well it looks like she's in the process of reupholstering it... it just seemed staged to me.

I guess she lost interest in trying to keep up the charade.

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6 hours ago, queenjen said:

No, she specifically says that the person attibuting blame to Sonja for trashtalking Dorinda is not a member of the cast. The whole thing (Dorinda's meltdown at Sonja) was one of those fights that probably shouldnt be on the show because it's got nothing to do with the show. All of it is happening somewhere else, involves people we don't know or get to see in a different time frame. It becomes nonsensical to the audience. 

The site claims it is not a House Wife but has been shown on the show

Claims Dorinda will be in the same exact place Sonja is now, at a later date.

IMO - Sounds like it all leads back to Dorinda's boyfriend John, right?

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