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S34.E07: What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile

Tara Ariano
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When Jeff told Varner that he'd outed Zeke to millions of people, I wanted someone to say "not if you don't air this." It's not live TV. The choice to make it an outing to millions was the production's choice. What Varner did was awful, but I really hope that Jeff and the producers got Zeke's permission to make this a part of the show. They didn't have to.

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Well, that was terrible. My heart wishes that for Zeke's sake Probst would have immediately stopped the tribal and given Zeke a half hour or so to compose himself, and offer to re-film tribal if he would prefer. I wish Jeff had said, "Wait, stop, this is not right. We are not filming this without Zeke's consent." That would have been some kind of leadership on Probst's part. 

Zeke was too stunned to be able to process the implications and I really really really wish Probst would have given him the choice that Varner took away. I think from the shocked looks on his tribemates' faces they would have walked away from tribal and never uttered a word of what happened for the remainder of the 39 days, it was so disgusting.

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I don't think they could've changed the puzzle word retroactively.  That would suggest they had those buoys in all sorts of alphabet combos, or the ability to re-letter them, and the original word would've had to have been just as long for those poles to work.  Plus there are 'standards and practices' people out there for every challenge.  I would imagine they get the challenge designs before the show starts taping.  

It was clear to me Zeke was ok with the airing.  But I wish Probst would've had the vote.  I won't defend Varner, I was never a fan, but meddling with the vote now makes him even more ostracized and he was clearly already regretting it.  I would like Jeff to be a little more neutral with the major components of the game, like voting.  Though I suppose if anyone had any plan to vote otherwise, they could've just said, "No, Jeff, I want to vote."  

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Varner had all day to think about exposing Zeke.  Up until it all blew up on him he thought it was a good strategy.  It was only when he realized how much it backfired did he express regret for saying anything, so I can't feel too much sympathy for the backlash.  Had it worked (for some reason) he'd be patting himself on the back for his brilliant move.  He never once thought about how much it would hurt Zeke until the anger was redirected back to him.

That's how it struck me too, that he didn't consider for a moment what he was doing to Zeke until the visceral reaction of the other survivors exploded around him.  And if everyone had turned around and said, "Zeke, how dare you lie to us?!  Thanks for telling us, Varner!" instead of, "WTF, Varner, you asshole!", when would he have realized he did something terrible?

36 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Thanks for the much needed LOLZ.  I am still very gutted from what I watched last night and seriously, those eyebrows need to be voted off ASAP.  They are rapidly approaching the "fuzzy caterpillar" stage.

If Sierra had been at that tribal council, I would have completely missed the blowup with Varner and Zeke because when those horrific brows are onscreen, they are ALL I can look at!

And yay for the soft drinks being offered!  I don't drink alcohol, so I always wondered what I would do in one of the beer only rewards lol

Edited by TaraS1
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I was happy to read a few pages back that Zeke was involved with CBS re: the airing of this episode. I give Zeke all the kudos in the world for his reaction and his treatment of Varner. He is a bigger person than I would have been.

Showing Varner insinuating he had something on Zeke makes me even madder, as it seems he planned it, and it wasn't a knee jerk reaction while at TC.

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1 hour ago, neece26 said:

I've been watching this show from the beginning and between the goats and now this tribal council, I am not enjoying this season at all.   I  just tune in to watch people actually play the game of Survivor.

Zeke handled himself very well under the circumstances.  Hope Varner has a good support system around him.  Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone does it in front of millions of people.  Wish CBS would have kept this part of tribal private.  

To those of you saying the producers had no  choice but to air Varner's outing of Zeke, consider the goats. We were shown Sandra wanting to kill them and eat them but the others didn't want to do they were released. What we weren't shown is that they did eat the goats. So, yeah, the producers could have not shown what went down.

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10 hours ago, JenMcSnark said:

I'm watching playoff hockey, so I'm getting Survivor during intermissions, but can someone explain his statement that he thought everyone already knew?  I mean, then why was Zeke deceitful if he had already confided in everyone?  I don't get it.  

This is just so heinous. 

I figured since they knew Zeke played the previous season but hadn't seen it air, Jeff assumed 'everyone' is the viewing audience and that it had come out in the prior season.  I have no idea, though.  

I do have to give Survivor credit for not using it as ad fodder, like BB did with Audrey.  "Tune in to BB!  Now with a transgender houseguest!"  

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13 hours ago, colorbars said:

That was really hard to watch. I'm so glad we got to see every member on the tribe come for Varner for that, and had Zeke's back.

I don't really buy Varner's remorse at all. He was upset that he realized how badly he's going to come off now, after getting a taste of the tribe's reaction and disgust, but considering he was defending his move for a bit there, he can save his apologies. Not to mention the fact that he was hinting at it long before TC and it was a very calculated move that he thought about long before saying it. He's gonna earn every bit of hate the internet hurls at him.

I can only assume the show talked to Zeke about airing it. It would have been nearly impossibly to edit out.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly how he thought that gambit was going to work. Part of me wonders if he was hoping to catch some kind of old timey discrimation wave where people would be shocked and appalled about someone being transgender? He is 50, so he grew up in a different era of gay rights, though he should certainly be aware that things have changed. He's also from North Carolina, home of the bathroom law nonsense. Or maybe he thought Zeke would freak out and quit? 

Truly one of the most uncomfortable moments ever on this show. And he's definitely placed himself on the never to return list, but probably guaranteed Zeke a place on the forever-invited list. And yes, I'm sure the show will promote the hell out of their "Survivor first" if they bring him back again. 

Also, did Zeke tell him or did he know from the internet? As soon as he said it, I remembered someone saying that here last season and they got shouted down by others who thought they were making an offensive joke about him being feminine or something. 

As for the airing of it, I agree that they probably asked him (and hope they did), but I don't think they had to legally. I'm sure somewhere in those lengthy contracts is something about forfeiting privacy by appearing on the show. And if that info was already found by Sucks last season, I'm sure he knew someone might have heard. As he said, the WAY it was revealed was spectacularly sucky, but he had to have known it was a possibility.

I do wish the show would quit it with the music over scenes like that though. The treacly after-school special music playing behind Sarah's words turned what seemed like sincerity into cheese.  Especially when they all started working the puzzle word "metamorphosis" into the conversation as if that's a thing people do. 


During that bonding session at Mana, I thought, "Dang it, editors, stop trying to make me like Culpepper!!"

The best part of that bonding session for me was Troyzan, who was just kinda glancing around like "WTF is happening here?" while everyone else was crying. 

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Another thing that really pisses me off about Varner is that he's been pretty coy about his own sexuality on Survivor all these years. He pinged my gaydar from his very first season all the way back in Outback, but I was never sure, and as far as I remember he never "came out" on the show. I could be wrong, but the first time I remember him 100% identifying himself as a gay man aired just a few episodes ago when the tribes merged and he had his arms around Zeke and Tai and said something about three gay men on the same tribe. So his calling Zeke deceptive for keeping his trans identity private was pretty damn hypocritical in addition to everything else.

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I, too, was inspired by Zeke until I saw today's PEOPLE interview where he's still "struggling" to "forgive" Varner.  He didn't go to Harvard--and publish his reports there on transitioning--without figuring out that this is a PR bonanza for him.

First, he will win $100,000 as fan favorite.

Second, he's in a good position to win it all.

Third, expect to see him next on The Talk and any other CBS talk/reality show (The Amazing Race etc.)

Fourth, CBS will hire him to pen a column about Survivor.

AGAIN, I admired him until today's article where, rather than preaching peace love and forgiveness, he went the easy route ... 

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10 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

That's how it struck me too, that he didn't consider for a moment what he was doing to Zeke until the visceral reaction of the other survivors exploded around him.  And if everyone had turned around and said, "Zeke, how dare you lie to us?!  Thanks for telling us, Varner!" instead of, "WTF, Varner, you asshole!", when would he have realized he did something terrible?

This! Varner thought he was in the right up until the moment everyone blew up at him and he couldn't save it. Only then did he realize that things didn't go as he had planned. I don't think for one second any of his sadness at tribal was about empathy for Zeke. I believe it was completely about him and the fact that he knew he had just fucked up in a way that will haunt him going forward. He felt bad because he ruined his reputation as a staunch activist within the LGBT community. He felt bad because he knows that proof of him being awful was going to be aired for millions of people. He felt bad because he knew his Survivor experience was over forever. He played nice and made the right noises at the end because he isn't stupid but he's an asshole who clearly thinks that on some level Zeke was lying about being a man. And that obviously is some transphobic bullshit right there.

As for whether CBS should have aired this, I think yes. Zeke, at least publically, seems to be at peace with it. Plus, it exposed Varner for the asshole he really is. Without it, I think there would be people sad to see him go and wanting to see him back. Now we all know exactly who he is and there's no doubt that his own actions completely alienated him from his tribe and assured he could never be successful on Survivor ever again.

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52 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Co-sign, though I did enjoy the episode until Varner became "garbage." I spent the better part of pre-bedtime talking to Khaleesi about it, and it seems strange to share her funny pre-TC commentary now, and I wasn't sure that I should share her TC/post-TC commentary since it was so upsetting to her.  Still, she said I could, and I know there are some folks here who get a kick out of her comments (in bold.) 

Well, I, for one, thank you for sharing the wonderful Khaleesi's comments. Some levity right now would be nice. And it's nice seeing such insightful commentary on this situation from such a young girl. 

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3 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

Also, did Zeke tell him or did he know from the internet? As soon as he said it, I remembered someone saying that here last season and they got shouted down by others who thought they were making an offensive joke about him being feminine or something. 

The best part of that bonding session for me was Troyzan, who was just kinda glancing around like "WTF is happening here?" while everyone else was crying. 

I assumed that Zeke told Varner while they were playing the game.  They both talked about how close they'd become and how they spent a lot of time talking.  That's another reason this was so shocking - Zeke felt that he'd formed a strong friendship and alliance with Varner, and even talked about how he wanted to take him to the end.

LOL at Troyzan...I think Michaela was doing the same thing - drawing in the sand, wondering why all these people were suddenly crying over pizza.

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

They cut back on alcohol because people were getting drunk and doing/saying stupid shit.

Interesting.  Do you have a cite?  Not that I don't believe you: I'd just like to read more about it.

1 hour ago, ferretrick said:

Yes. It's happened a few times before-Brandon Hantz's freakout when he went on that rampage and dumped his tribe's food and trashed the camp is the example that springs to mind immediately. Jeff called for an immediate vote at the challenge, they didn't even go to TC.

I remember Probst standing with Brandon, massaging his shoulders (basically keeping him away from the others).  But I thought he was kicked out.  No?  If it was a vote, then that's bogus as he needed to be kicked out.  If someone is not getting kicked out, they should have the opportunity to present an idol.  But the people voting him or her out also need the opportunity to try to blindside them and send them home without playing their idol.

1 hour ago, NutMeg said:

I'm now thinking that Jeff V. was kicked off the game rather than eliminated, which is why there was no vote. There must be at least one clause in the contract they all sign that he violated. And we didn't see that part because it was producers enforcing a rule and when that happened in the past (like I think it did with Brandon H. and that other lady), we don't see it.   

So Jeff just pretended to sort of have a vote?  Why not just declare that he was disqualified?

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I haven't seen the episode yet, so hopefully I'm not saying something out of place. I just find it slightly ironic (would that be the right word?) that last season, when Zeke found his back up against the wall, he took a personal shot at David at TC that had nothing to do with David's game play and wasn't warranted at all. I don't condone Varner outing Zeke whatsoever, but it's sadly interesting that when Varner found his back against the wall, he took an unwarranted shot at Zeke.

Please don't get me wrong; I'm not comparing the severity of Zeke and Varner's actions (personally I think Varner's was irredeemable, from what I'm reading in the comments). It's just my observation, and me asking the show "how much bullying at TC is too much before Probst et al consider it crossing the line?"

With all due respect, it does sound like comparing two situations that in my opinion, are completely unrelated. Yes, Zeke took a cheap shot at David during a tribal council and mocked him about crying. It was dickish and insensitive and many others, including me, called him out about it when the episode aired. But that comment didn't reveal something deeply personal about David that could potentially put him at risk. It also didn't go beyond the game.

What Varner did was take shit far beyond revealing someone is lying about alliances, sneaking food, etc. and instead revealed something deeply personal and private that had nothing to do with the game. And worse, he attached that reveal to some argument of Zeke's being deceptive. As others have pointed out, everything about this was awful but possibly the most dangerous part is Varner's inadvertently feeding the mentality that trans people are somehow deceptive, bad people.


I seem to be the only one who had an inkling that Jeff was probably a stealth douche and had been since he happily blew up his own alliance in Second Chances and then trashed Tasha on social media and in interviews after she blew up his spot that season.  He only proved it tonight.

Oh I absolutely thought Varner was a snake game-wise and he is someone no one should trust, which of course is ironic that his asshole reveal was meant to prove that Zeke was the deceitful one. But someone being deceitful in the game is one thing. What Varner did was take this to a whole other insane level. So yeah, I was shocked that he would go there no matter how much of snake I thought he was in the game. 


I only heard her say a very few remarks. But they were typical of Debbie. I think it was after Zeke said something about himself - something like, "I don't want to be thought of in that way", she chimed in, "And you're not!". I think she figured she was showing solidarity for Zeke. But, she was also being highly judgemental with that remark. She was showing that she knew what was going on better than all the other members of the tribe and I saw that as Debbie demonstrating that she was just the same "know-it-all" that she always has been.

Now goodness knows I have made fun of Debbie's crazy plenty but I didn't see that moment that way. Zeke was explaining why he didn't talk about being trans with anyone on either of his seasons and said that he didn't want to be Zeke the first transgender Survivor player but just Zeke, a good Survivor player and that's when Debbie said, "and that is who you are". I think she was just agreeing and letting him know that to her, that is all he is, just Zeke and a good Survivor player. I actually thought that was kind and endearing of her and the right thing to say. As you said, Debbie didn't say much at all during what we saw of the tribal council, which was surprising for her but I think that was a testament to despite whatever quirks in her personality, she knew that's what the moment called for. 


What were the Producers going to do? Not air tribal this week and just have a voice over saying that due to a personal issue at tribal Varner was voted out? That would have just opened up more attention, with media going after it wanting to know what happened.

The other side of this is that editing the whole thing out and covering it up in a sense would have somewhat let Varner off the hook in my opinion. Now to be very clear, Zeke's privacy takes precedent and so if he was really bothered and uncomfortable at the idea of the tribal council being shown then absolutely, I think the producers should have respected that. But if he said he was okay, I am fine with the producers showing what they did because it got to expose Varner for his true ugliness and maliciousness.

Just airing some note about Varner left due to something he said would have opened up a lot of questions and speculations and I'm sure people who get spoilers and hear things would have exposed it around online. But it would have allowed for wiggle room for Varner where some could say, "we didn't see what really happened, we don't know how he said it, etc." No, this way, everyone got to see the utter vindictiveness and nastiness with which he gleefully did what he did. In my opinion, he deserved for everyone to see him that way. 


I think Ozzy better wake up and read the tea leaves.  Two episodes in a row, his name has jumped to the top of the list as #1 alternative boot.  Everyone sees him as a threat, and his stellar challenge play this season has only hammered that theme harder. 

I have to imagine after playing so many times, not even Ozzy can be so clueless as to not know people will be gunning hard for him post-merge because they see him as this huge threat.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Although I think Varner's actions were reprehensible, I can't help but feel producer manipulation in this.  The fact that the puzzle randomly (ahem) spelled metamorphosis leads me to believe there was an expectation that zeke would come out on TV.  I can't help but feel that varner knew this and decided to use the information because it was his understanding that it was going to come out from zeke and he thought he could just preempt that to his advantage.

I remember not liking him at all when he first appeared.  The fat lazy older version of him seemed to have learned a few life lessons.  Until last night.  The guy is going to be a pariah for quite a while.  And I think the show is drooling over that. 

ETA:  I think those straight people responding with moral indignity should take a moment to reflect.  I remember this kind of outrage back in the day when you would mention that someone was gay or lesbian.  The outrage was spurred by how offensive it was to say that about someone.  I would expect there is a lot of the same kind of reaction here.  Underneath the proferred concern for zeke lays a personal discomfort with someone being identified as transgender.  How dare someone say that about him!  The reflexive response is, of course, to say:  no way, that has nothing to do with my reaction.  But I speak from years of experience- there is often (if not always) an undertone of disgust at the mere act of identifying someone as a category that you think is not valid or worthy.  I lived through that common reaction from straight people for years and years over identifying gay and lesbian people:  outrage and moral superiority masking their anger and disgust. 

Edited by BarneySays
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Just now, SlackerInc said:

Interesting.  Do you have a cite?  Not that I don't believe you: I'd just like to read more about it.

I remember Probst standing with Brandon, massaging his shoulders (basically keeping him away from the others).  But I thought he was kicked out.  No?  If it was a vote, then that's bogus as he needed to be kicked out.  If someone is not getting kicked out, they should have the opportunity to present an idol.  But the people voting him or her out also need the opportunity to try to blindside them and send them home without playing their idol.

So Jeff just pretended to sort of have a vote?  Why not just declare that he was disqualified?

No, I distinctly remember them all standing there and Jeff calling them one by one for a verbal vote.  I mean, it was pretty obvious what was going to happen, just as it was last night, but there was an official (verbal) vote. 

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27 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

To those of you saying the producers had no  choice but to air Varner's outing of Zeke, consider the goats. We were shown Sandra wanting to kill them and eat them but the others didn't want to do they were released. What we weren't shown is that they did eat the goats. So, yeah, the producers could have not shown what went down.

But the goats had no impact on the game. This tribal was consumed by Jeff V's action, right down to the fact that they didn't even do the written vote. How would the show have edited around that fact? 

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:



I am in no way arguing the part I bolded, just offering a different view...Zeke did say something about, "if it helps one person," didn't he?  Not that he ever in a million years wanted Jeff Freaking Varner to out him on national television, but for Zeke to be that stunned, and yet be able to pull something positive out of that trainwreck of a TC...that's what I will remember about him.  That and his incredible poise and grace towards Varner.  I was honestly floored watching Zeke's face.  Every time the camera panned to a close-up of Zeke, I expected him to break down.  But he didn't.  And that is amazing.  

Boys don't cry.  

btw, somebody should tell that to Jeff Culpepper, weeping like a ninny.   I cringed at the sight of Culpepper and Aubry becoming all teary-eyed, talking about how the crucible of Survivor has changed them forever and no one can  understand what the show does to you.

Maybe they should talk to some Syrian refugees to get the sympathy they seek.

"I cried before I came here, asking myself why am I doing this?"

Jerks.  Boo hoo.  Don't go on the show then.

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How would the show have edited around that fact? 

Easy.  Sorted TC to 10 minutes.  Leave out the Varner comments directed at Zeke.

Have a real vote.

It wouldn't have been suspicious to us to have Varner voted out.  

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10 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

But the goats had no impact on the game. This tribal was consumed by Jeff V's action, right down to the fact that they didn't even do the written vote. How would the show have edited around that fact? 

I think they could've edited out the trans talk BUT they would've had to have had a vote to air, and who knows, maybe they did tape it both ways, just in case.  It seems clear the show went to Zeke about airing it so I'm guessing they did tape a vote and just aired the 'walk of shame' version, with Zeke's ok.  

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I actually wrote a v. long post, and then read it and while I thought it pertained - I'm not going to post it. but I do have to say - I really would love to sit down with Varner (whom, someone I loved in the show, and I lost a lot, a lot of respect for) and try to figure out how he thought it would work out. Because I've watched. I ate breakfast and I thought. I read this and another board and I still can't figure out how he thought this would have worked in his favour. at all. and that's what's puzzling to me and the saddest thing of all. (game wise, if this makes sense). like if he did it, and he somehow advanced - then sure, you can go Scumbucket! but at least it saved your life. But he torpedo'ed a friendship that could have lasted for a long while, he could have ruined Zeke's life back home (you don't know), you hurt your own standing (in game and in your own community). And you can't even cite "hunger" as a reason. He ate. (though according to Rob - survivor Pizza is HORRIBLE, so...). 

I'm friends with Coby Archa (Survivor Palau) and he aired a little video regarding this, about fliming and Survivor contracts, and it was basically like - there are two pages in this bible of a contract you sign that you do consent the show to air your image, story, (life etc) and use it for show purposes. So while people can be like "the show COULD have ......." Yes. they could. (and you could argue should). but Zeke also knew what he was opening himself into by signing this contract twice. (probably, not this way. but you don't know who you play with). (I don't know if i can show this video as it is on Coby's personal page but it did answer my edit question). 

There are times though, I wish the show would take the higher ground and not show it  - even if it paints someone in a better light. vs. showing it. Because ultimately, it doesn't change the fact that Varner has to live with what he did every day now for the rest of his life. And everytime  (and people face this ALL the time - what is your line across the sand for a million dollars). and we've seen a lot of people jump over that line and it was always justified. (you can eeehhhhh about Dreamz and YauMan and the car.). But this (and Brandon's meltdown).. that was just.. that's when you be like we can be above this. 

(and ironically. i still have a long post about this. go figure)

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My god that was awful but I don't think there was a way to not air it. I suspect that it is going to be something that reappears this season and becomes a bit of a plot point.

I suspect that Varner's words were all that was discussed at that tribal. They didn't even go to the voting booth. They would have had to cut the entire tribal. They didn't have any footage of Varner dropping dead or even having the flu to pretend that he left because he was sick. And this is going to be something discussed at camp, probably for the rest of the season which would make it hard to edit out all the conversations and alliances that might be effected by the outing.

The Washington Post article gives the impression that the Producers talked to Zeke about it and were careful in how the edited it. CBS let the various Trans associated groups know what was going to happen before it did so that they were all prepared to deal with any backlash. Zeke had an op-ed on the mess ready to go.

"But soon after the episode aired, a coordinated public relations campaign between the CBS showrunners, Probst, Varner, Smith and representatives from GLAAD, the LGBT advocacy organization, deployed."


"Late Wednesday, the Hollywood Reporter published a lengthy guest column from Smith. He described his transitioning process, how competing on “Survivor” helped him prove his “manliness” to himself and what it felt like to be outed on national television."


And I am not sure I want for Varner to go out for some BS reason and not face the backlash for what he did. Because it was that egregious and wrong and he deserves every ounce of crap he is getting.

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13 minutes ago, ferretrick said:

No, I distinctly remember them all standing there and Jeff calling them one by one for a verbal vote.  I mean, it was pretty obvious what was going to happen, just as it was last night, but there was an official (verbal) vote. 

Just pointing out that Jeff called on them all last night for an official verbal vote, too. People seem to be overlooking this.

Also, in defense of Sarah's reaction and some people's criticism that it seemed to be all about her, I didn't take it that way. She was stunned and upset and was asked about how she was feeling. I felt she was honest and also tried to explain that she just saw Zeke as Zeke. I'd also like to point out that witnessing an emotionally hurtful attack can be just as traumatic as witnessing a physically hurtful one. Yes, the primary concern should be for Zeke, but everyone else there was affected too.

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43 minutes ago, ferretrick said:

Another thing that really pisses me off about Varner is that he's been pretty coy about his own sexuality on Survivor all these years. He pinged my gaydar from his very first season all the way back in Outback, but I was never sure, and as far as I remember he never "came out" on the show. I could be wrong, but the first time I remember him 100% identifying himself as a gay man aired just a few episodes ago when the tribes merged and he had his arms around Zeke and Tai and said something about three gay men on the same tribe. So his calling Zeke deceptive for keeping his trans identity private was pretty damn hypocritical in addition to everything else.

I think Varner came out about a year ago, but it was on Reddit, so it wasn't well-publicized.  He wasn't out (at least on the show) his first two appearances.  

40 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

I, too, was inspired by Zeke until I saw today's PEOPLE interview where he's still "struggling" to "forgive" Varner.  He didn't go to Harvard--and publish his reports there on transitioning--without figuring out that this is a PR bonanza for him.

First, he will win $100,000 as fan favorite.

Second, he's in a good position to win it all.

Third, expect to see him next on The Talk and any other CBS talk/reality show (The Amazing Race etc.)

Fourth, CBS will hire him to pen a column about Survivor.

AGAIN, I admired him until today's article where, rather than preaching peace love and forgiveness, he went the easy route ... 

I disagree, I don't think his change of position was because he's taking the easy way out for PR reasons. I think in the moment, he thought he should forgive Jeff. After things sunk in and he replayed the moment, realized how it would impact his life overall, how it possibly changed his game in ways we haven't seen yet - it would be easy to get upset again.

43 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:


Also, did Zeke tell him or did he know from the internet? As soon as he said it, I remembered someone saying that here last season and they got shouted down by others who thought they were making an offensive joke about him being feminine or something. 

I read a quote last night where he said as soon as he saw Zeke he thought "It's a lesbian with a mustache."  So I don't know if that was implying he asked Zeke?  Maybe Zeke opened up to him.  I don't think they've said one way of the other.

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46 minutes ago, ferretrick said:

Another thing that really pisses me off about Varner is that he's been pretty coy about his own sexuality on Survivor all these years. He pinged my gaydar from his very first season all the way back in Outback, but I was never sure, and as far as I remember he never "came out" on the show. I could be wrong, but the first time I remember him 100% identifying himself as a gay man aired just a few episodes ago when the tribes merged and he had his arms around Zeke and Tai and said something about three gay men on the same tribe. So his calling Zeke deceptive for keeping his trans identity private was pretty damn hypocritical in addition to everything else.

It was not Jeff but Tai who mentioned "three gay guys". And at the time I felt bad for Jeff being outed. Oh the irony...

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26 minutes ago, SlackerInc said:

Interesting.  Do you have a cite?  Not that I don't believe you: I'd just like to read more about it.

I remember Probst standing with Brandon, massaging his shoulders (basically keeping him away from the others).  But I thought he was kicked out.  No?  If it was a vote, then that's bogus as he needed to be kicked out.  If someone is not getting kicked out, they should have the opportunity to present an idol.  But the people voting him or her out also need the opportunity to try to blindside them and send them home without playing their idol.

So Jeff just pretended to sort of have a vote?  Why not just declare that he was disqualified?

Brandon was voted out in a voice vote at the site where the immunity challenge was supposed to take place.   He stood with Phil massaging his shoulders, facing the tribe (the other tribe was also present).  The tribe announced to Phil that they wanted to forfeit the challenge and go straight to TC due to friction in the camp that they need to resolve. Brandon yelled a Corrine and exchanged heated word with Phile Shepard.  Phil accepted their forfeit and told them they would do TC right there, right then.  One by one the tribe members all announced they were voting out Brandon.

It made me wonder, what would happen if BOTH tribes had a problem castaway and both wanted to forfeit the challenge?

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17 minutes ago, simplyme said:

Just pointing out that Jeff called on them all last night for an official verbal vote, too. People seem to be overlooking this.

Yes, but, if by some odd chance some people had a pre-existing plan to vote out someone else and wanted to quietly stick with it, they couldn't really do so with that sort of public vote.  The whole dynamic pretty much guaranteed Jeff was leaving.  The secret nature of the vote is important, doubly so when there's someone being roasted at the spit at tribal.  

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10 hours ago, mojoween said:

Andrea's reaction was immediate, that we saw, and I noticed at the time that it struck me just how quickly she began sobbing.  It was an interesting reaction.

Andrea and Zeke are friendly outside the show. They competed on Survivor Brooklyn together. I think Andrea probably feels even closer to Zeke than the others so she was probably even more affected by what happened.

10 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

They cut back on alcohol because people were getting drunk and doing/saying stupid shit.

The irony.

8 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

The best part of that bonding session for me was Troyzan, who was just kinda glancing around like "WTF is happening here?" while everyone else was crying. 

I loved this. Troy simply eating his rice seemingly completely oblivious to what was going on and Michaela just playing with the sand looking bored as everyone cried about how Survivor changed them and no one understands was straight-up hilarious. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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What bothers me most is that Varner is not really apologetic. He's revising what happened to make himself look like a slightly clueless guy who accidentally revealed info.

He literally said "Why haven't you told anyone you're transgender?" at tribal, and in a talking head said he knew something about Zeke no one else knew. Then in his "apology" has the audacity to claim he thought everyone knew. NO NO NO. 


He's embarrassed and probably afraid of the reactions and fallout - justifiably so. But to turn around and claim he thought everyone knew is a huge lie, it's deceitful, easily proved wrong, and makes him look so much worse. If he had claimed it, owned it and really apologized for it instead of trying to revise what happened into something more palatable, I'd be more inclined to believe him.

I liked Varner before this. Now ... I think we saw who he truly is inside. I think that was his true self. And I feel bad for the guy, because he must be filled with so much self hatred of himself to hurt others like that.

I'd hope they ban him from the reunion, but I know they'll milk it for all its worth - and Varner isn't worth the screen time.

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Foul AF.


Damn Jeff! We were rooting for you! <Tyra voice> I was hoping he could pull out an Ozzy oust, but alas...

Sigh...yeah, I was kind of pulling for him since we're from the same area. (I saw him out shopping a couple of years ago after the Cambodia season aired, and had thought about approaching him since I'm a big fan of the show. Now, I'm glad I didn't give him the satisfaction.)


Where did "metamorphosis" come from?  

I'm assuming from the "Game Changers" theme of the show.

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6 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yes, but, if by some odd chance some people had a pre-existing plan to vote out someone else and wanted to quietly stick with it, they couldn't really do so with that sort of public vote.  The whole dynamic pretty much guaranteed Jeff was leaving.  The secret nature of the vote is important, doubly so when there's someone being roasted at the spit at tribal.  

I understand that argument, though in this scenario I think it's unlikely as two of the people Jeff was counting on voting with him were Sarah and Andrea. They both appeared genuinely upset and appalled with him, instantaneously, to the point where there's no way they were saving his ass. So at that point, anyone else thinking to vote out Ozzy would probably have also reconsidered exactly how being the sole person voting with Varner would appear.

Mostly I did want to point out that there was an official vote, even if the public nature means the result was different than it might have been. I've seen a few comments that said things about how in Brandon's case they at least took a verbal vote. They did here, too.

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I agree that the Varner outing was despicable, but since that has been commented on ad nauseum, I'd like to ask an unrelated question: am I the only Ozzy fan here?

The dude rules in challenges. There's no one that can beat him physically. He provides food for his tribe mates and helps out around camp. Also, he seems to be a pretty nice guy. Why aren't there more people who want to see him win this thing? Am I missing something?

My gf is a big Cirie fan, and I like her too, but I'm hoping Ozzy gets the big bucks this time.

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Just now, Dominii said:

I'd like to ask an unrelated question: am I the only Ozzy fan here?

Khaleesi and I both like Ozzy, but we both accept that he won't make it to the end.

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3 minutes ago, Dominii said:

The dude rules in challenges. There's no one that can beat him physically. He provides food for his tribe mates and helps out around camp. Also, he seems to be a pretty nice guy. Why aren't there more people who want to see him win this thing? Am I missing something?

Have you seen Survivor South Pacific? It might make you rethink the nice guy thing a bit. (Or the second episode of Cook Islands.) He's not a bad guy, but he can have his jerk side.

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9 minutes ago, Dominii said:

I agree that the Varner outing was despicable, but since that has been commented on ad nauseum, I'd like to ask an unrelated question: am I the only Ozzy fan here?

The dude rules in challenges. There's no one that can beat him physically. He provides food for his tribe mates and helps out around camp. Also, he seems to be a pretty nice guy. Why aren't there more people who want to see him win this thing? Am I missing something?

My gf is a big Cirie fan, and I like her too, but I'm hoping Ozzy gets the big bucks this time.

HUGE Ozzy fan since Cook Islands.  I would LOVE to see him win, but the problem is, I think everyone else playing this game knows that if they are seated next to Ozzy in the final 3, they've just handed him a million dollars (with the possible exception of Cirie).  The one criticism I have for Ozzy is that he consistently plays a less-than-stellar social game, but at this point I don't think he knows how to change it up.  He seems to be a naturally quiet person and wants his actions to speak for themselves, but at this level, I don't think it's enough. 

Edited by laurakaye
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Before Varner shoved his foot so far in his mouth it came out his back I was petrified they were all going to flip on Ozzy.  So yeah, I love Ozzy too.  I've always loved him since Cook Islands even though I also adored Yul and loved Malcolm the most this time, but he defaulted to number one after Malcolm's ouster.

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7 minutes ago, Dominii said:

Am I missing something?

Did you see his last season?  He was pretty cocky and unlikable in that.  

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5 hours ago, Dominii said:

I'd like to ask an unrelated question: am I the only Ozzy fan here?

Definitely not. Ozzy is super popular. I'm not a fan because he was imo a straight-up asshole in every season he was in, but particularly in FvF and South Pacific.

5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I would LOVE to see him win, but the problem is - like Cirie, I think everyone else playing this game knows that if they are seated next to Ozzy in the final 3, they've just handed him a million dollars. 

I don't think this is true. Ozzy is great at challenges, but he pretty consistently sucks at like every other aspect of the game, so I don't think he's a shoe-in to win at all. That being said though, people will boot him quickly because of the possibility that he could go on a season long immunity run.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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14 hours ago, mojoween said:

Zeke was so chill but I was an Andrea during that exchange.  Like my heart is still in my throat.

What Varner did may be the worst thing ever done on this show.  I mean, other than Rich and Sue.


The exchange between Sue and Rich don't even come close to this.  I really could not believe what happened.  

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If Varner didn't say about Zeke and have sticked to the plan to sway people in voting Ozzy (coz he is strategic and physical threat etc), he could be still in the game, but desperation sometimes cloud one's judgement. 

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6 minutes ago, iluvobx said:

The exchange between Sue and Rich don't even come close to this.

I mean Rich assaulted Sue so they're pretty similar incidents imo. I do think this one is being made to be much worse though, which is interesting to think about.

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1 hour ago, SlackerInc said:

I remember Probst standing with Brandon, massaging his shoulders (basically keeping him away from the others).

With respect, that's not at all what I saw.  I saw Jeff propping Brandon up in place, massaging his shoulders while everyone had one final go at him like a punching bag.  Given the way he was coming apart (if the edit is to be believed), he was a danger to his tribe-mates and maybe to himself, and should have been whisked away quickly and quietly, escorted by burly guards.  Yet again, basic decency took a back seat to 'producer gold', so we got a long awkward scene where Jeff pretends to be diffusing the situation while actually doing everything he could to exacerbate it.  Or at least encourage it along while the cameras shoot.  Sound familiar?

Don't get me wrong, I know these guys have show to make, but there are times when they cross the line, and I think it's important to keep in mind that what we saw wasn't the only way the producers could have played this.  We're not seeing an unvarnished glimpse into events that really happened, we're seeing what the producers want us to see.  They're not journalists and they are entirely responsible for the content. 

Edited by henripootel
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9 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

I'm very very very disappointed in Varner.  He argued so long and hard about being so extremely pro-Transgendered people and having so many friends in the  TG community and working so hard for the benefit of TG people. What a bunch of crap!  The more he argued he was so knowledgeable and pro-TG, the more he should have known he was doing something wrong. It's like he was arguing going one way out of one side of his mouth and at the same time, going the opposite way out of the other side of his mouth.

I'm sorry if I can't find a better way to describe that. I hope people will understand my meaning about that.

Kind of ironic that the episode aired on the International Day of Pink which fights bullying, homophobia and transphobia.

1 hour ago, Nedsdag said:

Is it easy to predict the following?:

  • Zeke Smith wins Survivor.

I don't know about this one.  This could actually put a big target on his back if they think he's a shoe-in to win.  (And if this is the case, it would also be a reason TBTB have to keep it in... it becomes a key part of the rest of the season)

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