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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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5 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

I think Garrett favors Izzy in the second picture. 

I was thinking the same thing. I think it's the fact that his bite looks really narrow in that photo, though. But he still doesn't have a full set of teeth. All we see in that photo so far are the incisors, but I think he will have Kendra's smile once the teeth are all in.

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48 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

Josie looks... unfinished. Partially it's her high hairline and wispy hair; I'm not sure what else it is.

It's her super blonde hair and large forehead.   You can't see her eyebrows or eyelashes and she always looks off.  There was a little girl in my library today getting her library card who looked the same way.  The good news is, her hair should darken once she hits puberty.   If not, eyeliner,  mascara and a brow pencil do wonders.   Ask me how I know.

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Garrett is so cute in that outfit & I love the crab applique on his bottom.  He looks appropriately dressed for the day.  In comparison, we have Josie (who no doubt dressed herself) in an oversized Tshirt* with longer sleeves, skirt & longer leggings underneath. I'm sweating just looking at her.

*It looks like Josie,  Boob& Mechelle (from another picture) all have matching T-shirts.  Can anyone figure out what they say?

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My great nephew has that same romper with the crab on the booty.  They’re so convenient and cool in the summer.  No need for all those fussy clothes all the time; he just needs to be clean, cool and cute.  I swear I can smell the baby powder on Garrett through the phone.  He always looks sweet and clean like a baby should. 

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2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Garrett is so cute in that outfit & I love the crab applique on his bottom.  He looks appropriately dressed for the day.  In comparison, we have Josie (who no doubt dressed herself) in an oversized Tshirt* with longer sleeves, skirt & longer leggings underneath. I'm sweating just looking at her.

*It looks like Josie,  Boob& Mechelle (from another picture) all have matching T-shirts.  Can anyone figure out what they say?

It looks like Discipleship Summit (https://www.discipleshipsummit.org/)

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Love the speaker list. 😬

And guess who is the Director...

"... At the end of the conference, I felt the Lord leading me to start something like this in the USA. After much prayer, counsel, and input from many people, we held the very first “Discipleship Summit” in July 2018! God did a great work! Many young people left with not just an excitement, but with a passion to make God first in their lives!

We are excited to see what God is going to do in our hearts and lives this summer as we Surrender All to Him!"

Watching God work,

Jed Duggar

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8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

And guess who is the Director...

"... At the end of the conference, I felt the Lord leading me to start something like this in the USA. After much prayer, counsel, and input from many people, we held the very first “Discipleship Summit” in July 2018! God did a great work! Many young people left with not just an excitement, but with a passion to make God first in their lives!

We are excited to see what God is going to do in our hearts and lives this summer as we Surrender All to Him!"

Watching God work,

Jed Duggar

With the Joshley crash-and-burn getting smaller in the rearview mirror, look who they're grooming for politics now. Shudder. 

Looks like the Australia/New Zealand trip -- with Got-hard in tow -- had a more insidious purpose than we realized (no surprise there, I guess).  They were scouting out new ways to spread their horrible message and get it back from the brink here in the U.S. and insinuate it further into the cultural/political mainstream.

And I see Pastor Caldwell's homophobic mug is right up there with the Got-hard crowd now. 

Don't fall for it, Arkansas. These people are toxic and dangerous. Not to mention ignorant grifters of the highest order.

As he's grown, Jed has looked increasingly smarmy and smug to me. Definitely does in the picture on the "about" page. Of course, that could be my anti-Boob-Got-Hard biases talking  screaming bloody murder. 

(Or it could actually be happening -- perhaps because now, as happened with Joshley long ago -- he's beinggroomed and polished and fawned upon by his parents as the new "leader,' the new Duggar "chosen one"? And it's increasingly gone to his head?)

Edited by Churchhoney
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5 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

With the Joshley crash-and-burn getting smaller in the rearview mirror, look who they're grooming for politics now. Shudder. 

this is interesting - in the early days of the show josh was surely the chosen mouthpiece. When he could no longer speak for the family beliefs there was a gap of sorts.

JD and Joe were so not like Josh, they always seemed uncomfortable on camera. Josiah then became the heir apparent to promote, he was articulate and espoused their beliefs quite well. then something went wrong there.

Boob then pushed all the marketing of  "their brand" on to the older girls to carry the show since the remaining boys were young and excluded from counting on.

I have been waiting to see which boy became the next to be the public mouthpiece

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32 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

I have been waiting to see which boy became the next to be the public mouthpiece

Yeah, me, too. I wondered about it more when we heard about that podcast Jed was doing a week or so ago. And now we've got the real announcement. 

Despite what Jed says in his little "welcome" thing, he didn't spontaneously and on his own get an idea about doing this after he visited Australia/New Zealand. In fact, I'd bet he didn't actually get an idea at all.

This was the kind of thing the whole Got-hard-diehards crew was thinking about when they planned that travel most likely. Because why would they have undertaken such a pricey jaunt when the organization has been struggling so much financially if they didn't have a larger goal in mind?

I'm sure Boob and the Bateses and David Waller, among numerous others, have been desperately wanting to get the empire going again. And they'd almost certainly picked out their new political standard-bearer long before they made the research-down-under trip. (Note the photo of Jed on the "about" page -- posed in front of some out-of-focus public building or other ... maybe the White House? Some subliminal image of government power, in any case.)

And to all those who fall for the Batese's new oh-so-normal! and we-don't-follow-Gothard! image.....Uh, no. That's all pretense -- on Gil and Kelly's part at any rate.

Lke JB, they've just been biding their time to figure out how to start reviving the public image of the whole disgusting cult and trying to push into America's public life once again. (Maybe without Got-hard's open involvement....but he was on the down-under trip, so he and his influence are still driving forces. Ick.)

And if we wonder just how hateful and antediluvian they'll be, I'd say we need look no farther than Caldwell's involvement. I don't believe for a minute that his actual homophobia retreated a bit after it bit him the ass politically. My bet is he just put it onto the back burner while he waited to see if a more supportive environment for it emerged. And a revitalized Got-hard Group monster would definitely be strong support for the crap hate program he tried and failed to get elected on previously. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

So  another place for the younger generation to find a mate. 

Does this mean there will be a new courtship on the horizon? 

Well, the "summit's" participant lineup is already a festival of Duggar Dynastic Marriages with both Forsyth and Caldwell participation.......I would think that fact wouldn't be lost on some of the other families who'll send their kids to this. Although Jed's appearance on that young-conservative podcast the other day strongly suggests to me that they're seriously looking to expand the attendee group beyond the usual suspects as well.

Mower Man Swanson -- another Duggar in-law and Got-hard-y guy -- doesn't seem to be involved, but maybe they figure he's missing a cool factor to attract the courtship-age set instead of just attracting their dads. 

1 hour ago, madpsych78 said:

And, the Discipleship Summit is held at Fort Rock Family Camp...hello, Forsyths! 

Interesting that of the speakers, all the ones listed are posed with their spouses, except for Michelle, who is just posted by herself. Of course, all of the other speakers are male, so there's that.

"Jed" mentions that there'll be single-sex sessions. So I guess they need at least one female speaker for the meetings of the soon-to-be-barefoot-pregnant-and-gazing-upwards set. 🙄

I wonder if there's some awareness of Jim Bob's potentially toxic image so he's in the back pulling a lot of the strings but not being the face of the enterprise.....

The Caldwell and Bates faces are all prettied up and much more widely admired as "normal" -- not like the Duggars at all! Yeah. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Looks like they're worried we'll try to attend -- 

"The Discipleship Summit reserves the right to refuse registration. If the Discipleship Summit refuses a registration, registrants will be offered a refund."😈

Well, we missed this year's summit anyway. It happened last month. I don't think I'll note it for my 2020 calendar. Just saying. 😈

  • LOL 9
28 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Both boys are precious. 

They definitely are.

When I see them, though, I also see a pair of "buddy's" who'll have many people in their lives who really really want them to grow up to be like Jim Bob and Paul Caldwell. So there's a non-zero chance that'll happen. 

And then they'll be the scourge of our nation! The force eager to return us to the year of, oh, say, 1827 or thereabouts -- or earlier! 

So enjoy the cuteness now. Cause maybe it'll last....or maybe it won't! 

Edited by Churchhoney
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48 minutes ago, kokapetl said:

So much naked pate in the sun, and Redshirt looks a little too tan for a baby. Skin cancer is real!

That's what I was thinking. And in the second picture you can see the tan/burn on the backseat boy as well. The contrast between the sun-reddened skin on his Michelin-man bumps and the very white skin down in the creases says "too much sun" for him, too. 

Besides skin cancer, sunburns are just miserable and painful. Those little guys are very fair-skinned. Maybe they did apply sunscreen initially, but it wasn’t enough or they needed to reapply it more often. Maybe they didn’t bother. Either way, if that is sunburn, the boys were probably pretty uncomfortable that night. I burn easily also, so unfortunately I speak from experience. 

Edited by EVS
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23 minutes ago, EVS said:

Besides skin cancer, sunburns are just miserable and painful. Those little guys are very fair-skinned. Maybe they did apply sunscreen initially, but it wasn’t enough or they needed to reapply it more often. Maybe they didn’t bother. Either way, if that is sunburn, the boys were probably pretty uncomfortable that night. I burn easily also, so unfortunately I speak from experience. 

On the other hand, there are people (I am one of them) who turn very red out in the sun, to where people will say, "oh, ouch, that's going to be soooooore tomorrow" only to have it fade to nothingness by the next day. I'm not saying that sun protection isn't an issue, or denying that we, in my generation, gave it no thought whatsoever, and only passing thought when it came to our kids. I have a photo of my kids from when we were stationed in Guam, at about 3, 6 & 8 years old, brown as nuts, even the young towhead. I hope we didn't do them irreparable harm. They never had painful sunburns at that age, though all managed one or two by the time they reached 18. Sometimes it just happens. And generally when they are out with friends and sunscreen wouldn't have been a priority in any case. 

As I said, I really hope we didn't lay the groundwork for skin cancer, etc, back in the day when it was only beginning to be seen as a threat, but the chances are that even though the kids look a bit pink it doesn't mean that no one took any precautions, or that they will necessarily have a sore and miserable aftermath. I hope they don't, but they really don't look, to my eye, as though it's anything like inevitable.

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9 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

I love Kendra's dress.

They must really like Joe's butt - wasn't there another professional photo in which his backside was prominently featured? 😄 

Joe does have a healthy sized buttocks. No I’m not saying he’s fat or overweight or anything, but it’s got more curve than a typical guy (that’s not a gym rat). And he doesn’t wear his clothes too tight, he’s just got back!

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