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S03.E17: Duet

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It's unfortunate that the whole premise was simply a matchmaking ruse; it's like the writers didn't trust the musical format enough to expand it within an actual storyline.

0verall a wasted opportunity; However anything that lets Jeremy Jordan and John Barrowman belt out a tune can't be all bad.

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38 minutes ago, rtms77 said:

Kara should not have to accept that Bland El lied to her and just pass it off as a simple misunderstanding. He freaking lied to her from the moment he landed.

It's a show, it's drama. Characters lie.  She didn't pass it off as a misunderstanding she even threatened him at the end. She and Iris, understood the motivations of Barry/Mon-El's lies and both chose to move on from it, to forgive. 

Barry lied, Barry created a whole new flashpoint for his own personal reasons that messed up a lot of peoples lives. Mon-El lied about being a Prince. It's hardly the worst thing in the world and they obviously did it for the dramatic purpose of having his (famously acted) parents appear.  The over exaggerated hate for everything the character does including breath, is getting old.

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I haven't watched many The Flash episodes but I actually liked everything I saw about the characters, I might catch up on the show on Netflix. I enjoyed the interaction the Flash team had with Martial Manhunter.

I thought the musical numbers were fine, I liked all the voices but I felt like they didn't take advantage of what  Melissa can do, I've seen her be impressive in live numbers. It seems the same happened to Grant here judging by other comments.

I wish more women had sang and been part of the musical side besides Kara, I'm sad Alex did not crossover but I would have liked seeing the Flash ladies singing and dancing too,

I enjoyed the Barry/Iris part even though the whole reasoning for the musical was stupid. That proposal with a serenade was adorable. Mon El did not deserve to be forgiven by Kara however, he is constantly forgiven by her after she calls him out for his crap almost every episode since they got together and now that she decided not to (FINALLY!), a magical being comes and makes her change her mind. 

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More thoughts later but: like, they could have NOT done the proposal so early, had Barry and Iris on the outs for a different reason,  then had THIS proposal be the real one and it would have been perfect!! Iris got serenaded by the love of her life, Awwww!!

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4 minutes ago, doram said:

What / When did Barry lie?

A season ago, Everyone (except Henry) was OK with him going back in time to undo his mother's death which was a result of Eobard destroying the original timeline. I've found this entire BlameBarryForFlashpoint unreasonable. Why is Barry blamed for "creating" Flashpoint when everyone is already living in a Corrupted timeline? Why does Nora Allen have to be murdered for everyone else's sake?

Because UNdoing her murder resulted in a reality that was worse for everyone EXCEPT Barry.  And the lie was that he didn't tell them about the consequences of what he'd done as far as they were concerned, and they had a right to know.  And let's also not forget that because of Flashpoint, we now have Savitar wreaking havoc on Earth-1.

Edited by legaleagle53
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Well, if the day ever comes where both Jesse L. Martin and Victor Garber ever want out of the DC Universe, I would be down for show where they are two singing, gangster husbands just mowing everyone down!

Overall, the episode was what I pretty much expected.  Light and fun, but mainly filler and fluff.  At least it explains Barry's stupid ass reasons for breaking up with Iris last week, because they just really needed a reason to have them be apart for this episode, and, naturally, they just had to do it the dumbest way possible, because these guys suck at planning ahead.  A little underwhelmed that the Music Meister was simply doing this to help Barry and Kara, but whatever.  Still think Kara forgave Mon-El way too easily, but it is obvious that they really want this to happen, so I guess it's just best to power through it.

Glad that J'onn came along for the ride, but I really could not buy that Alex wouldn't have came too.  Was Chyler Leigh just not available?

Great seeing Jeremy Jordan, Carlos Valdas, and John Barrowman get into the singing action as well.

But, as I figured, Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist shined together, and their chemistry makes up for any of the dumb stuff these writers have forced their characters to do this season.  Barry and Kare are at their best when they are together, and it should be a requirement for them to team up at least once per season.

The singing was fun, although the lip-syncing seemed off at times.  "Super Friends" was entertaining, and I'm not surprised it was by the Crazy-Ex Girlfriends guys.  I thought "Runnin Home To You" sounded familiar, and I see that it was from the guys behind La La Land.  Yeah, I could totally see a song like that in that film as well.

Glad to have a fun episode for once.  But I'm sure it will be back to doom, gloom, and Barry fucking up next week!

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Just my quick initial reaction for now: A very enjoyable episode. The most moving moment of the episode was Barry's song at the end and the proposal. I love Barry and Iris' chemistry, it has a real depth and tenderness to it that they don't have with anyone else. I definitely cried :) 

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Yes, Barry lied and is responsible for creating Flashpoint. BUT. His lying about that is not the reason for Meister swooping in to make Barry see the error of his ways. It was to show/prove he was being an ass for breaking things off completely with Iris because he the writers thought this was the only way to break them up just so he and Iris could get back together at the same time as Kara and Mon-Douche, because everything with their two shows must ALWAYS be paralleled or some such shit.???

And for me, it's not that Mon-Douche lied about being a prince, but also all that encompassed-indifference to the very people who were his subjects, not giving any shits, and condoning the slavery, and continuing that same entitled behavior, while pretending to be his bodyguard. Yet this behavior and his actions were more of those of how the prince would act, and not a servant.  And when called on it, just a shrug and didn't see anything wrong with it. Then there's the whole concept of having no clue what it means to be a hero, even after it's explained to him. And even after that, he still has no desire to help those who need it, unless Kara does it first, or because if he doesn't, then Kara might get hurt. Others have said it better, but I'm not as eloquent. Plus the constant disrespect toward Kara, promising to respect her wishes, then turns around and breaks those promises and does whatever he wants and thinks it's not that big a deal.

And I don't agree that being irked at how Kara was emotionally blackmailed/manipulated into forgiving him because "he probably had very good reasons!" that just happened, is "getting old." My being angry, that is.  But, to each their own.

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That was fun. Cheesy cuteness, which is exactly what I'd expect from something like this.

Grant and Melissa are so adorable and charming together. I love the Barry/Kara friendship and I loved their Friendship song and dance. I read it was written by Rachel Bloom -- which, perfect.

Loved all the cameos in the musical dream world. Winn, Cisco, Joe and Stein as singing gangster husbands. All of it. And Barry singing to Iris at the end was sweetly perfect. Love the WestAllen.

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Well, they never explained Music Meister, and my theory about him didn't pan out. But if anyone is interested:


I thought that MM could be an incarnation of Cupid/Eros, and that would open up the universe to the Roman/Greek gods and by extension, Wonder Woman. 

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Barry and Iris problems had nothing to do with what was going on in the musical . Barry came clean soon after he realized what happened with flashpoint. The problem they were facing was whether  their love for each other was genuine and from the heart or just reacting to what Barry saw on the future. Barry has loved Iris for most of his life and in fact even in parallel worlds they love each other. Clearly they both realized that they do love each other regardless of the future and want to marry. 

Equating Kara and Bland El with the same idea, that they have this awe inspiring love etc was way out of the galaxy dumb. He just spent 9 months lying to her and had she not hitched a ride with him to a space ship he clearly knew, would still be in the dark about him. They have no foundation to build on.

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When Barry and Kara came out of their comas I was like "Wait! Barry didn't get a solo!" So glad for that final scene where he sings his proposal to Iris which definitely made me tear up.

"Dads?" Oh man if that wasn't a ship before...!

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I absolutely loved this episode. I couldn't stop smiling at every song- it was so nice to see everyone sing. Plus, they all sounded fantastic. I know most of them have singing backgrounds but it was so lovely to see. This is definitely saved as my go to "happy episode" when I feel down and want to watch something fun. 

I cried through Barry's entire song, and then the proposal. That was perfect.

Edited by twoods
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I'm a sucker for musicals and was super excited about this, but eh, it was alright. The songs didn't do a lot for me. I stopped watching Glee before Melissa Benoit started, so I'm not familiar with her singing usually, but her Moon River was just okay for me here. I like Gustin's voice, but I did not care at all for the song Running Home to You. The Super Friends song was cute though, not "I'll Never Tell" from Buffy level, but cute. 

On the other hand, I did really enjoy Cisco and Winn singing together as well as the trio of Joe, Malcolm, and Stein.

Not a whole lot to say about the plot. It was just an excuse for the musical, so I'm not mad at it. I just wish the writers had figured out a way to do it without making WestAllen go through such stupidity the last few episodes. Hopefully that will be over now and WestAllen can be happy. Paralleling their deep relationship with Mon El and Kara was a bit of a headscratcher, but I adore Chris Wood and like watching him so *shrug*.


...  "Super Friends" was entertaining, and I'm not surprised it was by the Crazy-Ex Girlfriends guys.  I thought "Runnin Home To You" sounded familiar, and I see that it was from the guys behind La La Land.  Yeah, I could totally see a song like that in that film as well...

Heh, that makes sense to me. I generally think the songs from Crazy Ex Girlfriend are cute and nothing I've seen of LalaLand has appealed to me at all.

Edited by cynic
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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Then there's the whole concept of having no clue what it means to be a hero, even after it's explained to him.



4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Plus the constant disrespect toward Kara, promising to respect her wishes, then turns around and breaks those promises and does whatever he wants and thinks it's not that big a deal.


I can't comment on the other stuff cause I'm not a regular Supergirl watcher, but the above quotes are something that seem to plague (or have plagued) many of the DCTV characters.

Barry and Oliver, despite their experience and the constant speeches about what it means to be a hero, still grapple with that (ie Barry constantly screwing up the timeline and Oliver deciding to kill again this season). And I can't count how many times they've both disrespected the wishes of their partner. 

Oh, Arrowverse writers. Seems you're still not learning from your mistakes. 

Edited by Inquiry
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1 hour ago, Inquiry said:

Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not. 

I don't watch Flash, not yet anyway, but watched this one of course since it picked up the cliffhanger from Supergirl.  Yeah, people hate on Mon-El because they have written that relationship like it's between two 15 year olds.  Ironically, the character Supergirl has the chemistry with is Lena Luthor, people want those two together more.

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The songs were great and I enjoyed "Super Friend" and "Running Home To You". Plus, I ROFLMAO during the gay dads segment. And the chemistry between Grant and Melissa is fantastic.


Unfortunately, I cringed with second hand embarrassment through most of the episode. The relationship whiplashes are gonna break my neck. For a musical episode, I thought it dragged from exposition overload. 

Edited by Richness
Accidental submission before completing all my thoughts.
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That was ridiculous in the best possible way. I'm a Supergirl viewer but have enjoyed the Flash gang in the crossover episodes. One of these days I'll have to mainline The Flash and catch up. After I finish the first season of Legend of Tomorrow, that is.

My only disappointment is that they didn't have David Harewood sing. Just from the brief tunes he sang on Selfie (*sniff*) it was clear he has a great voice. And apparently Chyler Leigh can sing too? Not surprised. These people are all insanely talented, apparently.

4 hours ago, kirinan said:

Grant and Melissa are just so wonderful together. Every time I see an episode with the two of them, I'm more impressed with their absolutely fantastic chemistry. 

And btw, John Barrowman's singing voice? One of my favorite sounds ever. 

Grant and Melissa really do play wonderfully off each other, it's such a treat to watch. If only TPTB could find a way to have them interact more. Also, I had no idea that Grant was a dancer, it was a surprise to see him start hoofing it during their Superfriends song. Would've loved to have seen more!

And yes, John Barrowman has such an incredible voice. I could listen to him sing all day.

3 hours ago, ketose said:

ETA: Best TV musical for me was Scrubs "My Musical"

I still find myself singing "Am I freaking Puerto Rican or Dominican" from time to time.

2 hours ago, Inquiry said:

Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not. 

Just taking his appearance in this episode (and the previouslies), I actually quite liked him.

UO here, but I actually find Mon-el entertaining at times -  I like his "alien adjusting to Earth" humor, and the actor is very likable IMO. But I can understand why the romance between Mon-el and Kara bothers people. TPTB have yet to write a successful romance for Kara, but that's a discussion for another forum.

1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

Well, if the day ever comes where both Jesse L. Martin and Victor Garber ever want out of the DC Universe, I would be down for show where they are two singing, gangster husbands just mowing everyone down!

I'd tune in, too! That would be all kinds of awesome.

1 hour ago, benteen said:

I definitely want to see Alex really participate in one of these big crossovers, particularly when Sara Lance is around.

Me too! More of Alex (and her amazing hair) is always a good thing.

Overall, this was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. I had no idea there were so many talented singers and dancers on these shows, and it was cool to watch them show their stuff, however briefly. I was happy to see Jeremy Jordan show up as not-Winn, and liked his brief interaction with not-Cisco - maybe someday we'll get a crossover where Winn and Cisco actually meet for real. And Jonn got to go all Martian Manhunter and kick some ass! Also, I had no idea Cisco has powers. Good for him!

Moar crossovers!

ETA - I can never hear "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" without thinking of the movie Scrooged.

Edited by Maelstrom
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11 minutes ago, doram said:

Secondly, In the reality where she lived, Cisco was a billionaire and Caitlin was a relatively sane person. Iris and Wally had a loving relationship. The only person who drew the short straw in Flashpoint was Joe. 

Oh I dunno.

Diggle's baby girl Sara was swapped out for a son. That's just fraught with a fuckton of issues in and of itself. Yes the Arrow writers didn't have to make that happen but it happened because Barry. 

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32 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

My only disappointment is that they didn't have David Harewood sing. Just from the brief tunes he sang on Selfie (*sniff*) it was clear he has a great voice. And apparently Chyler Leigh can sing too? Not surprised. These people are all insanely talented, apparently.

Another Selfie fan! I miss that show.

This episode was alright for the first half or so. My interest died when it became clear that the whole point of the ridiculous Flash breakup (and likely whatever idiocy was going on with Mon-El before tonight) was just to have the musical be all about lluuurrrvvveee and having an excuse for Barry to sing to Iris during the perfect WestAllen proposal at the end of a Very Special Episode. Don't get me wrong, the proposal moment was beautiful, but they didn't need to muddy the waters with everything that's gone on with them over the last few episodes before this. (GAH!!! Please stop writing for plot over character!)

They could have told a different story, instead of having the crap relationship drama leading up to this moment. They didn't the first proposal, or the breakup-for-reasons game that ensued. It just felt like somebody got the idea that the perfect proposal for Barry/Iris involved having Grant sing, and somebody else was pushing for the annual Barry/Kara Spring Crossover, and the writing snowballed backwards from there.

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I have mixed feelings on this episode. I normally enjoy musical episodes, but something was off about this one. It just seemed to drag. Some of the singing parts just seemed to last too long and then some of the gaps in between singing also seemed long.

I liked the Moon River song, but I thought it could have been cut shorter. I liked the one that had Cisco and others singing. I actually wish we'd been able to hear Cisco sing more.

I did find it funny how Barry was actually enjoying some of the musical parts and was halfway dancing while people were singing. I like Jesse L. Martin's voice and I like Victor Garber, but I'm not a fan of his singing voice. It just seems too strained. So, the duet with Garber and Martin was a bit painful, but I did enjoy some parts of it.

I really liked John Barrowman's singing though.

When Grant started singing, I couldn't even see his lips moving at some points (probably crappy quality video) so it sort of took me out of it-- it seemed like bad lipsyncing.

I still find it odd that Iris grew up with Barry and it seems like she never heard him sing in the shower. Cisco saying something about a gif of Barry singing didn't make much sense to me since gifs don't have sound.

I did like that they briefly had some time to give Wally some confidence back.

I kind of wish we'd seen Barry mentioning that Cisco was singing and that he was good.

It was sweet at the end when Barry sang to Iris and gave her the ring-- although I admit it lasted a little too long.

Overall, I liked it. I liked the Music Meister and I'm glad it wasn't a totally depressing show.

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Just thought of something: in addition to helping Barry and Kara with their relationship drama was MM trying to get Wally over his post-speed force fears in the real world? And maybe help Cisco step up his superhero game? Cause that seemed to be happening, too. 

Maybe he should have stuck around to help Caitlin with her Killer Frost issues.

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10 hours ago, Twilight Man said:
10 hours ago, bettername2come said:

I enjoyed it as an episode, but it falls far behind Buffy , Psych and Scrubs in terms of TV musicals.

And don't forget Xena: The Musical. but it was better than That 70's Show: The Musical and Happy Days: The Musical.

Anybody else got musical episodes of TV shows to add to the list.

I remember Seventh Heaven had a musical episode but I never watched it (my sister was the one who watched that show). Buffy is the only tv musical I loved enough to put on my ipod and I still listen to the songs! The Scrubs song I always get stuck in my head is Guy Love.

I don't watch Supergirl so I only know Melissa from Glee and Mon-El from The Vampire Diaries. I love musicals and I was super excited to have so many known singers! Often when tv shows do musicals, the majority of the cast members aren't really singers and that can affect the vocal range/performances of the songs.

Jesse L. Martin did not disappoint. I haven't heard him sing anything since he was in Rent, so I looooooved the show finally gave him an opportunity to sing!

I was expecting a lot from Barrowman due to the roles he's had in the past (Chris in Miss Saigon, Raoul in Phantom of the Opera, etc).

I was one of the ten people who watched Smash until the bitter end so I was also excited to see Jeremy Jordan sing again.

I was really glad that Darren, Melissa, and Grant got to share scenes together. I would have been disappointed if the Glee reunion didn't have at least one scene with all three of them.

It was a fun episode full of fluff, which I will take since this season has been so gloomy.

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6 hours ago, Dobian said:

Yeah, people hate on Mon-El because they have written that relationship like it's between two 15 year olds.  Ironically, the character Supergirl has the chemistry with is Lena Luthor, people want those two together more.

How many people?  Because I don't.  But I will admit they have an unusual chemistry. 

6 hours ago, Dobian said:

Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not. 

Yeah, the majority of posters on PreviouslyTV don't seem to like him.  I kept wondering why I was seeing it differently, but then I've seen a lot of pro-Mon-El in other places.  Can't say if he brings in higher ratings, but I love them together.  My kids got into wrestling, so I became a fan of WWE, and if you've ever been on Bleacher Report, which is a fan site for all types of sports, the posters there HATED John Cena, who is one of the biggest stars ever in wrestling.  They always complained that he never lost, or that he was helped along by Vince McMahon, or their favorites were real wrestlers and he was just a body builder, blah blah blah.  They're probably still bitching about it. My point is, not always are you looking at the majority. 

Hey, no one commented on the funniest line in the show, at the end from HR.  Barry says there's someone else who can sing, and HR says "Thanks, BA".  I howled at that one.  Tom Cavanaugh sold it with this little look of fake humbleness.  Hilarious.

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I was excited about the musical, but overall I thought it was just okay. It was fun, sure. but with so many talents this had the potential to be something great and, for me, it just kind of petered out halfway up the mountain.

With the Buffy musical, I felt like the songs were written with the vocal talent in mind--the songs that were given to the actors sort of worked with their ranges and made even the ones who weren't professional singers sound pretty good. I feel like that didn't happen here, with the result that everyone (except Jesse L Martin and Jeremy Jordan) sounded sort of underwhelming. Grant, Melissa and Darren are all amazing singers and I didn't feel that came across. Darren sounded a bit spotty, and Grant and Melissa never seemed to hit their sweet spots. And while the writers insisted the musical would advance plot...did it, really? It sort of just fixed something they clearly intentionally broke last episode so that they could do this.

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I don't hate Mon-El, but then I highly doubt he's Kara's forever love, so I'm mostly meh on him. Whatever. Kara's love life has been pretty poorly written overall, and she has way more chemistry with people who aren't her romantic interests. And that includes her freaking cousin.

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As a huge musical fan, I was really looking forward to this one but it underwhelmed. They're all trained, talented, experienced singers that I was excited to see, but Jeremy Jordan just blew everyone away from his first four bars and it made me really sad that he's hanging around and totally wasted playing "fifth banana" (as a friend dubbed him) on Supergirl. 

I liked both "Superfriends" (because Rachel Bloom! -- forget about those TV shows who do one episode as a musical--there's Crazy Ex-Girlfriend killing it every week, folks) which suited the characters the best, and Running Home to You, which was quite lovely and makes me more interested in seeing La La Land. I think I would've liked the episode more without any covers and all originals of the same tone and spirit? These numbers were so disparate it wasn't very cohesive feeling. 

Also, those '40s accents were EGREGIOUS. Yikes. 

I wondered if Mon-El being named Tommy and being Barrowman's son in this, was a nod to Arrow's dear-deparated Tommy?

And Grant and Melissa do have a nice shared chemistry that works better than their current on-screen relationships, which is somewhat ironic since Melissa and Chris are dating in real life now.

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Melissa and Chris are dating in real life now.

They are?  (whistles.)  I'm not going to speculate about her personal life and the timing, but their off screen romance sure as hell not translating on screen.

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I really like "The Flash", but we only get 22 episodes a season, so when one of those episodes is some complete waste-of-time fantasy musical, it gets frustrating.  I'm sure the actors all loved doing the episode, showing up for work each morning, singing and dancing.  I hated it, though.  This is one of those things shows do when everyone involved is starting to get tired of doing the show and they decide to juice things up a bit by doing a gimmick show.  

During that big song-and-dance number at the club, I expected Grodd to be lowered down from the ceiling, swinging on a giant trapeze and wearing a bowtie.

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With all the doom & gloom with an extra serving of angst on this show this season, I'm willing to take this ep as an excuse to get away from that.  Favorite number was "Super Friends" of course.  If there's another musical crossover next season, I'd like to see Jeremy Jordan get a solo number to shine in.  And for Cisco and Winn to meet up in real-life as well.  I can only imagine the looks Oliver would give if Barry ever told him about what happened.

Edited by AD35
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12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The pre-recorded versions for this episode? They did not showcase the full ability of their talent. It was just very autotuned and very structured. It was way too clear that it was all recorded in a booth, and they both could have sounded a lot better. I don't quite know if it was just that either, or if it was also the songs themselves.

That was my problem. With this cast, I thought a musical episode was going to be awesome and fun but instead it was just more bland, autotuned crap. These people can sing live. Why treat their voices like this? Why write paint-by-numbers music for them? Super Friends was the only number I enjoyed because it was quirky and a bit different. But even then Grant's voice was autotuned out of existence. 

I could comment about the plot itself but I think that's been said. "Love conquers all" is standard musical fare so the villain just wanting everyone to love each other is something I have no problem with. Darren Criss has always been an amazingly charismatic performer, even if he's not actually that good a singer. Or actor. Or dancer. Putting Barry/Iris' lifelong friendship and committed relationship on a par with Kara/Mon'El's recent flirtation based on a long-term lie is something I would have a problem with if I thought for a second it wasn't solely designed to make the musical crossover happen.

I thought "give him time to explain and try to understand his POV" was actually excellent advice. Right until the conclusion of "I love you, let's be together". Those two are not the same thing. But I guess we'll wait till the next episode of Supergirl to see if they actually deal with the issues in their relationship. I don't see how they can act like anything's resolved despite the kiss at the end.

Compared to other brilliant musical episodes (Buffy, Scrubs - already mentioned, I know) this is a bit of a yawn actually. What a shame.

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I used to watch both The Flash and Supergirl, and even though I'm not up to date on the shows, I still read the reviews and have a vague idea of what's currently going on, so I decided to watch this. 

Kara and Barry as BFFs are way too cute, I love it. Their friendship was easily the best part of this episode.

The songs were all fine I guess. Wasn't blown away. Even the big realizations about their love interests were a bit flat to me, they were rushed and therefore didn't have the emotional resonance I was expecting. It felt like an easy fix to their love problems, without even talking it through or taking any time to really think about it. By the end, everyone was back together again and everything was great, and I still don't understand how we got there in just one episode. Plus the excuse for the musical theme was very very thin. The "bad guy" didn't have a purpose at all!

I kept being reminded of Fringe's musical episode, which to me was way better than this, both plot and character-wise. It had a lot less musical moments, but a lot more heart. And I'm not even going to mention Once more with feeling. Oooops, I just did.

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2 hours ago, JapMo said:

How many people?  Because I don't. 

I don't either.  In fact I could take him or leave him, but this obsessed hate by some is ridiculous.


BUT. His lying about that is not the reason for Meister swooping in to make Barry see the error of his ways. It was to show/prove he was being an ass for breaking things off completely with Iris because he the writers thought this was the only way to break them up just so he and Iris could get back together at the same time as Kara and Mon-Douche, 

Barry lied about the reason for his proposing. Kid Flash realized it when he went to the future to find something to save Iris. Who then outed the reasons for Barry's sudden out of nowhere proposal to Iris causing the break up. 



I wondered if Mon-El being named Tommy and being Barrowman's son in this, was a nod to Arrow's dear-deparated Tommy?


I think so and I loved that.

Edited by Artsda
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So, I decided to rewatch the episode and it's still not great, but the show does have some genuinely funny moments which do help elevate the episode's quality by a little bit. 

I can't get over Melissa's genuine scream during Put A Little Love. She looks genuinely surprised by Darren jumping past her, and you can see Grant laughing and saying something to Melissa before it cuts away. So it seems like Darren improved that moment, and I love that they left it in.

The cast also look like they're having a genuinely fun time. With The Flash being so damn depressing this season, I'll bet that they've enjoyed being able to get back to their roots. Plus, Melissa/Grant work so well together.

Clearly, Barrowman managed to convince the show to give him two songs to sing. I don't mind, since his singing voice is heavenly and Barrowman looked like he was having a blast not having to be Malcolm and getting something truly fun to do. 

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10 hours ago, RedVitC said:

Just my quick initial reaction for now: A very enjoyable episode. The most moving moment of the episode was Barry's song at the end and the proposal. I love Barry and Iris' chemistry, it has a real depth and tenderness to it that they don't have with anyone else. I definitely cried :) 

I agree about Barry and Iris chemistry, its deep and totally goes beyond being comfortable with each other. Their chemistry screams, "something more". 

Barry has a beautiful chemistry with kara too, its just that his chemistry with her is the same kind he had with Felicity, platonic chemistry. I can actually buy them as best friends more than Barry's friendship with Cisco and Caitlin. It didnt feel out of place with both telling each other about their love lives. Kara is basically female Barry, that's why they come across to me as friends and nothing more.

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As a big Broadway fan,  I loved this episode. I liked the actors getting to showcase their talents, especially Jessie L Martin who was always my favorite from RENT. They all seemed to be having a blast and a really good time, which make it even funner to watch. I would be okay with this being a reoccurring thing every season where Music Meister comes and puts Kara and Berry into different types of musicals based on what problems are going on in their lives...

The only complaint I had is that sometimes the singing felt a bit too fixed or auto-tuned. That was one of the reasons I never got too into Glee. It's distracting and takes away from a performance IMO. Especially when the songs being performed are musical theatre tunes meant to be performed live and unaltered like a lot of songs in Glee.

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I don't watch Supergirl so I am also surprised to see this much hate for mon-el, this episode actually made me like the guy, he has nice chemistry with Kara and the actor is hot *shrugs*.

I have always wanted to start the show, I might give it a shot when this season is over. The only thing discouraging me is Melissa, she is not a good actor IMO, maybe its the musical. I hope its better on her show.

I will give her this, she have this innocence and optimism about her character that i love. kara reminds me so much of season one Barry.

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I could listen to Jesse L. Martin sing all day, so I really enjoyed his moment.

3 hours ago, taragel said:

I wondered if Mon-El being named Tommy and being Barrowman's son in this, was a nod to Arrow's dear-deparated Tommy?

I didn't even catch that -- mainly because during Barrowman's song I was sitting there wishing that Colin Donnell was around for this and how great it would have been to see their BTS antics on screen.

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I cringed so much from secondhand embarrassment while watching this episode. I still can't makeup my mind on whether this was a good episode or a bad one.

The acting and singing by Barry and kara was awkward in a bad way at the beginning of the episode. They were trying too hard to be funny that it didn't come across genuine to me, it felt forced. The episode only picked up for me when not-joe, not-stein and not-malcome came into the picture, their song was one of the two songs I enjoyed.

The last song that Barry sang to iris was so beautiful and cheesey at the same time, but I loved it. That was a beautiful proposal.

So I was right last week, the breakup was manufactured by the writers so this episode could happen, I still don't like the breakup but please writers now that the musical is over, can we move on now? And no more forced drama, please.

Jeremy has the best voice of all the cast, its a shame that the episode did not do him justice, I never watched smash, but he was incredible in joyful with keke palmer, dolly and queen latifa 

Edited by Grace19
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I don't watch the Flash, but am a fan of Supergirl so I tuned in last night to watch this musical episode. I loved all the musical numbers & I'm a big fan of Victor Garber, John Barrowman & Jesse L. Jackson.   Maybe cross-over musical episodes will become a yearly event!

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31 minutes ago, RandomMe said:

wondered if Mon-El being named Tommy and being Barrowman's son in this, was a nod to Arrow's dear-deparated Tommy?

I'm sure it was and I am really salty about it, too. I don't appreciate it because Mon-El is already on my crap list for the turn Supergirl has taken and now hes Tommy who was a disappointment to his father but yeah he gets the girl and Tommy is still dead and I should probably go to the bitterness thread. I did not like that at all.

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Ironically, for a musical Episode, the best part, was the non singing part, I loved HR helping Wally and the team up between Wally, Cisco and the martian hunter. They made a good team.

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I don't watch Supergirl so I am also surprised to see this much hate for mon-el, this episode actually made me like the guy, he has nice chemistry with Kara and the actor is hot *shrugs*.

I think for most people who watched Supergirl since the beginning noticed a major shift ever since the show moved to the CW.  At this point Supergirl/Kara is slowly becoming LESS of the central character on her show and the back and forth about pairing her with Mon El has become tedious pretty quickly.  Now that the show has mostly dumped her from her job as a "reporter", all she does now is fight aliens and runs hot and cold on Mon El.  It's pushed her relationships with Winn, James (who is MIA a lot more this season) and especially Alex aside.



Maybe cross-over musical episodes will become a yearly event!

I don't think the production would want to go back to that well that quickly: I think they would rather create a full scale DCTV crossover event for December across the shows now that the renewals are in place.

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Really, I think now that I've thought about it, I liked this whole episode quite a lot. It was just a lot of fun, and you could tell everyone in the Musical Universe was having a blast with their period clothes, sing along, and ridiculous old fashioned New York accents. It was just really enjoyable to watch, and it was great seeing how many people in this universe have musical chops.

I knew that Jessie L. Martin, John Barrowman, and Victor Garber has skills, but I had no idea that Gus, Melissa, Carlos, and ESPECIALLY Jeremy Jordan could sing and dance so well. Turns out, Jeremy Jordan has a ton of music experience and is super talented, who knew? Why haven't we gotten a scene in Supergirl where they all go to karaoke?!?! Dude has pipes! Also, Stein and Joe in Music World are an old time gangster gay couple who are doing a My Two Dads thing with Iris! I have no idea who came up with that, but thank you.

The Musical World son Borrowman is named Tommy *sniffles* which gave me some serious feels. Poor, sweet Tommy. Also, the Barry and Iris engagement was so adorable! Can we just forget that bullshit break up last week (that happened not for logical reasons apparently, but so they can have a musical get back together!) and have Barry and Iris just stick together permanently.

With Mon-El, I don't really dislike him as he is. His attempts to adapting to Earth culture is usually funny, and I buy that he is trying to be a better guy than how he started, but Kara and Mon-El have been pretty rushed as far as True Loves Kiss stuff goes. When they're just hanging out, I'm ok with them as a couple, but they seem to have spent most of their relationship arguing. I think many viewers issues with Mon-El isn't so much him, but the fact that he has taken so much time away from other Supergirl characters, even Supergirl her self, and the show is spending so much time on Kara's love life.

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OK, was Music Meister messing with the weather or did they just not care about continuity?   The STAR labs shot was snow free right before they headed out to stop Music Meister.  There was snow on the ground at the bank but the city was clear when Wally was chasing him down.  However, it was snowing at the location Cisco and J'onn teleported to although the street was mostly clear.  However, when they finally caught him the the streets were covered in snow. 

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