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S03.E17: Duet

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Barry and team are surprised when Mon-El (guest star Chris Wood) and Hank Henshaw (guest star David Harewood) arrive on their Earth carrying a comatose Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) who was whammied by the Music Meister (guest star Darren Criss). Unable to wake her up, they turn to Team Flash to save her. However, the Music Meister surprises The Flash and puts him in a similar coma, one that Team Flash can’t cure. Kara and Barry wake up without their powers in an alternate reality where life is like a musical and the only way to escape is by following the script, complete with singing and dancing, to the end.

Dermott Downs directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing


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From the interviews, I have an idea about who Music Meister might turn out to be, but I don't want to speak it into the universe because it a little out there - even for this show.

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Ugh. I thought that was cringe worthy; the impromptu singing and dancing. I stuck it out for Iris. I am glad that she was happy with the proposal at the end. I was more ambivalent about the whole thing.

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Just put Barry and Kara together.  Their chemistry is insane, just do it show.  And on the shallow end, just when you thought Melissa Benoist couldn't look even more beautiful, she was in that dress.

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I enjoyed it as an episode, but it falls far behind Buffy, Psych and Scrubs in terms of TV musicals. But can I say how awesome Cisco and Martian Manhunter fighting together was? Cisco really stepped up in Barry's absence, and clearly he has that teleporting within the same dimension thing down. I liked Music Meister not being evil - I was wondering who gave a villain a book deal. Kara brings out Barry's best traits. But Barry needs to watch his mouth if he thinks he can badmouth Clark on my watch.

Edited by bettername2come
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I loved this episode, but then, I'm a musical fan from way back. Grant and Melissa are just so wonderful together. Every time I see an episode with the two of them, I'm more impressed with their absolutely fantastic chemistry. It was such a nice change after the seemingly unremitting angst of the last eleventy-seven episodes. 

And btw, John Barrowman's singing voice? One of my favorite sounds ever. 

Edited by kirinan
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7 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Ugh. I thought that was cringe worthy; the impromptu singing and dancing. I stuck it out for Iris. I am glad that she was happy with the proposal at the end. I was more ambivalent about the whole thing.

I thought I was the only one.  

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Batman: The Brave And The Bold. "Mayhem Of The Music Meister!" Soooooooooo much better.

i kinda feel like a hater to say that, especially since the more musically-inclined adults got to cut loose. But Barry first proposed to Iris because he didn't see a ring in her future. Mon? If you don't watch Supergirl . . . he is a Clark-from-Smallville level meathead. I don't think anybody from Earth-1 compares to him. And Kara forgave him. No. No. NO. 

And the antagonist didn't name himself! "Hi! I'mma put the heroes in a fever dream to point out stuff, and I'll use their powers to rob a bank." Meh. The original MM had motivation. The only reason why I'd want this guy to come back is if he tried that shit to Team Arrow or the Legends. Sara and Amaya would take turns kicking the crap out of him before Mick set him ablaze.

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5 minutes ago, Twilight Man said:

And don't forget Xena: The Musical. but it was better than That 70's Show: The Musical and Happy Days: The Musical.

Anybody else got musical episodes of TV shows to add to the list.

Supernatural: 'Fan Fiction' was excellent

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Was not impressed by the villain not actually being a villain, but apparently just wanting to fix Barry and Kara's relationships.  Might have had more impact if Kara had been mad at Mon-el for longer than the last 10 minutes of her episode and if Barry and Iris hadn't broken up for incredibly unclear reasons.

In terms of actual music, of course having multiple Broadway alums the performances were good, but the only original song I liked was the Superfriends one just because it was so silly and corny and I thought the style of it fit best with the very classic musical styling they had going on in the setting and costuming.

I'll add Community's Regional Holiday Music to the list of better tv musical episodes.

ETA: I think my problem with the "villain" was that "Put a little love in you heart" is not the sort of song I would expect a villain who was genuinely trying to intimidate and possibly kill the heroes to choose, so between that and the pre show interviews talking about how the whole point of the episode was to deal with Kara and Barry's love lives I don't think I ever bought into the peril.

Edited by athelyna
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 So who is Music Meister really?   At first I thought he was Amazo but why would he be worried about their love lives.

 Best part:  "...you'll go back in time and try again."  "I'm not supposed to do that anymore!"

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Xena had two musical episodes as I recall, "The Bitter Suite" and another one about dancing.

I personally loved the show tonight and not just because I'm a Gleek (and I know I'm not the only one here). My only wish was that the musical also had an alternate version of Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper). We haven't seen Hartley since Flashpoint and unless he got erased (please no) he's still around. If they did get Andy Minteus to cameo they coud've had him sing in the band with alternate Winn and not only would we had a Glee reunion we could've had a Smash one too!!

I really hope Grant liked "Running back to you" cause he's gonna get a lot of requsests for him to sing it at comic-cons, just you wait!!

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8 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 So who is Music Meister really?   At first I thought he was Amazo but why would he be worried about their love lives.

As Lantern7 pointed out a few posts ago, he was a "joke" villain created by the Batman: BATB cartoon voiced by the incredible NPH (who guest-starred on an episode of Glee).  Everybody loved the episode.  He even has appeared in the Lego Batman 3 game now.


Adding the Love Boat musical to the list.  YMMV on the episode.  I personally love Ethel Merman, Della Reese, and Carol Channing singing.

Edited by Twilight Man
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That was fun. Loved seeing the "Glee" reunion and seeing Jeremy Jordan from Smash get to sing on tv again. Plus John Barrowman who has such a background in theater. 

I enjoyed the episode. The Super Friends song and dance was funny and cute. I loved Barry breaking out "he's not allowed to do that anymore." LOL

Edited by Artsda
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2 minutes ago, Twilight Man said:

As Lantern7 pointed out a few posts ago, he was a "joke" villain created by the Batman: BATB cartoon voiced by the incredible NPH (who guest-starred on an episode of Glee).  Everybody loved the episode.  He even has appeared in the Lego Batman 3 game now.

 I get that he originated in the animated series, but it feels like they're using that character as an alias as a misdirect for someone else.  I''m wondering if there's some ultra-powerful yet benevolent character in the DCverse who's actions would match what MM did.

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So in this world, Stein and Joe are a pair. I can get down with that.


I'm mixed about this. Didn't like that the Meister was doing this so Barry and Kara can figure out they love their current mates (and given how Supergirl is turning out this season, almost maddening that it's getting reinforced.) But dammit Super Friend reminds me how well Grant and Melissa work together. Now I kind of want them to sing that to Oliver so he can be all "Get off my lawn!" With them.


The best part was Cisco wondering how the Meister got out of his cell. It's STAR labs. Security is an afterthought.

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This was fantastic.  It had better get nominated for an Emmy for something.

Now I want The CW to do a live version of A Chorus Line with these people.

Neil Patrick Harris is still the perfect Music Meister, though.  Sorry, Darrin, but no one can beat NPH.

Edited by bmoore4026
Thought of something.
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Just now, mtlchick said:

The best part was Cisco wondering how the Meister got out of his cell. It's STAR labs. Security is an afterthought.

Star Labs Security is the CTU Perimeter of Central City

Just now, bmoore4026 said:

This was fantastic.  It had better get nominated for an Emmy for something.

I will be bitter if this gets nominated for an Emmy when SPN's Fan Fiction did not.

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YES! I finally got to see and hear Barry and Kara sing together!!!! Loved their duet!

The only fly in the ointment (again! With the same message that was repeated in the Supergirl episode) was how Kara was WRONG for dumping Mon-Douche, because what he lied about? 'He HAD/MUST have a good reason for it! So you really don't have any reason to be angry at him!' Bullshit. He was perfectly happy going along and condoning the suppression and slavery, from his own planet. But when asked, admitted he didn't think he would ever have come clean.

And there is just no comparison, NONE, between Barry and Iris and Kara's relationship issues. So I found it highly insulting to hear Mon-Douche repeating, practically verbatim, the words Iris was giving to Barry, when she found him bleeding out. Her words of love were so much more moving and believable than that of Mon-Douche. And OF COURSE Kara forgave him, instead of his ass having to earn back her trust.????

But, this was the Flash episode, so I have no complaints about how it ended as far as Barry and Iris are concerned.???

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 I'd love to know where EarthFlash and EarthSupergirl branched off since they have the same movies, music and actors yet none of the characters have doppelgangers and one of the planets has a single brush with aliens while the other is literally Men in Black. 

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14 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 I get that he originated in the animated series, but it feels like they're using that character as an alias as a misdirect for someone else.  I''m wondering if there's some ultra-powerful yet benevolent character in the DCverse who's actions would match what MM did.

My headcanon says Bat-Mite.

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2 minutes ago, doram said:

Maybe there's no Harrison Wells in Supergirls' Earth -> no particle accelerator -> no meta-humans?

Even better.... maybe an alien killed Harrison Wells in Supergirls Earth. ;)

Also, Earth 1, I think Krypton never exploded.

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I'm a little underwhelmed by this episode but, I don't exactly know why. Maybe I just thought that it would be bigger because they've been talking about this episode for months now. I did like it though. The song that Barry sang to Iris is my new ear worm now.

Edited by TroopinFairy
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52 minutes ago, Twilight Man said:

Anybody else got musical episodes of TV shows to add to the list.

Cop Rock?

Yes, this was pretty cringeworthy to me. While some of my favorite shows had musicals that were often a mixed bag (Buffy, Psych), I was nevertheless impressed with how they did original musical numbers. This episode had mostly covers of songs, from what I could tell, the lip synching was pretty bad (and badly matched in many cases), and the actors seemed to be doing very little emoting and movement. There were some good voices in there, but I guess I was expecting more from Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin. I've never watched them on Glee, but I'd heard a lot about their work, so I was pretty unimpressed. Jeremy Jordan was pretty incredible.

The "villain" was pretty lame, and the twist wasn't much of a surprise ending. The randomness of his appearance with no explanation was, however. Couldn't they at least have given him some kind of origin? Make him from the 4th dimension or Cupid or something.

All in all, for all the hype of the "Musical Episode" not very watchable for me.

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53 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

My inner middle schooler demands I add "Even Stevens: Influenza" to the list.

YES! The 6th period song was stuck in my head for years! Classic!

That was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed this. My one complaint is that comparing Kara/Mon-El and Iris/Barry is a little apples and oranges. Even beyond shipping preferences, Kara and Mon-El don't know each other all that well, and have only been dating for a little while. Barry and Iris have known each other for years, and they've been dating/engaged for awhile. Its really not the same thing. But that's minor, because WestAllen! Oh my shipper heart was singing too!

It was just great seeing everyone having some fun after all the ANGST on this show lately.

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I'm not a regular watcher of The Flash, but tuned in since it was a Supergirl crossover. Hey, I like the people on your show! I already liked Barry, but Cisco and Iris and Wally seem like good people. I would probably like this show more, and it's unfortunate the first episode I've really watched was dragged down by Mon-El. It was unfortunate that Kara is getting saddled with Mon-El yet again, especially after many were happy she dumped him finally. I don't know what the history between Iris and Barry is, but I was happy they were reunited at the end. 

I will say this for Darren Criss - he plays a smug, condescending jerkboy incredibly well. 

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I thought it was ok. Not great, not that good, but just ok. I enjoyed some of the songs, but not all. "Put A Little Love" is a song I haven't heard in ages, probably about six years, so being reminded of how much I used to love the song as a child was a pleasantly nostalgic experience. So, I'll give this musical props on making me smile like a ten year old again. Plus, hearing Jeremy Jordan and John Barrowman belt out that song was a joy. 

On the surface, it was a nice, fun episode. Darren Criss was pretty solid as Music Meister. He was entertaining, at least, and the idea of a villain being able to escape from anywhere and was doing all of this for his own enjoyment could have been a pretty solid premise. Well, until it was clear they had no endgoal of why he was doing what he was doing and the last episode of each show was only created to be centered around this musical. Seeing as they were planning this out since September, it clearly showed how the planning went musical -> plot and characters. Seeing as Kara and Barry's issues were set up at the end of their previous episodes, it just all felt wasted. 

I also know that, depending on how much critics rave, we'll see Darren Criss again. I figured he'd just escape, so we could see another musical next season, if they want to try it again. If not next season, then the season after that. 

The original songs were...eh? Super Friends was mostly fun because of the little spoken lines between Barry and Kara. I guess Barry learned about Superman while he was visiting her Earth. However, I know that Grant and Melissa have beautiful singing voices. The pre-recorded versions for this episode? They did not showcase the full ability of their talent. It was just very autotuned and very structured. It was way too clear that it was all recorded in a booth, and they both could have sounded a lot better. I don't quite know if it was just that either, or if it was also the songs themselves. Running Home To You was alright, but I was a little less impressed than I could have been. I guess I expected more musical from their dream world. I know, I know, a forty minute episode couldn't have them singing more than five songs. But the way they paced them out, it was...off to me? I guess I expected more. 

J'onn/Cisco/Wally's team up was awesome to see, at least. Even if I think Cisco's abilities are falling a little into the God-like side, in which he can now use his powers whenever the plot is in a jam and needs some assistance, I still enjoy some aspects of it. I also enjoyed some of the dream-world aspects, such as Not!Stein and Not!Joe being husbands, or at least fathers of Not!Iris. Also, I kind of laughed at Not!Mon-El being Not!Malcolm's son. 

3 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

YES! The 6th period song was stuck in my head for years! Classic!

The song that gets stuck in my head from time to time is the "We Went To The Moon". As a Canadian, it helps me remember a little bit of American history! And now I'm going to look up the Even Stevens musical. Now that was a kickass episode that had plenty of singing and absurdity. 

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Liked the songs and pretty much every interaction between Barry and Kara (they play off each other so well), was disappointed by everything else. If you're going to hinge an entire plot on teaching our heroes a lesson about love, make sure that the lesson works for both heroes. Mon-El does not deserve Kara's love or forgiveness. I don't even watch the Flash, but it was obvious that what Kara and Mon-El have after having dated for five minutes (with him minimizing her accomplishments and defying her wishes every step of the way) pales in comparison to what Barry and Iris have. Kara couldn't even say "I love you" back. I mean, come on.

Also, over on the Supergirl forum, we were wondering how in the hell the writers could justify Kara's sister, Alex, letting J'onn and Mon-El take Kara to another Earth without demanding to come along. She loves Kara more than anyone in the universe, and her identity up until recently was almost entirely tied up in protecting her. It appears the writers' solution to the problem was to just not explain it.

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Musical theater is the lowest form of entertainment. At least on TV.

The singing was one thing, but the dumbest part was the Music Meister. He had infinite power, He could go anywhere, escape from any prison, was faster than Kid Flash and can bend anyone to his will. The might as well had a character named "CW show writer" like in the old cartoons where a pencil would suddenly appear and draw a new reality.

ETA: Best TV musical for me was Scrubs "My Musical"

Edited by ketose
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Barry's singing proposal to Iris was SO CUTE!! I loved it! I'll forgive them the ridiculous break-up since I guess they worked backwards from wanting him to do that in this episode anyway. LOVED IT.

The rest of the episode was cute too. I always love the more light-hearted episodes.

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1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

Didn't like that the Meister was doing this so Barry and Kara can figure out they love their current mates

As someone who doesn't watch either show, I thought that was great because that is literally the point of most musicals. It's all about figuring out your love for someone, the obstacles in your way, and ultimately overcoming those obstacles to be together (at least in the classic musicals, it is). The plot was a microcosm of a musical in that sense, and I found that clever. Again, not taking characterization into account, because I don't watch the show -- but scoring on premise only: if you're going to trap someone in a musical, the ultimate ending has to be figuring out your love for someone (and ending on a kiss, as they did).

As a Glee fan from way back, and a Smash fan, and a "I watch any kind of musical, anywhere, anytime" fan, I found this a very enjoyable hour of TV. Wished there were more songs, but loved the ones we got. Great mix of original and classic songs (one quibble: closed-captioning claimed "More I Cannot Wish You" is by Paul McCartney, when it's from Guys & Dolls, which was 50 years earlier).

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I thought that was super-duper cute, and it left me with a smile on my face and a d'awww in my heart:)

Also, it wasn't until I was getting ready for bed that I realized I had been wearing my "Blaine Warbler, I'm gonna rock. your. world." t-shirt all day. Music Meister must have whammied me into grabbing it this morning when I was still half-asleep ;)

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1 hour ago, mtlchick said:



Didn't like that the Meister was doing this so Barry and Kara can figure out they love their current mates 

Well as to that part, and as far as Barry is concerned-he didn't need to figure out that he loves Iris. That has Never been the issue, and it wasn't why he and Iris had broken up.

As for Kara, I think her reaction to seeing Not!Iris and Not!Mon kissing was the right one and how she really felt-grossed out. Which is not the same as being jealous. It was more "ewww!" And none of hurt or those other messy emotions one feels when seeing someone they love kissing someone else. So I didn't believe Kara when she told Barry that it bothered her? Upset her? When she saw their doppelgängers kissing. Her face didn't express hurt, jealousy or dismay.

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I have to say the Flash parts of this ep was right on the money. Sadly the Supergirl stuff was way off base the moment they showed up though Kara was great. First it really should have been Alex who brought Kara over not lying Bland El who was still too selfish even in the dream which was Kara own version. They have really jettisoned that relationship now and made Karas world revolve 24/7 around Bland El which has hurt the show immensely.

Kara should not have to accept that Bland El lied to her and just pass it off as a simple misunderstanding. He freaking lied to her from the moment he landed. Now if he had told her the truth and had worked to overcome her assumptions then it would have meant something at the end when she was dying. But no they went Once Upon A Time cheesy with loves true kiss as they beat us over the head that Monel is sticking around so shut it complainers. They are no where near what Barry and Iris have and should not have been treated as the same. I wanted to rage vomit when that scene happened because Kara deserves so much better.

The Flash stuff was fun and I liked that Wally is still having problems from the speed force. Cisco is a good singer but he and Winn didn't really get to shine with any song of theirs. His powers are getting just a tad too much though and convient.

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24 minutes ago, ketose said:

The singing was one thing, but the dumbest part was the Music Meister. He had infinite power, He could go anywhere, escape from any prison, was faster than Kid Flash and can bend anyone to his will. The might as well had a character named "CW show writer" like in the old cartoons where a pencil would suddenly appear and draw a new reality.

ETA: Best TV musical for me was Scrubs "My Musical"

I honestly thought they were going to have Music Meister reveal that he came from an Earth where he watched both shows on the CW and was pulled into the tv to set things right with them.

Second the Scrubs musical. I still giggle at the poop song.

I can't say I'm sure why they brought J'onn J'onnz in for the crossover, except that he was being underutilized on Supergirl and needed to get one more show into his contract? They didn't seem to bring over the makeup crew as well, though; I'm pretty sure most of his martian face was CGI (if not all of it). And while it was nice to actually see him effective as a superhero he still felt underutilized. I thought for sure that when he responded with a surprised "What?" to the revelation that Cisco had transported people into the Speed Force and wherever else they mentioned, that they were going to follow up with J'onn either presenting them with some alien insights or lessons about not screwing things up, but nothing. Bah.

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That was a great deal of fun and there was a lot of talent on display here.  Well  done!

I agree that Barry and Kara have a ridiculous amount of chemistry together, even more so than they have with their respective lovers.

It was fun seeing J'onn team up with Cisco and Wally on Earth-1.  Music Meister was a fun, off-beat villain.

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Mon El is terrible on Supergirl and he was even worse here.  How long were Iris and Barry supposed to be separated?  Why would she have changed the apartment? That was just a stupid comment.  I was sadly disappointed with everyone's singing voice except Jesse L. Martin.  I had high hopes for this episode and had to stop watching and then go back and fast forward through it.

The relationship between Kara and Mon El has not developed to the point where we would think there was that much emotional connection or be invested in their break up the same way as Barry and Iris. I think it was a mistake to try and connect the situations as the same.  Barry has been in love with Iris half his life, Kara and Mon El don't even know who each other are. 

Ok, just watching it again did not realize he proposed again and this time we got the "yes." 

They really need a "where to shop," for Candice Patton's clothes.  Tommy and Millie were a flop.   The "dads" did not seem connected. 

Need to get through it a 3rd time to assess Wally (who annoys me) Jonn and Cisco (who also annoys me).  

Was Julian in this episode? 

I do not see this chemistry between Kara and Barry....just like I didn't see it with Barry and Felicity. 

I am starting to dislike this season as much as last season, and I have deleted two episodes of Supergirl unwatched. 

Edited by catrice2
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Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not. 

Just taking his appearance in this episode (and the previouslies), I actually quite liked him. One of my favorite moments was his little "Shh" when Martian Manhunter said he had though the two had broken up. Also, him lying to Kara about being a prince of Daxum (?) really doesn't seem that bad. Hell, hasn't Kara, previously or otherwise, lied about her identity to loved ones. Not saying it wasn't worth a fight, but...I feel like I'm missing something.   

Anyway, thought the rest of the episode was passable. I'm not a huge fan of musicals (Book of Mormon being the exception), so that's something. I certainly didn't realize how many Arrowverse actors/actresses possessed so much musical talent. 

Also, we need to visit a parallel Earth where Barry and Kara are a couple. Their chemistry is off the charts. How about an episode where Cisco is stranded on a parallel Earth (for some reason) where they're together? I'd watch the hell out of that episode. Cisco can even be saved by Gypsy, so he isn't left out of the romance department. 

Edited by Inquiry
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I thought this episode would be a giant piece of fluff, and I was not wrong. However, it was worth it just for Victor Garber and Jessie Martin performing together. Someone give these guys their own musical spin-off show. How about Legends of Broadway?

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