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S07.E08: Boys, Blades And Bag Of Pills

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Eden met Kyle and Kim for what, ten minutes, and she just knows Kim is going to start drinking again and Kyle is the enabler, WTF? Take a seat Debbie Downer, you are trying too hard to be a permanent HW and your storyline is boring and been done to death already.

Rinna takes Xanax, not surprised, I worked in a pharmacy for a long time, many, many people, mostly women, take it for a variety of reasons. 

Seeing Boy George perform was fun, I love 80's music. I thought PK  was in his early 60's. 

Doritos is truly the big mouth pot stirrer this season. Now we are going to have pill gate. Awesome. 

Edited by Straycat80
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Once again,  yawn.   I'm hanging on by a thread with this season. 

Rinna and Eden are wearing me out with their regular substance abuse prevention segments about Kim!   These two pop pills.   Rinna has a plastic bag she carries with her.   She and Eden puts Xanax in their smoothies.   Something should had told me Rinna might be a pill head how she was in that home shopping segment from a few episode.   It's one thing to have energy but that was some erratic energy!   And let's not forget how she carried on last season at the reunion.   I guess the point with these two -  stay in your lane and stop creating desperate drama about Kim.   It's old.   Tired.   Boring. 

Those dancers over did the hell out of Erika's makeup.   She definitely looked like she could had been on an episode of drag race with her concert. 

PK is 49?  Can we see the birth certificate on him?   That dude favors he's over 60!  

Lastly to me surprise Dorit didn't get on my nerves.   She was still messy but at least she was listening before stirring thing up this time around. 

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If I paid to go to a party and Erika Jayne showed up singing her ridiculous little songs, I don't think I'd be too happy about it.  I'd be much happier with Luann de Lesseps croaking out Chic, C'est la Vie.  

I thought Dorit was going to make for a nice train wreck this season, and she still might, but Eden is really taking the torch and running with it.  Rinna must be patting herself on the back now that she has someone on her Kim-is-on-the-edge bandwagon.  

Eden's home looking so modest surprised me a little.  

It seemed odd to me that any of them believed the water damage story, especially with the way Dorit never shuts up about Boy George.  

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I was surprised that anyone was surprised that Boy George performed.  He's all Dorit talks about and he seems to be trying for a comeback.  He's on Celebrity Apprentice for crying out loud.  Eden just seems odd.

Yes, Xanax is a tranquilizer.  It's prescribed for panic attacks and anxiety.  

Edited by Bronzedog
  • Love 9

So Xanax is a sedative taken for anxiety, panic attacks and anti-depressant. You are not suppose to drink alcohol with it. This might explain why Rinna went so wild and violently smashed her wine glass on the table at the dinner where Kim said something about Harry. 

I've taken something similar in the past so I'm not judging anyone who takes medication like this. 

  • Love 3

The problem with Kim is she needs to know the people who she should and shouldn't not be communicating with.   The minute she walked in she talked to: Lisa R,  Eden and Eileen.   Why?  They will only poke holes into her sobriety.   Like when she complained about her "bad knee". They don't have her best interest at all. 

BTW I forgot Kyle was looking really great at Dorit's party.   She needs to put more effort into her wardrobe,  at least for tonight,  she was rocking it. 

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I actually thought Dorit looked really pretty on WWHL.  

Kyle looked gorgeous in Mykonos.  It's funny because she's always been called boring/basic, but her stories about her childhood trump just about anyone else's backstory on any of these shows. 

Dorit is a shit stirrer, but I'll take her over boring Eileen any day of the week.

Eden's voice reminds me so much of Brandy's..it's very unnerving.

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So I have a cousin - he and his girlfriend were big partiers/drinkers in high school and right after; she got pregnant when they were 19 and he asked his mom to send him to a rehab, joined AA upon entering, and raised his son more or less as a single parent, with the unstable mom showing up once in a while.  He is still (20 years later) very involved in AA, sponsoring people, etc. The question one could ask is - was/is he an alcoholic, or was he a foolish teen who would have grown out of that behavior eventually if he hadn't had the kid?  To me it doesn't matter a bit at this point - being sober doesn't hurt anyone and he's raised a great young man, and both the son and the AA membership have brought a very worthwhile purpose to his life.

Of course my point in bringing it up is that I thought of him when Miss Eden was pointing out that she was always a functional alcoholic - was she, or was she just drinking too much for whatever reason for a while?  Like I said, sobriety doesn't hurt anyone, whatever reason they have for it, but I don't know what "expertise" she is bringing to the table here other than her claims of sobriety, which imply a  former addiction, and an "I've been there" type of knowledge.

1 hour ago, Mambo Queen said:

I have a bit of familiarity with the recovery world and 12-step programs, and what Eden keeps doing would be called "taking someone else's inventory" and is a big no-no. There's a popular AA slogan that says "Keep your own side of the street clean"...in other words, mind your own beeswax, ya shit stirrer. Also, xanax actually is a pretty big no-no for a lot of sober people, as it works on the body in a very similar way to alcohol. I also thought it was strange how she put "I don't drink" in air quotes...lotta red flags with that one.

Bingo!  She seems to know an awful lot about things she has no way of knowing, and is way too interested in things that are not her business.  IMO a "sober person" in the AA sense would not behave in this way.

But hey - at least she sounds like a fun date!  :)

I enjoyed Kyle and Erika's "girl bonding" in Mykonos, and also enjoyed Boy George's smarts in fleeing when the gossip started getting too heavy!  He at least knows how to remain a likable housewife :)

Edited by princelina
  • Love 24

So LR has a bag of pills - vitamins and supplements plus a couple of xanax and sleeping pills.  Dorit wants this to go someplace...  We'll see how this goes.

Kyle looked bored as hell in Greece.  Erika Jane thinks she's Cher or something.  Keep dreaming girl.

Eden thinks she's a board certified psychologist.   Keep dreaming girl.

Yeah Dorit, we know Boy George lives with you.  Nice performance but you're not all that.  And the shade to Erika Jane about the tshirt....I thought the tshirt was terrible but you don't do that to a guest in your home.  Both Dorit and her husband are just so full of themselves....

Porsha wanting a sleepover was adorable.

God.  Kim is back.  I just want her to go away.  I don't want to watch her.  I have no interest in enabling or her sobriety.  She's an entitled, egotistical  bitch, drunk or sober.  I don't care about her story. 

Kyle looked great this episode.  Loved that she didn't want to leave her kids for the birthday party. 

  • Love 20
53 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think Rinna wants to create a pill story.  She is so desperate for a storyline.

That was my thought - is she trolling the producers for a s/l? That bag of pills reveal was as subtle as Aviva throwing a leg onto the dinner table. And who puts all their vitamins etc together unlabeled in one plastic bag? With sleeping pills mixed in? Not buying it.

47 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Also, pretty interesting go-between with Lisa and Dorit, when Dorit  told LVP to "take the stick out of her ass"....LVP didn't like that (don't blame her) - wonder what will happen?

LVP was a bit more like her old self to me tonight. Between the look she gave Eden for breaking up with a guy for trying to finish a sentence and the stare she gave condescending PK she seemed as annoyed with this crew as I am. 

That party looked like torture. Any thoughts on Rinna's suit? The shorts were very cute on her. The Fashion Bug jacket not so much. 

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1 hour ago, racked said:

I love Boy George and the few minutes of him making jokes was wonderful! I also love PK and Lisa together - the dude grosses me out otherwise but he and vanderpump really are funny together. And Portia and Lisa having a sleepover sounds adorable. Lots of good fun this episode. 

Haha eden is either crazy or a more obvious shit stirrer than even Carlton the lesbian Wicca was. When Kim Richards is saying the stuff coming out of your mouth is "weird" you have a serious problem. 

and when kim richards is the only person in the conversation that's making sense, just what the hell is even happening. that's when you know it's time to shut your mouth. worry 'boutcha own self, eden.

(and I don't even LIKE kim richards.)

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Until I see a psychology degree from Eden, she can just take a seat with all her talk about Kim and Kyle.  She, who is a "sober" woman that pops Xanax, really has no business calling Kim or Kyle out on their behavior.  She is not an expert, a therapist, a counselor - hell - is she even an AA sponsor, for God's sake?  

Just for the record - I know there was a huge debate last week on the boards about "sober" and "sobriety", etc., but to me, just because you don't drink alcohol anymore, but are still popping pills, you are NOT a sober person.  

And, wasn't there a lot of hoopla and uproar over Kim, because she supposedly was not drinking, but she was taking pills?

I don't like Eden - I think she's trying too hard to make herself something that she's not.  

Also, pretty interesting go-between with Lisa and Dorit, when Dorit  told LVP to "take the stick out of her ass"....LVP didn't like that (don't blame her) - wonder what will happen?

Rinna is annoying and she, the keeper of the baggie of pills, really should not be blasting rumors about Kim all over the place.  Again, if I recall, didn't Kim also keep her "vitamins and other pills" in a similar zip-loc baggie?  

Kyle looked gorgeous in Mykonos - she was rocking that bathing suit!!  The landscape was gorgeous, but the rest of the reason we saw Mykonos was boring.  I loved the goofy look on Kyle's face when that guy climbed up to stand in front of her at the "concert".  

Erika Jayne is boring - she always looks bored, no emotion ever!  She's also not very talented.  Voice enhanced by auto-tune, no rhythm, no real dancing ability, no joy in what appears to be a vanity hobby.  I'm happy that she and Tom have been together 17 years, but, really - are they really together??  Does he ever go to see her perform?  We've seen her perform two (or three) times already, and he is never around.  Wouldn't a loving, supportive husband try to be where his wife is performing?  Or, maybe, he just needs to keep working to provide the monetary support she needs?  

I think that she has her own money from the show now, so maybe she's bankrolling this thing.  She points out that she hasn't been doing it for long.

I suspect she escalated it lately.

Edited by SFoster21
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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

Rinna is annoying and she, the keeper of the baggie of pills, really should not be blasting rumors about Kim all over the place.  Again, if I recall, didn't Kim also keep her "vitamins and other pills" in a similar zip-loc baggie?  

I believe Yo also kept her pills in baggies.  And put together baggies of pills for her children, too.

49 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

God.  Kim is back.  I just want her to go away.  I don't want to watch her.  I have no interest in enabling or her sobriety.  She's an entitled, egotistical  bitch, drunk or sober.  I don't care about her story. 


  • Love 5

Dorit is fascinating! The accent is whack but unlike some of the more depressing howives, her level of delusion is actually entertaining. I love that she behaves like the president of the Boy George fan club, like it's some huge surprise that he's performing at their home. She and PK act like stage parents making their kid tap dance to entertain a dinner party. The water damage cover is so absurd. Why is she telling everyone that and bringing more attention to the fifty foot room divider? She's the worst liar. Plus, wouldn't everyone notice that PK's permanent houseguest/bfffffff is missing from the party? That couldn't possibly be a real party. It was a little pathetic. I've seen 2 year olds get bigger celebrations in BH. But fun to watch!

I think Dorit is very lucky that Eden is so unbearable. At this point it's probably safe to say she won't be the worst newcomer this year. I just get flashes of Brandi Lite from her. I almost laughed out loud when she told her breakup story. Sounds like neither party was too invested, probably a second date. I hate her house. The unfinished wood looks like a work in progress cabin renovation. Not defending Kim or anything, but she should probably reserve judgment until she gets her own shit together. I'm skeptical of her sobriety if she doesn't "drink" but is cool with everything else. Also, not sure how she can identify as a sober woman when she continues to be such a pill.

Kyle's yellow outfit was horrendous but I thought she looked stunning the episode. The little sideswept clip worked wonders for her. I swear she looked ten years younger at Erika's show and that cutout suit was gorgeous. Erike Jayne paled in comparison with her Snookie inspired wardrobe. And the face she made when that shirtless dude climbed up the railing!!!! She's fun and it's really nice to see her enjoying life this season.

Side note, Rinna must have taken a whole ziplock baggie of pills before she picked out that white and gold short pantsuit ensemble. Yikes!

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Mambo Queen said:

I have a bit of familiarity with the recovery world and 12-step programs, and what Eden keeps doing would be called "taking someone else's inventory" and is a big no-no. There's a popular AA slogan that says "Keep your own side of the street clean"...in other words, mind your own beeswax, ya shit stirrer. Also, xanax actually is a pretty big no-no for a lot of sober people, as it works on the body in a very similar way to alcohol. I also thought it was strange how she put "I don't drink" in air quotes...lotta red flags with that one.

Nothing about Eden's recovery story makes any sense.  Sounds like she was lonely and went look for an accepting group of people.  Eden forms unnatural attachments to people pretty quickly and sure seems to get pushed out of shape when people don't respond to her special brand of invasive crazy. 

Eden's arrogance is only surpassed by her ignorance.  Her comment about Kyle being an enabler and using the example of how Kim talked at the table on Game Night was a head scratcher.  Eden seems to not be playing the game well.  Instead of showing her ass to LVP she should have burned Rinna as the source for the enabler comment.  Then she could have gotten the manipulation storyline rolling again.

They showed a preview of Eden at Kyle's party next week on WWHL.  Eden gets to meet the Richards' Sisters Tag Team up close and personal. 


Hell freezes over when Kim actually defends Kyle against Eden's claims that Kyle is an enabler. 

It sounds to me like Eden won't be making the travel squad this season.

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4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Eden's arrogance is only surpassed by her ignorance.  Her comment about Kyle being an enabler and using the example of how Kim talked at the table on Game Night was a head scratcher.  Eden seems to not be playing the game well.

You would think Eden would get a clue since every time she opens her mouth the person she's talking to ends up with a WTF?! look on their face.  I wonder what she thinks of the way she's being edited when she watches the show.  They're really painting her as a looney toons if you ask me.  And I'm going to be really petty now and say that for being Vidal Sassoon's daughter, her hair is really unimpressive.

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49 minutes ago, swankie said:

Erika has already said that she didn't originate pat the puss.  She told it to Andy on WWHL after her performance on the show.


Missed that but don't hang on every word these broads say. Rarely do I watch WWHL. 

Of all movie to steal pieces from. Oh yeah Erika you are class act. That place didn't hold 30,000 people, it was a small theater. 

Know people from country clubs who knew Kyle's mother and her antics. They describe a whole different person than who Kyle describes. I remember hearing ruthless, classless drunk, who would bill her drinks to other people at the club.  

Be interesting how Kyle spins her childhood scripted show. If she tells the truth, it will be fascinating. Not counting on that to happen though. 

Edited by This2getsold
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