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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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And every season of every show, comes the time when my brain automatically chimes in with: "His/Her mother must be SO proud...."  

I'm expecting many more instances to come up here, this was just the first one for this show, this season.  *LOL*

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My god you guys.  Instagram is supposed to be catfished photos selling me non FDA approved tea and makeup.  Baby Beckah is not only trying to become Rose McGowan, her detractors are accusing her of sticking a cucumber in a dog’s butt at a picnic.

what the fuck.  I need to be grounded. 

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On 8/24/2018 at 6:06 AM, Armchair Critic said:

Where was this Jordan in Paradise? Yowza! I always assumed he is trolling us




This is what I've always thought about Jordan. He's a photographer's dream, because he looks good in photos. But as soon as he starts talking, all that attractiveness is gone.

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

He's a photographer's dream, because he looks good in photos. But as soon as he starts talking, all that attractiveness is gone.

Most celebrities are attractive until they start talking, the fantasy is usually better. 

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Yeah, I'm not the least bit offensed about Leo attacking Ick and Dean.  Neither is relevant anymore, and I can't think of 2 more deserving of insults and censure.  They should add mini-Alex from JoJo's season and Lee from Rachel's season to that list.  

Edited by leighdear
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9 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Has Bekah weighed in any further on Leo? She's got to be feeling smug now that he showed his ass on TV. 

She has been mocking him on social media.  My personal fave: 

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11 hours ago, fib said:

She has been mocking him on social media.  My personal fave: 

Oh, this suddenly makes a lot more sense. I’m assuming Paradise had already filmed and she knew about how he treated Kendall and maybe that’s why she took it upon herself to start amassing evidence of what a creeper he is? Or, I suppose it’s possible she didn’t know about Kendall and just watching on TV in current time of Kendall and Leo in past actions.

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While I think Colton is traditionally very attractive and one of the few guys I find attractive physically (Joe is beautiful and I find Eric very attractive) Colton is just not attractive once he opens his mouth. I know he is 26 but he just seems so young and inexperienced and. He has no idea what he wants! Other than it isn't Tia. If I was dating a guy in real life and after getting to know him I found out he was a virgin it wouldnt bother me. But I wouldnt actively pursue a guy I knew ahead of time was a virgin. Colton just doesn't seem to have a lot to offer a woman. I don't remember what his occupation is, he doesnt seem overly witty or fun or bright. Just seems like a harmless overly emotional possibly stunted person who acts younger than his years. However I'm not a fan of Blake or Jason either lol. I feel like they need new blood. A guy who is an actual catch. Not some reality show reject. 

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My only issue with Colton is that he is inarticulate.  The lead needs to narrate, and he just cant. We will be stuck with  Chris Soules part 2 with Colton. 

Im anti Ben Higgins too, fwiw, because while his ability to narrate was better, he has become too slick.  He wont say anything interesting.  If they give him a second season, it wont have the rawness that makes this show compelling. 

Edited by fib
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10 hours ago, fib said:

Im anti Ben Higgins too, fwiw, because while his ability to narrate was better, he has become too slick.  He wont say anything interesting.  If they give him a second season, it wont have the rawness that makes this show compelling. 

That is the trouble with repeaters. They know how the game is played and all the spontaneity is gone. They are too savvy. Ben was already close to that. A second go round, he would be even worse. 

Colton, I think, would be much more "honest" (you know, as much as these fame whores can be) in his reactions and comments. He wouldn't be as slick, but he does come across as a bit dim. 

Really, TIIC have no good choices. Jason comes across like Ben in his first season. He'll be slick. He knows what the producers want and is willing to play the game. So he's actually probably their best choice. I won't watch, but it will be a successful season of the same old thing. I actually think Colton could turn out to be a glorious trainwreck because he's too dim to play the game and will make a mess of things. That could be fun to me.

At this point it's more interesting to me the process of picking the lead than who the lead will be. Do they go with Jason who is basically old news, since he's not been mentioned much since Becca's season ended oh those many weeks ago. Or Colton who they seem to be trying to keep in the spotlight. Are they focusing so much on Colton to get us to like him or to give us the "most shocking announcement ever" when they announce someone other than him as Bachelor. lol You know they love to think they're shocking us. 

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3 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

I really liked Clay on Becca's season. He seemed like such a sweet guy. I don't remember Angela from Nick V's season at all but I think it was mentioned she went home the first night. How could Nick let such a gorgeous gal go home on night 1?  Anyway, these 2 look great together and I wish them much happiness!

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Amanda “Baby Dragon” Staunton was arrested over the weekend for domestic violence charges after allegedly assaulting her volleyball player boyfriend during a bachelorette party in a hotel room.  

This tiny woman is a huge mess. 

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51 minutes ago, Irritable said:

Amanda “Baby Dragon” Staunton was arrested over the weekend for domestic violence charges after allegedly assaulting her volleyball player boyfriend during a bachelorette party in a hotel room.  

This tiny woman is a huge mess. 

Has this woman ever considered maybe taking a short break from men and just raising her daughters for a while?  Ya know, like a responsible adult would do? 

What a loser she's become.  

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jordan blindsided by Jenna's affair


Just one day ago, Jordan Kimball was excitedly planning a wedding to his fiancée, Jenna Cooper. The date was set, the venue was chosen and he was looking into catering options.

Then Kimball was blindsided Tuesday morning when a story on blog Reality Steve emerged alleging Cooper was also in a relationship with another man. The story included graphic text messages that were allegedly between Cooper and the unidentified man.

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

I realize these people are all awful, but it still confuses me that Jenna is some Keyser Soze-level criminal mastermind in all this. Able to fool Jordan and us with this ditzy blonde girl routine who’s scared to fall in love, while apparently running multiple scams on guys. 

Her IG is hilarious. Depending on the time stamp it’s half, “You and Jordan’s are so adorable! You’re my favourite people! You’re so gorgeous!” And half, “You’re the shittiest person alive. You should be ashamed of yourself. What an asshole”. 

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I believe Jordan, in this wasn't some sort of publicity stunt.  There is simply no upside whatsoever for either of them past some vague name recognition down the road, pity and censure for Jenna. 

Sadly, she needed no Machiavellian brilliance in planning & execution, she just needed to be a good liar, a competent actress and a have a gullible and not-too-bright mark.  Enter Jordan. 

Few people think twice about broken engagements among the Reality Show set, so she could have just cruised along, probably up til the rehearsal dinner, then ditched him and "followed her heart".  

Her plan wasn't genius or terribly complicated.  She just didn't think she'd get caught.  Idiot. 

Edited by leighdear
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If Jordan was in on this, then Jenna would be running to People, EW, ET online, etc with proof.  That fact that she hasn't makes me believe him too, that he was blindsided and that she is a complete and utter moron to think that getting engaged and continuing that engagement that was soon to be public all the while being with another man was a good idea for her "brand".  She's tarnished now and no one with the Bachelor/ette family is going to want anything to do with her.  She can kiss those Instagram shilling posts good bye too.

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If it turns out Jordan was in on it all along -    What a hilarious scam on the whole Bachelor  franchise!  

And since it would be so fitting with his pre-paradise personality, I kind of hope he WAS in on it. 


In other news:  

Amanda Stanton arrested for domestic violence


The 28-year-old was in town to celebrate a friend’s bachelorette party with her boyfriend, Bobby Jacobs. Hotel security staff responded to a noise complaint in the hotel room and witnessed Stanton shove Jacobs, so they called the police. 

Edited by backformore
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14 hours ago, Irritable said:

Amanda “Baby Dragon” Staunton was arrested over the weekend for domestic violence charges after allegedly assaulting her volleyball player boyfriend during a bachelorette party in a hotel room.  

This tiny woman is a huge mess. 

Amanda is just trash.  She's dumber than a box of hair and I so into chasing men, her poor daughters have suffered.  What's this Baby Dragon?  Never heard that...

She needs to find her self worth. 

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It's ironic that the older Amanda gets, the more she actually behaves like the stereotypical "Teen Mom" that Olivia casually referred to her as, back on Ben's season. 

All the other girls were just SO aghast that anybody could possibly see Amanda that way, immature and not concerned with her children.  Wonder how they would defend her now.   Idiots. 

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Baby Dragon is a nickname for Amanda that I saw here and thought was brilliant! It’s to do with the shape of her face and the way her nostrils flare...it’s easy to picture her with scales, hatching out of a dragon egg, making a little squeaky attempt at a roar, and shooting little puffs of smoke out of her nostrils.

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Just read that Baby Bekah is pregnant, and that's why she opted out of Bachelor in Paradise. Anyone know if it's been confirmed?

I have a lot of disdain for Jordan and his whole male model persona, but I will admit that his decision to break it off with Jenna, and the honest way he is dealing with it, is impressive. As of yet he won't even say anything negative about her, just that he has to find his happiness.

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I would love it if they would drop boring Colton and make Jordan the next Bachelor.  We saw how nicely he broke up with Annaliese, and how sweet he was with Jenna after he flipped for her -- both good qualities for a Bachelor lead.  Jordan would be funny and enthusiastic about the women.  "Male model," is hardly an impressive occupation, to me at least, but neither is "Failed Football Player."

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20 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I would love it if they would drop boring Colton and make Jordan the next Bachelor.  We saw how nicely he broke up with Annaliese, and how sweet he was with Jenna after he flipped for her -- both good qualities for a Bachelor lead.  Jordan would be funny and enthusiastic about the women.  "Male model," is hardly an impressive occupation, to me at least, but neither is "Failed Football Player."

I’ll take it.  I don’t hate Colton, but he’s so damn low energy.  SMH.  Low energy Colton.

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Jenna is now Tweeting and denying the allegations of her faking everything & stating she's got a lawyer looking into things.  She's the wronged party and very upset everybody considers her a lying, cheating money-grubbing whore.  It's on Reality Steve's Twitter feed. 

Whatevs.  Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, honey,

Edited by leighdear
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21 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I would love it if they would drop boring Colton and make Jordan the next Bachelor.  We saw how nicely he broke up with Annaliese, and how sweet he was with Jenna after he flipped for her -- both good qualities for a Bachelor lead.  Jordan would be funny and enthusiastic about the women.  "Male model," is hardly an impressive occupation, to me at least, but neither is "Failed Football Player."

Let’s not go overboard.  Don’t forget Jordan throws temper tantrums and acts like a five-year-old. His understanding of love is even more simpleminded than Ashley’s Disney fantasies. I’ll admit I found him amusing on BIP, but he’s too immature and stupid to be the lead and main focus of the show. And I don’t believe he could fake attraction for anyone, so the first night he’ll send 22/25 girls home then want to show off his modeling moves to the other three girls for the rest of the season. 

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2 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Let’s not go overboard.  Don’t forget Jordan throws temper tantrums and acts like a five-year-old. His understanding of love is even more simpleminded than Ashley’s Disney fantasies. I’ll admit I found him amusing on BIP, but he’s too immature and stupid to be the lead and main focus of the show. And I don’t believe he could fake attraction for anyone, so the first night he’ll send 22/25 girls home then want to show off his modeling moves to the other three girls for the rest of the season. 

Yeah, but the redemption story as to how Jordan was so taken in by the Jenna world scenario would make for much better ratings than Colton.  Much better.  The only thing stopping this from happening is Jordan agreeing to do it with his heart having been broken.  And I seriously believe he was wronged.

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2 minutes ago, b2H said:

Yeah, but the redemption story as to how Jordan was so taken in by the Jenna world scenario would make for much better ratings than Colton.  Much better.  The only thing stopping this from happening is Jordan agreeing to do it with his heart having been broken.  And I seriously believe he was wronged.

I don’t disagree with your assessment, just that being the Bachelor isn’t the solution. And I think people would forget he was wronged and turn on him pretty quickly once he started acting aggressive and confrontational and mean toward the women. I don’t watch the Bachelorette, but from what I heard the ratings were really bad and nobody who watched liked her. And we watched how Arie treated her on national tv. People have very short-term memories for this stuff. 

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