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S01.E09: The Trip

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Kate, Kevin and Randall head to their family's cabin to get away after their chaotic family Thanksgiving. A very angry Randall finds comfort and explanation from his father, Jack. Olivia speaks a harsh truth to Kate, which drives a wedge between Kate and Kevin. Rebecca and Jack struggle with what to do when 9-year-old Randall tells them that he's been looking for his birth parents.


Kate needs to go grab Jami Gertz and Beth, then go knock the shit out of those pretentious douche canoe's Olivia and man-bun.  Actually, I'm sure AT&T would gladly join in on the beatdown.  At least Kevin called the douches out.

That said, I hated that she kept waiting for a text from Toby and called him.  He is a douche; Kate needs to move on.

I was very dissapointed with how Milo & Sterling were opposite each other, and the acting by the 1988 William actor.  However, The Big Three together exceeded my very high expectations.

Yvette was much better than her previous appearances.  I wonder if Bathe is pregnant in real life given that coat they had Yvette in.

I think Rebecca's concerns were valid, especially the lack of a paper trail.  

Nice to see shirtless Milo, but there is no way a married father of three would be buff and hairless in 1988.  Still, Milo does have an amazing body.  Damn.

  • Love 7

Poor William. It broke my heart to see him get that letter from Rebecca and tuck it away. 

Jack of course was awesome but I don't want him to be a Gary Stu either.

Rebecca you done fucked up, I understand why but you're only human and I hope Randall forgives her.

Olivia was correct about Kate, but she has her own shit she needs to own. Glad Kevin called her out.

Love little Randall I want to just hug him.

Want to add was that Lily from the At&T ads as the screenwriter? Had to laugh that she was looking for a signal . 

Edited by callmebetty
  • Love 14

I enjoyed seeing the Big Three interact together tonight. I wish that Olivia and her friends hadn't shown up and cut in on their family time. I liked seeing Kate be protective of her brothers.  I also liked Kevin expressing concern for his siblings.

Olivia came across as snobby in the cabin and I can see why she rubbed Kate the wrong way. They both could have been nicer to each other but I thought how they analyzed each other was interesting. And I liked seeing Kevin call Olivia out for her behavior. 

I hope that Kate does move out east to get support from her brothers while she pursues her surgery. They all need each other.

I'm also enjoying the actor playing the younger William. He seemed so excited to get a chance to meet Randall but that ended up scaring Rebecca away.

  • Love 18

Oh great episode...and that scene showing the Mom's struggles hit way too close....as I know my Mom went through hell and back as single parent to raise me..and rarely showed the strain...

Only one episode left for this year?????

Not a whole lot of the three of them together as I had hoped but I think this was Randall's episode to work through his issues...and I could tell that Kate worried about him...

I really wanted Kate to through Kevin's friends out at the outset..as it wasn't just their day but Randall's struggle was real and strangers watching wouldn't help....

Of course, that was the contrivance to get Randall to see Jack....

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Kevin read Olivia for filth!  And I was here for it. 


I cried like 3 or 4 times this episode.  Oh the fourth time was just reading Milo V.'s livetweets of the damn thing.  Take me away!!!  (I'm speaking to the show.  It takes me away every week.  I actually turn off social media except for Milo through the whole thing.)

I cried at everything Young William did.  Oh my god he killed me dead.


I want Jack to be my dad.

And I want Milo to be my Daddy!!!

Kevin was really beautifully lit this episode, I begrudgingly admit.  He's getting a lot more likeable.  I already liked Kate so liking her even more is an easy transition.  No Miguel today!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 14

Got distracted by family strife and I missed most of it so I'll have more when I can rewatch in peace but for now a few quick thoughts:

The casting for young William is spot on.  Kudos to the casting people once again!

Bye Olivia.  Seriously, slag off.  

I'll be the one that paused the screen at Kate's phone and noticed it said MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 and nitpick that should have been changed considering they just passed Thanksgiving.

  • Love 10

Although I haven't seen last week's episode yet (blame Thanksgiving!) I didn't want to miss this week's or the discussion.

I don't blame Kate for being annoyed with the extra visitors.  It's their last time at the cabin, why would they want anyone else there?  Bad move, Kevin. 

"That's our cue to leave."  You bet it is.  Bye, Olivia.  I'm guessing she and Kevin really had a moment last week, but I was forever side-eyeing her after the funeral stint, and after what she did to Sloane, I was officially over Olivia.  She might tell it like it is, but she's also a nasty person who can't really empathize for others.  I hope she and Kevin don't get back together.  

Funny enough, I was hoping Kevin would drive Sloane to see her newborn niece, and they might get to talking.  Sloane seems a bit young for him, though.  

Poor Randall, high on mushrooms and still depressed.  I thought the list felt a bit contrived (not the reasoning behind it, just the list itself) but I was glad he didn't up and embrace Rebecca in the end.  He's not gonna tear her to shreds, but he won't pretend everything is a-ok, either.  Nor should he.  

That martial arts dojo scene was everything.  It was amazing, seeing the men lined up to "support" Randall.  Wonder if he's still friends with any of his dojo buddies.

William got me dangerously close to crying myself.  Seeing him excitedly getting things ready in case Randall should visit, then him sobbing over Rebecca's letter...that was rough.  

Here's hoping the big 3 hang out more next week.  Even in the cabin, they were scattered.

  • Love 18

Jack's great, even as hallucination Jack from Randall's perspective. I loved seeing Sterling and Milo act against each other. Taking into account that this is how Randall sees Jack, it said a lot about their relationship. Their martial arts dojo scenes really resonated, as it showed a little bit of Jack's own fears about losing Randall. I also liked that vision Jack said that he wasn't even perfect, so that might foreshadow Jack's slip ups as a parent. 

Man, Olivia's the worst. I wish I could believe that her and Kevin are done, but they're not. I did say "oh DAMN" when Kevin called her out. It clearly hit a nerve with her, but...I mean, I could only feel a bit sorry for her, as she did go after Kate. She also came to the cabin with an ex and Sloane, someone who she's also hurt before. She's just a very nasty person who will need years of her own therapy to get over her issues. She has too many to be around Kevin, who has issues of his own to deal with and Olivia can't help. 

Big Three! I was so glad to see them together. Ok, Randall was staring at a wall and a ladder for most of it, but Kevin/Kate were reunited! And they could have had great moments before Olivia and her posse came. 

So, Randall's on his way to forgiveness, but I'm glad he hasn't forgiven her yet. I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't forgive her for a while. I will say that Randall's realization through the vision of Rebecca trapped in the cabin was terrifying and well done. I can understand why it softened him up. I feel bad for Rebecca as well, who was clearly terrified of so many things. It doesn't excuse her lies, but it does make me sympathetic. 

William's scenes in the past were so good. His enthusiasm and then his utter sadness was so worth it. 

I'm not surprised Kate caved and called Toby. It'll be an adjustment if they stay broken up. He's also right in hanging up on her. 

I am definitely going to be rewatching this episode. 

  • Love 18

I loved Kevin reading Olivia and Man Bun and I hope that's the last of them. Olivia is an unnecessary caricature. She added nothing.

No "dad bod" on Milo, that's for sure. (And I maintain that his body is an anachronism. Not that I mind.)

Still working through the Randall scenes. I think Randall is starting to see the situation as more nuanced, but is still rightfully very hurt. In his shoes I don't think I'd be talking about "see you at Christmas." 

I don't like Toby but good for him for having some self-respect.

  • Love 15

Finally The Big Three are together. Aside from Kate checking her phone to see Toby text back and calling him, (You broke up with him! Move on!), I was totally on Kate’s side throughout the episode. I wanted Kate to punch Kevin for inviting Olivia and crew over. The visit to the cabin was about the big three but Kevin once again had to make it about himself and be the star. So glad he finally saw Olivia for who she is. I really hope this is the last we see of her but I doubt it since they have to work on the play. It’s unfortunate Sloane has to stay on Olivia’s good side, otherwise it would’ve been perfect if she called the police and say her car was stolen.

I felt bad for William. He lit up at the possibility of seeing his son and spending time with him. William knew he was in no position to get custody of Randall and it doesn’t seem he wanted that. All he wanted was to get to know his son and Rebecca couldn’t as Jack said suck up their own feelings and allow Randall to fill the void he has by meeting his biological father. I didn’t really care for Randall and Jack’s talk especially towards the end. To an extent I understand why Rebecca didn’t tell Randall but when Randall turned 18 or graduated from college, she should’ve told him.

I remember Magic Eye!!

  • Love 6

Kate was the real MVP. Despite her own issues with her mother, she wanted Randall to forgive her. And I bet that Olivia is not Kevin's first girlfriend she had to deal with. I am living for her hatred of Olivia. 

Young William's exuberance over seeing Randall is reminiscent of Randall's joy over Thanksgiving.

The pushup scene was soooo well done.

Edited by memememe76
  • Love 18

Eh, I bought in to Kate calling Toby.  Yes, she is the one who broke it off, but it's a new wound.  There's phantom pain.  Typical, in such moments (seeing something that would make your ex laugh; getting hit in a vulnerable spot), to want to reach back for That One -- even if he was the wrong one.

Randall's cry of, "Mom!" when he saw her running scared -- why, that just gutted me.

  • Love 13
31 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


So, Randall's on his way to forgiveness, but I'm glad he hasn't forgiven her yet. I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't forgive her for a while. I will say that Randall's realization through the vision of Rebecca trapped in the cabin was terrifying and well done. I can understand why it softened him up. I feel bad for Rebecca as well, who was clearly terrified of so many things. It doesn't excuse her lies, but it does make me sympathetic. 


I think it was too soon for the forgiveness at the end. It felt forced and might have worked better with the fall finale. I hope there is a talk between Randall and Rebecca. Maybe Rebecca can explain why she carried that lie by herself. Why didn't she trust herself to tell Jack the truth? I think he would've eased her fears.

  • Love 4

It may be an unpopular opinion, but I was put off by Randall's intense anger at his mother. Kind of a spoiled brat reaction, it seemed to me. The whole thing about telling his wife that he didn't have a Beth or William list. Oh poor Randall, everyone conspires against him, that's why his life is so bad. 

I would understand disappointment, and shock, and some anger. To me he came across as entitled, I hope he gains some empathy in the future. 

Not that I agree completely with Rebecca's choices, but I do understand her fear of losing another child. I thought that hallucination Jack did well in revealing Rebecca's inner turmoil and fear at losing her family. 

Edited by cardigirl
  • Love 14

I was surprised when Randall said to hallucination Jack that he (Randall) was just the replacement for Jack's dead son.  I'm glad we got the answer to the question of whether or not "the twins" know that they were originally triplets.  

As a fan of 80s music, I loved seeing the tree where the big three had carved their names--with Jack's pocket knife, still hanging there--also had a carving that said, "B-52s Rock."  So Kate Pearson/Kate Pierson isn't just a coincidence!  Someone in the writers' room, or perhaps the show runner, is a B-52s fan!

  • Love 10

Gosh, I was so mad that they didn't start the episode with going back to the Thanksgiving dinner and Kate announcing that she was going to have bypass surgery, it was hard to concentrate.  I wanted to see everyone's reaction.  I wanted to see Rebecca's reaction to seeing Kate.  I wanted to see how that evening ended.  Did Rebecca and Miguel just leave?  I wanted to see it all.  But instead it was skipped.  Very disappointing.

Just an FYI, Kevin only invited Olivia.  Olivia brought the other two.  He shouldn't have invited Olivia in the first place but the other two were just as much as surprise to him as it was for Kate and Randall.

Seeing William having a glimmer of hope of seeing his son was heartbreaking.  I get that Rebecca did not wanat Randall to have a relationship with his biological father as a child....but she should have told him when he became an adult.  She also should have told Jack. 

Seeing Jack do the push ups with Randall on his back was all sorts of unconditional love.  What a moment. 

Is it me or did it look like Kate had some sort of padding on when she and Kevin were sitting on that tree stump outside toward the end?  Maybe I'm wrong but it looked so unnatural.  It just didn't look right. 

I did really like the closeness that Kate shows with both her brothers...and it looks like Kate is moving East.  Yay.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 12
26 minutes ago, Jx223 said:

I had noticed that the younger William put the picture of Randall and letter inside of a book titled "Poems for my Son". It looked like he had typed up/put the book together himself. I hope he gives Randall those poems before he dies.

Oh for goodness sakes don't make me cry again.

It's funny how Rebecca calls William a drug addict - and it's technically true, like being an alcoholic? - but the truth is that he was clean for at least 5 years?  Was he just permanently clean after that?  I wonder.  Was William a drug addict when Randall was born and then a few years later he permanently cleaned up?

I guess the point (again I wonder) is that we're supposed to be clear that Rebecca does not keep William away for his personal failings, but rather simply because "the kid is mine now, I'm not risking losing him - no matter who it is I could lose him to."  And I guess that's why we hear Rebecca say "What if they're GREAT?!" meaning Randall's bio parents.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Oh for goodness sakes don't make me cry again.

It's funny how some viewers and Rebecca label William a drug addict - and it's technically true, like being an alcoholic? - but the truth is that he was clean for at least 5 years?  Was he just permanently clean after that?  I wonder.

I was afraid we were going to see a relapse as a result of Rebecca's letter. I'm glad we didn't.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

Holy God, Dad Jack doing push ups with Randall on his back while getting a motivational "we are all each other's support" speech was just everything!

I don't even want kids and I want Jack to be my baby Daddy. That scene was so awesome.

Even dead Jack is the perfect father with just the right advice. 

I laughed so hard at the scene where the guy says "who drank my smoothie with mushrooms" followed by a close up vision of Randall wide-eyed and clearly stoned. 

Glad to see Kevin tell off Olivia (and true to character hooks up with the pretty girl who got left behind).

The scene where William gets the letter after getting so excited that he may see his son made me about cry. 

This show just stomps on your heart each week breaking it to pieces and then putting it back together again. Seriously the best written show ever.

On the shallow end, shirtless Milo V is quite the yummy vision. 

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Gosh, I was so mad that they didn't start the episode with going back to the Thanksgiving dinner and Kate announcing that she was going to have bypass surgery, it was hard to concentrate.  I wanted to see everyone's reaction.  I wanted to see Rebecca's reaction to seeing Kate.  I wanted to see how that evening ended.  Did Rebecca and Miguel just leave?  I wanted to see it all.  But instead it was skipped.  Very disappointing.



They keep taking the drama out of dramatic moments. Or ending them  way too soon.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

We haven't seen anything about Rebecca's reaction yet.  She hasn't been allowed to finish a sentence yet. You would think someone would ask her why instead of just talking about how crazy she was.

I didn't love William's explanation that he was just abiding by her wishes - no explanation to Randall that for the first four years (at least since I still don't believe that he has been completely clean ever since) of Randall's life he was still using drugs and wouldn't have been able to be a parent.

I am tired of everything feeling like it's all the mom's fault.  She needs to catch a break at some point.

I didn't see it when Randall was a child either. It was all about her and her feelings. Randall came to her with a small peace offering and she thought that meant all was forgiven. I also think it's smart of Randall to not talk to her right now when he's still so angry. If he did, it could fracture their relationship permanently.  This way, he can work to understandings and forgiveness.  He's grieving, basically. 

I do understand her fears, I truly do. I also think she thinks she was doing the right thing. I agree she was when Randall was a child. But not once he turned 18.

I think that it was implied that Randall meant once you were clean. William was correct in respecting Rebecca's wishes. 

I don't think everything is her fault but in this instance, she is the one responsible. 

  • Love 13

Oh man, the initiation scene at the dojo was so beautiful and uplifting -- even as William reading Rebecca's letter was just heart-wrenching. What a tightrope of emotion.

But honestly, Randall saying his piece and walking away, with his brother and sister waiting for him outside of the car in a show of support -- that little moment was everything for me. Big Three FTW!

I just really love this show. (And to think I wasn't even planning to watch it -- I just wanted to see what the so-called "twist" in the pilot was!)

  • Love 24

This show continues to surprise me.  For example, I was convinced that there was no way I could dislike Olivia any more than I did after last week's episode and then this week happened.  What a horrendous woman.  I said last week that I wish she was gone.  Now I'm at the point where I wish she would stay so bad things would happen to her.  And you know what really tipped me over the edge?  It wasn't how she treated Kate or Kevin or the flaunting of Asher.  It was the fact that she hijacked Sloane's car when Sloane desperately wanted to be there when her niece was born (and then stole her car!)  I will also admit that, at that moment, I totally shipped Sloane and Kevin (and was delighted when that came to fruition, although I really hope they aren't heading to love triangle land with it).

Okay, I got that off my chest.  Here's the thing...I've enjoyed this show so far this season, but this is the episode that got me all in.  This is now the show that I make every effort to actually watch live (I haven't had a show I enjoyed that much in over a year, so that's saying something).  No show is perfect, but I do feel that this show has far, far fewer flaws than anything else I watch.  That last scene with Randall confronting Rebecca and Kate and Kevin (and Sloane) waiting for him was just superb.

Other things I noticed.  It really did look to me in this week's episode that Kate/Chrissy Metz has lost weight.  That being said, I do get a lot of her anxiety--and Kevin's--around possibly having gastric surgery.  I don't know if it will come to fruition, and I have no feelings as to which way I want it to go, but I do appreciate that this show is not portraying it as a quick fix/magic pill.

It does sound like Kate may be heading east, and I'm not sure what I think of that.  On the one hand, Kevin going without her gave her the opportunity to do things on her own, such as finding a job she seems to enjoy.  However, it quickly became clear that she transferred her dependence on Kevin to a dependence on Toby, and that was not good.  I feel like, if she stays in LA it will be all about her and Toby.  If she goes to NY, it will be all about her and Kevin (and possibly, but probably not Randall).  I guess the latter would be a healthier situation--Kevin may be self-absorbed, but his feelings towards Kate are not selfish, as Toby's seem to be.  It will be interesting to see where the show goes with this.

Oh, and as successful as Randall's shroom trip went, I hope TPTB realize that they have played their one drug trip card dealt to them.  That works once--I don't want to see it again.

  • Love 14

While this is one of my favorite new shows because it makes me feel just so happy every week, it's never made me cry. Well, they got me tonight when Randall told his mom that it must have been lonely to keep that secret, and MM burst into tears. So did I. It was a nice small piece of forgiveness even though he was justifiably angry. 

I also loved that Randall had a numbered 22 point list of reasons why he was angry that he wanted to read to Rebecca. That's such a Randall thing to do. 

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, stonehaven said:

Only one episode left for this year?????


Just for 2016.  It should be back, probably mid-January.

2 hours ago, voiceover said:

Eh, I bought in to Kate calling Toby.  Yes, she is the one who broke it off, but it's a new wound.  There's phantom pain.  Typical, in such moments (seeing something that would make your ex laugh; getting hit in a vulnerable spot), to want to reach back for That One -- even if he was the wrong one.


I did too...not that I thought she should do it, but because--given what has been shown of Kate so far--it is completely within character. It also makes me believe even more that Kate has *no* friends in LA besides Toby now that Kevin is on the East Coast.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I also loved that Randall had a numbered 22 point list of reasons why he was angry that he wanted to read to Rebecca. That's such a Randall thing to do. 

I was disappointed that he didn't, and he took the list with him instead of leaving it with her.  I can't imagine how crushed he must be at thinking of all the lost opportunity to know his father and, and how he was cheated out of knowing that he was wanted and didn't have to be perfect in order to keep his place in the family.  And he never would have known his father had he not chosen to hire a PI when he did - it could have been too late had he waited a year and William had already died. 

Rebecca couldn't bond with Kyle/Randall, Rebecca seeks out his father, Rebecca insists on secrecy, Rebecca lies to Randall and Jack because she afraid of losing another child, Rebecca goes back to William and tells him Randall wants to know his father and then runs away and sends William a buh-bye letter becasue she can't handle Randall knowing his father, Rebecca never, ever tells Randall the truth and had no plans to even now...it's all about what Rebecca wanted and needed, and not so much about anyone else.  Randall may only need a month away from her to start forgiving, but I'm going to need longer than that.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 20

A very good episode.  Yay for Milana Vayntrub,  the AT&T girl as Sloan.  You knew that she and Kevin were going there.  Kudos to Toby for having the guts to cut the cord with Kate.  Had to be done.  The actor who played the younger William was a natural fit.   Maybe it was Comcast tonight but the show looked softly focused and had a sedate color palette. It looked that on my plasma and LCD TVs.  

Edited by cali1981
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Jx223 said:

I had noticed that the younger William put the picture of Randall and letter inside of a book titled "Poems for my Son". It looked like he had typed up/put the book together himself. I hope he gives Randall those poems before he dies.

I noticed that it said "William Hill" but I didn't even make the connection.  What a gut punch. I officially hate Rebecca. 

  • Love 5

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