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S05.E02: What Went Down

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Lisa organizes a dog charity event with the help of the SUR staff and Katie on board as her assistant. Brittany threatens to leave Jax for spreading rumors of her, and James embarks on an "Apology Tour" for the horrible things he said to Scheana and Katie. Tom Schwartz asks for a pre-nuptial agreement.

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At first I was thinking $18k?!, but I looked at their site and everything's included from flowers to food to cake to DJ, etc. Well, at least for their "best" wedding package, not sure about what Katie & Tom got.

I laughed when Katie enumerated Tom's possessions including Ninja turtles and sweatpants.

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1 hour ago, Sai said:

I'm probably the only one but I totally believe Jax.

I do, too. I just wrote in the episode 1 thread that I think the big twist will be that he FINALLY tells the truth for the first time ever but of course no one will believe him...until the season finale when the truth is revealed, as per VDPR statute 1.3.4-6. Kristin is usually very good at lying, too, but she didn't seem to invested in this cover-up, so she just might admit it mid-season. Plus, if it were a lie, why would Brittany not immediately leave? Oh, wait, I forgot she sold her soul to get on the show and now she needs to play out an extended, dramatic break-up on TV. Good luck, Britt; you have no chance of rivaling the Stassi break-up and you probably won't beat Laura Leigh, either, but you'll top Carmen and that Vegas promoter.

Eh, this episode was a little slow after last week's. you know there's not much to work with when the highlight is finding out that the Toms get monthly couples massages. Oh, that and James's big DJing career rivaling Calvin Harris's is announcing found keys and doggy doo-doo pick up reminders. Keep livin' the dream, James.

ETA: I almost forgot my favorite scene was EVERYONE gossiping about Kristin and Brittany, including waitstaff we've never seen and the cooks speaking Spanish.

Edited by JenE4
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Is it just me or gas Lisa changed her attitude on this show.

Why is she making snarky remarks to her employees about their sex life and in the talking heads.  She's getting in the mud on this show in a way she hasn't really done before.  She's always tried to maintain a BS façade of a serious business woman.  It seems like that is out the window.

Note to Lisa.  You have threatened to fire James since the first season he was on.  I do not believe you.

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 Okay first off FI tom totally reads these forums because he stole my "James is never going to be Calvin Harris" line from me when I said it in episode 1 last season. Look it up everyone I did it first! ;) 

I also hard core laughed at James talking himself up and then the show put in footage of him having to return someone's missing Mickey Mouse keys. I love you editors of this show. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Jax and Kristen have played the wide-eyed "No I didn't!" game so many times, including but not limited to lying about screwing around with each other. So any conversation between the two of them about anything doesn't count - they're like that season of the Dukes of Hazard without Bo & Luke.

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1 hour ago, Sai said:

I'm probably the only one but I totally believe Jax.

It's kind of not the point though. It's fine for TV, but this is allegedly real life. You don't spread rumors about your girlfriend at all, but especially not at your mutual workplace.

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58 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I also hard core laughed at James talking himself up and then the show put in footage of him having to return someone's missing Mickey Mouse keys. I love you editors of this show.

This. Also, James telling the people at the event to remember to pickup their dog's poop. Oh and James claiming that whatever happened at Pump was because everyone is jealous of him. Hahahahaha! Does anyone know if James is actually a good DJ? I mean, I have no idea from whatever we hear on the show and I am already predisposed to hate him because he is such a tool, so I am just curious. 

Anyone get the gist of James' living situation? He has a roommate that is a stoner, older guy that lives in a penthouse? I feel like I probably misheard or did not catch his whole explanation on his living arrangements.

I think Jax embellished the story. I just have a hard time believing anything that comes out of Jax's mouth. Regardless if it is true or not, if Jax still wants to be with Brittany he better shut up about it. If he does not want to be with Brittany, then he needs to break up with her instead of spreading a possible rumor about her to maybe get her to break up with him. If my boss ever brought up a random rumor about my sex life like Lisa did to Brittany I would be very embarrassed.

I did like that Katie (and even Sheana) just brushed off James' non-apology. They know it will happen again with James saying something horrible and then apologizing.

I do like Sheana's shorter hair. It is not extremely short or anything, but I like it better than before.

Lisa just needs to fire James and actually stick to that.

Lala looked like she overdid the bronzer at her lunch with her mom. I missed what Lala was crying about to her mom on the phone during the brief flashback clip. One second Lala claims she does not want to speak poorly about the other girls then does just that. She seemed to realize it in her conversation with James, but I doubt anything will come of that.

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Yeah I don't understand Lisa's love for James. At one time, she was friends with his parents, then she clarified that to mean she "knows them". Then he's friends with her son, or was as of last season.  Then she keeps giving him chances for the fact that his parents breaking up? He's 22 years old. Look, divorce is horrible for kids, but.. I don't know? I think when you're of adult age, the grace period for allowing a person to getting drunk and getting into fights because of it goes.. away?

As for Lala, why must the show keep bringing up her sad years as a middle-schooler? It's not endearing her to me at all. I thought she was not going to be on much this season? It's kind of funny that Lala has had more of a storyline as a non credit cast member and Araina  a credit cast member has had zero.  I know we're only two episodes in here but still.. Araina's only big moments so far was when she was Lala's shoulder to cry on last week. 

I agree producers are probably footing the bill for the wedding, but we did have to go though Schena's cutting corners scenes when she got married and I'm pretty sure producers footed the bill for that one as well. I did love at Tom being all confused that a wedding is going to cost more than he thinks. Because weddings are expensive. I did like that the guy on the phone explained weekdays are cheaper, I remember all of us were kind of confused back in August like, "who gets married during the week?" even if production is footing the bill-which they probably are-, they may have given Tom and Katie a budget of some kind or a limit. 

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The editors are the true stars of this show.  They were at the top of teir game tonight.  The jump cuts between Tom and Katie talking about wedding budget got a chuckle out of me, but James talking about how he's young, hot, and DJing in LA followed by his lost Toyota Mickey Mouse key announcement is Emmy worthy.


Scheana has definitely been working on her summer bod.


Don't forget, doggy yoga starts at 2 o'clock.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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7 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Is it just me or gas Lisa changed her attitude on this show.

Why is she making snarky remarks to her employees about their sex life and in the talking heads.  She's getting in the mud on this show in a way she hasn't really done before.  She's always tried to maintain a BS façade of a serious business woman.  It seems like that is out the window.

I don't think we've been watching the same show. :-) Lisa has ALWAYS been up in everyone's business. She typically gives an exasperated, "That's enough. Back to work." But that's only after she gets every juicy detail. And then not only does she talk about who's sleeping with whom etc in the talking heads and every other castmate, but she always tells creepy Ken who also feigns disinterest while getting as excited as a man his age can without pharmaceutical assistance. But I'll give you that she's the most excited by this drama than we've seen before. But, as a serious buisinesswoman, her shows are where the money/brand is at, so she's salivating because these crazy (no-longer) kids can still bring it after 57 seasons and mostly because she haaaaaaaates Kristin with a burning passion of a thousand suns, and she's probably pissed that the producers make her keep Kristin on the show when she just wants her out of her life. So anything that brings the drama AND makes Kristin look bad, oh, man, I picture her just doing that Mr. Burns/Dr. Evil pressed hand thing, "Yes. yeees, my pretties."

Edited by JenE4
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1 hour ago, worleybird said:

Jax's face in his Talking Heads was super-greasy. I guess he got Peter's allotment since he wasn't on at all last night.

Jaxs face when he's mad is so unattractive,  i swear he's got bodies hidden somewhere,  lol.

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The Toms with their spa date - so funny. I loved how Schwartz kept trying to sit up straight and suck in his tummy. The dudes on this show are totally more vain than the women. 

I'm already sick of hearing about "what went down". So now Carter was there? That's probably why Jax was pissed - some other dude witnessed it, but he wasn't invited. 

Nah, I don't know. So far we have Kristen, Brittany, AND Carter denying anything happened. Jax is a known liar. So whatever. But at the end of the day, he shouldn't talk about it. True or not. And his little rage tantrum was not cute. Run, Brittany, run. He totally doesn't care about her. He never really has. 

Actually the person talking most about it was Lisa. She took every opportunity to get a remark in. Not cute either. 

The wedding stuff is kind of blah too. But I'm glad to know Katie found a magnanimous venue. It will probably not care when someone inevitably spills drinks on it. The cops get called? That's okay. I got you, girl. 

James is out of his mind. No one wants to see you shirtless in a video. No one is jealous of you. You're not a big deal. Get over it. 

Edited by ghoulina
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8 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I do like Sheana's shorter hair. It is not extremely short or anything, but I like it better than before.

Scheana looks great this season. Is it a bit darker too? In some of her THs, it actually appeared like she'd toned down the makeup as well. Whatever she's doing, it's working. 

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I agree that Scheanna looks the best she's looked since season one (she really was gorg back then, despite the tragic wardrobe).  I'm really liking her darker, shorter hair. 

Lala is kind of terrible, but I gotta give it up that she's a really, really pretty girl.  Again, this is in despite of her often questionable wardrobe choices AND makeup applied with the gun on "whore" setting. 


7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Why was Jax "sleeping" in a dress shirt.

Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed and was puzzled by this.  I mean, given all the awful things Jax says and does, it really doesn't make sense to focus on this.... but for some reason it really bothered me.  I think because it made me think that a) that "fight" scene was either totally faked or, at best, re-enacted and Jax was too damn lazy to unbutton his shirt.  OR.  b) He's just that gross that he sleeps, lives, and works in the SAME shirt without giving a thought to how dirty or foul-smelling his clothes must be.

2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I don't think we've been watching the same show. :-) Lisa has ALWAYS been up in everyone's business. She typically gives an exasperated, "That's enough. Back to work." But that's only after she gets every juicy detail. And then not only does she talk about who's sleeping with whom etc in the talking heads and every other castmate, but she always tells creepy Ken who also feigns disinterest while getting as excited as a man his age can without pharmaceutical assistance. But I'll give you that she's the most excited by this drama than we've seen before. But, as a serious buisinesswoman, her shows are where the money/brand is at, so she's salivating because these crazy (no-longer) kids can still bring it after 57 seasons and mostly because she haaaaaaaates Kristin with a burning passion of a thousand suns, and she's probably pissed that the producers make her keep Kristin on the show when she just wants her out of her life. So anything that brings the drama AND makes Kristin look bad, oh, man, I picture her just doing that Mr. Burns/Dr. Evil pressed hand thing, "Yes. yeees, my pretties."

Right- ok.  I was thinking the same thing.  Lisa has alllwaaaays been snarky about -- and highly invested in the persona lives of - the Sur employees.  I remember her being particularly snarky about Kristen in seasons 1 and 2.  

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I'm disappointed in the first two episodes and hope this season starts to gain some ground soon.  The Jax spreading a rumor thing just seems so horribly fake, I'm not believing it.  He's a piece of crap but I'm doubtful even he would be that cruel to his girlfriend.  Lisa's bringing it up every two seconds is absolutely irritating and forced as well.

I know all reality t.v. is pre-planned and fake but it shouldn't so obviously feel like it.  Fool me, Vanderpump!  Make me buy what you're selling!

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1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed and was puzzled by this.  I mean, given all the awful things Jax says and does, it really doesn't make sense to focus on this.... but for some reason it really bothered me.  I think because it made me think that a) that "fight" scene was either totally faked or, at best, re-enacted and Jax was too damn lazy to unbutton his shirt.  OR.  b) He's just that gross that he sleeps, lives, and works in the SAME shirt without giving a thought to how dirty or foul-smelling his clothes must be.

Oh, I absolutely think he just came home from work/partying and passed the fuck out. I bet he does that regularly. 

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I feel like this is the first season where everything seems very obviously set-up. Maybe it's just that I recently rewatched the first two season, but everything is too slick and too shiny; the producers seem to be trying to make what were genuine moments in previous seasons work again and it just feels forced. It's disappointing.

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If the Jax-Brittany relationship was real, girl . . . run.  I mean, you should have taken off for the hills when you watched past episodes of the show with the Chunky Sweater beatdown and most certainly when dumbass stole a pair of sunglasses in Hawaii that landed his greasy ass in jail.  But this?  True or not, it shows zero respect. 

Also - - all the gossiping about this at work, and Lisa included, can be construed as harassment.   Lisa should be shutting it down instead of participating because she could be sued.  Provided this is legit, of course.

Oh Flat Iron . . . please cut your hair.  Me no likey.

Thankfully very little of the Nugget and her judgy judgment.

Lala, you are basic.  Own it.

DJ Muppet - do you have a roommate or a "roommate?"  Why are you sleeping in the living room?  What happened to your place from last season?

Lisa, just fire Muppet already and be done with it.

Stassi - didn't we already have a season of you standing on your own two feet?  

Schwartz and Katie - snooze.  I'm over weddings. Enough, Bravo.

Carter, you seem like a nice enough guy.  Maybe you should look up Brittany up.  

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11 hours ago, Watermelon said:

It's kind of not the point though. It's fine for TV, but this is allegedly real life. You don't spread rumors about your girlfriend at all, but especially not at your mutual workplace.

I agree. If it's true, you keep your fucking mouth shut. If it's not true, then you are the most disgusting douchebag on the planet. Either way, what does it say about Brittney that she is still with him. 

I'm all for loving your mom, but seriously , LaLa talks to her mom 4 times a day? I work with women and have friends that talk to their grown adult kids every single day and I just don't get it. What the hell is there to say?  Especially 4 times??

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Anyone get the gist of James' living situation? He has a roommate that is a stoner, older guy that lives in a penthouse? I feel like I probably misheard or did not catch his whole explanation on his living arrangements.

I think Jax embellished the story. I just have a hard time believing anything that comes out of Jax's mouth. Regardless if it is true or not, if Jax still wants to be with Brittany he better shut up about it. If he does not want to be with Brittany, then he needs to break up with her instead of spreading a possible rumor about her to maybe get her to break up with him. If my boss ever brought up a random rumor about my sex life like Lisa did to Brittany I would be very embarrassed.

I thought the James apartment thing was very weird. At first it seemed like it was all his but then when he told Lala about living with the guy, whose apartment it was, it seemed like maybe he only had that little cubby hole behind the screen and the tiny balcony as his space.

Jax definitely embellished. I don't doubt that he walked in on something happening (probably they were making out), but for him to then be the one to spread the story himself to anyone and everyone, including Lisa (Brittany's boss) was just gross. And I liked that Brittany wasn't getting sucked into his attempt to put her on the defensive and make it seem like she was the crazy one. Sure as his boyfriend he could feel angry that she was "cheating" on him with Kristen, but that's not where's he's at. He's into spreading a salacious rumor/story that just happens to be about his girlfriend. I have liked how Kristen is being pretty no-drama about it all and was just trying to get him to see that it was his relaying of the story that was the problem. 

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14 hours ago, Sai said:

I'm probably the only one but I totally believe Jax.

I believe him too, but he's a POS dirtbag for making it public.  Since I am also a Kentucky gal, I'm totally Team Brittany, and she needs to dump his sorry ass pronto!

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42 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

She said in some podcast that she got a trainer and lost 25 lbs. I didn't know she needed to lose that much weight. 

Well..."needed".  She's a little thing. Let's say she was 130, and a trainer got her down to 105.  Doctors love numbers like that for her height, even though she would have looked perfectly normal at 130.


45 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:


Jax definitely embellished. I don't doubt that he walked in on something happening (probably they were making out), but for him to then be the one to spread the story himself to anyone and everyone, including Lisa (Brittany's boss) was just gross. And I liked that Brittany wasn't getting sucked into his attempt to put her on the defensive and make it seem like she was the crazy one. Sure as his boyfriend he could feel angry that she was "cheating" on him with Kristen, but that's not where's he's at. He's into spreading a salacious rumor/story that just happens to be about his girlfriend. I have liked how Kristen is being pretty no-drama about it all and was just trying to get him to see that it was his relaying of the story that was the problem. 

My issue with Jax is...Even if Kristin was face deep in it, he didn't break up with Brittany which makes this a douche move. He's missing the part where this running around telling the world about what his girlfriend did is what normal people do when they break up.

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:


Oh Flat Iron . . . please cut your hair.  Me no likey.

Thankfully very little of the Nugget and her judgy judgment.

Lala, you are basic.  Own it.

DJ Muppet - do you have a roommate or a "roommate?"  Why are you sleeping in the living room?  What happened to your place from last season?

Lisa, just fire Muppet already and be done with it.

Stassi - didn't we already have a season of you standing on your own two feet?  

Schwartz and Katie - snooze.  I'm over weddings. Enough, Bravo.

Carter, you seem like a nice enough guy.  Maybe you should look up Brittany up.  

Shay- Hi, Shay!!!

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Bravo to Bravo...for killing another show I used to enjoy. It just feels so staged at this point, I think I'm out on this one now too. It's just too agro and 'for the camera' this season, and with what's going on in this country, I don't need aggravating TV right now.

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DJ Muppet definitely only has that sad mattress…that ain't his apartment.  Methinks Daddy cut him off shortly after dumping Mommy.  And those apologies weren't half-assed, there was no ass at all!  That was a "Mom's making me apologize" apology.  Makes me glad Scheana & Katie blew him off.

Though I buy Schwartz's cluelessness in general, I don't buy it here.  His friends just got married…I'm sure Shay and/or Scheana bitches about the cost (before & after Bravo's chip-in/product placement) at some point.

Jax needs to STFU.  At least Brittany now knows what it's like to be "Jaxxed".  And she stayed.  God forbid the 15 minutes be up.

Previews: Schwartz doesn't have more than two friends?

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15 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The editors are the true stars of this show.  They were at the top of teir game tonight.  The jump cuts between Tom and Katie talking about wedding budget got a chuckle out of me, but James talking about how he's young, hot, and DJing in LA followed by his lost Toyota Mickey Mouse key announcement is Emmy worthy.

I'm still laughing about it.

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1 hour ago, tvfanatic13 said:

LVP is killing it with the snark this season.

Yeah I'm not a fan of LVPs snark. Her conversation with Brittany was inappropriate, considering she's her boss but also aside from that, that she's engaging in the gossip around with her workers. I get that she sort of needs to somewhat talking head about it because of the show but engaging it in with Brittany isn't a good look.  And also the conversation to make Kristen uncomfortable just because she can? Ugh. I'm sorry it's not funny to me. It's how I feel when Lisa is at the reunions for the show, she constantly wants to stir the pot but theb she tries to pretend it's a hassle she has to deal with the mess she's contributing to.

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8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

She said in some podcast that she got a trainer and lost 25 lbs. I didn't know she needed to lose that much weight. 

Yeah, I heard the same one - she was embarrassed that she had back rolls in her crop top wedding dress, and since she considers crop tops "her brand", she wanted to lose weight. She looked better before; she apparently didn't take into account that her Aunt probably made her dress too small. Her hair looks fantastic though; the long extensions used to overwhelm her. 

I don't believe Jax for a second. I believe Kristen and Brittany made out, but I think he made up the "go down on" story hoping that Brittany would get so mad that she'd break up with him so he wouldn't have to. That way, he doesn't look like the "bad guy" for breaking up with her, since all his friends like her.  But they have their spinoff coming up, so they must get over it. 

Im not sure which malaprop I enjoyed more in this episode - Scheana using "disingenuine" instead of "disingenuous" or Katie using "magnanimous" when she meant "majestic". 

ETA - I forgot how ridiculous I found Lala's "Steve the Pirate" look at James's apartment. 

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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8 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

Yeah, I heard the same one - she was embarrassed that she had back rolls in her crop top wedding dress, and since she considers crop tops "her brand", she wanted to lose weight. She looked better before; she apparently didn't take into account that her Aunt probably made her dress too small. Her hair looks fantastic though; the long extensions used to overwhelm her. 

I don't believe Jax for a second. I believe Kristen and Brittany made out, but I think he made up the "go down on" story hoping that Brittany would get so mad that she'd break up with him so he wouldn't have to. That way, he doesn't look like the "bad guy" for breaking up with her, since all his friends like her.  But they have their spinoff coming up, so they must get over it. 

Im not sure which malaprop I enjoyed more in this episode - Scheana using "disingenuine" instead of "disingenuous" or Katie using "magnanimous" when she meant "majestic". 

ETA - I forgot how ridiculous I found Lala's "Steve the Pirate" look at James's apartment. 

What?!  They have a spinoff coming?!

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That clip of James' shirtless 72 pounds body from his music video... ?

Brittany is looking really unattractive to me. Not just the extra weight but she just looks dumpy. She extra looked terrible in the scene saying bye to Scheana and Shay.

Those purple dresses weren't doing any favors to Katie or Brittany.

Lala's mom isn't what I would have expected.

I agree with everyone saying Lisa's comments to/about what did or didn't happen between Brittany and Kristin were extremely inappropriate. Yeah, it's a tv show but it's not a good look for Lisa, at all. The whole drama about it all is idiotic. Fuck Jaxass.

Prenups only apply to assets attained before the marriage, right? So it would only apply to whatever Katie or Tom had..which I would assume is pretty much only VR money and mostly equal...before they wed. The prenup story just seemed stupid, especially due to this... unless I am mistaken and it could apply to future earnings while they are married too?  

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3 hours ago, Sai said:

I don't believe Jax for a second. I believe Kristen and Brittany made out, but I think he made up the "go down on" story hoping that Brittany would get so mad that she'd break up with him so he wouldn't have to. That way, he doesn't look like the "bad guy" for breaking up with her, since all his friends like her.  


Exactly. He's trying to get rid of her...the cowards way.

Edited by itsadryheat
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2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Prenups only apply to assets attained before the marriage, right? So it would only apply to whatever Katie or Tom had..which I would assume is pretty much only VR money and mostly equal...before they wed. The prenup story just seemed stupid, especially due to this... unless I am mistaken and it could apply to future earnings while they are married too?  

It's my understanding that prenups are to protect assets attained during the marriage. Spouses are not entitled to any assets attained prior to the marriage.

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I think if Lala ditched her weird, unexplainable loyalty to James, she'd be much better off. I generally like Lala, or did last season; while incredibly bitchy, she also seems to possess some self-awareness that nobody else on the cast has.

Speaking of James, I am DYING to know about his "roommate" situation. It absolutely figures that the one thing I wanted more of was the one thing the show avoided entirely. Like, WHAT? He's sleeping on a mattress in a shitty apartment with a random pool-playing older guy with no name and THAT IS ALL WE GET??

Katie -- whatever. I liked her response to James, and in particular I liked her sunglasses in that scene. But I can't possibly care any less about wedding planning, except to choke on my Cheetos when she was talking about $15,000 flowers.

Jax is very clearly lying about the hookup between Brittany and Kristen; that he thinks anyone would ever believe it is beyond me. But while I think he's a lying, hulking, sweaty cokemonster, I'm more annoyed with Brittany for putting up with it. That she didn't immediately break up with him and run screaming tells me she's in this for fame, and oh, honey, it's just so not worth it. Get out, little Kentucky muffin.

I would like a Tom1 and Tom2 spinoff.

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