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S01.E06: The Interrogation

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When shots ring out at The White House during a Governors Summit, President Kirkman’s plans at electing a new Congress are thrown into turmoil, while Agent Hannah Wells continues investigating the Capitol bombing and makes one of her most shocking discoveries yet.



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This SHOW.   Seriously.   Aren't the governors constitutionally and by state law required to reconstitute Congress either by elections or appointment?   All Kirkman had to do was hold a press conference and say the governors weren't willing to let America have a Congress again until he paid their blackmail price.   He didn't even have to say what they wanted.   Instead, he whines and angsts and gives in.   So his wife -- who should not have been involved in the crisis as a conflict of interest that could affect her law license thank you very much -- could get mad at him.   And we could get one more "you're not my president" speech.

Also can they telegraph any more that McLeish is involved in some way.   Of course they fast track his appointment as VP without a full vetting.   What could go wrong?

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The play's the thing that catches the king. McLeish probably is very flattered but has no idea what is actually going on. Pride and ego will do him in. Or maybe there is another bigger bad and he just the poor person being conned.

An elected new Congress would take months or even a year or so to happen. Appointments would be easier.

Also cue in well, the President's son may not be his biologically. Oh, yes, more White House drama.

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I guess we had to have a weak one. Based on the promos, this is all about next week anyway.

This sure felt like your rudimentary "action drama", where things just happen for the effect and little more. I mean, I don't really think anything happened tonight that was set up in some major way- it was all "this should happen because...well, drama!"

I'll start with being sick of the Governors' Revolt. Seriously...the country is in peril and you all decide this is the best time to be difficult with the President? Seriously? I'd like to think there'd be a bit more urgency and better situational awareness in a time like this.

Besides...does Hollywood have to write every politician like they're a snivelling snake? I get they're all upset about Donald Trump but...you'd think there'd be at least one politician who'd be somewhat reasonable.

Oh, and what happened to Tom Kirkman's guts? I guess the writers needed to conveniently get rid of that just so Kirkman could have his "impossible decision". One that really shouldn't be all that impossible anyway.

Plus...no Kimble Hookstraten?

(Side note, wouldn't she be a better VP than MacLeish?)

Speaking of Trump...is it any coincidence this show is being heavy-handed with playing the Islamic terrorist and immigration angle? Not that this show has been dealing with the issue horribly- I believe it's been fairly balanced- but we all know it's a red herring, and I'd like to think there are other issues the country needs to take care of.

(Another side note- great that Kiefer Sutherland is getting his references to Canada and managed to get a hockey reference in the episode...but, um...would any major league sport, or any sports league in general, be back in business right now? Good to know Kirkman's an Islander fan, but seriously...I doubt the NHL would be playing in a situation like this)

Nice to know Majjid Nassar died just as he needed to feed the FBI crucial information...that's not telegraphing something, is it?

One real positive...Melanie Scrofano as Lisa Jordan. Real bombshell...don't worry Seth, she'd make me give up my ethics too. :P

Episode Grade: C-. Still engaging, mostly due to the acting...but this was the series' first real stinker.

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12 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

but, um...would any major league sport, or any sports league in general, be back in business right now

I was thinking the exact same thing. Then again schools are back in session and the nation needs to show they won't stop living their lives, but yeah that threw me tonight.

Bet Kiefer was thinking ' Pfffft. I used to be the guy doing the torture' during the discussion on how to interrogate the terrorist. 'And I never asked for permission neither!' I'm sure there's a blooper reel of them having fun and  mentioning Jack Bauer as a specialist they could use.

Maggie Q finally got the get some meat. Not once did she think about her dead Senator boyfriend. She was all business and pretty fierce. 

MacLeish...I wonder if it's the wife who is the actual baddie and he's just a stooge. Again we don't know that he went to the room under his own power. He may have been knocked out and taken there to protect him for her cooperation. Not sure what the big picture is but it seems too easy.

We didn't see the first kids but they were talked about enough it's as if they were there. Sheesh.

First Lady needs to realize that her husband is the President at a very tenuous time, with no experience, a weakened government and is literally having to rebuild the U.S. from the ground up. While he could've taken a stronger tactic with the immigration issue, playing the I'm not mad, I'm disappointed card was just ugh. She's gotta realize that while she's dealing with one issue, he's dealing with countless and he needs Congress in place to help him. Compromise and give and take needs to happen.

Not sure I liked FLOTUS basically telling Aaron that it's his job to deal with messes especially hers when she's got not one but two whoppers about her son just waiting to blow up and become a distraction for Tom and the administration- her son is a drug dealer and Tom may not be his bio father. Given all the other issues going on it should be small potatoes and yet anyone looking to undermine Kirkman will have it. At the very least it seriously erodes the foundation of their marriage and the family.

Adored Aaron giving his honest pep talk to Tom. 'I wasn't too impressed with you before thus happened, but I believe you can rebuild this country.' Kinda wish they allowed Aaron to show some feeling about the former President as that was his boss and they had to be close-ish. 

I have no idea why, but I love Tom's young assistant Wyatt. I think it's partly Kiefer's bellowing 'Wyatt!' and you see this quiet whip of a young man swooping in. But seriously this kid is running the President's desk. 

Still loving the title cards.

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Why would the governors determine their willingness to repopulate Congress based on their regard for Kirkman or his legitimacy?

Congress doesn't work for the President. You'd think these governors would be itching to get their citizens federal representation. More so if the President is illegitimate than if he's not.

Edited by Amy Beth
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53 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

This SHOW.   Seriously.   Aren't the governors constitutionally and by state law required to reconstitute Congress either by elections or appointment?   All Kirkman had to do was hold a press conference and say the governors weren't willing to let America have a Congress again until he paid their blackmail price.   He didn't even have to say what they wanted.   Instead, he whines and angsts and gives in.   So his wife -- who should not have been involved in the crisis as a conflict of interest that could affect her law license thank you very much -- could get mad at him.   And we could get one more "you're not my president" speech.

Also can they telegraph any more that McLeish is involved in some way.   Of course they fast track his appointment as VP without a full vetting.   What could go wrong?

I can't believe there would even be a question of them appointing new congresses. Of course that's what they would do immediately after the attack. I don't think citizens of any state would stand for lack of representation in congress. If just one state is willing to make appointments, the other states would fall in line to be represented.

Kirkman should have said he'd put the immigration issue up for a vote once there was a congress. But, I did like that he was trying to get things done and do something he didn't agree with for the greater good. He shouldn't let people walk all over him, but he shouldn't just arrest/fire everyone either.

He also should have told the governors they should recognize him because of the Constitution. It says that if everyone else dies, the remaining cabinet member takes office. It doesn't matter if he was never elected or has no experience, or even if the president wasn't happy with him. And it doesn't matter why he was made designated survivor. The point is, he was the designated survivor, and that makes him president. Who else do they think has a more legitimate claim?

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I had not read the episode description and maybe I didn't even see any commercials, so when the shooting at the WH started, I was a bit startled. I expect things to happen, but that one caught me offguard.


As far as the hockey game being played, how long has it been, on the show, since the bombing ? Did I hear a week ? I remember after 9-11, it took about 10 days before stuff started happening. I can't speak to sporting events because I never pay much attention to that, but I think airlines resumed after a week, maybe less. The show may be glossing over, or ignoring, the mourning period that should be observed, but I'm not sure that they are that far off. This is still one of my favorites new shows, in no small part due to Keifer and also Maggie Q. I could do without the family drama, though. That seems done to death on tv.

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9 minutes ago, willco said:

As far as the hockey game being played, how long has it been, on the show, since the bombing ? Did I hear a week ? I remember after 9-11, it took about 10 days before stuff started happening. I can't speak to sporting events because I never pay much attention to that, but I think airlines resumed after a week, maybe less. The show may be glossing over, or ignoring, the mourning period that should be observed, but I'm not sure that they are that far off. This is still one of my favorites new shows, in no small part due to Keifer and also Maggie Q. I could do without the family drama, though. That seems done to death on tv.

I thought there was a comment, before the big affair with the governors, that it had been six weeks since the capitol was blown up.  Or was I dreaming?

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I was surprised by the shooting,  but overall thought this was a terrible episode. I can't take constant mopey, self-doubting president all the time. And governors would not need to be coerced into doing appointments. A chance to get the person they want into the office? They would be tripping over themselves to hurry and do it.

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27 minutes ago, j5cochran said:

I thought there was a comment, before the big affair with the governors, that it had been six weeks since the capitol was blown up.  Or was I dreaming?

I forget the exact quote, but I think it's been "several" weeks, at least.  After 9/11, the NY Mets played the first game in New York 10 days later.  One bright spot in the show - I was glad to see POTUS is an Islander fan!

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Why did you fall off the wagon, show? I thought we agreed that Kirkman wouldn't let people walk all over him anymore.

It's only normal that a president doubts about what is right or wrong. It's highly stupid that a president spouts his insecurities in public, especially when said public is highly hostile. Seriously, what was that sad puppy, teenager emo stunt he pulled in front of the governors? He's supposed to lead, FFS, to inspire people into trusting him. Maybe it's the contacts? If so, get the Glasses of Hidden Badassery back ASAP.

I love Aaron. I flove him, he's my favorite now. He was the MVP for me and for the first time, seriously, I wondered why he (or Friendly Governor, who probably will become VP in the end) couldn't be president instead? At least he gets the job done and he has the guts. Love that he and Emily are a team now. Love Seth and "What he said", the banter between Seth and Aaron is made of win. Give me more of those characters. They make Kirkman better and they're the reason why I watched this episode until the end.

The FBI plot was another good part. Things are moving forward, Atwood and Wells work well as a team, Atwood now stand for his opinions in front of the President which is an improvement. It's still a good idea to parallel the investigation and the progress of McLeish towards the VP spot. But Team Kirkman has to be told about the suspicions. Now.

I love Mike, I was happy to see Mike, I dig the Mike/Tom friendship but it was a kind of filler plot in an episode that lacked rhythm already.

Now, my major beef. I wish Alex had stayed gone after "checking on the kids". I was cheering for Aaron to tell her "Yes, Ma'am, with all due respect STFU". She and her spawn are going to embarrass the presidency so how could she get on her high horse?  She was unbearably holier-than-thou and it doesn't help that 1) she isn't a support to Kirkman anymore and instead of shedding a light on his private persona like she did so far, she actually made him look bad and weak imo 2) her character embodies a political message about a sensitive and divisive subject, which I wouldn't mind if it was well done but is treated in such a heavily preachy and awkward way that I just roll my eyes.

What a bad timing to have such an outing after a two-weeks hiatus and after an episode that was promising.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Yikes, Designated Survivor!  Tackling the Syrian refugee crisis, along with a dash of the torture debate?!  Slow your role, show!  You only have so many political hot topic points to choose from!  Pace yourself, buddy!  Can't wait till the later part of the season where the government is still not rebuilt, but Kirkman finds himself having to deal with gay rights issues and fracking, because even though the Capital has been leveled, the public still more or less acts like they do now.

Seriously, I get what they're are going for with Kirkman and Kiefer Sutherland is doing a good job with the role, but it still feels like at times they are shoot straight pass naivety and doubts, and having him just straight-out be weak.  I can't believe he actually questioned his own presidency in front of all of the governors like.  With his wife or even Aaron or Emily?  Fine, but I can't see how any of the governors would ever fully trust him, now that he has just shown how much he doubts himself.  Granted, the governors were being so high and mighty (except the one played by Dr. Lasky from 12 Monkeys), that I almost wanted Kirkman to throw the entire lot into the slammer and start fresh.  He would have suffered major backlash for it likely, but it would have been hilarious to watch.

Not surprise the terrorist guy was going to somehow get killed, before Hannah and Malik Yoba got all the information.  And if they only knew that Aaron and Emily are pushing for MacLeish extremely hard to be VP, that there delay tactics might not work.  I notice they made sure to reintroduce his wife again, who I'm still side-eying, because you can never fully trust Freddie Lounds!

When Kirkman yelled that the refugees were still getting to get to go to Canada, I remembered what happened last night, and thought "Yeah... at this point, Canada sounds very appealing."  Those refugees got it made!

Seth gets a love interest, I see (I think the actress is whoever is the star of that Wynona Earp show on SyFy.)  Well, unless her revealing that she heard Leo isn't Kirkman's child reveal messes thing up.  Can't believe that is how they ended the episode, because I so do not care about Leo.

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I had a thought- what about federal equalization payments? Kirkman said without a Congress there can't be a budget, and I'm sure some of those states could use federal funds for their own budgets. Why didn't Kirkman use it to his advantage?

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5 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

I love Aaron. I flove him, he's my favorite now.

The only reason he's on the show is so he can stab the President in the back at the most inopportune moment.  They should weld him into a 55 gal. drum and leave it in the basement for the remainder of Kirkman's term.  

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2 hours ago, mertensia said:

Why was the loud lady governor upset that Tom only became President due to his being the Designated Survivor? That's the entire point of having one! 

She was from AZ.  We have a reputation for loud lady governors lecturing the President.  (Jan Brewer)

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I hate the word (sound?) "meh", but this show has turned very meh very quickly.  I'm glad we got to see Maggie Q being more badass, but that whole interrogation was so cliched.  And I couldn't possibly care less about the first family or who's the daddy of the bratty son.

I thought next week looked better, though, so I'm still hanging in there.

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1 hour ago, Danielg342 said:

I had a thought- what about federal equalization payments? Kirkman said without a Congress there can't be a budget, and I'm sure some of those states could use federal funds for their own budgets. Why didn't Kirkman use it to his advantage?

Because it's very clear that the writers on this show have no idea how the government actually works. There is no way six weeks would have gone by without the Governors appointing senators and calling special elections for Congress and no Governor, especially one on the opposition's side (I know Kirkman is a registered Independent and I'm getting to that, trust) would withhold senators considering that gives the executive branch too much power.

And Kirkman being an Independent. Fuck off show! Yes, it's very possible a HUD secretary could be an Independent, but that was clearly done as a way to make sure they appealed to the widest possible set of viewers to capitalize on the 24 audience. I'm really supposed to believe that Kirkman, who had a strong progressive agenda at HUD isn't a Democrat?

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1 hour ago, vibeology said:

Kirkman being an Independent. Fuck off show! Yes, it's very possible a HUD secretary could be an Independent, but that was clearly done as a way to make sure they appealed to the widest possible set of viewers to capitalize on the 24 audience. I'm really supposed to believe that Kirkman, who had a strong progressive agenda at HUD isn't a Democrat?

It just seems like they wrote that just so the "I'm a unifier" line would work. You'd think stuff like that would be decided before the show shoots the pilot.

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I think it's a certainty that the entire country would be in lockdown from the moment of the bombing, NO one enters, certainly not refugees, no matter where they're from, Liberal b.s. about prior promises to the contrary.

Kirkman needs to grow a consistent pair. He IS the President!! The DS role is NOT a "formality", it's the legal order of succession. It's not a subject for debate over qualifications. If Michigan's governor was guilty of sedition, so is every other governor who tries to play the same card and that needs to be made very clear. The governors are acting like Congress:  seize on a distraction to avoid having to do any meaningful work.

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12 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

I guess we had to have a weak one. Based on the promos, this is all about next week anyway.

This sure felt like your rudimentary "action drama", where things just happen for the effect and little more. I mean, I don't really think anything happened tonight that was set up in some major way- it was all "this should happen because...well, drama!"

I'll start with being sick of the Governors' Revolt. Seriously...the country is in peril and you all decide this is the best time to be difficult with the President? Seriously? I'd like to think there'd be a bit more urgency and better situational awareness in a time like this.

Besides...does Hollywood have to write every politician like they're a snivelling snake? I get they're all upset about Donald Trump but...you'd think there'd be at least one politician who'd be somewhat reasonable.

Oh, and what happened to Tom Kirkman's guts? I guess the writers needed to conveniently get rid of that just so Kirkman could have his "impossible decision". One that really shouldn't be all that impossible anyway.

Plus...no Kimble Hookstraten?

(Side note, wouldn't she be a better VP than MacLeish?)

Speaking of Trump...is it any coincidence this show is being heavy-handed with playing the Islamic terrorist and immigration angle? Not that this show has been dealing with the issue horribly- I believe it's been fairly balanced- but we all know it's a red herring, and I'd like to think there are other issues the country needs to take care of.

(Another side note- great that Kiefer Sutherland is getting his references to Canada and managed to get a hockey reference in the episode...but, um...would any major league sport, or any sports league in general, be back in business right now? Good to know Kirkman's an Islander fan, but seriously...I doubt the NHL would be playing in a situation like this)

Nice to know Majjid Nassar died just as he needed to feed the FBI crucial information...that's not telegraphing something, is it?

One real positive...Melanie Scrofano as Lisa Jordan. Real bombshell...don't worry Seth, she'd make me give up my ethics too. :P

Episode Grade: C-. Still engaging, mostly due to the acting...but this was the series' first real stinker.

I was so happy to see Melanie Scrofano. She is a Canadian actress who was on Damien. I think the ethics of her dating Seth is wrong.

I love the Canadian references. The refugees were being sent to Toronto!.

I like most of the actors on this show, but I am not interested in the plot developments. I compare this show to the West Wing. I loved the West Wing when it was on TV. The writers of this show should be reviewing that show in order to do a proper show about life in the White House.

It makes no sense to me that the USA is operating normally when the entire Congress was blown up. Wouldn't there be some sort of Martial Law with Washington under lockdown?

The mood of the show is "off". Everyone looks to cheery working at the White House like nothing really happened.

I am happy the kids are off the show. They were annoying.

I also think the show is being too Politically Correct about the refugees situation. It doesn't make sense that the President would be worried about a few hundred refugees of any religion or race when the government was destroyed.

It's becoming a bit over the top that every episode has a story about Muslims. There was an earlier episode where the President had to respond about a Muslim being beat up in Michigan when he was at the bombed out Capitol Hill.

Anyway, I still like the show, but it would be a more interesting show if they focused on "who blew up the Capitol" or life for a newbie in the White House. The two plots don't work well together.

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2 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

It just seems like they wrote that just so the "I'm a unifier" line would work. You'd think stuff like that would be decided before the show shoots the pilot.

Agreed. The writers are dumb. What's wrong with him being a Democrat? or a Republican?. In fact, it would be more interesting if he was a token Democrat Cabinet Secretary serving under a Republican administration or vice versa.

3 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Kirkman, on hearing the kid isn't his:  "Phew!"

Ha!. The kid could be the Fear the Walking Dead as Chris's brother.

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10 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

Why did you fall off the wagon, show? I thought we agreed that Kirkman wouldn't let people walk all over him anymore.

It's only normal that a president doubts about what is right or wrong. It's highly stupid that a president spouts his insecurities in public, especially when said public is highly hostile. Seriously, what was that sad puppy, teenager emo stunt he pulled in front of the governors? He's supposed to lead, FFS, to inspire people into trusting him. Maybe it's the contacts? If so, get the Glasses of Hidden Badassery back ASAP.

I love Aaron. I flove him, he's my favorite now. He was the MVP for me and for the first time, seriously, I wondered why he (or Friendly Governor, who probably will become VP in the end) couldn't be president instead? At least he gets the job done and he has the guts. Love that he and Emily are a team now. Love Seth and "What he said", the banter between Seth and Aaron is made of win. Give me more of those characters. They make Kirkman better and they're the reason why I watched this episode until the end.

The FBI plot was another good part. Things are moving forward, Atwood and Wells work well as a team, Atwood now stand for his opinions in front of the President which is an improvement. It's still a good idea to parallel the investigation and the progress of McLeish towards the VP spot. But Team Kirkman has to be told about the suspicions. Now.

I love Mike, I was happy to see Mike, I dig the Mike/Tom friendship but it was a kind of filler plot in an episode that lacked rhythm already.

Now, my major beef. I wish Alex had stayed gone after "checking on the kids". I was cheering for Aaron to tell her "Yes, Ma'am, with all due respect STFU". She and her spawn are going to embarrass the presidency so how could she get on her high horse?  She was unbearably holier-than-thou and it doesn't help that 1) she isn't a support to Kirkman anymore and instead of shedding a light on his private persona like she did so far, she actually made him look bad and weak imo 2) her character embodies a political message about a sensitive and divisive subject, which I wouldn't mind if it was well done but is treated in such a heavily preachy and awkward way that I just roll my eyes.

What a bad timing to have such an outing after a two-weeks hiatus and after an episode that was promising.

I like Seth & Aaron. Good chemistry. The first lady is very annoying & she can't boss around other governors like she is doing. She shouldn't be interfering in policy matters directly.

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I love this show but this episode was a dud. 

First of all I don't think there is any way all 50 governor's would be gathering in the capital just a month or so after it was attached and almost the entire congress was taken out. Talk about a security nightmare. And a ball? Uh no. 

Also, their play made no sense as others have pointed out. Without a Congress Kirkman CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS. If they aren't sure about him why would they give him unabated power? Kirkman's capitulation also didn't fit with earlier episodes. They were trying to create conflict with the wife and they did it clunkily. 

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Not the most fun episode, but I liked it.

When Kirkman left the meeting with the governors and said "maybe I shouldn't be your president" (or something) I figured he was bluffing. Like, "oh yeah? You don't want me? Good luck getting another dumbass to take the job." I was disappointed he was just cowering to them. I agree with many of the comments, I thought we were over that.

As soon as Mike was all "yeah I have a brother and I love bowling and look, I'm a three-dimensional character!" I was like "RIP, Mike." I'm glad he just got shot instead of killed, I love his little friendship with Kirkman (I mean, "glad to hear your voice"? Aw.).

Seth and the journalist? Cute but also, like, red flag central. She was clearly sent to approach him with the "scoop" in mind. Hopefully she's actually into him (they did a kind of decent job giving her a personality which would match his) but also wants to do her job. I don't know who leaked the info, but didn't Aaron say the bio father of the idiot son is in prison, and telling anyone who'll listen? Maybe the Chronicle got the information in a non-shady way.

9 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

I love Aaron. I flove him, he's my favorite now. He was the MVP for me and for the first time, seriously, I wondered why he (or Friendly Governor, who probably will become VP in the end) couldn't be president instead? At least he gets the job done and he has the guts. Love that he and Emily are a team now. Love Seth and "What he said", the banter between Seth and Aaron is made of win. Give me more of those characters. They make Kirkman better and they're the reason why I watched this episode until the end.

The FBI plot was another good part. Things are moving forward, Atwood and Wells work well as a team, Atwood now stand for his opinions in front of the President which is an improvement. It's still a good idea to parallel the investigation and the progress of McLeish towards the VP spot. But Team Kirkman has to be told about the suspicions. Now.

I agree. This week I actually liked Aaron, even though he's never really been my favorite. I believed his earnest little speech, and it gave him some depth, as opposed to the constant (but necessary, of course) machinations.

And the FBI plot is actually picking up, in my opinion, which is good because the Kirkman plot is stagnating a little. Maggie Q got some great material, and I continue to love her rapport with Malik Yoba. I'm intrigued about that bit regarding his clearance. I love how we basically have two low-ish ranking agents (though Malik is a director of some kind, I don't remember exactly) trying to get to the bottom of this huge terrorist plot, while the CIA and everyone else has no clue. Like, it's not believable, but it's also kind of awesome.

I was relieved when Malik found out about McLeish being considered for the VEEP spot (we all complained about that last week) but the show found a way around that, with Aaron's vetting. That was both annoying and smart. I still think McLeish is totally shady and involved in the bombing, but I don't think he's "THE" Big Bad. I'm curious to see exactly how he's involved.

6 hours ago, mertensia said:

Why was the loud lady governor upset that Tom only became President due to his being the Designated Survivor? That's the entire point of having one! 

Right? "You're only the president because you were the person designated to become president." Like, yeah?

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President Kirkman needs a good spanking to get him into the reality of the Presidency.  He should have told the 50 buttheads (well, maybe not all 50), that "You're here to appoint Senators and a Congress.  If you don't want a government, fine.  Explain that to your constituents.  By the way, absent a functioning government, I have no authority to spend federal money except on National Defense, effective immediately.  Explain that to your constituencies also.  Good day."

Secondly, governors do not trump national legislation.  He should know that.  By the way, there's this large AFB called Homestead in Florida.  House the refugees there; it's federal property.  Mrs. President rightly gave him the smackdown when she said she was disappointed in the Kirkman the husband. Granted, he's still early into a job that is way over his head, but if you're going to fail, at least fail with your principles intact.

14 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

 Those refugees got it made!

It is getting into winter, though.  Back to Florida. 

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President Kirkman needs a good spanking

Any volunteers?

Can the writers please stop beating this dead horse? I thought the whole point of the Designated Survivor was to hold things together until an election can be held. (Please correct me if I'm wrong about this.) Then you can grill the candidate(s) about their qualifications. 

Where was Kimble during all this?

Leo continues to annoy even when he's not on screen. You are being played, Seth. PLAYED.

This episode's tested the ability to suspend my disbelief, which is saying something considered this week's reality. Closing all the boarders doesn't make people less scared.

I do like and respect Alex, who just can't stop lawyering.

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My biggest issue with this episode was that very quickly, I realized we would end the episode i pretty much the same place we started in, and that the 'in-between' was largely meaningless, at least from the Kirkman/White House side of things. The whole episode was spent creating needless drama for something that could have taken five minutes.

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17 hours ago, Moose135 said:

One bright spot in the show - I was glad to see POTUS is an Islander fan!

And I cry foul lol! If he's a NYer, he's a Rangers fan! I need to tweet the HW and voice my displeasure with the president being an Islanders fan.

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"You have 24 hours".

The war room with the coffin table is our designated place for 24 references.

I kind of miss the glasses. People who wear glasses often  do so because contacts are uncomfortable and laser surgery isn't always 100% successful.

And a few episodes ago I was complaining about the glasses. I am fickle. Maybe he could have just gotten some more stylish and flattering glasses.

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4 hours ago, marinw said:

I kind of miss the glasses. People who wear glasses often  do so because contacts are uncomfortable and laser surgery isn't always 100% successful.

Or just that the idea of putting things in our eyes gives us the heebie-jeebies!

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1 hour ago, Kromm said:

I liked this show before the election, but now...

I have trouble watching a show about an unqualified man being President.

I would argue that the show POTUS is more qualified, but the only person I could argue with is my landlord, and I could never get a word in edgewise once he starts his backwards facts rants.


6 hours ago, marinw said:

...I kind of miss the glasses. People who wear glasses often  do so because contacts are uncomfortable and laser surgery isn't always 100% successful.

And a few episodes ago I was complaining about the glasses. I am fickle. Maybe he could have just gotten some more stylish and flattering glasses.

I suggested rimless glasses with non-glare lenses in the first episode thread. I still wish they'd gone with that.

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So. Kirkman gives into the governors' blackmail and agrees to close off ALL immigration so he can have a Congress? I guess they forgot that the United States is comprised of immigrants? Or to set that aside, because they're scared, they believe that only foreigners are would be terrorists? I guess in this universe, there never was the unibomber or Tim McViegh-both who were home grown nut jobs and terrorists? And WHITE. ???

And his presidency is legitimate by the rules of Succession and NOT a technicality or temporary. I'm really getting sick and tired and weary of someone saying that to him every fucking episode. And then he crumbles like someone does under a bully.

I want him to go back on that after he has his Congress.  What are the governors gonna do? Remove the Congress?

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So. Kirkman gives into the governors' blackmail and agrees to close off ALL immigration so he can have a Congress? I guess they forgot that the United States is comprised of immigrants? Or to set that aside, because they're scared, they believe that only foreigners are would be terrorists? I guess in this universe, there never was the unibomber or Tim McViegh-both who were home grown nut jobs and terrorists? And WHITE. ???

And his presidency is legitimate by the rules of Succession and NOT a technicality or temporary. I'm really getting sick and tired and weary of someone saying that to him every fucking episode. And then he crumbles like someone does under a bully.

I want him to go back on that after he has his Congress.  What are the governors gonna do? Remove the Congress?

The show needs a Consultant who is aware of the US Constitution. The issues haven't been properly analyzed. The show will get tiresome if Kirkland continues to act like a wimp everytime someone says "You are not the President."

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I have trouble watching a show about an unqualified man being President.

After what happened to reality this week, I'll take all the fantasy Presidents who aren't pure horror I can get.

Edited by marinw
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In retrospect, I think Kirkman makes some harsher/more extreme decisions when he feels he absolutely needs to (busting Michael Gaston, sending in SEALs), but sometimes he decides to be more diplomatic. The Constitution is on his side, but maybe he feels he shouldn't force more issues than he absolutely has to, maybe he wants to genuinely enjoy the support of the governors. I do think they should make that a little more clear, but I think it's consistent with his characterization. It's just that each week presents a different challenge, and he has a different reaction, and it feels like he's flip-flopping or regressing.

Also, a thought: what if Aaron sent that hot reporter to test Seth? He has the information about that annoying son, he could have fed it to her. And I thought it was kind of strange for Aaron to be all "dude go for it" when Seth said it would be unethical to date her. That's probably not the case, but it'd be kind of hilarious if Aaron was like "BUSTED!"

Edited by Princess Lucky
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On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 1:04 PM, Princess Lucky said:

I love how we basically have two low-ish ranking agents (though Malik is a director of some kind, I don't remember exactly) trying to get to the bottom of this huge terrorist plot, while the CIA and everyone else has no clue. Like, it's not believable, but it's also kind of awesome.

The scene in the war room where the FBI says that they had some guy for 2 weeks and got valuable information, then the CIA took over and got gibberish is exactly what happened to one of the 9/11 masterminds.


Maggie Q tells Hassad that they'll send his mother with diabetes to Pakistan.  Hassad counters that if he talks, the people responsible will slowly torture his entire family, and call her bluff.  It was not a credible threat.

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I thought this was a fairly terrible episode.  I'm not sure why he gave in so easily to the older female governor with the severe hairstyle.  Or to the Marco Rubio stand-in.  Yes, Kirkman is President because he was the Designated Survivor.  It doesn't matter what she or Marco or any of the rest of them think about it.  He was in the Cabinet, they were not.  Whatever the reason for making him the Designated Survivor, the CONSTITUTION is what says he is President.  I would have slapped all of those governors silly.  "Waaaaahhhh, Governor Royce is my friend, you're a big old meanie for putting him in jail!"  And how transparent was it for the show to have the governors of Arizona and Florida complaining about immigration.

The whole Syrian refugee thing?   Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  I get that the First Lady was an immigration lawyer prior to her unexpected new role, but watching her trying to fight for these refugees was just mind-numbingly dull.  Especially her second chance talk with Marco.  The actress was attempting to exude confidence and charm and it just didn't work.  And when she had her "I'm disappointed in my husband" argument with Kirkman, her accent was all over the place.  Russian peasant, Czechoslovakian countess, English working girl... I couldn't tell what she was slipping in to.

Liked seeing Maggie Q and Malik Yoba get increased roles and more meaty material.  But I'm confused... is there actually a "Catalan"?  I was convinced that Majid Nassar was simply referring to someone with the nickname "the Catalan", i.e., a man from the Catalonia region of Spain.  But then I briefly saw that an actor was credited as "Catalan" in the closing credits.  Did we actually see this person in the episode?  Who was he and what did he do?

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