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S33.E07: I Will Destroy You

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1 minute ago, North of Eden said:

IDIOTS! I feel like smashing something myself right now. I can't...I just can't with these fools. 

The Millennials all seem to be outplaying themselves so far.  I find it hilarious!

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18 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

IDIOTS! I feel like smashing something myself right now. I can't...I just can't with these fools. A merge is never certain and you would toast one of your best players on the...no your BEST player on your team. This is just so sickening I can't really even comment on whatever else happened in the episode. If Michayla wsan't so rattled she should have outed the idol to Sunday and Brett.

The only meager silver lining to be found here is that she's guaranteed a ticket to a return season.


Yea, Michaela should have outed Jay having the idol but she was too upset and possibly forgot.

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25 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

IDIOTS! I feel like smashing something myself right now. I can't...I just can't with these fools. A merge is never certain and you would toast one of your best players on the...no your BEST player on your team. This is just so sickening I can't really even comment on whatever else happened in the episode. If Michayla wsan't so rattled she should have outed the idol to Sunday and Brett.

The only meager silver lining to be found here is that she's guaranteed a ticket to a return season.

A merge is certain it is just a question of when it comes. They have been doing merges at 12 or 13 players for long time now so it is probably not a bad gamble though if they don't merge next week and lose a challenge Jay is toast.

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After thinking about it for a while, I think Jay just screwed himself over. By removing Michaela from the game this early and in this manner, he removes someone who was potentially a larger target than himself and seemingly loyal to him at this point. He also alerts everyone that he is full-out, cut-throat playing and will lie to and backstab even those who think they are his allies.

Note that I don't think removing her was the problem, but that this move was too early. Jay just trashed some trust, I think, and put an even bigger target on his back.

Michaela appeared to be planning for pure Millennials for the next several votes. He should have gone with that, re-established his ties with everyone else and read where loyalties were and what new bonds he had to work with, and a few TCs down the line vote her out. It would be unlikely for her to win every immunity challenge, and he would probably be able to finesse it as "I love Michaela, but she's such a powerhouse that if any of us want to win, we need to get rid of her now." Being a bit later in the game when people are thinking more along those lines, he'd likely spook fewer people into thinking he's playing really hard and is dangerous.

Up until this, Jay was my favorite player. He still may be, but I expect him to be sent home pretty darn quickly now. Le sigh.

(Also, earlier today in the previous episode thread, I said I was interested in seeing Michaela's gameplay post-merge. Apparently that was the kiss of death. Rather like my, "Hey, CeCe has been doing okay the past couple episodes!" comment one week. BAM. Bye, CeCe.)

No, Brett, it is not true that your only option is for you to write down Sunday's name and Sunday to write down your name. There are a bunch of other options. *headdesk* That's just stupid.

Michaela and Hannah seemed to have a pretty good relationship overall from the bits I saw this time.

Michaela seemed to be playing Survivor like a team sport. Win for the tribe. Diagram out how to win for you and your teammates. Unfortunately, it's not a team sport.

From what I saw, Ikabula didn't lose because Michaela "hogged the slingshot." Both Brett and Jay took a lot of shots too. They all traded off when people got tired. They lost because their aim, collectively, sucked. Chris clearly had the best aim, giving Vanua the come from behind win, and Ken and Taylor had a little bit more time to get their targets down for Takali. (They started shooting first.)

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1 hour ago, Oholibamah said:

7 votes. 6 women. 3 are Asian, 2 are black. 

Was Figgy Hispanic, or maybe Portuguese.

David is really an idiot.  Why does he feel he have to fall on his sword just for approval from others?

Jeez, did they need to keep playing the farts and belches?

Why did Michelle have such a hard time with the combination when nobody else did?

God, Sunday has an annoying voice.

Michaela was so shocked, she thought she had this in the bag.  She should have ratted Jay out about the idol.

Even Sunday voted for Michaela.

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Couple things:

First, Jess talking with Tayls and in her talking head she says something about not trusting Adam or liking Taylor and wanting to work with him. Ummmm, didn't Adam just save the GenX duo by going with them to vote out Figgs???? And Jess is not trusting Adam???? Nice!

Second, Michaela needed to pipe down some (I think her reaction to Figgs being voted out probably rubbed Jay wrong) and maybe she should have not been beasting every comp (maybe throw the reward ones). I kept thinking of Joe Anglin and knew she was painting a huge target on her back. And, by the way, on Joe's season 2 (I didn't see his first season) they were gunning for him and when they got to merge they had a hard time getting rid of him because he was a beast at IC (how many did he win in a row?). So I think it was brilliant to get rid of her as soon as they had the very first chance. I will miss her as she was great to watch. I suspect we'll see her again.

Edited by Lamima
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So Michaela's words last week -- if you're in a majority and you can't "figure it out", then you deserve to lose -- were prophetic for both Figgy and herself. Dang. Ultimately I think she couldn't have won -- no poker face -- but I think she could have gone far, and I'll miss her because she was definitely entertaining.

I don't think it was a smart move on Jay's part, but I respect him staring down Michaela and owning it. He had nothing to be ashamed of. It's just a game.

36 minutes ago, LanceM said:

A merge is certain it is just a question of when it comes. They have been doing merges at 12 or 13 players for long time now so it is probably not a bad gamble though if they don't merge next week and lose a challenge Jay is toast.

Have they actually merged at 13 before? I thought 12 was the largest they've ever done. Am I forgetting some seasons?

I'm not entirely certain I agree that Jay would've allied with a "loyal, strong and strategic" man. That basically describes Joe Anglim, and everyone wanted him out at the first opportunity.

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3 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Jess talking with Tayls and in her talking head she says something about not trusting Adam or liking Taylor and wanting to work with him. Ummmm, didn't Adam just save the GenX duo by going with them to vote out Figgs???? And Jess is not trusting Adam???? Nice!

I didn't think that was very smart, but I suppose she is trying to cover all sides.  It won't work and if it gets out it could get her targeted.  There are many bigger targets, she needs to chill.

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It's a shame that Probst has overused #blindside into meaninglessness, because that was one of the best, genuine blindsides in a long time.

Michaela put too much of a spotlight on herself.  

No one's playing particularly smart.  But, whatever.  At least I'm not part of the "generation" that Taylor apparently believes he speaks for.

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16 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Couple things:

First, Jess talking with Tayls and in her talking head she says something about not trusting Adam or liking Taylor and wanting to work with him. Ummmm, didn't Adam just save the GenX duo by going with them to vote out Figgs???? And Jess is not trusting Adam???? Nice!

I thought she was saying she wanted to work with Taylor because he seemed so naturally honest, while she knows Adam had no issue lying to people in his alliance. So even though his lying benefited her this time, she was worried about being on the other side down the line. It sounded like she thought Adam was a better player and that she'd be able to control Taylor.

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Wow, that was fantastic. The result was telegraphed as soon as the editing shenanigans kicked in - they didn't show Jay or Will talking to Bret or Sunday, they showed only Hannah's vote an nobody else's, I knew Michaela would be gone. Slightly irritated that Probst didn't keep order afterwards and Michaela, as much as I liked her, didn't show much class in being outplayed. Jay went from mostly forgettable right to the top as far as interesting players go for me. He will have to really be on top of his game going forward, but I liked his move.

Really liking the Chris/Dave/Zeke/Michelle tribe, they have a great dynamic for some reason. Not much to say about the purple tribe other than that Taylor continues to be vapid, annoying, and dull in the extreme. His real life escapades are hardly surprising, I'm guessing Figgy has felt like a moron since the first episode aired. Despite what Taylor said I think Adam will be just fine.

Not sure why Bret lied or why he think cops don't do well. Philip the FBI agent made the final 3 (as a goat, but still) and Tony won the game handily. I doubt cops have done worse than other professions? He seems to have picked a fake job that he knows very little about - at least do some research man! Everyone saw right through it. I continue to like him anyway.

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28 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I thought she was saying she wanted to work with Taylor because he seemed so naturally honest, while she knows Adam had no issue lying to people in his alliance. So even though his lying benefited her this time, she was worried about being on the other side down the line. It sounded like she thought Adam was a better player and that she'd be able to control Taylor.

Yep. That is exactly what she was saying and I don't think she is wrong in this assessment.

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I'm under the impression that the spilling of secrets, such as who has the idol, simply isn't allowed once Jeff starts to read the votes. Otherwise I'm sure a lot of spiteful players would have shouted all sorts of things on their way out over 32 seasons. I imagine there's a significant financial penalty for breaking such a rule in their contracts. I can't even remember there ever before being an outburst like Michaela's -- an accusation and a stare-off. That in itself might have been skirting the rules.

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Not surprised to see Mikaela go, she was strong and demanding. She was their leader dictating and wasn't a fan of her refusing to tag out when initially asked.  She wasted time but not letting someone else try and admitting she couldn't do it.

She also was so happy Figgy got voted out and vocal about it, well karma back to you. Then at tribal she outright tried to save herself that she didn't want one of the other 2 X'ers gone? Too late to act like you know nothing Mikaela and is being led by someone else.

Her blindside was funny and scary at the same time. 

Why are they using green screens? Mikaela and Zeke's backgrounds for their confessionals looked so fake.

Edited by Artsda
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My first reaction is to just skip over all the emotions associated with a Superwoman like Michalea (I think I will just call her Superwoman from now on - or maybe SW for short) and believe that some wonderful things will happen for her as a result of her behavior on this show.

I would love to see her achieve her dream (which I think was that someone from her family is finally able to achieve success). She is wonderful!  She richly deserves to achieve all her dreams and I would hope that somehow, someway, someone will recognize the tremendous quality possessed by this lady and somehow, she will be offered or will somehow find her role that will make her wildly successful!

Damn! This woman is a wonder and I would hope and expect that even though she is feeling very pissed off and very betrayed, her loss of the game will prove to be of little consequence to her life because it will result in  her being offered or being able to find her true calling in life that will result in her having all kinds of success - above and beyond winning this season of Survivor.

I can't think of another contestant in recent memory who deserved the success that Superwoman deserves. What an amazing lady! What an amazing job someone did by casting her.

I sense that most people are bitterly disappointed with this episode and I can understand why. However, I hope things will turn out in such a way that this episode will come to be recognized as one of the very best of the series because it will result in Superwoman finding the true success and her true life's calling that she really deserves!

Edited by AliShibaz
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1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

I didn't think that was very smart, but I suppose she is trying to cover all sides.  It won't work and if it gets out it could get her targeted.  There are many bigger targets, she needs to chill.

If I didn't know better, I would never guess that Jessica is a District Attorney (or is it "Assistant" District Attorney?). I get a very strong impression that her mind lacks the necessary "sharpness" that enables D.A.'s to cut through any and all of the crap that comes out of peoples' mouths and enables them to cut straight to the truth.

My opinion in this matter was first formed when she betrayed Ken who was trying to be nothing but honorable to her and continued when the audience was shown those incredibly bizarre tattoos on her back. My opinion then became much stronger during tonight's episode and I would expect that she will be voted out very soon.

Sometimes this game of Survivor just makes very little sense to me and it seems like the audience has to work incredibly hard - just to understand a few basic issues during the game. Tonight's episode seems to me to be such an episode. When it was over, I found myself sitting on my Living Room floor and asking myself, "What the Hell just happened and why did that happen?"

By the way, I would have expected the producers to have made a bunch of noise about Jessica's "Legacy Advantage". After all, unless I am mistaken about the dates, she should have been given the "official" Legacy Advantage either last night or during the previous episode.

Edited by AliShibaz
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3 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

Most positive edit ever for a pre-merge boot? I think that Jay and Will were overthinking this, as being physical and strategic doesn't necessarily make one a jury threat.

I can't believe we didn't get a reaction shot from Michelle when the tribes found out that Figgy had been voted out!

It is not looking good for the women, only four of whom are left in the game.

The only woman who really gets to me now is Hannah. I find myself intensely disliking her. She may well win this season, but if she does, IMHO, it will largely be due to the fact that she is so incredibly annoying and such a huge pain in the ass that very few of the other contestants want anything to do with her. I can't believe that any of them get any enjoyment by sitting next to her.

I'm not going to explain all the tiny reasons why I think her personality is so awful. I'll just say that in my opinion, all of them lead to one extremely nasty and annoying personality.

It would make me so happy if we could dump ten Hannas in exchange for a single Michaela.

Edited by AliShibaz
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4 hours ago, Dust Bunny said:

Jeff totally hid a smile when Jay looked Michaela right in the eye and said, "Yeah. I did it." I loved that moment. Absolutely ballsy. He owned every part of that move. It was brilliant and entertaining as hell.

Team Jay the rest of the way. 

I dunno. At first he looked very pleased with himself, but at the end, I think it was starting to dawn on him that others won't trust him now, and that he just played his only hole card.  

It's not like he has some big master plan here.

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Kudos to Taylor for not being the whiny little shit that Zeke and Adam were when they didn't get their way. The way he treated Adam right afterwards was a complete 180 degrees from the "don't talk to us because we're mad" shit they pulled on Hannah. Again, fuck Adam and Zeke. 

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1 hour ago, AliShibaz said:

I sense that most people are bitterly disappointed with this episode and I can understand why.

I LOVED this episode and this season!  I think the Survivor editors edit with ME in mind.  I was so over Michaela and her superiority complex.  She played like she'd never seen the show and I was dying for it to bite her in the ass.  That was one of the funnest blindsides since Randy in Gabon.  Amazing!  There is no one left I don't like, too.  

I loved Jay and Hannah knowing Brett's a cop.  Why do cops lie?  Do they think people think cops are masterminds?  Hardly.  Don't they know people recognize cops when they see them?  

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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I was happy to see Michaela go. She was RUNNING the game and the other players were letting her.   She was bossy and getting bossier. That usually sends a player off the island pretty quickly.  She lost the immunity challenge because she didn't want to admit someone else might be better than her at using the slingshot. I also think she has anger issues. 

Yep, totally agree. Even though she was (mostly) good at challenges, she was getting more & more full of herself. Also, she was a really poor loser.

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1 hour ago, AliShibaz said:

Sometimes this game of Survivor just makes very little sense to me and it seems like the audience has to work incredibly hard - just to understand a few basic issues during the game. Tonight's episode seems to me to be such an episode. When it was over, I found myself sitting on my Living Room floor and asking myself, "What the Hell just happened and why did that happen?"

It's not that difficult.  It's not a sporting event or a chess match.  There are elements of both... outwit, outlast, outplay.  What just happened is the bossy, over-strategizing challenge beast got her walking papers right on schedule.  She didn't outWIT.  She rubbed her wit and her strength in other's faces, knowing that's what wins in some games.  Which is what's great about this game.  You have to outwit subtly, not be in everyone's face about it.  You have to adjust your game to the circumstances, not just play BALLS TO THE WALL and expect others to bow down and sacrifice their games for your game.  In the end, this isn't a team sport.   

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I think this will have to go down as one of the all-time worst-played seasons, to the extent that I almost start to get that @henripootel feelin' like they are being forced to do ridiculous illogical #blindsides every tribal.  It was stupid to keep David.  It was stupid to vote out Paul.  It was stupid to save Jessica.  It was stupid (though thank the Survivor Gods for it) for David to vote out CeCe.  It was stupid to vote out Michaela.  Michelle saving Figgy, and then Adam getting rid of Figgy, are the only two votes that made sense to me.  I was very sorry to see Mari and Figgy go, but I understood those moves and thought they were the right moves for the players making them.  But everyone else is crazy.

Jay could have been Jeremy.  To me, Michaela was never a threat to Jay.  She was useful -- loyal to him, loyal to the Millenials, a big loud meat shield to take all the attention in the early merge when it's "vote out the challenge threats" time.  She wanted to take that 4 to the end!  Jay clearly crushes Will and Hannah at F3.  All he had to do was take out Michaela at like 6 or something using whatever convenient person on the outs he can find, because she will be the obvious biggest threat in the game who nobody wants to go to the end with.  She's a perfect shield for him.  She's smart, sure, but as hard as I was on Joe in Cambodia for not playing harder, it's really goddamn hard to work it when you're the very obvious biggest threat.  It would be easy, so easy, for Jay to blindside her in the late merge.  Now is way too soon.  Whoever said he's playing a post-merge game in the pre-merge is exactly right.

I'm not quite as sad as I thought I'd be about Michaela going, though I'm pretty sad.  When she said "I'll get rich somehow," I said, "I believe it."  Michaela is awesome.  She'll be OK.  I can't wait to see her Second Chance.  I would however fucking love it if they'd stop voting out all the women on this season.  Only one measly dude gone at the merge!?  Michelle will have her work cut out for her here but I believe in her!  Even though she got a rather ambiguous edit tonight, with the 'is she having a meltdown' comment.  I believe we were supposed to empathize with her during the Blazing Saddles scene, though; anyway I certainly did.

I also believe in Hannah.  I loved her grilling Bret.  I thought it was a clever game move, sort of aslant and unobvious, get people to not trust him.  And I think she's well-positioned in the game.  Though I seem to be the only one who thinks so, she's not an idiot, and she will have plenty of opportunity to put together something really good for her in this merge.  She'll be last target of just about everyone, assuming she doesn't play swing vote too loudly.  I'm still hoping for a Michelle/Hannah F2, and I feel like it's a definite possibility.

I do think it's funny, though.  One World has the reputation of one smart person destroying a pack of imbeciles; so Kim Spradlin gets into the Top 10 (or whatever) with an asterisk in a lot of Survivor Nerd Dudes' minds.  But those people were playing logically enough; they played boring, not bad, which is why people think they weren't doing anything and were dumb.  I have a feeling whoever wins this season will not be known for playing with idiots, because people are playing loudly and outrageously, even though their BIG MOVES are all stupid!

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I'm not quite as sad as I thought I'd be about Michaela going, though I'm pretty sad.  When she said "I'll get rich somehow," I said, "I believe it."  Michaela is awesome.  She'll be OK.  I can't wait to see her Second Chance.  I would however fucking love it if they'd stop voting out all the women on this season.  Only one measly dude gone at the merge!?  Michelle will have her work cut out for her here but I believe in her!  Even though she got a rather ambiguous edit tonight, with the 'is she having a meltdown' comment.  I believe we were supposed to empathize with her during the Blazing Saddles scene, though; anyway I certainly did.

Sunday and Hannah won't pose any real threat to anyone (I don't think), so really, Michelle and Jessica may have to watch it.  If Hannah goes off or seems like a loose emotional cannon, they may target her.  Sunday...I don't know exactly what Sunday is doing.  Still, I have to think the men will now start turning on each other.  Hopefully?  Pretty please?

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You're not allowed to say "So and So has an Idol" because technically you're dead once your name is read (and your voted out) and the Idol (and those who know about it) is alive. I am like 95% sure I heard Jeff say this in an interview (or I read it in a Dalton thing - but it has come up and that's the reason). 

That was one heck of a blindside. But I do think she was right. Jay + Will? really messed things up.
They are tight 4 - and are athletic enough (and have an idol to save one of Jay, Will(?) etc) if they get targeted - but it wouldn't have mattered because you could pick off the following:

Gingerhead, Ken, Taylor, Adam in that order. (Say Adam plays the Idol) - that means you knock out Michelle 
then you go David/Zeke (second idol played), Jessica (say Hannah gets booted because of the legacy) and you still have Michalea, Jay and Will. (Oh and Sunday because she survived). Sunday gets booted (or you know it's Survivor, Sunday wins, and you could then at that point boot out Michalea. if Michalea seems very goaty because of her talk first, ask questions later, you boot out Will. (or Jay) at Final 4.

Will/Jay win Survivor because Sunday won't get the Millennial vote
Michalea won't get the GenX Vote. 

But we'll see. 

also. and this is why i refuse to choose winners. never ever pans out for me. 

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Is the idol rule new?  Because Shirin said when she was voted off during Second Chances, she told everyone Terry had the idol (though she was wrong).  It didn't make the broadcast, however.  All Jay would have to do is deny it.  Lord knows they might just assume Michaela was a wee bit bitter about her vote, and trying to set him up.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I'm not convinced that the Green team didn't throw this challenge.  Survivor didn't show them owning up to it, but Survivor doesn't like to advertise the fact that teams do throw challenges.  The Green team got to slingshots well ahead of the Orange team and still only knocked down two targets to the Orange team's five.  And this is a team that had dominated in other challenges.  And Michaela, who may be the most athletic woman ever on Survivor, couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.  I'm just not buying it.  If she did help throw it, then she got what she deserved.

I couldn't decide what was better, her reaction to being voted out or Hannah's.  This is the most entertaining Survivor in years.

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Another reason why this season is such a drag is that every damn episode someone must talk about the difference between Gen-X & Millenials. We really need to stop being beaten over the head with it cause I'm tired of hearing it. Who cares??? Hate this stupid ass theme this year. I understand Survivor has themes but this one is just flat out overkill.  Yes people are born different years but we're not defined by it. I can understand if you wanna talk about the difference in music, t.v., clothes, etc. but trying to say Gen-X is hard working and Millenials are lazy is so generalizing and can't be so off the mark. There'a a mix of hard working older people and lazy older people and vice versa.

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2 hours ago, AliShibaz said:

By the way, I would have expected the producers to have made a bunch of noise about Jessica's "Legacy Advantage". After all, unless I am mistaken about the dates, she should have been given the "official" Legacy Advantage either last night or during the previous episode.

You're mistaken. The Legacy Advantage will not appear until Day 36. Since we've all been so confused about it, here's what we know (copy and pasted from the article http://www.ew.com/article/2016/09/22/survivor-jeff-probst-premiere-millennials-gen-x-cyclone ):



Jessica from the Gen X tribe found an envelope at the start of the game called the Legacy Advantage, which gives her an advantage in the game if she still is there on day 36. However, if she is voted out, she must will it to another player. Two questions: 1.) Does she will it publicly or privately? So will the other players then know it exists and who has it? And 2.) If she wills it to someone and thenthat someone also gets voted out, does he/she then will it to someone else? So will the Legacy Advantage definitely make it to day 36, even if it is through a series of holders getting booted? 

Yes, it will be in the game in the final episode. If the holder of the advantage is voted out, they will the advantage to another player in private AFTER Tribal Council. You would then see in their confessional who they willed it to, but nobody else would have any idea. Then it would show up in that person’s personal bag. 

So, if the recipient didn’t even know the advantage existed, they would be shocked to discover it. And if the new recipient is then voted out, they follow the same procedure, willing it to someone else. Then on day 36, whoever is in possession of the advantage can open it to see what power it has for them. So, it could end up being willed to several people or none at all! 


(I put it in a spoiler tag just in case someone thinks having Jeff answer details about possible transitions will remove the mystery.)

Edited by simplyme
Added spoiler tag for absolute purists
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A merge is certain it is just a question of when it comes. They have been doing merges at 12 or 13 players for long time now so it is probably not a bad gamble though if they don't merge next week and lose a challenge Jay is toast.

Jay has an idol, so if he thought Sunday/Bret/Hannah were teaming up on him, he'd just play it to save himself.  It would suck for him using it so soon, but he'd still be around.

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What I jotted down during the show, before knowing how it ended:



Like someone said last week, it seems doubtful that Michaela has ever watched Survivor. She seems determined to limit her appeal to the smallest number of fellow players possible. She certainly hasn't reached out to GenXers in any way that I have seen, yet she is so open about her glee in Figgy being voted out, and we know that Hannah is not exactly fond of her either. What then is her constituency once it is no longer a team game?

Wow, how clever is Hannah to not only figure out that Brett is not a funeral director, but that he is a cop.



5 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I was happy to see Michaela go. She was RUNNING the game and the other players were letting her.   She was bossy and getting bossier. That usually sends a player off the island pretty quickly.  She lost the immunity challenge because she didn't want to admit someone else might be better than her at using the slingshot. I also think she has anger issues. 

When just clicking the heart isn't enough!  Well said.

1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I LOVED this episode and this season!  I think the Survivor editors edit with ME in mind.  I was so over Michaela and her superiority complex.  She played like she'd never seen the show and I was dying for it to bite her in the ass.

You and me both, brother!  ::high five::

Edited by SlackerInc
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I'll miss Michaela for lots of reasons--she was a powerhouse player, I enjoyed the debate here about whether, when and how much rudeness is justified in the course of a competition, and I was mesmerized by her braids. 

BUT, I'm really enjoying The Season of Blindsides.  I'll trade the loss of players I like or don't like for the fun of viewers and players alike sitting there with mouths hanging open at the end.  Unless something truly spectacular happens early in the the show, it feels to me like kind of a dud when you know everyone is going to vote for a particular person, and then they all file in and dutifully write down that name.

I'll take either tickled or pissed off over bored any day. 

(I know this is shallow and rules me out as a Survivor Superfan student of the game.  Don't care.)

Edited by candall
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Michaela's reaction tonight might have just replaced Judd's from season eleven as my favorite elimination reaction.  Just classic stuff right there.

I really liked Michaela and I was shocked that she was voted out so early.  I found her confessionals to be funny.  What is weird is that I normally hate cocky players but I really liked her.

Edited by BK1978
Because Judd was on season eleven not nine like I wrote.
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1 hour ago, simplyme said:

You're mistaken. The Legacy Advantage will not appear until Day 36. Since we've all been so confused about it, here's what we know (copy and pasted from the article http://www.ew.com/article/2016/09/22/survivor-jeff-probst-premiere-millennials-gen-x-cyclone ):

  Reveal hidden contents


Jessica from the Gen X tribe found an envelope at the start of the game called the Legacy Advantage, which gives her an advantage in the game if she still is there on day 36. However, if she is voted out, she must will it to another player. Two questions: 1.) Does she will it publicly or privately? So will the other players then know it exists and who has it? And 2.) If she wills it to someone and thenthat someone also gets voted out, does he/she then will it to someone else? So will the Legacy Advantage definitely make it to day 36, even if it is through a series of holders getting booted? 

Yes, it will be in the game in the final episode. If the holder of the advantage is voted out, they will the advantage to another player in private AFTER Tribal Council. You would then see in their confessional who they willed it to, but nobody else would have any idea. Then it would show up in that person’s personal bag. 

So, if the recipient didn’t even know the advantage existed, they would be shocked to discover it. And if the new recipient is then voted out, they follow the same procedure, willing it to someone else. Then on day 36, whoever is in possession of the advantage can open it to see what power it has for them. So, it could end up being willed to several people or none at all! 


(I put it in a spoiler tag just in case someone thinks having Jeff answer details about possible transitions will remove the mystery.)

Thank you for correcting me. Somehow I got it into my mind that Day 36 happened after 6 people were voted out. But of course, it occurs after 12 people are gone. Usually someone is voted out every 3 days - not every 6 days. So, it was my mistake.

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6 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

Also while it seems like she's pretty physically overmatched, she's good at puzzles and she and Zeke are consistently the part of the tribe who are outthinking the challenges to make up for their physical limitations while Chris keeps them at least vaguely close physically.

Those two are a dream team and consistently work well together on challenges. I bet if they made a secret alliance they would go far. So glad they didn't go to tribal.

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3 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Michaela's reaction tonight might have just replaced Judd's from season nine as my favorite elimination reaction.  Just classic stuff right there.

I really liked Michaela and I was shocked that she was voted out so early.  I found her confessionals to be funny.  What is weird is that I normally hate cocky players but I really liked her.

Someone said her reaction made her a "poor loser" or "bad sport" or something like that. I can certainly understand why people would feel that way and I have to admit that is true.

However, another way to look at that is this lady has a tremendously high opinion of herself and enormous confidence and for some reason, I really like that and anticipate she will make a big success of her life. I certainly hope she does that. I believe she has a great dream and that she deserves to make her dream come true.  After all, it seems to me that most people who make a big success for themselves and their families seem to have a very high opinion of themselves. That tends to make them seem like A-Holes to many other people. But it also maybe helps them to achieve success.

For those of you who did not see or did not remember what she said about her family and success, I think she expressed those opinions in Episode 6 (one week ago). I cannot explain why.  But I really very much like and respect this lady and truly wish her the very best of everything in her life. If anyone deserves that, it seems to me that she deserves the best. Her back story really tugs at my heart and I very much want to read that she was able to break free of her background. I would love to have met her and to have kissed her. IMHO, she is just truly wonderful. You go Michaela! Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

I suppose this debate about Michaela can and will go on for a very long time. But I think my opinions may well be based on the fact that I really like this lady very much and respect what she appears to have achieved in her life so far and hope she will achieve much more. I do no t know hardly anything about her. But I would have to guess she was born into an under-privileged family and an under-privileged lifestyle and that she has had to put up a mighty struggle to achieve most anything that she has achieved so far in her life.

Edited by AliShibaz
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4 hours ago, Daisy said:

You're not allowed to say "So and So has an Idol" because technically you're dead once your name is read (and your voted out) and the Idol (and those who know about it) is alive. I am like 95% sure I heard Jeff say this in an interview (or I read it in a Dalton thing - but it has come up and that's the reason). 


You cannot HAND OFF an idol once youre voted out but you can say whatever you want. Eliza Orlins said Ozzy had the idol after she was voted out in S16.

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13 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

 Too bad Michaela didn't rat out Jay's idol.

I concur.

13 hours ago, Brynnjk said:

That was a smart move.  Michaela was so powerful at almost every challenge and you only get so many opportunities to blindside a strong player.  Wow, I would never have expected this with the editing this season.  

I respectfully do NOT concur.

Jay just killed his game big time.  You WANT Michaela at the merge like anything.  Even if Jay can't do simply arithmetic or know the millennials are no longer united.  Which btw they haven't been since the very first tribal.  Even then he should know Survivor 101:


Michaela was Jay's best hope to go deep into the game since idols aren't forever.  She "fronted" their alliance.  She was the challenge master.  She took all the heat and attention off of Jay.  Now it is Jay that will attract any and all lightning from all the others.

There is no way she would have won every single challenge post-merge.  Jay is batshit crazy if he thought that.  Hello.  There are plenty of his fellow males that can win individual challenges too like Ken, Chris and even Jay himself so why worry about the one strong woman left?  The challenge crap might have fooled stupid Will (no wonder we don't see any air time of that doofus) but no one else would have swallowed it. 

Michaela gave him (1) numbers, (2) loyalty, and (3) the most awesome shield any Survivor could dream of having.  Jay might as well have voted for himself at tribal.  He is toast now as he will be seen as (1) the out front leader and challenge threat of the now diminished, minority alliance and (2) someone NOT to be trusted in said alliance even. 

In that regard he managed a 2 for 1 losing Hannah in the process.  And he may get back Taylor at the merge for an all boy "The Three Young Idiots" alliance but Michelle may not return either after that move.

Way WAY W-A-Y too early to back stab Michaela.  I agree with the poster above (KimberStormer - great post about Jay period) that said that move should have happened with about 6 players left.  Jay is totally ignorant about how to play Survivor.  I will love to see Jay suffer for that stupid move down the line.

13 hours ago, MKL122788 said:

Also, can I just say, that 5/5 minority women have been eliminated from the game and that makes me sad. And 6 of 7 total eliminations have been women.

I always talk about how sometimes these games mimic aspects of society, but damn, this is a harsh one.

If Michaela was a guy, and Jay(and Will) saw someone 100% loyal, strong, and strategic, he wouldn't at all be threatened. He would likely feel closer to that person and want to go far with them.

I am just generally in awe by men on Survivor. Always threatened by smart women.

Great post.  Though I wouldn't say all men.  Ken and David and Zeke and Adam are all given a pass for now.  But Jay and Will definitely are guilty which is sad.  So much for the new generation being so enlightenly  "different" when some of them are as bad as older ones regards smart, strong women.

Oh well Michaela is a lock to be asked to return to a future "returnee" version of Survivor.  Meanwhile Jay will soon be lost to memory to all but the most hardcore Survivor fans.  You know who you are.  Those of you who can actually recite all the endless past season tribal names.  (I don't know the ones from this year other than someone said one sounded like vanilla, heh).

Edited by green
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8 hours ago, NYCFree said:

I find Jessica weirdly untrustful.  She did it first with Ken, when he gave her the news that she was being targeted, she disbelieved him to the extent she went directly up to the targeter to ask if it was true.  No trustworthy answer can come from that question.  Now with Adam having clearly sided with the Gen Xers over the Millenials, she chooses to think of Taylor as more open and trustworthy than the guy who just publicly committed himself to your alliance.

Plus, from the front she has the sincere, bald-eyed look of an Amish woman, then turns around and looks like she fell asleep on the funny papers.


Michaela will never be forgotten, she was one of the most entertaining of all Survivors.  At tribal with her hair pulled back I thought she was just incredibly pretty.  Maybe she'll get rich modelling, if not some other way.

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Chris is super athletic. I don't think I've ever seen him be bad at any physical challenge (skill or strength base). It's pretty impressive.

ETA: I'm calling it: Jay will be the winner this season. He's very switched on and has the winner's edit so far, IMO. I may be wrong and he might be voted off next but my gut feel right now is he's winning this thing. It was smart of him to get rid of Michaela as well because he's right, she is a threat come merge. She is likable, athletic and smart. Plus, he just decreased the number of people who know he has the immunity idol. I also liked that he looked her straight in the eyes and told her he did it and didn't snivel like some contestants would. That took guts. I'm loving this season so far. The votes are unpredictable and there's no one left that I would hate to see winning. Hannah and David are my least favorites but they are inoffensive as well.

Finally they showed us Sunday and she seems nice. I have to say Will has a very good poker face during the tribal council, it was amazing.

Edited by waving feather
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I just have to say, I am still really enjoying this season. I think it's due to there being so many people I like, and so little people that I don't like. I think the only person that I have more negative feelings towards than positive is Taylor.  Other than that, I either really like people, or feel pretty neutral towards them. So I find myself rooting for different teams at different times. 

For instance, I was really happy to see Orange win the RC because they seem like the least athletic team out there (save Chris) and they always seem to fall behind early on. They deserved a nice treat. (Although, poor Michelle and the male flatulence choir!) And then I was happy that Purple won IC because they went to TC last and didn't win any reward this week. Green needed to take a loss, it balanced things out a bit. 

And I WAS disappointed to see Michaela go. I liked her a lot, and I think her tribe did too. Yes, she barks at people during challenges - Jay and Brett both had some sass served to them this week - but she seems to have been a positive person around camp. I know it was hard to do what they did. I appreciated that they all just really liked each other, but had to think of any post-merge situations that might arise. 

I think Michaela was just such an all around threat. Not only did she slay most challenges, but with her shells/rocks tutorial, she showed her teammates just how hard she was thinking about things. And, honestly, I think she revealed just a little too much. It was like she stepped in and took charge and had their whole game planned out for them, not considering that they might have ties on other teams that they want to work with once a merge eventually happens. I think she meant to impress them and rally them, but it seemed to really concern Jay and Will and turn them off. 

So while I was sorry to see her go, I appreciated Jay for not keeping such a threat along for weeks and weeks, just waiting for the right time. I'm not entirely sure it was the right move, but I like to see people making those big moves vs. biding their time. And it did make for a shocking tribal. "What?????" And Jay just held it down. He owned it, and kept eye contact, but looked appropriately contrite. "Yea, I did that". And Hannah, poor Hannah. "I did NOT do that". I thought she was going to have another panic attack.

It will just be very interesting to see what ties the two original tribes have whenever they get to the merge. Was getting rid of Michaela smart? Or will it hurt Millennial numbers? Yes, technically there are still more Millennials in the game, but you have to remember that both Adam and Zeke seem to be more cozy with the Gen X'ers than their own tribe. If Ken and Chris can keep them on board and rally all of Gen X back together, they might have an advantage. Or totally new bonds and splits might happen that we didn't even think of. It will be very interesting, I'm sure. 

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9 hours ago, simplyme said:

No, Brett, it is not true that your only option is for you to write down Sunday's name and Sunday to write down your name. There are a bunch of other options. *headdesk* That's just stupid.

I thought that too until he explained the logic behind it.  In the context of the game with what he knew (taking out what we see that he couldn't be aware of) it sort of made sense.  He's telling Sunday if she votes for anyone in the majority alliance and Brett is voted out then the person she voted for and the rest of that alliance could potentially go after her even harder then they are.  With no changes she could be out next tribal but she has a chance if there's a merge or a tribe switch.  So his logic was they can't break the alliance and to avoid pissing them off they shouldn't write down the name of anyone in that alliance.  He was so convinced that one of them was going home (and without Jay's move that would have happened) that he was looking a few tribal's ahead and using that nights vote to protect either himself or Sunday by not rocking the boat.  I'm not going to defend him and say it was the best strategy in the world but with only two of them and with what looked to him like no other options it wasn't a bad idea to ingratiate themselves even a little with that vote so they could claim "loyalty" later on.

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