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1 hour ago, topanga said:

That was Nicole's daughter? (I'm new the show. My hairdreser turned me onto it last week). Not only was the baby not sitting next to her, but she never even looked at May. I thought for sure it was her sister's baby.

May might as well be her sister's baby for all concern Nicole showed about her during the five weeks she went to Morocco. The only time I remember May was mentioned was in a phone call to the States where Nicole wanted May to call Azan "Daddy." (he loves her, you know...) Some sharp poster noticed that Nicole's sister appears to have potty trained May in Nicole's absence. I'm willing to bet May's aunt and grandmother also provide free babysitting while Nicole is working her shifts at Starbucks. 

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Did anyone else think Nicole looked like she'd gained a considerable amount of weight since she came back from Morocco? Her face and her arms in that dreadful shirt looked a lot bigger to me. I loved her mom explaining to us that Nicole bulldozes her way to get things she wants. Isn't May's father some guy she met online and went to Texas to be with? Seems like she turned 18, met some random guy online, moved to Texas, got pregnant, they broke up and she runs back to mommy with an infant. Now she's about to repeat the process but this guy will require a whole lot of money and someone willing to sponsor him. I don't think it's a stretch to think Nicole is probably getting some government assistance in the form of food stamps and probably subsidized housing (unless her mom is paying her rent). No way in hell is a part time barista earning enough money to support herself and a child and able to save enough to fund airfare and 5 weeks in Morocco. I really, really hope her mom sticks to her guns and refuses to sponsor Azan. Nicole the Bulldozer needs a big, giant helping of reality to slap her in the face.

I was hoping Jorge would stop being a pussy long enough to call the cops and tell them his girlfriend had a temper tantrum and keyed his car. If he told them she was here on a stipulated visa and he no longer wanted her is his apartment, she probably would have been given a ride to the airport by the cops or someone with immigration. I would pay money to see Anfisa's reaction to that! She couldn't just walk away and slam the door in their face like she does to the producers. I was hoping to hear someone from production tell her she wasn't doing what she promised when she signed the contract, so she wasn't going to be paid.

I feel bad for Pedro. Chantal treats him like shit, blames all the crap her lying ass causes on him and her family treats him worse than dog shit on their shoes. I hope he becomes fluent in English, becomes successful and leaves her for a nice Dominican girl in a few years.

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7 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Chantal’s parents probably own a lucrative business, and are hell bent on keeping it in the family. Can’t say that I blame them.  However, their treatment of Pedro was horrible. They made that poor guy seem - less than.  I don't think they'd like it if someone were to treat River the same way.

Yep.  Or maybe there is an elderly/ill grandparent in the family, and Chantal's parents know that a large amount of money will be left to each grandchild.  For how concerned they seemed, I am thinking they know of a windfall that will probably come to Chantel soon.

I think they are unimpressed with any young man who would go along with Chantal's plan to keep such important news secret.

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34 minutes ago, millennium said:


Whew! I thought it was my TV or that it really is time for new glasses. I wonder how much time had passed since her return until this part was filmed? The difference between what she looked like in her talking heads wearing the pink shirt to what she looked like last night was startling. Methinks her mom placates her tantrums with food. 

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Jorge likes to flash the cash the same way he likes to flash Anfisa, as if Anfisa was someone one would brag about being with.   But as I said before, to Jorge this whole thing (the money and the girl) is about asserting himself his school friends know that he has arrived.   ....his pathetic notion of having arrived.

He should be doubly careful given the line of business he is in.

i wonder if that cash was part of the $15k he got from his deal at the 99 cent store

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On 11/6/2016 at 9:25 PM, KariLois said:

I really don't get the Azan love.  He is trying to scam a girl he clearly hates for a green card.  I feel for Nicole.

I agree with you Karilois. She is very young and doesn't seem to understand she's being used. What I don't understand is who is sponsoring him ? I went through the same situation with a man from England when I was about 35 years old. I was a low income single parent, and my parents had to sponsor him. There were a lot of red flags after we married, and when he got his green card... I found out he really had been having an affair, and got someone pregnant. When I went to a divorce attorney, she tried to get it annulled but was unable to, even though I had proof he left me right away. It's sad, not sure why I watch this show.. but I can relate to them and I just want to scream at the tv.... "Don't do it !"

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11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Legal websites that create docs for you make a pdf document so the web address wouldn't show up.

Ah, true, true. As mentioned, I gained no new levels of knowledge of this in forever. 

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15 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Of course if her mom had a backbone, Nicole wouldn't have grown into the lady we see before us.

Mother I was stuck being born to has a backbone. No emotions whatsoever but a backbone. Now, given we have a strong history of mental illness in my family, I have to admit that she did her best. Two of us are pretty well rounded and are good to function in society without drama. The third, as I sadly recently learned, has turned into Anfisa. And the fourth (the oldest) was always a Nicole. His way or the highway, has currently not seen his son (who just turned 15 or 16) in at least ten years, because reasons. Recently had two more kids (ironically, with an import that looks like Nicole but fancies herself an Anfisa) and Bro-Nicole has been playing the emotional blackmail with his two daughters over our mother dearest. It never worked (to his face, I'm the one that got the complaints and tears in the background), but that still doesn't stop him for trying as far as I know. 

So, no, CWJ, mom having a backbone (I will say in some cases, because if I generalize I will be chewed up!), in my experience is irrelevant. Nicoles will be Nicoles. They were born Nicoles and they will play the Nicole card (again in my experience) at least well into their fourties, long after it stopped being cute. 

Edited by Landlord
Corrected "our" to "her" best
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6 hours ago, Snewtsie said:

Yep.  Or maybe there is an elderly/ill grandparent in the family, and Chantal's parents know that a large amount of money will be left to each grandchild.  For how concerned they seemed, I am thinking they know of a windfall that will probably come to Chantel soon.

I think they are unimpressed with any young man who would go along with Chantal's plan to keep such important news secret.

I agree. The Secret was a stupid and thoughtless idea.  And, he cosigned on it. In fact, instead of trying to talk her out of it, we see him saying, "No, no, baby," when she says she ready to tell them.

And, I hate to be hard on Pedro because Chantal's family has been lousy to him, but so far we only have two indicators of his work ethic:

~ His work resume (which we know NOTHING about)

~ His diligence in learning English both before and during the 90 days. Either he is not bright or just not trying.

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12 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Yes, she is used to getting her way. And, she goes from zero to sixty when she doesn't get her way, getting obnoxiously loud an unreasonable. Her poor mom probably never sees beyond shutting her up in the moment.

Seriously, between the interrupting, the tears, and the tantrums; the arguing and the inability to see anyone else's point of view, and the total lack of discipline, Nicole's mom has managed to raise a ginormous baby woman. What went right with Nicole's sister?

So, when Azan decides to leave her after a year and spend his life at Workout World instead of getting a job, Nicole's mom can spend her retirement money reimbursing the government for his welfare.

After all, from what we observed over the five week period in Morocco, we already know that Azan is completely comfortable with not having a job. And, it appears he is not putting any money towards the K1 Visa process. I'm guessing he's completely comfortable with that, too?

Three years from now, Nicole's mom will be truly struggling to make ends meet while her daughter shops online for yet another mate with a "trainer bod."

Azan, if you're reading, please, have a heart, and move onto a victim who doesn't have a child. A not-Nicole woman will be more pleasant for you in the long [short] run, anyway.


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I re-watched this past episode and it struck me just how stoned Jorge was when he was talking to the cameras on the parking garage roof, (I think production knew it too).  Maybe, just maybe Anfisa throws him out when he is lit up?  I loved when he was in the hallway in front of his apartment and Anfisa opened the door on him, priceless reaction.  They went to the airport and couldn't find a flight? Really? Why on earth would they go before they looked on line?

Nicole gets an idea in her head and runs with it, her mother should ask her if she met someone online would she just give that person $5000? Would she give away that money knowing full well she has a child she is responsible for? Shame on Azan not even suggesting he also work to make that goal happen.  That alone should show Nicole he is not so selfless and sharing.  Not to be harsh but these people deserve what they get.

Alla seemed happier than ever with her sister in town, Matt should have picked up on that happiness and realized that he did not make her smile like that but we are talking about Matt sooo...

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Did anyone else get the feeling that Nicole's sudden "Christmas in Morocco" was going to be funded by TLC?  I think she is being groomed to be the next Danielle and they have approached her for future appearances.  I also wonder about the money she is making from this show.  Couldn't that be used as part of her income for the K-1 visa, making it unnecessary for her mother to co-sign.  I hope they look at a period of at least 3 years of prior income, but I have no idea.  Unfortunately, her mother is in a horrible situation.  No matter what happens, she will have to watch May suffer.  If she doesn't co-sign and gives Nicole tough love by cutting off funding, Nicole has the power to keep May away from her, which I can completely believe will happen.  Nicole will go around to friends and relatives begging for help and that poor child will be dragged along.  I doubt Nicole is paying for her housing, so May will lose her home and all that is familiar to her.  She might even take May to Morocco, since she will have money from the show. And who knows what could happen with that dimwit as primary caretaker.  Her other choice is to sign the papers and bring Azan here.  This would keep May in a more stable/familiar environment with her family around.  It might even give Nicole's mother some say in keeping May in the US.  Either way, May suffers.  I think Nicole's mother is trying to keep May's suffering at a minimum and might even sign those papers to try and keep her safe.  I'm not a fan of the idea, but I can see why it could happen.

As for those who think Nicole's mother could get custody of May, it will not happen under the conditions we have seen.  I worked in Dependency Court in Florida and they work hard to keep parents and children together.  They don't remove children because their parents are selfish idiots, unfortunately.  Unless Nicole signs off on a guardianship, her mother has no chance (in my opinion).  And why would she sign off?  May is the tool that gets her everything she wants.  I don't understand what is wrong with this girl.  Her siblings seem bright and sane. It's such a sad situation for all involved ---- especially poor little May.

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Nicole may be an idiot, but I don't think taking May away from her is appropriate and I don't think it's necessary. May seems like a very happy and healthy little girl who is surrounded by people who love her. Nicole needs to grow up clearly, but I haven't seen any behavior that makes me feel like any authority needs to get involved. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I re-watched this past episode and it struck me just how stoned Jorge was when he was talking to the cameras on the parking garage roof, (I think production knew it too).  Maybe, just maybe Anfisa throws him out when he is lit up?  I loved when he was in the hallway in front of his apartment and Anfisa opened the door on him, priceless reaction.  They went to the airport and couldn't find a flight? Really? Why on earth would they go before they looked on line?


I think that's a very real possibility! That would also explain why Anfisa does not want to explain anything at all about what they were fighting about. She's actually protecting him, which is very sad.

Jorge fumbles through life a lot of the time, just like the typical stoner who things everything is fine and manageable and they are handling it.

It also explains Jorge's pathetic lack of social lack or hobbies. Not to mention his physical appearance, and I'm not just talking about his weight and poor health. He just usually looks disheveled.  Also, he really shouldn't wear black anymore until he starts washing with Head and Shoulders.

I know I've been hard on him but I just have trouble respecting any guy who has to buy a woman.

As for Anfisa, I know she's been VERY mean, but she's also very young and very far away from home. Her life can't have been too good for her to have wound up in this situation! Everything, even her vandalism and acting out, screams trauma survivor.  What's worse, she's in a relationship with a man who chose her for her body rather than her personality and who she is.  She's more fragile than we think.


Edited by CoachWristletJen
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34 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Nicole may be an idiot, but I don't think taking May away from her is appropriate and I don't think it's necessary. May seems like a very happy and healthy little girl who is surrounded by people who love her. Nicole needs to grow up clearly, but I haven't seen any behavior that makes me feel like any authority needs to get involved. 

Not yet, but it must be so stressful for May's grandparents to have to be constantly watching the situation wondering if and when they'll have to step in and get full custody of May.  

Also, it was VERY frustrating watching Nicole deliberately use her daughter as a bartering chip so that she could bring Mr. Gym Bod to the U.S. She clearly did NOT care about her mother, her mother's retirement plan, or May! 

Nicole, you are being ROTTEN to the people who love you most and this whole thing is going to blow up in your face! You are throwing away the people who love you for someone who clearly does NOT. 

Bringing a toddler to a foreign country where everything is completely different would be very traumatic! Especially when she's under Nicole's "care." 

(Ugh, listening to this girl get loud and yell and whine is almost as bad or worse than Dani's crying, and that's pretty bad! Especially when we know that May must be modeling her mom's behavior. It's so sad and wrong! What can they do? "May, stop throwing a tantrum. You're almost three. That's a little too old to be acting like you're Momma!"

Mom, you can't fix this one by shoving a huge plate of food in her direction to placate her. You're going to need to stand firm and refuse your daughter's irrational request.

Either that or plan on supporting Azan throughout your early retirement years.

Not to mention the next one she will want to bring over.

And no, she won't understand that you're still paying for Azan. That would require empathy and an ability to think beyond her loins.

I fully get that Nicole probably had some inherent struggles that her siblings did not have. However, after watching her parents, I still believe that this monster was created and not born.

Not all monsters are created, but this one was.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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That 10 k was definitely for Anfisa and not for the flight home. In the beginning of the season she said she wanted 10 k a month from him in order to stay here. All this fighting has probably been over the fact that she has been here for almost 3 months and he has not given her any money, she's bored and living in a crappy apartment. And that fake trip to the airport? ugh, please. It is so annoying how fake this show is this season. When Anfisa arrived she had so many bags, he had to rent another car to get them all home and now she's going to the airport with a purse and a trash bag?? After she has been making his life a living hell, making him sleep in his car, keying his other car-probably doing all this because he has yet to give her the money, he finally gets as much cash as can. Cut to Anfisa being nice to him the next day-(because she finally got paid)

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I think this is Jorge's issue: he is a boy (presumably the youngest) who grew up amongst a gaggle of very strong women.  They shamed, bullied and bossed him through childhood and beyond. This is what he knows. This is what women are to him.  He has no idea of what it's like to be treated well and equally. Just my armchair psych analysis.

And he thinks waving around wads of cash makes him cool. 

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14 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I hadn't thought of that.  Terrifying.

They probably don't sell condoms in his town...or if they did, could he buy them?

uh . . . don't forget the little dalliance Nicole said she had before she even went to Morocco. You know - when she was mad at Azan for not giving her enough attention - and I have to wonder if that was the only time it happened.

I don't understand people who have absolutely no boundaries. I don't.

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Regarding the inheritance or trust fund....it might have been released after a certain age (21 or 25 seem to be the lucky numbers) or over the course of several years. It is not uncommon for a stipulation to be in place that it's released between the ages of 18-30 with an annual payout or monthly allowance. The relative or whoever may still be alive. I have some friends who started getting inheritances at 18, but the direct stipulation was, it had to be paid out every year, five years, etc. It was never a lump sum, and someone else was always appointed to make sure so and so's wishes were honoured. She works as a coach or something, so she should be making the $25,000 or whatever easily and add in whatever she had saved/received from this mystery inheritance means she was probably able to do it on her own. She doesn't have children, and I doubt that parents or any of her friends offered to be sponsors.

I don't know what to say on Nicole. She's so aloof that it's scary. I can see her as the type to gaslight and bulldoze to get her way. I can't imagine what she said or did to convince her sister to care for her daughter for five weeks.

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On November 14, 2016 at 11:22 AM, AmyBre said:

I reiterate that Chantal is also playing a long game of getting on TV for a show or becoming an actress.   Look at the disparity between her and her sister and brother.  She's obviously had plastic surgery in her face, her body and her breast.   If she truly wants to pursue TV, she needs to work on her face, she needs to hit the gym on a daily basis and needs to take acting classes.   I have trouble understanding how people have wishes of entering a line of work, but do nothing in terms of training and educating themselves.   


She looks just like River though, facially (take that as you may). I think she and her sister (Earth, Wind, Fire, I know it was something to do with nature), might have a Arnold Schwarzenegger/Danny Devito in Twins thing going on; Chantel got the body but her sister got the face (and most likely the intelligence, integrity and personality).  The same can be said for Nicole as well, everyone in her family is very average in size in comparison to her. It could be overeating but it could also be she got the crap genes that predisposed her to weight gain. My own sister inherited my mother's side body shape, very filled out hourglass, while I take after the women from my father's family who are pretty wide shouldered, big footed and flat everywhere lol. Genetics can be a funny thing.

If theres one thing positive that I can say about Chantel is that she has a great body, and looks like she keeps up in the gym, she's very toned and not just flabby skinny. I don't think her boobs are fake because with her lithe frame, they would look like rocks bolted onto her chest. Also who springs for a boob job but is too cheap to invest in nice weave in the weave capital of the universe?

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23 hours ago, Cranky One said:

I think Jorge was going to give her the whole $10k wad. Who knows?

Yay for Nicole's mom for not giving in and being the voice of reason, BUT...somewhere in Nicole's upbringing she was allowed to get away with acting like that in my non-professional opinion.

I can't help to think that the fake prenup was signed with an "X" by both of them. My husband and I don't have one so I don't know what is on them, but is there also a lawyer signature on one as a witness or something? Are they notarized? I can't believe Parents Chantal would be all, "Yes! This will do!" about it...fake, Fake, FAKE!

Hey, Matt. Put your bride to be first. Don't allow Patrick to come to your wedding if he says he doesn't know what he'll do.

Jorge is beyond stupid.  I can't believe she talked him into staying.  She keyed his car!  Next time it will be his face or something.  His sisters need to have him committed.

22 hours ago, greekmom said:

Inheritance becomes communal property so Pedro would have rights to it.

Ummmm no.  In the state of Michigan it is not communal property.  One just needs to have it in an account with only the heir's name on it.  Our mother's money came to us and then will go to our children and bypass any spouse.  Now you can be stupid, like my brother, and use the money to completely renovate your house and then your spouse files for divorce and gets to split the proceeds of the sale.............My sister and I are pretty smart and have it locked away.

Can't believe Chantel lied to them again.  Did she say she could not get one that quick and just went online?  Nope.

21 hours ago, AmyBre said:

He should be doubly careful given the line of business he is in.

What?  Do we know what he does?  Please respond back.

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Pedro and Chantel: When Mom Chantel asked to see the pre-nup at the wedding, I wanted Pedro to ask to see hers. But don't despair Pedro, even Mo's hobbit lawyer from before his wedding would be able to tear that thing to shreds. It could not fit the definition of "signed under duress" more perfectly.

Matt and Alla: I'm so glad her sister made it for the wedding. And the "any objections" thing is far from a wedding requirement so it's their own fault for including it in the ceremony. Patrick needs to back the f up. You have clearly stated your objections, actually you have really only said that you do object, I'm not super clear on what it is about Alla that you find so horrible. I haven't seen her treat him badly, or even indifferently.

Lowo and Kyia: Assault isn't cool. Get over it. He's a liar. You know he's a liar. Stop getting upset about him lying, if you still intend to marry him. And I loved Lowo's friend stroking the ice cream from his face for a very long time. :)

Jorge and Anfisa: Now I'm just confused. He went from willfully ignorant idiot to hostage. Couldn't find a flight? At LAX? Or even buy a ticket for the next flight? Where did they go?

Nicole and Azan: I have no energy left...


Edited by Drogo
Removed spinoff talk.
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  23 hours ago, Cranky One said:

I think Jorge was going to give her the whole $10k wad. Who knows?

Yay for Nicole's mom for not giving in and being the voice of reason, BUT...somewhere in Nicole's upbringing she was allowed to get away with acting like that in my non-professional opinion.

I can't help to think that the fake prenup was signed with an "X" by both of them. My husband and I don't have one so I don't know what is on them, but is there also a lawyer signature on one as a witness or something? Are they notarized? I can't believe Parents Chantal would be all, "Yes! This will do!" about it...fake, Fake, FAKE!

Hey, Matt. Put your bride to be first. Don't allow Patrick to come to your wedding if he says he doesn't know what he'll do.

Jorge is beyond stupid.  I can't believe she talked him into staying.  She keyed his car!  Next time it will be his face or something.  His sisters need to have him committed.

  23 hours ago, greekmom said:

Inheritance becomes communal property so Pedro would have rights to it.

Ummmm no.  In the state of Michigan it is not communal property.  One just needs to have it in an account with only the heir's name on it.  Our mother's money came to us and then will go to our children and bypass any spouse.  Now you can be stupid, like my brother, and use the money to completely renovate your house and then your spouse files for divorce and gets to split the proceeds of the sale.............My sister and I are pretty smart and have it locked away.

Can't believe Chantel lied to them again.  Did she say she could not get one that quick and just went online?  Nope.

  22 hours ago, AmyBre said:

He should be doubly careful given the line of business he is in.

What?  Do we know what he does?  Please respond back.

Jorge is in the medical marijuana business, although after the vote he can come out of the closet on the recreational weed part.

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I think Jorge was going to give her the whole $10k wad. Who knows?

I think she gave him a little tug or BJ on the car ride and then he took her shopping. Pitiful excuse for a man- I want to smother him.

Anfisa is actually very homely from the side and has a huge honker.


Chantel - well what can I say. Over acting and spoiled. I felt sorry for Pedro because I think he really loves her. Her body language at the wedding was very telling.


Nicole is a horrible child who wants what her crotch and stomach tell her. Run Azan!!!

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On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 9:56 AM, Quof said:

Oh, please. That's like people who get so grossed out at the thought of borrowing a spouse's toothbrush. Think what else they have shared with their mouths.  

Yeah but no.  I know where my husband's mouth has been and I like having him put it there, but if he ever used my toothbrush I think I'd die!

You are so right.  Weird but true.

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10 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

Matt and Alla: I'm so glad her sister made it for the wedding. And the "any objections" thing is far from a wedding requirement so it's their own fault for including it in the ceremony. Patrick needs to back the f up. You have clearly stated your objections, actually you have really only said that you do object, I'm not super clear on what it is about Alla that you find so horrible. I haven't seen her treat him badly, or even indifferently.

So true. I've been to a ton of weddings the last two years and I haven't heard the "if anyone objects" line at any of them. Producer drama.

1 minute ago, booboopbedoo said:

I think she gave him a little tug or BJ on the car ride and then he took her shopping.

Yep. They returned with what looked like a few small shopping bags so I'm pretty sure she demanded he buy her a few things to make up for...something.

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20 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

Jorge is in the medical marijuana business, although after the vote he can come out of the closet on the recreational weed part.

I see, thanks!

 Even though states are ok with it, is it not still illegal federal wise?

Edited by Drogo
Removed spinoff talk.
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14 hours ago, lovesnark said:


Did anyone else think Nicole looked like she'd gained a considerable amount of weight since she came back from Morocco?


Yes, I thought she did too.

instead of Nicole possibly being special needs, I think she is just a brat.  I do, however, think Jorge has some difficulty somewhere.  Not that he's disabled or slow, but he does have speaking problems I think and perhaps he's dyslexic and has had a hard time of it.  It is ALL conjecture, but I do think I have heard speech problems.  Anybody else?

Edit:  I just read Baltimore Betty's post and him being stoned was something I never thought of.  Interesting point.  

I don't understand why Chantel did not have a dress or RINGS!  Why wait until the last minute?  It is all stupid hype...it's a plot.  Also, cannot stand her clenched jaw way of speaking.  

Whenever anybody here writes "Family Chantel" I JUST LOVE IT!  

And thank you to whoever it was who likened Patrick to Dumb and Dumber.  He really hit that nail on the head this episode and it was hilarious.  

OMG I revel in this show!

2 hours ago, okerry said:

uh . . . don't forget the little dalliance Nicole said she had before she even went to Morocco. You know - when she was mad at Azan for not giving her enough attention - and I have to wonder if that was the only time it happened.

I don't know why having sex became the thing to do on a date.....whatever happened to bowling?

Edited by Granny58
something new to consider
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So many pathetic moments that it's difficult to pick a lowlight, but I'm going to put this scene in the runnning for consideration, as it hasn't yet been mentioned:

After EVERYTHING Anfisa put Jorge through...

Jorge: What's the most important thing in a relationship to you?

Anfisa: Money.

Jorge: Money?

Anfisa: What are you deaf?! I said love!

Jorge (paraphrasing this part): We're running out of time. We either get married, or you go back home. So, do you want to marry me?

Anfisa (exasperated sigh, shrug, indifferent tone): Yeah. I marry you.

Jorge (has a look of hearts coming out of his eyes and rainbows out his ears of "true love"): I want to marry you, too.

Me at home: Whaaaaaat?! 

Edited by JenE4
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I can't wait for the new special, "Christmas in Morocco with Nicole"! Please, TLC, make it happen...

I looked online and saw that from LAX to Moscow, there is only one nonstop flight a day, on Aeroflot, that leaves at 3:00 PM. I suspect they missed the chance to go that day, but since they didn't have Anfisa's luggage, Jorge probably had no intention of leaving her at the airport then. I don't know why Jorge didn't get a ticket on the next available flight but knowing how this is scripted, I think it was all manufactured drama. We know from the previews that Anfisa is here for the Tell All show and probably had their courthouse wedding in the scene of them both dressed in white. 

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50 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Yeah but no.  I know where my husband's mouth has been and I like having him put it there, but if he ever used my toothbrush I think I'd die!

You are so right.  Weird but true.

LOL. LOVE. IT! Thanks for proving the point I tried to make to @Quof earlier.

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Not sure what poster mentioned something about the way Chantel speaks but I noticed it too, her upper lip does not move.  My crystal ball tells me that due to the lack of the perfect fairy tale wedding with all the bells and whistles Chantel will pout until her parents give her the perfect wedding including a big white dress.

I do get the vibe that Anfisa would shave Jorge's head while he slept if she was pissed about something.  Now we know they get married so all we have to do is sit back and watch Jorge get kicked out of his apartment, sleep in his car and smoke a doobies on the regular.

Nicole did not look serious when she was asking her mother to sign papers and pay money and in the eyes of the government, be responsible for Azan to come to the states, it was like she was asking her mother to buy her a prom date and borrow the car.

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5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

...it struck me just how stoned Jorge was when he was talking to the cameras on the parking garage roof, (I think production knew it too).  Maybe, just maybe Anfisa throws him out when he is lit up?  I loved when he was in the hallway in front of his apartment and Anfisa opened the door on him, priceless reaction.  They went to the airport and couldn't find a flight? Really? Why on earth would they go before they looked on line?

"Baked masochist" should be a fancy dessert!

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On 11/13/2016 at 9:50 PM, MollysDevice said:

I can't take Ansfisa seriously with those  super long fake lashes. She could use those things are dusters if she wanted to. 

They are so terrible! Even my husband noticed. Aren't you supposed to trim them before you put on or something? I've managed to avoid the curse of the fake eyelashes myself.

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1 hour ago, Kangatush said:

Jorge is in the medical marijuana business, although after the vote he can come out of the closet on the recreational weed part.

Wait, so medical marijuana is sold hush hush at the corner of the 99c store, by the thousand of dollars and paid in twenties ($20 bills)?

Edited by Nutella
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On 11/13/2016 at 6:31 PM, Virtually Me said:

YAY!!! @ Nicole's mom!

I don't know if it was just me but I was picking up something in the mom/Nicole talk about what is really going on with Azan.  She mentioned how Nicole bulldozes her way through things and there was just a tone and how she handled Nicole.  Is there something perhaps wrong with Nicole other than rampant entitlement and whining?  Does she live at home because she has to for reasons other than financial?

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On 11/13/2016 at 7:11 PM, Pfj99 said:


Does anyone else think it's strange that Jorge carries around large amounts of cash rather than having a checking account or credit cards?  He paid for the $11,000 engagement ring in cash, and he counted out $10,000 in cash to buy a plane ticket.  Who does that??  Even if he's not doing anything illegal, it seems shady to me.  Is he hiding income from the IRS?  Is he hiding from creditors?

Both he and Anfisa are such.....I don't know...I just can't even!

It probably has to do with the banking regulations and how there are limitations on marijuana industry via banking.  Its a huge problem.

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"Baked masochist" should be a fancy dessert!

Maybe Snoop and Martha should have Jorge and Anfisa as guests at their next Potluck Dinner Party.  Anfisa's flat affect would make Martha look warm and fuzzy, and Jorge's products would make everything kinda blurry.....

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I re-watched this past episode and it struck me just how stoned Jorge was when he was talking to the cameras on the parking garage roof, (I think production knew it too).  Maybe, just maybe Anfisa throws him out when he is lit up?

Jorge didn't  look stoned to me.  He seemed stress and bone tired.  He was clearly punch drunk due to lack of sleep. 

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On 11/13/2016 at 7:34 PM, AussieBabe said:

*slow clap for Nicole's mum* Ma'am, you're the real MVP. I'm glad she told her no. Nicole has the emotional maturity of my 4 year or maybe my 1 1/2 year old. She better take on a second job, or here's a thought: take care of your bloody child!

Anfisa is like the most emotionless person I've ever seen. I'm not sure she's capable of warmth or any happy emotions. I wonder what has hardened her in Russia and made her the shell that she is. Jorge looks pitiful. You're 26 and have the means to travel around the world to find a decent woman. WTF is wrong with you? Then again, I hear a lot of mid 20-somethings talking about life is virtually over if they aren't married and have kids and shit. 

Chantel and her family are terrible actors. I figured an inheritance is why her parents were pushing for a prenup. Now, it makes sense. We all knew River was going to show up. Cut the dramatic crap, TLC.

Alla looked beautiful in the preview. Matt's friend is a total dick. That is all.

Since I ff through this storyline (I find her simply awful, her eyes have zero life and her tone is flat) may I ask if this is true and how she got it?  THANKS!

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On 11/14/2016 at 8:22 AM, shockermolar said:

When Jorge pulled out the wad of cash and said, "It's a little under $10K, should be enough to buy a ticket," was I the only one that immediately googled flights from LAX to Moscow? You can get a nonstop, direct for under $1K, btw.

I was going to but my phone was across the room and, well, lazy.  Thank you for looking into it because I was genuinely curious.  

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20 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

YES! And it is brutal to watch! Nicole's mom needs to start playing hardball and get FULL CUSTODY OF MAY.

Azan's family is wonderful but that innocent little tot will be terrified in a strange place around people who don't speak her language!

EVERYONE has told Nicole what a terrible idea it is to bring him over here. And, Nicole knows this but she still wants to do this. In other words, she's stuck on stupid. She knows her mom will not cooperate with the stupid, so in order to get mom to cooperate and FINANCE the stupid she throws up her daughter as a pawn.

It's cold, cruel and downright Daniellesque.

Find your backbone and make these wretched games stop, Grandma! Pull whatever financial sustenance we know you're already providing and let your daughter flounder on her own, really on her own.

Of course if her mom had a backbone, Nicole wouldn't have grown into the lady we see before us.

Kinda like the Dr. Phil Families.  One member of the family holds the others hostage by their tantrums and downright horrible behavior.  But there must be something wrong with her and I am being serious.  The mom raised her sister and little brother and they seem like totally normal human beings.  

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15 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Whew! I thought it was my TV or that it really is time for new glasses. I wonder how much time had passed since her return until this part was filmed? The difference between what she looked like in her talking heads wearing the pink shirt to what she looked like last night was startling. Methinks her mom placates her tantrums with food. 

You use what you can to get them to shut up!

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28 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Kinda like the Dr. Phil Families.  One member of the family holds the others hostage by their tantrums and downright horrible behavior.  But there must be something wrong with her and I am being serious.  The mom raised her sister and little brother and they seem like totally normal human beings.  

Nicole is a narcissist just like Danielle. Give her a little more time and Nicole will have more neglected children, a slew of evictions, and a parade of men in and out of her life. Danielle is Nicole's future.

ETA: I've seen on some medical sites that not all sex addicts are narcissists, but virtually all narcissists are sex addicts. That's explained by pointing out how sex is such a great and immediate validation of how someone else wants you, even if an emotionally normal person can see that that it's utterly meaningless. The narcissist does not care. That attention, gratification, and validation are all that matter.

Both Danielle and Nicole are shown on 90DF to be very promiscuous. I don't think that's a coincidence. I've known two narcissists far too personally myself, and they both acted the same way.

Edited by okerry
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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

I don't know if it was just me but I was picking up something in the mom/Nicole talk about what is really going on with Azan.  She mentioned how Nicole bulldozes her way through things and there was just a tone and how she handled Nicole.  Is there something perhaps wrong with Nicole other than rampant entitlement and whining?  Does she live at home because she has to for reasons other than financial?

I could have SWORN that she was going to say what the hell is wrong with her.  Her tone absolutely implied that there was more there than just being a "bulldozer."

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32 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Kinda like the Dr. Phil Families.  One member of the family holds the others hostage by their tantrums and downright horrible behavior.  But there must be something wrong with her and I am being serious.  The mom raised her sister and little brother and they seem like totally normal human beings.  

That's textbook narcissism right there. Sorry to sound like a one-note, but it's really really magnified on this show. Things like 90DF should be required viewing for anyone who doesn't understand what narcissim really is or how utterly destructive.

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To me, it sounded like she was flat-out going to say that Nicole isn't smart, and that she can't make these decisions on her own.  It just sounded like mom knows there is something there, like a developmental delay, that is at play in Nicole's decision making.

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