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Season 4 Discussion

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Nicole should have kept her mouth shut about the one night stand. It's very telling that Azan kept in touch with her anyway and brought her over, he wants the green card. It's awkward watching her cling to him and not once have I heard her say she misses her baby.

what happened to Max? So Alla wants to go out, I get that, but what about Max? I assume he doesn't speak English and does he go to school? She needs to get him acclimated to his new surroundings first. I'm not getting a good vibe from these two, I think Matt just wants to be married and she wants the green card. 

Anfisa of course wants to model. She didn't get all that plastic surgery for nothing. 

I felt sorry for Pedro. It was disrespectful to watch Chantel grinding on other guys. 

The catfish couple finally make their appearance next week. I would be ok watching the trainwreck that is Nicole and Azan instead. 

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2 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:



The catfish couple finally make their appearance next week. I would be ok watching the trainwreck that is Nicole and Azan instead. 

I selfishly want Nicole and Azan to keep going, even though it is killing his soul softly, and her daughter should have her around.  They are GOOD television, and so fun to hate-watch.

Also... is it just me, or does Nicole seem proud that she cheated?  I mean, when she first talked about it, she had a cat that caught the mouse kinda gleam in her squinty eyes...

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I'm calling it now, they needed another Dani and Mo for the show, so TLC hired actors to be Nicole and Azan.   I mean serioiusly, they've only known each other a short time, he goes a whole week without speaking to her, so she cheats on him?   And admits it?   While his family is all "that's nice, dear."   It's a script.   That's why it was so easy to leave her daughter for 5 weeks.   It's not her kid, just an actor that they don't want on tv because of child labor laws.  This is all taking place on a set.   It must be. 

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50 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

The raspberry color Anfisa wore to meet Jorge's sister was really flattering on her.  The dress could have been more conservative but whatever. I can't help but be both appalled and fascinated by her lip situation. It is riveting. The sister is right she does have a very cold affect. I still say Jorge is the person most likely to be killed by his 90 day fiancé. 

I so want to touch her lips.  I bet they feel really smooth and hard.  Perhaps we should call her "Anfish," because of her huge fish lips.   

I think Jorge's sister is beautiful, and she is right on about Anfisa.  Although, I don't think Anfisa has gone to a lot of effort to hide her intentions. 

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36 minutes ago, liammaam said:

Also... is it just me, or does Nicole seem proud that she cheated?  I mean, when she first talked about it, she had a cat that caught the mouse kinda gleam in her squinty eyes...

Oh, I've known girls like Nicole. From the fake blonde hair to the just fell off the turnip truck affect. Boys are her goal. All things and friendships and other relationships will always be thrown aside for male attention. Always.  I'm feeling really sorry for her daughter now.

There will never be enough attention. She cheated because she was so glad someone found her attractive enough to sleep with her, and she figures she taught Azan a lesson.

Literally, any penis attached to a male who gives her attention is good enough. If she can bring home a prize pig like Azan, she'll be queen of the holler.

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Nicole loved announcing on national television that she 'cheated'. It was like waving a banner that said 'a guy wanted to put their penis in me!'. Citizenship cannot possibly be worth dealing with that woman/child.

Chantal is nowhere near ready to be married. She needs to get over her need for random dudes grinding on her before committing. What a sloppy drunk.

Can Matt buy Alla some new clothes? That fur vest and those all white outfits may be fashionable in Kiev but look really cheap and outdated.

Edited by Trampolina
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Is it a widespread international delusion that any girl who comes to America can be a model?   Anfisa wants to be a model.  She's 25, has no experience, and just one expression.   Does she think Jorge can buy her a modeling career?  (Paola from the Ever After show is chasing the model dream too, but sweetie you're 30 years old.   That ship hasn't just already sailed, it's a speck on the horizon.   Do you imagine there will be no other Latinas vying for modeling jobs in Miami?  Let alone Latinas half your age?)

Perhaps the K-1 process instills the false impression that everything your heart desires is easily obtainable in America.  If all it takes to gain US citizenship is to seduce some loser, it's understandable that these immigrants might believe everything works that way.   

Mark and Alla: I think Patrick's whole problem is that he doesn't want to have to buy Mark a fourth wedding gift.

Azan and the Black Hole:  To me it seemed the height of ignorance and insult for Nicole to meet Azan's family dressed like a slob.   I don't know how strict Morocco is about such things, but out of simple respect for local custom shouldn't she have worn a veil?   Or at the very least long pants?  I dreaded she would strip down to a two-piece on the beach.  

Chantel and Pedro:  It wasn't until tonight that I realized how painfully immature Chantel is.   Her frequent pouty face only underscored the fact.   She's lucky Pedro a) doesn't have more of a Latin temper and b) doesn't drink, because her drunken lewdness could have resulted in people getting physically hurt.   

Jorge and Anfisa:  I don't care what his secret is anymore.   They've teased it to the point of meaninglessness.

The Catfish couple:  I have zero interest in their story already.

Slow, boring episode overall.

Edited by millennium
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2 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

I don't expect Nicole to reflect on this time and take away any actual lessons from it, but I hope she at least watches herself on TV and gets herself to a bra fitting and invests in at least some shirts that cover her shoulders. It's probably hot there, but goddamn, girl.


That would require a modicum of self-awareness and curiosity about the world which she obviously doesn't have.  The girl is obese and is approaching morbid obesity but her #1 priority is getting attention from whatever dick will give it to her. She has no need to work on improving herself or giving her daughter a better life. She can let her boobs hang down to her ankles, and her side fat show through her too tight shoulder-less "slut" shirts and wear jeans that are two sizes too small, but she's the victim in all of this regardless of her behavior and lack of understanding. She's either mentally ill or brain damaged in some way. I just don't get it with her. It's like when Azan said in a nice way last episode that she should consider eating healthier and exercising and she said "you're already trying to change me?" According to her, there's nothing wrong, she's perfect and everyone should conform to her world view. Reminds me of a certain Presidential candidate.

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On 9/21/2016 at 9:58 AM, Drogo said:

Alla, Anfisa and Nicole attempt to make good first impressions while meeting friends and family. On Happily Ever After, Mohamed enjoys his time with Luisa and Pao plans a visit to Miami without Russ to further her modeling career.

I'm getting mixed signals -- is this the thread for 90 Day Fiance AND Happily Ever After?  Or should discussion of the latter show be taken to the Ever After thread?   Or is discussion of both shows encouraged here?

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Yes, where was The Maxinator during the awkward dinner party at Matt's? 

That is odd. I was a little skeeved out with the way Matt was carrying him around last episode like freaking trophy. What's his deal? I assume he doesn't have kids from his previous 3 marriages? Is he sterile, has a vasectomy, secretly gay? What's up with that?

That kid is going to have severe behavioral problems if they don't get him acclimated and start teaching him how to speak English. We've already seen him trying on two occasions attempting to drink alcohol.

At least from what we've seen Matt is more interested in having Max by a symbol than actually putting the work into being a potential real parent.

Edited by DawnDavenport
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8 minutes ago, DawnDavenport said:

 It's like when Azan said in a nice way last episode that she should consider eating healthier and exercising and she said "you're already trying to change me?" According to her, there's nothing wrong, she's perfect and everyone should conform to her world view. Reminds me of a certain Presidential candidate.

When Nicole said that last week, my impression wasn't that she regarded herself as perfect but that she thought she had found a very clever way to have her cake and keep eating too -- and now Azan was spoiling it for her. 

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So, lets recap: Nicole meets Azan/Alan (whatever) on the web. (Mind you: she already has a baby from her last meet up via the web). She 'dates' Azan for 30+days (again via web) and goes running off to Morocco to spend 5 weeks with 'the love of her life'. Within 24 hours she rips off her hot,sweaty panties and takes Azan's virginity. AND announces it on TV. (Way to go Princess, if we didn't think you were skanky before.....now we are sure.)

This week, she confesses she cheated on poor Azan with ? (enter almost anyone with  a penis here) and again announces it on TV. (Is she going for some sort of slut record?)

Now my question is: How the hell can you cheat on someone you have never met? How can you be 'dating' only over the web? What's next? Virtual STD's? Video childbirth? 

I just don't understand..........................................

As for Chantel and Pedro.............boring.......as in HO-hum..............

Hor-Hay and Ms Hor?  Please.....how much longer do I have to look at that face? And please TLC, someone tell her there is a difference in dressing sexy and looking like you make your living on the corner by the Holland Tunnel.

The Catfish person.........don't care.......don't care........stop boring me. Like haven't we all received at least 1 email from a 'Nigerian Prince". She must be the only person in history to not immediately DELETE.

Alla and Matt.............the man is WEIRD and so are his friends.  

I found tonight boring as hell. 

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34 minutes ago, Trampolina said:

Nicole loved announcing on national television that she 'cheated'. It was like waving a banner that said 'a guy wanted to put their penis in me!'. Citizenship cannot possibly be worth dealing with that woman/child

Yeah. She's actually quite disgusting. She seems proud to announce how may guys she's bedded (I think guys that do this are just as skeezy). I wonder how many STDs she's had or been treated for? Somehow I doubt using protection or birth control is at the top of her list and it's not like she's bagging top shelf dick. I imagine it's the Craigslist bottom of the barrel Russian Roulette variety.

9 minutes ago, millennium said:

When Nicole said that last week, my impression wasn't that she regarded herself as perfect but that she thought she had found a very clever way to have her cake and keep eating too -- and now Azan was spoiling it for her. 

Well her attitude seems to be that there's nothing wrong with her and that she is who she is. The problem I have is that it's obvious she misrepresented herself to Azan given his reaction to first meeting at at the airport. She may not view herself as perfect, but I get the impression she thinks her shit doesn't stink. However, I imagine a whole book of matches in the bathroom can't cover the stink she leaves behind.

Edited by DawnDavenport
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On the video they showed of Chantal in the DR with Pedro she was clearly as drunk as she was at the club. Neither of them are ready but he has a controlling vibe I have felt in each episode.

I get wanting to put a good face on a culture that is completely misunderstood but I know from several friends and family from and many still living in Morocco that cheating and premarital sex do in fact happen.

Edited by biakbiak
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33 minutes ago, millennium said:

I'm getting mixed signals -- is this the thread for 90 Day Fiance AND Happily Ever After?  Or should discussion of the latter show be taken to the Ever After thread?   Or is discussion of both shows encouraged here?

TV Guide and other sources are combining the descriptions of the two shows (which Drogo quoted verbatim in the opening post) as well as showing them occupying a continuous time slot. It's a little odd, but they actually are two separate shows with two separate forums and presumably should be discussed separately. :)

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3 hours ago, liammaam said:

Nicole and the perpetually suffering Azan:

UGH Nicole.  She’s just getting more insufferable each episode… and I was so sure she couldn’t be anymore ridiculous after last week’s pout.  She’s clearly more concerned about men, getting boned and chasing fairy tales than being a mom or acting like an adult.

“I mean, I’ll be here for like, 5 weeks, and I HAD to leave my family and my daughter behind…”  B*tch, it was your choice.  How sucky that someday, her daughter will likely see what her mother abandoned her for…

Her puppy dog eyes are so pathetically pathetic when he asked if she is “mad, or sad.”  

I felt like she was going to pass out from her heavy breathing while meeting his family.  The way she practically gives permission for them to speak Arabic and no English... "that's okay..."

His family is very kind, which really does lead me to believe that even though he wants a green card, I think he was truly hoping for a love match at the same time.

Anfisa and Jorge:  How FUN would it have been to have Anfisa and Angry Sister Bev go against each other!?  Ah, to dream.

LOL- the dress she wears to meet sister Lourdes was perfection.  Anfisa is so good at what she does!  The sister’s eyes go right to the boobage as she says hello.  I give the sister credit—bless her; she sure tries to get Anfisa into an actual conversation.   Ice queen remains icy; sister is not impressed.

Jorge remains a major idiot.

Favorite Anfisa quote:  “I am a private person…I don't like to answer questions...”  except when I am on American TV.

Chantal and Pedro:  Who cares.

Matt and Alla:

Patrick is a bit (lot) of a dick.  Actually, EVERYONE close to Matt seems like a dick… and the common thread is Matt.  “I’m just trying to protect Matt from making a stupid mistake like he’s….always done.” 

Honestly?  I think Matt thrives and survives on constant drama.  Between his sweet mom constantly coddling him, and his brothers and friends just plain OVER IT, Matt’s loving this whole whirlwind romance.  I think that sucks, because there is a kid involved, and a woman who actually seems decent—when she’s not being interrogated by everyone who knows Matt, and treated with outright hostility from his friends. 

Poor Alla—I get pissed when my husband is late, much less when we HAVE COMPANY COMING OVER, and said company are STRANGERS and I am left alone to make awkward small talk.  So, fuck Matt for putting Alla in that position.

This is the best thing I've read all night, especially the part about Angry Sister Bev! Wish I could heart it more than once!!

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1 hour ago, bref said:

TV Guide and other sources are combining the descriptions of the two shows (which Drogo quoted verbatim in the opening post) as well as showing them occupying a continuous time slot. It's a little odd, but they actually are two separate shows with two separate forums and presumably should be discussed separately. :)

Adding to the confusion is that if you're not paying close attention, the first show appears to bleed over into the second. 

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I am wondering if Azan's family knows that Nicole has a child from another relationship. And if they did,  would they still be so enamored of her ? Not to mention the fact that she has already "cheated " on him. It seems that with their strict rules against sleeping in the same room or kissing in public, that Nicole would be seen as tarnished goods ( ie. skanky, disgusting goods) , and not someone they would want their son involved with . They also seem like a close knit family with strong family values, who would probably frown on her leaving her young child a world away without a second thought.

I don't have a huge problem with Chantel wanting to party, after all it's "Spring break ". But in what universe does she think she's mature enough to settle down with someone for life, and get married. She's doing what college students do , not what mature , committed adults do. Also, she's supposed to be studying nursing, which is a bit scary since she likes her booze so much ( was she trying to order a mojito with breakfast ?)

Anfisa seemed a lot skinnier in those modelling photos. Her butt looked huge in that skin tight outfit she wore to the meeting with Jorge's sister, and her stomach was definitely not as flat . The photos didn't show her face, so I'm wondering if those were even her, or if they were  fakes. It's great that she wants to have a career  , but does she realize that modelling will only last as long as she is young and in shape. What does she plan to do in the long term ?

I felt terrible for Alla. That dinner party where everyone sat around with long faces, looking like they'd rather be anywhere else , was excruciating. Aren't dinners with friends supposed to be fun ? No one appeared to be enjoying themselves.  That friend of Matt's was an absolute turd, insulting someone he'd never met, and sitting there with his beer holder while everyone else sipped wine at the dinner table. And why is it that Alla's sister probably can't come to the wedding ? Is Matt not willing to cough up the plane fare and do something that would make his fiancé happy ? Alla needs to get out of that situation ASAP, she does not deserve this jerk.

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4 hours ago, DawnDavenport said:

That would require a modicum of self-awareness and curiosity about the world which she obviously doesn't have.  The girl is obese and is approaching morbid obesity but her #1 priority is getting attention from whatever dick will give it to her. She has no need to work on improving herself or giving her daughter a better life. She can let her boobs hang down to her ankles, and her side fat show through her too tight shoulder-less "slut" shirts and wear jeans that are two sizes too small, but she's the victim in all of this regardless of her behavior and lack of understanding. She's either mentally ill or brain damaged in some way. I just don't get it with her. It's like when Azan said in a nice way last episode that she should consider eating healthier and exercising and she said "you're already trying to change me?" According to her, there's nothing wrong, she's perfect and everyone should conform to her world view. Reminds me of a certain Presidential candidate.

when I heard she cheated, and that entailed "spending the night," because she hadn't heard from Azan for a week that further confirmed my suspicion that she is emotionally damaged - that her self worth comes from the approval and attention of males.  

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4 hours ago, millennium said:

When Nicole said that last week, my impression wasn't that she regarded herself as perfect but that she thought she had found a very clever way to have her cake and keep eating too -- and now Azan was spoiling it for her. 


this also fits with seeking approval from men, and when there's a flaw it is devastating

Edited by Granny58
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Alla is a lot more gracious than me because my response to Matt's friend saying "So you're Matt's next wife" would have been an immediate "And you're a fucking douchebag".

I'm not sure why his friends and family are stuck on such a high horse when it comes to Alla - OK, she might be looking for a better opportunity or a green card by marrying Matt. And what about Matt? He is thrice divorced and chose to meet someone online from Ukraine. He's been around the block himself and no one is forcing him into this. 

Chantel and Pedro are so not ready to be married. They're not even ready to be dating. I'd be shocked if they make it to the wedding.

Azan's family was incredibly gracious to Nicole. Sometimes I think Azan might be Mohamed 2.0 and peace as soon as the wedding is over but other times he really does seem to care for Nicole...I have no idea how this will work out.

Anfisa wants to be a model, color me shocked. Women who look like that are a dime a dozen in the USA honey, they also are at least 5 years younger. Time to think of a Plan B.

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15 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

re Matt working late - I'm not buying it.  I'll bet the TLC producers had him wait in his car until his "friend" and the very nice girlfriend arrived...to create drama.  

I agree. He walked into the house without a coat. When the girlfriend walked in a tight knit cap over her hair and literally had to spend at least a few minutes in the bathroom blowing out her hair* to a point that I wanted both her and Alla to go to a decent sized city and leave her basic partner in the wind The glare she sent Patrick? When they first arrived and he made a douche comment about respecting her as much as all Matt's previous wives was glorious.

As I have stated I have been to visit several families in North Africa and other parts of the world and they are warn and welcoming even if they don't see a payday that is equally a part of the culture. Azan mother obviously understands more English than she is comfortable speaking because she gave get side eye to Nicole in the real time wide shots.

*this is not a criticism she looked absolutely delightful with her hair down but that didn't happen after a long tIme in a knit cap.

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Who was watching Max when Matt and Alla were on their date.  Where was Max?

I think Chantel and Pedro are fake, I think their story is fake and they are already married.  Chantel is in this because she wants to be a model/actress.  I noticed with all her scenes, the camera always focuses on her body; when they were at the beach, the camera focused on her legs; it was so obvious.

TLC paid for the trip, just like they probably paid for Nicole's flight and passport.

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8 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:

Azan's family was way more welcoming and respecting of Nicole than she was of them.

That's because they're in on his scam. They want him to get that green card. That's why. They would never be as accepting and kind to a non-Muslima who dressed like that and has a child from another man if not for the green card. They will want his real (future) wife to be virgin, muslima and Moroccan. Nicole is just a meal ticket.

Edited by Nutella
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I was really surprised by Nicole's attire and clingy behavior during the meeting with Azan's family, but I shouldn't have been. Frankly, I find their situation so bizarre. Azan is clearly not physically attracted her, she cheated on him, she has a child, she's not Muslim...like, what is really going on here? I think he has a deal with his family that he will be their ticket to the US after he gets married so they are happy to go along with it for the time being. Azan's mother was lovely, but I find it very, very hard to believe that she would choose Nicole as a daughter-in-law if it were left solely up to her.

Poor Alla. I think she deserves far better than Matt. And I find it funny that Matt's loved ones think that Alla might be using him. Matt has been married THREE times and he's 43. That is a huge red flag that reflects far bigger issues than Alla possibly coming to the US to build a better life for her son.

Chantel and Pedro...eh. I can't believe she was grinding on strange men while Pedro was standing right there. I don't know any man who would stand there while sipping a drink and watch their girlfriend dance with other men. His reaction just didn't ring true to me. Either he doesn't care or he doesn't stand up for himself out of fear of Chantel leaving him.

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I just can't with Nicole. For God's sake, have some self respect woman. The clunkiness, whining blubbering is so nauseating. Would it have been too much trouble to go to your local Walmart and buy a couple of maxi dresses to travel half way across the world to meet your potential in laws? Ugh those jeans are killing me. And the Cami over the huge bra straps at the beach. And while Azan's family seemed nice, it was painfully obvious that Nicole is a living breathing green card to them. I literally loled when azan put her in a bedroom and shut the door. 

Anfisa and her lips, how can she eat with those? Liked sister Bev. 

Run alla run! Matt is a man child who lives in fear that is wife will leave so he wants to keep you under lock and key. It's enough of a culture shock moving from Russia to the US with the hangdog judge people hanging around. 

Chantal and Pedro have a stupid story. But Chantal is not ready to get married. She likes partying too much. 

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3 hours ago, Maria Von Trapp said:

And why is it that Alla's sister probably can't come to the wedding ? Is Matt not willing to cough up the plane fare and do something that would make his fiancé happy ?

She probably knows she can't get a visa. The United States assumes that everyone who comes to visit wants to stay (especially those from countries where many of the people there want to leave - like Ukraine) - it is up to the visa applicant to prove otherwise. Recall that Aziza's parents were denied visas to attend her wedding in season one. I don't know Alla's sister's circumstances (but I do know the procedures for issuing tourist visas), and it (seriously) may be that the only way that she could get a visa is if she has a young child whom she leaves behind in Ukraine while attending the wedding (the child would presumably be enough encouragement for Alla's sister to return to Ukraine at the expiration of her visa).

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7 hours ago, millennium said:

I'm getting mixed signals -- is this the thread for 90 Day Fiance AND Happily Ever After?  Or should discussion of the latter show be taken to the Ever After thread?   Or is discussion of both shows encouraged here?

For whatever reason, the TV Guide combines the two shows' descriptions.  The site has separate discussion boards for "90 Day Fiance" and "Happily Ever After."

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Can someone please explain to me why Azan would subject himself to this for a green card? I admit I don't know much about Morocco, but it looks like a vacation destination to me. The beaches, neat looking buildings, shopping and omg that food... Azan is a personal trainer, right? And he has a lovely family, I just don't understand why he'd dive into Nicole's post-flight swamp vagina just to move to America. 

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11 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Was anyone else convinced that Nicole was going to complain about the breakfast food first thing?

Color me surprised when she was more concerned with "being physical."

And Azan's mom seemed so sweet and kind. Oh, I hope that Nicole doesn't buffoon her way on to his family's wrong side.

I thought she was going to ask for bacon.

That bit about her asking for some wine, and Azan went "seriously?", and her reaction to that, priceless. I rewinded that bit to laugh again!

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Is it me, or does Matt's twin look significantly younger than Matt does? I know some twins get the fuller face, but Matt looks like he's at least 5-6 years older than his brother.

I'm convinced Azan is relaxing his hair. I imagine that his and Nicole's Moroccan tryst was much like Danielle and Mo's. I remember Danielle saying Mo was more affectionate in Dohar. I was embarrassed as an American to hear Nicole say she really only likes American food and then told that man she doesn't like vegetables. Good lord I hope people don't think all Americans eat are hamburgers, macaroni and no vegetables. I'm not claiming her.

Chantal's dad looks like what Christopher Williams would look like if he hadn't hit rock bottom.

Edited by charmed1
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I think the reason Azan's family was so nice to Nicole is because they might think she is some kind of celebrity. Think about it, they are probably a normal family living in Morrocco and here comes a TLC camera crew to film and interview them. And probably producers telling them what to say. 

I wonder if the cameras hadn't been there if they would have been that accepting, my guess is Hell to the no! 

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Who was watching Max when Matt and Alla were on their date.  Where was Max?

I think Chantel and Pedro are fake, I think their story is fake and they are already married.  Chantel is in this because she wants to be a model/actress.  I noticed with all her scenes, the camera always focuses on her body; when they were at the beach, the camera focused on her legs; it was so obvious.


I questioned the same about Max.  Where was he?

I also thought something is up with Cantel and Pedro.  She said she met him on Facebook after a friend told her to contact him about learning Spanish.  Don't most translators know both languages for ease of teaching?  He barely knows English.  Who would say, 'I've got a friend who speaks Spanish, you can reach him on Facebook.  But he won't know English, so good luck telling him what you want to learn"  It's just odd.

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3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

re Matt working late - I'm not buying it.  I'll bet the TLC producers had him wait in his car until his "friend" and the very nice girlfriend arrived...to create drama.  

Don't know about that. She did mention he's often coming home late.

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Who was watching Max when Matt and Alla were on their date.  Where was Max?

I think Chantel and Pedro are fake, I think their story is fake and they are already married.  Chantel is in this because she wants to be a model/actress.  I noticed with all her scenes, the camera always focuses on her body; when they were at the beach, the camera focused on her legs; it was so obvious.

TLC paid for the trip, just like they probably paid for Nicole's flight and passport.

With Matt's mom? *shrugs*

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10 hours ago, Lion18 said:

How did you know that we are losing a couple?  I know we are gaining a new one next week- the catfish fiance

Well - I don't know for sure - I think I was just speculating that that's what would happen, because otherwise they would have shown us all of them from the start. Why divide them up unless somebody dropped out? Again, just speculation on my part (and extreme wishful thinking that Nicole goes home alone to rethink her life, lol)

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9 hours ago, liammaam said:

Also... is it just me, or does Nicole seem proud that she cheated?  I mean, when she first talked about it, she had a cat that caught the mouse kinda gleam in her squinty eyes...

Oh, you're right about that. Somewhere Nicole got the idea that smart women use sex to get whatever they want - attention, money, attention, gifts, attention, children, attention, plane trips, attention, and more attention - and they also use sex to control and punish men who don't give them enough of the above.

I'm sure she slept with the other guy in part to get extra attention *and* to punish Azan for not giving her enough attention. That's why she threw it in Azan's face - and he rewarded her for it by *still* bringing her to Morocco, *still* giving her sex,  and *still* saying he'll marry her.

Damn, if she was 50 pounds lighter and 50 IQ points smarter, she'd be Anfisa.

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3 hours ago, Nutella said:

That's because they're in on his scam. They want him to get that green card. That's why. They would never be as accepting and kind to a non-Muslima who dressed like that and has a child from another man if not for the green card. They will want his real (future) wife to be virgin, muslima and Moroccan. Nicole is just a meal ticket.

Completely agree. The nice family who welcomes the completely inappropriate woman is just part of the convincing scam. I wonder if they know how little money she has though? 

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I know this isn't how the Lourdes/Anfisa meeting went but weirdly this is what I heard:

Anfisa:  I want to be a model.
Loudres:  Do you love Jorge?
Anfisa:  Who's Jorge?  Oh, him, ya ya sure.  Whatever.  And oh, did I tell you I want to be a model?

Best. Meeting. Ever.

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3 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I was really surprised by Nicole's attire and clingy behavior during the meeting with Azan's family, but I shouldn't have been. Frankly, I find their situation so bizarre. Azan is clearly not physically attracted her, she cheated on him, she has a child, she's not Muslim...like, what is really going on here? I think he has a deal with his family that he will be their ticket to the US after he gets married so they are happy to go along with it for the time being. Azan's mother was lovely, but I find it very, very hard to believe that she would choose Nicole as a daughter-in-law if it were left solely up to her.


Here's what this show is teaching us: Americans who marry people from non-first-world foreign countries don't realize that their new spouses fully expect the American to not only bring them over, but their families, too.

You aren't just getting a spouse. You're getting their whole family, too, but few Americans realize that up front.

The expectation is there from almost any country unless it's first-world, like Europe or UK. Anywhere else, you betcha. At the very least, the American spouse had better be sending loads of money back to the new spouse's foreign family, as with Melanie and Devar.

That's what the meeting with Azan's family was about, and that's why they were all literally grinning and bearing it when they met her. No way in hell would a trashy, slutty non-Muslim girl who has a child out of wedlock would ever in a million years be acceptable for their son otherwise. Not in a million years.

8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I get wanting to put a good face on a culture that is completely misunderstood but I know from several friends and family from and many still living in Morocco that cheating and premarital sex do in fact happen.

Sure they do. They happen in any culture/country. But the difference is that people don't advertise it and publicly brag about it, the way Nicole does. Ya keeps it on the downlow, doncha know, so that at least the family is not publicly humiliated. And that includes Nicole's family, like her daughter.

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Another watered down episode, put together using crumbs from footage.   TLC has a good program here but it's letting it turn into crap with their poor editing, poor choice of participants and extremely disorganized producing.   Here are some things they must improve:

1 - Stop picking losers.  Of this season, the only couple who may have a chance is Matt and Alla if Matt stops running his mouth and letting other asshole "friends" tell him  what to do.  If I was Alla, I would have pulled him aside and said "enough" with the inquisitions and interventions of your friends and family. By the way, those people need to be more subtle with the questions or more direct.   I love Jorge's sister approach, how she presented her questions, so decently crafted that poor dumb Anfisa didn't even realize it.   By the way, meeting the parents and nuclear family is always unnerving, but Jorge should see the red flags with Anfisa a mile away.  Something tells me Jorge has never had a freak like that, and will fall for it, only to be divorced  a year later.  Anfisa is not pretty, but for someone like Jorge, overweight and not very smart, to run into a girl like that with those Facebook pictures.   The only place Anfisa can model in Florida is at the Pink Pony. 

2 - Along the same lines, please pick people with actual lives and futures.   This season not only are the imported people a bunch of zeros, but the locals are also bland and plain.  Chantel, obviously from a good family who resents her upbringing and wants to be wild, the typical American party girl looking for attention.  I think Chantel wants the attention of the camera more than she wants poor clueless Pedro.   Pedro wants to be a man and show that he has cojones, but he's boxed in by his inability to communicate.   They are both clueless in the their mid-20s who instead of worrying about their future and planning for it, care more about camera angles.  Nicole's parents knew about her lying 30 seconds after she started with the poorly crafted story.  I will not be surprised if Chantel uses this exposure to attempt to get into TV.  In terms of looks, Jorge is a 4 and Anfisa is a 6, but Jorge is not using his strengths (employed, some what business savvy, good family) to his advantage and instead is spending his money like it's going out of style.   Please sell that horrendous car and buy yourself a small apartment or a house in Florida.  Enough has been said about Nicole and Azan so I'm only going to add one thing.  Azan is conflicted (almost pained) by Nicole's cluelessness.   Also, how the hell do you get engaged over email without ever meeting the person?  Hey Nicole, stop calling that guy your fiance!!!  He's not even your friend.   Again in terms of looks, Nicole is a 2 and Azan is a 7.   Note to show producers:  Please pay attention to this disparity and stop picking couples that you know will not work.   Please pick up couples that could work also.

3 - Give more time to their background and life story.   How do the characters get to where they are.   Alla strikes me as a good woman (lying about her age but a good woman nonetheless) What did she do in Russia?  How about Pedro?  Did he ever have a job?   How is he spending his days now, What is he doing now in Chantel's city to pass the days?   Does he have any work skills that he can actually use here in the US.   The show ridicules and makes fun of people by putting them in situations where they are bound to fail.   Remember the guy with the hideous hair from Guatemala or Nicaragua or other poor Spanish speaking country.  The guy comes to some hicktown and then goes to a larger city where a producer tells him that if he wants to move his music career he needs to move to a large city.  Without missing a bit or considering his relationship, he says he wants to do it.  Mind you the guy didn't speak English.   Try to make it in Japan and NOT knowing the language.  Again, this is a recipe for failure.   Azan and Nicole are another formula for failure.   Same for Azan and Nicole.   The producers of the show are doing that on purpose because these situations elicit pity, laughter, derision, shame, etc.   In summary, feelings and reactions that are just NOT good.   In TV, and in life, people eventually get tired of that and turn away.    People want hope, we want the couples to succeed, we want the love story to actually have a happy ending and if a happy ending is not for them, let them be respectful to each other.  I'd love it if Azan tells Nicole that things could never work for them.  To have an actual adult conversation with Nicole being all over him.   If Nicole was a guy and Azan was the girl, people would be calling Nicole a rapist trying to push herself into Azan.   Again, treat these stories, treat the characters and most importantly, treat your audience, with RESPECT.

4 - Please add some instructional and educational tips about the process.   Lacking other options, many couples actually watch the show for ideas about how does the process work.  I know a friend who went through it and there are so many interesting layers the show can be using.   Please work on content and please stop the busllshit at the final rounds and have sincere discussions.   Every one see through BS and lies and the audience wants real content with real topics.   

Again, this is a good show, but someone is not minding the store.


2 hours ago, butterbody said:

Can someone please explain to me why Azan would subject himself to this for a green card? I admit I don't know much about Morocco, but it looks like a vacation destination to me. The beaches, neat looking buildings, shopping and omg that food... Azan is a personal trainer, right? And he has a lovely family, I just don't understand why he'd dive into Nicole's post-flight swamp vagina just to move to America. 

There is little or NO social mobility in these underdeveloped poor countries. If you are born poor, you will live your entire life poor and will die poor. You will go to poor schools with no resources, you will wear poor clothing, you'll eat poor food and will never know about other choices. Your will work a job that will keep you living in the same neighborhood as your parents and often live in the same house as your parents.
Now envision the US where construction workers, delivery boys, cleaning ladies and babysitters get to actually experience life with options. This country is about opportunity and anyone hungry and savvy enough is bound to find something to change his life, whether it's work or education or a combination of the two. Look at Michael Jackson, where else can a poor black boy grow up to be a rich white man. I live in a large city in the US and can tell you of cleaning ladies sending their kids to good schools and even better colleges on merit scholarships. In poor countries, those opportunities don't exist.
If Azan needs to marry that hideous person to create a life for him in the US and then work to bring some of his relatives, then he sees a 2-3 year sacrifice as worthy. I hope this answers your question (if you were serious)


3 hours ago, grumpy said:
7 hours ago, Maria Von Trapp said:

And why is it that Alla's sister probably can't come to the wedding ? Is Matt not willing to cough up the plane fare and do something that would make his fiancé happy ?

She probably knows she can't get a visa. The United States assumes that everyone who comes to visit wants to stay (especially those from countries where many of the people there want to leave - like Ukraine) - it is up to the visa applicant to prove otherwise. Recall that Aziza's parents were denied visas to attend her wedding in season one. I don't know Alla's sister's circumstances (but I do know the procedures for issuing tourist visas), and it (seriously) may be that the only way that she could get a visa is if she has a young child whom she leaves behind in Ukraine while attending the wedding (the child would presumably be enough encouragement for Alla's sister to return to Ukraine at the expiration of her visa).

Matt has the means to write a formal letter inviting Alla's sister to the wedding. He needs to hire an attorney and present the visa request for Alla's sister through said formal way. The show can do so much in terms of educating people about processes and instead chooses to ridicule the characters.

Edited by AmyBre
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I was serious, and thanks for your answer despite thinking it was a silly question. 

I kind of understood better when I saw Melanie and Devar in Jamaica. Also a beautiful place to visit, but shots of the locals painted a sadder picture.

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5 hours ago, thejuicer said:

Alla is a lot more gracious than me because my response to Matt's friend saying "So you're Matt's next wife" would have been an immediate "And you're a fucking douchebag".

I'm not sure why his friends and family are stuck on such a high horse when it comes to Alla - OK, she might be looking for a better opportunity or a green card by marrying Matt. And what about Matt? He is thrice divorced and chose to meet someone online from Ukraine. He's been around the block himself and no one is forcing him into this. 

Chantel and Pedro are so not ready to be married. They're not even ready to be dating. I'd be shocked if they make it to the wedding.

Azan's family was incredibly gracious to Nicole. Sometimes I think Azan might be Mohamed 2.0 and peace as soon as the wedding is over but other times he really does seem to care for Nicole...I have no idea how this will work out.

Anfisa wants to be a model, color me shocked. Women who look like that are a dime a dozen in the USA honey, they also are at least 5 years younger. Time to think of a Plan B.

Everyone around Matt is like that because Matt and his family have a bit of money (not millionaires but they are well off) and everyone assumes that Alla would only marry that loser because of his money. Supposed Alla is from a really good family and has her own money and that Matt is poor and is on welfare in the US. The conversation will be completely different. So, is this show about love and about two people making each other happy for life, or is it about resources and money?
That's way I tell my daughters, become professionals, work hard and be responsible and good at what you do. Make your own money so that NO man can ever try to control you.
If Pedro and Azan had their own money and were established professionals with actual lives, the story would fall differently.    But TLC doesn't care for that.

Edited by AmyBre
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