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S18.E25: Head Of Household 8, Nominations 8

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Oh my god, they actually aired a lot of Paulie's shit. The kissing Natalie comment, the booty comment, the fake boobs, all of it. This will put Natalie in the good books with casual viewers, I think. There's so much more, but they showed the more recent crap, at least. 

Zak's an idiot and it's ok that she's gone. Good riddance, idiot. You started all of this.

Now casual Jersey watchers will hate Paulie. Corey didn't do himself justice with the shit eating grin in the HOH room.

Go Natalie. You stand up for yourself. Go Bridgette. I'm sad you're gone.

I laughed at Paul's DR about Paulie grilling him. I guess I've finally softened up to him.

Ohhhhh, James telling Paulie that he's a very aggressive person? Good for you, James. Now, if only you stood up for her in HOH when she was being attacked. By the way, Zak, THAT is what an attack is. Not Natalie talking to you about Paulie's dishonesty.

I love that the entire previous 24 hours before DE took up 30 minutes of the show. 

I'm glad Victor won and I'm glad he put up Paulie and Corey.

"I hope that, for once, I can sit back..." I stopped at that because that's hilarious. Paulie, you've been sitting back comfortably since the beginning. Don't make yourself to be a victim here.

It was really funny that James/Paul/Victor were talking about Paulie going up on the block while he was six feet away. 

Nicole gets the care package of super safety when she was in no danger of going home. That's hilarious. Also, that leaves Vic, Michelle, and Paul high chances of getting it over Paulie or Corey. 

I actually think, judging by this episode, Paul will get co-HOH. I'd actually prefer it to be Victor, if only for the fact that he'd be HOH for three weeks in a row (Corey's HOH lasted all of two hours so that doesn't fully count). Michelle getting it would be fine too, because she would make the move of putting Corey or Nicole up and she totally deserves to get some revenge of her own, just like Vic is doing now with Paulie. 

Paulie crying the DR?


  • Love 9

I didn't want to believe it until it was official but wow, amazing how karma will whip around and make you it's bitch. Welcome to The Block Paulie! *huge smile*

I also loved the "maybe I just won't play so he'll be safe!" You talk enough shit about your 'friends' and the people they hang with... and, they turn on you. You should know that Paulie. Hah.

Also check into moving to a new zip code after dragging your hometown girls through the mud.

Best 30 seconds indeed. Along with probably the strangest DR ever with Paul cheering while wearing that damned duck floatie.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 22

Epic, epic blindside!

"I'm just gonna sit back and cruise this week" 

Right into a brick wall!

Smug Mr. Toughguy reduced to a blubbering mess.  Fantastic

Just think how many women are going to be pouring drinks over his head or nut punching him if he dares to go out back home.

My sister is a Jersey Girl.

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 17

I had a really long post and it says that I posted it here, but it seems to have disappeared? Or an admin may have taken it down/hidden it? 

What my post boiled down to was that I'm glad Paulie's edit was shown to be very true, Natalie took the high road which was great, Paul was hilarious, Victor was great, and things are going very well this week.

Also, Jersey girls now hate Paulie. 

  • Love 9

Y'all, I am evil, because when Paulie was crying in the DR, all I could do was laugh and cheer.

I do appreciate that in the battle of Natalie and Paulie, her charges against him were actually shown, and his charges against her...weren't. The argument could be raised that the editors just don't want to, but I believe the people in charge of this particular show would want to protect the brother of Cody, and the clear designated fan favorite early this season. They didn't show his evidence because there is none. 

I'm happy about Nicole's unitard because it means the end for one week of her stupid, obnoxious, perfectly mussed bun. 

As for Corey? How does he function day to day? He is the most vacuous, boring, clueless waste of space I've ever seen. 

Paul, I'm trying to like you, but that damn ducky float is such an obnoxious example of trying too hard, I just can't. 

  • Love 20


Watching the fast transition from smug d-bag to cry baby was soooo gratifying !  

I felt all Cartmany at Paulie's DR- and it was delicious

I can't even believe that I like Paul and Victor- it's amazing how watching this show, how fast you change your opinions of people.  

Voting for Victor for next weeks act since he can't play how to make him safe

  • Love 13
Just now, Katesus7 said:

 Paul, I'm trying to like you, but that damn ducky float is such an obnoxious example of trying too hard, I just can't. 

This is not a spoiler because I'm only guessing, but I wonder if Paul and Victor may have a final 2 alliance they named "Sitting Ducks"?  That may explain why Paul is wearing the floatie?  When they were in the storage room together tonight celebrating, they made some kind of "duck bill" motion with their hands.  And they were pretty much sitting ducks at the beginning of the season, so it would be an appropriate name for them.

  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Not being much of a Nicole fan, I was mildly disappointed that she got ACP, but then smiled when I realized that her paranoid ass may very well think "we" gave it to her just to make her wear a unitard once again.

Hah, yeah it totally worked out for the best. I thought this was the co-HoH and as Paul would say... pissed! Then I realized there was nothing that would keep Paulie off the block and I celebrated. It's just not a season without Nicole in some form of unitard. Perfect selection America! My vote is with Paul for next week so Paulie can't totally make a rebound/fight back even if he should win HoH.


I wonder if Victor is going to make another one of his big man speeches. Or since he's talking to men is he going to be all, "We're still cool, bros. Much respect. I'm still your boy."

I just had to quote myself from the spoiler thread because I predicted that Vic's speech would be a lot more tame when putting men on the block. In fact, he even added, "You're a fierce competitor" and something like, "I got love for youse" when talking to Paulie and Cory.

When James started his speech about standing beside his woman because that's how they do it in Texas (shading Jersey boys everywhere) I wish he could have incorporated some of this musical scene from PeeWee's Big Adventure.


I thought the Paulie flirted with Natalie stuff was gonna have more meat to it, but I don't care if it seemed overblown and dramatical. It made Paulie cry. I legitimately laughed and pointed at the screen when I saw that

  • Love 7

Paulie's a d-bag, but he's not wrong.

Paulie wasn't lying. Natalie went after him personally and his relationship with Zakiyah personally.  Her game she said was to be flirty and she was all laughing and giggling when the guys would flirt with her. Then she uses that as suddenly she's playing offended? Then when Paulie calls her out for being with multiple showmances this season (which is true) it's degrading to her and he shouldn't get personal? She made it personal. 

  • Love 4

Are you F'ing kidding me? Paulie is in TEARS because COREY is on the block but there is not ONE scene either in the house or in the diary room where he expresses one iota of sadness that Zakiya was voted out of the house....largely because of his failure not to use the veto on her. What a cold stone sociopath he was to that woman....and the worse part is you could see she was totally in his thrall...I just don't get it.

Props to the editors though for showing us Paulie in full tilt villain mode tonight.

I'm glad James finally manned up and confronted Paulie after the commercial break because I was getting very agitated that he was sitting there silently while his woman was being dissed by that prick-especially after she professes her love for James. I couldn't understand why Brigette was putting up more of a defense so I 'm glad he finally stood up to the Califorie creep.

By the way...does anyone know if some houseguests want a little more privacy instead of hiding in a bed is there some rule against them using the Get Smart Phone Booth and going down the Jefferies Tube to the secret room where the tickets were held?

Poor lunkhead Vic...he is so mallable and manipulated he has no idea that he's not really playing his own game.

As much as I dislike Paul with his obnoxious antics...the golden path to victory seems to be falling into line for him.

I'm trying not to get excited about the possibility of getting Paulie out but I've got this knot in my stomach that tells me if he does get voted out whether he has the actualy Two Way ticket or not there will be a bit of CBS stage craft and "surprise" he'll have it and go right back in. This ALWAYS happens....the best laid plan proceed along and then there is big old producer placed monkey wrench that goes by the name of Pandora's Box, America's Choice,m Coupe De Tate and in this case the Two Way Ticket. Start placing your bets now.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I'm trying not to get excited about the possibility of getting Paulie out but I've got this knot in my stomach that tells me if he does get voted out whether he has the actualy Two Way ticket or not there will be a bit of CBS stage craft and "surprise" he'll have it and go right back in. This ALWAYS happens....the best laid plan proceed along and then there is big old producer placed monkey wrench that goes by the name of Pandora's Box, America's Choice,m Coupe De Tate and in this case the Two Way Ticket. Start placing your bets now.

Or the Friday Very Special Episode will be a jury buy-back

  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Paulie? Oh my lord... I hope that fuckwad gets kicked in the testicles and pissed on at every Jersey Turnpike rest stop there is. He looks like he's aged about twenty years in the last two weeks and it is fucking delicious.

yes - I noticed that Paulie was fairly good-looking when the season started.   (Zakiyah noticed it too).

Then, in the past week, his face has looked puffy, his features look bloated, he has one eye that doesn't track well, he looks tired.  And his expression - he used to smile more, I think his smile is what made him look attractive.  Now, he goes form looking angry to looking bewildered and not very bright.  Reminds me of how some guys look at work on Monday after partying all weekend.

  • Love 8

Oh my goodness. I didn't even care that they tried to co-opt Survivor's #Blindside, which was almost anticlimactic.

You know what the best part of this was? I mean, other than the obvious things. But when Paulie was boo-hooing in the DR about how upset he was, I thought he was referring to the fact that Paul had turned his back on him. Until I realized he was blubbering for Corey.

It really puts Paulie in a different perspective, to me -- where the word "sociopath" might be apt. I wasn't shocked about him not being broken up about Zakayiah, because she's a woman and we know how he treats them. But as we saw, his seemingly tight relationship with Paul completely disintegrated in the span of a couple days and it's....barely registered? He doesn't even appear to be mad! I mean, I've seen people get madder about three-day Survivor alliances -- stomping around camp and making sarcastic comments. Heck, Paul was mad at the "breakup" of their alliance (as evident by the numerous mentions of "friendship" and lack thereof).

But Paulie lost a seemingly strong final 2 with a guy he had been close with for weeks and he doesn't even bat an eye? Maybe he's as mean as his brother was dumb.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Poor lunkhead Vic...he is so mallable and manipulated he has no idea that he's not really playing his own game.

I'm not sure I agree with that. This move puts him in a better position.

58 minutes ago, backformore said:

yes - I noticed that Paulie was fairly good-looking when the season started.   (Zakiyah noticed it too).

He's not my cup of tea. He looks kind of plastic to me. If Mattel made a Jersey Ken doll for Barbie, it would look like Paulie. Maybe it's the hair?

  • Love 6

This episode flashedback to what Zakiyah went through and witnessed about Paulie's character.  Then Zakiyah gets evicted, and in the studio interview Z basically says she hopes there's a future with Paulie??!  Z's friends and family need to have Z removed the Jury House (make up a fake emergency) and have Z deprogrammed (cult terminology) before Paulie gets to her again.

Some respect for Bridgette in disapproving of Paulie's behavior.

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, simplyme said:


He's not my cup of tea. He looks kind of plastic to me. If Mattel made a Jersey Ken doll for Barbie, it would look like Paulie. Maybe it's the hair?

I've always thought his hair color didn't match his skin tone. I actually thought it was a dye job, but then his side hair started growing in in the same mismatched tone! I never found him attractive. His brother, Cody, yes.

Edited by Blissfool
  • Love 5

The entire episode was beautiful. I never really cared either way about Natalie, but now I love her for standing up to Paulie. And I'm so so so so so so happy that James backed her up. 

Paulie crying over Corey when he never shed a tear for Zakiyah...ugh he's so gross. The only thing that would've made this episode better was if Nicole didn't win the care package so that she could go up if one of them comes down. 

I really hope this is the end for Paulie, except I don't want him in the jury house dickmatizing Z. Other than that this is perfect.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Why is Michelle dressed in a grunge look?  Did they give her a costume for a 90s themed comp by mistake?


This isn't too much of a spoiler, but just in case......  It's been said for years that production goes through the HG's clothing and chooses what they will take on the show.  If they don't have enough left to wear, they're given some money and taken to some cheap place like Target to get clothes.  Which is probably why Andy wore the Garanimals pre-school collection.  I heard Michelle complaining to someone (Paul?) that she dislikes that they can't choose the clothes they like, and that she does not typically dress like a homeless person in the real world.  So Michelle's clothes on the show are basically chosen by the show to represent her character.

3 hours ago, K-9 said:

This episode flashedback to what Zakiyah went through and witnessed about Paulie's character.  Then Zakiyah gets evicted, and in the studio interview Z basically says she hopes there's a future with Paulie??!  Z's friends and family need to have Z removed the Jury House (make up a fake emergency) and have Z deprogrammed (cult terminology) before Paulie gets to her again.

Some respect for Bridgette in disapproving of Paulie's behavior.

Paulie is a horrible person and responsible for his own meltdown, but Z didn't help things along.  She allowed Natalie to comfort and praise her, and then profusely thanked Natalie for talking to her.  Followed by running to Paulie and complaining about being "attacked" by Natalie.  Z sat silently in the HOH room as Paulie's rage built while he held court.  Did nothing (that we saw) to correct anything Paulie said. Then she excuses herself to run to Natalie to inform her she's being trashed, and should go up to the HOH.  Either Z is pathologically messed up and doesn't see what she did, or she set up Natalie quite deliberately. 

Bridgette seems to have issues with men, and even authority figures in general.  I think it's second nature to snap into that baby doll mode and to not stand up for herself.  So I have a lot of respect for her standing up for Natalie.  It placed her in an uncomfortable situation, and is probably part of the reason she was sent home over Michelle.  Some people will take a lot of crap from people, but not be willing to see another be victimized.  Like Michelle and Z, I hope Bridgette will learn something from this experience.

  • Love 12

The irony of the whole situation is that, if Paulie hadn't told Paul that Z was after him (Paul), none of this would have happened.  Paul wouldn't have felt threatened by Z, and then resentful that Paulie kept trying to protect her, while Paul was eliminating the likes of Da'Vonne on Paulie's behalf.  Paulie keeps his mouth shut, and Paul is glad to stay a minion, helping the boys run the house while screeching about "FRIENDSHIP!" every six seconds, in a display of attention-whoring that makes James look like an amateur.


I will never forgive this bearded twerp for ranting about Tiffany being a "c*nt", just because Tiff was trying to have a civil conversation with him. I'm glad of what he's doing…but I won't forget what he is.  JMO.

So thank you, Paulie. Now get gone.

  • Love 12

Last night I was just all glee over Paulie's sobs, but today I can appreciate how interesting it all is.  Who would have thought, after all the awful insults that fly around the house, a remark about implants would have been the one that caused both Bridgette and James to suddenly find their courage.  James, in particular, made a big step forward.  I think he naturally fears and avoids confrontation, but after Natalie's wonderful speech in his defense, he finally got it together enough to stand up to Paulie and learned that it wasn't as hard as he had imagined.  Paul's breaking point came with Paulie, grilling him like his ex-wife. Again, interesting.  Victor just needed to be reminded of who sent him out of the house before.

I would love to see a typical day in Paulie's house.  Do they all treat their mother like a servant?  Is Paulie that spoiled that he can talk to people the way he does and still expect them to be his friend?  I have a small drop of hope that Zak won't be as devoted to him if he turns up in the jury house.  She always glowed with pride when he won stuff, he might look different to her when he's a loser.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

This is not a spoiler because I'm only guessing, but I wonder if Paul and Victor may have a final 2 alliance they named "Sitting Ducks"?  That may explain why Paul is wearing the floatie?  When they were in the storage room together tonight celebrating, they made some kind of "duck bill" motion with their hands.  And they were pretty much sitting ducks at the beginning of the season, so it would be an appropriate name for them.

I saw the hand motion too and what sounded like a duck call too - I was wondering. It sure would make sense, but you'd think TPTB would capitalize on that "cutesy" name...they sure do on all the others, even if they are stupid (can you say Unicorns...with a charge sound like a trumpet?)

  • Love 2

Finally! Finally an episode goes my way. It's about damn time, BB. 

First, the stuff that happened before the DE  - Paulie is a perfect arse and I think I hate him more and more every time he's on the screen. I don't know if I've ever hated a BB contestant this much before. I probably have, but just don't remember. But damn, he's awful. I really cannot stand people who bring someone's physical appearance into things. What do Natalie's boobs have to do with the issue at hand? Nothing. He's just gross. And commenting on her butt. Then he tries to gaslight her, like she's just some crazy broad, and she does the same stuff he does - so why should she comment? I think the key difference is, Nat IS flirty, but she behaves the same way in front of James as when she's not around him. So it's not like she's hiding anything from him. Whereas Paulie definitely seemed like he was trying to be shady and do things behind Zak's back. 

I just really loved how flustered Paulie got during the whole exchange, while Nat stayed totally calm. Good for her. I like that James supports her, but doesn't fight her battles. She can handle herself. And Paul sits there eating his Cheetos! So fucking hilarious. 

The best part was how Paulie "promised" Nat that she would be going home, after Meech. And now both girls are still there, neither on the block, and he's the one in the hot seat! His arrogance knows no bounds, and I just love seeing him taken down. I just laughed my ass off when Vic, Paul, and James came out of the Have-Not room, had clearly been talking business, and Paulie sat their all alone on his bed. You literally made your bed, Paulie, now wallow in it. 

And it's not that I love Victor and Paul or anything. Actually, I don't dislike Paul. Victor has shown himself to be a bit of a pig, but at least he's wising up to what Paulie has been doing and making the right move. His nom speech was much better this time. But Paul isn't really that bad. He's very obnoxious with the constant attention seeking, and often overplays things. But I think overall, he has played the best game. He was very close to going home himself, he sacrificed a friend, climbed to a top position in the house, and now he's making big moves. He's not my favorite person ever, but I wouldn't be mad if he won. 

Plus, I laughed my ass off when he compared Paulie to an ex-wife who thinks he's hiding children in Ecuador. 

I'm just worried about Veto. I hope they both stay on the block, so no pawns have to go up. I wouldn't care if it was Corey that went, though. He almost makes me more ill than Paulie, because he's such a follower. Paulie slow claps, he slow caps. He has no brain of his own. I'm really mad Nicole won safety, because she would have been a good replacement option. We shall see. 

But for now Paulie is crying, and that's alright with me. 

  • Love 17
9 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Ugh on safety for Nicole. I hope it doesn't get to this but if someone on the block wins POV and takes himself off, I had hoped that she would be put up as the replacement.

This is my worry exactly; however, I think they have enough votes that no matter if one does come off with the POV, the other will go home. I am hoping Paulie goes home because Lord knows if Corey is the one to stay, he doesn't have enough brains to do any behind the scenes covert game play.

8 hours ago, K-9 said:

This episode flashedback to what Zakiyah went through and witnessed about Paulie's character.  Then Zakiyah gets evicted, and in the studio interview Z basically says she hopes there's a future with Paulie??!  Z's friends and family need to have Z removed the Jury House (make up a fake emergency) and have Z deprogrammed (cult terminology) before Paulie gets to her again.

Some respect for Bridgette in disapproving of Paulie's behavior.

I was thinking as dumb as Zak is when it comes to Paulie, I sure hope the few days in JH with Da and Brigette give her a clearer perspective before Paulie gets there. You know he will make tracks right back to her when he gets there. And they'll have more privacy there too...UGH.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Eolivet said:

You know what the best part of this was? I mean, other than the obvious things. But when Paulie was boo-hooing in the DR about how upset he was, I thought he was referring to the fact that Paul had turned his back on him. Until I realized he was blubbering for Corey.

It really puts Paulie in a different perspective, to me -- where the word "sociopath" might be apt

Well, he did tell everyone that he "feels nothing", so you might be onto something there. 


9 hours ago, Mumbles said:


I only wish Paul was eating popcorn instead of Cheetos....


I kind of like that it was Cheetos instead. Maybe he will start a whole new trend. "Damn, this shit is getting good. Hold on, while I get some Cheetos and pull up a chair". 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, simplyme said:

He's not my cup of tea. He looks kind of plastic to me. If Mattel made a Jersey Ken doll for Barbie, it would look like Paulie. Maybe it's the hair?

This x 1000%.  This is exactly what he reminds me of.

My fave part of the whole episode was Paul slowly eating his Cheetos while Paulie started to self-destruct.  Comedic gold.  Paul, I cannot believe you've got me rooting for you.  His dance in the DR was also hysterical.  I do wish he'd lose the ducky, though.

Z...wow, do I worry for that girl.  Given what we know about what happened prior to her eviction, and everything Nat told her about Paulie's true colors, the fact that Z ran right back to him and told him that Natalie "attacked" her is very disturbing.  As badly as I want Paulie in that jury house next week, what kind of extra-messed up mindgames is he going to perform on Z when they are together again?  I feel better knowing that Day and Bridgette will be there too - hopefully they can help de-program Z.  She needs a Paulie intervention, STAT.

I really like Nat, she reminds me so much of one of my daughter's friends.  I found her speech about James very sweet and heart-felt.  And thank you James, for actually standing up for her with Paulie.  I was worried that James was just going to let that go to keep the attention off himself.  Way to slam "Jersey" when he said, "we stand up for our women in Texas."  I almost stood up and applauded.

Regarding Paulie, I hope the entire state of New Jersey turns on him, especially the women.  May you never get another date again, Paulie.

How do I feel about Paulie's tears? .......slow clap......

Please, PLEASE do not let Paulie have that stupid Round-Trip.  PLEASE.

  • Love 17

Z...wow, do I worry for that girl.  Given what we know about what happened prior to her eviction, and everything Nat told her about Paulie's true colors, the fact that Z ran right back to him and told him that Natalie "attacked" her is very disturbing.  As badly as I want Paulie in that jury house next week, what kind of extra-messed up mindgames is he going to perform on Z when they are together again?  I feel better knowing that Day and Bridgette will be there too - hopefully they can help de-program Z.  She needs a Paulie intervention, STAT.

Absolutely. I think she's the main reason Paulie doesn't want to go to jury. He doesn't want to have to face/deal with her. Plus being the only guy in there with three "girls"--two of whom have no time for his b.s.--probably isn't his idea of a good time. Odds are though that his buddy Corey will be following him soon, or at least will precede him there.

It's hard for me to believe he's in his late 20s. He acts like he's about 19.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Paulie is a horrible person and responsible for his own meltdown, but Z didn't help things along.  She allowed Natalie to comfort and praise her, and then profusely thanked Natalie for talking to her.  Followed by running to Paulie and complaining about being "attacked" by Natalie.  Z sat silently in the HOH room as Paulie's rage built while he held court.  Did nothing (that we saw) to correct anything Paulie said. Then she excuses herself to run to Natalie to inform her she's being trashed, and should go up to the HOH.  Either Z is pathologically messed up and doesn't see what she did, or she set up Natalie quite deliberately. 

Yes, that was very telling.  Z seemed like she was taking what Nat said to her, and possibly seeing Paulie in a different light, or at least questioning her devotion to him.  then she ran right back to him.  Something is wrong with the way Z sees things.   Just looking at her - she is quite gorgeous, seems to carry herself with confidence and poise.   But when Paulie is around, she becomes completely different, begging for attention, throwing herself at him, like she's unable to resist him.   I hope she wakes up and sees how pathetic she looks in that relationship. 

  • Love 12

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