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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

Message added by CM-CrispMtAir,

Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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The yes ma'am is very southern.  We moved to the south when my kids were small and they never did get the hang of it and there were tsk tsks abounding from the other parents.  I still live in the south and I love it, but there is still the yes ma'am/sir thing going on.  My southern co-snarkers?  Right?

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16 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

The yes ma'am is very southern.  We moved to the south when my kids were small and they never did get the hang of it and there were tsk tsks abounding from the other parents.  I still live in the south and I love it, but there is still the yes ma'am/sir thing going on.  My southern co-snarkers?  Right?

Yes ma’am is very southern as a response to being asked to do something. “Yes (adult honorific)” is also acceptable. Saying “yes” or “no” without the honorific/family relationship behind it is seen as rude. (Not southern, chicago gal, but my mom’s family is creole and I went to undergrad in NOLA). 

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11 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Perhaps he’s hoping that he and Jill will be brought back onto the show if it changes networks. Because the viewers of UP TV have nothing better to do than watch Jill make cream of mushroom soup out of cans of cream of mushroom soup while waiting with bated breath to see which color highlighter Derick uses when reading International Shoe.

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5 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

Perhaps he’s hoping that he and Jill will be brought back onto the show if it changes networks. Because the viewers of UP TV have nothing better to do than watch Jill make cream of mushroom soup out of cans of cream of mushroom soup while waiting with bated breath to see which color highlighter Derick uses when reading International Shoe.

Ha, they actually don’t seem to have anything better to do, and would probably love to see Jill make her special family homemade toast recipe!  Must see tv for the leghumper crowd!  

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My issue is not with "yes ma'am" as a phrase -- I grew up in the south and still use the phrase myself. I take issue with the fact that Sam can't say "yes" or "no" or "mama" yet. Izzy is old enough to be coached to say "yes ma'am," Sam is not. I do think that Jill takes all of her parenting cues from J'chelle, and I think that the only parenting that J'chelle has done for many years is to "discipline" her children over trivia like uncovered shoulders, non-smiling countenances, and phrases like "yes ma'am."

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White Chicken Chili Recipe

Ok Jill has upped her photography game about 5%.  She added a cloth/towel that looks Southwest (or maybe from DA?)--WIN, but she pairs it with a paper napkin and the corn bread someone has bitten into--LOSE. If you are going to do food blogging, kid, part of the game is that you style the food shot!!!

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I'm confused about the family dinner video.  Izzy mentioned that Sampson was bad and made bad choices.  Then Derick pipes in that because he followed god, he then made good choices.


Please tell me they were not discussing Sammy?  If not, then who is the Sampson they're talking about?  Are they referring to a biblical story?

I really hope it wasn't Sammy who made the bad choices!!

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On 9/6/2018 at 3:07 PM, MamaMax said:

OK, I don't mean to insult anyone here, in case you all like it, but I HATE it when people come up with YouNique spellings of names. And I double hate it when the made up spelling involves unnecessary X's,  Z's and Q's.


His name is Jackson. Just spell it normal and spare him a life of correcting people.

Count me in as someone who is NOT a fan of the Youneeek spellings of names. Preach!

Honestly, though, it's not as bad as it could have been (Jaxxsynn or something).  But still, yeah...I am not a fan of this. 

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I suspect the videos were taken during meals because it's the only time that all four of them are together and Jill wants to emphasize the "one big happy family" thing, even with Derick in law school and probably absent 95% of the time.

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7 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I'm pretty sure it's the biblical story. Last week Jill was praying for her huband and very young sons with the chapter from Proverbs (Chapter 5) warning men against adultry and bad choices concerning women. Now he's talking about Samson fell for Delilah, an unscrupulous woman. Why two children under four need so many lectures about "wayward women"? 

Got to start them young don't ya know!

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2 minutes ago, Fosca said:

I suspect the videos were taken during meals because it's the only time that all four of them are together and Jill wants to emphasize the "one big happy family" thing, even with Derick in law school and probably absent 95% of the time.

Put the phone down Jill and eat with your family. Her extreme lack of awareness in her interactions with her kids is astounding and not worthy of documenting because it shows her to be so out of touch with them. 

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50 minutes ago, louannems said:

I'm confused about the family dinner video.  Izzy mentioned that Sampson was bad and made bad choices.  Then Derick pipes in that because he followed god, he then made good choices.


Please tell me they were not discussing Sammy?  If not, then who is the Sampson they're talking about?  Are they referring to a biblical story?

I really hope it wasn't Sammy who made the bad choices!!

God gave Sampson super human strength, as long as he didn’t cut his hair.  He was to tell no one about it, lest he lose his power.  Because Sampson was in love (aka lust) with Delilah, a wayward hussie he had no business messing with, he let her convince him to reveal the source of his strenght so her people could defeat his people.  Neddless to say, she ratted himout to her people, and they snuck and cut his hair while he was asleep with her (hint hint). They captured him, and maybe his people(I don’t remember). He died captured, but had asked for God's forgiveness.  I think he may have taken her out too when he brought down the temple or whatever he was in as God had restored his gift to him. 

That’s the abbreviated version that probably excluded some major details as I haven’t been to church in forever.  It’s usually used as a lesson on trusting and obeying God, but it can be a bit heavy for a preschooler.  

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26 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

God gave Sampson super human strength, as long as he didn’t cut his hair.  He was to tell no one about it, lest he lose his power.  Because Sampson was in love (aka lust) with Delilah, a wayward hussie he had no business messing with, he let her convince him to reveal the source of his strenght so her people could defeat his people.  Neddless to say, she ratted himout to her people, and they snuck and cut his hair while he was asleep with her (hint hint). They captured him, and maybe his people(I don’t remember). He died captured, but had asked for God's forgiveness.  I think he may have taken her out too when he brought down the temple or whatever he was in as God had restored his gift to him. 

That’s the abbreviated version that probably excluded some major details as I haven’t been to church in forever.  It’s usually used as a lesson on trusting and obeying God, but it can be a bit heavy for a preschooler.  

While he was captured, they let his hair grow again. He used his super strength to destroy the pagan temple he was in and killed a lot of people who were also in the structure when it collapsed. Editing to add: The temple was packed with people watching him. Delilah wasn't there. 

Edited by Temperance
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6 hours ago, floridamom said:

I thought it disgusting to have the can of fruit on the table like that. There was no 'table setting' for the meal either. I felt like I was watching 4 separate people eating. They do not eat their meals 'together as a family  unit'. I also found it sad that Sam has to feed himself with his fingers. Sorry, but when my sons were 1 year old, I fed them from a dish with a baby spoon. Israel needed a smaller fork too. Why is he still wearing a bib? If he were taught how to properly feed himself, at 3 yrs old, he wouldn't be proficient yet, of course, but he would have better table manners. I agree that putting the kids out on the ends of the table as they did makes it seem like they are not 'included'. Jill also needs to quit bothering her children when they are trying to eat by having them speak with their mouths full. What the heck is wrong with that dimwit? Dinner time is NOT the time to film entertaining-speaking videos. The kids need to concentrate on eating.

This is the one thing I can’t knock Jill for. My niece is 2 now, and this is how my sister introduced food to her. It’s a new thing called “Baby Led Weaning/Feeding” (https://www.mamanatural.com/baby-led-weaning/) that encourages babies to learn the texture/taste and feed themselves solid food. It’s messy as kids can throw food everywhere and get it all over themselves but it apparently helps kids to decide what they want to eat and how much. Not sure if Jill knows about this but maybe she does. My niece is starting to use utensils now too so it’s not all only using her fingers. 

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1 hour ago, Fosca said:

I suspect the videos were taken during meals because it's the only time that all four of them are together and Jill wants to emphasize the "one big happy family" thing, even with Derick in law school and probably absent 95% of the time.

The breakfast video with the kids at the table, at least, was taken before Derick started school. They talk about it being his "last day of freedom," or some such.

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On 9/6/2018 at 9:11 PM, QuinnInND said:

Spelling is bad enough but at least on the phone or talking it sounds normal. Not some made up or stupid name *coughSpurgeoncough* I always hated my name. It's a boys name I always thought.  Having a Dr come in with my chart and thinking they got the wrong patient in the room. And a questioning look on their face.  "Quinn?"  ? Although it does rhyme with part of my last name, so that's a plus.  Topic? A cute baby, and I felt mom's exhaustion through the screen. She looks shell-shocked. 

I LOVE your name!  Always have liked Quinn for a female first name.  To me, Jaxson (Jax) is from General Hospital.  

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On 9/8/2018 at 8:25 AM, McManda said:

8 cans of beans and 12 chicken breasts.

This is definitely Mama's recipe or Jill is feeding her family only chili for weeks.

At least it seems like a fairly inoffensive recipe.

And *1* can Rotel.  That is gonna need a lot more green chilies.  *12* chicken breasts?  That is a lot of chicken.  In my opinion way too much.  It also needs more beans if one uses that much chicken.

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3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

It's nothing but early programming of misogynistic bullshit.  Why else would they single out those particular messages that way?  The bible is full of stories of faith and sacrifice, but these wankers can't wait to introduce their kids to stories about biblical sluts. Maybe they are trying to prevent another Josh from happening. Learn 'em early that women are dangerous and best oppressed, lest they lead you straight to hell. 

It's kind of funny that Israel clearly hadn't grasped the message of Samson's story. He said Samson was bad and made bad choices, which is understandable. He's what, four?  So that was his take away.  He was probably treated to some kiddy version of the story about how Samson had been drinking and rutting around with Philistine whores for years, all in defiance of the plan God had laid out for him, and it was lost on Israel that Samson's final act (calling upon God to restore his strength so he could destroy the temple, knowing he would die in the process) was a great show of faith and final subjugation to God's will. Derrick had to tell Israel that in the end, Samson ending up making the good choice, to obey god. Because all that little boy heard was Samson was super strong but tempted by an evil woman and he ended up blinded and squished by rocks. The end. 


And what is so sad is young ones internalize everything. Unless someone tells them differently they're likely to blame themselves, no matter how unrelated to the problem they are. Izzy probably thinks because he flexed an arm muscle in front of a female he's going to hell. And he would never tell his own parents his worries because they punish him for existing. So this little 3 year old will be finding God long before the Wonderful Pecan Thief for fear that some scary invisible power in the sky will kill him.

Why don't they just let him watch an episode of Grimm.  

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

I LOVE your name!  Always have liked Quinn for a female first name.  To me, Jaxson (Jax) is from General Hospital.  

I like it too.  I'm remembering Quinn Cummings from The Goodbye Girl.  I loved her snarky character.

Get the hand basket ready.  I too hope Jill and Dillweed will not ruin any more kids with their piss-poor parenting.

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11 hours ago, floridamom said:

I thought it disgusting to have the can of fruit on the table like that. There was no 'table setting' for the meal either. I felt like I was watching 4 separate people eating. They do not eat their meals 'together as a family  unit'. I also found it sad that Sam has to feed himself with his fingers. Sorry, but when my sons were 1 year old, I fed them from a dish with a baby spoon. Israel needed a smaller fork too. Why is he still wearing a bib? If he were taught how to properly feed himself, at 3 yrs old, he wouldn't be proficient yet, of course, but he would have better table manners. I agree that putting the kids out on the ends of the table as they did makes it seem like they are not 'included'. Jill also needs to quit bothering her children when they are trying to eat by having them speak with their mouths full. What the heck is wrong with that dimwit? Dinner time is NOT the time to film entertaining-speaking videos. The kids need to concentrate on eating.

I was actually happy to see Sam eating himself,  a did baby led weaning with my  last child and it lets the baby determine when they have had enough, instead of me telling them how much the need to eat. He is my best eater by far, will try new things happily makes good choices.

I loved seeing Izzy feed his toy and was ? when Jill said not to get him messy or dirty

my kids were still wearing bibs at 3 ?

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19 minutes ago, Totally said:

I was actually happy to see Sam eating himself,  a did baby led weaning with my  last child and it lets the baby determine when they have had enough, instead of me telling them how much the need to eat. He is my best eater by far, will try new things happily makes good choices.

I loved seeing Izzy feed his toy and was ? when Jill said not to get him messy or dirty

my kids were still wearing bibs at 3 ?

Agree with you that seems like a good method. Of course there are different ways for different folks, but one doesn't have to be wrong for another one to be right.  I fed my kids in their high chairs with bibs on for a long time because I didn't like the mess.  They are grown up men now and can feed themselves nicely!  Daughter in law put table food on the high chair tray and didn't care about the mess.  All the kids were messy, and have evolved into pretty good eaters, and know how to use a knife and fork.  Two of them are teenagers and one is 10.  Have a cousin with a 16 month old who we saw last night.  Food in a kind of plate on the tray, had a spoon, used his hands, wore a bib, and they fed him some things.  He is a very good eater.  I don't think it matters much if the kids have a variety and enough to eat.  I would have done it differently I think.  And as far as the can of fruit, my late mother who died in 1977, just opened a can of vegetables, drained them, and put the can on the table.  We managed to grow up civilized and my brothers and I never have done that.

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The Duggars in total don't know how to talk to each other let alone those not related by blood. It's all Jesusy up in there and always will be because they don't speak about real feelings, and current events are evil because of it's not Jesusy up in Washington, music and movies are evil other than those odious Christian movies or the Ark Park, which is all Noah-y.

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

I like it too.  I'm remembering Quinn Cummings from The Goodbye Girl.  I loved her snarky character.

Get the hand basket ready.  I too hope Jill and Dillweed will not ruin any more kids with their piss-poor parenting.

She is on twitter and has not lost one ounce of snark!  She is quite funny!  One of my fav movies!

Right there with ya!

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12 hours ago, graefin said:

I meant to post about this, but then I fell asleep. Ha! (TM Jessa)

This family just strikes me as so dysfunctional. Jill's videos are so forced, rather than organically capturing family moments as they happen. Israel gets questioned in the first part of the video, then says "bye" (indicating he's done) and retreats to the next room and hides *under a desk*, and Jill, our next MOTY, follows him and zooms in on his safe spot so she can pepper him with even more questions. She continues badgering him until he gets them right, and once again, he says "bye." Clearly he doesn't want to be on camera. It's like Jill expects him to perform for the cameras, which is the opposite of Jessa's videos, which seem spontaneous and natural, and where her kids are at ease. Ironic, considering that #besthubbyever got them kicked off the show, and Jessa is the one actually still filming, eh?

Even the way they sit at the dining table is weird to me. They have it pushed up against the wall, which I understand might be for space conservation purposes. But it segregates them in an odd way. They choose to put the kids on the far ends so the adults can sit next to each other in the middle. Wouldn't it make more sense to seat the kids in the middle so each adult can more easily tend to both of them if needed? Also, wouldn't it just be an instinctive thing to do to have your children nestled in between you as parents? Imagine walking on the street or traveling on public transportation. Most parents, I'm sure, would put their kids between them as a protective measure. These dimwits would probably stand/sit together and have their kids on the outskirts. I'm sure this is one of their ass-backwards Gothard/cult "marriage relationship" first things, but it's kind of fucked up.

You nailed the difference between Jill and Jessa. Jill's videos are so Jill-centric, whereas Jessa follows what her boys are doing.

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When I was around 8, the art teacher asked us to draw an action picture of someone in our family . I drew a picture of an aunt of mine at a sink doing dishes. That’s what she always seemed to be doing, I guess. A picture by Israel would probably include a phone, blocking Jill’s face.

Interesting that Israel was afraid Jill wouldn’t wake up if Derick was at school in the morning.

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49 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Interesting that Israel was afraid Jill wouldn’t wake up if Derick was at school in the morning.

That is interesting.  I wonder if Derrick is the one who gets up with him, while Jilly Muffin sleeps in and wakes up on Duggar time.

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New blog post. The videos she or he reference have been posted here already. I wish one of them would learn how to write correctly.


August 2018 Pictures and Videos

Sep 10, 2018 | Family Blog, Photos | 2 

The month of August has been one of transition for our family as Derick graduated from the Cross Church School of Ministry and then started law school at the University of Arkansas soon after. Between graduation and school beginning, we tried to pack in several fun family activities and time together. We enjoyed seeing the show “Samson” on an afternoon trip to Branson, MO with Derick’s mom, had some of Jill’s siblings over for a movie night and s’mores, took the boys to their first baseball game, and enjoyed a family ice cream night the evening before Derick started law school.

Although life is busy, we are adjusting to our new routine and try to make the most of any time Derick isn’t studying or in class!

Dillards at Samson Show

Israel Pushing Over the Pillars!

We Even Got a Pic With Samson Himself!







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22 hours ago, Portia said:

...and my two-year-old grandson. (The last one went something like this: "We do not stand on the table. NO sir."


My grandson's kindergarten teacher was from the South and she would reprimand the kids in that fashion. I thought it was adorable.

My children were required to respond "Yes, mom/dad" when told to do something. "Child, please feed the cat." "Yes, mom." That was how I cured them of parent-deafness.

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

When I was around 8, the art teacher asked us to draw an action picture of someone in our family . I drew a picture of an aunt of mine at a sink doing dishes. That’s what she always seemed to be doing, I guess. A picture by Israel would probably include a phone, blocking Jill’s face.

Silly, Israel will never have a real art teacher.


29 minutes ago, Nysha said:

My grandson's kindergarten teacher was from the South and she would reprimand the kids in that fashion. I thought it was adorable.

My children were required to respond "Yes, mom/dad" when told to do something. "Child, please feed the cat." "Yes, mom." That was how I cured them of parent-deafness.

That's cute. My son is 28, and if he offers to run an errand for me, I still ask him to repeat the steps back to me...just to mess with him. 

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From my experience, their goal IS to talk about, think about, and do activities relating only to god 24/7.  Anything not done for eternal reward and saving souls is pointless. Just a few of many verses on this theme:

Colossians 3:2 “2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”

2 Cor 10:5- “we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”

deuteronomy 11- “18Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 20Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, 21so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.”

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